Seminal tubercle in men symptoms. Seminal tubercle cyst: what is it and how to fight it? Diseases of the seminal tubercle

Seed tubercle (colliculus seminalis; synonym: seed tubercle, Kulikovo head, mountain dart) - an elevation on back wall prostate part urethra. It has a length of 1.5-2 cm, a width of about 0.5 cm, a height of 0.2-0.3 cm. It consists mainly of smooth muscle fibers and connective tissue elements. The seminal tubercle contains a slit-like depression called the male utricle, which is visible in the center of it during urethroscopy. The ejaculatory ducts pass through the thickness of the seminiferous tubercle, in most men penetrating from both sides through the lateral lobes prostate gland; their length is from 12 to 18.5 cm. They are formed from the fusion of the vas deferens and the excretory ducts of the seminal vesicles. Their openings, which have weak muscle pads, open on both sides of the cavity of the seminal tubercle. During ejaculation, the openings of the ejaculatory ducts expand, which contributes to the ejection of ejaculate into the lumen of the urethra. Blood supply spermatic tubercle carry out the arterial branches of the arteries of the vas deferens. The venous system has a lacunar structure, which allows the seminal tubercle to enlarge during erection. The spermatic tubercle has both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation.
Anatomical diagram
genital organs in men

1. Bladder
2. Vas deferens
3. Seminal vesicle
4. Prostate
5. Seminal tubercle
6. Excretory ducts of the prostate lobules
7. Cooper's glands
8. Urogenital diaphragm
9. Urethra
10. Corpus cavernosa of the penis
11. Testicles with appendages
12. Scrotum.

Physiological role The spermatic tubercle is involved in erection (blood filling and stimulation of the penis), ejaculation (ejaculation), orgasm and the ability to perform the function of the valve of the ejaculatory duct.
Most frequent form pathologies of the seminal tubercle are inflammatory processes of a nonspecific and specific (usually tuberculous) nature.


Inflammation of the seminal mound - colliculitis - occurs as a result of the transition inflammatory process from the posterior part of the urethra, prostate gland, seminal vesicle and epididymis. Proximity to excretory ducts acini of the prostate gland, opening on the posterior wall of the urethra, causes infection to penetrate into the seminal tubercle during inflammation of the prostate gland. In the presence of urethritis, especially posterior urethritis, inflammation spreads to the seminal tubercle. Some experts believe that colliculitis is posterior urethritis, in which changes in the seminal mound predominate. This is partly true, since with posterior urethritis, as a rule, changes in the mucous membrane of the seminal mound predominate. But this is secondary, or superficial colliculitis, in most cases it does not have independent symptoms. It manifests itself as superficial inflammation in the form of hyperemia and edema.
Inflammation of the seminal mound can be dominant, and in the mucous membrane surrounding the posterior part of the urethra, reactive changes are secondary. In this case we're talking about about true or primary colliculitis, which occurs as a result of impaired innervation and blood circulation in the seminal mound. The abundance of its vascular connections with neighboring organs leads to stagnation in venous and other vascular disorders in the pelvic organs in general and in prostate gland in particular.
Depending on the degree of inflammatory infiltration and development connective tissue The following clinical and morphological forms of primary colliculitis are distinguished:
1) colliculitis with soft infiltration - a small amount of connective tissue;
2) colliculitis with solid infiltration, connective tissue elements predominate (colliculitis dura);
3) colliculitis with the development of dense scar connective tissue - atrophic colliculitis.
Most often, true colliculitis occurs in a chronic form. Clinical manifestations of colliculitis are characterized by diversity. Mainly discomfort or Blunt pain in the perineal area, a feeling of tickling and burning in posterior section urethra, especially during urination, sensation of a foreign body in the anal area. These are inadequate, i.e., erections not caused by sexual arousal. Orgasm can be interrupted by unpleasant pain, since during ejaculation a convulsive contraction of the posterior part of the urethra occurs, which leads to pinching of the inflamed, eroded seminal vesicle. The appearance of a few drops of blood in the semen (hemospermia) is also a symptom of this disease. At chronic colitis and constipation with hard stool, pain in the perineum and ejaculation may occur.
The main method for studying the seminal tubercle is urethroscopy, which allows one to evaluate not only its size and configuration, but also indirectly judge morphological changes. Secondary, or superficial colliculitis is characterized by slight swelling of the mucous membrane of the seminal mound, an increase in its volume to 0.5 times the lumen of the urethroscope tube, hyperemia without a tendency to bleeding. The mucous membrane of the posterior part of the urethra is edematous, loose, with severe hyperemia, and is easily injured. In primary colliculitis, changes in the seminal mound predominate. With a mild infiltrative process, the seminal mound reaches a significant size and can almost completely close the lumen of the tube, causing dysuric phenomena (intermittent and weakened stream of urine). The mucous membrane is loose, edematous, hyperemic, the vascular pattern is not distinguishable. Often the surface of the mucous membrane is eroded and bleeds easily, making examination difficult.
Colliculitis with solid infiltration is characterized by less magnification, the seminal mound reaches 0.5 of the tube lumen, the mucous membrane has a pale tint, it is often possible to distinguish the vascular pattern, the uterus and the orifices of the ejaculatory ducts. With atrophic colliculitis, the seminal mound is reduced in size, the mucous membrane is pale with a whitish tint, sometimes spotted. Fine details of the seminiferous mound are indistinguishable.
Treatment should be etiotropic and pathogenetic. Treatment must be comprehensive. It includes general medicinal (primarily anti-inflammatory) therapy and physiotherapy, local exposure (lubrication with 5-15% solutions of silver nitrate), treatment concomitant diseases urethra and accessory sex glands. The presence of papillomatous formations and granulations on the seminal tubercle may serve as an indication for their transurethral coagulation or resection. In case of irreversible sclerotic changes in the seminal tubercle, accompanied by the absence of sperm, purulent obstructive inflammation of the seminal vesicles, transurethral resection of the seminal tubercle is performed.

