What to do if a child complains of leg pain for no apparent reason: symptoms and treatment. Does it hurt or doesn’t it hurt: what to do if a child acts out symptoms of illness

A child’s complaints of pain in the area of ​​the heart muscle do not necessarily mean cardiovascular disease. But most often they consult a doctor for this reason. Children usually complain of tingling sensations. painful sensations in the left upper chest, which are not associated with physical activity. When the child is distracted by a game or something else, it quickly passes. It is advisable for parents not to delay a visit to the pediatrician and cardiologist to find out why the child is complaining of heart pain.

IN preschool age the disease is easier to diagnose and prevent. There is no need to scare the child; you should explain to him in a calm voice that a visit to the doctor and examination are necessary. If the cardiologist does not detect heart disease, parents will be offered additional examination from other specialists.

Important! Small children under 5-6 years of age may incorrectly indicate what hurts them. The baby may say that his heart hurts, and if you ask him to show where exactly, he will point his finger at his stomach.

What parents should pay attention to

Painful sensations occur with cardiac and non-cardiological diseases in children. If the baby begins to periodically complain of pain in the heart area, parents need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • frequency and duration of complaints, ask about the nature of pain;
  • did shortness of breath appear after active games or swimming;
  • listen to the chest for increased or slowed heart rhythms, check the pulse;
  • periodically ask if there is any dizziness or nausea;
  • check for swelling (do not confuse swelling with growth or weight gain);
  • pay attention to nutrition and whether there are any pain syndromes after eating, remember what kind of food it was;
  • find out if it is sometimes difficult to hold a spoon or cup in your hands, if there is discomfort when walking; in older children, find out if the limbs are going numb.

It is important to remember everything in detail and at the doctor’s appointment to list what exactly is bothering the baby. More full information will help the doctor correctly and quickly diagnose and prescribe treatment. You should not delay your visit to the clinic.

Causes of pain in the heart area

Main reasons:

  1. Growing pains. When the growth of blood vessels does not keep pace with the growth of the heart muscle. The child is hyperactive and constantly on the move. The cardiac system cannot cope with physical stress. With a short rest, the pain subsides, but appears regularly over several months. Usually complaints of stabbing pain on the left side of the chest, sometimes radiating to the armpit. You can give motherwort tincture or valerian root, one drop per 1 kg of the child’s weight. But before this, a consultation with a pediatric cardiologist is required.
  2. Osteochondrosis or scoliosis. A child’s heart pain will vary, it all depends on the nature of the curvature of the spine.
  3. Neurosis. The pain is aching, accompanied by tingling. Occurs when there is increased physical or emotional anxiety.
  4. The baby suffered infection: sore throat, flu, etc. Pain may occur within a month after the illness. Developing viral carditis, rheumatism. The pain is accompanied by general malaise, joint pain, and the initial stage of intoxication.
  5. Angina pectoris. Sharp pain when coughing, sneezing, deep breathing, run.
  6. Anomalous coronary circulation. The pain is compressive, radiating to the neck and shoulder area.
  7. Damage to the blood circulation of coronary or large vessels, happens more often when congenital defect hearts. The pain is dull, radiates to the arm, shoulder, intensifies when coughing.
  8. Cardiac dysregulation, usually diagnosed in adolescents. The pain is stabbing, localized in the left upper part of the chest, in the absence of physical activity.
  9. Pericarditis, two types of pain:
  • Pleural pain associated with breathing movements, aggravated by coughing or deep breathing, caused by the pleuritic component of infectious pleuropericarditis.
  • Aching, pressing pain under chest, varies from slight to sharp, with deep breath intensifies. Occurs with infectious pericarditis. It can turn into dry, with the pain disappearing, and when examining the baby, a disturbance in the heartbeat can be heard.

How to quickly help your child

If the pain does not go away within a short time, parents do not need to panic, because with their behavior they can frighten the baby even more. It is necessary to provide the child with enough fresh air, call an ambulance.

