How to get flu quickly with a temperature. How to quickly get sick with a temperature for real at home: ways

Routine daily work or study leads to a real chronic fatigue. I would like to arrange a small vacation at home, lie down for a few days. Almost every schoolchild or student wants to arrange a mini-vacation. Even experienced adult workaholics get tired of the daily routine and want to spend time watching their favorite TV shows. That is why many are wondering how to get sick very quickly at home.

Desire seemed not the most sensible. But in some cases, a few days spent at home in treatment can save nerves. Thus, you can avoid an important test, reschedule a session, or just spend time with your family. But in this case, the main thing is to follow a number of rules so as not to greatly harm your body.

How can you get sick quickly?

The most common ways to get sick leave for sure are red throat, poisoning, runny nose and heat. All of these signs can be created within the walls of your home with some good acting and some tricks.

For example:

  • With a thermometer, you can easily display the temperature. But the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, too high - will betray deception. If the doctor asks to measure with him, then in a few minutes, you can anoint the armpit with mustard or garlic.
  • For a runny nose, it is enough to cut an onion for a couple of minutes before the doctor's visit.
  • For allergy sufferers, it is enough to create contact with an irritant for the symptoms of a cold.
  • At home, to make the throat red, you can inhale the remedy household chemicals or black pepper.
  • If the doctor decides to measure the pressure, then you can strain the muscles of the legs for 30 seconds. In this case, the indicators will be above the norm, and you will be allowed to go home or a sick leave will be issued.

If you are still interested in how to quickly get sick with a real cold or even pneumonia, then you need to be careful with all methods. Treatment should be started after the first symptoms, call a doctor or complain to parents. Otherwise, you can seriously harm your body.

You can get sick if:

  1. Get very cold;
  2. Cold feet;
  3. Go outside after a shower, bath;
  4. Long contact with patients with influenza, SARS;
  5. Stand under a cold shower;
  6. Swim in the pond during the cold season;
  7. It stays in the reservoir for a long time in the summer;
  8. Drink a liter in one gulp cold water;
  9. After any hot dish, eat ice cream from the freezer;
  10. Walk in the rain
  11. Walk barefoot.

At home, you can not only catch a cold. Very easy to get eating disorder, intestinal inflammation and poisoning with fever.

Here are some ways to get sick quickly and for a long time:

  • You can set fire to a plastic object and breathe burning for a minute. In this case, there will be a red throat, severe poisoning, accompanied by high fever.
  • You can get poisoned by any stale product. The easiest option is expired dairy products. If you have a strong stomach, then you can drink fruits, vegetables or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes with old kefir.
  • Eat an astringent persimmon with milk at the same time. There will be quite severe poisoning and nausea with fever.
  • One of the old folk methods artificial poisoning - drink a glass of potassium permanganate. Of course, it must be diluted with water. You won't be able to leave the house for a couple of days.

How to quickly get sick in the summer

Some people think that it is impossible to get sick in the summer. But this is a delusion. Doctors have long recognized that if the disease overtook in the warm season, then it proceeds worse than in winter. Treatment may take several weeks.

The easiest way to get sick in the summer is to get poisoned. In warm weather, the product tends to disappear quickly, especially if they are not put in the refrigerator or stored in the sun. It is this method that can be used to miss a few days at work, school or college.

One of the common answers to the question of how to quickly get sick with a temperature at home is a long stay under the air conditioner. Due to low vigilance in the summer, one may not notice when the body freezes under the cooling device. If you want to catch a cold on purpose, just sit for half an hour under a device with a low temperature setting.

Swimming in a pond is a great and at the same time exciting way to get sick quickly and for a long time. You need to stay in the water for a long time, and then do not dry yourself with a towel. In this case, you can catch a common cold or something much more serious.

How to quickly get sick at home

If ahead hard days and you decide to find good reason not to visit the office or educational institution the best way is to get sick. Making it at home is very easy and fast. There are several tips.

