Why dream of a woman being pregnant by a boy. What happened in the dream? Seeing an unfamiliar pregnant woman in a dream

Dreams about the birth of children are natural for pregnant women.

They, as a rule, reflect emotional excitement, joyful impatience or fear of childbirth.

The dream should be interpreted in a good or bad way, depending on what feelings the pregnant woman experiences after waking up.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a boy according to a modern dream book

    If a pregnant woman saw a male baby or a little boy in a dream, this is a very auspicious sign. Such a dream predicts that childbirth will be successful, easy, fast, without suffering and unnecessary pain.

    Why does a pregnant woman dream of a boy with whom she joyfully, with pleasure plays? Such a dream about enjoying playing with a baby is also very favorable. It means that the life of a pregnant woman will always be full of prosperity, family happiness, joy. She is waiting for prosperity and a strong marriage.

    A pregnant woman may dream about how she kisses, hugs, caresses a little boy. She feels tenderness, delight tenderness. The dream predicts that for a long time all the undertakings of a woman will be successful, and she herself will be honored and respected by relatives, children, and colleagues.

    If a pregnant woman has a dream in which she scolds the boy, shames and even spanks him, this is a negative dream. It does not portend anything terrible. However, a woman should prepare for the fact that misunderstandings will arise between her and her relatives or colleagues. A woman is waiting for troubles and experiences.

    If a pregnant woman loses a boy about a dream, looks for him and cannot find him, then in reality she may find herself in a risky or dubious situation. She should be more careful and careful.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a boy whom she does not know and does not want to accept? This is an empty dream. It means only the natural excitement that a woman experiences on the eve of the birth of a baby.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a boy according to Vanga's dream book

    According to the dream book of the Bulgarian fortune teller, the boy who dreamed in a dream symbolizes success and the fulfillment of all desires. Whatever a pregnant woman dreams of, her dreams are destined to come true. Vanga believed that it was the appearance of a boy in dreams that best predicts the future and guides people along the right path.

    If a pregnant woman sees a little boy in a dream, this also means that a favorable period has begun or is about to begin in her life. Family life will be successful, and pregnancy will not bring disappointment.

    If in a dream a woman plays with a baby, then in reality she will find the long-awaited meaning of life. Her fate is directed in the right direction, you should not worry and worry about anything.

    Why does a pregnant woman dream of a boy? If she continues to work, then this is a very good dream. He predicts that all problems will be safely resolved, the work will bring joy, the bosses will be satisfied. It is possible to receive a large remuneration or an increase in wages.

    After such a dream, mutual understanding will be established in the pregnant family, and if there were quarrels, they will end. Peace and tranquility will be achieved.

    But if in a dream a pregnant woman sees several boys who argue, swear, fight, she needs to be very careful. The dream predicts that a woman may find herself in a strange and unpleasant situation, possibly related to breaking the law. In any case, after an unfavorable dream, you need to be on your guard.

    If a pregnant woman saw in a dream a desperately crying boy, a great surprise and a strange event await her. If a child pulls hands towards a woman, grabs her fingers, that's good. The birth will go well, the baby will appear in the family.

    Why does a pregnant woman dream of a boy covered with ulcers or sick? This is a strange dream that requires any dreamer to comprehend. A dream means that a pregnant woman should think about her life and try to change something in it. Maybe someone needs her help.

    If a woman lost a boy in a dream and could not find him, this reflects her feelings: fear, hope, anxiety. Sleep should not be interpreted negatively, but for the sake of her own health, a pregnant woman needs to calm down and accept the situation.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a boy according to Miller's dream book

    According to Miller's dream book, a boy in a dream means great surprise and joy. These are feelings that are natural for a pregnant woman, so dreams about children should not be given much importance if the sensations in a dream and after waking up are neutral.

    If the dreamer experiences joy, love for a beautiful and healthy baby, then in reality happiness and prosperity await her. Kissing a baby in a dream means achieving success in reality and getting long-awaited happiness.

    A crying boy in a dream is a warning. Possible deterioration in health, the emergence of problems and troubles in life. A pregnant woman needs to take care of herself and avoid dangerous situations.

    Why does a pregnant woman dream of a happy, laughing, cheerful boy? This is the harbinger of a new love. But a dying or sad baby means nothing. Such a dream is just a reflection of the fears that are natural for a pregnant woman. But if a woman cradles a sick baby in a dream, tries to calm her down, she will experience pain, mental suffering, and severe longing.

