Chronic toxic hepatitis symptoms and treatment. Complications of toxic hepatitis

Acute toxic hepatitis is quite dangerous form a disease caused by the penetration of toxic substances into the body. This role can be played by poisons, salts heavy metals, natural toxins (poisonous mushrooms), some medications, alcohol and others.

Toxic hepatitis: causes

There are many factors that can lead to such a result. The liver is the body’s natural filter, and it is in this organ that hazardous compounds are neutralized. Therefore, when exposed to toxic substances, it is the liver that suffers first.

Liver toxicity can come from benzene, arsenic, lead, pesticides and many other compounds. The disease often develops from the consumption of poisonous mushrooms, as well as from the bites of particularly dangerous animals that release toxins into the human blood.

On the other hand, toxic hepatitis may also have more common causes. For example, quite often this condition develops when the body is poisoned with alcohol. Wherein important role The composition of the drink consumed, its quantity, as well as the duration of such a destructive addiction plays a role.

Toxic damage can also be caused by some medications, especially if you combine them with poisons and other aggressive chemicals. That is why drinking alcohol and drinking alcohol while taking medications is prohibited. narcotic drugs, but, unfortunately, such recommendations are often neglected.

Toxic hepatitis is a very serious condition. With absence timely treatment necrotic processes begin in the tissues of the organ.

Toxic hepatitis: symptoms

The first ones do not appear immediately, but 2-4 days after the penetration of the toxin. First, the person loses his appetite and complains of constant feeling bitterness in the mouth.

Then a dull pain appears in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, which radiates to the scapula. It may get worse from time to time, especially if the patient has eaten something spicy or fatty. Symptoms may also appear digestive system- nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, etc.

The level of bilirubin in the blood increases, as a result of which the patient’s skin acquires a yellowish tint, like the proteins eyeballs.

On palpation, you can notice that the dimensions and touching and pressing in this place cause a new pain attack.

Toxic hepatitis: treatment

If a person has similar symptoms, then you should immediately go to the hospital - self-treatment in this case it is life-threatening. After a series of tests and studies, the doctor will make a diagnosis and also find out the cause of the disease, the stage of its development and the toxin to which the patient was exposed.

First you need to completely remove the toxin from the body. The methods used here directly depend on the form of the toxin, the amount and time of its administration.

If along with toxic poisoning necrosis begins to develop, then the same methods are used for treatment as for viral forms diseases. In the event that a patient suffers from a benign form of hepatitis caused by taking a drug, it is sometimes possible to do without it. As a rule, stopping the use of the drug stops the development of the disease.

If help was provided to the patient on time, then the prognosis for him will be favorable - complete disappearance of symptoms will occur after 2-4 weeks, after which the body will be able to slowly recover. Patients are also prescribed special diet, which does not create additional load to this organ.

Toxic hepatitis is a chronic or acute illness liver, which develops as a result of the penetration of chemical or other toxic substances into the body, toxic effects them on liver cells, accompanied by cell tumor and their death, and manifested by progressive jaundice, pain in the hypochondrium and an increase in the size of the liver.

Acute toxic hepatitis develops when a single large amount of poison or small doses of toxic substances that are similar to liver cells, symptoms usually appear within 4–6 days.

Chronic hepatitis appears as a result of repeated exposure to poison, not large doses, which has no resemblance to liver cells, may appear after several months. Symptoms acute hepatitis- pronounced, the disease passes severely, the patient must be hospitalized quickly, and if not treated in a timely manner, the disease can be fatal. Chronic hepatitis does not develop immediately; symptoms appear gradually; if the cause is not removed, they are complicated by liver failure and the appearance of cirrhosis.

Causes and treatment of toxic hepatitis

Ingestion of toxic substances into the body can be accidental, professional or intentional. Harmful substances enter the body in different ways. Through the digestive tract, respiratory system.

Through the body, poisons can also enter the bloodstream and then into the liver. Getting into the blood, some liver poisons have a direct effect on liver cells, disrupting her life and work. Some types of poisons also disrupt blood circulation in the vessels that feed the liver, which leads to a lack of oxygen in the cells and their death, with further disruption of the liver.