But if you still really feel a strong malaise, then you should immediately start treatment:

  • At home, you can actively engage in sports or any physical activity. The body should be tired, and the whole body should sweat. To do this, you can do active exercises, push-ups, power training, vacuum the whole apartment, dance rhythmically and so on. Then you should go out for a few minutes to the balcony or to the street.
  • Take a bath of hot water and take a steam bath. After this procedure, as well as in the previous version, you can go out onto the balcony or outside for a few minutes. The body is steamed, the pores are open. Most likely, in a few minutes you can get a long-term cold.
  • One of the cooling procedures at home is to quickly eat ice cream and eat mint gum. After that, the throat may hurt within the first hour.
  • Going to bed, just open the window or slightly open the window. Thus, the draft will provide quick cold within home walls.
  • How to quickly get sick is really of interest to many students. Without leaving your room, it is easy to pick up a virus. Surely there are friends or acquaintances who are in quarantine. You can call the carrier of the virus to your home and spend time together for a couple of hours. The result is instant backlash organism to a stimulus.
  • You can get sick at home by washing your hair. When the hair is not yet dry, you should immediately go out onto the balcony or look out the street window for a few minutes. Cold guaranteed. But the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, with a strong cold, serious brain diseases are possible.
  • If the house has tiles on the floor, but there are no warm floors underneath, then walking barefoot can bring the expected effect. If your feet are cold, then at least a cold awaits you.

How to get pneumonia fast

Inflammation of the lungs is serious illness. It can become a complication after a common cold. Treatment of inflammation may take several months.

At the same time, constant follow-up of the disease by a competent specialist is necessary:

  • You can go out into the yard or onto the balcony in the cold and take quick breaths of air. Then a few deep ones. After 10-15 minutes of such actions Great chance get pneumonia.
  • In the cold season, you can swim in any body of water.
  • You can get pneumonia after severe frostbite. The most sensitive part of the body is the legs. If they freeze for a long time, then pneumonia is guaranteed.
  • At home, you can eat a lot of ice cream or drink a gulp of ice water.

When I hear the phrase “I need to get sick,” I get a little shocked. The desire to get sick remotely resembles the desire to commit suicide. After reading various forums, I understood the following. Schoolchildren who do not want to learn and accept the blows of "school fate" choose the strategy of avoiding failure. Is our school system education drives people to "almost" suicide. I would like to believe that this is not so.

But this article is not about my shock reactions. The purpose of the article is to show ways of how to get sick in 5 minutes for a week. Let's see what can be done.

Eat great amount tips on how to get sick quickly. And they are very efficient. But remember, if you still managed to get sick using the information in our article, then immediately start treatment.

  • Wash your hair and go outside for a walk - most likely a cold, but maybe meningitis, that is, inflammation of the membranes of the brain - a very serious disease.
  • To get a severe and intractable cough, you need to set fire to plastic and inhale burning - you will get a temperature of up to 39 degrees and gas poisoning - there is not far from the grave.
  • Get active physical activity for a while, long enough to break a sweat. After that, you can go out into the cold for a while in the same clothes - get a cold, flu, some kind of inflammation, etc.
  • A method similar to the previous one - after a shower, steamed out to go outside - similar consequences.
  • You can get poisoned different ways, for example, drink stale cherry juice - stomach poisoning, ulcers, gastritis and a lot of problems are provided to you.
  • There is a tricky way to deceive a doctor. Drink two or three cups of coffee, then call the doctor at home, stating that you have high blood pressure. Doctors are careful people. Surely you will be prescribed a week and a half of rest from classes. But remember, this amount of coffee can seriously damage the heart.
  • We return again to the cooling procedures. Eat ice cream, then chew a strong mint gum, and eat ice cream again - the effect in the form of a red sore throat is guaranteed to you.
  • Don't do anything to your body. Just press the thermometer to the battery and the temperature itself will run up with pleasure. Cheating loved ones is the worst thing you can do.
  • Pretty well known trick. Put a drop of iodine on a piece of sugar and eat. The result is a huge temperature with which you can end up in intensive care.
  • In the cold, take 50-60 big breaths. Minimum - red sore throat. The maximum is death from pneumonia.
  • Sleep at night with open window and in a draft. In the morning - symptoms of a cold.
  • Take a regular pencil and remove some lead from it. Eat a slate. After a while, you will feel the temperature up to forty degrees and quickly go to the intensive care unit.
  • You can swim in any body of water. Preferably in the cold season. Or just at night. You can imagine the result.
  • Some advise to use persimmon with milk. The results are unknown, but I believe that they are more than deplorable.
  • Try to get a virus. Surely there are a couple of people in your environment who are sick with something like the flu. Ask them to sneeze at you. The flu is very dangerous disease, since complications after it are absolutely unpredictable.

It's no secret that health jokes usually end badly. If you don't know how to get sick in 5 minutes for a week, then don't even find out. You don't want to deal with what's in front of you - be direct and open about it. Your body does not have to tolerate stupid actions from your immature mind. Remember! Health is the only real thing we have. The rest is an illusion.

