Emergency prevention will help to avoid the consequences of casual relationships. What to do after unprotected sexual intercourse to avoid getting pregnant Prevention of STDs after casual sex drugs

It's easy to say: sleep only with people you trust. But you won’t ask after a beautiful courtship at the end of the main romantic evening: “Are you really, really healthy?” Condoms save, of course, but not always. There are nuances that are not customary to talk about. An article about what to do if you sleep with someone you don’t completely trust.

Sex with a condom. Is it possible to get infected?

The condom does not allow sexual infections to pass through. An exception is skin diseases in the genital area: lice, scabies, molluscum contagiosum, herpes and anogenital warts. But the manifestations of these diseases are usually immediately noticeable to the naked eye.

Other bacteria and viruses will not penetrate the barrier protection, but may remain on the condom if a woman has been infected, and under the condom if a man has been infected. Therefore, after removing the condom, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and then your genitals. If possible, it will be useful to immediately after sex treat the genitals and the skin around them with an antiseptic - miramistine or chlorhexidine. This is often sufficient and emergency prophylaxis is not required.

Unfortunately, many people neglect to use a condom during alternative forms of sexual intercourse. The infection is transmitted through oral and anal sex in the same way as through classical sex. And even through intimate toys. If a condom was not used during these forms of sexual contact, emergency preventive measures are necessary.

Add a bottle of chlorhexidine or miramistin to the condom protection kit. Carry it with you just in case; after doubtful contacts, wipe the skin around it.

Sex without a condom. When should you start worrying?

At once. There is always a risk of infection during unprotected sexual contact. It is impossible to know with certainty whether a person has infections that can be sexually transmitted. You can get infected from anyone, even if he seems safe and reliable - often a person may not even suspect that he is sick. It is quite possible that a year ago he/she had sex with an equally ignorant, prosperous person, and then, due to cold antibiotics, the sexually transmitted infection immediately went into a chronic, subtle form.

Caught red-handed. Signs of infection

If during sex you notice strange manifestations in your partner, put aside awkwardness, correctness, and especially the desire for intimacy. The presence of a sexually transmitted disease may be indicated by:

Remember: sexually transmitted infections can be asymptomatic, and they are often not recognized. Situations often arise when in one partner the disease progresses brightly, with skin rashes, pain and fever, while in the other the same infection does not manifest itself at all. Therefore, never judge only by the external condition of the skin.

If the skin of the genital organs is clean, this does not guarantee the absence of sexually transmitted diseases. Prevention in case of unprotected contact should always be carried out.

What can you become infected with?

The main sexually transmitted infections include bacterial and viral diseases.

Bacterial infections after unprotected sex can be prevented if treatment is started on time. Viral - no.

Bacterial infections:

  • common sexually transmitted diseases - syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis;
  • opportunistic - mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis;
  • very rare “tropical” - chancroid, donovanosis, lymphogranuloma venereum.

Viral infections: genital herpes, HIV, hepatitis and genital warts.

You can also become infected with non-venereal skin diseases. These are lice, scabies and molluscum contagiosum. Here, manifestations in a partner are easy to notice.

What should you do after unprotected sex?

It all depends on the time that has passed since sexual intercourse.

  1. In the first two hours the likelihood of preventing infection is greatest. At this time apply emergency preventive measures. If two to four hours have passed, then it’s also worth trying, but the effectiveness will be much lower. After 4 hours, emergency prevention is already pointless.
  2. In the next 72 hours The infection has either already happened or it hasn’t. The disease has not yet had time to manifest itself. At this time they spend drug prevention.
  3. After 3 days drug prevention will no longer be only ineffective, but even harmful. It will blur the picture of the disease, may cause resistance to the antibiotic, or convert the infection into a latent form. Therefore, if time has passed, all that remains is to be patient and wait.

If there are no symptoms, you need to be tested: after two weeks - for major bacterial infections, after 1.5 months - for syphilis, and after another 1.5 months - for HIV, herpes, hepatitis.

These drugs include: interferon alpha (Viferon, Genferon, Vagiferon), interferon inducers (Neovir, Lavomax, Amiksin), antiviral spray (Epigen Intim).

