What is the best way to lie while pregnant. Which side to sleep on during pregnancy? How to get good sleep during pregnancy

Any person needs proper rest every night, because it is at night that the body restores the resources spent during the day. Only one thing chronic lack of sleep can cause the development of a variety of diseases. Therefore, the need for healthy sleep is vital.

During pregnancy, this issue becomes even more important: the load on the female body during this period is simply enormous, it works in an intense mode, and from the first weeks of pregnancy future mom feels all these changes with increased fatigue and an irresistible desire to take a nap.

It’s unfortunate, but it is precisely during pregnancy, when full, healthy sleep is so important for a woman and her unborn baby, that there are 1001 reasons why a mother cannot sleep. The heartbeat quickens, the urge to urinate increases, nervousness and anxiety increase, digestion is disturbed, and in the end, it begins to cause obvious discomfort and makes it difficult to choose comfortable position for sleep.

Helper pillow

But if you are not used to sleeping on your left side, then it will not be easy to train yourself. Moreover, even a woman accustomed to this position may experience noticeable discomfort during sleep due to her growing tummy. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to do without additional pillows.

Always keep several soft pillows of different sizes near you. With their help, you can choose the most comfortable position for yourself. You may have to spend more than one night searching for one, but it’s worth it.

Try placing one pad under your stomach and the other between your knees. Wherein left leg(if you are lying on your left side) it is recommended to stretch it out and bend your right side. A cushion under the lower back significantly improves your position and well-being.

In general, you can place pads wherever you deem necessary - as long as it is comfortable. If funds allow, be sure to buy yourself special pillows for pregnant women: they are designed taking into account your “pregnant” physiological needs and very comfortable. A horseshoe-shaped pregnancy pillow allows you to take literally any position and will simply save you from insomnia.

IN as a last resort, if you can’t get comfortable, try using the same pillows to sit half-sitting and take a nap at least a little. But don't stop searching for a comfortable position. You need to gain strength: childbirth is ahead, which involves large energy expenditures, and then caring for the baby, which involves sleepless nights. So get some sleep now.

Have a comfortable and healthy sleep!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

While expecting a baby, many women refuse to sleep on their back, explaining this feeling unwell and fear for the child's health. Are there any risks in this situation? Why shouldn’t pregnant women sleep on their backs, and what position should they choose to sleep during this difficult period?

Supine position

In the supine position, a pregnant woman can safely sleep until she is 14-16 weeks pregnant. Problems can only arise with severe toxicosis. In the supine position, nausea increases, the urge to vomit appears, and the general health future mother. In case of severe toxicosis in the first trimester, you should refrain from lying on your back.

It is not recommended for pregnant women to sleep on their back after 16 weeks. At this time, the uterus extends beyond the womb and with its entire mass presses on the organs abdominal cavity. The inferior vena cava also goes to one of the most large vessels human body. When the vena cava is compressed by the growing uterus, quite unpleasant symptoms occur:

  • noise in ears;
  • flickering of flies before the eyes;
  • dyspnea;
  • labored breathing;
  • increased heart rate;
  • a fall blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness.

The position on the back is also unfavorable for the baby. When the inferior vena cava is compressed, blood supply to the pelvic organs and placenta slows down, oxygen supply is disrupted and nutrients to the fruit. Hypoxia develops, the rate of physical development, which naturally affects the child’s health after birth. The conclusion is simple: you should not sleep on your back after 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Prone position

The expectant mother can sleep on her stomach only until she is 10-12 weeks pregnant. In the first trimester, until the uterus extends beyond pubic bone, this position will be completely safe for a growing baby. In the early stages, the prone position may even be beneficial for the woman. In this position, the manifestations of toxicosis are reduced, sleep improves, and the load on the spine is reduced. Many women sleep well only on their stomachs, with their arms stretched out in front of them or placed under their heads.