« If you can't find time to rest, you will have to find time to heal very soon.." (John Wainmaker)

How to quickly get sick with a temperature for real?

Probably, everyone in their life at least once, but found themselves in a situation where, well, it was very necessary to urgently find out how to get really sick for a very long time. a short time. Most often, schoolchildren and students thought about this question, in anticipation of a control or difficult exam, younger students who just don’t want to go to class and get out of a warm bed in the morning. However, even in adulthood, responsible and independent people sometimes resort to various tricks. Girls get sick in the hope that they won’t have to do anything at home and just lie on the couch while the guy takes care of them. The same guys do everything not to go to an extra shift, not to go on a tedious and difficult business trip, or not to go to visit their beloved mother-in-law. Yes, and few more different cases, in which such knowledge may not be superfluous at all. Below we have collected for you the most popular and effective ways how to get sick with a temperature quickly. At the same time, we’ll tell you what it threatens if you overdo it, or the experience suddenly, for some other reason, turns out to be not very successful. Well, or vice versa - too successful - this is from which side to look.

Today on the Internet you can find many different materials and forums that tell you how to get sick quickly and, unfortunately, not all of them say that the disease should be treated immediately, as soon as symptoms appear. After all, if you start, then in addition to resting at home, there is the possibility of getting serious complications. But in general, it is not at all difficult to achieve the desired day off and a certificate or sick leave. To do this, you should resort to the following methods:

  • Drink a couple of glasses of cold water or eat ice cream, and then chew on a strong mint gum or suck on a couple of mints. Thus, you will get a red and irritated throat, mild cough and low temperature. Of the minuses - it may not be possible to cure an irritated throat quickly, and drinking and eating with such inflammation is extremely unpleasant.

All of the above can cause really hard-to-repair harm to your body, while you can just use some tricks and cause a temperature for a very short period relatively safely. So, before thinking about how to get sick, maybe it's easier to cheat? There are many interesting ways to do this too:

  1. If you don’t feel like going to school, you can defiantly cough and ask your mother for hot tea. Then, complaining of general malaise, measure the temperature and imperceptibly lower the thermometer for a second or two into the cup. The main thing is not to keep it for a long time, because it can burst, and do not forget to knock it down at least to 38. Otherwise, if the tea is really hot, no one will believe in 43 degrees, and instead of the desired day off, you will get a thorough thrashing. You can do the same with a battery, a light bulb, hot water from the tap or try to simply grind the thermometer.

It is clear that everyone who resorts to such methods is not trying to commit suicide at all, but just to relax a bit and enjoy their share of care from loved ones. But, really, is it worth it, because from cardinal methods or being caught cheating, the consequences can be very unpleasant. Therefore, if you still decide, use the acquired knowledge wisely and carefully and, of course, be healthy!

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How to get sick in one day

Ask any passer-by: "What is more important to you: health or money?". Without a doubt, every adequate respondent will answer: “Of course, health!”. After all, if a person is unwell, everything hurts him, and not a single medicine helps, then he white world he is not nice, and no amount of money will help. Health is the state when you want to run, jump, sing at the top of your lungs, laugh heartily and dance.

Almost none of the people who are not related to medicine see any differences between acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, however, it is worth noting the fact that standard cold implies a consequence of the most ordinary hypothermia. The fact is that in the body even the most healthy person there are always many opportunistic bacteria. Hypothermia is the very stress that prompts them to be active.

4. Accept hot bath, then look out in a bathrobe to the balcony.

5. To receive severe pain in the throat you can eat ice cream, then chew chewing gum with menthol and eat a serving of ice cream again.

6. For sharp increase temperature, you can simply bring the thermometer to the battery, just do not overdo it, because in the case of a 40 degree temperature, hospitalization is possible. If you measure the temperature in the doctor's office, then you can discreetly rub the tip of the thermometer on your clothes for a minute - and you will be provided with absenteeism for a good reason! Just do it carefully so as not to break the thermometer.

How to get sick at home and not significantly harm your health, you will learn further. The thermometer trick is the easiest option. If a student, then your parents will believe you in any case, but what if a completely adult person needs to get sick. Today, a resident of a metropolis sometimes wants to take a break from the hustle and bustle and just stay at home on a working day. Daily work is very exhausting for each of us. Perhaps there is an important meeting on the nose, but they are simply not ready for this meeting, and it will just get sick ideal option. This case is more complex.

