Erysipelas on the leg symptoms and folk treatment. The best folk remedies for the treatment of erysipelas of the leg

Erysipelas, or erysipelas, is one of the bacterial skin infections that can affect any part of the body and lead to severe intoxication of the body. The disease has a staged course, resulting in light form, which does not affect the quality of life, can develop into severe. With prolonged erysipelas without proper treatment, the affected tissue eventually dies and the whole body suffers.

It is extremely important that if there are characteristic signs of erysipelas, the patient immediately consults a doctor, and does not self-medicate, waiting for the progression of the pathology and the development of complications.

Causes of erysipelas

For the development of erysipelas, three conditions must be met:

    The presence of a wound through which bacteria enter the skin does not necessarily require extensive tissue damage. A scratch or cracking of the skin on your feet is enough.

    Penetration of a specific microbe into the wound - it is generally accepted that erysipelas of the skin can only occur if hemolytic streptococcus A is attached. In addition to local damage to the skin, it is capable of producing strong toxins that disrupt the functioning of the immune system. This leads to intoxication of the body with the possibility of relapse of erysipelas (symptoms appear again after some time).

    Weakened immunity – this factor is of great importance for the development of infection in the skin. Erysipelas practically does not occur in the healthy population, whose immunity is not weakened by other pathologies or harmful conditions life (alcohol, drug addiction, mental and physical overload, stress).

Despite the fact that this disease can occur in any person in the presence of the conditions presented above, it mainly affects people who are in old age. Also at risk include newborns, patients with HIV, diabetes mellitus, any oncological pathology or people who take cytostatics/glucocorticosteroids.

Forms of erysipelas

There are several forms of erysipelas, which differ in the severity of symptoms, severity and treatment tactics. It is worth noting that such forms can change sequentially into one another, so it is important to begin treatment of the disease in a timely manner.

It is important to distinguish between the following forms of the disease:

    necrotic form - the most severe, which is accompanied by the death of the affected skin;

    hemorrhagic (bullous-hemorrhagic) - the peculiarity of this form of erysipelas is that the infection damages small vessels. As a result, blood sweats through the walls and forms small bubbles with hemorrhagic contents;

    bullous form - characterized by the formation of blisters on the skin, which are filled with serous contents;

    erythematous - manifests itself with classic symptoms, without additional skin changes.

Depending on the location, erysipelas can appear on the arm, leg, or face. Much less often, the infection begins to form in the perineum or other parts of the body.

Beginning of erysipelas

On average, about 3-5 days pass from the moment the wound becomes infected until the first symptoms develop. Symptoms of erysipelas on the skin of the leg, arm, face or other localization begin with a rise in body temperature and pain in the affected area. Usually on the first day of illness there is a fever with a temperature of no more than 38 degrees. In the future, the temperature may rise to 40 degrees. As a result of the action of streptococcus on the body, the patient begins to develop characteristic signs of poisoning of the body:

    increased sweating;

    decreased or loss of appetite;

    severe weakness;

    increased sensitivity to irritating noise and bright light.

A few hours after the increase in body temperature, the first symptoms of damage to the lymphatic structures and skin begin to appear. They differ slightly depending on the location of the process, but they are united by one sign - pronounced hyperemia of the skin. Erysipelas may spread beyond the affected area or remain only in a certain area. It all depends on the aggressiveness of the microorganism and the resistance of the immune system to infection, as well as on the time of initiation of treatment.

Local manifestations of erysipelas

Among the common signs of an inflammatory process on the skin:

    pronounced redness of the affected area, which rises somewhat above the surface of healthy skin. The erythema is limited from healthy tissues by a dense ridge, but in the case of widespread erysipelas, such delimitation may be absent;

    swelling of the affected area of ​​the body (forearm, face, lower leg, foot);

    pain when palpating the area of ​​redness;

    soreness of regional lymph nodes (lymphadenitis);

    With the bullous form of erysipelas, it is possible to form transparent blisters on the skin, which are filled with serous fluid or blood.

In addition to general symptoms, erysipelas also has its own localization features in different parts of the body. They must be taken into account in order to suspect the presence of infection in time and begin treatment in a timely manner.

Features of facial skin

The face is the most unfavorable site for infection. This area of ​​the body is well supplied with blood, which only contributes to the development of severe edema. Blood and lymphatic vessels connect deep and superficial structures, as a result there is a possibility of developing purulent meningitis. The skin on the face is quite delicate, so it is damaged by infection much more than in the case of other localizations of the inflammatory process.

Taking into account the presented factors, we can highlight the features of the manifestation of erysipelas on the face:

    pain on palpation of the lateral surfaces under the chin and on the neck is a sign of inflammation of the lymph nodes;

    pronounced swelling not only in the area of ​​redness, but also in the surrounding tissues of the face;

    pain in the area of ​​infection intensifies when chewing (if erysipelas is located on the surface of the cheeks or in the lower jaw).

Symptoms of intoxication during infection of the skin on the face are more pronounced in comparison with other localizations of the process. On the first day, body temperature may rise to 39-40 degrees, weakness, sweating, severe headache, and nausea appear. Erysipelas on the face is an indication for an immediate visit to a doctor or the emergency room of a hospital surgical department.

Features of erysipelas on the leg

There is a belief among doctors that erysipelas of the lower limb is closely related to violation of personal hygiene rules. Lack of regular foot washing creates optimal conditions for the proliferation of streptococci. In this case, one microtrauma (puncture, small scratch or crack in the feet) is enough for infectious agents to penetrate the skin.

Peculiarities clinical picture erysipelas in the leg area are:

    The infection is localized on the lower leg or foot. Damage to the hip is quite rare.

    In most cases in the area inguinal folds(on the surface of the body in front, where the thigh meets the torso), painful round-shaped formations can be found - inflamed lymph nodes that try to contain the spread of streptococcal infection.

    With severe lymphostasis, swelling of the leg can be quite pronounced and spread to the foot, lower leg and ankle joint. It is quite easy to detect such areas by pressing the skin against the bones of the lower leg. If there is swelling, after removing the finger for 5-10 seconds, a deepening will be observed on the skin.

In most cases, erysipelas of the lower limb occurs much more easily than any other location of the inflammatory process. The exception is complicated and necrotic form pathology.

Features of erysipelas on the hand

Streptococcal infection rarely affects the skin on the hands, since it is quite difficult to collect a large concentration of microorganisms around the wound. Erysipelas of the upper extremities can be the result of a cut or puncture by a contaminated object. The risk group consists of intravenous drug addicts and school and preschool age children.

Typically, erysipelas on the arm is widespread - it covers several segments of the limb (forearm, shoulder, hand). Since on the upper limb especially in the area armpit The lymphatic system is quite well developed, swelling can spread from the fingers to the pectoral muscles.

When palpating the inner surface of the shoulder or axillary fossa, regional lymphadenitis can be detected. Lymph nodes become painful, smooth and increase in size.


A doctor can diagnose the presence of erysipelas after an initial examination and palpation of the affected area. In the absence of patients additional diseases among laboratory methods diagnostics can only be used general analysis blood. The presence of infection will be confirmed by the following indicators:

    ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is more than 20 mm/hour. During the height of the disease, this figure can be up to 30-40 mm/hour. Normalization is observed closer to 2-3 weeks of therapy (normal up to 15 mm/hour).

    Leukocytes – more than 10.1*10 9 /l. An unfavorable sign is considered to be a decrease in the level of leukocytes below 4*10 9 /l. Such indicators indicate the body’s inability to normally resist infection. A similar situation is observed in the presence of immunodeficiency conditions (consequences of radiation therapy, blood cancer, HIV) and in the presence of a generalized infection or sepsis.