After 12 weeks you should not sleep on your stomach. In the second trimester, the uterus grows and extends beyond the pelvis, settling in the abdominal cavity. In the prone position, the woman puts all her weight on the baby in her womb. This position is dangerous for the fetus and is not permissible in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman wants to lie on her stomach, you can sit between large bolsters or pillows, covering yourself soft cloth from all sides. In this position there is no load on the abdomen, and there is no compression of the uterus, placenta and fetus. It is not recommended to remain in the prone position (even between pillows) for more than 10-15 minutes at a time.

Side position

Lying on the left or right side is the most comfortable position during pregnancy. In this position, the pelvic and abdominal organs are not compressed, the blood flow in the placenta is not disrupted, and the baby does not suffer. You can sleep on your side from the moment of conception until birth.

The choice of a comfortable side in the lateral position will depend on the sensations of the expectant mother. Many women are unable to sleep on their right side during pregnancy. Here are the liver and gallbladderimportant organs digestive system. When they are compressed, heartburn and abdominal pain appear, and intestinal motility increases. The appearance of any unpleasant symptoms– a reason to change your body position and carefully roll over onto your left side.

How to choose a sleeping position?

When choosing a comfortable sleeping position, a pregnant woman should adhere to some rules:

  1. Up to 12 weeks you are allowed to sleep in any comfortable position.
  2. After 12 weeks you should not sleep on your stomach.
  3. In the third trimester, all examinations lying on the back should be carried out quite carefully. If you feel worse, you should change your position (turn over on your side).
  4. The optimal sleeping position during pregnancy is on the left side. In this position, the left leg should be extended and the right leg bent at the knee. In this position, the load on the abdominal muscles is reduced and the uterus relaxes.
  5. You should not sleep on a surface that is too hard or on a surface that is too soft. The mattress for sleeping should be of medium hardness, without dips or unevenness.
  6. You should not sleep in one position for a long time. It is necessary to change position every 2-4 hours.
  7. For comfort, you can use special pillows.

Maternity pillows – best helper future mother. Special pillows look like horseshoe-shaped cushions from 140 to 220 cm long. The pillows are filled with safe materials - synthetic fluff or holofiber. The pillow can be placed under the lower back or placed between the legs in a side position. Such pillows relieve stress on the spine, relieve tension from the back muscles and create conditions for relaxation. comfortable sleep. After childbirth, pillows will help a woman find a comfortable position for feeding her baby.

No living person can do without sleep. During such a rest, strength is restored and all body systems return to normal. Particularly important good sleep for the expectant mother. How to sleep during pregnancy? To find answers to this question, you should contact specialists, and also study reviews of women who have experience in this regard.

The importance of healthy sleep for a pregnant woman

Healthy sleep needed daily. Moreover, it is recommended for an adult to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. During this time, strength is restored, everything clogged with mass is cleansed harmful substances, which accumulated during the day. This regeneration is carried out at the cellular level.

How to sleep properly during pregnancy? After all, the expectant mother needs to restore strength and cleanse herself, not only herself, but also help her baby. It is important to ensure optimal conditions so that sleep benefits both.

Features of sleeping in an “interesting” position

According to experts, the future character of the child and his abilities depend on how a woman sleeps during pregnancy. Every time, getting ready for bed, the mother should remember the needs of the baby. He needs comfort, and the woman is obliged to satisfy such a request.

What factors influence a child's health. To provide wellness mother needs to sleep:

  • sufficient quantity time;
  • in a comfortable position;
  • before going to bed, think about good things, be calm;
  • don't get overtired.

Interference with good rest can be:

Such factors are difficult to eliminate, as they are traditional for pregnant women. But many problems can be solved in advance:

  • rest for a sufficient amount of time, as needed right now;
  • complete exclusion stressful situations;
  • avoiding overexertion and inappropriate postures.

Features of some resting positions

Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy or not? This pose is considered the most natural and comfortable. The spine, tired during the day, wants to straighten out so much, won’t such a position harm the child?

Experts say that at night a woman, all of whose systems and organs are in difficult conditions of bearing a new life, should have proper rest. Resources spent during the day require restoration.