Liver poisons have different origins

Industrial poisons enter the body through the skin or during inhalation; when large doses are ingested, acute infection of the liver occurs with necrosis of its cells and replacement with fat cells, when frequent hits small doses, chronic hepatitis appears.

  • phosphorus – found in fertilizers, used for metal processing;
  • insecticides - used in rural industry to combat various insects;
  • arsenic – formed in metallurgical plants;
  • chlorine hydrocarbons – components of oil;
  • pesticides - used in rural industry to kill weeds;
  • phenols – found in antiseptics used for disinfection;
  • aldehydes are used industrially to make acetic acid.

Alcohol is constant and excessive use alcohol, especially Bad quality, create toxic liver damage. 50 grams of alcohol per day for men, and up to 30 grams for women are safe doses, in large doses, alcohol has a toxic effect.

All alcohol taken from digestive tract passes to the liver, where its active processing occurs. The main component of the transformation of alcohol in the liver is its combining with the enzyme dehydrogenase. As a result of the enzymatic transformation of alcohol, acetaldehyde is released. He's pretty toxic substance, under its influence violations occur different reactions in the liver. Acid accumulation occurs and liver cells are replaced by fatty tissue.

Plant poisons have a hepatotropic effect (act directly on the liver cell, disrupting the vital functions of the organ and replacing it with fat tissue), resulting in acute hepatitis.

Symptoms of hepatitis

Symptoms of acute toxic hepatitis

In mild forms it can occur with virtually no symptoms and only manifests itself during a group examination. In more severe forms Toxic hepatitis may appear in the form of the following symptoms:

Symptoms of chronic toxic hepatitis:

  • Heaviness in the right hypochondrium, due to an increase in the size of the liver;
  • Short-term moderate pain in the right hypochondrium, worsening after eating;
  • Increased size of the spleen and liver;
  • Vomiting, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, loss of appetite, diarrhea, bloating, these symptoms develop due to impaired excretion of bile;
  • Low-grade fever 37–37.50 degrees;
  • Itching on the body, itching of the body due to the accumulation of bile acids;
  • Apathy, fatigue.

These symptoms may periodically subside (remission) and reappear.

Complications of toxic hepatitis

In mild forms, hepatitis is completely curable. In other forms it may be complicated by the following diseases:

Liver failure is result of liver cell death and, disruption of its functions and their replacement with fat cells is determined by the following symptoms:

  • Hepatic encephalopathy appears when toxic liver function is disrupted;
  • Jaundice;
  • Edema;
  • Losing body weight;
  • Bleeding.

Cirrhosis of the liver, chronic illness, resulting in the death of liver cells and their replacement with fatty acids.

Hepatic coma, disruption of the liver, reflexes, consciousness, the result can be death.

First you need to remove contact with the poison. In order to prevent the poison from passing into the blood, and subsequently into the liver, it must be removed from the stomach using artificial vomiting. To weaken the effect of poison on the gastric walls, you can use flax seed decoction or milk. In the presence of high temperature, you can apply cold compresses to your head. While you are doing all this, call urgently ambulance, or go to a hospital toxicology department for treatment.

If symptoms of acute toxic hepatitis appear, the patient must be urgently hospitalized in a hospital, where the following treatment methods will be carried out under the supervision of a doctor:

Herbal hepatoprotectors for the treatment of toxic hepatitis

These drugs increase the liver's resistance to negative impacts(medicines, alcohol, poisons). Strengthen the neutralizing liver function and accelerate the recovery of infected cells.

Drug Liv 52

Ingredients: spiny capers, common chicory, western cassia, common yarrow, black nightshade, terminal arjuna, Tamarix gallicum.

Activates enzymes (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, cytochrome P450, etc.) involved in the removal of toxic substances. Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase reduces the damaging effects of alcohol and promotes its release.