    Hemoglobin - decreases in the presence of a hemorrhagic form of the disease. The norm for this indicator is from 120 g/l to 180 g/l. If the readings are below normal, you should start taking iron supplements (after consulting a doctor). A decrease in hemoglobin level below 75 g/l is an indication for a transfusion of packed red blood cells or whole blood.

    Erythrocytes - a decrease below the norm of less than 3.8 * 10 12 / l for women and 4.4 * 10 12 / l for men may indicate the presence of a hemorrhagic form of erysipelas. For any other forms of this disease this indicator usually remains within the normal range.

Instrumental diagnostics are used in the presence of impaired blood flow to the extremities or in the development of concomitant diseases, such as thromboangiitis, thrombophlebitis, obliterating atherosclerosis. In this case, the patient may be prescribed Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities, angiography or rheovasography. These methods determine the degree of vascular patency and help determine the cause of ischemia.

Complications of erysipelas

Any erysipelas infection in the absence of adequate timely treatment or if the patient’s body is weakened, the following complications threaten to develop:

    Abscess – purulent cavity, which is limited by a capsule made of connective tissue. It is the least dangerous among complications.

    Cellulitis is a diffuse purulent process in soft tissues (muscles or subcutaneous tissue). Damages surrounding structures and significantly increases the manifestations of intoxication.

    Purulent phlebitis is inflammation of the vein wall of the affected limb, which leads to narrowing and hardening of the latter. Phlebitis is externally manifested by tissue swelling and redness of the skin in the projection of the vein, and an increase in local body temperature.

    Necrotizing erysipelas is necrotization of the skin in the area affected by streptococcus.

    Purulent meningitis can develop when erysipelas is located on the face. Given serious disease develops as a result of inflammation of the membranes of the brain. A complication appears general cerebral symptoms(dizziness, clouding of consciousness, unbearable headache), as well as involuntary tension in certain areas of muscle groups.

    Sepsis is the most dangerous of complications, which is fatal in almost half of the cases (40%). This is a generalized infection that affects organs; this complication leads to the formation of purulent foci throughout the body.

It is possible to prevent the development of complications if you seek medical help in a timely manner without resorting to self-medication. Only a doctor can determine the optimal tactics and prescribe appropriate therapy for erysipelas.

Treatment of erysipelas

Uncomplicated forms of erysipelas do not require surgical intervention and are treated conservatively. Depending on the general condition the patient's question regarding hospitalization is resolved. There are clear recommendations only regarding the development of erysipelas on the face - such patients should undergo treatment in a hospital setting.

The classic treatment regimen consists of:

    Antibiotics - the optimal effect is achieved by a combination of protected penicillins (Amoxiclav) and sulfonamides (Sulfanilamide, Sulfadiazine, Sulfalene). Ceftriaxone can be used as an alternative. The recommended course of antibacterial therapy is 10-14 days.

    Antihistamines - since streptococcus can compromise the immune system and cause reactions similar to allergic ones, you need to use this group drugs. To date the best solution is "Desloratadine" and "Loratadine". If the patient does not have the opportunity to purchase these drugs as an alternative, the doctor may recommend Clemastin, Diphenhydramine, or Suprastin.

    Painkillers – non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used for erysipelas. It is better to give preference to Meloxicam or Nimesulide, since they have the fewest side effects. An alternative to these drugs is Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketorol. The use of this group of drugs should be combined with the use of Omeprazole (Lapnsoprazole, Rabeprazole), which allows to reduce negative impact NSAIDs on the gastric mucosa.

    Antiseptic dressings with Chlorhexidine solution (0.005%) – important component treatment. When applied, such a dressing should be thoroughly moistened with the solution and left wet for several hours. A sterile bandage is placed on top of the bandage.

How to treat erysipelas in case of local complications or the development of bullous erysipelas? In this case, there is only one way out - hospitalization of the victim in surgery department and performing surgery.


As mentioned above, the indication for surgery is the formation of ulcers (abscesses, phlegmon), necrotization of the skin or a bullous form of the pathology. There is no need to be afraid of surgical therapy; in most cases, the operation takes no more than 30-40 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia.

During the intervention, the surgeon opens the cavity of the abscess and cleans its contents. The wound is usually not sutured - it remains open, and a drainer is installed into it to drain fluid from the incision site. If necrotic tissues are present, they are completely removed, after which conservative treatment continues.

Surgical therapy for bullous erysipelas is carried out in this way: the doctor opens the blisters, treats their surface with an antiseptic and applies bandages soaked in 0.005% Chlorhexidine. In this way, the addition of a foreign infection is prevented.

Skin after erysipelas

On average, it takes about 2-3 weeks to treat erysipelas. As the local inflammatory reaction decreases, the amount of streptococcus decreases and the skin is renewed. The redness decreases, and a film begins to form at the site of skin damage - thus, the old skin is separated. As soon as its final rejection occurs, it must remove itself. Beneath it there is an unchanged layer of epithelium.

During next week peeling of the skin may be present, which is considered a normal response of the body.

In some patients, erysipelas may take on a recurrent nature, namely, appear again and again in the same place after some time (from several months to several years). In such cases, the skin is susceptible trophic disorders, and may arise chronic edema limbs or fibrosis (pinching of the epithelium by connective tissue).


How dangerous is this infection for humans?

Erysipelas is a serious disease that threatens severe intoxication of the body and the development of a number of dangerous complications. Usually, with timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. If treatment was started a week or more after the start of the process, the patient’s body is weakened by secondary diseases (HIV, heart failure, diabetes), then erysipelas can cause fatal consequences.

How to restore damaged skin after inflammation?

In almost any form of erysipelas, this process occurs independently without outside intervention. The main thing is to overcome and eliminate the source of infection and local inflammatory manifestations. The exception is necrotic erysipelas. In this case, the skin can only be restored through surgery.

Why does erysipelas occur several times on the same area of ​​skin? How to prevent such relapses?

In this situation, there is a recurrent form of the disease. Group A streptococcus tends to disrupt the body's immune system, which is a reason for re-development inflammatory reactions on affected areas of the skin. Unfortunately, today effective measures prevention of such a situation has not been developed.

Why is Tetracycline (Doxycycline, Unidox) not mentioned in the list of drugs for the treatment of erysipelas (in the article)?

To date, drugs from the tetracycline group are not used in the treatment of erysipelas. Studies have shown that in most cases, hemolytic streptococci are resistant to such drugs, therefore, in the presence of erysipelas, it is better to prescribe a combination of penicillin (synthetic) + third-generation cephalosporin or sulfonamide.

Is physical therapy effective in treating erysipelas?

No. Physiotherapeutic techniques during the acute period of the disease will only lead to an intensification of the inflammatory process and a greater spread of infection. Such therapy should be postponed until the recovery (rehabilitation) period. After the infection is suppressed, ultraviolet radiation or magnetic therapy can be used.

Does the treatment of erysipelas differ depending on the location? infectious process(on the hand, on the face)?

Treatment of erysipelas of the leg, arm or other parts of the body is carried out according to the same generally accepted principles.

Erysipelas can be considered one of the most common infectious skin diseases. This disease is caused by hemolytic streptococcus bacteria and is accompanied by pronounced intoxication and the presence of inflammatory foci. To start treating erysipelas of the leg with folk remedies, you first need to consult a doctor and make sure that you have this particular disease. First of all, let's look at what factors provoke erysipelas of the lower leg and other areas of the lower extremities.

Erysipelas of the leg has pronounced symptoms that can be seen with the naked eye. Factors that provoke the development of such a pathology can be considered:

  • Oppressed the immune system the body after an infectious disease;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • The presence of wounds, scratches and other damage on the skin of the lower extremities;
  • Strong sunburn and frostbite;
  • Frequent stress, depression, changes in psycho-emotional state.