    If a pregnant woman dreamed of giving birth, as a result of which she gave birth to a boy or a girl, then in reality the birth of a child will be easy, very quickly and without complications.

    Seeking and not finding a baby in a dream means that a pregnant woman is wasting her strength. She should not devote so much time to an unviable project or expend energy on a person with whom the relationship does not bring joy or is completed.

    Miller's dream book predicts a pregnant woman who sees a boy in a dream, the successful birth of a child in reality and the fulfillment of all her desires. If a child behaves aggressively, beats or scolds a pregnant woman, then in reality she can become a victim of betrayal and learn about the hypocrisy of others. Beating the boy herself is a sign of trouble, minor worries, fuss. You need to keep your feelings under control and be philosophical about problems.

    A dream in which a pregnant woman breastfeeds her baby is auspicious. She is waiting for material well-being, a monetary surprise and family joy.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a boy in a family dream book

Pregnancy is a special state of a woman. Dreams about babies during this period are natural. By and large, they are no different from the dreams that a young woman or a girl of childbearing age sees. That is why dreams about a boy for a pregnant woman should be interpreted in the usual way.

    To see him in your arms - to the appearance in life of some new business. As a rule, the blueprints for this already exist in reality. Another option is that in the coming days after the dream, the pregnant woman will light up with some idea and take up its implementation.

    Sometimes a pregnant woman's dream about a baby boy predicts great surprise. If she is concerned in a dream that the baby does not fall, then. In reality, she doubts the successful resolution of some case.

    If a pregnant woman sees that she is holding a cheerful, handsome, healthy boy in her arms, this is a very good dream. Everything in life will be fine, childbirth will be successful and on time. The pregnant woman will be happy throughout the prenatal period, she will have prosperity and success.

    If the child in a dream is ugly or sick, you should take care, pay attention to the financial situation in the family. Perhaps the spouse will have financial or health problems.

    A dream about a naked, naked, frozen boy has the same unfavorable meaning. This is a harbinger of misfortune. Another interpretation of sleep is more favorable. The pregnant woman is just worried about how the birth will go. She should calm down and not be nervous.

    The dream of a boy who is beating in agony is interpreted in a similar way. After a dream, you need to pay attention to your health, not to engage in dubious projects, to abandon dangerous events and trips. Otherwise, the pregnant woman will suffer, loneliness, need, the collapse of all hopes.

    Why does a pregnant woman dream of a boy in the arms of a wet nurse? To a long period of calm and complete family well-being.

    Seeing a baby wrapped in diapers is an extremely unfavorable dream for a pregnant woman. You need to be very careful, not to be nervous and generally beware, since such a dream can predict premature birth. Another interpretation of sleep is the illness of the woman herself or her spouse. If there are any unfavorable symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Pregnancy in a dream is interpreted by dream books in different ways. The meaning of such a dream depends on many factors. First, whether you are currently carrying a child in reality. Secondly, perhaps your desire to be pregnant caused your subconscious to show it. Thirdly, a harbinger of events not related to this phenomenon - that's what this dream is about.

Not only women of childbearing age can carry a baby sleeping. In general, in dreams, pregnancy does not have a gender. You need to interpret what you dreamed with dream books, depending on what stage of life you are now at.

The meaning of sleep - to be pregnant - is this: dream books promise mutual love to a young girl, but she will soon be overshadowed by small disagreements. If a woman is aged, then this may mean that she has health problems that are not known about. After such a hint of the brain, you must definitely visit a doctor.

A good profit, which can only be achieved by working hard - this is what a beautiful lady in demolition dreams of. On the contrary, if she is ugly, then we should expect trouble, excitement. The man who dreamed about this doubts that he can have children. Sometimes this dream promises a profitable contract.

An unhappy marriage, unattractive children - this is the interpretation of dreams - to be pregnant, according to Miller's dream book. Shame awaits the virgin who saw this dream. For a lady in position, this predicts an easy birth with a successful ending.

In a dream, being pregnant and giving birth - this predicts creative success, positive changes, financial stability. If you yourself take birth, then you will soon participate in such events that will drastically affect business. Getting rid of problems in reality is what an easy birth is about.