  • Viferon is used in the form of rectal suppositories (500,000 ME). The interferon included in its composition increases local immunity and reduces the likelihood of infection with herpes, hepatitis, etc. The cost of the drug is about 350 rubles.
  • Genferon is sold in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories. In addition to interferon, it contains taurine (strengthens the effect of interferon) and benzocaine (pain reliever). The average cost of the drug is 280 rubles (in a dose of 250,000 ME).
  • Vagiferon is one of the best combinations of active ingredients. Sold as vaginal suppositories. It contains interferon, metronidazole (active against trichomonas, mycoplasmas and gardnerella) and fluconazole (an antifungal drug). The cost of the drug is about 350 rubles.
  • Interferon inducers. Sold in tablet form. Stimulate the formation of internal interferon. The average price of Lavomax is 400 rubles, Amiksin is 500 rubles, Neovir is 1000 rubles.
  • Epigen intimate - sold in the form of a spray. It has immunostimulating, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and regenerating effects. Convenient for topical use for both men and women. To minimize the risk of contracting viral infections, the drug is used before and immediately after sexual intercourse: sprayed on the genitals, vagina and urethra. The average cost of the drug is 900 rubles (15 ml) and 1700 rubles (60 ml).

Local preparations - suppositories, sprays - are most optimally used in the first hours. If more than 2 hours have passed since sex, then it is better to use antiviral pills.

It is very difficult to prevent viral infections. Antiviral drug prophylaxis only slightly reduces the likelihood of contracting genital herpes and hepatitis, and is only an addition to the main antibacterial prophylaxis.

In conclusion, a little more about the tests

It makes no sense to take them immediately after unprotected sex. Each infection has its own incubation period, when it cannot yet be recognized either clinically or by laboratory tests.

For chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis, in the absence of symptoms, it is best to get tested after 2 weeks. They give one swab, which is checked using the PCR for the presence of each microbe. If an infection is present, a bacterial culture is performed to determine sensitivity to antibiotics.

To determine syphilis, when a chancre appears, a smear is taken from it for microscopic examination. If it is absent, a blood test is taken. It is done no earlier than 6 weeks after sexual intercourse.

Drug prevention of unprotected sexual intercourse is possible within several days after sexual intercourse. Drug prophylaxis is, in fact, preventive treatment that prevents the development of many classic and new sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, the prevention of casual relationships corresponds to the treatment regimen for acute infections without complications.

Drug prevention is the taking (administration) of antibacterial drugs as prescribed by a dermatovenerologist and in his presence. An antibiotic will prevent the infection from developing into a disease.

This method of prevention is recommended especially if, a maximum of two days after unprotected sexual intercourse, it turns out that your partner is sick with one of these diseases: onorrhea, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia.

In two weeks, you will have to be diagnosed for infection and undergo a control test using the PCR method with full preparation.

However, if you are not sure which disease(s) you want to take prophylaxis against, consult a venereologist to see if prophylaxis is indicated for you. Because you will have to undergo prophylaxis against all preventable STDs. And taking antibiotics “for everything” is not always justified or makes sense.

Many people who choose a medicinal method of preventing STDs are concerned about many questions. Below are the most common questions asked at an appointment with a venereologist.

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When, after drug prevention, is unprotected (without a condom) sexual relations with a regular partner allowed?

Unprotected sexual intercourse is allowed for approximately 5-6 days. Until this point, it is STRONGLY recommended to use a condom when dealing with a regular sexual partner. After all, you underwent preventive medication in order to eliminate problems, including in your relationships. There is no need to risk this relationship - 5 days often provide complete confidence.

Which STIs are prevented by medication and which are not?

Drug prophylaxis will prevent the development of diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis and trichomoniasis. But remember that medications have not yet been invented that will save a person from genital herpes and some other diseases. Drug prevention of STIs also does not prevent the development of viral diseases - HIV infection, genital herpes, HPV - human papillomavirus.

What is drug prevention of casual relationships?

Drug prevention is a treatment regimen for suspected STDs and drugs that are similar to the drugs and treatment regimen for “fresh”, uncomplicated sexually transmitted infections.

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Is prophylaxis dangerous to health?

Most of the drugs that a venereologist will prescribe for you to prevent STDs are prescribed once - they are taken or injected ONCE. This is why the side effects of antibiotic therapy - intestinal dysbiosis, thrush - do not have time to manifest themselves. Usually, for the negative consequences of taking antibiotics to appear, a long course of antibiotics is required - a week or more.

The only thing you should be wary of during prevention (however, as always when taking pills) is allergies to medications. Therefore, if you know any medications to which you are allergic, tell your doctor.

How often can you use medication to prevent sexually transmitted diseases?

Drug prevention, unfortunately, is an extreme method of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. For many reasons, it cannot be performed often (let alone regularly), and in no case serves as an alternative to a condom.

