Treatment with propolis in alcohol at home. Reviews of treatment with propolis tincture with alcohol

Propolis, a beekeeping product created by insects from the sticky substances of birch buds and other natural components, contains more than 16 groups of organic substances, which allows it to be actively used for medicinal purposes. Propolis tincture is usually used as a dosage form, the use of which is justified for many diseases.

The medicinal properties of propolis are due to the presence in its composition of a huge amount of biologically active substances. This:

  • polyphenols;
  • aldehydes;
  • alcohols;
  • aromatic acids;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • steroids;
  • flavonoids, etc.

In addition to the above, the product includes B vitamins, many enzymes, trace elements, and essential components.

Thanks to this, propolis has the following effects on the body:

  • antibacterial;
  • antitoxic;
  • dermaplastic;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory.

Today, bee glue is used not only by healers and herbalists, but also by representatives of official medical science.

What is propolis tincture used for in folk medicine?

As mentioned above, propolis helps against many diseases. The methods of using the tincture can vary significantly. The use of the drug should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Gastrointestinal diseases

To prepare the tincture, 20 grams of propolis are crushed and poured with 80 ml of 90% or 70% ethyl alcohol. You can use vodka, but the concentration of ethanol in it does not allow you to completely extract the maximum amount of necessary substances from the product.

The components of the product are mixed, poured into an opaque glass container, and then placed in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. During this time, the drug is shaken periodically. After the expiration date, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze. This recipe is used for all diseases that are treated with bee glue.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines, take 20 drops of the tincture, after mixing it in a glass of water. The frequency of administration is once a day. The course of treatment is six months. It is better if the composition is consumed on an empty stomach.

During treatment, the patients' condition improves significantly: gastritis and gastroenteritis go away, chronic inflammation goes into remission. At the indicated dosage, the drug is safe for patients with peptic ulcer disease. However, its use requires prior consultation with a specialist.

Liver diseases

Liver diseases are always accompanied by intoxication, which the diseased organ is unable to overcome. Propolis tincture will help him with this. The drug should be taken for a long time, six months or more. Start taking it with 1 drop per glass of water, once a day, on an empty stomach. Every day the number of drops is increased until it reaches 40-50 per dose.

During treatment, the level of intoxication in patients decreases, and the processes of regeneration of hepatocytes (liver cells) are accelerated. This fact was officially confirmed in the course of research.


Instructions for using propolis tincture for pancreatitis prescribe the use of 40-60 drops per dose. This amount of medicine is mixed in a quarter glass of milk and drunk on an empty stomach, once a day. Course - 3-4 weeks.

Propolis promotes rapid resorption of necrotic tissue, gland regeneration, relieving inflammation and reducing pain. It is important to remember that acute pancreatitis must be treated in a hospital. The beekeeping product can only play a supporting role.


To stabilize blood pressure, the tincture should be taken 30 drops, three times a day. It is better if taken one hour before meals. The course of treatment is 20 days. Drops are drunk mixed with a quarter glass of milk or water.

It has been proven that propolis helps normalize blood pressure, brings it back to normal, but does not lower it below normal levels. This is due to some effect on the vasomotor center of the brain and vascular tone.

Colds and flu, nasal congestion, sinusitis

“Colds” of the upper respiratory tract are well treated with the discussed tincture. To do this, add a teaspoon of the drug to a glass of warm tea or milk. If you have a runny nose or sinusitis, you can heat the milk and breathe in some hot steam. After cooling, the medicine is taken orally. The course of treatment is until the symptoms disappear. On average this is 5-7 days.

Due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, propolis accelerates recovery. In addition, the substance stimulates immune mechanisms, which also helps reduce the time of illness.


For otitis, alcohol tincture of propolis is used topically. To do this, a gauze turunda is moistened with a solution, wrung out and inserted into the ear. The procedure is carried out daily, leaving the turunda for 1-2 hours. If discomfort occurs, the tampon should be removed. Duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks, depending on the rate of convalescence.

To speed up regeneration, you can take the tincture orally. This should be done according to the scheme used in the treatment of inflammatory pathology of the respiratory tract. The local effect of propolis disinfects and soothes the inflamed area, while the systemic effect stimulates the immune system.

Dental diseases

In dentistry, an alcohol solution of propolis is used for rinsing for stomatitis, candidiasis, and ulcerative defects. To carry out the procedure, you need to dissolve 30 drops of tincture in a glass of water. Place the resulting mixture in your mouth, hold it for a while, rinsing it in your mouth, and then spit it out.

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of propolis reduces the intensity of the pathological process, destroys pathogenic microflora, and promotes tissue regeneration. Treatment is carried out twice a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.


For tonsillitis, propolis tincture is used as a gargle. The working solution is prepared by mixing a tablespoon of medicine with 200 ml of water. Rinsing is carried out up to 5-6 times a day. Local treatment of the tonsils with a cotton swab dipped in tincture is also possible. To do this, it is diluted with clean drinking water in a 1:1 ratio.

The use of tincture for tonsillitis helps to destroy pathogenic microflora (propolis is a broad-spectrum antiseptic), tissue regeneration, and strengthen local immunity. Propolis is not used as the only treatment.


To treat prostatitis, the tincture is taken three times a day, adding 30 drops of the drug to warm milk. Taken orally half an hour before meals. The total duration of therapy is 4-6 months.

In addition to the antiseptic and immunostimulating effects, in the treatment of prostate inflammation with propolis, its ability to stimulate the production of testosterone is important. The medicine is also an antioxidant, which reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer.


