A woman passionately desires a man. Passionate man - what is he like?

There is an opinion that every man dreams of a passionate woman. Is it really? When should you turn on passionate woman mode? What are the pros and cons of this behavior? What can you gain by behaving this way? And most importantly, can any woman be passionate?

In bed, a man prefers not the one who will lie like a log, but a passionate and impulsive woman. But first of all, in sex a man wants obedience and only then everything else. For this reason, over time, a man finds himself a mistress if his wife does not satisfy his physical needs.

Therefore, passion fades into the background, and the concept of a passionate woman is completely different for men and women. As a rule, a man talks about a woman in the context of “passionate” in two cases: to brag or to show that she is accessible to everyone (this is if she is not important to him). In any other case, a man will not throw such words.

Otherwise, a man may tell another man that you are passionate just for the sake of saying, “She has a crush on me, now I can control her.” It is because of this that it is very important for women to know which man to be passionate with and which man not to be passionate with. After all, as soon as he catches himself thinking that you are passionate with him, then this will automatically be a signal that you have fallen in love with him. And here you can step on a very sharp stone - on the one hand, you are an uninhibited woman who satisfies the needs of a man, and on the other, you show your chosen one that you are much more serious about him than just sex. And while it seems to you that you are just sleeping with him, the man knows that for you this is not just sex.

Women themselves have brought this up in men, because 99% of you only have sex with someone who could be a potential husband. And men realize this.

And because of this, women who are really only interested in sex and not marriage find it difficult to show their passion. As soon as a woman becomes passionate and shows that she feels good, a certain switch goes off in the man’s head and he believes that she sees him as a future husband.

This problem prevents us from normally “agreeing” and being honest with each other - “You want me, I want you, that’s why we sleep with each other.”

And it would seem that men want banal sex so much, because they trumpet it from every corner, but when it comes to ordinary sexual dialogue in bed, they go into the bushes. And in fact, any woman will be very lucky if she finds a friend who will be her lover. The kind of real friend you can sleep with, but he won’t try to buy you or take you to himself like some kind of thing. And it is Alpha who can become such a friend, which is precisely his value.

The only problem with women is that even if you have such a friend, you try to make him your husband or fiancé. And this is the most bad option, which may be. The ideal husband is Pavlik, but not Alpha.

Of course, you will have the coolest sex with your beloved Beta, but on the emotional level, this is Alpha. And only “sisters” truly understand the pros and cons of each of the men and do not refuse one to the detriment of the other.

Therefore, you should not choose - Alpha or Beta, because this is simply impossible. How to choose dumplings or ice cream if you want both? This is absolutely different products. You should perceive a man as food and not give up on one thing. And most importantly, there is no need to ask if he is ready to become her. Only then will you get pleasure.

There is nothing more pleasant than a man who lies under you only to take you for himself. And at this time you simply enjoy the “food”.

And another difference between Alpha and Beta is that the first one understands that you are passionate not because of him, but on your own. But 99% of Beth sincerely believes that the reason is in them, and not in your character. Beta thinks that you are like this only because of him. And it’s very cool when a woman can manipulate passion, but not sex. The game of give or take never ends well. If you play with Alpha, then this is a direct signal - “Go away and sleep with whomever you want”; for Beta - anger, aggressiveness. As a result, you end up losing.

Therefore, manipulation of passion - the best option. You can either just have sex, or show that you really want it and express yourself. And any woman can do this.

What do men want?

Do you know what men really want in bed? A woman who will enjoy herself with minimal energy consumption. Roughly speaking, he stuck it in once, and she already had an orgasm three times. Few people may admit this, but it is a fact. Regardless of whether it is Pavlik or Alpha, they want the same thing.

Only by seeing your reaction can a man understand that everything is normal. And the phrase “I feel good with you” is simply inaccessible to them. Your attitude towards a man is measured not by words, “I like everything, don’t pay attention,” but by the number of orgasms.

Therefore, always remember - a man calls a woman passionate either if she constantly experiences orgasm during sex with him, or when a man begins to be more important than just a sex partner.

