Schedule of magnetic storms for August. The schedule of magnetic storms in August became known

The Earth's magnetic field protects all life on the planet from destructive action solar radiation.

The field is a cavity consisting of a plasma fluid split into microscopic drops in the wind flow.

The scientific name is the magnetosphere. Such storms Negative influence on the performance of equipment at orbital stations, as well as on the behavior and well-being of people.

The population of the planet, suffering from chronic diseases, is at risk and may suffer more than others from the action of the geomagnetic activity of the Sun. In order to prepare themselves for the negative influence of the luminary, people monitor its activity, they are helped by magnetic storms in July and August 2016 schedule.

The occurrence of magnetic storms

When the Sun is at rest, the magnetic field is characterized as stable. The intensity of the emission of radiation in the Earth's atmosphere is changed by a solar flare.

Duration magnetic storms not limited by time. They can disturb the peace of sensitive natures for several days or end in 2-3 hours. Storms are not localized on a specific territory of the Earth, but cover it completely. The cycle of solar activity is 27 days, its duration is associated with the rotation of our planet around its axis.

Magnetic storms in August 2016

The last month of a hot summer promises to be rich in the manifestation of magnetospheric disturbances. During the month long duration (2-3 days) magnetic storms will be characterized by disturbances of low and medium intensity. However, this will be enough to cause some damage to the health of a weather-dependent person.

August 2-3 - weak magnetic disturbances. People who are addicted to magnetic storms can identify disorders in the work of some organs, for example, aggravated headaches can provoke insomnia.

16-17 - strong magnetic storm. Heart patients and hypertensive patients should stock up on appropriate medications so that the negative effects of solar flares do not take them by surprise. Individuals may aggravate chronic diseases, with severe malaise, it is better to spend this day at home, do not plan long trips or important events.

18,19,20 - magnetic disturbances of medium intensity. Experts recommend devoting these days to rest and stay in moral peace. physical work for these three days should be limited to the maximum. Hearts may complain about the change heart rate and pressure surges. In some cases, severe headaches develop.

Recent medical research has shown that negative manifestations Each magnetic storm affects about 75% of the world's population. At the same time, a gradual adaptation of the human body to solar flares was noted - the reaction to the storm was significantly reduced or absent altogether.

In any case, experts recommend tracking periods of solar instability and limiting yourself mentally and physical activity during these periods of time. It is better to refuse important meetings and deals on large sums of money.

Knowing about magnetic storms in advance, this natural phenomenon can be experienced much easier - and for this we have prepared a storm schedule for August 2016.

Most people have been granted immunity from sun exposure. Their bodies just don't feel magnetic waves Earth. But about 30% of people constantly or from time to time experience discomfort, headaches, a tendency to overwork, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and much more. Someone is more lucky, someone less, but over time everyone gets used to such days when the Sun rages, giving not smiles and joy, but a bad mood and well-being. To be ready for anything, you can find out more,how magnetic storms affect human health .

Magnetic storm on August 3 and 4

August 3rd in the first half of the day, the solar wind will reach our planet and crush the magnetosphere. %o don't panic, as the storm will only be 5th magnitude, which means the weakest level of disturbance. During the day, meteorologists advise anyone who is weather sensitive not to take alcohol, as well as strong medications without much need. This is especially true for painkillers. At the end of the day, the storm will reach its peak, so do not overwork yourself with physical exertion. On the first day, it is better to go to bed on time, which is very important, because the storm will continue on August 4th.

August 4 the strength of the perturbations of the Earth's magnetic field will not increase, however the main problem is that sensitive people will need to exercise maximum care. This applies to those who often suffer from headaches, high blood pressure and bad dream, as well as those whose chronic diseases get worse on those days. Stock up on pills, patience and good mood. Surround yourself with nice people who won't provoke you into negativity. Spend this day and its evening in a calm and quiet environment.

4 numbers are also better to follow the regimen. The fact is that on August 5, after the storm, there will be a small disturbance that can be easily overcome with only a little caution. Healthy night sleep from 4 to 5 August, 7-8 hours long, will solve all your problems.

Magnetic storm August 8

8 numbers on Monday there will also be a storm, but only the fifth, the weakest level. The first day of the week will present us with difficulties, but they can be avoided. Read our article ontraditional medicine tips for weather-sensitive people to stabilize your health during magnetic storms.

