Recipe for inhalation with calendula nebulizer. Nebulizer treatment

Nowadays, to treat coughs, nebulizers are often used, into which special solutions for inhalation are poured.

These devices are absolutely safe, since the fog they produce is not hot at all,

In addition, they are able to break up drops medicinal substance into tiny particles that easily penetrate into any part of the respiratory tract.

Thanks to this, nebulizers can be used for any respiratory disease, the main thing is to choose the right medicine.

Types of drugs for inhalation: classification

At various diseases patients may be prescribed different medications pharmacological groups, but mixing them with each other is not recommended.

So that the medications prescribed by the doctor are produced maximum effect, you need to know what to put in the nebulizer first, second, etc.

Medicines must be administered in the following sequence, and Between procedures it is necessary to maintain a break of at least 15 minutes.

Bronchodilators Medicines in this group are used to dilate the bronchi when they are obstructed (narrowed), which is typical for bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, laryngitis, etc. They are taken only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly observing the accuracy of dosing. These include:

  1. Atrovent
  2. Salgim
  3. Berodual
  4. Ventolin
  5. Salbutamol
  6. Berotek
Mucolytics They help thin mucus and facilitate its passage.
These are drugs such as:
  1. Ambroxol,
  2. Flavamed,
  3. Fluimucil,
  4. Bronchipret,
  5. Ambrobene,
  6. Lazolvan,
  7. Ambrohexal
Anti-inflammatory and hormonal agents, antibiotics and antiseptics
  1. Pulmicort
  2. Nasonex
  3. Dekasan
  4. Rotokan
  5. Eucalyptus tincture
  6. Chlorhexidine
  7. Furacilin
  8. Tonsilgon N

Corticosteroids have pronounced properties that quickly stop all manifestations of the inflammatory process.

Therefore, they are often prescribed for adenoids, sinusitis and some other ailments.

Antiseptics and antibiotics that directly affect pathogenic microflora are among the last to be introduced, when all obstacles to their penetration to their destination have been eliminated. Antihistamines (Cromohexal, etc.). They block the binding of histamine (the main mediator of allergies) to the corresponding receptors. Thanks to them, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and other symptoms are eliminated allergic reaction. But they are rarely prescribed for coughs (the indication for this is bronchial asthma of allergic origin). Immunomodulators (Derinat, Interferon). These funds. They increase the body's resistance, so they are advised to be taken from the first days of the development of ARVI. Each drug has its own characteristics in how to prepare a solution for inhalation, which determines its dosage. Source: website But almost all of them are taken three times a day, taking 3-4 ml of the product diluted with saline solution per procedure. But before using any of them, you should consult a doctor.

Cough solutions for adults

Any cough can be used inhalation solutions from those listed above. But the choice of what to breathe over depends on the type of disease you have.

Therefore, before starting inhalation therapy, you should consult a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to start taking antibiotics and corticosteroids (glucocorticoids) without permission.

Cough inhalation solutions for children

When treating children, it is necessary to be especially careful about what medications and solutions can be used.

After all, some of them are intended only for children over 6 or even 12 years old, while others can be given to newborns.

Therefore, for children under two years of age, all medications should be prescribed only by a pediatrician.

So, of the bronchodilators that are prescribed for dry nephritis productive cough, typical for whooping cough, laryngeal stenosis and some other pathologies from the neonatal period, Atrovent or Ventolin can be used.

From the age of 4 years, the use of Salbutamol and Berotek is already allowed, while Berodual is taken from the age of 6 years.

Among the mucolytics indicated for wet cough, from birth, medications based on ambroxol can be used, for example, Ambrobene, Flavamed. Bronchipret is prescribed from 3 months. From 2 years old allowed application of ACC and Fluimucil.

Anti-inflammatory drugs should be administered to a child with caution, especially during plant based, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

If a severe inflammatory process nevertheless occurs, the pediatrician may prescribe the corticosteroid Pulmicort, which is allowed from 6 months.