Before the doctors arrive, a tablet of glycine, valerian or validol is allowed if the child is over 5 years old. The child does not always make contact with an unfamiliar doctor, so before the doctor arrives, you should try to find out what kind of pain the child is experiencing, how much it hurts, and the exact location of the pain.

You need to ask in a calm, confident voice, and don’t get nervous if the baby can’t answer intelligibly.

Diagnosis and treatment To find out why the child often complains of heart pain, the baby is taken to a pediatrician, and then to pediatric cardiologist

. The cardiologist, first of all, prescribes an ECG (dosed and daily) and. If cardiac pathology is excluded, you will need to be further examined by other specialists. To rule out a disorder in the structure of the spine (scoliosis), the orthopedist will refer you for an X-ray and computed tomography

. If a child feels worse after eating, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is needed to rule out diseases of the digestive system. The child should also be examined by a neurologist to diagnose or refute childhood neurosis. Parents should not try to diagnose their child themselves. Symptoms various diseases often very similar. Whether this disease is cardiological or not can only be determined by experienced pediatric specialists. How earlier child will undergo examination

, the faster they can help him and prescribe the correct treatment. Children aged 3 to 10 years are especially likely to experience such symptoms. During the day, as a rule, nothing bothers the baby. But in the evening or at night it appears unpleasant discomfort . Many parents attribute such symptoms to ordinary overwork and do not give them due importance. Such an attitude is unacceptable, and sometimes is fraught with the development serious pathologies

. Let's look at why it can occur and in what cases you should consult a doctor.

Discomfort associated with growth This is the most common reason. Unpleasant sensations

The vessels responsible for blood supply are not yet elastic enough at this age. Therefore, they function best under load. Thus, while the child is moving, he does not experience discomfort. But during rest, the tone of the arteries and veins decreases. Blood circulation deteriorates. As a result of this reason, a child’s legs most often hurt at night.

Caring parents should definitely listen to the complaints of the baby. After all, growing pains can be somewhat reduced. To do this, you just need to massage your baby’s legs and feet. As a result, blood circulation will increase, and discomfort will significantly decrease or disappear completely.

Orthopedic problems

Various pathologies associated with musculoskeletal system, refer to enough frequent occurrences in kids. It can be:

  • incorrect posture;
  • flat feet;
  • scoliosis;
  • congenital disease of the hip joints.

Often, as a result of precisely such violations, a child’s legs hurt. The reasons are a shift in the center of gravity. The load is unevenly distributed across lower limbs. Most often, one specific area of ​​a child’s leg is affected: the foot, thigh, lower leg or joint.

Constant pressure causes the child's legs to hurt.

Limb injuries

For an energetic and active baby, such phenomena are rather the norm. In most cases, bruises and sprains are completely insignificant. As a rule, the child complains of leg pain for a couple of days. Then everything goes away on its own.

However, in some situations the situation is more complicated. And if a serious injury is visible from the first minutes, then there are also microtraumas that are invisible to the human eye. Such conditions often provoke excessive physical exercise, because modern kids attend many sections and clubs.

The danger is that microtrauma is invisible to others, and even the child himself may not be aware of it. Namely, it can subsequently lead to serious complications.

Sharp pain in joints or muscles indicates tissue damage. If discomfort is accompanied by swelling or redness, as well as local increase temperature, be sure to consult a specialist. This condition requires careful diagnosis. After all, there could have been an infection. In this case, the child may develop septic arthritis. Inadequate treatment can lead to irreversible damage to the joint.

Chronic infections

Sometimes the reasons why a child’s legs hurt may be hidden in the nasopharynx. This condition is caused by:

  • tonsillitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • multiple caries.

It is extremely important to complete in a timely manner necessary measures prevention:

  • visit a dentist, otolaryngologist;
  • treat problem teeth;
  • monitor oral hygiene.

In some cases, leg pain is the first symptom of developing rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis.

A similar clinic may arise against the background of pathologies of the endocrine system:

  • adrenal diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the parathyroid gland.

