Mouth disease symptoms and treatment with medication. Roth Bernhardt disease, symptoms and treatment

Roth's disease - this disease is a type of neuralgia, manifested not so much by pain as not pleasant sensations in the inner thigh. This tunnel syndrome occurs when there is compression nerve trunk in the area of ​​the inguinal ligament and in the sections below. All this occurs due to a lesion that originates from the lumbar roots spinal nerves. The article will discuss the main symptoms of Roth's disease and the treatment of this disease, and most importantly, ways to prevent it.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of Roth-Bernhard disease is nerve compression. Another factor in the development of pathology is its insufficient supply of nutrients as a result various diseases. Compression neuralgia can occur with:

  • prolonged wearing of belts, tight underwear, corsets;
  • frequent and prolonged position of the body with the torso tilted forward;
  • excessive deposition of fat layer on the abdomen and upper parts hips;
  • pregnancy;
  • injuries and illnesses in lumbar region spine;
  • lumbar curvature of the spine, forward convexity and scoliosis;
  • injuries hip joint and pelvic bones;
  • inflammatory processes in the lower part abdominal cavity;
  • neoplasms in the pelvic area;
  • surgical interventions in groin area or abdominal cavity;
  • hematomas arising in the peritoneum;
  • infectious diseases, diabetes mellitus;
  • alcoholism.

Often there is a combination of the above reasons. Tunnel neuralgia often affects people of working age, more often men. The occurrence of the disease is influenced by hereditary predisposition. When symptoms of Roth-Bernhardt disease appear, treatment begins with identifying the causes that could cause this disease.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease begins to manifest itself gradually and often in waves. At the beginning they appear following symptoms:

  • Decreased tactility, the appearance of pins and needles in the outer and front part of the thigh. This clinic begins to appear after physical activity.

With the full development of the disease, the following occurs:

  • Burning and tingling from hip to knee.
  • Reduced tangibility skin.
  • The onset of complete numbness, and then the restoration of blood flow, which is accompanied by not particularly pleasant sensations.
  • Slight lameness.
  • Severe or nagging subcutaneous pain.

Late stages of the disease manifest themselves:

  • pallor of the skin of the thigh;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • dilated veins;
  • the appearance of long-term non-healing trophic ulcers.

Over time, all symptoms intensify and pain increases. Sometimes relief comes from lying on your back with your legs bent or active movement. Early manifestation symptoms of Roth's disease and treatment started in a timely manner can significantly alleviate the individual's condition.

The mechanism of development of Roth's disease

For normal functioning lateral femoral nerve requires supply nutrients, which are delivered to him through the bloodstream. When it is compressed, blood flow is disrupted. As a result:

The first symptoms of Roth's disease appear, and treatment (photo below) must begin immediately, otherwise short period over time, dystrophy may occur followed by complete atrophy femoral lateral nerve. The sensitivity of the skin is practically impossible to restore. And disruption of the connection between the nerve fibers of the subcutaneous fat layer of the thigh and the central nervous system leads to sclerotic changes. As a result, lesions appear in the form of trophic ulcers.


For quality therapy that will really help the patient and alleviate his condition, it is necessary A complex approach. Treatment of symptoms of Roth's disease (ICD-10 code G-57) should be aimed at eliminating the causes that caused them. It includes the following steps therapeutic measures:

  • drug therapy;
  • dietary food;
  • physiotherapy;
  • special massage;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • surgical intervention.

It is advisable to start treatment from the first symptoms of the disease. Developed effective techniques manual therapy giving good results and allowing you to do without surgical intervention.


What medications are used to treat the symptoms of Roth's disease? To relieve pain in official medicine use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen. If they are ineffective, use local anesthetics and glucocorticoids.

To improve the trophism of the damaged nerve, medications are used that improve blood microcirculation, using “Trental”, “Pentoxifylline”, as well as B vitamins. The drug “Proserin”, which affects the work nerve fiber, are prescribed only for complicated conditions. In advanced cases, to relieve symptoms, it is prescribed hormonal drugs.

Traditional medicine

As additional drugs together with drug therapy use and folk remedies. Treatment of symptoms of Roth's disease is carried out using:

  • Honey - an emulsion for compresses is prepared from it. To prepare it you need: a tablespoon of honey, protein chicken egg, dessert spoon of grated household or baby soap. Whisk everything thoroughly thin layer apply to a cloth, place on the affected area, cover with compress paper on top and tie with a warm scarf. Apply the compress at night, remove and rinse in the morning warm water.
  • Horseradish - grate the root of the plant. Mix one part horseradish with two parts honey. Make a compress as in the previous case.
  • Therapeutic baths- add sage infusion to water at a temperature of 38 degrees. Take a bath for a quarter of an hour daily or every other day.