Severe overheating or, conversely, hypothermia of the lower extremities is the first prerequisite for the development of the disease. To protect yourself from erysipelas, try to avoid injuries and bruises. People who are allergic to staphylococcus should be especially careful.

Erysipelas of the leg very often occurs in elderly women or young (20-30 years old) men, who often receive microtrauma to the limbs at work. The risk group includes representatives of the following professions: builders, drivers, loaders, and military personnel. Doctors highlight a number additional reasons, which can also trigger the development of erysipelas. These include:

  • Obesity;
  • Frequent consumption of strong alcoholic drinks;
  • The presence of trophic ulcers on the skin of the lower extremities.

Erysipelas can occur in a baby or a woman who is about to give birth. In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor rather than treat the disease yourself using folk remedies.


Foot with erysipelas

Doctors distinguish several types of pathology, each of which has its own characteristics and localization. each form in more detail:

  1. Bullous erysipelas. On lower limbs swelling occurs, the skin becomes covered with small blisters filled with serous exudate.
  2. Hemorrhagic - with this pathology, vascular permeability increases significantly. Small internal bruises may be visible on the affected leg.
  3. Erythematous erysipelas is always accompanied by severe swelling and significant redness of the skin.

Before starting treatment at home for erysipelas of the leg, you should definitely consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo a medical examination to make an accurate diagnosis.


In order to recognize the disease in time and prevent its development, you need to know how the pathology manifests itself at the primary stage. While the streptococcus bacteria passes incubation period, the body can react to it with severe intoxication. TO initial signs Erysipelas of the legs can be attributed to:

  • Increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees.
  • Migraine, headache;
  • Frost on the skin;
  • Fatigue, lethargy, loss of strength.

In addition to the above signs, you may find a symptom that directly indicates the development of erysipelas - the legs do not hurt much, but there is a feeling of the limb being burst from the inside, and a slight burning sensation occurs.

The appearance of the diseased limb changes already on the second day after infection. Redness or swelling may occur. If you notice such alarming symptoms, immediately go to the clinic to see a doctor. This way you can stop the development of pathology in time and prevent the appearance of serious complications.

Redness and swelling are the main symptoms

Part of the skin on the leg becomes red and inflamed. Upon contact with clothing, unpleasant sensations arise. As the disease progresses, the upper layer of the epidermis may gradually peel off, and small bubbles filled with liquid appear on the skin. When they burst, a crust forms on the leg, which does not go away for 2-3 weeks. If you do not use medications or folk remedies in a timely manner, erosion or a trophic ulcer may form on the limbs.

A professional physician will examine the patient and prescribe effective treatment that will help you get rid of the disease in 5-8 days. Even after complete recovery, the patient’s skin continues to peel, pigmentation changes, and a pasty appearance of the epidermis is observed.


Modern doctors use several methods for treating erysipelas. The most common ways to combat the disease include:

  • Taking medications. Most often, antibiotics are prescribed in combination with special ointments.
  • Using folk remedies that you can prepare yourself at home from natural herbs and other pharmaceutical components.

To achieve the desired effect faster, combine these two methods, and also adhere to special diet. For the first few days of illness, doctors recommend completely abstaining from solid food and taking only purified water or citrus juice.

3 days after infection, intoxication will decrease, body temperature will return to normal. Now you can add any fresh fruit to the menu, as well as carrots, milk and honey. It is recommended to follow this diet for no more than 2 weeks.


Use the recipes below to quickly prepare remedy from erysipelas. For this you only need simple ingredients, which can be found in any refrigerator or bought at a pharmacy.

Cottage cheese

Apply a compress of fresh cottage cheese to the inflamed leg with erysipelas. The product should be applied in a small layer and wait until it dries completely. Then carefully remove the compress and repeat the procedure. Fermented milk product allows you to quickly restore the health of the epidermis, activate metabolic processes in tissues, and saturate cells with micronutrients.


Tincture from medicinal plant burnets. To prepare this medicine you need to mix 1 tbsp. dry plant and 1 tbsp. water, bring to a boil, cool and strain. Make compresses from the tincture. This treatment can quickly improve the patient’s condition, reduce inflammation and redness of the limb.


Using a blender or regular meat grinder, chop a few celery leaves. Place the resulting paste in gauze and apply to the sore spot. Keep the compress on for at least 30 minutes. If you don't have celery in the refrigerator, you can replace it with white cabbage leaves.


Another unusual and slightly strange recipe for erysipelas is chalk combined with red cloth. The chalk should be crushed into powder, sprinkled on sore spots on the legs, and wrapped in a red cloth. This compress is best done before bed. You can safely leave it on all night. This treatment method will quickly reduce swelling, inflammation and redness, and lower the temperature.

If you start treating erysipelas in time using one of the methods listed above, you can get rid of the problem in just 6-7 days. As a rule, a combination of taking medications and applying homemade compresses gives excellent results. The disease does not progress and does not cause complications.

With the help of traditional medicine, erysipelas of the upper and lower extremities can be treated. It is advisable that your doctor approves this remedy. Do you want to forget forever about the unpleasant symptoms of erysipelas on your legs? Then use the following recipes.


In a small deep container, combine several ingredients - 2 tbsp. rye flour, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. dried elderberry flowers. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the resulting paste to the sore leg. After 15-20 minutes, the compress can be removed and the limb can be washed in warm water. The procedure can be repeated several times in a row.


Raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater, are an excellent folk remedy for erysipelas. Use it as a lotion, and in just a few days you can get rid of the pathology.


In folk medicine, juniper decoction has proven itself well. 2 tbsp. dried bark, pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, let the liquid brew and cool, and then strain. Dip a small piece of gauze or a clean cloth into the infusion and apply it to the sore leg. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day.

In order for the treatment of erysipelas to be quick and effective, you need to correctly combine medication and the use of folk remedies. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is required in any case. The sooner you detect the symptoms of erysipelas and go to the hospital, the less likely you are to develop any complications.

About the disease (video)

Streptococci are the true causative agents of erysipelas

If you see that erysipelas has appeared on the skin of the lower extremities, immediately begin treating this unpleasant disease. After all, if you don’t pay attention in time to the fact that you have an erysipelas on your leg, treatment with folk remedies may no longer be considered. Advanced severe forms of erysipelas and those caused by it accompanying illnesses skin, blood vessels often require only surgical treatment.

What is erysipelas

The word “erysipelas” comes from the French rouge – “red”. Erysipelas is an infectious disease caused by streptococci. These bacteria lead to the breakdown of red blood cells. They also act on the walls of blood vessels, making them permeable. The disease is acute and begins suddenly. The patient develops a headache, fever, weakness, chills and nausea. The damaged area infected with bacteria begins to burn, the tissues turn red, swell, and the skin in this area becomes hot. The appearance of hemorrhages indicates the beginning of the development of the erythematous-hemorrhagic form of the infectious disease.

If blisters with light contents appear on the skin, which, when bursting, form a crust, then we can talk about bullous erysipelas. It is dangerous because it can lead to the appearance of trophic ulcers. Regardless of the form, any erysipelas also causes disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic system.

Most often, the lower extremities are affected by recurrent erysipelas. Relapses can occur every six months. They often disappear against the background of the development of diseases blood vessels legs, diseases with allergic component And skin ailments of various nature. The main entry point for streptococci, which, as a rule, can be found on the skin of any person, is any tissue damage - abrasion, cut, etc. When absorbed, streptococci begin to cause inflammatory processes, infiltration of subcutaneous tissue and skin, and fragility of blood vessels. Therefore, the sooner you start treating erysipelas, the less likely it is that the disease will develop. severe form and will cause life-threatening complications.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many people, on a subconscious level, are accustomed to trusting healers more than certified specialists, preferring to be treated with folk remedies at home without outside help. This is especially often done by families in which the rarest secrets of traditional medicine have been passed on for centuries. They not only know how to treat erysipelas on the leg with folk remedies, but also solve much more complex problems.