These ailments are accompanied by impaired bone mineralization. Sometimes discomfort in the legs is the first sign of certain blood pathologies. Therefore, if the pain is constant, parents should definitely show the baby to the doctor.


This is a disease that manifests itself as cardiovascular disorders, respiratory systems. A baby who has this pathology, extremely poorly tolerates any physical activity.

Most often, with this diagnosis, parents notice that their child’s legs hurt at night. Symptoms are quite often accompanied by the following clinic:

  • headache;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • heartache;
  • feeling of lack of air.

Congenital diseases of the cardiovascular system

Discomfort in the legs is clinical symptom similar ailments. Congenital arterial valve disease or coarctation of the aorta leads to insufficient blood supply to the extremities. As a result, the child experiences pain.

It is difficult for such babies to walk, they often fall, stumble, and get tired very quickly. In these conditions, the pulse in the arms can be felt, but in the legs it is practically absent.

Connective tissue deficiency

This pathology is also congenital. It is characterized by insufficiency of tissues that make up the heart, veins, and ligaments.

Except painful sensations in the limbs, similar condition can lead to:

  • flat feet;
  • nephroptosis;
  • poor posture;
  • joint diseases;
  • varicose veins

Flu, acute respiratory infection

Sometimes in the background colds the child complains of pain in his legs. Flu and acute respiratory infections are often characterized by aching joints and loss of strength. Aching discomfort can cover the entire body.

This condition is not considered abnormal. Therefore in special attention does not need. As a rule, a child with joint discomfort is prescribed the drug “Paracetamol”. It relieves discomfort.

After recovery, such symptoms completely disappear.

Lack of nutrients

Often, parents whose children have reached the age of 3 notice that the child’s symptoms can be caused by a lack of substances such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in the body. Bone tissue begin to grow rapidly, and good nutrition they don't get it.

This condition can be caused the wrong food. But sometimes a deficiency of substances is caused by poor absorption of these elements. This picture may indicate secondary rickets.

Schlatter's disease

The disease is most often diagnosed in older children or teenagers. With this disease, the child’s legs hurt below the knee. In this case, the discomfort is acute. Pay attention to which area is bothering your child.

Schlatter's disease causes painful discomfort in the front area of ​​the knee joint, where it connects to the tendon. kneecap. Characteristic feature pathology is the constancy of sensations. No matter what the child does, the pain does not subside. Discomfort bothers you during the day, at night, while moving, while at rest.

As a result, doctors are not ready to say what causes such a disease. But doctors note that most often the disease is diagnosed in children involved in sports.

Still's disease or leukemia

If your child has pain in his legs, be sure to pay the necessary attention to the symptoms that arise. Sometimes similar discomfort may indicate the development of a systemic, rather severe illness - Still's disease.

As a rule, the pathology is accompanied by:

  • periodic lumbago;
  • painful syndrome in the legs;
  • general malaise.

If you notice such clinical manifestations, then consult a doctor. Sometimes these signs indicate initial stage Still's disease or leukemia.

If not treated properly, the child may develop serious consequences. can lead to significant vision impairment.

When should you see a doctor?

So, if a child complains of pain in the legs, you should clearly understand when the discomfort is caused by serious reasons, and in what cases there is no reason to worry.

Growing pains are easily relieved by massage and a warm bath. If after such procedures the baby completely gets rid of discomfort, then there is no reason to panic. However, do not forget, frequent pain syndrome in the legs - this is a reason to visit a pediatrician, orthopedist, or surgeon. Such an event, in most cases, will help parents make sure that no pathologies have been identified in the baby. The baby is just growing rapidly.

Discomfort in the legs may be a warning sign developing ailments if it is accompanied by symptoms:

  • high temperature;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • beginning lameness;
  • pain that occurs in the morning and throughout the day;
  • loss of appetite and weight;
  • chronic fatigue.

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, be sure to visit a doctor. Don’t give a chance for an unpleasant illness to develop in your child’s body.