For mastopathy, drink propolis tincture 2 times a day, before meals. Dose – 1 teaspoon per ½ glass of water or milk. Course duration is 3-6 months. With the permission of the doctor, the drug can be used as the only method of treatment for the initial forms of the disease. Severe and advanced cases require a traditional approach to therapy.

The action of bee glue in this case is based on its hormonal and immunostimulating components. The product helps to correct a woman’s own hormonal levels, resolve nodes, and prevent severe complications.

Dermatological diseases, herpes

Skin diseases, including herpetic rashes, are treated with local application of propolis tincture. To do this, use a cotton swab soaked in the medicine. Treatment should be carried out several times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear. This method can also be used for minor burns, scratches, and wounds. Traumatic injuries are treated along the edges, preventing the tincture from getting into the wound.

Note: for large burns and wounds, propolis-based ointments that are not alcohol-based are used. You can make the ointment yourself by mixing crushed propolis with petroleum jelly or lanolin.

Nail fungus

The mycocidal and regenerating properties of bee glue make it possible to use it in the treatment of nail fungus. The product is applied topically by applying a compress. To do this, a cotton pad soaked in medicine is placed on the nail, covered with cellophane film on top, bandaged and left overnight. The course of treatment is several months. Before the procedure, you should steam your nails in a bath with high water temperature.

Acne, pimples

To treat acne and age-related pimples, propolis-based tincture is used topically. To do this, you should treat the skin with the drug in the most disease-prone areas several times a day. Before treatment, areas prone to acne should be rinsed with cool water. In severe cases, the tincture is used not only topically, but also internally. Dosages for teenagers are 8-10 drops per sufficient amount of water (50-250 ml), for adults – 15-20 drops.

Immunodeficiency conditions

In order to stimulate the immune system, the intake of tincture is increased on an increasing scale. On the first day you need to drink one drop of the product, diluting the extract in a small amount of water, on the second - two, etc. The dose is increased to 30 drops per dose. Next, the amount of the drug is gradually reduced until the dose is again 1 drop. After this, the course of treatment is considered complete. The procedure is repeated several times a year: in the autumn - spring period. Contraindications include childhood and allergic reactions to the components of the product.

Gynecological diseases

In gynecology, alcohol tincture is used only internally. When treating diseases of the female genitourinary system, the drug is taken 20 drops per glass of water, once a day on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment depends on the dynamics of the disease and the effectiveness of therapy. On average, the tincture is taken for 3-4 months.

Note: topical use of alcohol tincture for vaginal douching is unacceptable! Such actions can cause chemical burns to the mucous membranes.


To treat atherosclerosis, crushed garlic is added to propolis tincture in a 50:50 ratio. After this, the product is infused in a dark place for 1-2 weeks, filtered through a layer of gauze and taken orally. The resulting product should be used three times a day, 20 drops each, after dissolving in 50-100 ml of water. Take before meals.

The use of garlic and propolis helps reduce the level of low-density lipids in the blood, while maintaining beneficial high-density lipids. The course of treatment is 1-2 months, after which you should take a blood test for cholesterol and lipid profile.

Depression, disorders of the nervous system

For depressive disorders, propolis tincture is taken 30 drops per dose three times a day. The drug can be added to tea. The calming effect develops already on the 2-3rd day of treatment, but the full course of therapy lasts 3-4 weeks. Propolis has a calming and stabilizing effect, prevents the development of severe depression and psychosis.

In general, propolis tincture, the medicinal properties of which have been well studied for a long time, allows you to fight various diseases. It should be remembered that the development of pharmacological action will require a long period of time. Therefore, propolis is not suitable for the treatment of acute conditions. In such situations, you should contact a specialist for examination and treatment with fast-acting medications.

When a bee processes the collected sticky substances, a special useful substance is formed in its body - propolis.

Visually, it is similar to a resinous structure or crumbs with a heterogeneous structure. The color of propolis can be light yellow or dark brown, with different shades.

When the temperature changes, the consistency of propolis also changes. If it is low, propolis becomes hard and brittle, it is very easy to crumble. When the temperature rises, this substance becomes soft and plastic. The consistency of fresh propolis is sticky and sticky, later it turns into harder and more fragile.

It is worth noting

Its main feature is that it retains all its beneficial properties even after boiling for an hour.

Propolis consists of:

  • flavonoids, characterized by wound healing and antimicrobial effects;
  • tannins having an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially important for the restoration of damaged tissue;
  • terpene compounds, good at fighting fungi;
  • resins, waxes and essential oils, having antiviral properties;
  • organic acids, which not only stop the growth of many bacteria, but also have an analgesic effect.

It is difficult to name a property that propolis does not possess. With its help, infectious pathogens, bacteria and viruses are destroyed; toxins are destroyed; poisons released during cell decay are neutralized; tissues regenerate and heal faster.

It is worth noting

Beekeeping has been providing essential products that people can use to improve their well-being for hundreds of years. The most important thing is that home conditions are the most suitable place for preparing propolis tincture.

You can do this yourself without any problems; it won’t take much. Vodka, alcohol or water can be used for this. The product should be stored in a bottle whose glass color is dark.

There are many recipes on how to prepare propolis tincture. For example, pain comes on suddenly when the pharmacy is closed, and you need to quickly make a solution that will be helpful and helpful. In order to prepare a product that can be used immediately, 90 ml of seventy percent medical alcohol is heated. Medical alcohol can also be replaced with vodka. The alcohol is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 50 degrees, propolis is added to it, 10 grams.

Before preparing propolis tincture, it must first be crushed. The ratio of propolis and liquid may be different, it all depends on what concentration is required. The mixture is stirred until everything is completely dissolved. Don't let it boil. Then the medicinal infusion is filtered and poured into a clean bottle for storage.