Don't try to talk about infectious diseases

If you also decide to take the side of the adherents traditional treatment If you have erysipelas on your leg, then before you do anything, be sure to consult a specialist and undergo an examination. This will partially eliminate the possibility of irreparable harm to health caused by home treatment. And remember that the use of ill-conceived methods of treating erysipelas with folk remedies in most cases leads to the formation of a recurrent form of the disease.

Folk decoction for erysipelas

For erysipelas on the leg, not only ointments applied to the swollen area will help, but also antiseptic decoctions for internal use. To prepare a decoction for erysipelas on the leg, take:

calamus and burnet roots; eucalyptus leaves; nettle; yarrow; licorice; cottonweed.

Burnet root will relieve inflammation

Important: crushed dry ingredients should be selected in equal quantities.

Pour a tablespoon of this mixture into 450 ml of boiling water. After the antiseptic decoction has infused, strain it. Drink the decoction an hour before meals four times a day. You need to drink 100-110 ml of decoction at a time.

Attention: to prevent the development of infectious diseases caused by streptococci, keep your skin clean and promptly treat wounds with antiseptic agents.

Compress with plantain

Look for an anti-inflammatory - take psyllium

Folk remedies for erysipelas on the leg, prepared from plantain, have proven themselves very well. This plant has excellent wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects. It disinfects damaged skin areas, promoting faster healing wound To prepare it, we don’t need anything other than plantain. In order for the plant to quickly cope with erysipelas, before applying large medicinal plantain to the swollen skin, it needs to be crushed. Better yet, grind about five to six sheets of disinfectant herb in a blender.

For one compress you need about six plantain leaves. Apply the pulp obtained using a blender or meat grinder to the inflamed area and bandage your leg. Compresses need to be changed three times a day.

Raisins against erysipelas

Raisins can be used not only for baking Easter cakes and muffins. It will also make a good folk remedy for erysipelas.

Take 200 g of light raisins and rinse them in cold water. Drain the dirty water and pour in new water, leave the raisins in it for 10 minutes. Let the berries dry. Crush the washed and dried raisins in a mortar, turning them into a homogeneous mass.

Now you should divide the raisin pulp into two parts. Both parts should be placed on a gauze napkin and adjusted to the erysipelas with an interval of half an hour. Do the procedure three times a day. Duration – up to complete cure lower extremities from erysipelas.

Stock up on life-saving light raisins

Attention: there is no need to wrap gauze around your leg!

We scare the face with chalk

If you pour chalk on the erysipelas, as well as on the tissue surrounding the affected area, it will begin to absorb moisture, thereby killing germs. There is nothing unnatural here, because we all know that microorganisms need normal life need a humid environment. It is logical that by excessively drying the skin, we will create unfavorable conditions for streptococci to live and reproduce.

Regular chalk will get rid of harmful microorganisms

Chalk, plantain and various decoctions are good ancient remedies against streptococci, but it is better for quick and effective treatment use faces antibacterial therapy. Of course, no one can forbid you to use folk remedies for erysipelas on the leg. But since we live in modern society, then archaic home methods for treating erysipelas should be replaced with adequate drug therapy (antibiotics, antihistamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). But in severe cases of erysipelas, the patient may require chemotherapy, blood transfusions, and the prescription of biostimulants. Patients are often prescribed vitamin complexes, ultraviolet irradiation(with erythematous erysipelas). If the correct comprehensive treatment is carried out, you can count on quick release from erysipelas and complete restoration of the body’s performance.

Rozhey, or erysipelas, is an acute disease accompanied by inflammation of the skin, fever and intoxication.

The cause of the disease is streptococci that penetrate through microtraumas of the skin into the lymphatic vessels, thus causing inflammation.

Erysipelas is an infectious disease that primarily affects the skin. Its course is accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication and frequent relapses. The source of infection with this disease is a person who is a carrier of streptococcus, the causative agent of erysipelas. The infection can enter the body through minor damage to the skin and mucous membrane, for example, scratches, cracks, etc.

The main condition for the occurrence of the disease is a decrease in the body’s immune forces under the influence of unfavorable factors.

Women and older people are most often affected by the disease. After past illness no immunity occurs.

The onset of the disease is characterized by an increase in body temperature to 39-40 °C, chills, and symptoms of general intoxication. In this case, the patient complains of weakness, headache, muscle pain, nausea, and vomiting. A few hours after the onset of the disease, pain, itching, burning sensation, swelling and redness of the skin are noted in the affected area. The red spot in the affected area quickly increases in size.

The main areas affected by erysipelas are the face (nasolabial folds, bridge of the nose, cheeks, corners of the mouth) and the scalp. Very rarely, inflammation can occur on the legs and other areas. In some cases, there may be the formation of blisters filled with liquid contents at the site of the red spot, which burst, followed by the formation of crusts. Skin changes are stored for 5-15 days.

Symptoms: the disease usually begins acutely and occurs at a high temperature with chills and fever, which are accompanied by headache, severe weakness and muscle pain, nausea and vomiting. A slight reddish or pink spot, which then spreads over the surface of the skin.

What's happening? The spot rises above the rest of the skin and has clearly defined boundaries with jagged edges. The spot is hot and painful to the touch. When skin detaches, blisters may form. The disease is accompanied by edema. The inflammation lasts from a week to two, gradually decreasing and peeling off. The bubbles burst and crusts form in their place.

Immunity does not develop after an illness, and erysipelas often recur.

Complications of erysipelas include abscesses, cellulitis and ulcers, thrombophlebitis, myocarditis, nephritis and rheumatism.

What to do? Treatment for erysipelas is prescribed by a doctor.

Recipes. Traditional medicine for the treatment of erysipelas recommends:

Do not wash with water or wet the affected area of ​​skin at all;

Drink milk;

Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with pork fat or propolis;

Apply bird cherry bark to the affected areas. Prevention of erysipelas - prevention of skin injuries, careful adherence to hygiene rules.

The disease is expressed in bright redness of the skin with slight swelling. It usually begins with severe chills and fever; redness may appear near a contaminated wound and even in a clean area. The spot burns, itches and seems to be creeping, gradually expanding.

If erysipelas has formed near a wound, then it is usually treated with ichthyol. The wound itself should be washed daily with a solution of manganese, and the reddened area should be lubricated with ointment, and another 2 to 5 centimeters of unaffected skin should be covered in order to stop the spread of the disease.

It is good to sprinkle the face on the face with a thick mixture of pure chalk and rice starch. They need to be finely crushed and sifted so that large particles do not irritate sore spots. On top of the powder you need to wear a mask made of blue thick paper with holes for the eyes to protect your face from the sun's rays. Of course, you can’t wash your face.

On the fifth day the disease reaches its higher development, after which recovery begins.

When you have an erysipelas on your face, be sure to suck in water with manganese or boric acid, and lubricate abrasions in the nose with lapis, since streptococci collect and remain there most of all.

Folk remedies for erysipelas

1. Chalk, red cloth.

In the morning, before sunrise, sprinkle the area affected by erysipelas with clean, finely sifted chalk. Place a clean red woolen cloth on top and bandage it all. The next morning, repeat the same procedure again, changing the chalk. After a few days, the erysipelas goes away. Carry out the procedure once a day and always before sunrise.