On August 8, the main problem will be that the storm will start quite early, because of which the whole day can turn into one big problem. To avoid discomfort at the beginning of the day, go to bed early on August 7, having previously taken cold and hot shower. Do the same in the morning, getting up a little early before work. For the rest, follow the usual instructions- Rest more, do not be nervous over trifles and do not overwork in vain.

Magnetic storm August 27-28

Until August 27-28 there will be a few more days on the calendar with small magnetic disturbances that are not terrible for 99 percent of people. But on August 27 and 28, a magnetic storm will again await us. With a small probability, her strength will reach level 4, which will cause discomfort to many sensitive people.

But its action will quickly stop - it will begin on the 27th and end on the 27th in the evening. On August 28, short bursts are possible. During these two days, forces can leave you very quickly, so use them as efficiently and carefully as possible.

In general, August will be quite calm. Of course, many would like there to be no storms at all, but this is practically impossible. On the other hand, any predictions have their own probability. In the case of the excitation of the Earth's magnetosphere, the probability of its occurrence ranges from 20 to 80%, so you have every chance to feel good throughout the month. The main thing is to believe in yourself and in your strengths, and also do not forget to check the forecasts.

According to scientists, about seventy percent of the population of our planet feel a change in the Earth's magnetic field. Especially geomagnetic activity affects the well-being of people with chronic diseases. Therefore, they need to know when there will be magnetic storms in August 2018 in order to protect themselves from the negative impact in time.

What is known about the origin of magnetic storms

Probably, everyone knows from school that our star is a huge fireball that continuously erupts into the surrounding space a huge number of protons, electrons and other charged particles. They spread in a huge stream in all directions of the Universe. In the scientific community, this phenomenon is called the solar wind, which propagates at great speed and, of course, reaches our planet.

All inhabitants of the Earth and the living organisms inhabiting it are reliably protected from harmful effects. uninvited guest natural magnetic shell of the Earth. True, the magnetic field itself under the onslaught of charged particles is constantly changing its characteristics. Magnetic disturbances can reach significant proportions, which is naturally immediately felt by all living beings. Man is no exception.

What are magnetic storms

Depending on the intensity of the solar wind, storms are classified according to the degree of impact on humans. They can be weak, medium and strong. Naturally, the most dangerous are magnetic disturbances of considerable strength. Almost everyone feels them. True, this is expressed in varying degrees. For example, young and healthy body strong magnetic storms can cause headaches, increased heart rate and dizziness.

People who suffer different types diseases, including chronic ones, perceive magnetic changes more strongly. This is reflected in the change blood pressure and heart rate. They may experience vomiting and nausea caused by disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Magnetic storms most affect:

  • respiratory system;
  • organs of vision;
  • nervous system;
  • heart.

Therefore, hypertensive patients and core patients are waiting for magnetic storms with great apprehension. Sometimes it happens that even proven medicines do not work at this time. Most of all, small children and pregnant women, as well as the elderly, suffer from magnetic storms.

Weak magnetic storms can be felt by people with a fine nervous organization. Their mood changes for no reason, and they can during magnetic changes fall into complete apathy. Most often, they are removed from what is happening around.

Magnetic storms affect people very individually. In some people, they cause drowsiness, while in others, on the contrary, remarkable energy wakes up.

Schedule by day and hour

Scientists lead constant observations behind the processes taking place on the Sun. They learned how to calculate the approximate flow of particles that should reach the surface of our planet. Therefore, a forecast about upcoming magnetic storms is built in a timely manner. True, the disadvantage of long-term forecasts is that it is impossible to accurately indicate the time of magnetic storms for several months. An accurate forecast with hours and minutes can be found only a few days before the specified date.