All these procedures, together with medicines will help get rid of unwanted signs of Roth's disease and alleviate the patient's condition.

Non-drug treatment of the disease

Physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used to prevent and treat symptoms of Roth's disease. These include:

  • Dynamic currents - they are supplied with different frequency and have a beneficial effect on pain relief and metabolic processes.
  • Transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation - effects on skin receptors with low-frequency currents. There is an improvement local circulation, pain is reduced, metabolism improves.
  • Acupuncture is a method that comes from Chinese medicine. Impact on certain points of the body with a thin needle gives good healing effect.
  • Water aerobics - water relieves tension from the spinal muscles and reduces compression of the affected areas.

  • Massage - mechanical impact on the body with creams and oils helps improve blood circulation, and therefore nourishes soft tissues and nerve fibers.

All these procedures have a beneficial effect on improving the patient’s condition and lead to recovery.

Disease prevention

Symptoms of Roth's disease can be prevented to avoid treatment. To do this, you must comply basic rules:

Promptly treat all emerging ailments that provoke diseases of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh.


Roth-Bernhart disease is not such a rare pathology that affects both men and women. This disease most often manifests itself in people of middle and older age. The disease does not bypass young people, leading few moving image life having overweight and the whole working day, located in sitting position. The main motivating factor for the occurrence tunnel syndrome is a lack of regular muscle activity of the lower extremities. At timely detection symptoms of Roth's disease, treatment should begin immediately to prevent serious consequences. You need to seek help from a neurologist.

Bernhardt-Roth disease is pathological process which develops when a nerve located in the groin or anterior region is compressed ilium.

In most cases, this disease affects men who have passed the age of fifty. But sometimes, this pathology can also be detected in pregnant women in the third trimester, since during pregnancy a strong increase lumbar lordosis and pelvic tilt angle.


During Roth-Bernhardt disease, physiotherapeutic procedures should be treated with caution, since under certain circumstances they can worsen the patient’s well-being. During treatment, the following types of procedures are possible:

  • mud treatment, they reduce inflammatory processes, occurring in the body;
  • hydrogen sulfide baths restore blood circulation and have positive impact on muscle tissue;
  • radon baths - reduce pain in the patient, help strengthen the entire body as a whole, and also improve the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • acupuncture has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the affected nerve;

If the disease is not neglected, recovery occurs after a couple of weeks. As a rule, after treatment the patient goes into long-term remission and the disease may not bother him for several years. As a preventive measure against the development of this disease The immune system and body should be strengthened.

It should be remembered that sedentary image life will not lead to anything good, but exercise therapy can prevent the development of Roth-Bernhardt disease. As therapeutic exercises Experts recommend swinging your legs, bending them at the knees, and also moving them inward and to the sides.

About the syndrome (video)

Roth's disease- or meralgia paresthetica is one of the types of neuralgia, which manifests itself not so much as pain as unpleasant sensations. Roth's disease is a tunnel syndrome, and is associated with compression of the nerve trunk in the area of ​​the inguinal ligament and underlying sections. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which originates from the anterior branches, is to blame for this spinal cord.

What to remember when you get sick

It is worth mentioning that many people confuse this type of neuralgia with. But it must be said that pain when sciatic neuralgia and the unpleasant sensations during Roth's illness cannot be confused. Therefore, if you experience “lumbago” and shooting pains, then most likely it is pain in the sciatic nerve, A not Roth's disease.

Why does nerve damage occur in Roth's disease?

The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh has its own topographical characteristics of passage and relationships with other structures. The bottleneck for the nerve is near the iliac spine or inguinal ligament. The fact is that on its way this nerve, in addition to the obstacles described above, “pierces” the lata fascia of the thigh, so its levels of damage are as follows:

  • exit point under the inguinal ligament. At this point of rotation from the pelvic cavity, it bends;
  • at the site of perforation of the fascia lata of the thigh - since the tensor fascia lata can impinge on this nerve.
  • in the place where the loose bundle of part of the inguinal ligament passes.

Often, “temporary meralgia” can occur in pregnant women, since the curvature increases significantly spinal column posteriorly (lordosis). As a result, the tension of the inguinal ligament structures increases.