How to get sick at home for an adult, you will learn further. Understand that when you are 30, your words need actual confirmation. The boss may not take your word for it. You need a medical certificate, and for this the doctor must examine you, listen and examine your throat. This should be carefully prepared the day before the planned weekend. So, you will have to get sick, as they say for real.

Approach the parent with a complaint of a throat, give a thermometer. A parent can say that your thermometer is buggy and that others need to measure it. Approach the parent and complain of pain in the abdomen (poisoned). Having previously drawn water into the bucket, you run into the bath and gradually (as if in jerks). 8 way: let it seem bonal, but rub the armpits with salt (or garlic). Method 9: You take oil in a frying pan, heat it up, then drink it. Well, it doesn’t hurt much, but you can’t distinguish a chemical burn from a sore throat, and there is a temperature and a red throat.

The fact is that the ice does not have time to warm up and melts inside you. Highlighting the cold there, or rather catching a cold inside you! However, remember that if you were able to get sick using the tips in this article, then immediately begin treatment. 2. You can achieve a severe cough by burning plastic.

The third way is to use a thermometer and a light bulb. With prolonged holding near an incandescent lamp, the temperature on the thermometer steadily increases. This is actually a classic of the genre, but you also have to look sick. It is advisable to warm the forehead. Many advise using a hairdryer for this, but how can this be done if the parents are at home? No, that's the problem. So the reception with a hairdryer can be discarded.

The easiest way to catch a cold without leaving the house is a shower. Cold shower within five minutes guarantees you a cold. If, in addition to it, you need redness in the throat, then menthol sweets will help you. Just eat a pack at a time and start inhaling cold air mouth. If it’s winter outside, then go out to breathe outside, if not, a freezer is at your service.

  1. Eat half a kilo of ice cream outside at cold weather, drink mineral water with ice. Drink beer with ice. The throat will be supercooled, wheezing will appear in the voice.
  2. If you need bronchitis or pneumonia, and this can drag on for a long time and end in tears, cool down after hot bath on the balcony or walk out of the house warm after a workout in light clothing. If you need it. So you can get inflammation of the brain (meningitis).
  3. Drink melted butter in a frying pan. The result is a red throat.
  4. Go out in cold weather and get your feet wet, then do not rush home and walk around in an open coat for two hours or more.
  5. Breathe in burning plastic. Result - severe cough, temperature 39, poisoning.
  6. Take more than five paracetamol tablets at a time. But for someone like that the way will pass asymptomatic. And then you still need to stock up on funds in order to immediately get out of a dangerous state.

If you have a strong desire to intentionally harm yourself in various ways, going to a psychiatrist is also an option to get a certificate about your illness. The last way, of course, comic, but in every joke, as they say, there is some truth.

Frequently asked questions by children school age, students, sometimes the older generation. How to quickly get sick with a temperature for real? Let's take a look at them in this article.

IN environment There are millions of microorganisms that affect our body. The immune system resists their effects and therefore we do not get sick.

But there are stressful situations, they adversely affect the body. It weakens and the person falls ill with this or that infection. The risk of disease increases when a healthy person is near a sick person during acute infection. Such diseases include: tonsillitis, SARS, influenza, chickenpox, etc.

How to quickly get sick in 5 minutes?

People try to avoid contact with the sick, but sometimes there are situations when it is simply necessary to get sick.

How to quickly get sick in 5 minutes? There are many ways to help you certain moment deal with the problem.

How can you quickly cause yourself a temperature?

  • put literally a drop of iodine on a cube of sugar and the temperature will rise.
  • for more safe way rub salt under the arms, the temperature on the thermometer will rise significantly.
  • dip the thermometer into hot water or heat your forehead with a heating pad, this is if the parents want to check the temperature tactilely.

These methods will literally free you from classes for a few days. To get sick for a longer period, you have to work a little.

How to quickly make a sore throat?

For this you need:

  • to break your voice well, that is, to shout.
  • eat quick ice cream or drink ice water.
  • if it is spring or autumn, wet your feet and the effect will not take long.
  • drink fatty cold milk. It is advisable to drink it after steaming. The next day there will be a sore throat, slight temperature and you're free for a couple of weeks.

How to get sick quickly in winter with a temperature?