Hypertrophy of the seminal vesicle

Hypertrophy of the seminal tubercle - the seminal tubercle with this developmental anomaly is increased in size. The degree of its increase may vary, with to a large extent the seminal tubercle can completely block the lumen of the urethra.
Enlargement of the seminal tubercle is diagnosed using ascending urethrocystography. A contrast agent is injected into the urethra and the image reveals a defect in the filling of the urethra in its posterior section.
Treatment of hypertrophy of the spermatic tubercle is surgical. Endoscopic surgery is performed. The seminal tubercle is removed through the urethra.

The seminal tubercle is a slight elevation in the prostatic part male urethra, which looks like a mound. Like all areas human body, it can become inflamed, and this inflammation is called colliculitis.

True colliculitis is a direct inflammation of the seminal tubercle. However, the inflammatory process can spread to this area from the prostate gland, posterior urethra, epididymis and seminal vesicles.

In case of disruption of blood supply and nerve conduction in the area of ​​the seminal mound, stagnation occurs in the small pelvis, which leads to the development of infection and the appearance of primary colliculitis.

Secondary colliculitis is a consequence of the posterior part of the urethra.

Symptoms of inflammation of the seminal tubercle

Signs of the disease in many cases are discomfort and even pain in the groin, a feeling foreign body V anus. In this case, prostate secretion and sperm may be observed. The nature of urination itself may also change, when the stream of urine may become thin and intermittent. With the disease, there is a weakening of orgasm, a weakening of adequate erections and an increase in spontaneous ones.

Diagnosis and treatment of colliculitis

Colliculitis is diagnosed using urethroscopy, which allows one to determine the picture of the disease. It is important to recognize pathogens that lead to inflammation of the seminal tubercle.

Treatment of inflammation of the seminal tubercle should only be entrusted to a urologist. Antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents are mainly prescribed for local and general use. Physiotherapy methods are used, shading with concentrated solutions of silver nitrate and urethral installation are used. In case of hypertrophy of the seminal tubercle, electrical resection is performed to normalize the act of urination.

Duration of treatment for inflammation of the seminal tubercle determined by the severity and . During the period of treatment you should abstain from sexual intercourse.

Antibiotics used in treatment inhibit the reproduction and development of microorganisms, and anti-inflammatory drugs alleviate the symptoms of inflammation.

Physiotherapy can significantly speed up treatment for complete absence side effects, it is completely safe. In particular, with diathermy, high-frequency heating is performed electric shock, which leads to vasodilation, improved blood circulation in the genitals and pelvis. Similar procedures promote the restoration of damaged tissues.