Many mothers express displeasure if the child often complains on other children or adults. Indeed, such behavior is tiring, because we expect children to be decisive and able to cope with problems on their own, but we have to intervene in trivial situations ourselves. However, there are those who like it, who, together with the child, savor the details of the conflicts, “burning with passion” to deal with the offenders of their child.

Which one is right? How to respond to complaints? Let's figure it out together.

Typical reasons for complaints

Here are some examples to illustrate the reasons why the child often complains and asks parents to intervene:

  • “And I said, and she said...” In most cases, all children’s conflicts do not occur on the merits, but because of some trifles. For example, at first the children play together, everything is fine with them, but at some point one of them begins to bully others, attracting increased attention. A quarrel arises out of the blue, and each side considers itself right. If you start to look into it, you will hear many interpretations of what happened from all sides. They will consistently explain to you who said what to whom, while shielding themselves and blaming others
  • “My grandmother (Vadik, Masha, Aunt Klava from the next door, classroom teacher, janitor, etc.) If a child often complains about other people, tastefully retelling the circumstances in which they did not understand him, “humiliated” him, undeservedly punished him, then he may feel that he is underestimated, has excessive demands on him and etc. Mom or Dad has a great desire to “go and tell them all to be discouraging...” However, there is no need to rush. Why? More about this below
  • “This is because I...” An exciting situation in which your beloved child doesn’t seem to complain, but simply sighs: “Of course, Elena Petrovna will never give me a high five, because I’m new, and she has a favorites...", "Olya won't be friends with me because I'm ugly", "Everyone was acting up, but only I am to blame, because they deceive the teacher, and I'm honest"... If the child often complains in this spirit, pay attention to his self-esteem: most likely, you will have to work on increasing it

From the typical situations listed above in which children ask for help from their parents, it is clear that the reason for this behavior lies in the child’s inability to resist circumstances, his desire to attract to his side the “invincible force” in the person of angry mothers and fathers.

How to respond to children's complaints?

First of all, you should understand the reason why the child often complains. Psychologists believe that objectively there are very few situations in which parents should intervene. For example, when children become the object of illegal actions of other people. The other day there was a story on TV about a twelve-year-old girl who terrorized the entire school: the younger children were simply afraid to go to class. Of course, parents often heard complaints from them, and this is natural.

But the attempt to drag them into “local” conflicts “in the sandbox” must be stopped immediately. Having realized that the child wants to gain respect from his peers only by attracting a “support group,” explain to him how to behave so that such conflicts do not arise.

You should act decisively even when you notice that the child is comfortable in the role of the victim. He portrays submission to fate, while simultaneously asking his parents for declarations of love and devotion. Savoring the details of their own humiliation, such “sneaks” receive “dividends” in the form of sympathy, gifts, and aggression against those whom they consider offenders.

When hatching plans for revenge, remember that you cannot always be there to solve the child’s problems; he can only earn authority among others on his own. Help him without warming up the “victim” position. Suggest how you can get out of conflicts with dignity, without offending others and without taking on what they say.

If a child often complains that he is underestimated, as if agreeing with someone else’s point of view, he deliberately checks the parents’ reaction: will they convince him or not. Complaining about teachers, friends, acquaintances, he expects that his parents' attention will switch from his low performance, inability to stand up for himself, bad behavior to the desire to convince, to regret: “You’re my most beautiful, and Olya is ugly!”, “Well, even if Elena Petrovna doesn’t give an “A”, you’re still great!”, “What deceivers! But you did well to tell the truth!” Do you understand what “childish manipulation” is based on?

So, if your child often complains, analyze what lies behind it and act according to the situation without unnecessary emotions. This way you will help him form normal self-esteem.

When a child is dissatisfied with something and whines, and parents cannot understand him, a quarrel is inevitable. A scandal, like a fire, flares up from one wrong reaction, from one word spoken with the wrong intonation. But a child’s complaints are not empty whining, as many believe. The most common of them have a very specific secret meaning, which the child thus tries to convey to mom or dad.