It is impossible to say unequivocally which solution is better for coughing. The only one that is suitable for absolutely everyone and at the same time is highly safe is saline solution.

It is needed primarily to eliminate irritation and sore throat, as it effectively moisturizes the mucous membranes.

Nebulizer solutions for bronchitis

For bronchitis, only if it is not accompanied by airway obstruction, you can use the following mucolytics:

Pertussin. This herbal preparation, which contains extracts of thyme and thyme. For children under 12 years of age it should be diluted in a ratio of 1:2, for older patients - 1:1. Lazolvan (Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Ambrohexal). Active ingredient is ambroxol hydrochloride. For adults, take a pure solution, for children it is diluted 2:2.

Mineral water "Borjomi" or "Narzan". They help eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane and its swelling. But for a compression inhaler, mineral water must be removed from the gas. Chlorophyllite. The main component is eucalyptus extract, which exhibits pronounced antiseptic properties. For each milliliter of medication, take 10 ml of saline solution. ACC (Fluimucil). The main substance is mucolytic acetylcysteine. For children from 2 to 6 years old, 1-2 ml of medicine is poured, for 6-12 years old - 2 ml, for the rest - 3 ml. Pulmicort. A drug based on budesonide is indicated for serious inflammatory processes. It is diluted 1:2. If you have obstructive bronchitis, be sure to do inhalations with bronchodilators, which can be Berodual and others, before administering any other pharmaceuticals.

How to breathe through a nebulizer when you have a runny nose?

Sinupret solution is an excellent remedy for a runny nose, including those caused by any type of sinusitis. This homeopathic remedy is distinguished by its rich composition and contributes to:

  • restoration of natural mechanisms of protection of the mucous membrane;
  • elimination of edema;
  • improving the outflow of mucus from the paranasal sinuses.

For the procedure, Sinupret should first be diluted with saline solution in the following proportions:

  • for children from 2 to 6 years old – 1:3;
  • for children from 6 to 16 years old – 1:2;
  • for teenagers and adults – 1:1.

Helps get rid of nasal congestion vasoconstrictor Naphthyzin 0.05%. Take 5 ml of saline solution per milliliter of pharmaceutical preparation.

To combat rhinitis you can use eucalyptus oil(14 drops added to 200 g saline solution).

Doctors often recommend supplementing therapy with antiviral agents, for example, Derinat or regular interferon, which can be used for inhalation even for infants. Derinat is poured into the nebulizer chamber in pure form, and powdered interferon is diluted with the solvent supplied with it.

For sinusitis

At inflammatory process V maxillary sinuses The above remedies for the common cold can be used, but the therapy will necessarily be supplemented by taking antibiotics, corticosteroids or other drugs prescribed by the otolaryngologist.

For pharyngitis

For an inflammatory process in the throat, you can treat:

Tonzilgon N. This homeopathic medicine, and the only one that can be used from the throat in children under one year old. The dosage required for infants is achieved by dissolving 1 ml of Tonsilgon N in 3 ml of saline; for children from 1 to 7 years old it is enough to take 2 ml of solvent, and for older patients - 1 ml. Malavit. He is not one of the medicines and is biologically active additive. It includes plant extracts and minerals. For a sore throat, it is recommended to combine Malavit with saline solution in a ratio of 1:30. Eucalyptus tincture. 10–15 drops are injected into 200 ml of saline solution. For one procedure, use 3 ml of the mixture. But it cannot be used when bronchial asthma and bronchospasm. Rotokan. Its components are alcohol tinctures of chamomile, calendula, and yarrow extracts. To prepare the inhalation mixture, dilute 1 ml of Rotocan in 40 ml of saline solution. Alcohol tincture calendula extract. The calendula solution should be prepared in the same way as Rotocan.

For laryngitis

If the inflammation affects not only the throat, but also the larynx, you should use the same medications, as with pharyngitis. You can also use Fluimucil, especially if the cough is already starting to turn into wet.