The specifics of August will be that magnetic storms will be present for almost the entire month:

02.08.18 Minor spike in geomagnetic activity. The vast majority of the population may not beware of it. Hypertensive patients and core patients can feel these storms to some extent. True, pressure surges and increased heart rate will have insignificant indicators.
10.08.18 Average magnetic disturbances. It will be necessary to prepare for them more thoroughly, especially for heart patients, hypertensive patients, chronic patients, pregnant women and people who have undergone surgical intervention. Healthy people should also take care of their health. At this time, you should not overload the body with hard work. It must be remembered that health is easy to lose, but not everyone can restore it.
13.08.18 Weak magnetic storms. At this time, people suffering from nervous diseases. You need to make sure that they follow the daily routine and do not encounter negative moments life.
From 08/16/18 to 08/20/18 Significant solar flares. The air temperature can reach 35 degrees and above. Discomfort will be experienced and quite healthy people. Scientists say that even electronics are unstable in such a situation. Cellular communications are also expected to be unstable. As for the health of people, many people will experience malfunctions of the heart with the manifestation of tachycardia. Some people will experience insomnia and indifference to important matters.
29.08.18 Last surge of magnetic storms. Magnetic perturbations will be average in magnitude. This means that you need to be on the alert, almost everyone. On this day it is better to rest. If this fails, then you must try not to overload your body.

Is it possible to protect yourself from magnetic storms

Specialists observing the magnetic field are sure that when right attitude and approach, it is possible to significantly reduce the influence of magnetic disturbances. At the same time, it must be taken into account that the influence of storms begins a few days before the announced date. There are also cases where the effects are felt several days after the event itself.

Another factor that should also be taken into account is that magnetic storms act differently in different places planets. So closer to the North, the influence increases, and at the equator the effect is minimal. An increase in the influence of magnetic storms above the ground, for example, in an airplane and underground, in the subway, has also been noticed. All this is important to consider if you want to protect yourself from magnetic storms. It also does not hurt on unfavorable days:

  • pay attention to your diet, excluding fried, smoked, fast foods from the diet;
  • give up alcohol, tobacco, drugs;
  • be as long as possible fresh air;
  • avoid being in crowded places;
  • spend more time with loved ones;
  • look for the positive in everything, and ignore the difficulties;
  • Do something you love that brings positive emotions.

All of us have ever witnessed the causeless feeling unwell both among children and the elderly, and among middle-aged people. Sometimes these are pressure surges, unreasonable headaches, the body's reaction to weather changes. Sometimes the cause of poor health lies in solar activity and magnetic storms.

The reaction of the body to magnetic storms

The body's reactions to magnetic fluctuations can be headaches, insomnia, loss of strength, depression, pressure surges and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system of the body. Experts assure us that only 10% of the world's population is sensitive to magnetic storms. How true this is is not for us to judge. We would only like to warn you against unnecessary suspiciousness in the process of reading this article.

Schedule of magnetic storms for February 2019 - March 2019

The schedule is updated every day! Add to bookmarks!

Magnetic fluctuations in February should be expected in the indicated numbers. But in general, February 2019 and March 2019 most likely will not upset us with frequent and strong magnetic storms. Particularly serious solar flares are not yet expected, and scientists warn us only of very minor geomagnetic fluctuations.

Causes of magnetic storms

Any geomagnetic disturbances that occur with our planet directly depend on the processes that are taking place on the Sun at this time. While flares occur on our star in the regions dark spots, plasma particles enter space, which rush to the planets at great speed solar system. When these particles reach our planet's atmosphere, they cause the Earth's geomagnetic oscillations.

I would like to warn suspicious and impressionable people from inventing themselves false symptoms and diseases attributed to geomagnetic fluctuations. Of course, everyone has their own reaction to magnetic storms. In addition, the question of the influence of geomagnetic oscillations of the earth on human well-being has not yet been thoroughly studied by scientists. However, it should be noted that the state of our health at the current moment directly affects how we respond to solar activity.

If you are susceptible to some kind of disease, you have a weakened immune system, you are in stressful situation, overstrained and emotionally exhausted, in this case, your body may fail and react to magnetic storms with a serious deterioration.

If, on the contrary, you are cheerful, cheerful, healthy and cheerful, it is most likely that you will not even notice the past magnetic storms and spend this day no worse than any other.

For the most sensitive people, doctors developed a system of recommendations. Partial or full implementation of these rules will help you survive the magnetic storms in February 2019 - March 2019 without any health problems.

In the days preceding magnetic fluctuations and in the days of magnetic storms, refrain from drinking alcohol and heavy meals, including fatty, spicy, salty foods. For this period, it is better to observe moderation in food and try to focus on healthy food.

Drink more clean water. Do not neglect teas, compotes, herbal mixtures, chicory. Try to drink those drinks that do not have a strong effect on your cardiovascular system. Try to refrain from coffee, strong and invigorating teas.