  • Struggling with negative impact free radicals.
  • The components activate the production of substances that reduce the activity of free radicals. Free radicals cause harm healthy cells, accelerate their aging and necrosis.
  • Choleretic effect.

A drug activates the entry of bile by liver cells and promotes the excretion of bile through the ducts. Excess fats and toxic substances are excreted with bile.

  • Anti-inflammatory effect.

The effect is achieved due to effects of the active elements of the drug on inflammatory factors . So nightshade extract reduces the appearance of leukotrienes, substances that are responsible for the formation of inflammatory and allergic reactions.

The drug Essentiale Forte

Normalizes the hepatic metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, increases its neutralizing effect. Promotes healing of the liver after damage from toxic hepatitis, prevents the appearance of scar cells in it. The drug is based on special fats extracted from soybeans.

Effects of the drug and mechanism of action in toxic hepatitis:

  • Restores and strengthens liver cells.
  • Special fats enter damaged liver cells, which activates the restoration of its functional capacity and integrity.
  • Reduces the amount of fat in the blood.
  • This effect is achieved by reducing cholesterol in the liver, reducing its absorption in the stomach and increasing its excretion in the bile.
  • Reduces the appearance of scar tissue in the liver.

A drug activates an enzyme that suppresses the appearance the main component of scar tissue.

Efficacy of Essentiale for alcoholic toxic hepatitis:


To summarize, it must be said that the liver is a very important organ in man. Moreover, it is only one of all organs that can be completely cleansed. Moreover, this happens in October and March. Therefore, during these months you need to especially carefully monitor your diet and give up bad habits.

The liver in our body is the most amazing and unpretentious organ. She performs more than 400 various functions, and is the main barrier between the blood coming from the intestines and all other organs. Hepatocyte cells process the incoming material, synthesize from it substances necessary for the entire body, remove and neutralize poisons and toxins.

Having a huge ability to regenerate, the liver is nevertheless susceptible to destructive influences harmful substances, if they come in quantities that are difficult for her to cope with. In this case, inflammation of the liver develops - hepatitis, and hepatocyte cells partially die and are destroyed. What is toxic hepatitis, what factors cause it and how is this disease treated?

What is toxic hepatitis

effects of chemicals on the liver

  1. Acute toxic hepatitis develops as a result of ingestion of a small amount potent poison or weak irritants, but in high concentrations. Typically, toxins enter through gastrointestinal tract, less often through Airways and skin.
  2. Chronic hepatitis occurs due to repeated exposure to small doses of a toxin over a long period of time. Diseases related to hepatitis are coded according to ICD-10 under the number K71 (toxic liver damage). Alcohol disease liver is separated into a separate group and has code K70.

Can toxic hepatitis be contagious? No, this is exclusive therapeutic disease caused by the influence of external chemical factor for a specific person. Group disease occurs only if all patients are simultaneously exposed to a toxin ( food poisoning, industrial accidents).

Causes of toxic hepatitis

According to statistics, the most common cause of toxic hepatitis in Russia is alcohol abuse, as well as subsequent uncontrolled consumption medicines to relieve hangover.

Drug-induced toxic hepatitis develops as a result of a single dose of drugs or long-term treatment, even under medical supervision. Among the most dangerous for the liver medicines The following groups include:

  • antipyretics;
  • anti-tuberculosis;
  • sulfonamides;
  • antiviral;
  • anticonvulsants.

Separately, hepatitis can be distinguished after chemotherapy with cancer diseases. Cytotoxic drugs used to inhibit growth cancer cells, negatively affect all organs and tissues, primarily the liver. After chemotherapy, a blood test is required to monitor the condition biochemical processes in the liver. Depending on the results, diet and rehabilitation treatment are prescribed.

Another cause of toxic hepatitis is industrial poisons. This group of substances can poison the body both through the digestive tract and by contact with the skin or inhalation of polluted air. Major hepato toxic substances, used in modern industry, are:

  • pesticides, including insecticides;
  • chlorinated hydrocarbons (petroleum products);
  • phenols;
  • aldehydes;
  • phosphorus;
  • arsenic.