For sore throat

Sore throat caused by bacteria must be treated with antiseptics and, in severe cases, antibiotics. The first ones to choose are:

  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Miramistin;
  • Dioxidine (dissolved in a ratio of 1:4);
  • Furacilin (not diluted);
  • Tonsilgon N.

Antibiotics are used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor.

Inhalation with saline solution: indications

Physiological or isotonic sodium chloride solution 0.9% is ideal for human body. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself (take a level teaspoon of salt per liter of water). Saline solution for inhalation is used for the following purposes:

  • moisturizing the mucous membranes, which helps eliminate irritation in the throat;
  • diluting viscous sputum and facilitating its removal;
  • providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

The solution does all this sea ​​salt or regular cooking essential for:

  • laryngitis, tracheitis;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis;
  • rhinopharyngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma, etc.

For one manipulation, pour 1 ml for an infant, 2 ml for a baby up to 4 years old, 3 ml for a child from 4 to 7 years old, and 4 ml for an adult. The amount of liquid poured into the chamber of the device determines how many minutes the child needs to breathe. Therefore, a couple of minutes is enough for infants, and preschoolers and schoolchildren will need from 4 to 10 minutes.

Soda solution for inhalation with a nebulizer: from what?

Baking soda is a natural mucolytic and antiseptic. It is used for:

  • chronic bronchitis;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • otitis media;
  • laryngitis, tonsillitis, sore throat.

When to use alkaline solutions for inhalation, the viscous secretion liquefies, hydration occurs and the pH of the mucous membrane changes. And, as you know, favorable for the majority pathogenic microorganisms is an acidic environment, therefore, when alkalized, they lose the ability to grow and reproduce normally.

Thus, baking soda or calcium bicarbonate is useful for both dry and productive coughs. And since this product has natural origin and is not an allergen, it can be used for children of any age.

The nebulizer chamber can be filled with ready-made drug soda buffer or made yourself, especially since there are no difficulties in how to prepare it.

To do this, add a teaspoon of baking soda to a liter of saline solution, but to carry out the procedure you only need 4 ml of the prepared liquid, which disappears in an average of 10–15 minutes. For babies, the proportions are the same, but a smaller volume of formula is used, according to the child’s age.

For sinusitis, rhinitis or sore throat in ready solution add 1-2 drops of iodine. The duration of the manipulation in this case should be 5–8 minutes.


Inhalation therapy sessions with any medication cannot be performed if:

  • elevated body temperature (more than 38°C);
  • pathologies of blood vessels, in which their excessive fragility is noted;
  • pulmonary hemorrhages;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system, in particular, having previously suffered a heart attack;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • history of stroke.

Thus, there are many medications available for inhalation treatment. In each situation, you can choose the optimal medicine, but it is better to consult a doctor who can diagnose correct diagnosis and, accordingly, competently develop a treatment regimen. It is especially important not to neglect a visit to a specialist if health problems arise in children!

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Treatment of various colds is more effective if inhalations are used. The solution for inhalation may contain: medical supplies, and different tinctures medicinal herbs.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

If you are using an inhalation solution that contains medications, then inhalation must be carried out through a nebulizer.

To obtain an anti-inflammatory effect, a 4% solution of gentamicin is used. Inhalation solution containing this drug, effectively used if available chronic bronchitis. To carry out such inhalation, you need to use one ampoule of Gentamicin, which is dissolved in 3 ml of saline solution.

The use of "Dioxidin" in solution allows you to fight diseases such as tracheitis, diseases of the pharynx, and lungs. In order to make a solution for inhalation for bronchitis, you must follow the instructions for diluting it.

If the patient has signs respiratory diseases Perhaps take "Rotokan", which is an extract of medicinal herbs. It contains yarrow, chamomile, and calendula. To prepare, you need to take a teaspoon of the drug and dilute it in 100 ml of saline solution. For one session, take up to 5 ml of the resulting solution and perform inhalations 3 times a day.