2. Natural bee honey, a piece of red natural silk, the size of your palm. Grind into small pieces. Mix with natural bee honey, divide this mixture into 3 parts. In the morning, an hour before sunrise, apply this mixture to the area affected by erysipelas and bandage it. The next morning, repeat the procedure again. Do this every day until recovery.

3. Chalk, powder - 1 part. Sage, leaf powder - 1 part.

Mix everything well. Pour the mixture onto a cotton cloth and tie it to the affected area. Change 4 times a day in a semi-dark place, away from direct sunlight.

4. Rye flour.

Finely sifted rye flour is sprinkled on the sore spot. The top is covered with blue sugar wrapping paper and everything is bandaged. Do it in the morning an hour before sunrise. Change the bandage once a day before sunrise.

5. Frog caviar.

In the spring, collect frog eggs and spread them thin layer onto a clean cloth and dry in the shade. In case of erysipelas, lightly soak the caviar and apply it to the sore spot overnight. After 3 such procedures, erysipelas goes away. It is believed radical means with erysipelas. Store caviar in a cool, dry place for 6 months, no more.

6 Apply fresh plantain leaves to the sore spot.

7. Lubricate the area of ​​skin affected by erysipelas with a cloth in kerosene, after ten minutes wipe off the kerosene, do this for 2-3 days.

Inflammation of the eyes due to erysipelas

8. Datura (leaves and seeds).

20 g of dope seeds or leaves per glass of boiling water. Leave, covered, for 30 minutes, strain. Dilute half and half with water. Apply lotions for eye inflammation. Vodka tincture of seeds or leaves. Dilute 1 teaspoon of tincture into 0.5 cups boiled water. Use for lotions.

Treatment with honey

Grind a palm-sized piece of natural red silk into small lumps. Mix with natural bee honey, divide this mixture into 3 parts. In the morning, an hour before sunrise, apply this mixture to the area affected by erysipelas and bandage it. The next morning, repeat the procedure again. Do this every day until recovery.


Mix rye flour with honey and elderberry leaves. Apply the resulting mass as a compress, saying:

The first time, the first hour, they planted the mug, they watered the mug, the mug did not rise, it went away! A second time, a second hour... And so on up to twelve times, up to twelve hours.

- “God walked through a pig den and carried three faces. One dries, the other withers, the third is driven off the body. Mother in labor, red maiden, do not walk on white legs, do not walk on blue veins, do not make wounds on white legs, do not make wounds on blue veins. I am a word, and God is a help. Amen".

Ultraviolet light treatment

The affected area is irradiated with light.

Disease prevention: maintaining personal hygiene rules, treating fungal skin diseases, treating streptococcal diseases, preventing injuries and abrasions of the feet.

Clay treatment for erysipelas

Apply cold clay to the inflamed area. Clay cannot be heated, as when warmed it loses its healing properties.

Treatment with rye flour

Finely sifted rye flour is sprinkled onto the affected area, blue wrapping paper is placed on top, and everything is bandaged. The procedure is carried out early in the morning before sunrise.

Recipe No. 1

2 tbsp. spoons of dope seeds, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over Datura seed, leave for 30 minutes, strain, then dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Mode of application.

Use as lotions.

Recipe No. 2

1 tbsp. spoon of sage leaves, chalk (powder).

Cooking method.

Mix the ingredients, pour the mixture onto a cotton cloth.

Mode of application.

Place a cloth on the affected area and bandage it. The procedure should be carried out 4 times a day.

Treatment with bee products

Once cut a piece of silk into small pieces, mix with honey. Divide the resulting mixture into 3 parts.

In the morning, before sunrise, apply the mixture to the area affected by erysipelas and bandage it. Do it once a day for 3 days.

Chalk treatment

pure chalk, red woolen cloth.

Mode of application.

In the morning, sprinkle the affected area with clean chalk, then put red woolen cloth on top and bandage everything. The next day, repeat the procedure, changing the chalk. The procedure is carried out once a day before sunrise. After 5-6 days, the erysipelas goes away.

Hunger treatment

With complete fasting, erysipelas disappears in an average of 3 days.

Erysipelas or erysipelas (from Polish róża) is an infectious, fairly common disease of the skin and mucous membranes. In Latin - erysipelas(erythros translated from Greek - red, pellis - skin). Among all, erysipelas ranks fourth and today is one of the current problems in healthcare. The cause of erysipelas is group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Sick individuals and healthy carriers are sources of infection. The disease is characterized by severe fever, symptoms of intoxication and the appearance of skin or mucous membranes of areas of inflammation are bright red.

Complicated forms of erysipelas are the most severe soft tissue infections. They are characterized by rapid onset, rapid progression and severe intoxication.

A patient with erysipelas is less contagious. Women often fall ill during the period of declining reproductive function. In a third of patients, the disease acquires a relapsing course.

Erysipelas has been known since ancient times. Its description was found in the works of ancient authors. Pure culture The causative agent of erysipelas was isolated in 1882 by F. Felleisen. Russian scientists E. A. Galperin and V. L. Cherkasov made a huge contribution to the study of the disease.

Rice. 1. Erysipelas (erysipelas) on the leg (erysipelas of the lower leg).


There are 20 types (serogroups) of streptococci. The most significant of them are streptococci of serogroups A, B, C, D and G. Beta-hemolytic streptococci of group A (Streptococcus pyogenes) are the cause of many dangerous diseases in humans - pustular diseases skin and soft tissues (abscesses, phlegmons, boils and osteomyelitis), tonsillitis and pharyngitis, bronchitis, rheumatism, scarlet fever and toxic shock. Erysipelas can be caused by any type of group A streptococcus.

Bacteria have rounded shape. They are often arranged in chains, less often in pairs. They reproduce by dividing in two.

  • In external environment, including sputum and pus, the bacteria persist for months and survive low temperatures and freezing.
  • Heat, sunlight and disinfectant solutions have a detrimental effect on microbes.
  • Streptococci exhibit high sensitivity to antibiotics, resistance to which they develop slowly.

Streptococci isolated whole line endo- and exotoxins and enzymes that cause their damaging effects.

Rice. 2. Streptococci have a round shape. They are often arranged in chains, less often in pairs.

Rice. 3. Beta-hemolytic streptococci of group A, when growing on blood agar, form zones of hemolysis (light halos) that are 2 to 4 times larger than the diameter of the colonies themselves.

Rice. 4. When growing on nutrient media, colonies of streptococci are shiny, drop-shaped, or gray, matte and granular with uneven edges, or convex and transparent.

Epidemiology of the disease

Reservoir and source beta- are sick and “healthy” bacteria carriers. Bacteria penetrate the skin from the outside or from foci of chronic infection. Erysipelas in persons with manifestations ( chronic tonsillitis, caries, diseases of the ENT organs, etc.) occurs 5 - 6 times more often. Long-term use steroid hormones is a predisposing factor in the development of the disease.

Minor injuries, cracks, abrasions, abrasions and wounds on the skin and mucous membranes of the nose, genitals, etc. are entry point for infection. Contact and airborne - the main ones routes of infection.

Group A streptococci often live on human skin and mucous membranes and do not cause disease. Such persons are called bacteria carriers. Erysipelas are more often registered in women during the period of decline of reproductive function. In some patients, erysipelas is recurrent in nature, which is apparently associated with a genetic predisposition.

The disease often develops with lymphostasis and venous insufficiency, edema of different origins, trophic ulcers, etc.

Rice. 5. Cellulitis and gangrene - formidable complications erysipelas.

How does erysipelas occur (pathogenesis of erysipelas)

Inflammation in erysipelas is most often localized on the face and legs, less often on the arms, torso, scrotum, perineal area and mucous membranes. The inflammatory process during the disease affects the main layer of the skin, its framework - the dermis. It performs supporting and trophic functions. The dermis contains many capillaries and fibers.