Another large group of toxins that have destructive effect on the liver - poisons plant origin:

  • death cap;
  • cross;
  • heliotrope;
  • bitter

Poisoning with plant poisons usually occurs as a result of improper collection of mushrooms or self-medication with herbal mixtures of unknown origin.

Symptoms of acute and chronic toxic hepatitis

Symptoms of toxic hepatitis will vary slightly depending on the nature of the disease. At acute course the first signs usually appear after 2–4 days, less often after 12–24 hours (for example, in case of poisoning with toadstool).

Acute toxic hepatitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

At chronic course Signs of illness may periodically appear and disappear:

The liver increases in size, a blood test reveals an increase in bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase, the level of AST and ALT enzymes changes. It is necessary to carry out additional research to exclude other forms of hepatitis, primarily infectious.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis

Treatment of toxic hepatitis consists of as much as possible quick removal poison from the body symptomatic therapy and creation optimal conditions for liver regeneration. For this purpose, hepatoprotective substances are used. As a rule, these are vitamins, enzymes and herbal products.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis with folk remedies

Treatment of toxic hepatitis folk remedies Can only be used under medical supervision. Help relieve nausea and normalize liver function:

  • juice from sauerkraut;
  • mint infusion;
  • grapefruit juice;
  • infusion of horseradish roots;
  • calendula decoction;
  • pumpkin juice and pulp.

Diet plays a huge role in the treatment of liver diseases. It is the main stimulus for regeneration, since it eliminates the effects unfavorable factors and create conditions for quick recovery, providing the liver with all necessary substances. You should also minimize the intake of all medications. There is a saying: " The best tablet for the liver, this is the absence of any pill,” and it is close to the truth!

Diet for toxic liver hepatitis

What diet should you follow for toxic liver hepatitis? Avoid all foods that are difficult to digest:

You can’t eat fatty, spicy, fried foods. Food is steamed, baked or boiled.

IN daily diet must include:

It's also good to drink green tea, a decoction of dried fruits, there are figs and green vegetables.

Nutrition for toxic hepatitis should be taken in small portions, 5–6 times a day. It is advisable to adhere to the principle separate power supply: do not mix protein and carbohydrate foods at one time, and eat fruits separately from everything.


In general, with timely diagnosis and proper treatment the prognosis is favorable. The liver has an exceptional ability to regenerate and easily restores up to 75% of dead cells.

An unfavorable outcome may result from acute injury from a large dose of poison and delayed medical care(for example, the venom of the toadstool causes the first signs of poisoning to appear after the liver has been exposed to it).

Chronic toxic hepatitis can be complicated by cirrhosis of the liver - replacement of functional hepatocyte cells with scar tissue. As a rule, this occurs as a result of constant exposure to toxins on the liver, when the poison prevents the cells from recovering normally, for example, when drinking alcohol.

Toxic hepatitis - non-communicable disease liver, which occurs as a result of poisoning of the body with chemicals: alcohol, drugs, plant poisons and industrial toxins. The disease is accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, indigestion, and fever. When treating toxic hepatitis, it is important to exclude exposure to a destructive factor, quickly remove the poison from the body and create favorable conditions to restore the liver. To do this, take hepatoprotective medications and follow a gentle diet.

Liver damage can be caused by many factors. But only the development of toxic hepatitis involves exposure to chemical compounds on the body.

The disease is not contagious, but can provoke the development serious violations. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at what toxic hepatitis is, its main symptoms and treatment.

For pathological process characterized by acute or chronic forms.

In the first case, the toxic chemical has an affinity for hepatocytes and provokes their death after 3-4 days. Without help, the prognosis is poor.

Chronic toxic hepatitis occurs with repeated contact with small doses of poison. You can work with chemicals for many years before the first signs of illness appear.

Etiological factors

Toxins enter the body through respiratory system, digestive tract, skin.

