Benefits for disabled people of 3 groups per year. What benefits are provided in the field of education?

New Year brings with it many changes for all citizens of Russia. Innovations in 2016 include the abolition of some taxes, the approval of various programs for the population, and the introduction of new benefits. So, for example, they will put benefits for disabled people of group 3 in 2016 . Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Benefits for disabled people of group 3 in 2016

In Russia, it is customary to distinguish three groups of disabilities. Certain benefits are provided for people of each category. So, what will they be like? benefits for disabled people of 3 groups:

  • The state compensates 50% of the cost of travel on any type of transport (train, plane, ship, etc.) if the trip was made in winter period(from October 1 to May 15). In summer, the state can reimburse the cost of one trip (including return tickets).
  • A 50% discount is provided on the purchase of medicines and other medicines for those disabled people who are listed as unemployed.
  • Possibility of acquisition orthopedic shoes with a 50% discount or completely free.

In 2016, group 3 disabled people can count on pension increase. This includes all types of pension accruals: labor, social and state. Persons with disabilities can rely on a social pension, provided they are citizens of the Russian Federation. The experience acquired over the years of work is not taken into account here. It is expected that the total amount of benefits for disabled people of group 3 will increase by approximately 12%.

In accrual labor pension disabled people have their own nuances. A citizen has the right to receive such a pension if he loses his income due to receiving a degree of disability. The amount of payments in this case will depend on specific reasons. These include injuries sustained at work, the results of occupational diseases, etc.

Size state pension also depends on specific situations. Persons who have become victims of disasters will receive 125% of social charges; WWII veterans - 150%; survivors of the siege of Leningrad - 100%; civil servants who earned disability during military service— 175%; astronauts - half of their previously received wages.

The recalculation of benefits for disabled people by this year will be about 5-6%. The state program called « Accessible environment» , designed specifically for people with disabilities. It provides for the installation of special elevators and ramps for citizens moving in wheelchair. Subtitles should be provided for the hearing impaired on all television programs. Employers who hire employees with disabilities will receive government tax benefits.

Regulatory acts Russian Federation a number of social guarantees and benefits are provided for citizens with disabled status. The degree of disability (disability group) is established medically - social expertise and is confirmed by an inspection report. It is the established disability group that determines the list of benefits provided by the state in 2016.

Benefits for disabled people of group 3 in 2016

Disabled people of the third group belong to the able-bodied category of the population and can take advantage of preferences in the field of labor: income tax benefits, paid thirty-day vacation and sixty days at their own expense, no need to work on weekends, holidays And night shift. If such a citizen decides to engage individual activities, then he is given the right to register free of charge. Also, for individual entrepreneurs with disabilities, contributions to insurance organizations And Pension Fund.

In the Russian Federation, disabled people are provided with benefits and preferences at budget expense. The rights of disabled people of group 3 are set out in Federal law No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”. They are not as wide as those of disabled people 1 and . However, people with disabilities physical capabilities it is necessary to know them and enjoy the support of the state.

Let's see what innovations in this matter appeared in 2019.

Who is assigned disability group 3?

Conducting ITU

Package of documents for appointment of examination

  • housing construction;
  • personal farming;
  • gardening.
The right to a benefit is taken into account when a citizen applies to the authorities for land plot. If a disabled person of the 3rd group lives in a house of state, municipal or public property (according to social hiring), he is retained living space for six months if he is placed in a hospital facility.

Tax benefits

They are provided as follows:

  • to all disabled people of the 3rd group:
    • tax deduction in the amount of 500 rubles. (the amount of monthly income is reduced when calculating taxes);
    • exempt from paying insurance premiums (from salary);
    • They do not pay transport tax on specialized cars (up to 100 hp);
  • disabled children:
    • are completely exempt from paying tax for individuals;
    • do not pay a registration fee when registering a business.
To receive these preferences, you need to submit documents to the tax authority.

Privileges in medical care

For disabled people of the 3rd group, the state provides conditions for physical rehabilitation.

For this purpose they are provided with:

  • 50% discount on the purchase of medicines (only for people with unemployed status);
  • sanatorium-resort rehabilitation according to an individual program;
  • travel once a year to the location of the dispensary or sanatorium;
  • free provision of prostheses and other technical means of rehabilitation.
For these preferences, you should contact your doctor. The doctor will issue an appropriate referral or prescription.

In the document, the doctor will indicate where to go next:

If the disability was caused by post-vaccination complications, the citizen is required to pay a monthly compensation of 1000 rubles.

Preferences in the field of education

People with group 3 disabilities are accepted into secondary special education educational establishments on preferential terms. There is only one condition: successfully pass entrance exams. When submitting an application to the competition commission, you must present a preferential certificate (indicate its number).

Employer preferences

Nevertheless, the employer is obliged to create certain conditions for the holders of this category.