In order to get sick in the winter, a lot of effort is not required. After all, during this period the body is weakened and experiences beriberi, the incidence of the population increases. In educational institutions, in transport, the infection spreads the fastest.

To get sick in the winter in a non-educational institution:

  • you need to throw snow on your collar, while the body should be hot. It is advisable to do this after a run.
  • go outside without a hat wet hair or immediately after a bath, lightly dressed. Colds are guaranteed, just take care of your ears. If you get a cold in the middle ear, you will have to spend about a month in the hospital.
  • you can eat ice cubes, snow. By the way, there are many microorganisms in the snow from the street. Inflammation of the throat is guaranteed to you and subsequently the temperature will rise.
  • if the house contains geraniums. Take a geranium leaf and rub the nasal mucosa well. The nose will turn red, a runny nose will begin, you can also do it with pepper. Imitation disease will pass successfully. But this is provided that you are not allergic to these ingredients.
  • Eat mints and immediately start inhaling cold air frequently. You will see the result in a couple of hours.

How to quickly get sick in the summer?

Some are concerned about this question, is it even possible. Of course it is possible, but this can be difficult. After all, in summer our immunity is strongest. We use more vitamins, the sun, infections are less due to the warm, dry period. So in the summer there is a chance to overheat and the temperature will rise to 38 degrees by the evening.

  • go to the beach in the morning and stay in the sun without a hat for as long as possible, overheating is guaranteed.
  • swim for a long time in a pond and at the same time eat ice cream, drink a cold drink. A sharp drop in temperature will weaken the body and disease will set in. Of course, the throat, bronchi, and lungs will suffer.
  • if possible, go out of the heat into an air-conditioned room where the difference in temperature is at least 10 degrees and stand under it. The longer the better. Cold guaranteed.
  • at night, open the windows and turn on the fan, direct it in your direction.
  • if you have a car, you should open the windows and drive on high speed, but there is a risk of catching a cold facial nerve. In this case, the face can skew to one side, and the recovery is long.

In summer you can easily pick up intestinal infection. worth eating milk product, which stands for several days without a refrigerator. Poisoning guaranteed. Or a fish product, but it can threaten dangerous infection botulism. So it's not worth the risk with fish.

How to quickly get sick with angina?

What is angina?

This unusual inflammation throat. Angina gets sick when in contact with a sick person. Airborne by drip. With angina, the tonsils are predominantly affected. This disease is acute. Caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, possibly as a complication after the underlying disease. Angina still has another name - acute tonsillitis. Streptococcus is the most common cause of angina. It can develop in just a couple of hours.

Signs of angina:

  • high temperature begins 38 - 39 degrees
  • headache
  • acute sore throat swollen lymph nodes
  • laryngeal edema
  • plaque on the tonsils
  • hoarseness

It is important to isolate the patient. But if your goal is to get a sore throat, then you should eat from his plate or he will sneeze on you. You will pick it up very quickly. angina treatment only antibiotic therapy. At improper treatment, causes complications of rheumatism, pyelonephritis, meningitis, otitis media. Most serious complication sepsis (blood poisoning). Possible death.

How to get sick quickly at school?

There are no special difficulties to get sick at school. In rooms that are poorly ventilated, there are many infections. If one person in the class gets sick, then the possibility of the rest to pick up the infection increases. Yes, if the windows are constantly blowing.

  • you need to take a good run during the break, and then sit near the window in light clothes.
  • drink a lot of coffee, your heart rate will increase, the pressure too, and a sick leave is guaranteed for the day.
  • in a chemistry lesson, accidentally knock over a reagent with acid on yourself.
  • in a labor lesson, injure a finger or accidentally pour boiling water on yourself.

Sick leave is guaranteed for several days. Just don't overdo it. We do everything carefully, thoughtfully. Simulation helps too, bandage it good hand and you will not be able to write in class, supposedly there was an injury.

How to quickly get sick with the flu at home?

Enough contact with the patient. Influenza is a viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Find out which of your friends have this disease. Come visit, be in the same room, hug, kiss, drink from his cup. The flu is guaranteed. For reliability, take a long walk on the street in wet weather, ride buses, minibuses, metro, where there is a lot of people. The disease will manifest itself in a few days.

How to quickly get sick with chickenpox?

Chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets. This is a childhood disease, because mainly in early age the child carries it. immunity after past disease, remains for life. A person can get sick only if he did not get sick in childhood. Chickenpox is caused by the herpes virus (herpes zostor). It spreads rapidly in enclosed spaces, in open areas quickly perishes. Easily gets on the mucous membranes of the body. A sick person is considered contagious three days before the rash, during the rash. After the last papule popped out, the period of contagiousness passes. Incubation period this disease for 21 days.