It is customary to highlight following reasons toxic hepatitis:

  • Medicines, chemotherapy. If the patient has a history of chronic pathologies and is forced to constantly take medications, then toxic liver hepatitis may occur. Pathology also occurs with uncontrolled drug intake following groups: antibacterial, antituberculosis, anticonvulsants (barbiturates), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chemotherapy drugs.
  • Alcohol. Frequent use leads to an increase in iron absorption and its deposition in hepatocytes. This process causes the formation of free radicals and gradual destruction cell membranes. Toxic alcoholic hepatitis often develops when drinking alcohol outside of meals.
  • Industrial poisons: arsenic, phosphorus, pesticides and insecticides, aldehydes, carbon tetrachloride, phenols;
  • Drugs. Etiological factor occurs in people with severe addictions who take multiple drugs;
  • Poisons natural origin. This group contains fungal and weed toxins that act directly on the liver.

Types of toxic hepatitis

Depending on the type of toxic compound, it is customary to divide pathology into the following types:

It is worth figuring out whether hepatitis is contagious.

It is important to remember that toxic hepatitis is contagious when the disease is transmitted through oral-genital contact.

In this case, a person can become infected from touching the remains. feces sick. This indicates the development of nutritional toxic hepatitis.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of hepatitis are determined by the form of the pathology.

Clinical picture of acute hepatitis

Mild cases are characterized by an asymptomatic course. However, generally acute toxic hepatitis causes the following symptoms:

  • emergence pain syndrome in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium;
  • decreased appetite;
  • high body temperature;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • disorientation and slight dizziness;
  • joint pain;
  • minor nosebleeds, appearance minor hemorrhages on the surface of the skin;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • lethargy or agitation;
  • yellowness of the sclera and skin;
  • urine becomes darker;
  • feces are discolored and have an oily sheen;
  • the liver is enlarged due to inflammatory process and replacement of cells with adipose tissue.

Clinical picture of the chronic form

The disease is characterized by gradual development and increasing clinical picture. Characteristic following symptoms toxic hepatitis:

  • the temperature is slightly elevated - no more than 37.5°C;
  • periodic pain, which is characterized by intensification after eating;
  • weakness, increased fatigue;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • symptoms of dyspeptic disorder that develop as a result of impaired bile outflow: nausea and vomiting,
  • flatulence, diarrhea, bitter taste in the oral cavity;
  • itchy skin;
  • an increase in the size of some digestive organs: liver and spleen.

This symptomatology occurs during an exacerbation of the disease, then subsides during remission.

Stages of the disease

The following main stages of disease development are distinguished:

  1. Latent period. It begins with the entry of toxic substances into the body and continues until symptoms appear.
  2. Stage of acute clinical manifestations. Appear following signs toxic liver damage: jaundice, fever, weight loss, weakness and loss of appetite, dyspeptic disorders. At this stage, damage to vital organs is typical.
  3. Exit stage. This is the interval from the most developed clinical picture to recovery or fatal outcome.


Highlight positive and negative consequences liver damage. With timely diagnosis and treatment, recovery occurs. However, in advanced cases, liver failure and liver dystrophy may develop.

Complications of toxic hepatitis

How dangerous is the pathology? In severe cases of the disease, the following disorders develop:

  • Liver failure. It develops against the background of the death of hepatocytes and their replacement by adipose tissue. The functionality of the liver is impaired and the following symptoms develop: swelling, bleeding, jaundice, weight loss, encephalopathy (the occurrence of mental and neuromuscular disorders).
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. The disease is a chronic pathology that involves the death of hepatocytes and their gradual replacement by connective tissue cells.
  • Hepatic coma. It is a progressive pathology of the liver and central nervous system. The patient experiences confusion, convulsions, and impaired reflexes. May cause death.

Recovery prognosis

Generally timely diagnosis And correct therapy helps to completely cure the disease. Therefore, the prognosis is favorable.

However acute lesion digestive organ large doses of a toxic substance combined with the absence qualified assistance doctors can lead to death.