If a person gets sick with ARVI, you can also use an inhalation solution that contains interferon. This drug has a pronounced antiviral effect. For inhalation, one ampoule of powder is diluted with 5 ml of saline solution

Mucus thinners

To obtain an expectorant effect, you need to use Lazolvan, a mucolytic. This solution is already available in finished form and is used in the treatment of pneumonia and bronchitis, when sputum is difficult to separate. Such procedures must be carried out several times a day.

The use of Fluimucil can significantly reduce the viscosity of existing sputum. It should not be used if you have “dry” bronchitis and tracheitis.

To reduce shortness of breath, you can also use Gensalbutamol or Steri-neb salamol. In the presence of acute attacks use 2 ampoules of solution, and for mild forms, half an ampoule is sufficient. These inhalations should be carried out 1 to 4 times a day, depending on the patient’s condition.

Antibacterial agents

If you have bronchitis bacterial origin, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, then it must be used. In order to treat the disease, it is necessary to carry out inhalations using the specified drug twice a day, and to obtain preventive effect Once is enough.

Inhalations using natural preparations

For inhalation you can use natural preparations, and one of them is honey. To do this, one spoon of honey is diluted in 100 ml of water and aerosol inhalation is carried out with this solution.

Has immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects. To carry out inhalation, you need to dilute 1 drop of an aqueous solution of propolis with furatsilin or saline solution in a volume of 5 ml.

You can also use onion or garlic juice. They have antimicrobial effect. To carry out inhalation, you need to take 3 ml of the juice of these plants and dilute them in 5 ml of saline solution. Very effective is the use of which has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect.

The solution has an effect much faster and better than using tablets. This happens because the tablets first enter the gastrointestinal tract and only after that they begin their action. The use of inhalation allows you to immediately deliver medications to the sore spot.

Be sure to consult with your doctor about using the following inhalation recipes and how long to take them.

Antiseptic fees

Expressed antiseptic effect(for acute respiratory and colds) infusions of St. John's wort and eucalyptus have:

  1. Eucalyptus leaves 10 g.
    Chamomile flowers 12 g.
  2. Eucalyptus leaves 6 g.
    Calendula flowers 10g.
    St. John's wort herbs 10 g.
    Pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain; 10 ml per inhalation.
  3. Infusion of eucalyptus leaves 10.0:200 ml
    Aqueous solution of honey 3–5% 100 ml
  4. Raspberry leaves 10 g.
    Coltsfoot herbs 10 g.
    Linden flowers 10 g.
    20 g of collection pour 200 ml. boiling water, leave for 1 hour. 10 ml. decoction for inhalation.
  5. Marsh wild rosemary leaves 10 g.
    Oregano herbs 20 g.
    Herbs coltsfoot 20 g.
    20 g of the collection pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. 10 ml. for 1 inhalation.
  6. Decoction of tripartite string 10g: 200 ml water
    Herbal infusion St. John's wort 15g: 200 ml water
    Oregano flower infusion 15g: 200 ml water
    Mix 10 ml for 1 inhalation.

Antiseptic solutions

good antiseptic properties has Kalanchoe juice or aloe juice mixed with a 5–10% solution natural honey.
For the prevention of exacerbations of the infectious-inflammatory process during periods of ARVI epidemics, it is safe, useful and effective means are inhalations of phytoncides - “ natural antibiotics", prepared by nature itself. The most readily available for treatment are phytoncides of onion, garlic, and eucalyptus. Freshly prepared onion or garlic juice, diluted 20-40 times with water - excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of any infection.