A cool, dark place is suitable for storage; a refrigerator can be used. The container needs to be shaken periodically. This tincture can be stored for a year or more, up to three to four years.

This homemade alcohol infusion is used to treat many diseases. Its use can be different: apply internally, gargle, make compresses. This product does not need to be infused; it can be cooled and used. The most important condition is the absence of allergies.

Typically treatment can last from one to four weeks. In some cases, the medicine is used once a day, then you will need from twenty to sixty drops of infusion per glass of milk or water.

This useful infusion will help calm the stomach, gargle, and heal wounds. You can use not only an alcohol or aqueous solution, but also propolis to which oil has been added. With this easy method you can cope with various diseases, in addition, it is a good way to strengthen your immune system.

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You should know that when the product is prepared independently, the dosage for a child is considered to be five percent of the adult dose for each year.

Basic recipes for preparing propolis with alcohol

Alcohol propolis tincture at home can be prepared in another way. Propolis, 100 grams, cool slightly in the freezer until hard, and then chop. Pour small pieces into a clean, opaque bottle, and then fill them with half a liter of seventy percent alcohol.

The mixture is thoroughly mixed, then tightly closed with a stopper. It is stored in a dark place, during the first three days the bottle is shaken for thorough mixing.

When twelve days have passed, the product is filtered, its color can range from dark yellow to red-brown. A refrigerator or other cool place is intended for storing the resulting alcohol tincture. If you store it correctly, you can take the resulting product for a long time - three to four years. The recipe for propolis with alcohol is quite simple, but in return it is very effective.

If the digestive tract is inflamed, it is necessary to take a five percent extract, then the concentration is increased to twenty or thirty percent. You will need to prepare propolis in alcohol and then dissolve the product. To do this, forty drops of tincture need to be poured with a quarter glass of water or milk. The treatment time will be one to two months.

There is also a folk recipe for diabetes, the basis of which is propolis. Thirty days you need to take the drug one tablespoon at a time.

This remedy has different effects. For example, you can prepare a rinse for problems in the oral cavity. To do this, propolis tincture, a teaspoon, is diluted with half a glass of water. Initially, the procedure is performed at intervals of two hours, and on the following days - every eight. The inside of the mouth can be wiped with a diluted tincture.

It is worth noting

It is known that propolis, which bees collect, can improve immunity.

If you have a sore throat, you also need to prepare propolis in alcohol. Then the substance, a tablespoon, is diluted with a glass of water, and the resulting solution is used for rinsing. In addition, the tincture can be mixed with sage, chamomile and calendula.

If the skin is problematic, with wounds, psoriasis, ulcers, propolis tincture can be used as an ointment for the affected areas. The procedure is performed three times a day.

A water tincture can be prepared. The first step is to grind the propolis, which is usually soft. It needs to be cooled and crumbled. After this, they begin to add purified liquid to the propolis, and then heat everything in a water bath. It is important that the mixture is thoroughly mixed. It takes no longer than an hour to prepare.

Afterwards, the composition must be filtered through gauze folded in three. You can take this tincture immediately after cooling. This recipe is prepared much faster than the propolis recipe with alcohol.

And you can benefit from propolis oil. To prepare it, mix unsalted butter (100 g), crushed propolis (15 g) and boiled water (5 ml) in a container. All this is boiled for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, then filtered through cheesecloth.

Until the composition cools down, you need to stir it, and then close the container with a lid. A refrigerator is used to store propolis oil. Take it a tablespoon three times a day to treat the stomach, ears, throat, nose, dermatitis, inflammation and burns.

Often, in order to increase immunity, a mixture of propolis and honey is prepared. The proportion is three to one hundred. To do this, you need to melt the honey in a water bath and add crushed propolis to it. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator. For prevention, take one tablespoon per day.

If there are burns and wounds, you need to take a little more propolis. This composition is applied to the wound three times a day for an hour. The same mixture also treats internal organs: stomach and intestines. Take it several times a day.

It is worth noting

A mixture containing propolis and milk helps improve many gastric diseases. Its price is less than that of medicines, but its action is more effective, because this product is completely natural. Tincture, 25 drops, mixed with half a glass of milk and taken twice a day.

Propolis copes with almost all diseases; the most important thing is to know how to drink propolis tincture correctly. It is able to eliminate fungus, viruses and bacteria, make nails and hair look healthier, the immune system becomes stronger, and many diseases simply disappear.

Propolis can cope with men’s diseases, and it behaves no worse than honey with women’s problems. It can be considered indispensable if there are skin diseases, tuberculosis, and various infectious diseases.

It is worth noting

When treating chronic diseases, the propolis content should be increased, so it is used in fresh, unprocessed form.

Even just chewing propolis is useful. In this case, care must be taken to ensure that no irritation appears on the mucous membrane. If such a procedure is performed for the first time, it should not last longer than ten minutes.

Propolis must be chewed until it is completely dissolved. No more than three grams of propolis are consumed daily. In this way, you can cope with periodontal disease, increase immunity, get rid of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, throat and lung diseases, improve blood circulation and lymph formation.

However, propolis should be used with caution, since it contains a strong allergen - bee venom, as well as essential oils of acids.

Propolis is of great importance for bees, since it is responsible for sterility, cleanliness and a “healthy atmosphere” in the hive. It also protects hives from external harmful influences and effectively destroys various bacteria, viruses and even some types of fungi.

Propolis can have the same healing effect on the human body.. Thanks to such unique properties, this substance can cope with a variety of both external and internal diseases.

However, in order to achieve such a positive result, propolis must be used correctly. To solve all sorts of problems in the functioning of the body, dry propolis is used very rarely, but more often treatment is recommended with the help of medicines made from it.