And many women don’t even realize what a powerful manipulator they can be if they want to have a man next to them, but don’t want to have children. Why? Because you a priori do not show the man that you have such plans for him. He will not need to become the breadwinner of the whole family and the only thing he can manipulate is your loneliness. But as soon as you show him that this will not happen, and if not him, then there is also Petya, Vasya or Seryozha - the power is in your hands.

Remember that if you are passionate with a man, but not because you are hooked on him, this is your weapon. But if you are addicted to him and show your passion only with him, then he will use it one way or another, and your weapon will become your weak point.

Your questions

Readers ask a lot of questions, I will give the most interesting of them.

1. “When is the best time to maximize sexuality and passion?”

In fact, it all depends on the character who is on this moment close to you. But there is general rule– if you can show a man with your sexuality that you are this way by nature, and not because of or for him, then go ahead. Yes, at the first stage you can show him that he’s great, but as soon as the relationship goes a little deeper, you should become an “amazing woman,” but this is not his merit. That is, in fact, you should reward him with your passion for the fact that he showed himself well.

2. “How can I show a man that he didn’t sleep with me, but I slept with him?”

Men love and often brag to their friends that today he had sex with this or that woman. And if you have the opportunity, get ahead of him. Tell his friends that you hooked up. It's simply unrealistic to blow a man's mind. Of course, this will not work with everyone, but very often.


When a man touches the soft skin of a woman's naked breast, velvety inner surface thighs or a warm, moist vagina, he is overcome by the desire to experience pleasure and love himself. By caressing her soft femininity, he can touch his own weakness, while remaining strong, strong-willed and courageous.

Sensuality is one of components a man's existence, but he is aware of this only by touching a woman's body and feeling her satisfied response. Often, after good sex with my wife, I suddenly remembered how beautiful the trees growing next door were. I went outside and inhaled Fresh air and again felt full of vital energy.

You shouldn't think that I don't feel energetic at work. But after intimacy with my wife, which brought satisfaction to both of us, the most intimate parts of my soul, which are so easy to forget when all my attention is absorbed in work, awaken and come to life again. In a way, good sex helps me stop and smell the flowers.

How more man V Everyday life disconnected from his feelings, the more he will strive for sexual stimulation and release. The acute pleasure of release at every intimate contact allows him to immediately remember own feelings and open your heart. For him, sexual hunger is not only a desire to experience the pleasure of orgasm, but also an opportunity to feel love again.

Perhaps the man does not even suspect it, but he constant desire intimacy is, in reality, the desire of his soul to find primordial integrity. The bare landscape of everyday life strives for union with the rich, sensual landscape of his heart, full of rich colors and delicate scents.

The constant thirst for sex is actually the desire of the Male soul to gain primordial integrity. The bare landscape of everyday life strives for union with the rich, sensual landscape of his heart, full of rich colors and delicate scents.

Once a man’s desire to caress his partner and feel sexual touch himself is satisfied, his ability to feel automatically increases. Once the feelings awaken to life, enormous energy is released. A man can again experience joy, love and peace.

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This is not a movie...
Remember the first Mexican-Brazilian soap operas that leaked into our post-Soviet space? It was then that they poured out in a stormy stream, but at first they penetrated the air with caution, as if by touch - would the housewives like it or not? "Still would!" - as if the housewives would answer, clinging to the screens of their favorite TV sets, because in their lives they have never seen, heard, or felt so many feelings and emotions that can fit into thirty minutes of time. How romantic, tender and reverent all these Juan Carlos, Jose Antonio and Pablo Mendizabali were. How much passion they brought down on their Roses, Lauras and Mariannes. Some who have tasted the sweet serial poison are still waiting for their Juan, sincerely believing that he exists, it’s just not destiny to meet him yet...
As you may have guessed, this article will focus on male passion with all the ensuing consequences. So, let's start with the fact that real male passion has nothing to do with the screen one. Today we will try to understand its nature and “calculate” the formula of this strongest feeling. Let's learn to distinguish real emotions from fake ones, and also read danger signals, having caught which, you need to say to yourself “Run Lola (Tanya, Valya, Katya, Sveta), run!”