The pregnancy period can be complicated not only by Roth's neuralgia, but also (see), if anatomical position the fetus is horizontal, and the lower pairs of ribs, which are not attached to the sternum, move apart and are called “oscillating.”

One more cause of Roth's disease May be excess obesity on the stomach and upper thighs. So, in men, this can be aggravated by wearing a trouser belt, which, under the influence of a pressing fat apron, “turns” outward and compresses the formations with the edge of its surface. Naturally, as the area decreases, the pressure force increases, and the belt cuts deeply into the body.

In the photo - obesity, one of possible reasons Roth's disease

Therefore, the first thing a competent doctor pays attention to is wearing belts, tight underwear, swimming trunks or corsets.

In addition, Roth's disease can be caused by more serious causes: an oncological mass formation or a hematoma. Hematoma often occurs after injury, slipping on ice, sports games, among which hockey occupies one of the first places. Therefore, to avoid meralgia you need to follow the general guidelines.

The age of those affected by this type of tunnel neuropathy is average, and men get sick 3-4 times more often, precisely because of wearing a belt.

Wearing a belt, especially an “ugly” one like the one in the photo, can eventually trigger Roth’s disease

Manifestations of meralgia paresthetica

The most common manifestations of the disease are:

  • Sensory disorders, crawling "goosebumps", feeling partial numbness skin of the groin area. There may be a burning sensation, or, conversely, coldness. There is also a purely painful variant of the development of the disease, but it is felt much less frequently.

  • An unfavorable symptom is the development of intermittent claudication. As a rule, this is a sign of vascular ischemia of the lower extremities. With this form of neuralgia, lameness does not occur in lower sections legs, but in the upper.
  • For operational diagnostics this pain in the conditions surgical room You can inject a solution of novocaine at the level of compression, or in the highest area of ​​possible compression - that is, under the inguinal ligament. This manipulation is both diagnostic and. You can also use lidocaine, which has a more powerful analgesic ability, but it must be used in smaller doses, because toxicity increases with the ability to anesthetize.

As a rule, treatment of this disease is both symptomatic and prophylactic, aimed at eliminating the cause of compression of the nerve trunk. It includes activities such as:

  • Normalization of body weight;
  • Elimination of compression of the nerve by external causes (exclusion of wearing narrow and tight underwear, belts);
  • Symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating edema and muscle hypertonicity: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants central action. The first group includes xefocam, voltaren, meloxicam. The second group includes mydocalm and sirdalud.
  • As a rule, with meralgia paresthetica, the inflammatory component is never too pronounced, so electrophoresis and novocaine, UHF therapy, and diadynamic currents can be safely used. Good effect has acupuncture, moxotherapy (deep heating biologically active points wormwood cigars)

In the photo, UHF therapy for Roth's disease
  • Massage, exercise therapy (by the way, some may be suitable here), acupuncture, and acupuncture have a good effect.

As a rule, this disease never reaches such severity as to cause long-term disability, therefore Spa treatment with this disease it is not carried out as an independent disease, but as a concomitant one (for osteochondrosis, rheumatic diseases) it is treated well. Mud baths, the use of hydrogen sulfide, bromine, therapeutic wraps, hydromassage procedures, and water aerobics classes are shown.

In order not to experience problems with the cutaneous nerve of the thigh, you need not only to healthy image life and move actively, but also not get carried away with hunting and military sports. All types of activities in which there is a burden on the belt - weapons (firearms, cold steel), cartridges, life belt in case of excessive load, related topics more with hypothermia, can lead to this disease. And also take into account everything common to all types of neuralgia.

One more probable mechanism the development of this neuralgia may be swimming in ice water, or "winter swimming". Many people are interested in why swimming in icy water can cause this particular type of neuralgia.

In the photo: winter swimming is not bad. But you need to approach such procedures carefully and gradually.

The thing is that the skin branches located on the thigh, even normally, have more low temperature due to the peculiarities of the blood supply to this area. The segmental nerves that emerge from the intercostal spaces are supplied with blood much better, and that is why they are less likely to develop inflammation.

Roth's disease (or meralgia paresthetica) is one of the most common types of tunnel syndrome, caused by compression of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh in the area of ​​the anterior iliac bone or inguinal ligament. It is manifested not so much by pain as by the appearance discomfort of various nature. The nerve suffering from this type of neuralgia is formed from several branches emerging from the spinal cord, passes through the canal and ends in the knee area. It provides sensitivity to the front of the thigh.