With rashes, the patient feels:

  • temperature increase
  • headache
  • terrible itching.
  • rashes all over the body and mucous membranes
  • general malaise

Papules should not be scratched, this can lead to scars that do not resolve. Even there are rashes on the mucous membranes of the eyes. Zelenka is smeared in order to find out when the last papule popped up, in order to understand that the patient is on the mend. The contents of the papule are watery, if you comb it, other rashes will pop up around. During this period, it is strictly prohibited water procedures. Chicken pox usually resolves without complications. Recurrences do happen, but very rarely.

How to get pneumonia?

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is a bacterial disease. Maybe as a complication after an infection.

Caused by bacteria:

  • Pneumococcus
  • streptococcus
  • klebsiella
  • golden staphylococcus.

The main route of infection is airborne. Most often get sick in winter, autumn period. Moisture increases in the atmosphere, bacteria live longer in such a climate. So you can get sick only through kisses and air.

Most often, people who have a weak immune system get sick:

  • smokers
  • the presence of systemic diseases
  • during stress
  • chronic fatigue
  • with reduced immunity
  • at constant horizontal position

Pneumonia can develop from congestion If a person spends a long period in a horizontal position, ventilation of the lungs worsens and microorganisms actively multiply. Elderly people are highly susceptible to pneumonia. Most often, pneumonia begins asymptomatically, a slight fever, general malaise, a cough and shortness of breath begin in a couple of days. If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor. Treatment is only antibacterial under medical supervision. It can lead to complications if not properly treated. Possible death.

Other ways to get sick quickly

  • go to the bath early in the morning close up and emit poisoning. Pour the ladle of water into the bath while doing this, making vomiting jerks. Get out of the bath, holding your stomach, supposedly poisoning.
  • take vegetable oil, warm it up and drink it. It will be hot and your throat will be inflamed.
  • smell the laundry detergent. You are provided with a runny nose, lacrimation.
  • drink stale juice or week-old tea. An upset stomach is guaranteed.
  • take a dip in the icy water.
  • walk with bare feet on the cold floor. This is especially true in the private sector.

In custody I want to add, now you know what diseases you can quickly get sick and their consequences. Ask the question, is it worth it? After all, some diseases can carry backfire, and hit the pocket well. After all, treatment is expensive. It's better to go to school even if you don't want to. These are just the little things in life. We must try to cope with difficulties. After all, a lot of life problems can happen further and you can no longer get rid of them. Good luck guys. Be healthy!!!

Many schoolchildren, students would like to get sick quickly. How to do this, only a few know. You probably experience shock when you hear that someone suddenly wanted to get sick. After all, everyone is well aware that health is the most valuable resource. Everyone cherishes it, everyone cherishes it. But there are those people who would like to get sick.

As a rule, they want to get sick:

  • students who want to avoid writing a test;
  • students, students who prefer to walk than to study;
  • office workers who are tired of everyday hustle and bustle;
  • housewives who want to take a break from routine chores and just lie in bed for a couple of days.

That is, the motive can be anything. But, as a rule, for many, illness is an opportunity to have a good rest.

Acting skill alone is not enough to resolve this issue. Which means you need specific symptoms to stay at home, go on sick leave. It turns out that you have to get sick in reality. So many people ask themselves: how to provoke disease state how to get sick while at home.

Of course, thoughts are material, but until the thought comes true, you have to wait a long time. In this case, it is better to take specific measures that will help you get sick, if you really really want to. The main thing is not to overdo it, as you can earn chronic illness with serious consequences. You don't want this, do you? To avoid terrible mistakes knowledge on the topic "How to quickly get sick" will help you.

What exactly can not be done:

  1. Go outside with wet head if it is very cold there.
  2. Walk in the winter without a hat.
  3. Spoil the stomach, absorbing spicy and salty food for the purpose of causing poisoning.

First, you run the risk of causing meningitis, and it may end lethal outcome. Secondly, it will take several months to treat a stomach with gastritis or, worse, with an ulcer. The consequences of unwise actions can haunt you for years. Keep this in mind when you decide to get sick at home.