Inflammation in erysipelas is infectious and allergic in nature.

  • Waste products and substances released when bacteria die cause the development of toxicosis and fever.
  • The cause of the development of the inflammatory process is the effect on tissue of toxins, enzymes and antigens of hemolytic streptococci, as well as biologically active substances. Small arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels are damaged. The inflammation is serous or serous-hemorrhagic in nature.
  • Human skin antigens are similar in structure to streptococcal polysaccharides, which leads to the development of autoimmune processes when the patient’s antibodies begin to attack their tissues. Immune and autoimmune complexes cause damage to the skin and blood vessels. Intravascular blood coagulation develops, the integrity of the capillary walls is disrupted, and local hemorrhagic syndrome. As a result of vasodilation, a focus of hyperemia and vesicles appear on the skin, the contents of which are serous or hemorrhagic in nature.
  • Biologically active substances enter the bloodstream in large quantities, including histamine, which is involved in the development of hemorrhagic forms of erysipelas.
  • Insufficiency of lymph circulation is manifested by edema of the lower extremities. Over time, damaged lymphatic vessels are replaced by fibrous tissue, which leads to the development of elephantiasis.
  • The focus of infectious-allergic inflammation consumes a large number of glucocorticoids. This leads to the development of extra-adrenal insufficiency. Protein and water-salt metabolism are disrupted.

Rice. 6. The inflammatory process during the disease affects the main layer of the skin, its frame - the dermis.

Factors influencing the development of erysipelas

The development of erysipelas is influenced by the following factors:

  • Individual predisposition to the disease, which is due to genetic predisposition or hypersensitivity to allergens of streptococci and staphylococci.
  • Decreased activity defensive reactions body - nonspecific factors, humoral, cellular and local immunity.
  • Disorders of the neuroendocrine system and imbalance of biologically active substances.

Classification of erysipelas

  1. There are erythematous, erythematous-bullous, erythematous-hemorrhagic and bullous-hemorrhagic (uncomplicated) and abscessing, phlegmonous and necrotic (complicated) forms of erysipelas. This classification of erysipelas is based on the nature of local lesions.
  2. According to the severity of the course, erysipelas is divided into mild, moderate and severe.
  3. According to the frequency of manifestation, erysipelas is divided into primary, repeated and recurrent.
  4. There are localized, widespread, migratory and metastatic forms of erysipelas.

By prevalence

  • When a limited area of ​​damage appears on the skin, it is said to be localized the form of erysipelas.
  • Extension of the lesion beyond the anatomical region is regarded as widespread form.
  • When one or more new areas appearing near the primary lesion, connected by “bridges,” we speak of migrating form of erysipelas.
  • When new foci of inflammation appear far from the primary focus, they speak of metastatic form of the disease. Streptococci spread hematogenously. The disease is severe and long-lasting, often complicated by the development of sepsis.

By frequency of occurrence

  • Erysipelas that occurs for the first time is called primary.
  • If a repeated case of the disease occurs in the same place, but not earlier than 2 years after the first case or when repeated illness, which arose in another place earlier than this period, they speak of repeated erysipelas.
  • Erysipelas that occurs repeatedly in the same place is recurrent character.

By severity

  • Mild severity The disease is characterized by short-term fever and mild symptoms of intoxication, which is typical for the erythematous form of erysipelas.
  • Moderate severity is characterized by a longer (up to 5 days) fever and more pronounced symptoms of intoxication, which is typical for the erythematous and erythematous-bullous forms of the disease.
  • Severe course Erysipelas is typical for hemorrhagic and complicated forms of the disease, which occur with high (up to 40 0 ​​C) body temperature, severe intoxication, and the development in some cases of infectious-toxic shock and sepsis. Severe course is observed in migratory and metastatic forms of the disease.

Erased or abortive forms of the disease are observed with adequate, timely treatment. They are rare.

Rice. 7. The photo shows erysipelas of the skin.

Signs and symptoms of erysipelas in different forms of the disease

Signs and symptoms of erysipelas during the incubation period

The incubation period for erysipelas in the event of infection from the outside is from 3 to 5 days. As a rule, the disease begins acutely, with an exact indication of the hour of onset of the first symptoms and signs. Headache, general weakness, increased body temperature to 39 - 40°C, chills, muscle and joint pain, often nausea and vomiting, less often convulsions and disturbances of consciousness are the main signs and symptoms of erysipelas during this period. Intoxication with erysipelas develops as a result of the release of bloodstream streptococcal toxins.

At the same time, the first signs of local damage appear. Sometimes local symptoms develop 6-10 hours after the onset of the disease.

Streptococci have a tropism for lymphatic system, where they quickly multiply and spread to regional lymph nodes, which enlarge as a result of developed inflammation. Fever and toxicosis persist for up to 7 days, rarely longer.

All forms of erysipelas are accompanied by inflammation lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes.

Rice. 8. The photo shows erysipelas (erysipelas) in children (erysipelas of the face).

Signs and symptoms of erysipelas of the skin in the erythematous form of the disease

A burning sensation and bursting pain at the site of the lesion are the first symptoms of erysipelas. Redness and swelling are the first signs of the disease. In the affected area, the skin is hot to the touch and tense. The inflammatory focus quickly increases in size. The erysipelatous plaque is delimited from the surrounding tissues by a roller, has jagged edges and resembles flames. In the tissues and capillaries of the affected area there are many streptococci, which can be detected by simple smear microscopy. The process lasts up to 1 - 2 weeks. Redness disappears gradually, the edges of the erythema blur, and swelling subsides. The upper layer of the epidermis exfoliates and thickens, sometimes appearing dark spots. Persistent swelling indicates the development of lymphostasis.

Rice. 9. The photo shows an erythematous form of erysipelas on the leg.

Signs and symptoms of erysipelas of the skin in the erythematous-bullous form of the disease

The erythematous-bullous form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of blisters and blisters on the affected area of ​​the skin. Bullous elements contain a light transparent liquid (exudate). Sometimes the exudate becomes cloudy, and the bubbles turn into pustules. Over time, the bubbles subside, and in their place brown crusts form, dense to the touch. After 2 - 3 weeks, the crusts are torn away, exposing the erosive surface. Some patients develop trophic ulcers. Epithelization of the affected surface occurs slowly.

Rice. 10. In the erythematous-bullous form of erysipelas, brown or black crusts form in place of collapsed blisters.

Signs and symptoms of erysipelas in the erythematous-hemorrhagic form of the disease

This form of erysipelas is becoming more common in Lately, and in some regions of our country it ranks first among all forms of this disease.

A burning sensation and bursting pain, redness, swelling and pinpoint (up to 3 mm) hemorrhages (petechiae) are the main signs and symptoms of the erythematous-hemorrhagic form of the disease. Hemorrhages at the affected area are a consequence of the release of blood from damaged small blood vessels into the intercellular space.

The disease is characterized by a longer (up to 2 weeks) fever and slow reverse development. Among the complications, skin necrosis is sometimes noted.

Rice. 11. Erysipelas of the hand. Pinpoint hemorrhages (petechiae) are the main symptom of the erythematous-hemorrhagic form of erysipelas.

Signs and symptoms of erysipelas in the bullous-hemorrhagic form of the disease

The bullous-hemorrhagic form of erysipelas of the skin is characterized by the appearance of blisters with serous-hemorrhagic contents against the background of hyperemia. Bleeding is associated with deep damage to the capillaries. After the bubbles subside, an erosive surface is exposed, on which black crusts are located. Healing is slow. The disease is often complicated by skin necrosis and inflammation of subcutaneous fat. After healing, scars and pigmentation remain.