When installing the urethra, it is injected into it with a special syringe. medicinal preparations, having previously treated the external opening of the urethra and the head of the penis with an antiseptic. Sections of the urethra are subjected to drug treatment for a quarter of an hour.

Lubricating (Touching) with concentrated solutions of silver nitrate - relieves blood stagnation in the seminal tubercle, as a result of which swelling is relieved.

In severe forms of the disease, electroresection is performed, which normalizes the process of urination, disturbed by severe inflammation.

Immunomodulators are designed to provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and prevent dysbacteriosis. They are able to eliminate side effects antibiotics.

Sometimes the mud therapy method in the form of rectal tampons is used. This procedure stimulates blood circulation in the genitals, and also restores potency and erection.

When there is a narrowing in the urethra, which is especially unpleasant when there is severe inflammation, bougienage is used. All necessary procedures and their number is selected by the urologist, taking into account the course of the disease.

The prognosis for the disease is favorable, however, the main thing here is not to let the disease progress. As the pain goes away, sexual function is also restored. However, when the disease is brought to a severe form, the duration of treatment largely depends on the correct identification of the cause of the infection.

Colliculitis is an inflammation of the seminal tubercle, which is located along the posterior wall of the prostatic part of the urinary canals in representatives of the stronger half.

Typically, colliculitis in men begins with inflammation of the tissues surrounding the seminal tubercle. Most often, such inflammation is a consequence of cystitis, inflammatory processes in the prostate and seminal vesicles. If inflammation begins in the tubercle, then this is a consequence of a disorder of innervation and blood delivery, which can lead to various kinds microbial inflammation.

In some cases, colliculitis develops against the background of frequently interrupted or prolonged sexual intercourse. Provoke the disease by chronic inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract.

The symptoms of colliculitis are very similar to those of other serious illnesses. If in any doubt, consult a doctor immediately

The disease has a very favorable prognosis. However, symptoms may be quite long time, which makes many men think about serious illnesses.

First, the man begins to feel discomfort, pain in the groin and perineum. Some patients claim that at the beginning of the disease they felt foreign body in the rectum, which is why false urge to defecate very often occurred.

When you urinate, you may notice blood in your urine. In addition, blood may be present in the semen. Such conditions cause patients to panic. In addition, the lumen of the urethra narrows due to the inflamed tubercle. Because of this, the urine stream is too thin and interrupted. Patients often feel pain when urinating.

Due to the fact that the symptoms of the disease are pronounced, patients usually seek medical help on time.

Scheme of location of seed tubercles

There are three forms of this disease:

  1. Primary - a man becomes infected when he gets into the urethra pathogenic microorganisms. Most often this occurs during sexual intercourse.
  2. Secondary - not only the seminal tubercle is inflamed, but also the tissues surrounding it. Routes of infection, other than sexual, are hematogenous and lymphatic (if inflammatory processes occur in the intestines, joints, tonsils and other organs).
  3. True colliculitis - observed during stagnation in male organs reproductive system. This happens with an inactive lifestyle, with frequent constipation, and so on.

Colliculitis: diagnosis and treatment

To put correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, the doctor will fully collect all the most necessary information. After all main symptom The problem with which men most often go to the hospital is urinary problems. But this can be the cause of a number of serious diseases - adenoma, and so on. Therefore, it is so important to differentiate inflammation of the seminal hill.

There are times when a patient is uncomfortable talking about some “piquant” symptoms, so some information about the disease may be hidden from the doctor, which makes it very difficult to make a diagnosis. In this case, without additional research and there is no way to avoid tests.

If you have any problems, describe all your symptoms to your doctor, tell them in great detail about everything that worries you. This will greatly facilitate diagnosis and treatment.

Colliculitis is confirmed by urethroscopy. During the examination, a guidewire with a camera is inserted into the patient through the urethra. As the device advances, the doctor examines the canal walls. Inflammation of the seminal tubercle is immediately visible, so the doctor immediately makes a diagnosis: colliculitis.

Most often, to treat the disease, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy and antimicrobials. Special meaning withdraw in this matter local therapy– infusion special drugs into the channel.

Very often, patients are prescribed physical therapy, urethral instillation and suppression of the disease using a concentrated solution of silver nitrate.

If the seminal tubercle is hypertrophied, electrical resection may be prescribed - it normalizes urination.