A woman should leave all disturbing thoughts outside the bedroom and give her body time to rest. For this it is recommended:

  • drive away negativity;
  • calm down to normalize the heart rhythm;
  • breathe calmly;
  • remember pleasant moments.

The listed exercises will help overcome insomnia, which leads to such conditions harmful to women:

  • constant fatigue, which has become chronic;
  • lack of cheerfulness;
  • depressive state.

For those who like to sleep on their stomach and back, pregnancy will be a difficult time. Both of these positions are not recommended by experts because they are unsafe for the unborn baby.

Contraindications for sleeping on your back

During pregnancy, you should not sleep on your back. To explain this prohibition, consider the features of the second trimester. At this time, the body of the expectant mother is characterized by important transformations in the form of:

  • release of progesterones to bone tissue the pelvis became softer and moved apart;
  • due to their loose structure, there is a risk of fractures;
  • the size of the enlarged uterus has changed significantly;
  • the growing fetus puts pressure on neighboring organs.

If a woman stands or sits, she does not feel as much discomfort. But lying on her back, the pregnant woman’s spine experiences pressure. As the belly grows larger, this pressure will also increase.

If you sleep on your back, the vena cava may be compressed, abruptly stopping the normal flow of blood. Such disturbances can even lead to fainting. A sleeping woman is at great risk, especially if she has varicose veins veins or is prone to the formation of blood clots and swelling.

There may also be a number of unpleasant situations:

  • squeezed bladder, causing urinary incontinence;
  • the appearance of heartburn and nausea is typical;
  • troubles in the form lumbar pain, pulling sensations in the lower back, which is especially dangerous with kyphotic or lordotic curvature of the spine.

Poses for early pregnancy

How to sleep during pregnancy in the first trimester? This period allows sleeping on your back and stomach, if not discomfort. This is a short time of free choice of position during sleep. The growing fetus will begin to dictate its terms, and during the second trimester the expectant mother will have to fulfill its requirements.

During the period of the first - third month of carrying the fetus, there is no danger for it from the mother's turns and turns during sleep. He is now under reliable protection amniotic sac. There is no need to control your posture while sleeping.

Features of sleep in the second trimester

In a situation where the belly grows along with the baby, it is time for a woman to move to the optimal sleeping position - lying on her side. For convenience, the use of special pillows is practiced. Instead, you can use small pillows or roll up blankets.

Convenient lateral position provides rest for internal organs and spine. Not a threat to squeezing the vena cava. According to the recommendations of gynecologists, it is better to prepare to sleep on your side from the earliest stages of pregnancy. To do this, before going to bed, you need to lie on your left side, ensuring that your right knee is in a sliding position. Further recommended the following actions:

  • for the right knee, use a small pad;
  • in area lumbar region position the roller;
  • To prevent your stomach from turning without your will, secure it with a small pillow.

Using an orthopedic mattress will help the body take a comfortable position.

Sleeping positions starting in the second trimester of pregnancy

Those who claim that you can sleep on your stomach during pregnancy mean early dates when the fetus is still too small. In the future, such a position is unacceptable. After all, there is pressure on the baby.

It is best to sleep on your side during pregnancy. This is convenient for both mother and baby. The organs of a pregnant woman are resting, and the baby is also comfortable.

Which side to sleep on during pregnancy? By choosing the left side, mom will ensure normal blood circulation. In a dream, you can change sides, turning over onto right side.

Features of body position when resting in the third trimester

How to sleep during pregnancy, when the fetus has already grown significantly? It already occupies the entire space of the uterus and moves actively, preventing the mother from resting.

Late dates pregnancy is the time when you need to purchase a special pillow made of bolsters. Later it will be needed to feed the baby. In the meantime, mom will comfortably sit between the bolsters, fixing her stomach and back, placing her legs comfortably.