  1. Thus, they are prohibited from providing working conditions that are worse than other workers.
  2. People with disabilities have the right to longer:
    • paid vacation (at least 30 days);
    • unpaid days of rest (up to 60 days per year).
  3. The employer is obliged to obtain the written consent of a disabled person to involve him in work:
    • beyond normal working hours;
    • at night;
    • on weekends and holidays.
If according to medical indications A disabled person of the 3rd group cannot work a full week; the administration is obliged to provide him with a shorter one. Payment in this case is calculated in proportion to the time worked.

Procedure for applying for benefits

In order to receive discounts and preferences, you will need to collect documents and contact the relevant department. Namely:

  • local branch social protection population (housing and communal services, tickets, etc.);
  • representative office of the Pension Fund;
  • Social Insurance Fund (vouchers);
  • tax authority.

Each organization must prove its right to preferences. This is done by providing documents. Any of the above organizations will require the following:

  • Copies:
    • passports (birth certificates for minors);
    • SNILS;
    • pension document;
    • work book(certified by a notary or the administration of the enterprise);
    • certificates of disability designation;
    • document on the ownership of housing (for housing and communal services) or a vehicle;
  • originals:
    • bank statement confirming account opening;
    • certificate of family composition;
    • income data (2-personal income tax or 3-personal income tax).

An application for benefits is considered in as soon as possible. The results are reported to the address indicated on the paper.

Important: Group 3 disability is assigned for only a year. The certificate indicates the period for re-examination. It must be initiated one month before the end of the specified period of disability. preferential category set to more a long period. The timing of re-examination should also be found in the relevant certificate.

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Changes in 2019

At the end of September 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to develop and implement a pilot project for long-term care for disabled and elderly citizens. It is still unknown whether group 3 disabled people will be included in their number.

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Benefits for disabled people of group 3 during employment

February 21, 2017, 23:20 March 3, 2019 13:50

Benefits for pensioners with disabilities of group 3 are guaranteed by Russian legislation. What these benefits are and their size you will learn from this article.

Disability is a human condition that requires certain physical limitations. According to the law, people with disabilities can count on certain benefits and pension payments.

What benefits and monetary compensation can people with disabilities of group 3 receive in 2019?

Assignment of 3rd disability group

Group 3 disability is characterized by the presence of persistent health problems that deprive a person of the opportunity to work and communicate normally.

People with group 3 are characterized by minor speech, mental, sensory disturbances, as well as problems in the circulatory system or physical defects.

A person in such a state especially needs social assistance and support that the state guarantees to him.

There are several criteria and parameters that are regulated by order of the Ministry of Labor.

With their help, you can determine whether a disabled person belongs to this group:

  1. Need in special means to provide orientation in space.
  2. Performing work of less volume and of a lower category than healthy people(in the same specialties).
  3. Necessity aids for work and study. For example, in educational institutions An individual regime of work with disabled people of group 3 is being developed.
  4. Ability to move independently over short distances.
  5. The ability to self-care (without the help of others) with the presence of special aids.

Procedure for receiving payments

The first step is to obtain a certificate confirming your disability. A citizen can be recognized as disabled only after examination by a medical and social commission.

To do this, he needs to come to see a doctor and begin the examination procedure.

During the entire examination period you must have with you the following documents:

  1. statement;
  2. referral for examination;
  3. a copy of the work book, if available (certified);
  4. act confirming the presence industrial injuries or diseases acquired as a result of professional activities;
  5. character reference from the boss;
  6. income certificate (from place of work);
  7. outpatient card, documents (certificates, extracts) from the hospital;
  8. passport.

After the examination, the person receives a certificate of disability.

To receive a pension and also enjoy benefits, you need to visit the Pension Fund. In this case, you must take with you your passport, ID card for a disabled person, as well as SNILS.

Payments and benefits

Social assistance measures for these vulnerable segments of the population are regulated by Russian law. All disabled people of any group can qualify for social benefits.

The calculation of the labor pension is carried out taking into account the length of service. The state has established a fixed amount for disabled people of group 3 in 2019 - 2667.10 rubles. per month.

If a disabled person has dependents (persons who are supported financially or financially), compensation may be increased:

  • one dependent - up to 4445.16 rubles;
  • two dependents - up to 6223.22 rubles;
  • three dependents - up to RUB 8,001,286.

Also, every disabled person can count on monthly cash payments (or EDV).

It is paid if the disabled person refuses a set of additional services. In 2019, its size is 2162.67 rubles. every month.

Basic benefits

Group 3 disabled people receive not only cash benefits, but also benefits that significantly simplify the life of a person with disabilities.

  1. Housing. Housing and communal services payments are reduced by half. In addition, a disabled person can count on improved living conditions, which is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.
  2. Transport. In the city public transport disabled people ride for free (but not in taxis). They are also entitled to preferential travel on Russian Railways: a 50% round-trip discount or a free ticket once for two years.
  3. Tax. The tax amount is reduced, but this decision is made through going to court. It can significantly reduce payments or provide a disabled person with an installment plan to pay taxes.
  4. Medical. Opportunity to buy medications prescribed by a doctor at a 50% discount. There is also a discount on the purchase of orthopedic shoes (60%).
  5. Social. Preferential Spa treatment(50% discount). Enrollment of students in higher education institutions on a preferential basis (without passing entrance tests if there are budget places for people with disabilities).