Nothing personal - just sex

The place of registration of male passion is the hypothalamus - the area of ​​the brain responsible for sexual desire. That is, passion for our loved ones is inseparable from sexual desire. When a man sees the woman of his dreams, this same hypothalamus (tiny and unnoticeable, weighing only four and a half grams) is activated, and the process cannot be stopped. Begins chemical reaction, substances are released into the brain that give rise to a feeling of extraordinary uplift - dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine. Excitement reaches its peak and causes colossal euphoria. True male passion is akin to a state of passion with a complete loss of control. In this moment common sense turns off almost completely - only animal instincts work: “I want her!” Right now! Immediately!!!" Particularly cynical experts among the people call this spermotoxicosis. Or, as the brilliant Michal Mikhalych Zhvanetsky said: “Where a man feels like it, that’s where he gets married.” Therefore, you should not delude yourself and look for echoes of deep affection in the sources of male passion or consider the excited state of your loved one a sign of a reverently romantic nature. Nothing personal - just sex. I will say more - a representative of the stronger sex can develop passion for completely unknown woman. Simply because her image coincided with his erotic fantasies, the vibrations of her voice resonated in the strings of his soul, and most importantly, he had not had intimacy for a very long time. For us women, everything is different. We (with rare exceptions) cultivate this feeling in ourselves gradually. For it to arise, we need to trust our partner completely, feel spiritual kinship and confidence that we will not be deceived. And in general, we are by nature “receivers”, and men are “transmitters”. They give - we receive. They work on a wave of emotions, we analyze these emotions with our “rationality”.
Male passion is impulsive. It can come out of nowhere and go to nowhere. This is perhaps one of the most short-lived and unpredictable feelings, which means it should not be trusted recklessly. So that later it will not be excruciatingly painful. In a word, passion and love are not at all the same thing, but the second often grows from the first, which, you see, cannot but rejoice.

Light of a distant star
English psychologists conducted a large-scale study and came to the conclusion that the degree of male passion directly depends on the opportunity to get closer to the object of adoration. The more inaccessible a woman is, the stronger the passion. Sometimes it can last for years or even decades, turning into a love addiction.

Love fake
Help for the uninitiated: “fake” - from the English Fake - means “fake”. Fakes are very popular on the Internet today. For example, these could be fake accounts famous people, falsified photographs or videos, rave reviews non-existent users about some product or service - all to attract the mass interest of gullible citizens. In our case, this is a feeling of passion, played out with one single purpose - to get the poor girl into bed. Characteristic of collectors of love victories. How to distinguish a real feeling from a fake? Here are some sure signs of a fake love relationship.

1. Your acquaintance happened in a very unusual way, which made a strong impression on you. He seemed to pull you out of the crowd and put you on a pedestal. Of course, this flatters your vanity, but it is possible that you took part in a well-rehearsed performance.
2. He showers you with compliments all evening, speaks with aspiration, very beautifully and emotionally? It can be anything: posturing, narcissism and even spiritual exhibitionism, but not passion. True male passion is silent. Her eyes, lips, and hands speak for her, revealing a man’s strong but desperately suppressed excitement.
3. He constantly tries to touch your hand, cheek, hair. He tries to get closer, to look into his eyes. A typical technique of a professional seducer trying to win over his victim.
4. He practically does not talk about himself, but is actively interested in your affairs. The answer is simple - he needs sex for one night, so the image of incognito is the best way to avoid continuing the acquaintance.
5. When communicating with him, you get the unfounded feeling that you have known him for a long time. Psychological reception, capable of relaxing and winning over even the most cautious girl.

Where do geniuses come from?
It turns out that you don’t have to be born a genius. You can become one. Scientists at the University of Michigan examined more than five hundred men obsessed with passion and found that this feeling became a springboard for the discovery of new abilities in one in four of them. Moreover, some, thanks to their passion, not only took up creativity, but became famous people.