Try to listen carefully to all your baby’s complaints for a few days, respond to them correctly, and you will be surprised how much your relationship with your baby will change. For the better.

Complaint No. 1. For fatigue

Options: “I’m tired”, “I can’t do it anymore” - and so on all day, no matter how much time has passed since rest.

The secret meaning of the complaint: Complaining about fatigue, he states a fact and expects an appropriate reaction from you. If you are too passionate about something, he may be trying to get your attention. If, on the contrary, you overload him - by complaining about fatigue, the baby means “leave me alone.” But your child starts moaning every time you give him an unpleasant task - this is just a way to manipulate you. At the same time, the baby does not want to admit that he has no desire to fulfill your request. In general, it just seems to the child that complaints about fatigue sound less offensive to you and more believable to him.

How to answer: Find out why the baby is tired, and what kind of help he expects from you: sympathize, sit next to him, or, on the contrary, disappear from his field of vision. When inviting your child to rest, discuss the duration of the pause in activities: “Come on, now watch a cartoon (sleep) and rest, and then we’ll go to the store (continue studying).” After some time, do not forget to inquire about the well-being of the dream or your daughter. In this way, you will show that you do not ignore complaints and really care about your child.

What not to say:“I should have run less (shouted, played around...)” - now is not the time for criticism. If you are being manipulated, there is no need to demonstrate that you know the real reason his whims - “You are always tired when I ask you to help me.” It’s better next time before asking for anything, ask about his well-being. Then the baby will not have the opportunity to pretend, hiding behind fatigue.

Complaint No. 2. Boredom

Options: When asked why you are so sad, he answers that he is bored. Although this can be seen without words, from his expression faces.

The secret meaning of the complaint: The baby is used to being entertained and cannot come up with something to do on his own. Or he has been playing alone for too long and now he wants to talk to you, but he is afraid to distract mom or dad from household chores and is waiting for you to notice his sad expression.

How to respond: Encourage your child to plan ahead free time. Decide together when he will play, when he will draw, when he will watch cartoons, and when he will do his homework. “Let’s play a little after kindergarten, then we’ll read together, and then you’ll get ready to watch a cartoon. Alternate spending time together and spending time with your child independently. If you notice that your child is loitering around with a sad expression on his face, ask him what his plan is now, what he is going to do now.

What not to say:“Well, do something - you have so many toys,” “Go, read (clean your room) - if you don’t know what to do!” It is undesirable to offer your child to “have fun” with things that are not interesting to him. This alternative will make him even sadder.

Complaint No. 3. On other children

Options: “Pasha beats me,” “Masha takes away from me” - and so on after every interaction with peers. Everyone around is bad - only he is good.

The secret meaning of the complaint: If such complaints are made by a three-year-old toddler, this is normal. But if a 5-6 year old complains about other children, this indicates an inability to find mutual language with peers. If he is always looking for someone to blame, he does not know how to analyze his behavior and the behavior of other children. Most likely, the baby communicates little with other children. He is used to adults (parents, grandparents, older brothers and sisters) always giving in to him, and wonders why others behave differently.

How to answer: Leave your child alone with other children more often. If they can’t share something or they quarrel, don’t get involved. Give your child the opportunity to solve their problems on their own. When your baby complains, try to logically explain to him the behavior of other children. “Pasha beats you not because he is bad, but because you took his car.”

What not to say:“You yourself are to blame” - now there is no need to look for those to blame, you need to explain to the child why others behave this way and not otherwise.

Complaint No. 4. For adults (grandparents, teachers)

Options: “My grandmother always makes me eat soup and then my stomach hurts,” “The teacher puts me to bed during the day - and in the evening I cannot sleep.”

The secret meaning of the complaint: Similar complaints often arise when all the adults who care for the child have different views on pedagogical process. The child does not understand why the mother allows him not to sleep during the day, but the teacher forces him; why is it okay for parents not to have soup, but grandma insists on the opposite...