Prosperity, profit - this is how the dream book interprets the dream - to be pregnant with a stomach. For a woman in demolition, this promises an easy release from the burden. Business people need to pay attention to financial issues. Perhaps you are being misled. The size of the deception can be determined by the size of the dreamed belly.

Pregnancy with boy, girl, twins

Surprises and excellent news await you if you were pregnant with a girl in a dream. You will be presented with a present that you have been waiting for a long time - that's what this dream is for. Businessmen and students are waiting for great success in their planned activities. For married people, this dream symbolizes the receipt of an inheritance, the support of sponsors. The birth of a daughter, according to the dream book, is interpreted as material well-being, a romantic adventure.

To be pregnant in a dream with a boy - for ladies in demolition, this promises the birth of a girl. A dream that is not pregnant promises that dreams will come true, things will go uphill. According to other dream books, a born boy predicts troubles, problems, trials. For males, this means enrichment.

If in a dream you seem to have had a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If the boy was born to someone else, such a dream portends the appearance of your selfish interest in relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of blessings. If in a dream your boy fell ill - therefore, in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reason to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts a dual position for you, when you will seem better to others than you really are, but this will just not work for you.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that imaginary friends are preparing for you. To beat a boy in a dream or to punish is a waking warning to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

Seeing in a dream a boy who fell under a car - in reality you will experience fear, fear or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Any dreams basically reflect any problems, feelings or thoughts of the sleeper. Any woman can see herself pregnant in a dream at least once in her life, regardless of status and age.

In various dream books, there are sometimes completely contradictory interpretations, therefore, when deciphering any dream, it is imperative to take into account the feelings that were experienced.

What does it mean to see yourself pregnant in a dream

In the Jewish dream book, pregnancy is always the birth of something, the beginning of a new path. If a woman sees herself in a position, this usually does not mean pregnancy in real life, most likely new life turns and events.

If the dreamer actually dreams of a baby, it is quite possible that the dream reflects this cherished desire.

Freud's dream book explains such a dream as the emergence of a new serious relationship, opening oneself from the other side.

Meridian's dream book says that a dream about pregnancy can be a harbinger of a real pregnancy and additions to the family. When there is no such goal in a woman’s intentions, this may indicate successful business transactions, monetary rewards.

If a woman is in interesting position in reality, this dream may not mean anything special.

In the dream book of the 21st century, pregnancy appears in dreams to increase the level of material well-being, stability of the financial situation, and the successful completion of the work and projects begun.

If you happened to see yourself pregnant in a dream - why dream, the dream book will tell you in many variations.

In a modern dream book, there are two options for interpreting pregnancy for women:

  • now is the time to implement ideas and ideas, the result will not be long in coming;
  • manifestation of sluggish chronic diseases.

If the sleeping person is a young person, such a variant of sleep can predict a bright and stormy romance.

The Ukrainian dream book deciphers pregnancy as career planning, the growth of material well-being. The only exception is if he dreamed of a young girl who was not married: betrayal, betrayal and deceit await her.

If you had to see yourself pregnant in a dream - why such a dream is dreaming, the dream book will tell you, taking into account all the details.

Dream interpretation (interpretation): pregnancy in a dream for a woman with a belly

A dream about an interesting position for a woman can be interpreted in different ways depending on the duration of pregnancy.

So, a dream in which a woman has a big belly and is about to give birth suggests that now is the time to implement the most daring plans and ideas.

The feelings visiting the sleeping woman at this time are also important. If she is afraid, feels insecure, then in fact it is these feelings that will prevent her from achieving her goals.

In general, a dream in which a long gestational age has a favorable meaning. It may indicate an unexpected monetary reward.

The modern dream book gives different interpretations depending on the financial situation of the dreamer. If a girl (woman) is wealthy, a dream about a big belly portends her ruin, loss of wealth, while a poor one, on the contrary, receiving money.

Important point! A bad (and good) interpretation does not always need to be taken on faith. Sometimes there are just dreams that do not carry much meaning.

It is also believed that pregnancy with a stomach can be dreamed of on the eve of a joyful event or receiving unexpected good news.

There is another, not entirely positive, interpretation of such a dream: a woman is unhappy in marriage, has problems with children.

As an interpretation, a big belly tells a woman about a possible conception. This does not apply to those of the fair sex who are trying to get pregnant in reality. Such dreams in this case are a simple reflection of daytime events and desires.