We propose to consider the main ways to get sick in 5 minutes for a whole week:

  1. Set fire to the plastic and breathe in the fumes. So you get a severe cough. It won't be easy to cure him. In addition to coughing, your temperature will probably rise to 39 degrees. If something goes wrong, if you overdo it, you can get poisoned carbon monoxide, and this will also lead to death.
  2. Start exercising. Intense exercise will make you sweat. In such a “wet” state, feel free to go out into the street, cold frost. You will definitely get a cold with complications, the flu. It is possible that you will have pneumonia.
  3. Call poison. Eat spoiled food, drink stale juice. In addition to poisoning, gastritis, stomach ulcers and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract may appear.
  4. Drink 3 cups of coffee and see a doctor for help. Having measured arterial pressure, he will note its significant increase. It is possible that you will be released for a week and a half from study or work. If the heart is weak, then it will suffer even more from such attempts to get sick.
  5. Use another cooling routine: eat a pack of ice cream, then chew mint gum and eat a second pack of ice cream. Your throat will quickly turn red.
  6. Eat the slate. Your temperature will rise. The main thing - have time to call an ambulance.
  7. Drop iodine on sugar and eat it. As a result, you will get a very high temperature. The saddest result is resuscitation.
  8. Step out in the cold, do 60 deep breaths. And now your throat will no longer be the same. At least it will turn red. If you're not lucky, you'll die of pneumonia.
  9. When it's already cold outside, take a dip in the open water.
  10. Drink persimmon with milk. Disastrous results will be provided to you.
  11. Find in your environment a person who is sick with the flu, a cold. Try to get infected by it. Have the patient sneeze or cough on you. Of course, the result can be completely unpredictable.

Of course, to deceive loved ones, relatives - this is very bad. But it is even worse to experiment with your body. When you do not want to injure the body, you can simply attach a thermometer to the battery, lower it into hot water, shake it upside down well - and a high temperature will definitely appear on it.

Final Thoughts

When you start thinking that it would be good to get sick, you should contact a psychotherapist or psychologist. An emotionally healthy person does not have such reasoning. I would like to believe that you will not mock your body and all the tips that were presented above were not taken seriously. After all, joking with health is, at least, stupid.

If you are tired of school, university, college, office work, if you no longer have the strength to do household chores, talk openly with your parents, boss, spouse about the need for rest. Adequate people they understand perfectly well that an exhausted person will sooner or later fall ill without additional stimulation. And then you will be upset that all plans have been violated. Asking for rest is smart and safe.

It is important to realize that the one who rests well works well. It is absolutely not necessary to expose the body to stress. Your stupid actions can lead to irreparable consequences. In addition, a lot of effort and money will be required to restore health after an illness. If you are ready to spend money, if you do not feel sorry for your health, take risks. But you better just take care of yourself! Appreciate life. And then you will be able to achieve serious goals and success.

Choose only for you. The simulation option is naturally safer, but it has less lasting effect, and if you need to be believed that you are actually sick, there is a danger that such a plan simply will not work.


Find something in yours that will make you sneeze. For example, it can be tobacco, geranium leaves, pepper. This should work. Truth is enough short span time. You can touch your eyes with something (mascara or just something caustic is suitable), because profuse tearing is the first sign of illness. You can rub the armpit area, by the way, any warming ointment is also perfect for this. When you take your temperature, it will be high.

Magnesium sulfate in the evening before going to bed will not let you go out in the morning, because if you drink a glass of water in the morning after such a drug, you are guaranteed to be in the toilet all day.

In addition, you can increase your pressure. The first option is that you will need to drink more than two cups of coffee (but it does not work for everyone) or sharply tighten your calves several times before checking the pressure.

There is a very popular way to get sick. Try dropping a drop of iodine and eating it. This raises the temperature. But if you have an iodine deficiency in your body, this method will not work. And this method is also not suitable for cores, as it is too dangerous.

How to get really sick in one day

There is one hard way - to heat the plastic and breathe over it. Dry cough and poisoning are guaranteed. Can be burned oral cavity very hot oil. Red in any case guarantees. Ordinary hypothermia can be organized by wetting the feet and socks in ice water. Put on your wet socks and shoes and boldly go for a walk outside.

You do not need to wear a scarf during such a walk.

In addition, you can go out hot on and thoroughly cool down there. After training or running, for example. However, you are in danger of catching not only banal bronchitis, but also serious pneumonia. Beer with ice or ice cream with ice mineral water- more gentle, but no less effective means.

If you have a persistent desire to intentionally harm yourself in various ways



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