How to answer: Complaints will disappear as soon as adults come to a common view of the child and children's routine day. If it is not possible to adhere to a single pedagogical line, explain to the child that sometimes circumstances allow one to violate one or another routine.

What not to say:“Tell grandma that I gave you permission not to eat soup” - there is no need to manipulate adults with the help of a child. “Grandma is wrong” - with such statements you set the child against other adults (who do not fulfill your requirements for his upbringing).

Complaint No. 5. For lack of free time

Options: Every day before going to bed he complains that he didn’t have time to do something - “I didn’t have time to watch cartoons again.” Or, when you ask him to help, he says that again he won’t have time to play on the computer or draw.

The secret meaning of the complaint: Perhaps you have overloaded your baby and he really doesn’t have any free time. Or he doesn’t know how to plan it on his own, he’s too keen on one thing, to the detriment of the rest.

How to answer: To avoid complaints about lack of time, create a detailed daily routine with your child, in which, in addition to the time for visiting various sections, there will be a place to carry out your errands (helping mom) and free time. Warn your child in advance about planned activities: “stop playing, in 20 minutes we will wash the floor.” Then he will have the opportunity to mentally prepare for an unpleasant duty and your request will not be a surprise to him.

What not to say:“You’re just doing everything very slowly” - your task is to create a daily routine taking into account individual characteristics child. If you know that your baby takes a long time to get dressed (wash, eat), take as much time as he needs for these procedures. Don’t rush your child with the phrases “come on quickly, we’re late” - if you urge him on, he will little man there will be a feeling constant shortage time.

Complaint No. 6. On problems in kindergarten

Options: “I can’t do anything again,” “I’m the worst at drawing (jumping, singing).”

How to answer: Listen carefully to the baby’s complaints. All that is required of you is to feign genuine interest (and it’s not difficult, right?..) to his problems and periodically insert encouraging remarks like “Wow!” And when he finally speaks out, sum it up: “I’m sure you can handle everything, you’re so smart (a real strongman, the most beautiful, you sing the best...).” Don't try to analyze the situation and get to the bottom of the truth. Your task is to restore your child’s self-confidence and optimistic outlook on life. Be sure to ask how you can help in this situation and offer several options for solving the problem (let me teach you how to draw, do you want to enroll in a music school).

What not to say: Don’t try to calm your child down with phrases like “is this really a problem! Today I have...” IN this moment looking for a vest to cry on. He is not ready to listen to your problems, especially since at his level his troubles really seem significant and more serious to him than yours.

Complaint No. 7. For life

Options: To the question “How are you?” the child always has one answer - bad, not very good, and so-so. In general, the day was not going well, life failed. In conversations with other children, he often says the phrase “You're lucky.” And stories about friends begin with the words “How good for Masha, she has a big bike (dog, computer, TV).

The secret meaning of the complaint: The child has a pessimistic character. He does not know how to rejoice in what he has and envies those around him. Before you blame him for his “sad” outlook on life, carefully analyze your conversations at home. Most likely, the child constantly hears from adults about some problems that need to be urgently solved and perceives his life as one big “bad luck”. At the same time, he does not hear anything like this from strangers, and he is sure that their lives are much easier.

How to answer: Your task is to teach your child to enjoy what you have and appreciate the present. Discuss less at home various problems. First of all, try to learn to enjoy the present yourself and focus your baby’s attention on the positive aspects. Make a tradition of lasting pleasant experiences with each other. For example, at dinner, let each family member tell you what good happened during the day and how happy he was about it. At first, you will have to extract pleasant memories from your child with the help of leading questions, but gradually he will learn to pay attention specifically to positive points life.

What not to say:“Everything is always bad for you”, “You are dissatisfied with everything again” - such “support” will make the child even worse.

Complaints without a hidden meaning that cannot be ignored:

Feeling hungry;

For thirst;

On the desire to sleep;

For fear.



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