The effectiveness of drug prevention?

Drug prevention is VERY effective against new and classic sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria. Such pathogens include Treponema pallidum (the causative agent of syphilis), gonococci, mycoplasma, Trichomonas, ureaplasma, and chlamydia. The effectiveness of their drug prevention is close to 100%.

You can always make an appointment with the venereologists at our Euromedprestige medical center and undergo medication prophylaxis after accidental sexual intercourse

Intimate relationships are one of the integral spheres of life of almost any sexually mature person of fertile age. With a responsible attitude, compliance with hygiene standards and the use of reliable methods of contraception, unpleasant “surprises” can be avoided.

The simplest and most accessible means of preventing any problems is condoms. In addition to unplanned pregnancy, they will reliably protect against many sexually transmitted diseases. If risky behavior leads to infection, drug treatment (sometimes long-term) cannot be avoided.

What are sexually transmitted diseases

This term refers to a group of infections transmitted from a carrier to a sexual partner during coitus. These diseases are part of the concept of “sexually transmitted diseases (or infections)” - STDs or STIs, respectively. A broader definition includes not only lesions of the reproductive system caused by pathogenic bacteria and fungi, but also AIDS, human papillomavirus, scabies, lice pubis and others.

STDs can not only be contracted through sexual contact. Infection can be carried out by contact, parenterally, or vertically.

The approach to treatment depends on the causative agent of the infection. For example, viral diseases require treatment with antiviral drugs, fungal infections are treated with fungicidal agents, and bacterial diseases with antibiotics.

Antibiotics for sexually transmitted infections

The most well-known sexually transmitted diseases are gonorrhea and syphilis. In addition to them, this group includes chancroid, inguinal granuloma, urogenital trichomoniasis, lymphogranuloma venereum, chlamydia, etc. All of the listed pathologies are amenable to antibiotic therapy, but require prior consultation with a dermatovenerologist and compliance with his prescriptions.

Self-treatment following the advice of non-specialists usually leads to temporary suppression of the activity of pathogens when symptoms disappear. However, the disease progresses, although less noticeably, and the pathogen becomes resistant to the antibiotic used. As a result, a form of the disease that is difficult to treat with antibiotics is formed, and numerous complications appear.

Major diseases

Below is a brief description of the symptoms of STDs, their forms and methods of drug therapy. The information in this case is for informational purposes only and should not become a guide to self-medication.

Firstly, a preliminary laboratory analysis is required to accurately identify the pathogen, and secondly, antibiotic therapy must be individualized. For example, all drugs are divided into main (broad-spectrum) and reserve. The second group of medications is prescribed when pathogens are resistant to main antibiotics.

At the moment, the same antibiotics are used for STDs in women and men, as are the treatment regimens.


Known since the 15th century, when the first epidemic of this disease occurred in Europe. Since then, various methods of therapy have been tried, but only with the advent of the era of antibiotics did doctors learn to rid patients of it quickly and with virtually no consequences. The causative agent is Treponema pallidum (lat. Treponema pallidum), which enters the body through the mucous membranes and causes a systemic chronic infection that affects internal organs, skin, bones and the nervous system.

It occurs in three stages:

  • Primary- with the formation of hard chancre (mainly in the genital area, but can be localized in the pharynx, arms, abdomen, anus). The formation is a compaction of small diameter, sometimes with an erosive surface. However, the modern craze for antibiotics sometimes prevents the pronounced activity of treponema, and chancroid does not appear, and the disease is diagnosed already at the second stage.
    Treatment is three intramuscular injections of bicillin-1 with an interval of 5-8 days. In case of intolerance, injections of ceftriaxone ®, doxycycline ®, erythromycin ®, etc. are prescribed. in accordance with the diagram.
  • Secondary- manifested by various skin rashes. These may be spots similar to lichen and psoriasis, nodules, condylomas lata, and pustules. At the end of the period, due to the penetration of the pathogen through the blood-brain barrier, CNS pathologies (neurosyphilis) are diagnosed. Treated with bicillin-3 ® (according to the scheme) or others. Reserve drugs – , .
  • Tertiary– deep damage to all organs and tissues. Expressed in the form of various malignant tumors, necrosis of the skin and cartilage. Therapy – 4-week course of “benzylpenicillin sodium salt“® There are no sexually transmitted diseases, since even different periods of syphilis require an individual approach to the choice of drug. If a pregnant woman is infected, then if she wants to save the fetus, treatment with penicillin antibiotics must be prescribed according to the stage. Since infection of a child with Treponema occurs during childbirth, prophylaxis is mandatory in the maternity hospital (benzylpenicillin sodium salt).