Rice. 12. The photo shows gangrene of the lower limb, as a result of complications of the bullous-hemorrhagic form of erysipelas.

Bullous and hemorrhagic forms of the disease lead to the development of lymphostasis.

Signs and symptoms of complicated forms of erysipelas

Phlegmonous and necrotic forms of erysipelas of the skin are regarded as complications of the disease.

When inflammation spreads to the subcutaneous fatty tissue And connective tissue develops phlegmonous inflammation. Blisters filled with pus appear on the affected area of ​​the skin. The disease is severe, with severe intoxication. The affected area of ​​skin is often infected with staphylococci. The phlegmonous form of erysipelas often becomes the cause of sepsis.

Necrotic (gangrenous) form Erysipelas develops in individuals with low immunity. Soft fabrics undergo necrosis (complete destruction). The disease begins rapidly, proceeds with severe intoxication, and progresses rapidly. After healing, disinfectant scars remain.

The recovery period for severe and complicated forms of erysipelas is slow. Asthenic syndrome after recovery it persists for many months.

Rice. 13. The photo shows erysipelas (erysipelas), a phlegmonous-necrotic form of the disease.

Features of erysipelas in certain areas of the body

Most often, erysipelas is recorded on the skin of the lower extremities, somewhat less frequently - on the upper extremities and face, rarely - on the torso, mucous membranes, mammary gland, scrotum and perineal area.

Erysipelas on the leg

Erysipelas on the leg develops as a result of a violation of the integrity of the skin, the occurrence of which is associated with injuries and bruises. Often the disease develops in patients with fungal infections of the feet and toenails, circulatory disorders in the lower extremities that develop as a result of diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, smoking and excess weight. The source of infection is also foci of chronic infection in the patient’s body.

A burning sensation, bursting pain at the site of the lesion, redness and swelling are the first signs and symptoms of erysipelas on the legs.

Erysipelas on the legs is often recurrent. Improper treatment and the presence of foci of chronic infection contribute to the development of a recurrent form of the disease.

Frequent relapses lead to the development of fibrous changes in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, followed by the development of lymphostasis and elephantiasis.

Rice. 14. The photo shows erysipelas of the legs.

Erysipelas on the hand

Erysipelas often develop in drug addicts due to intravenous administration drugs and in women against the background of lymph stagnation, as a consequence of undergoing radical mastectomy.

Rice. 15. Erysipelas on the hands.

Rice. 16. The photo shows erysipelas of the hand.

Erysipelas on the face

Most often, the primary erythematous form of erysipelas occurs on the face. Redness often affects the area of ​​the cheeks and nose (butterfly type) and, in addition to swelling and itching, is often accompanied by severe pain. Sometimes the source of inflammation spreads to the entire face, scalp, back of the head and neck. In some patients, the disease is complicated by the development of abscesses in the thickness of the eyelids and the accumulation of pus under hairy part heads. When the infection spreads into the subcutaneous fatty tissue, phlegmon develops. Gangrene may develop in weakened individuals and the elderly.

The source of infection for erysipelas on the face is often streptococcal infection sinuses and boils. The source of infection for erysipelas of the orbit is streptococcal conjunctivitis.

With streptococcal otitis, erysipelas of the auricle sometimes develops, and the inflammatory process often spreads to the scalp and neck.

Rice. 17. An erythematous form of erysipelas often occurs on the face.

Rice. 18. Erysipelas on the face. Redness often affects the area of ​​the cheeks and nose (like a butterfly).

Rice. 19. Sometimes the source of inflammation spreads to the entire face, scalp, back of the head and neck.

Rice. 20. The photo shows erysipelas of the hand.

Erysipelas of the trunk

Erysipelas sometimes develops in the area of ​​surgical sutures if the rules of asepsis are not observed. Erysipelas occurs severely when streptococci penetrate into umbilical wound newborn Erysipelas of the mammary gland develops against the background of mastitis. The development of gangrene can lead to scarring with subsequent dysfunction of the organ.

Erysipelas of the genitals and perineum

With erysipelas of the scrotum, penis, female genital organs and perineum, an erythematous form of the disease most often develops with pronounced swelling of the underlying tissues. Developed tissue necrosis followed by scarring leads to testicular atrophy. Erysipelas in women giving birth is extremely difficult. Inflammatory process often affects the internal genital organs.

Erysipelas of the mucous membranes

With erysipelas, the pharynx, larynx, oral cavity and nasal mucosa are most often affected. When the mucous membranes are affected, an erythematous form of the disease develops. In the area of ​​inflammation, hyperemia and significant edema develop, often with foci of necrosis.

Rice. 21. The photo shows erysipelas of the oral mucosa.

Relapses of the disease

Erysipelas that occurs repeatedly in the same place is recurrent in nature. Relapses are divided into early and late. Early relapses are considered repeated episodes of the disease that occur before 6 months, late relapses - more than 6 months.

Chronic venous insufficiency, lymphostasis, diabetes mellitus and improper treatment of the disease contribute to recurrence. Relapses are often observed in patients working in unfavorable conditions and in the elderly.

When multiplying in the lymphatic capillaries of the skin, streptococci form an inflammatory focus in the dermis. Frequent relapses occur with low temperature body and moderately severe symptoms of intoxication. Oily erythema and swelling appear on the skin. The demarcation from healthy areas is weakly expressed.

Frequent relapses lead to the development of fibrous changes in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue with the subsequent development of elephantiasis.

Rice. 22. In the photo there is erysipelas (erysipelas) of rare localization.

Erysipelas in the elderly

Erysipelas in older people often occurs on the face. The disease is accompanied by severe pain. Sometimes gangrene develops. Erysipelas has a protracted course and slowly regresses.

Rice. 23. Erysipelas on the face in older people.

Erysipelas in children

Erysipelas are rare in children. In older children, the disease occurs in mild form. The focus of erysipelas may occur in different places. The erythematous form develops more often. The prognosis is favorable.

In children under one year of age, erysipelas is more severe. Foci of inflammation often appear in areas of diaper rash and on the face, sometimes spreading to other parts of the body. With the phlegmonous form of the disease, sepsis can develop, with erysipelas of the face - meningitis.

Erysipelas develops severely when streptococci penetrate into the umbilical wound in newborns. The process quickly spreads to the child’s back, buttocks and limbs. Intoxication increases, body temperature rises significantly, and convulsions appear. Some patients develop sepsis. Mortality from erysipelas in newborns is extremely high.

Rice. 24. The photo shows erysipelas in children.

Complications of erysipelas

Complications of erysipelas occur in 4 - 8% of cases. A decrease in the activity of the body’s defense reactions and inadequate treatment lead to the development of:

  • lymphorrhea - leakage of lymph from damaged lymphatic vessels,
  • ulcers - deep skin defects,
  • abscess - an abscess surrounded by a dense capsule,
  • phlegmon, when inflammation spreads to subcutaneous fatty tissue and connective tissue,
  • gangrene - complete destruction tissues affected by inflammation,
  • thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the venous walls with the formation of blood clots,
  • pneumonia in elderly people,
  • lymphostasis (lymphedema), which developed as a result of impaired lymph outflow and elephantiasis (fibredema),
  • infectious psychosis,
  • At the site of inflammation, hyperkeratosis, eczema, and pigmentation often develop over a long or recurrent course.

Immunity does not develop after suffering from erysipelas.

Most popular

Erysipelas is an infectious skin disease. At improper treatment can lead to a number of serious complications. There are many factors that can cause the disease.

On the stage early diagnosis Treatment of erysipelas is easier. An advanced disease develops over time into more complex forms. Erysipelas quite curable disease, but there are relapses. If erysipelas occurs repeatedly, then each subsequent time the disease takes on a more severe form.