Fringe benefits

Disabled people who carry out labor activity, leave may be granted for up to two months (60 days).

It is issued if an employee is sent for treatment to a sanatorium or goes to a hospital for a routine examination.

Also, disabled people of group 3, like people without health problems, have the right to work on weekends and holidays.

In addition, disabled people may request recalculation of their pension in accordance with the legislation of the country.

If a disabled person has an income below the state-defined subsistence level, he has the right to services provided at home.

These include assistance in purchasing food and medicine, keeping the house clean, medical care and consultation with a lawyer.

Paid assistance can also be arranged. social worker, if there is such a need.

Persons having limited opportunities from childhood (childhood disabled people) can claim additional benefits.

They do not have to pay for registration when opening a business, and they are also exempt from paying a fee when receiving a housing warrant.

In addition to all the above-mentioned benefits and allowances, war invalids are provided with a permanent 50% discount on railway tickets.

Video: Benefits for disabled people: practice of non-compliance with the law in the Russian Federation.

Registration of any disability group is a rather complicated procedure. Since the citizen will need to prove the grounds for assigning such status.

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Even though the third group is the simplest and provides minimal benefits and allowances, you need to know how to get 3 disability groups in 2019.

After all, this process has a number of difficulties that can only be overcome with certain knowledge in this area.

Main aspects

Obtaining a disability group is carried out in accordance with the legally established procedure.

And the citizen will need to go through all stages of this procedure in order to obtain this status.

It should be understood that you cannot always count on an unambiguous decision on granting a disability group.

Even if the applicant’s attending physician is confident in the possibility of obtaining disability, it is not a fact that medical commission will have the same opinion.

What it is

A disability group is a status that can only be obtained by a person who has a number of disabilities.

They can touch like physical condition health and mental. Based on the degree of impairment, a diagnosis is made and a disability group is assigned.

It is necessary to understand that you need to prepare not for receiving a specific disability group, but for establishing such a status in general. Since a citizen cannot know exactly which group will be assigned to him.

The disability itself involves individual violations in human health that prevent him from exercising various kinds actions.

It is on this basis that the state provides a person with the opportunity to receive additional funds.

After all, even with the third group of disabilities there is not always a chance to get a job Good work and develop professionally. At the same time, a number of professions can be included in prohibited list for a person.

Disabled status provides options for both financial and social support citizens. And this allows them to get an additional incentive to develop and find work.

What is permitted by law for the third disability group and is a simpler case.

List of diseases

To obtain a disability group, a citizen must undergo a number of procedures.

But during the examination, doctors will rely on a number of diseases that classify the patient into one of three groups.

Amount of payments (how much they pay)

For all citizens who have chosen to receive a social pension benefit, the payment amount will be the same.

Because the state does not divide such people into different groups. At the same time, the citizen is given the opportunity to choose a payment - social or insurance.

For some, the second option will be unprofitable due to the small length of service. And they can receive social benefits.

In 2019 for different groups Disability has its own payment amount. And for citizens with the third disability group, the benefit will be the smallest.

Because they have more opportunities to work than other citizens who apply for similar benefits.

The payment amount for everyone who was assigned to the third group will be equal to 4 thousand 215 rubles.

This amount increases every year - it is charged with the amount established by the government.

Documents to be collected

In order to pass the ITU, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Disease history, additional research, opinions of professors and various medical institutions.
  2. Citizen's passport document - in original and as a copy.
  3. - subject to its availability. They may also be asked to provide and.
  4. - from the place of work and study.

After the commission has been passed, the citizen will be given a conclusion on granting disabled status and a rehabilitation program.

These documents will be needed to apply for benefits. And you should write to the Pension Fund in the prescribed form.

Working or not

The third disability group is the simplest among all that provide disabled status.

In accordance with current legislation, a citizen who has been issued a certificate of such a disability group can carry out labor activities.

However, doctors can establish a list of prohibited professions and the person will have to be provided with easier working conditions.

How to calculate correctly

Retirement benefit calculations should include the basic social payment And .

Because depending on which set the citizen chooses, the benefit will change up and down.

When calculating insurance benefits, you need to take into account length of service and salary.

From here you can find out which minimum pension for disability group 3 - calculated using the standard formula for all pensioners.

What benefits and payments are provided?

In addition to the basic social pension, a disabled person can count on receiving EDV. This is payout and recruitment social services from the state.

Thus, it provides the opportunity to receive:

  • medicines according to a doctor's prescription;
  • trips to health centers;
  • travel to railway transport to the place of treatment and back.

A citizen can choose either these services or monthly payment. It is possible to take not all services, but only some of them.

In what cases is it removed?

It is necessary to understand that the status of a disabled person can be taken away. This happens when a citizen has recovered and has not been re-examined.



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