In this article, we will introduce you to the main causes, symptoms and treatments for Roth's disease. Having learned about the manifestations of this disease, you will be able to make a timely decision about the need to see a doctor and will be able to get rid of the annoying signs of this tunnel syndrome.

According to statistics, this disease is more often observed in men 50-60 years old or pregnant women. AND frequent development Roth's disease is largely associated with anatomical features location of the lateral cutaneous nerve. It runs through a tunnel and is often compressed when it rubs against the inguinal ligament or near the ilium when bending forward or moving the legs. On its way, the nerve, in addition to these “obstacles,” passes through the lata fascia of the thigh and can also be affected at the following levels:

  • zone of perforation of the fascia lata of the thigh;
  • exit area under the inguinal ligament;
  • zone of passage of the loose bundle of part of the inguinal ligament.


Roth's disease can be caused by the following external and internal reasons leading to compression of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh:

  • pregnancy;
  • wearing tight underwear;
  • use of corsets;
  • frequent and incorrect wearing of a belt or belt;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • staying in one position for a long time;
  • inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity;
  • nerve nutritional disorder;
  • tumors;
  • ascites;
  • consequences of surgical operations;
  • retroperitoneal hematomas;

Under the influence of the factors described above, metabolism in the nerve tissues is disrupted. This condition leads to disruption of transmission nerve impulse, and since the lateral cutaneous nerve is largely responsible for sensitivity, the area innervated by it begins to receive “wrong” information, manifested in paresthesia and pain.


Pain and burning in the front of the thigh may be signs of Roth's disease.

Roth's disease is accompanied by specific symptoms, but the degree of their severity is often described by patients in very different ways. Usually the disease develops gradually. Most frequent complaints Patients with this diagnosis have the following symptoms:

  • crawling on the skin;
  • tingling;
  • numbness;
  • burning sensation in the area of ​​the front thigh;
  • feeling cold;
  • minor disruption of skin nutrition;
  • complete loss of sensation in the affected area.

Later, the patient begins to experience pain. A number of patients describe them as tolerable, while others characterize the pain as burning or unbearable. No movement disorders are observed in patients.

A characteristic sign of Roth's disease is increased paresthesia and pain when the patient is in vertical position and after movements. This feature is explained by the tension of the nerve. Painful sensations will decrease when bending the leg at the hip joint, at rest or in a supine position.

At long term The disease significantly disrupts the innervation and nutrition of the skin. The patient's thigh skin becomes thin and flabby. Sometimes trophic ulcers may appear on it.

In the most advanced cases, Roth's disease may present with intermittent claudication. This symptom is caused by vascular ischemia of the legs and is a consequence pain. With this disease, moving lameness develops not in the lower parts of the lower extremities, but in the upper ones.

When examining a patient, the doctor reveals a decrease or complete absence sensitivity along the anterior surface of the thigh. In most patients with Roth's disease, upon examination, pain is detected when palpating in the area of ​​the nerve trunk, increased painful sensations when straightening the hips and their weakening when bending the leg at the hip joint.


Diagnosis of Roth's disease includes a detailed interview and examination of the patient. To clarify the diagnosis, he may be prescribed the following instrumental examination methods:

  • electroneuromyography;
  • radiography;

At characteristic complaints in most cases, confirmation of the diagnosis requires x-ray. And if doubt arises, an MRI can provide a more accurate picture.


Treatment of Roth disease should begin with eliminating the factors that lead to compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. To achieve this, the following measures may be recommended to the patient:

  • refusal to wear tight clothes, corsets or belts;
  • wearing a special unloading corset;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • if there are tumors or hematomas, they are removed;
  • in the presence of ascites, a puncture is performed to remove fluid from the abdominal cavity.

Can be used to eliminate symptoms of the disease various methods pathogenetic treatment. The therapy plan is drawn up individually for each person.


Classes physical therapy improve nerve nutrition and alleviate the condition of patients.

The patient is recommended to perform special exercises, aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the affected area, improving nerve nutrition, strengthening muscles and fascial structures. This can be bending the legs at the knee, swinging and spreading the legs to the sides.

An approximate set of exercises for Roth's disease:

  1. Sitting on the floor, bend your knees, sliding your heels along the mat, and fully extend them. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Turn your legs inward and return them to their starting position. Repeat 8 times.
  3. Lie on your stomach, place your hands on the pubic symphysis, and clasp your fingers. Raise your head and shoulders, keeping them raised for 2-3 seconds. Do not bend sharply! Return to starting position. Repeat 6 times.
  4. Place your hands on your belt, and spread your legs to the sides, sliding your heels along the mat. Return to starting position. Repeat 8 times.
  5. Lie on your stomach and place your hands on your buttocks, clasping your fingers together. Alternately raise straightened and extended legs. Repeat 6 times with each leg.
  6. Lying on your stomach, raise your torso and spread your arms to the sides (as when swimming). Repeat 6 times.
  7. Lie on your healthy side, rest your head on your arm, bent at the elbow. Raise the affected leg up and down, relaxing the muscles. Repeat 8 times.