Non-standard situations

It is important to note that recommendations regarding position depend on the nature of the fetal presentation. An ultrasound is performed to determine the placement of the fetus. If a transverse or pelvic rather than longitudinal presentation is diagnosed, doctors will recommend the following sleeping positions:

  • With a pelvic position of the fetus, sleeping on the back is out of the question;
  • If a right presentation is observed, the pregnant woman should choose the right side to sleep;
  • Accordingly, left presentation requires the choice of the left side.

Rollers and pillows will become reliable companions in the world of comfort. When choosing a resting position, a woman should be guided by the location of the baby’s head in her womb.

The importance of choosing the right sleeping position

For the formation of the fetus, it is very important for the expectant mother to monitor the position of her body so that oxygen and nutrients reach the fetus in full. After all, these are the main sources for the development of a full-fledged child.

If a woman's vena cava is compressed during sleep, the following may occur:

  • oxygen starvation leading to placental abruption;
  • movement of the uterus, in which the child signals a lack of nutrition;
  • severe decrease in immunity due to malnutrition;
  • deterioration of the pregnant woman's condition.

The problems listed above are too serious to be taken lightly when choosing a sleeping position.

The best option

Medical experts consider the lateral position to be the most optimal sleeping position. It is equally comfortable for both the expectant mother and the fetus. For determining comfortable position do the following:

  • you need to lie on your left side;
  • bend your left elbow so that you can lie comfortably;
  • For right hand choose a position along the body;
  • bend your legs slightly.

If you are comfortable in the proposed position, this the best option for a safe holiday.

The hardness of the bed is important. Late pregnancy requires an elastic mattress to support the body horizontally. The use of feather beds and nets, and mattresses with lumps is not recommended. Give preference to a latex or spring block. Consider not only the convenience of rest, but also the ability to easily get out of such a bed.

Let's sum it up

A pregnant woman's sleep should be complete. It is important not only for the expectant mother, but also for her baby. In sleep, the body's systems are cleansed, the body rests, and thoughts come into order.

Before going to bed, the expectant mother should tune in to pleasant emotions and think about good things. Then psychological interference is not dangerous for relaxation. It is very important to choose correct position bodies in bed.

During pregnancy, sleeping on your stomach and back is not recommended. This can be done only in the first trimester, gradually restructuring the body to the need for a lateral position.

The choice of body position determines the full development of the fetus, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to it.

Expectant mothers often wonder: how to sleep properly during pregnancy? Indeed, upcoming motherhood makes its own adjustments to physiology female body: varies hormonal background, the growing uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs, mood fluctuates, depression and increased anxiety. All this can negatively affect the quality and duration of a woman’s sleep, while a good night’s rest is one of basic conditions carrying a strong baby and maintaining the health of the mother.

Each of us has a favorite position that we involuntarily take when going to bed. But are all sleeping positions during pregnancy safe? Let's consider possible influence each of them in trimesters.

First trimester

If the pregnancy is progressing normally and there are no special medical recommendations, then in the first 12 weeks you don’t have to give up your usual resting positions. The position on the stomach is also not prohibited. The fetus is still too small and is sufficiently protected from compression by the bones of the pelvis and pubic symphysis. The only inconvenience that forces many women to give up their favorite position on their stomach is painful sensations in the chest, which swells and becomes extremely sensitive already at early stage pregnancy.

Second trimester

The question of how to sleep better for pregnant women is relevant at this stage. After the 12th week, intensive growth of the fetus is noted, and from about the 18th week the uterus extends beyond the pubic and pelvic bones. Despite the shock-absorbing function amniotic fluid and fat layer abdominal wall mother, the prone position may cause unwanted pressure on the fetus.

The optimal resting position during pregnancy is considered to be on the left side. In this position, the enlarging uterus does not put pressure on the liver, and the pressure on the kidneys and bladder is also minimal. However, it is difficult to remain in one position all night, so it is permissible to roll over from one side to the other.