  1. Onion and garlic juice
    Contains phytoncides and has an antimicrobial effect.
    For one inhalation, dissolve 3 drops of freshly prepared onion or garlic juice in 5 ml of saline solution or boiled water.
  2. Kalanchoe juice
    Has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.
    For inhalation, prepare a 30% solution - dilute 1 ml of juice in 5 ml of isotonic sodium solution or boiled water.
  3. Natural flower honey
    Natural flower honey contains vitamins, folic acid and pantothenic acid, enzymes and minerals, has an anti-inflammatory effect. For inhalations, prepare a fresh honey solution daily, dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of honey in boiled water(100 ml).
    For an aerosol, use 5 ml of solution.
    Inhalations are carried out 2 times daily.
  4. Furacilin solution
    Furacilin solution has disinfectant properties; inhalation with this solution prevents inflammation from penetrating into deeper parts bronchial tree, help get rid of catarrhal phenomena of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. For inhalation, use a ready-made 0.024% solution of furatsilin, 4-5 ml per inhalation, 2 times a day.
  5. Rotokan
    It is an extract from plants that have anti-inflammatory properties and are traditionally used in herbal medicine - chamomile, calendula and yarrow. Indicated for the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases upper and middle respiratory tract. A solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting 1/2 teaspoon of rotokan in 100 ml of saline sodium chloride. Therapeutic dose: 3-4 ml 2-3 times a day. In cases of obsessive dry cough, such as symptomatic remedy you can use lidocaine inhalation through an inhaler.

Expectorant fees

When coughing with viscous sputum that is difficult to separate, inhalation of the following preparations is recommended:

  1. Coltsfoot leaves 15 g.
    Mullein flowers scepter-shaped 15 g.
    Elder flowers 15 g.
  2. Primrose leaves 20 g.
    Thermopsis herbs 0.6 g.
    Pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain; 10 ml per inhalation.
  3. Large plantain leaves 10g.
    Coltsfoot leaves 10 g.
    Ledum leaves 10 g.
    Pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour; strain; 10 ml per inhalation.
  4. Pine buds 25 g.
    Chamomile flowers 25 g.
    Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain; 10 ml per inhalation.
  5. Licorice 10 g.
    Sage 10 g.
    Chamomile 5 g.
    Tripartite sequence 5 g.
    Eucalyptus leaf 10 g.
    Calendula flowers 10 g.
    Pour 10 g of the mixture into 200 ml. boiling water, brew in a thermos for 2-3 hours. 10 ml. for inhalation, duration 5-7 minutes.

Antifungal fees

Moderate antifungal effect provide following fees medicinal plants:

  1. Lingonberry leaves
    St. John's wort herbs, 15 g each.
    Pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain; 10 ml per inhalation.
  2. Decoction of birch leaves and stems 10:200 ml
    Infusion of bird cherry flowers 15:200 ml.
    Mix; 10 ml per inhalation.

Astringent and anti-inflammatory preparations

Astringent and anti-inflammatory mixtures of medicinal plants contribute to more complete cleansing respiratory tract, elimination unpleasant odor and mucosal regeneration in most chronic diseases.

  1. Oak bark decoction 20:200 ml
    Infusion of sage leaves
    Infusion of St. John's wort herb
    Infusion of calendula flowers
    Chamomile flower infusion
    15:200 ml each
    Mix; 10 ml per inhalation.
  2. Chamomile flowers 20 g.
    Black currant leaves 20 g.
    Sequence herbs 8 g.
    Pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour,
    strain; 10 ml per inhalation.
  3. Infusion of blackberry leaves and stems 20:200 ml
    Infusion of coltsfoot leaves 15:100 ml
    Oak bark decoction 10:100 ml
    Mix; 10 ml per inhalation.
  4. Peppermint herb infusion
    Yarrow herb infusion
    10:200 ml each
    Viburnum bark decoction 15:200 ml
    Mix; 10 ml per inhalation.
  5. Yarrow herbs 10 g.
    Large plantain leaves 10 g.
    Sandy immortelle flowers 10 g.
    Pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain; 10 ml per inhalation.