After excluding everyone possible contraindications The following procedures may be prescribed for treatment:

  • acupuncture;
  • transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation;
  • dynamic currents;
  • interstitial electrical stimulation;
  • magnetic laser therapy;
  • darsonvalization;
  • UHF therapy;
  • electrophoresis with novocaine and vitamins;
  • moxotherapy;
  • water aerobics;
  • hydromassage treatments;
  • radon baths;
  • mud therapy;
  • hydrogen sulfide baths;
  • therapeutic wraps;
  • massage.

The goal of all physiotherapeutic procedures is aimed at improving blood supply to the nerve and restoring the transmission of nerve impulses. Some manipulations allow you to normalize venous drainage, eliminate spasms and pain caused by them.

Drug therapy

To eliminate inflammation and pain, the following are used:

  • Voltaren;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Lornoxicam;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac (Dicloberl);
  • Ketoprofen and others.

The medications are prescribed in courses. Long-term use these drugs may cause ulcers on the stomach lining or duodenum, increases the risk of blood clots and arterial hypertension.

In severe cases, in the absence of pain relief, the patient may be recommended to inject an analgesic such as Tramadol. The drug is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously, and reuse can be carried out after 4-6 hours.

To improve the formation of myelin in nerve fibers, normalize metabolism and restore the structure of nerve tissue, vitamins are used:

  • Thiamine bromide (vitamin B1);
  • Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).

At the beginning of the disease, they are prescribed as a course of injections. After this, the patient is recommended to take B vitamins in the form of tablets (Milgamma, Benevron, Neurobex, Neurobion, etc.).

To improve blood circulation in the affected area, vasodilators are prescribed:

IN in rare cases To eliminate inflammation, glucocorticosteroid injections are prescribed:

  • Metipred;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Prednisolone.


Surgeries to treat Roth's disease, aimed at freeing the nerve, are prescribed in extremely rare cases. They are recommended to patients if they are ineffective conservative therapy and the presence of severe pain that significantly disrupts daily life.


To prevent the development and recurrence of Roth's disease, the patient is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Avoid excess nutrition and maintain normal weight bodies.
  2. Lead an active lifestyle, exercise, swim or ride a bike.
  3. Avoid wearing tight underwear and clothing, belts and corsets.
  4. Do not wear burdensome devices on your belt (weapons, ammunition, tools, etc.).
  5. Refuse excessive load lower back.
  6. Avoid hypothermia.
  7. If necessary, wear an unloading corset.

Roth's disease in most cases responds well to treatment and does not cause severe suffering leading to loss of ability to work. However, in advanced situations, this disease can significantly complicate the patient’s life, leading to the appearance of intermittent claudication and trophic ulcers.

Roth's disease affects men over 50 years of age. The most common cause is neuropathy of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh with the manifestation sensitive symptoms that require immediate treatment.

Roth-Bernhardt disease - compression of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh in the area between the anterior superior iliac spine and the inguinal ligament with the appearance of sensory disturbances on the skin of the anterior surface of the thigh on the outside of it middle third. It is a common type of carpal tunnel syndrome.

As a rule, middle-aged men are affected, but familial cases of the disease also occur. In 1895, M. Bernhardt proposed an infectious-toxic theory of nerve damage, and V. K. Roth proposed a compression theory. As a result of compression of the nerve, the conduction of the nerve impulse changes and metabolic processes in the nerve fiber are disrupted, nerve atrophy, inflammation, pain, and swelling occur.

Roth's disease is a neuropathy of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (in the picture it is red).