Passionate and very dangerous...
One day, a close friend of mine cheerfully shared the details of her new novel.
“Can you imagine, my boyfriend said that if I cheat on him, he will kill me, my lover and himself.” So passionate!
I then tensed up and gently asked if everything was okay with him. mental health. My friend was offended. She was at the very beginning of love euphoria. The next time we met was a month later. Not a trace remained of the former delight.
- This crazy guy is stalking me! - she said and spoke about the horrors that she had to endure: from threats to attempted kidnappings. - Just some kind of maniac...
Not so long ago World organization health care has added love mania to the register serious illnesses along with alcoholism and drug addiction. Both men and women suffer from it, but in the former this diagnosis is most pronounced and dangerous. How does it manifest itself? There are many signs, but we will focus on a few - the most common ones.
1. A man is almost always in high spirits, but such an emotional upsurge makes him disconnected from reality. He doesn't seem to notice anything around him. On the one hand, this resembles cute absent-mindedness, on the other hand, as for you, your friend is extremely observant and notices the most insignificant details.
2. He is looking for any excuse to meet you. At all, strong desire Constantly seeing the object of your adoration is one of the first signs of love addiction.
3. He sleeps little, eats poorly, and is always very energetic.
4. His actions are unconventional and artistic. He is trying his best to impress you.
5. In sex, he is not just passionate, but hyperactive - capable of multiple orgasms.
6. He admires you, practically worships you. In the latter lies main danger. A man possessed by manic passion does not simply idealize his partner, but tries to “fit” her into a long-conceived image. Therefore, he experiences a wave of irritation when his beloved suddenly destroys him with her behavior. This is where the fairy tale ends. Anxiety, jealousy, mistrust, constant doubts, and then - threats, scandals, blackmail. All this is just the beginning of the nightmare that a love addict can turn your life into.
How to protect yourself? Psychologists advise: before moving on to intimate relationships, try to find out more details about your chosen one - what family he grew up in and how he relates to close relatives. People deprived of parental care, love and warmth in childhood try to form an ideal of a person whose attention they lacked. And then, having found a partner who corresponds to this ideal, with his help they strive to get rid of childhood grievances and suffering. But this is a priori impossible...
On this, my dears, it’s time to put an end to it. I thought it would be a fun article, but it turned out that passion is too complex, deep and ambiguous a feeling that requires extremely delicate handling. Take care of each other and, as one of my good friends liked to repeat: “Love the partner in yourself, not yourself in the partner.” That's all for today. And next time we'll talk about male feeling property. How not to become a puppet in the hands of your loved one? What mistakes do we make when we voluntarily take on the role of victim? How to build a relationship that values ​​freedom of choice and the right to personal space? Until then - bye!

Incredible facts

Bed is an integral part of the life of every couple.

However, sometimes physical intimacy does not bring joy, becoming a boring and mundane routine.

Experts believe that the key to a happy intimate life is, first of all, variety, and a few other things that not everyone knows about.

How to bewitch a man so that he loves and wants you?

Surely many women are wondering how to make a man simply lose his head with passion every time he crosses the threshold of the bedroom.

There are a few simple and crazy things that turn on any man and will make him go crazy.

How to drive a man crazy in bed

1. A woman's enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is what every man wants to feel when he is with a woman.

Believe me, when your partner perceives physical intimacy as a favor, it turns few people on.

Lovemaking should be enjoyable for both partners, and enthusiasm should also come from both.

2. Associated sounds

Absolute and complete silence during lovemaking does not always mean something good. Typically, this means you're not enjoying your partner's company, or worse, you've simply fallen asleep.

So, being vocal during intimacy with a loved one is a completely normal and natural thing. Your voice is the best barometer by which your partner determines whether he is doing everything right.

3. Prelude

Foreplay is incredibly important. Without foreplay, intimacy becomes like a roller coaster without the slow climb to the top of the track.

As elsewhere, the expectation itself is key point any proximity. Don’t think that foreplay is a purely female desire. Believe me, men also enjoy this stage of physical intimacy.

4. Lights on

Men love with their eyes.