For atrophic processes in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the following is recommended:

Medicinal herbal remedies:

  1. Eucalyptus leaves 10 g.
    Peppermint leaves 15 g.
    Calendula officinalis flowers 15 g.
    Chamomile flowers 15 g.
    Rhizomes of meadow geranium 15 g.
    20 g of the collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, 10 ml of decoction for 1 inhalation.
  2. Infusion of plantain leaves 5g: 200 ml. water
    Infusion of St. John's wort herb 10 g: 200 ml water
    Infusion of eucalyptus leaves 5g: 200 ml water
    Mix the infusions, use 10 ml of the infusion mixture for 1 inhalation.
Aqueous solutions
  1. Natural grape juice
    Grape juice contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.
  2. Isotonic sodium chloride solution
    An isotonic solution of sodium chloride moisturizes the mucous membrane throughout its entire length from the oropharynx to the small bronchi and reduces catarrhal symptoms. For one procedure, you need to take 5 ml of solution 1-2 times a day.
  3. Water solution propolis
    An aqueous solution of propolis has an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. Dilute 1 drop of solution in 5 ml of physiological solution of sodium chloride (NaCl 0.9%) or furatsilin. Carry out 1-2 inhalations per day.

Oil solutions

In atrophic processes it is advisable to use vegetable oil(preferably olive oil) dilute 1-2 drops of oil in 5 ml. physiological sodium chloride solution (NaCl) 1-2 inhalations per day.

When a child develops a cough, parents almost immediately begin to worry, worry and even panic – their beloved child is sick! Indeed, a cough can become a symptom of a fairly serious disease, but this is not necessary - you need to know how doctors classify and differentiate coughs, whether coughs are treated not only with tablets, but also with inhalation.

Types of cough

In medicine, it is customary to differentiate/classify cough as follows:

Physiological. It is considered an absolute norm, most often occurs in the morning and helps cleanse the bronchi/lungs of accumulated mucus. Signs:

  • the cough is muffled and not paroxysmal;
  • there are no other signs of a cold;
  • occurs mainly in the morning;
  • No wheezing or gurgling can be heard.

Hoarse. It is also called “barking” and is considered a sign of developing laryngitis. The disease is dangerous because it provokes swelling of the larynx - the child begins to choke. Signs:

  • paroxysmal;
  • hoarse sounds are heard when coughing;
  • the child complains of a burning sensation in the throat when coughing.

Dry. The most unpleasant type of cough, which may indicate the development of whooping cough. also develops at the very beginning of bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infection. Signs:

  • paroxysmal;
  • there is a feeling of strain;
  • may continue until vomiting.

Whistling. It is a symptom of obstructive bronchitis and can be combined with a wet cough. Signs:

  • during the process, “gurgling” is felt in the chest;
  • the child complains of a feeling of a “plug” in the throat;
  • the attack is accompanied by a barely audible whistle.

Wet. The most common type of cough, which can mean a common cold, the development of croup, and bronchitis. Signs:

  • During an attack, gurgling sounds are clearly heard;
  • The cough ends with the release of sputum.

When a cough appears, regardless of its type, parents need to visit a doctor and have diagnostic measures child - treatment will depend on identifying the specific cause of the syndrome in question. But in any case, first aid can be provided at home - a cough inhaler for children will relieve an attack, provide relief to the child’s condition and give him a restful sleep.

Solutions for inhalation with a nebulizer

The number of inhalations per day directly depends on the child’s condition - at the very beginning of the disease, when the cough is too frequent and painful, it is recommended to carry out 4-6 procedures, but with relief, 3 inhalations per day will be enough.

A dry cough often bothers you at night, which leads to whims/insomnia and irritation in children, so one inhalation must be carried out immediately before bed.

For wet cough

It is quite effective to carry out inhalations with Borjomi and Narzan - before the procedure you need to degas the water (just open the lid and leave it like that until the gas is completely released), but there is no need to dilute these products with saline solution.