One of them is propolis tincture with alcohol, preparing it at home is not difficult, but promises to give you good health!

Propolis is a resin-like substance produced by bees to disinfect the hive, to seal it, as well as to neutralize objects that accidentally or intentionally fall into it.

It can be of different colors, mainly the shade of color depends on which specific plant the bees obtained the resin from to make it. Brown, brown, gray, reddish and even with a greenish tint, propolis is equally useful and suitable for preparing tinctures.

Alcohol tincture of propolis has many beneficial properties, just like propolis itself.. The main ones are a powerful bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, which gives the tincture the ability to destroy harmful, pathogenic microorganisms.

At the same time, taking the tincture orally, unlike many antibiotics, you will not develop dysbiosis, but on the contrary, the condition of the intestinal microflora will improve.

Also, which is not unimportant, propolis tincture with alcohol has an analgesic and wound-healing effect. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

With its help, you can strengthen your immune system, rid your body of toxins, improve metabolic processes and prevent blood clots.

What diseases does the tincture help with? These include the following:

  1. Stomach ulcer. Propolis, of course, is not able to completely defeat an ulcer on its own, but it will be an excellent addition in combination with stronger drugs. Thanks to its healing properties and the vitamins it contains, propolis helps cope with pain and also speeds up the healing process. The recommended method of administration is in the form of an alcohol tincture or oil.
  2. Gastritis. The use of propolis for gastritis is one of the ways to get rid of nausea, pain and other unpleasant factors. This effect can be achieved by chewing or sucking the product, as well as by taking it in the form of tinctures.
  3. Uterine fibroids. The treatment in this case is a tribute to traditional medicine. This method is not officially supported, but still it will not harm and will have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. It is recommended to take propolis for this gynecological disease in the form of suppositories in the form of balls inserted into the vagina, or tinctures.
  4. Onychomycosis or nail fungus. Due to its high bactericidal, fungicidal and bacteriostatic qualities, propolis will relieve inflammation and itching, and also prevent the further spread of fungus. This problem can be solved by naturally replacing the affected nail with a healthy plate. The recommended method of administration is to moisten the diseased surface of the nail with the appropriate tincture.
  5. Helicobacter pylori is a special bacterium that lives in the human stomach and causes ulcers. One of the most effective ways to combat it is to use alcohol or water tincture of propolis.
  6. Inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis. Having excellent healing qualities, propolis can not only help get rid of the disease, but also normalize the functioning of the human digestive system. The correct method of use is an alcohol tincture, but the best results are achieved when used in combination with other medications.
  7. Sinusitis. The most common treatment option for this disease is antibiotics, but traditional medicine has its own alternative in the form of propolis. And thanks to the restorative and antibacterial properties of the substance, this method is completely justified. For sinusitis, it can be used in the form of drops, tinctures or inhalations.
  8. Haemorrhoids. According to folk medicine, the use of microenemas, suppositories, and ointments are the most effective ways to treat this complex disease. This natural method has been tested by many; it has proven to be highly effective among patients with this disease.
  9. Gastroduodenitis. Propolis adjustment is one of the main folk methods of treating erosive gastroduodenitis. The effectiveness of this method lies in the properties of propolis to relieve inflammatory processes and, by enveloping the walls of the intestines and stomach, protect them from further painful irritation. Thus, the walls of the affected organ are restored, and the disease recedes.
  10. Liver diseases. The benefit of propolis extract for this type of disease lies in the substance’s ability to act as a catalyst for restoration processes in damaged cells, without causing harm to the rest of the body.
  11. Bronchitis. For general health or treatment of the bronchi and lungs, propolis is consumed in the form of tinctures, can be chewed or included in the composition by inhalation. By relieving inflammation and irritation in the patient’s respiratory tract, this substance becomes an excellent addition to a complex of medications and helps alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
  12. Gum diseases. Decaying and bleeding gums, bad breath - these unpleasant symptoms can be corrected by applying and chewing propolis, which has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. This substance can completely cure mild forms of the disease and become a good assistant in the treatment of more severe gum diseases. Before using it, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.
  13. Prostatitis. Prostate disorder is a very common male disease. You can cure it by using propolis-based suppositories, which you can purchase at the pharmacy or make yourself.
  14. Intestinal diseases. Propolis in this problem is a useful addition to the main course of therapy, as it helps relieve inflammation and restore damaged tissue.
  15. Endometritis or endometriosis. Treatment of this disease is a rather long and difficult process that requires the complex work of medications and folk remedies. Good results are obtained by using propolis in the form of special suppositories or tinctures for vaginal douching.
  16. Acute sore throat or tonsillitis. With this disease, taking propolis is one of the most effective and natural ways to eliminate irritation in the throat, as well as boost immunity. Recommended methods of use: rinse solution, alcohol tincture.
  17. Pimples. The most useful thing will be to apply the plates to the affected areas of the skin or moisten them with tincture, and you can buy ointments containing this substance at the pharmacy. How to dilute pharmaceutical propolis tincture to obtain a medicinal tonic should be decided by your attending physician.

Thanks to the unique properties of propolis, it can indeed become an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of various diseases and will help increase immune strength.

However, in the treatment of serious illnesses, it is unreasonable to rely on it alone, since the greatest results are achieved by a complex method of therapy, which would combine both medications and elements of alternative medicine.

Below we will take a closer look at the most common methods of consuming propolis and recipes for their preparation.

Alcohol tinctures, which have different concentrations, are used for treatment.. It can be from five to forty percent.

Naturally, the higher the percentage of concentration of the tincture, the more pronounced the therapeutic effect will be from its use.