Third trimester

The last three months of pregnancy are accompanied by increased growth fetus, in this regard, staying on the stomach becomes not only dangerous, but also impossible. It will be more difficult for those who are used to sleeping on their back. In this position, the uterus, which already has significant weight, puts pressure on the spine and intestines, and also compresses the inferior vena cava. Due to this, the flow of blood from the lower body to the heart is disrupted. As a result, a woman may note:

  • restless behavior of the child in the womb;
  • symptoms of hypotension (dizziness, weakness, spots before the eyes);
  • pain and stiffness in the lower back and lower spine;
  • indigestion (feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, nausea, heartburn, problems with stool);
  • signs of varicose veins lower limbs(feeling of discomfort, pastiness, swelling);
  • development of hemorrhoids.

Venous congestion in the mother’s body is no less dangerous for the fetus, which does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. Trophic disturbances and hypoxia can lead to serious, and sometimes even irreversible consequences. It is for these reasons that it is important to choose the right sleeping positions during pregnancy.

A person changes body position during sleep, and it is impossible to control this. At the same time, there are some tricks that do not allow a sleeping woman to roll over onto her back: someone, lying on her left side, places some object behind herself that prevents her from turning onto her back, someone sews bottom part pajama jacket tennis ball.

The correct sleeping position in the third trimester is on the left side. In this case, the right knee can be pulled up to the stomach by placing a pillow under it, and the left leg can be extended. In this position, the load on the pelvis is minimal, and the woman has the opportunity to fully relax. From time to time you can turn to the right, but it is better to fall asleep on your left side. On final stage Pregnancy, the child is able to send signals to the mother about his unwellness with jerks, which helps the woman to orient herself in time and change her position.

Sleeping positions during complicated pregnancy

In some cases, the question arises in what positions you can sleep during pregnancy, if it is accompanied by any abnormalities. The main ones are: atypical placement of the child in the uterus and significant dysfunction of the maternal body.

If a woman during pregnancy is bothered by painful heartburn, breathing problems, or complications from of cardio-vascular system, then it is advisable to ensure an elevated position of the upper body. To do this, if possible, you need to raise the top edge of the bed or place a large pillow under your back. If your legs are swollen, it is advisable for them to be on a slight elevation. Lying on your left side with your right knee pulled up to your stomach also helps prevent swelling of the lower extremities.

Place to sleep and special bedding for pregnant women

While paying attention to the best position for a pregnant woman to sleep in, do not forget about the resting place itself. The bed should be spacious enough so that a woman can easily take various poses. The mattress should have a smooth surface and not be too hard. When choosing a special orthopedic (or anatomical) mattress for a pregnant woman, you should give preference to models without springs or with independent springs. They provide uniform distribution weight of a woman and effectively relieve the load on the spine. Properties such as hypoallergenicity, ventilation, and strength are also important.

There are also special pillows for pregnant women, with the help of which it is easier for a woman to take a comfortable position while lying down. Products have different sizes, configurations and composition. Information on how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women, which models and fillings to prefer, can be obtained from sales consultants.

How to get good sleep during pregnancy

The problem with falling asleep is caused not only physical changes, occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, but also many other factors that can and should be corrected. In this regard, it is necessary:

  • Establish a daily routine: go to bed and wake up at the same time, in the afternoon, exclude activities that cause physical and mental fatigue, serious negotiations, watching disturbing films and TV shows. Don't forget about regular walks fresh air and gymnastics for pregnant women.
  • Eliminate foods that increase anxiety from your diet nervous system or complicating digestion (coffee, strong tea, energy drinks, abundant fatty and spicy food). The last meal and drinks should be no later than 1.5 hours before rest.
  • Take care of the microclimate of the room (cleanliness, optimal air humidity, ventilation).
  • Don't resort to sleeping pills– such prescriptions are made by the doctor in exceptional cases. Noticeable sedative effect have warm baths with aromatic oils, a glass of milk with honey, a decoction of mint and lemon balm.
  • If the cause of insomnia is fear of upcoming birth, a constructive step would be to attend prenatal training courses. Specialists will step-by-step discuss situations that cause concern with the expectant mother. Having specific ideas about the subject and a clear plan of action in certain circumstances will help overcome fear and gain confidence.


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