Nerve compression in natural anatomical canals-tunnels

There are several such areas with greatest risk nerve compression:

  1. As the nerve exits the pelvic cavity under the inguinal ligament, it bends sharply at an angle and passes through the fascia iliaca. Here, compression and friction of the nerve fiber by the sharp edge of the fascia is likely lower limb in the area of ​​the hip joint when bending the body forward;
  2. Most often, the process occurs in the area between the point of attachment of the inguinal ligament and the anterior superior iliac spine of the iliac wing. When entering the thigh, the nerve has a poor blood supply - this may be a consequence of ischemia in this area.
  3. There are cases when part of the inguinal ligament bifurcates, thereby forming a channel for the passage of the nerve, where it can also be compressed;
  4. Neuropathy of the nerve may occur due to its passage close to the uneven bony surface of the edge of the superior ilium;
  5. Nerve entrapment by fibers of the sartorius muscle on the thigh;
  6. The lesion can occur in the area of ​​the tunnel formed by the fascia lata of the thigh and at the exit from it.

Other Causes of Mouth Disease

  • Wearing a tight belt or constrictive clothing;
  • pregnancy when it gets deeper lumbar lordosis- deflection in the lower back, the pelvis tilts forward and the extension of the hip joint increases, as a result of which the inguinal ligament is stretched and compresses the nerve, but on the condition that it passes through the canal formed as a result of the bifurcation of this ligament;
  • the accumulation of fat deposits on the abdomen and thighs leads to tension on the nerve and the appearance of sensitive symptoms;
  • tumor internal organs any origin (inguinal hernia);
  • accumulation of ascitic fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • retroperitoneal hematoma;
  • inflammatory diseases and operations in the abdominal cavity;
  • diabetes, typhoid fever, malaria, herpes zoster, vitamin deficiency.

Symptoms of the lesion

The disease develops gradually, usually on one side. In 68% of cases, sensory disturbances (paresthesia) predominate: numbness, tingling or crawling in the area of ​​nerve innervation. Less common is the appearance of itching and unbearable burning pain according to the type of causalgia. In the final stages of the disease, analgesia may occur (impaired pain sensitivity) in the area supplied by this nerve. The onset of symptoms, in some cases, manifests itself in a standing position, in a forced position, lying on your back with straightened legs, or during long walking. The pain effect increases with maximum hip abduction and decreases with flexion.


If excess weight is one of the causes of Roth's disease, the patient should lose weight to relieve tension on the nerve.
  1. Conservative (non-surgical) - aimed at alleviating symptoms. First of all, eliminate the cause of nerve compression:
  • recommended special diet and exercise therapy for excess weight;
  • wear loose underwear, clothes;
  • treat ascites with conservative or surgical methods;
  • timely detection and surgery volumetric formations internal organs.
  1. Pathogenetic treatment blocks the cause of the disease.
  2. Treatment of pain syndrome can begin with the use of (ketorol, diclofenac, meloxicam), in the absence positive effect use (antiepileptics) - gabapentins (catena) and pregabalins (lyrica) - the number one drugs for the treatment of neuropathic pain, they are well tolerated and excellent at reducing pain, but pregabalins, citing results clinical trials, have a more pronounced analgesic effect with less frequency side effects than gabapentins.

If there is no effect or poor tolerance of these drugs, for moderate or severe pain syndrome, monotherapy with an opioid analgesic (tramadol) is prescribed, but this is fraught with the appearance of many side effects from the outside central structures nervous system and the development of drug dependence.

  • Decongestant therapy with diuretics - Lasix, furosemide, diacarb;
  • To improve microcirculation and nourish the cutaneous lateral nerve of the thigh, it is used vascular drugs(nicotinic acid, pentoxifylline, vinpocetine);
  • Antioxidant drugs (actovegin, mexidol, espa-lipon) - improve microcirculation of damaged tissues and nerves, increase the resistance of body cells to damaging factors external environment and oxygen deficiency as a result of nerve ischemia;
  • Anticholinesterase drugs - help restore nerve impulse transmission (neuromidin, proserin);
  • To improve metabolism ( metabolic processes) in the nerve and damaged tissues use B vitamins (combilipen, milgamma, neuromultivit);
  • Physiotherapy - ultrasound, electrical stimulation, electrophoresis with local analgesics, acupuncture, mud therapy.

If still pain syndrome it was not possible to stop, then the condition can be alleviated injection hydrocortisone or prednisolone with local anesthetic directly into the tunnel itself or surrounding tissues.

  1. TO surgical intervention resort to the ineffectiveness of the above therapy and the appearance of severe neurological symptoms. Surgical manipulations are performed in the area of ​​the inguinal ligament and are aimed at releasing the nerve and preventing its further compression.

To choose a treatment method, it is necessary to take into account the individual somatic characteristics of the person and the cause of neuropathy. In any case, all medical procedures are prescribed by the doctor.

About Roth-Bernhardt disease in the program “Live Healthy!” with Elena Malysheva:



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