Features of the disease in childhood

Toxic hepatitis in children is diagnosed much less frequently. The cause of the pathology is the accidental penetration of toxic compounds into the child’s liver due to the carelessness of parents, due to the use medications, in case of poisoning with plants, mushrooms. Characteristic severe course pathologies in a child. With absence medical treatment Possible death.

Children predominantly develop an acute form of the disease, clinical picture identical to the symptoms of adults.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis should be aimed at preventing serious disorders in the liver and the body as a whole.

The prognosis is generally unfavorable.

Diagnosis of toxic hepatitis

To confirm the diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is required:

  • the attending physician must conduct a survey and examination;
  • laboratory research: conducting general analysis urine and blood, coprograms, biochemical research blood;
  • instrumental techniques: radiography, ultrasound of the digestive tract, liver if necessary.

Features of treatment

Therapy involves stopping contact with toxic agents and their rapid elimination, elimination unpleasant symptoms and regeneration of hepatocytes (the liver is able to independently restore up to 75% of damaged cells).

Drug therapy

In the treatment of toxic hepatitis, drugs with a hepatoprotective effect are widely used:

  • Sirepar,
  • Gepaphid,
  • Essentiale,
  • Hepatosan,
  • Hepel,
  • Silegon,
  • Silimar.

These drugs stimulate the synthesis of endogenous phospholipids and have anti-inflammatory and choleretic effects. Hepatitis requires a long course of treatment with these drugs - up to 6-7 months.

Features of dietary nutrition

Treatment of toxic hepatitis is impossible without therapeutic nutrition. It will launch regenerative processes, will provide the body with nutrients.

Dietary nutrition for hepatitis involves eating food 6 times a day, eating in small portions. All food should be at moderate temperature.

What not to eat if you have toxic hepatitis

A diet for toxic hepatitis involves excluding the following foods from the patient’s diet:

  • pastries and black bread;
  • fatty meats (lamb, duck) and fish (catfish, cod);
  • salo;
  • mushrooms;
  • fried, spicy, too salty and smoked foods;
  • canned products;
  • vegetables and fruits without heat treatment;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate and products based on them;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

What can you eat if you have toxic hepatitis?

It is allowed to take porridges boiled in water, boiled or stewed vegetables, soufflé and meat and fish cutlets low-fat varieties, baked fruits, boiled pasta, pureed soups.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to use medicine based on folk recipes? The use of such drugs for treatment is possible only under supervision medical personnel. The following remedies help with illness:

  • sauerkraut or grapefruit juice;
  • infusion of mint or horseradish roots;
  • pumpkin pulp.

Preventive actions

Prevention of toxic hepatitis comes down to preventing contact with toxic substances. If toxic hepatitis occurs in a person who works in hazardous work, then a change of job is necessary, and you can retire.

The disease occurs in chronic or acute form. Acute toxic hepatitis occurs when a large concentration of toxic substances enters the body at once. Clinical manifestations in this case, they appear literally on the second or third day and are clearly expressed. Chronic toxic hepatitis is a consequence of long-term poisoning of the liver with toxic substances that enter the human body in small quantities. Symptoms of such a disease can appear months and even years after the start of toxic agents entering the body.

Spicy and chronic form pathologies are dangerous to human life. Firstly, because such a disease can lead to, and also because it can develop, followed by liver failure. That is, in any case, without treatment, the prognosis for the course of the disease is unfavorable, and the likelihood of death is very high. Drug-induced toxic hepatitis caused by long-term use medications, in particular antibiotics.


As mentioned above, the disease occurs due to the action of toxic agents on liver cells. In this case, the entry of poison into the body can be caused by a person’s professional activity - that is, the body is poisoned when a person works in unfavorable conditions. Also, poisons can enter the human body intentionally - when he himself uses them for the purpose of suicide, or when someone suggests to him to use them intentionally, for the purpose of murder. By the way, the use of liver poisons for the purpose of committing a criminal offense is an extremely common way to take a person’s life, therefore, when autopsying dead people, the doctor carefully examines the liver cells, trying to detect traces of the action of the poison in them.