However, it is better to avoid using highly concentrated products, as they can be irritating to fabrics. Therefore, it is usually recommended to use products whose concentration is 15 percent.

To prepare the necessary tincture, 15 grams of propolis must be placed in the refrigerator.

When the propolis hardens, take it out and then divide it into pieces approximately 4 millimeters in size each. This can be done using a grater.

Important: the smaller the particles, the more useful substances propolis will give to alcohol.

After grinding, place the propolis in a container, preferably made of dark glass, and fill it with 80 milliliters of 70% alcohol. Close the container tightly and shake well, this is necessary for better mixing and absorption. Place the container in a place protected from light.

For one to one and a half weeks, shake the bottle with propolis tincture thoroughly twice a day. When the propolis is infused, the product needs to be filtered, and this can be done through folded gauze or filter paper.

It is advisable to store the tincture in a cool place, protected from sunlight.. If these conditions are met, its shelf life reaches three years.

To make a product with a concentration of 5%, you need to mix 95 milliliters of pharmaceutical alcohol with five grams of propolis, to make 10% - 90 ml of alcohol with 10 grams of propolis, for 20% - 80 ml of alcohol with 20 grams of propolis, and so on.

To get a good, high-quality propolis tincture at home, it is important to use purified raw materials without impurities.

If you couldn’t find one, when making the product you need to take into account the proportion of impurities. To do this, it is necessary to increase the amount of propolis content by about 40%. Then, to prepare a 10% tincture, you will need not 10, but 14 grams of propolis.

Propolis tincture with alcohol

Unfortunately, all diseases appear suddenly and the necessary remedy is rarely at hand. Therefore, if you need to quickly prepare a propolis infusion with alcohol or vodka, you can use the following method.

Pour rubbing alcohol into a suitable container and place it in a water bath. When the alcohol heats up to 50 degrees, add crushed propolis to it.

Stir the mixture until the propolis is completely dissolved, then cool it and strain.

In this case, mix all the ingredients in the same way as for preparing a regular infusion using the above method.

If we compare propolis tincture in water with an alcohol solution, the latter has many more contraindications (for example, it is strictly prohibited for use by children), and also retains fewer beneficial properties of this bee product.

An aqueous solution of propolis is most often included in more complex medical preparations, but it can be used in the same way as a stand-alone preparation.

To prepare propolis tincture in water you will need: distilled water and propolis in a ratio of 10/1 (that is, for 10 grams of this bee product, take 100 grams of liquid).

What is the algorithm for preparing the tincture? First, cool the propolis until it becomes solid, then finely chop it with a knife or grater so that each individual piece is approximately 2-3 millimeters in size.

Then dip the crushed mixture in water and leave for 24 hours, shaking the container regularly. As a result, you should get a clear drink with a barely noticeable greenish tint and a bright fragrant aroma.

Finally, filter the resulting liquid and pour it into a dark glass container. The shelf life of water tincture of propolis is one week.

How to Prepare Propolis Tincture in Water

Despite the wide range of medicinal properties of propolis, it also has contraindications, so before starting its use it is better to consult a doctor.

So, it is extremely undesirable to use bee glue in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to bee products;
  • allergic reactions to honey;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing women;
  • children in the form of an alcohol tincture, but from 2 years of age it is allowed to take 2-3 drops in a glass of milk for pneumonia, colds, bronchitis and cough.

Propolis is a powerful natural antibiotic. Scientists are conducting many experiments and have now found that propolis does not lose its beneficial properties even if boiled for a whole hour!

Moreover, bacteria, which over time can adapt to any antibiotic and mutate, will not be able to resist bee glue!

Without exaggeration, everyone knows about propolis! Some people have simply heard about its medicinal properties, while others have been successfully using them for their own purposes for a long time. This beekeeping product can be used in different ways (), but in this article I will talk about the alcohol tincture of propolis, what it helps with and how to take it correctly for the benefit of your health. It is the one that is most often used for medicinal purposes, and buying or preparing it is not difficult.

Before I begin, I’ll make a small digression. So, what is propolis? (quote from Wikipedia).

Propolis (other names - bee glue, oza) is a resinous substance from brown to dark green, produced by bees to seal cracks, regulate the permeability of the entrance, disinfect honeycomb cells before sowing eggs by the queen, and also isolate foreign objects in the hive. In simple words, these are sticky substances that bees collect from the spring buds of trees (poplar, alder, birch, etc.) and modify with their enzymes.

I think there is no need to say that this substance has medicinal properties (as, indeed, all beekeeping products). Most often, an alcohol tincture is prepared from propolis. Alcohol is the best at drawing out all the beneficial substances and preserving them for a long time.

The healing properties of propolis tincture and its scope

An alcohol tincture prepared with propolis has the following medicinal properties:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes
  • promotes the healing of wounds, cuts, suppuration, etc.
  • has excellent antiviral properties, suppresses herpes, staphylococcus, streptococcus viruses, and also kills pathogens of diphtheria, tuberculosis, fungus, smallpox, hepatitis and influenza
  • has analgesic properties. The anesthetic effect of propolis tincture is approximately 5 times greater than the effect of novocaine
  • has antioxidant properties, protects the body from aging, rejuvenates cells
  • has a beneficial effect on the liver, making it more resistant to the effects of all toxic substances, and also restores its cells.
  • Propolis tincture has a choleretic effect; even hepatitis B can be successfully treated with it
  • stimulates and normalizes all metabolic processes in the body
  • gently relieves vascular spasms
  • reduces blood clotting
  • strengthens the immune system

Chemical composition

Since the tincture consists only of alcohol and propolis itself, its chemical composition is the same as that of bee glue. It can be clearly seen in this table.