Miller's dream book: pregnancy and childbirth

Miller's dream book gives a variety of interpretations of his own pregnancy and childbirth. It is enough to analyze the details of such a dream and compare it with real life.

Your birth usually portends a major success in life, the beginning of a streak of luck and the resolution of many old problems.

If the birth takes place in a hospital under the supervision of an obstetrician, you can expect unpleasant events in your personal life. Giving birth on the floor at home means a woman's strong desire to return past relationships.

If the dreamer is young and unmarried, such dreams may warn that she is leading a too immodest lifestyle, which may damage her reputation.

For a woman who is in an interesting position in reality, pregnancy and childbirth from a dream portend an easy birth and a quick recovery thereafter. For the unborn child, the interpretation is also the most favorable.

Why dream of seeing yourself pregnant in a dream: Vanga's dream book

The predictions and prophecies made by this Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer are being fulfilled exactly to this day, so her dream book can be completely trusted.

For a young girl, a dream about her pregnancy is not the best. He tries to warn her against starting a new relationship, which, apart from the disappointment of the sleeping woman, will bring nothing. Also, such a dream suggests that the girl is waiting for gossip, intrigue behind her back.

Note! If a woman dreams of a late pregnancy and at the same time she clearly feels the baby pushing inside, this means that she has only favorable twists of fate ahead of her.

If such dreams are visited by a lady who is far from reproductive age, this indicates that chores and worries will soon appear in her life that will concern only her.

Successful childbirth adds a positive moment to decoding: all troubles will quickly and without a trace go away.

As an interpretation option, there may be upcoming health problems and their overcoming. At risk - the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

For a pregnant woman in reality, Vanga's dream book prophesies a happy birth in the near future.

Why dream of pregnancy: the birth of a child (boy and girl)


Women who were able to become the mother of a son in a dream expect career growth or business success in the very near future. After all a male baby personifies perseverance in the implementation of goals.

Miller's dream interpretation interprets such a dream as an increase in her social status, and if the dreamer is not married, a possible marriage proposal.

A dream ending with the birth of an heir is always to improve financial well-being.

Freud, on the other hand, pays more attention to the emotional component of life, therefore, in accordance with his dream book, the birth of a boy portends the meeting of his soulmate.

Loff's dream book indicates that a woman who sees a newborn in her dream resists the possible onset of pregnancy with all her might.

When a son is born at home, this means that very soon peace, comfort and well-being will settle here.


The birth of a female child in a dream indicates that the dreamer is expecting something new, unknown. It is likely that a new period begins in her life.

If the girl is young, most likely after such a dream it is possible to receive unexpected news that can dramatically change her whole life.

Often such dreams are visited by those who in real life really want a baby.

For a pregnant woman, this dream portends good health and a successful birth.

The resumption of romance in a relationship symbolizes the birth of a daughter in a dream for an adult woman who has already taken place in her life.

If a daughter was born at home, this predicts the beginning of a white streak in life. A a girl who looks like a sleeping woman symbolizes great happiness, success in the professional field, good health and good luck in everything.

What is the dream of someone else's pregnancy (of another person)

It is not always possible to see your pregnancy in a dream, often a familiar or unfamiliar woman can act as a future mother. Such dreams also have their own interpretation.

If you happen to see yourself in a dream of a pregnant woman, in order to find out why this is a dream, the dream book requires you to remember who was in position.

Seeing an unfamiliar pregnant woman in a dream

When a beautiful, well-groomed pregnant unknown woman appears in a dream, this portends an unexpected profit, although a lot of effort will have to be made.

If the stranger is ugly and unpleasant to look at - to worries and troubles.

When deciphering such a dream, the emotional state of the woman who met in the dream plays a role.

If a pregnant woman cries, swears or is nervous, financial losses await the sleeping woman; if he rejoices, laughs, the opportunity to climb the career ladder will soon turn up.

Seeing a pregnant familiar woman (girl) in a dream

This dream can mean various events, interpretation must be made, taking into account the small details from the dream and the facts of real life.

If in a dream you met that friend who is expecting a baby in reality, this does not mean anything, but simply reflects current events. A meeting in this position of an old acquaintance whom we have not seen for a long time symbolizes an unexpected meeting and the renewal of friendship.

An unfamiliar pregnant woman promises unexpected material gains or a long-planned major acquisition.

Prophetic dreams are most often remembered very clearly. While empty, meaningless, often unclear and confused.