If treatment methods are chosen correctly, the disease has a very favorable prognosis. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must find out the form of the disease and find out how advanced the disease is. Treatment is carried out under the constant and continuous supervision of a urologist. Before full recovery cessation of sexual activity is recommended. After recovery, all functions genitourinary system are completely restored.

During urethroscopy, the doctor inserts a special guide with a camera into the urethra

People's first aid kit

Folk remedies can also have a positive effect on the dynamics of recovery from colliculitis. Yes, wide indoor application got a fresh one cranberry juice, parsley decoctions, blue cornflower infusions. But these drugs should be used only as additional to the main drug treatment.

You should use alcohol-based products (various types of tinctures) with extreme caution. Be careful if you decide to do mud therapy or use concentrated extracts. These funds give positive effects, but you need to know exactly how, when and in what quantity to use them.

How to cure inflammation of the seminal tubercle in a man? Diseases of the genital area very often make themselves known, colliculitis is no exception. Today we’ll talk about why the protrusion is needed, what it is responsible for in the body of the stronger sex, and how to eliminate the disease.

Brief anatomical information

The tubercle is located close to the prostate gland, on the posterior wall of the urethral canal. It represents a height of 20 mm. With such miniature dimensions, the tubercle has important properties for the functioning of the male reproductive system. It contains great amount nerve endings.

In case of dysfunction small organ There is a significant deterioration in blood circulation in the pelvis, and an inflammatory and infectious process develops.

Moreover, the pathology can arise due to diseases of nearby organs transferred to it by lymph flow. It often happens that colliculitis occurs against the background of prostatitis, phimosis, urethritis, and other genitourinary diseases.

Causes of inflammation and the mechanism of its formation


Infection of the tubercle occurs through the entry of pathogenic viruses, bacteria, STDs through oral, anal sex, and classic sex.


Develops against the background of diseases nearby organs– prostate, urethra, bladder. Pathological processes such as caries, sore throat, diseases of the gallbladder, joints, and intestines can also contribute to reactive colliculitis.


Appears due to circulatory disorders of the pelvic organs, deterioration nerve innervation(conductivity). This process can be caused by interrupted sexual intercourse, regular constipation, sedentary life.


The clinical picture depends on the type of disease, infection, body resistance and other factors.


  1. Appearing during the day spontaneous erection(bone-on), absent during sex.
  2. Stitching pain, discomfort in groin area, radiating to the rectum, scrotum, perineum, encircles inner side thighs, lower abdomen.
  3. At the moment of orgasm, a man does not feel the fullness of sensations.
  4. Ejaculation is painful.
  5. During defecation, an involuntary erection and release of sperm often occur.
  6. The stream of urine is intermittent, the process causes a lot of discomfort, incomplete sensation emptying. The reason is an increase in the seminal tubercle.
  7. Morning hematuria (blood in the urine), with hemospermia in the ejaculate.

Colliculitis often becomes chronic.

Diagnostic measures

The disease rarely goes unnoticed by the stronger sex, so it is often detected in a timely manner. The urologist prescribes a series of examinations after collecting anamnesis and rectal examination.



  • The PCR method will help identify the causative agent of the disease.
  • General analysis of blood and urine.
  • Bac sowing.
  • Spermogram.

After the studies, the doctor prescribes conservative therapy.

How to cure inflammation of the seminal tubercle?

Comprehensive elimination of the disease includes:

  • Medicines.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Folk technique.
  • Operation.

Drug therapy


  • Antibiotics: Tiberal, Sumamed.
  • Antimicrobial: Furamag, Pyrogenal, Diflucan.
  • Hormones (if necessary): Gonadotropin, Methyltestosterone.
  • Immunomodulators: Cycloferon, Polyoxidonium suppositories, Immunorix.
  • Painkillers: Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Baralgin, Nosh-pa.


In the chronic form, penetrating massage is prescribed, and the urethra is also washed with a solution of silver nitrate.


Intimate life

During the treatment period you should not have sex, it is recommended to drink vitamin complexes, lungs must be present physical exercise, strengthen the immune system.

Alternative medicine

Traditional methods include a large number of decoctions that promote recovery. Prohibited alcohol tinctures for local use.


To avoid serious complications a man should consult a doctor in a timely manner. Following the doctor's recommendations, observing correct mode food, not allowing intimate relationships, random connections you can achieve lasting results.