Try to spend more time outdoors and less indoors. Any heavy physical exercise it is recommended to postpone for another period. Walking in the fresh air, on the contrary, will do you good.

Keep track of your blood pressure

During magnetic storms, you can drink sedatives herbal tinctures or add them to tea. Motherwort, valerian, sage, and some other herbs can help you get through magnetic fluctuations more easily.

Try to avoid quarrels and conflicts. In addition, it is recommended not to take on work that requires concentration or monotony of actions.

If you have any chronic diseases, take care in advance to necessary medicines were at your fingertips all the time.

Try to give your body and mind a rest during this difficult period, and then you will survive periods of magnetic fluctuations without any problems!

When the sun is in calm state and the magnetic field is stable, nothing threatens our well-being. But sometimes flashes on it affect the Earth's atmosphere and geophysical changes begin, known to us as. In this article you will find a complete calendar of magnetic storms for the rest of 2016. In the meantime, let's look at the causes of the phenomenon itself and its impact on us.

How magnetic storms arise and affect

Magnetic storms appear on all continents simultaneously and can last for several days. Solar activity lasts 27 days and is directly related to the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

It is not difficult to notice that the same cyclicity is observed in many ways: traffic accidents, suicides, seizures and diseases.

Another calendar of magnetic storms will help you schedule your workouts, as physical activity at this time can be harmful.

Magnetic storms in August 2016

Those who have questioned so far can try to compare August with the first months of summer. After all, the last hot month will be quite saturated with magnetic storms.

The first magnetic fluctuations will begin on August 2 and 3, but health damage even to the most weather dependent people should not bring. Hypertensive patients may feel some fluctuation in pressure, but this condition will not last long. The same will happen on August 13 and 24. The August 10 solar flare could trigger a medium category magnetic storm, so even resilient people may experience mood swings and low energy levels. The highest solar activity will be observed in the period from August 16 to 20, but this will be reflected in the form of strong magnetic storms only on August 21 and 22. These will be the hottest days of summer, the air temperature can approach +35. Magnetic fluctuations these days can affect not only health, but also mobile communications, the work of television.

In people with high sensitivity may occur , and . And even those who are less inclined to similar phenomena, most likely, they will feel a breakdown, but they will not be able to sleep for a long time. Then solar activity will weaken a little, but will remind of itself at the end of the month - August 29 in the form of an average magnetic storm.

Magnetic storms in September 2016

Already on the first day of autumn, a magnetic fluctuation will be observed and will last until September 10th. Emotional condition during this period, it will leave much to be desired, and it will be desirable not to use sophisticated technology (even the phone will be more harmful than usual).

The peak of magnetic storms will be observed on September 6, despite the fact that it is Saturday, try to spend the day at home and not drink alcohol. It is not recommended to start serious conversations and make plans on this day.

The action of the Sun will gradually fade away, and on the 11th you will feel a long-awaited relief. The stable state will last until the 24th. But the next one will flood on September 26th. On this day, the storm will be quite strong, so weather-dependent people will need to be patient and strong.

Magnetic storms in October 2016

In October, solar activity and the possibility of magnetic storms will decrease to 1%. Weak magnetic fluctuations will be observed only on the first day of the month. This month will give rest and, unlike the previous one, will pass quietly. Only on October 29 are some fluctuations of the magnetosphere possible, but they will not be very noticeable

Magnetic storms in November 2016

But November, as always, will be difficult for many people. Already from 3 to 5 November, magnetic storms of medium strength will be observed. And after a short pause in the form of magnetic fluctuations on November 6-7, magnetic storms will attack one after another on the 8-10th and 14th.

Magnetic storms in December 2016

The end of the year will also not be calm. Magnetic storms will be felt by everyone, as they will be combined with climatic conditions- cooling. On the first weekend of December, you will have to endure a magnetic storm of medium activity - December 3 will be the beginning of a series of meteorological changes. And on December 8, scientists predict strong magnetic fluctuations.

The good news is that the next storm will not be soon, namely on December 26, but, unfortunately, it will last for a long time and will end on December 29. winter period especially difficult and will need to be carefully monitored for health. Even people who are resistant to weather changes should take care of themselves, because it is the body that is weakened by magnetic storms and other diseases.



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