For pregnant women, such dreams bring easy and painless childbirth.

Why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy

The pregnancy of a beloved friend is mostly a good sign.

But some dream books also give negative interpretations:

  • slight malaise;
  • loss of an insignificant share of the capital invested in any project;
  • active actions of ill-wishers and envious people;
  • a quarrel with this girlfriend from a dream is possible.

What good is a girlfriend in an interesting position in a dream:

  • marriage in the near future, moving;
  • complete and quick recovery (in case the woman is sick);
  • making easy profits;
  • implementation of creative projects or starting your own business.

If a friend is pregnant in life, then such a dream means an easy birth for her.

Why dream of mom's pregnancy

One of the most common decryptions is that everything that was conceived and planned will be executed. Also, a dreaming pregnant mother can predict the appearance in the life of the daughter of a rich patron in the family or at work.

Most often, a mother in an interesting position in a dream promises a solution to material issues. We are talking about unexpected receipts: winnings, inheritance, gift.

Carefully! If the dream itself was disturbing and restless, its meaning changes to the exact opposite.

When a mother gives birth in a dream, this is a sign of difficulties on the way. If the sleeping woman herself takes birth, you can be sure: very soon she will meet a good reliable person who can become a reliable life partner.

Why dream of a daughter's pregnancy for a mother

The meaning of sleep about the daughter's pregnancy is generally positive. Joyful events, good news await the whole family. This dream is a hint that the daughter has chosen (or will choose) a decent person as her companion.

And The term of an interesting position also matters:

  • early - the daughter will soon become pregnant in reality;
  • late - grandchildren are not yet expected.

Sleep takes on a negative connotation if the mother is unpleasantly surprised or dissatisfied with the position of her daughter.

Seeing a pregnant woman (relative) in a dream

The closer the pregnant woman is to the dreamer in terms of kinship, the more important events await her. Such dreams often come as a warning of possible difficulties.

If the sensations after sleep are joyful, then the difficulties will be minor and fleeting. Unpleasant feelings indicate that the goal may be unattainable.

Why dream of a sister's pregnancy (native or cousin)

The main meaning of a dream about a sister in a position: soon new prospects for making a profit will appear in life, and this can apply to the whole family.

Also it all depends on which sister you dreamed about:

  1. A pregnant sister brings joyful news to the sleeping woman.
  2. If the sister is a half-sister - intrusive attention from relatives.
  3. Cousin - the appearance of a certain problem that will disappear soon.
  4. If the sister is not married, in reality she will soon start a family.
  5. I dreamed of a sister who does not really exist - the most difficult test for the one who sees a dream. But if she gave birth in a dream, a difficult situation will be solved by itself.
  6. Huge wealth awaits the woman who in a dream singled out several pregnant sisters. The number of girls indicates the sources of monetary profit.

Seeing yourself pregnant depending on your status

The interpretation of sleep also depends on the status of the woman. Next, dreams that a married or unmarried woman, a girl will dream of will be considered.

Why dream of pregnancy (one's own) for a married woman

According to Vanga's dream book for a married lady, such dreams predict the birth of twins or twins.

Miller's dream book, on the contrary, gives a bad prognosis - a woman is expected to have major quarrels with her husband, a divorce is possible.

Why dream of pregnancy for your own woman (girl) lonely (unmarried)

For a single or unmarried woman, such a dream does not bring anything good. This is a kind of warning that you should be more selective in your connections.

If she continues to act too frivolously, she may find herself in a shameful situation.

In some dream books, this dream is interpreted as a possible deception on the part of a lover.

Why does a virgin dream about pregnancy

For a very young person, such dreams also have a mostly negative interpretation:

  • warning of deceit or betrayal;
  • reflection of fear of sexual intimacy;
  • her state of health may worsen (in case the girl is sick).

In principle, a dream about a pregnant virgin suggests that the sleeping woman wants to get something impossible.

Pregnancy in a dream, which means the gender of the child

If in a dream about pregnancy the gender of the unborn child is known, then such dreams have the following interpretation.

Why dream of a girl being pregnant

Oddly enough, but such night dreams are often visited by those women who in real life do not want to get pregnant.

Many dream books pregnancy by a girl is considered as a message about a conception that occurred in reality.

Felomen's dream interpretation interprets it as receiving a gift in the very near future. Moreover, this gift will be necessary and very pleasant.