Causes of erysipelas on the leg

The main cause of erysipelas is infection by streptococcus bacteria. Streptococci are gram-positive aerobic bacteria that live in the human body. Pathogenic microbes enter through open wounds caused by cuts, scrapes, cracks or burns. Sometimes carriers of streptococci do not even suspect its existence.

Of 100% of carriers, only 15% remain unaware, since their bacteria do not manifest themselves in any way throughout their lives. The remaining 85% of carriers suffer from various diseases that are caused by the proliferation of pathogens.

Erysipelas on the leg can occur in at different ages. There is a tendency: in youth, it is mainly men who suffer from erysipelas, and in old age, erysipelas occurs more often in women.

Causes of erysipelas:

  • First of all, the disease occurs in people who, due to their profession or lifestyle, are constantly in unsanitary conditions.
  • Erysipelas sometimes appears as a consequence sedentary lifestyle life in older people. Trophic ulcers, bedsores and poor circulation are a favorable environment for the penetration and development of streptococcal bacteria.
  • Erysipelas occurs in people with reduced immunity, this may be due to previous diseases, severe stress and nervous exhaustion.
  • Another reason for the appearance of erysipelas on the human body is the systematic exposure of the skin to UV rays, which leads to burns.
  • Erysipelas often occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus, obesity and varicose veins veins And also in people who suffer from alcoholism.

The disease manifests itself in the form of redness on the skin. Most often, erysipelas affects the limbs. In more in rare cases inflammation occurs on the human torso and in the genital area. At the initial stage, diseases appear on the body red shiny spots, which spread quickly, forming extensive foci.


The cream is definitely an effective remedy for combating all types of fungal infections on both the skin and nails.

It not only eliminates pathogenic dermatophytes, causative agents of epidermycosis and trichomycosis, but also restores protective functions skin. Effectively eliminates itching, flaking and irritation from the first use.

Classification of erysipelas

There are several classifications on the legs:

  1. First stage classified according to the severity of the disease. There are light, medium and heavy.
  2. Second stage classification is determined by the scale of the affected areas. There are localized, limited and extensive forms.
  3. Third stage determined depending on the nature of the manifestation. There is a primary, recurrent and repeated form of the disease.


The first symptom of erysipelas is a general malaise in the patient, which is accompanied by:

  • headache;
  • chills;
  • weakness throughout the body;
  • painful sensations in muscles;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • sometimes vomiting and diarrhea;

The next symptom of the disease is a rash on the skin in the form of redness and swelling. Often the appearance of spots is accompanied by a burning sensation in the affected areas of the skin with characteristic pain. Erysipelas appears as bright red erythema with jagged edges that resemble flames. Erythema is separated from healthy skin by a ridge of skin with clear, limited edges.

Further symptoms depend on the form of the disease.

Forms of the disease

There are four forms of erysipelas on the legs.

All forms are similar, however, there are significant distinctive features:

  • Erythematous. With this form, red erythema appears on the skin, which has clear boundaries with a uniform color. After some time, peeling occurs on the lesions. The erythematous form is also characteristic of.
  • Erythematous-bullous. A form in which the erythema becomes covered with blisters after a few days. clear liquid. If the patient received medical care on time, then after the blisters go away, healthy areas of skin can be seen underneath them. If treatment is not carried out, then a burst blister can lead to trophic ulcers and rotting wounds.
  • Bullous-hemorrhagic. A form similar to erythematobullous, however, in this case the blisters are filled with blood.
  • Erythematous-hemorrhagic. This form manifests itself in the form of subcutaneous hemorrhages in the area of ​​erythema.

Can't deal with fungus?

Nail fungus, like all others fungal diseases, is contagious. The disease can manifest itself even in those who healthy image life.

At the first symptoms of nail fungus, you should immediately begin treatment. If the disease starts, the nail peels off, changes color, shape, crumbles and noticeably thickens.

It has the following properties:

  • Penetrates freely under the nail and inter-nail spaces
  • Has an antibacterial effect. Relieves itching and inflammation in 1 application
  • Removes cracks and itching between fingers thanks to propolis
  • Destroys spores due to poultry alkaloids
  • Golden mustache restores healthy nails

Treatment of erysipelas

Treatment for erysipelas on the leg is prescribed depending on the form of manifestation of the disease. Erysipelas should be treated immediately at the first symptoms; the sooner therapy is started, the faster and more effective the treatment will be.

Treatment methods for erysipelas:

  1. Antibacterial drugs. After diagnosing the form and classifying the disease, the attending physician prescribes a medicine that is more suitable for treating this particular type of erysipelas. For therapy, antibiotics are used that are active in the fight against streptococci:
    • Antibiotics of the penicillin, ampicillin and cephalosporin series. Active substances drugs effectively fight bacteria. The drugs are administered intramuscularly up to 5 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.
    • For milder forms, antibiotics can be taken orally. The course of treatment with these drugs is prescribed by the attending physician. For such therapy they often use:
      1. Cephalexin.
      2. Fadroxil.
      3. Cefixime.
      4. Cefuroxime.
  2. Complex treatment. Add to antibiotic medications topical ointments, creams and tinctures:
    • Naftalan ointment.
    • Iruksol.
    • Erythromycin.
    • Furacilin solution in the form of lotions.
  3. IN medical practice There are several physiotherapeutic procedures that are prescribed to patients with erysipelas:
    • Ultraviolet radiation;
    • Laser therapy;
    • Exposure to infrared radiation.
  4. To all of the above types of treatment, it is imperative to add the intake of vitamin complexes A, B and C.

Folk remedies

Like any disease, erysipelas can be treated with traditional methods.

Traditional medicine recipes:

  1. It is necessary to apply compresses soaked in herbal decoctions to the affected areas of the skin. Such procedures can be done no more than 2 times a day, since long-term moisturizing of the affected skin can lead to ulcers and purulent wounds. For the decoction, you need to mix 100 g of coltsfoot and 10 g each of calendula, motherwort, chamomile and licorice root. Pour the mixture with one liter of water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. The decoction is ready.
  2. You can make a mixture of crushed coltsfoot leaves and chamomile flowers in a 1:1 ratio, add honey to the resulting mass. Use as a cream to treat erysipelas.
  3. Propolis is suitable for treatment; it relieves inflammation of the skin well.
  4. You can wipe the affected areas of the body alcohol tincture eucalyptus.
  5. A very common and proven method of traditional medicine is chalk and red cloth made from natural fibers. For treatment, you need to sprinkle your leg with chalk and bandage it with a red rag. After 3-4 days, the erysipelas goes away.
  6. They also use dry compresses made from potato broth and dry cotton wool.

You should not completely abandon drug treatment for erysipelas. All folk remedies will give greater results in combination with medical therapy. You can easily combine taking antibiotics with herbal lotions. Moreover, almost all folk remedies are intended for external use.

Complications of erysipelas on the leg

There are a number of complications that occur with erysipelas on the leg. Even after treatment of erysipelas, the skin on the leg does not recover for a long time.

Possible complications:

  • Areas of skin after erythema remain red and swollen for a long time. Subsequently, peeling of the dead epithelium appears. Such symptoms do not require additional drug treatment; it is enough to simply treat the skin of the feet with soothing tinctures and moisturizing creams.
  • If the patient suffered from bullous erysipelas, then in places where blisters may occur as a complication purulent wounds, which do not go away for a long time. In this case, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory drugs and ointments that fight pyogenic bacteria.
  • Complications include the formation of a secondary disease, such as lymphedema or elephantiasis. The disease is associated with prolonged stagnation of lymph in the lower extremities. The leg swells and becomes deformed. It is prohibited to treat such diseases on your own. You should immediately consult a doctor for qualified help.

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