Antioxidant flavonoids The main purpose is to protect the body from viruses and microbes, destroying them at the cellular level
Provitamin A The most important vitamin for immunity! It also participates practically in the body’s reactions and has a positive effect on vision.
Vitamins B1-B2, E, C, etc. Their task is to regulate and maintain normal metabolic processes in the body.
Essential oils and aliphatic carboxylic acids Fight viruses and pathogenic bacteria
Microelements: iron, zinc, calcium, manganese, magnesium, nickel, etc. Helps accelerate regenerative cellular processes, eliminating lack of cell nutrition
Tannins Eliminates the negative effects on the body due to inflammation
Amino acids Promotes the production of protein, which is needed for cell construction
Terpenes Resists the development of fungal infections

What does propolis tincture help with?

The scope of application of this remedy includes more than a dozen diseases. It is practically a universal remedy for treating most different health problems. A complete list of indications can be found in this table.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system Vegetative-vascular dystonia
Arterial hypertension

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Gastric and duodenal ulcers
Dental diseases Periodontal disease
Acute toothache
Diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women Impotence
Uterine fibroids
Cervical erosion
Dysfunctional ovarian disorder
Skin diseases Psoriasis
Fungal skin lesions
Alopecia areata
Calluses and corns
Frostbite of varying severity
Colds and respiratory diseases ARVI
acute respiratory infections
Bronchial asthma
Nervous system diseases Depression
Disorders of the nervous system
Excessive irritability, etc.

How to take propolis tincture correctly - instructions for use

There are two methods of application:

  1. Externally
  2. Inside

Let's look at each option in more detail.

In what cases is the tincture used externally?

Externally, alcohol tincture of propolis is used in the following cases:

  1. For any skin diseases
  2. For radiculitis
  3. For dental diseases
  4. For sore throat (tonsillitis, sore throat, etc.) - as a gargle
  5. In gynecology - in the form of douching

Application in the form of compresses, lotions

This option is widely used for various skin diseases (see table above). Usually a compress is made, or problem areas of the skin are wiped with a cotton swab moistened with propolis tincture.

The course of treatment is from 3 weeks until complete healing. Frequency of application – 2-3 times a day. With the help of such simple compresses, you can easily cure even neglected, festering wounds, boils, etc.

The use of propolis tincture for radiculitis

To treat radiculitis, in addition to propolis tincture (30%), you will need additional ingredients, namely:

  1. honey()
  2. sunflower oil
  3. mustard plaster

The healing mixture is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Take all 3 ingredients 1 tablespoon each (or 2 if you need a larger amount), mix, apply to the mustard plaster and apply to the back.
  • The mustard plaster needs to be fixed with something, for example, a bandage or adhesive tape.

You can use another option.

Prepare a warming ointment. You will need:

  • red pepper tincture in the amount of 1 teaspoon (sold in pharmacies)
  • glycerin – 1 teaspoon
  • turpentine based on resin (any - cedar, pine or spruce) - 1 teaspoon
  • propolis tincture 30 percent – ​​1 teaspoon
  • Clove essential oil – no more than 3-4 drops
  • red pepper (extract) – 0.5 teaspoon


  • We take all the components in the indicated proportions, mix and heat in a water bath until everything is completely dissolved.
  • The resulting ointment is applied to the sore back, covered with cling film or a plastic bag and wrapped in a shawl. Such procedures need to be done once a day, at night.

Important! This recipe cannot be used if you have cuts, abrasions or festering boils on the skin!

For dental disease

Often a situation may arise when a severe toothache occurs, and it is not possible to visit a dentist. In this case, an alcohol tincture of propolis can serve as a pain reliever.

The best option is rinsing. Proportions: 0.5 cups of warm boiled water, 0.5 teaspoons of propolis tincture. The frequency of rinsing can be any, until the pain stops completely.

Periodontal disease is treated by simply applying a cotton swab soaked in propolis tincture.

To treat stomatitis, it is better to buy special propolis oil or other products based on bee glue (Geliant Kalinyak, HP Tentorium or analogues) at the pharmacy.

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Use for sore throat (sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis)

For sore throats, gargling with diluted propolis tincture is a great help. Proportions: 200 ml for 1 tablespoon of tincture. boiled warm water. The frequency of rinsing is 5-6 times a day (more often).

The product is very effective and I have personally tested it on myself and my daughter. It is important not to delay it, but to gargle at the first signs of illness.

Use in gynecology

For female diseases (see table above), douching with propolis tincture helps.

Important! Propolis tincture in its pure form is not used for douching. This can cause a burn to the vaginal mucosa!

But you can use it as an addition to a medicinal decoction. The following recipe relieves inflammation very well:

  • We take equal parts of plantain, chamomile and yarrow.
  • Mix, measure out 3 tablespoons of this mixture, pour 0.5 liters. hot water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes.
  • After this, infuse the broth for another 2 hours, filter and add 30 drops of propolis tincture to it.

Important! To add to the decoction, use a low concentration tincture, not higher than 20%!

What does propolis tincture help with when taken orally and how to take it correctly

This drug is taken orally:

  • for gastrointestinal diseases (see table above)
  • to strengthen the immune system
  • for colds and flu
  • for atherosclerosis
  • for prostatitis, impotence and other diseases of the genitourinary system
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system (again, the full list is indicated in the table above)
  • for nervous disorders

As you can see, the list of indications is very large and it is natural that the recipes for using propolis tincture will differ. Therefore, we will analyze the most popular options for its use.

For ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases

Options for treating gastrointestinal diseases with propolis tincture involve the use of different concentrations. So, for stomach ulcers, use 10% alcohol tincture, for gastritis and other diseases - 20%.