Why dream of being pregnant with a boy

From unpleasant interpretations - there is a risk of getting into a car accident.

If a woman is actually pregnant at the moment, this dream can mean a rapid birth.

Good meanings of pregnancy by a son in a dream:

  • obtaining a new, higher position or salary increase;
  • receipt of a large amount of money.

Why dream of twin pregnancy

When a truly pregnant woman had a dream of such content, it is likely that it will be prophetic. Everyone else needs to be especially careful in the near future, to be more attentive to their health.

Various interpretations of this dream are offered depending on the material condition of the sleeping woman.

For the poor, this dream means the emergence of an opportunity to get rich, for the wealthy, on the contrary, the risk of losing their fortune.

Why dream of a frozen pregnancy

Unfortunately, such dreams do not bring anything good: if there is a pregnancy in real life - a miscarriage is possible, if a woman is not pregnant - major household and work troubles.

Poor sleep during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is subject to various fears that can be expressed through dreams. What to expect a future mother if she had a bad dream.

Why dream of a miscarriage during pregnancy

Whatever a terrible dream, it does not necessarily dream of bad events, and very rarely turns out to be prophetic.

It is quite possible that such a dream portends an unexpected end to problems liberation from what has been tormenting for a long time.

At future mother such terrible pictures emerge because of the logically arising fear for the life and health of the baby.

Why dream of bleeding during pregnancy

Miller, one of the few interpreters, believes that bleeding for a pregnant woman is a health problem or problems from ill-wishers.

The rest of the dream books interpret such nightmares much more positively:

  • safe delivery (childbirth, in a sense, is a loss for the body);
  • the birth of a healthy baby;
  • childbirth may begin earlier than the due date, but everything will go well.

In addition, such a night vision can reflect the anxieties and fears that are more or less inherent in every woman in a position.

Sleep orgasm during pregnancy

Many pregnant women experience the phenomenon of orgasm during sleep. They are often afraid of such a state, and completely in vain: an orgasm actually only benefits the fetus and the woman herself.

This happens because hormonal changes in the body begin, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases.

At this time, the pregnant woman sleeps very restlessly, she may even wake up from strong sensations.

Interesting! Women in a position can experience an orgasm in a dream not only during traditional sex with their husband, but also from caresses, touches of completely strangers (perhaps even their own sex).

Dream interpretation - pregnancy test

Often a pregnancy test may be dreamed of. Such dreams are interpreted depending on the position of the woman.

Why dream of a positive pregnancy test

If a woman is in an interesting position, this dream can mean for her:

If the woman is not married or pregnant:

  • quarrels with a husband or friend;
  • unpleasant conversations, gossip;
  • loss and loss are possible.

I dreamed of a pregnancy test with one strip

A test with one strip usually dreams of the collapse of hopes and plans. May portend losses (not only material ones).

For pregnant women, it can symbolize possible problems during childbirth, so it is necessary to take this with all responsibility.

In general, a dream about a test says that at the moment there is some kind of choice. to be done, but the sleeper will not dare. It is on this fateful decision that the further development of events depends.

How to find out about pregnancy in a dream

During the period of the birth of a new life, a woman's hormonal background changes, which also affects the content of dreams.

Therefore, those women who are attentive to their dreams often find out about their interesting position long before the first test results. And for each of them it can be completely different stories.

What dreams portend pregnancy

Fish - dreams of pregnancy

Of all the dreams that portend pregnancy, dreams about fish and its species occupy a leading position. True, the fish in such a dream must necessarily be alive or fresh (if the dreamer eats it).

What dreams of pregnancy, except for fish

Of the possible options for dreams-predictions about pregnancy, there are:

  1. Simple clean clear water - a calm blue sea, a beautiful aquarium, a lake.
  2. Stork or swans.
  3. Butterflies (especially if you catch them).
  4. Collection of mushrooms.
  5. Swimming in clear water, swimming in the sea or lake.
  6. Cabbage.
  7. Lotus flower.
  8. Cornflowers (flowers).
  9. Pearl.

The pregnancy of a woman is a wonderful state both in a dream and in reality. It must be remembered that sleep is just a reflection of our everyday emotions, sometimes a warning. But it’s still not worth taking interpretations too seriously.

From this video you will learn why - to see yourself pregnant in a dream, why you have such a dream and what the dream books say.

This video is an interpretation of a dream about a girl's pregnancy.



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