Fluimucil is antibacterial drug(antibiotic) and therefore its use should be agreed with the attending physician.

If there is no nebulizer at home, then you can carry out classic inhalation - the old-fashioned method using a teapot or some kind of wide dishes and towels has not yet been canceled. You can use others too. And the effectiveness of such measures will be no lower than when using professional equipment.

Recipes for classic inhalations that you can do at home

There are some restrictions for classical inhalations. The procedure cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • if the child has hyperthermia ( elevated temperature body);
  • the child’s age is too young;
  • When coughing, purulent sinusitis is associated.

Steam for dry cough

  1. Steam. It is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of the product in a glass hot water– vapors should be inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.
  2. Honey procedure. A tablespoon of honey dissolves in a glass of boiling water; you can add a little propolis to the mixture (grate it on a fine grater in the amount of a quarter teaspoon).
  3. A decoction of sage and chamomile. Prepare a strong decoction - a tablespoon of dry material per glass of water (you can take the mixture or use medicinal plants separately). After inhalation with the same solution (only cooled), you can also gargle.
  4. Potatoes boiled “in their jackets”. Old, good known remedy, but this does not make it any less effective.

Such procedures should not be carried out frequently - 2 times a day is enough. Before using any product, you must exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Moist and wet cough remedy for children

It is believed that when treating a wet cough, you can use absolutely all recipes that are intended to treat a dry cough - the main task of inhalation is to facilitate the release of phlegm from the lungs/bronchial tubes. The steam itself will provide positive influence for the process of liquefying accumulated sputum - 3 procedures a day for 5 days are enough and attacks of wet cough will pass.

Possible complications when treating cough and runny nose with inhalations

A cough may indicate a mild cold, but it may also be a warning sign serious illnesses. You shouldn’t rely on “maybe” and hope that this the syndrome will pass the child on his own. The most common complications of a common cough include:

  • development of bronchitis - there are several types of this disease, each of which develops from an ordinary cough;
  • inflammatory processes in the lungs, their swelling;
  • diseases of the ENT organs - tracheitis, laryngitis, otitis, tonsillitis.

In addition, when prolonged cough bronchospasm and, as a consequence, bronchial asthma may develop.


This video will tell you about recipes and rules for inhalation for coughs in children.

Inhalations carried out in a timely manner and in correct dosages with appropriate medicine will help not only treat the child’s condition, but also prevent the development serious complications. We recommend that you read about an inhaler for children for coughs and runny noses.

Good afternoon, dear readers! You and I often resort to inhalations to treat coughs. If you previously breathed steam over potatoes or inhaled herbal infusions, then today to replace grandma's methods a modern device has arrived - an inhaler.

Not everyone can purchase it for home use, but hospital hospitals have long been equipped with these innovations. If you have this device at home, you can perform inhalations when coughing with a nebulizer: we will look at recipes for children.

The name "" is derived from "nebula", which means "fog". Under the influence of compressed air, the device converts the medicinal liquid into an aerosol. The device easily delivers the drug to the lowest parts of the respiratory tract.

Compared to steam inhalations, treatment with this device has many advantages:

  • eliminates the possibility of burns;
  • the penetration of the medicine is much deeper and can even affect the lungs;
  • accessible even for small children under one year old.

The nebulizer can be carried and used anywhere there is a power connection. How to use a nebulizer if the child is sick, but it is not yet possible to call a doctor?

Preparations for inhalation with a nebulizer

Dear readers, there are many drugs specifically designed for the nebulizer:

  • antiseptics (Gentamicin, Furacilin, Fluimucil);
  • bronchodilators (magnesium sulfate);
  • hormonal (Pulmicort, Berodual);
  • immunomodulatory agents (Interferon, Aminocaproic acid);
  • mucolic agents (Lazolvan, Ambroxol);
  • saline.