How to use for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Important! The described treatment can be used in parallel with the one prescribed by the doctor. Thus, it will be a complement to the main therapy and will speed up the healing process.

Treatment of ulcers involves long-term use of the drug (up to six months or more). Treatment includes 2 stages:

  1. Before scarring
  2. After scarring

At the first stage, take 1 tablespoon of 10% tincture 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is approximately 1 month.

At the second stage - 1 tablespoon 2 times a day an hour before meals every other day. The course of treatment is up to 5 months.

Important! The tincture must be diluted in milk, warm water or tea before use. Taking it undiluted for ulcers or gastritis is unacceptable!

What does 10% tincture mean and how to get it?

There are 2 options here. The first is to buy ready-made, required concentration at the pharmacy. The second is to cook it yourself. It's easy to prepare. For every gram of propolis, take 10 grams of 70% alcohol. The propolis is washed, grated on a coarse grater, poured with alcohol and infused in a dark place for 14 days, shaking occasionally.

Important! If you plan to replace alcohol with regular vodka, then to obtain a 10% tincture, stick to the proportions of 1/5, for example, propolis - 10 grams, vodka - 50 ml, propolis - 20 grams, vodka - 100 ml. etc.

Do you use propolis tincture for medicinal purposes?

OftenNot using

With weak immunity

Propolis tincture is an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system. It can be used by both adults and children.

Dosage for adults:

  • 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, diluted in a glass of milk or warm water. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Dosage for children:

  • From 3 to 7 years – 5 drops 30 minutes before meals, diluting them in a small amount of warm milk or water
  • From 7 years - starting with 5 drops, adding 1 for each year. The regimen is the same. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Option to boost immunity without alcohol

If you are confused by the fact that propolis tincture in alcohol, there is a slightly different option with preparing a propolis decoction in milk. This option is perfect for little ones. Prepare according to this scheme:

We measure propolis in a ratio of 1/150 (that is, for every gram of 150 ml of milk), grind it, put it in milk and bring to a boil. Take warm, 0.5 cups 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

If you decide on this recipe, then you need to take into account that milk is not stored for a long time, so prepare in small portions so that the child drinks it in 1 - 2 days.

Important! Before starting treatment, you should check your child for allergies! To do this, apply a few drops of any propolis-based preparation to your wrist (it can be an alcohol tincture, propolis ointment, or regular propolis dissolved in water). If there is an allergy, then within 15-20 minutes it will make itself felt by the appearance of redness or itching. In this case, you need to look for an alternative treatment option.

Use for colds and flu

If you have a cold, you can use one of the following recipes.

  • Dissolve 25 drops of 20% alcohol tincture of propolis in a glass of milk and take 30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day.

This recipe will help cure a sore throat:

  • Heat a glass of milk (to about 40 degrees), add 30 drops of propolis tincture, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of butter.
  • Dosage regimen: 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is until complete recovery.

For atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system

You need to take care of your vessels! This becomes especially relevant after 40. There are several ways to treat cholesterol. People share their experience of cleansing using the popular herbal collection Altai Key (read the comments to the article).

You can also use propolis tincture. There are several options for using it:

Just to prevent atherosclerosis - drink 20% propolis tincture once a day, half an hour before meals, 20-30 drops (depending on the person’s weight), dissolving them in a small amount of water. It is best to drink in the morning, before breakfast.

If the patient has already been diagnosed with atherosclerosis, then it is better not to limit yourself to simply taking propolis tincture, but to mix it with an alcoholic tincture of hawthorn (available in any pharmacy). This is done according to this recipe:

Take an equal amount of tinctures (1/1) and mix. Propolis should be 10%. This mixture is taken to treat atherosclerosis, as well as heart diseases. Dosage – 20-30 drops per 0.5 glass of water. Drink half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Important! This recipe is not suitable for hypotensive people, that is, those who suffer from low blood pressure! But for hypertension, use it safely!

Use for diseases of the genitourinary system (including impotence, prostatitis)

To treat impotence and prostatitis you will need a 20% propolis tincture. They drink it according to the same scheme in both cases:

  • 30-40 drops in the morning and evening, diluted in warm boiled water or milk half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then after a week's break the treatment can be repeated.

As a rule, noticeable improvement can only be seen after a few months. In some cases, it is necessary to take the tincture for six months. You can use both a pharmacy tincture and one prepared at home for treatment. Also considered one of the best treatments for prostatitis

For diseases of the nervous system

For diseases of the nervous system and depression, take propolis tincture 30 drops 3 times a day, diluting it in a small amount of warm boiled water.

Some people advise adding it to tea, but I am not a supporter of this method. It is better to dilute it in warm water. The course of treatment is up to 4 weeks. Usually the patient himself is able to determine his condition and decide to continue treatment or stop it.

Propolis has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system, and its strength can be compared, perhaps even with the popular afobazole.

Contraindications and possible side effects from taking

So, you have decided to try treatment with propolis tincture. What do you need to know in this case? First of all, this treatment also has contraindications. These include:

  1. Allergy to propolis
  2. Acute eczema

Side effects

Side effects from taking the tincture can include skin rashes and redness, as well as itching of varying severity. In this case, the use is stopped completely and an alternative treatment is selected.

Is it possible to give a child propolis tincture, because it is alcohol-based?

This drug was widely used by parents, who were quickly able to verify its healing properties.

Propolis tincture can be given to children from 3 years of age. The main thing is not to overdo it in this matter, and the minimum doses that are recommended will bring nothing but benefit to your child!

You can, of course, replace the alcohol tincture with a water infusion, but propolis is a thing that dissolves very reluctantly in water. Unlike alcohol, where it dissolves very quickly!