Patients undergoing surgery must comply bed rest, do not lift weights, the seminal protuberance takes a long time to heal, sometimes painfully, hypothermia of the body must not be allowed.


  • No unsecured connections.
  • Treat STIs promptly.
  • Do not use the method of interrupted coitus.
  • Dress warmly in cold weather.
  • Wear cotton underwear that does not restrict movement.
  • Eat properly.
  • Have regular sex.
  • Play sports and avoid stagnation.
  • Use a simulator, Kegel exercises.


Inflammation of the seminal tubercle, or colliculitis, is an infectious-inflammatory disease, which is one of the various inflammatory processes in the posterior part of the urethra.

The seminal tubercle is located in the prostatic part of the urethra, anatomically determined by the rise on its posterior wall. The length of the tubercle varies between 15-20 mm, width and thickness - within 3 mm. The vas deferens pass through its tissue. Features of the blood supply contribute to its increase during an erection.

Modern medicine interprets the role of the seminal tubercle in certain activities during sexual intercourse. It is known that when a man is erect, his penis swells. There are many controversial statements about the global role of this seminal tubercle. At the same time, it has been proven that pronounced colliculitis can reduce sexual function in men, causing wet dreams or premature ejaculation. The main role of the seminal tubercle is to interact with other organs of the genitourinary system during sexual intercourse.

Causes of the disease

Despite the fact that colliculitis is characterized by an infectious-inflammatory process, it extremely rarely occurs as a result of exogenous pathways infection. That is, complications venereal diseases or advanced forms of urethritis in in rare cases ended with damage to the seminal tubercle. At the same time, prostatitis or vesiculitis can be causes of secondary infection of colliculitis.

There are some pathogenic factors that cause the disease. The mechanism of action is based on venous stagnation of the roof in the tissue of the seminal tubercle. The reason for this is:

  • the practice of interrupting sexual intercourse or excessively delaying it;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • defective arousal (a prolonged state of erection that does not end with sexual intercourse);
  • features of life activity leading to venous stagnation in the pelvic area.

The combination of the above factors, including past illnesses genitourinary system, can give impetus to the onset of the inflammatory process.

There is also an opinion that posterior urethritis and colliculitis have a pronounced similarity and course. This statement is true if it is considered as a secondary infection resulting from urethritis. Based on the above data, primary and secondary colliculitis are distinguished.

Symptoms of colliculitis and its diagnosis

Signs of the disease depend on the form, duration of infection and totality pathological processes in tissues. The following are the most common signs:

  • changes in sexual functionality;
  • feeling of fullness in the anus;
  • blood fragments in semen;
  • pollutions;
  • severe pain in the groin area;
  • decreased perception of orgasm;
  • weak seed release;
  • pain during eruption.

Diagnostic methods used for suspected inflammation of the seminal tubercle are very wide range procedures performed. Thus, diagnostics includes the method of palpation, which is carried out through the rectum, urethroscopy, laboratory tests PCR studies(polymerase chain reaction). Be sure to pay attention to the patient's medical history. Based on a comprehensive clinical picture, a conclusion is made about the primary or secondary nature of colliculitis.

Please note that the symptoms of this disease are very similar to other diseases, so it is strongly recommended not to make independent diagnoses, and if the above symptoms are detected, you should contact a urologist to receive adequate treatment.

Treatment methods for colliculitis and prognosis of the disease

Treatment of the disease is carried out on the basis of accurately identifying the cause of the inflammatory process. Colliculitis is treated simultaneously in several directions. This takes into account the treatment of concomitant diseases in the prostate and urethra.

The following treatment measures are carried out:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • quenching of the seminal tubercle with silver nitrate (quenching relieves blood stagnation);
  • injection of anti-inflammatory drugs into the urethra;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • introduction of rectal tampons (to improve blood supply);
  • bougienage procedure (allows you to expand the urethral canal).

Therapy folk remedies carried out only as additional restoration measures.

Colliculitis, treatment and control laboratory examination subject to control by a urologist. Independent healing procedures due to the characteristics of the disease remain doubtful and can worsen the course of the disease.

Prognosis of the disease with adequate therapy favorable. In cases of protracted forms of the disease and its transition to chronic form the prognosis remains serious.



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