Therefore, most of them, of course, are pleased to see their partner during intimacy, to look into her eyes.

Therefore, don’t turn off the lights, do something nice for your man: let him enjoy your body and face.

5. Return from the partner

Nobody wants to do a job alone.

Therefore, it is quite logical that your partner expects the same complete commitment from you as from him. You should not assume that only a man should give himself in bed.

Love requires the presence of both partners.

Why do men lose their heads?

6. Compliments

Do you think men don't like compliments? Then you are wrong.

Any man will be pleased to hear about how macho he is and what a wonderful lover he is. Praise him, appreciate his skills and abilities in love affairs.

A little bed talk never hurts.

7. Communication

Communication has crucial in the partners' understanding of each other, which means it provides better sex.

Of course, this doesn't mean you have to shout out memorized lines from plays or stop in the middle of the process to make a few comments.

Just remember that your foreplay may be sprinkled with some words and phrases.

Communication can involve talking, but it can also be wordless. After all, you can understand each other without unnecessary words. Sometimes our eyes, lips and hands speak more eloquently than any words.

8. Variety

Variety is especially important when it comes to lovemaking.

Without him intimate life becomes a boring, sluggish routine. To make your man lose his head every time, make sure that in your love games there was at least some variety.

9. Initiative

Most women believe that the first step should always come from a man.

Initiative is the prerogative of the stronger sex. This is exactly what we were taught from childhood, and this is what is instilled in us in numerous articles teaching how to build the right relationships.

But sometimes there are times when a man wants the initiative to come from his partner. This actually turns him on and excites his fantasies.

The fire of desire in a woman’s eyes, hard flirting - all this drives a man crazy. And even if you are not a leader by nature, but just a fragile, sweet woman, try to at least sometimes deviate from your own rules and take the initiative in the bedroom.

After all, if you don’t do this, it may seem to your partner that you are a cold and unapproachable snow queen.

10. Beautiful underwear

Continuing the theme that a man loves with his eyes, we should mention sexual Lingerie, which most men pay attention to.

Therefore, try to at least occasionally wear underwear that he will certainly like.

Even if it suddenly seemed to you that your man paid absolutely no attention to what you had under your dress, know that he probably liked this sexy underwear and appreciated your efforts to be beautiful for him.

11. Spontaneity

Now many can argue, they say, it’s nice to make love in beautiful place, with prepared candles and silk sheets.

What if you succumb to passion and desire spontaneously and unexpectedly, moving away from your usual schedule, rules and place?

Agree, it sounds tempting.

Don't be afraid to make changes to your usual routine and daily routine. After all, routine and everyday life kill all romance. Believe me, your man will like some spontaneity and will make him lose his head, just like in the first days after meeting you.

12. Fantasies and trust

Fantasies are an integral part of intimate life.

Offer your partner something new, share your fantasies, ask what your man wants, what he fantasizes about. It is possible that you have common fantasies that you both want to realize.

Think through a scenario together that would be nice to play out in bed. This way, you will not only open up a different, more interesting side to your partner, but also let him know that you are open to new experiments, and also trust him completely and in everything.

After all, our thoughts and fantasies are the most intimate things we have.

13. Sense of humor

If you think that there is no place for a sense of humor in the bedroom, you are very mistaken.

Humor should be present always and everywhere, and bed is no exception in this matter.

If something suddenly goes wrong, such a moment can always be turned into a joke. However, be careful. Jokes must also be appropriate and correct. Remember that jokes and ridicule are two different things.

14. Hear your name

Psychologists say that nothing turns you on like your name spoken by your loved one.

It is always pleasant to hear your name from your partner’s lips, including in bed. Use this information and don't be afraid to say your man's name while making love.

15. Sleep after love

Many women are offended when a man, having received everything he wanted, immediately turns to the wall and begins to snore peacefully.

However, if it is better to know male physiology, perhaps, female claims to their partners will immediately decrease.

Making love is draining male body. He needs full recovery strength And the dream in this case - best solution. Therefore, allow your man to rest and gain strength before the next fight.



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