So how do you determine the dosage for your child? There is a simple rule that is very easy to remember. It only applies to the use of propolis tincture by children. So the rule is:

For every year of a child’s life, you need to take 1 drop of alcohol tincture, which is diluted in a small amount of milk or water!

If, for example, the child is 8 years old, then its dosage will be 8 drops (morning and evening) for a two-time dose (16 drops in total) or 8 drops for a single dose.

The course of treatment for children is limited to two weeks! This rule needs to be remembered and strictly followed, unless of course you want your child to get a kidney complication! 2 weeks is a safe period that will help strengthen the immune system or help prevent a particular disease.

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Since ancient times, propolis has been considered a good medicine. They treated almost any disease. And in modern medicine, propolis tincture with alcohol is successfully and widely used. Experts say that it is the alcohol tincture of propolis that has a strong healing effect compared to a decoction. In addition, it is not at all necessary to buy the medicine at the pharmacy; you can prepare it yourself.

Recipe for preparing alcoholic tincture of propolis

Propolis tincture with alcohol is quite easy to prepare at home. To prepare such a medicine you will need 300 ml of alcohol, 0.5 l. vodka, 80 gr. propolis and a dark bottle. Pre-cooled raw propolis is grated and poured with cold water for a few minutes. The water with rising impurities is carefully drained and the propolis is left to dry. Then propolis, vodka and alcohol are placed in a bottle and closed tightly.

The mixture prepared in this way is left to infuse for two weeks at room temperature (approximately 21 degrees), remembering to shake daily. The tincture is poured into a bottle for storage after two weeks of infusion and pre-filtered by any available method. From this point on, the alcohol tincture is ready for use. Everyone who has used this remedy leaves excellent reviews about it as a medicine with a good therapeutic effect.

The use of alcohol tincture of propolis

The scope of medical use of the tincture is quite wide. She treats a wide variety of diseases. For example:

  1. Respiratory diseases, colds, sore throat.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), liver and gall bladder.
  3. Pain syndromes of unknown etiology - the tincture acts as an antispasmodic and anesthetic.
  4. Ulcers, open wounds, fistulas, bedsores.
  5. Problem skin, pimples and blackheads, itching and swelling.
  6. Varicose veins
  7. Fractures and cracks in bones.
  8. Fungal diseases, thrush.
  9. Nervous disorders, including insomnia and anxiety. Reviews about the use of tincture for such diseases are very positive.
  10. Strengthening the immune system during periods of a surge in infectious and colds.

Treatment with alcohol tincture of propolis

  • Propolis alcohol tincture prepared at home has a concentration of 10%. This is quite enough to safely use it for treatment. The use of an infusion of higher concentration is not recommended.
  • To treat throat diseases, you need to add 30 drops of medicine to any herbal decoction for gargling and gargle at least 4-6 times a day.
  • If you need to strengthen your teeth and gums, as well as reduce inflammation in the oral cavity, it is enough to rinse your mouth with a solution of infused propolis (half a teaspoon per glass of water).
  • For serious skin problems in the form of ulcers, bedsores and fistulas, you need to directly lubricate the wounds themselves with undiluted tincture.
  • Inflammation of the middle ear is a rather unpleasant disease, and cotton wool soaked in propolis infusion will help alleviate the condition. They are inserted into the ear, cleared of pus, for twenty minutes to relieve inflammation and for pain relief, after which the medicine is instilled.
  • For colds, ARVI and flu, you can add 20-30 drops of tincture to a mug of hot drink to help the body cope with the virus faster, and the recovery process will significantly speed up. But this is not a complete list of treatment options using a healing drug.

Numerous reviews of patients who have successfully cured nail fungus with the help of tincture indicate the effectiveness of this remedy; a cotton wool soaked in liquid is applied to the nails. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), liver and gall bladder, every day in the morning and evening, you need to drink tea with 20 drops of propolis alcohol extract. After taking the medicine for a week, you should take a break and repeat the treatment again.

Reviews from many women suffering from hypertension and in menopause indicate the tangible benefits of taking the infusion orally for some time with breaks (a month after two weeks) in a volume of 20 drops. Alcoholic extract of propolis is indispensable for oncological diseases, when many medications are prohibited from taking. It supports the immune system and helps the body recover.

Few people know, but alcoholic propolis can be used for poisoning as an emergency aid - taking thirty drops orally relieves nausea and stops vomiting. But these measures do not in any way cancel a visit to the doctor, and the sooner the better.

Using propolis tincture to strengthen the immune system

Everyone knows that propolis helps strengthen the immune system. The stronger the immune system, the less a person gets sick. Its use helps inhibit the development of disease and pathogenic bacteria, that is, it acts as a natural antibiotic.

To achieve the best results in strengthening the immune system, the tincture must be taken before the period of mass morbidity - for preventive purposes. Then there is every chance of not getting sick or suffering from a mild illness.

Propolis is used internally with water or another drink, starting with one drop per day. The dosage must be increased daily and brought to thirty drops, and then reduced. You cannot use this medicine for a long time; you need to take breaks.

Contraindications to the use of alcohol tincture of propolis

Propolis infused with alcohol should not be consumed by people with allergies to honey and other bee products (patient reviews confirm this); propolis prepared in this way is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children under three years of age.

Since propolis tincture is alcoholic, there is a possibility of overdose, so it is recommended to carefully monitor the amount of medicine consumed to avoid excess use and side effects. An overdose can cause pressure surges, heart rhythm disturbances, drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue. At the first signs of intolerance to the drug, you must stop using it and consult a doctor to relieve symptoms.



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