These drugs are prescribed most often. However, it is not recommended to use any medications other than saline without a doctor’s recommendation. This can be extremely dangerous for a child.

What medications should not be used at all?

There is a group of drugs that are generally prohibited for use with a nebulizer. Here is their list:

  • drugs that are not capable of providing healing effect on Airways(Diphenhydramine, Papaverine);
  • solutions with essential oils: they only affect the mucous membranes and can cause damage to the nebulizer;
  • infusions of herbs that clog the device with the remains of blades of grass;
  • crushed medicines.

If you use the device correctly and follow the recommendations, you can be treated effectively at home.

Recipes for various diseases

Dear readers, before pouring anything into the device, you should decide on the diagnosis:

  • if the child has, it is necessary to relieve annoying and ineffective urges;
  • if the baby has a wet cough, the medicine should help separate sputum;
  • when it is necessary to relieve swelling and reduce cough syndrome.

They will do a great job with these goals. the following drugs, each in his own field:

  • Sodium chloride solution (0.9% solution). Actively used wet cough. Allowed to be used for children up to one year old. The course of therapy is from two to four times a day for 7 days.
  • Fluimucil, ACC. Recommended for wet cough, if expectoration is difficult. Children over three years old are prescribed one milliliter per inhalation. The medicine is diluted with saline solution in a 1:1 ratio. The course of therapy is one to two inhalations per day for no more than 10 days.
  • Ambrobene, Lazolvan. These products contain ambroxol as active ingredient. They are recommended for use in cases of viscous sputum. Children under 2 years old are offered inhalations with 1 ml of the substance, older ones – no more than 2 ml. For greater effectiveness, the drug is diluted with saline solution in a 1:1 ratio. The course of therapy is no more than 5 days.
  • Dekasan. An excellent antimicrobial agent indicated for sore throat and pharyngitis. It is diluted with saline at a ratio of 1:2 and used one milliliter 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

  • Aminocaproic acid in solution (ACA). Recent studies have shown that this drug has quite a strong antiviral effect. Apply no more than twice a day, pour one or two millimeters.
  • Miramistin. An excellent antiseptic, used even in purulent forms diseases. Inhalations are done three times a day, diluting the medicine with saline 1:2.
  • Berodual. The product relieves spasms well and dilates the bronchi. For children under 6 years of age, 10 drops are dissolved in 3 ml of sodium chloride solution (saline). This is enough for one inhalation. You need to breathe 3 times a day. Only by doctor's prescription! Hormonal drug!
  • Tussamag. For dry cough, children from 1 to 5 years old are diluted with one milliliter of the drug in 3 milliliters of saline solution. Inhalations are carried out at least 3 times a day.

This general review medications that may be useful to you, dear parents, to treat your children. Now let's look at what to do in each specific case.

How to treat?

If the child has dry nonproductive cough, one of the treatment combinations will suit him:

  • Hormonal medications are recommended which act locally, I don’t specifically write the names so that you consult a doctor before use.

For a wet cough, the following is used to thin the sputum:

  • Lazolvan or Ambroxol in ampoules: 2 ml, pour 2 ml of saline solution and inhale 3 times a day;
  • Sinupret: 1 ml dissolved in 2 ml of water and inhaled 3 times a day;
  • Borjomi breathe at least 5 times a day.

When you have a cold, the search for treatment must be approached selectively. It is necessary to assess the patient’s condition and the nature of the cough. It is advisable to make sure that we're talking about not about a bacterial or viral infection, but about a cold. Next, you can proceed from the recommendations given above.

Sometimes treatment with a nebulizer is also required for allergies. In this case, Pulmicort is good. Pulmicort is also hormonal and very effective drug. It acts locally, but requires a doctor's prescription.

A nebulizer is a useful device, but it must be used wisely. Then your baby will recover quickly.

I remind you again! Do not self-medicate. Consult your doctor. You can only breathe sodium chloride or Borjomi solution on your own.

See you again, dear friends!



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