Another way toxic substances enter the body is accidental. That is, when a person does not understand that using a particular substance can harm his health. This is how drug-induced hepatitis usually appears - a person uses various medical supplies long time, not knowing that they were causing irreparable damage to his liver cells.

For liver cells, poisons are:

  • many medications;
  • alcohol;
  • poisons contained in plants and mushrooms;
  • components on industrial production, in particular insecticides, arsenic, phosphorus, pesticides and others.

Note that drug-induced hepatitis occurs due to various reasons. One of them is the above - long-term use medications leading to chronic poisoning. However, acute toxic hepatitis can also occur with a one-time administration of drugs, especially intramuscularly or intravenously. In addition, inhalation of toxic drugs is considered very dangerous, since it causes acute drug-induced hepatitis very quickly.

Toxic hepatitis is not a contagious disease, although under some conditions it can infect other people. In particular, during oral sex, infection can occur if toxic agent is found in fragments of fecal matter transmitted from a patient to a healthy person during oral sex. But in fairness, it should be noted that this method of infection is quite rare, so we can assume that toxic hepatitis cannot be transmitted from person to person.


If we are talking about chronic pathology, then it can be asymptomatic for a long time. Therefore, when signs of the disease appear, it already affects a large number of liver cells, which can lead to serious conditions. In the acute form, signs usually appear quickly, so diagnosing the pathology in this case is much easier.

The characteristic symptoms of toxic hepatitis are:

  • the appearance of small hemorrhages on the skin (petechiae);
  • darkening of urine;
  • stool discoloration;
  • yellowing of mucous membranes and skin;
  • frequent nosebleeds and hemorrhages.

A person with this diagnosis may experience itchy skin, lose weight, even complain of bitterness in the mouth and belching, and other symptoms of digestive disorders. As the process progresses, more severe symptoms such as vomiting, increased body temperature with impaired general condition, sharp or dull pain in the right hypochondrium, as well as signs psychoemotional disorder(blurred consciousness, hallucinations, loss of consciousness and even coma).

Extremely severe conditions can cause a person’s death, which is why it is so important to promptly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment

It is impossible to make a diagnosis of toxic hepatitis with just one examination of the patient and collection of his anamnesis, although given the specificity of it professional activity, the disease can still be suspected. Therefore, diagnostics uses methods such as ultrasound, CT and MRI. But the most significant are laboratory methods, allowing you to determine the level of bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, AST and ALT, as well as gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis involves removing toxic substances from the body. Therefore, patients with this diagnosis are advised bed rest and gastric lavage. In addition, they are prescribed enterosorbents, which remove toxins from the intestines, and intravenous administration of drugs that also remove toxins. It is mandatory to take hepatoprotectors that protect liver cells and restore them - Heptral, Essentiale and others.

In addition, treatment of toxic hepatitis involves taking vitamins that increase overall immunity, and choleretic medications that can speed up the process of eliminating poisons. If the patient has drug-induced toxic hepatitis, or if it is known what poisons caused the disease, it is necessary to urgently stop the flow of medications or other substances into the body, since without this the treatment will not have an effect. In some cases, the use of antidotes that neutralize certain toxic substances is indicated. And of course, the patient is prescribed a certain diet – protein-free.

Some people treat toxic hepatitis with folk remedies. However, all methods that can be used to treat this disease at home are effective only on initial stages diseases. In particular, you can artificially induce vomiting to rid the stomach of poisons, or apply cold compress on the forehead to relieve fever.

But traditional treatment in no case can replace drug therapy, and therefore such methods can only be undertaken to support the body until the moment when a person can see a doctor. Moreover, such methods are usually effective only when acute poisoning- at chronic person does not understand what caused his poor health.

If a person has developed drug-induced hepatitis, he will also need artificial induction of vomiting, but due to the fact that such a pathology occurs only with prolonged exposure to poisons on the liver, others traditional methods treatments will be useless and only in a hospital setting can a person’s life be saved.



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