During unprotected sexual intercourse, Neisseria gonorrhoeae affects the mucous membranes (mainly the genital organs, as well as the rectum, oropharynx and eyes). The pathology is characterized by a long incubation period, after which itching, burning, milky discharge, pain, the appearance of bright inflammatory hyperemia of the affected mucous membranes, pain when urinating, and the appearance of a false urge to urinate appear. In about half of infected women, the only symptom is milky-purulent discharge.

If left untreated, the infection spreads to the pelvic organs and kidneys, which leads to severe complications and infertility.

Antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated gonorrhea consists of a single intramuscular injection of one of the drugs: Ceftriaxone ®, or (the dose depends on the severity), together with oral administration (azithromycin ® is indicated in the presence of concomitant STDs).


The most common infection is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. After a fairly long incubation period (from a week to a month), women develop symptoms such as hyperemia of the vulva and vagina with purulent discharge, burning, pain during sexual intercourse and urination, and itching. In men, most cases are asymptomatic.

The chronic form is one of the main causes of infertility and recurrent inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Antibiotics for trichomoniasis in women are prescribed in a seven-day course. Need to take : orally, 500 mg twice daily.

Reserve drugs are tinidazole ® and. Treatment for pregnant women can begin in the second trimester (2 grams of ornidazole ® or metronidazole ® once). Without systemic antibiotic therapy, local antibiotic therapy in the form of ointments and suppositories is ineffective.


A widespread latent infection (mostly asymptomatic) caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. Clinically, it always manifests itself as urethritis, both in men and women. The latter are infected more often, and, in addition, chlamydia is considered a component of the opportunistic vaginal flora.

In the absence of symptoms of the inflammatory process, this infection is not treated. However, for symptoms of urethritis, a course is indicated or .

Alternative drugs, including for pregnant women, are erythromycin ®, amoxicillin ®, spiramycin ®, josamycin ®.

Other infections

Other diseases are recorded much less frequently. Antibiotics are used for these venereal diseases in men and women as follows:

  • Lymphogranuloma venereum (caused by C. trachomatis) can be successfully treated with a three-week course of doxycycline ® (100 mg twice daily) or erythromycin (500 mg four times daily).
  • Inguinal granuloma is also an “exotic” infection, since the pathogen C. granulomatis actively reproduces only in tropical climates. Antibiotic therapy consists of taking doxycycline ® or co-trimoxazole ® according to the regimen.
  • Chancroid is another rare venereal disease in Russia, originally from hot countries. The pathogenic microorganism H. ducreyi is destroyed by a single oral dose of Azithromycin ®, one intramuscular injection of Ceftriaxone ® (250 mg) or a five-day course of erythromycin.

All of these infections manifest as lumps or ulcerations in the groin or genital area. It is quite difficult to become infected with them in our climate, and on vacation in Africa, India, and South America, you should avoid accidental unprotected sexual contact.

What antibiotics should I take to prevent STDs?

As you know, it is better to prevent a disease. The best option in this case is to have a permanent, trusted partner and use a condom. This contraceptive guarantees almost complete safety of casual sexual intercourse.

The use of antiseptics (for example, Miramistin ®) after coitus to disinfect the genitals can also have some effect. Although clinical studies indicate very low effectiveness of this method.

What antibacterial drugs can be taken orally to avoid infection?

Efficacy of Azithromycin ® for STDs

As can be seen from the information above, this powerful antibiotic, from the azalide subclass, is quite often used in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. However, using it as a prophylaxis after unprotected sexual intercourse is pointless and ineffective.

The drug is also often used to treat infections of bacterial origin of the respiratory tract, where it has gained great popularity due to its short course and convenient dosage regimen. While not a panacea in venereology, it is still successfully used to treat:

  • gonorrhea (in combination with ceftriaxone ®) – 1 gram, taken once;
  • chlamydia – once 1 g;
  • chancre - similarly.

As for the treatment of syphilis, Azithromycin ® is prescribed together with penicillins. The effectiveness of monotherapy against treponema pallidum has not been proven.

But in any case, taking antibiotics after accidental sexual intercourse or if an infection is suspected is unacceptable. Sexually transmitted diseases should be treated by a specialist based on laboratory tests. Self-medication is the path to temporary suppression of the pathogen, its mutation and the occurrence of severe complications. In addition, the social significance of STDs requires awareness, which will help stop the spread of infections.



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