Signs of a polyp in the nasal sinus. Loss and restoration of olfactory sensitivity

The most common complications of chronic rhinitis include nasal polyps. According to WHO, 1-4% of the world's population suffers from polyposis, of which 30% have an allergic disease. Men are more susceptible to polyposis; they get sick 4 times more often. The disease is dangerous because it increases the risk of chronic diseases respiratory organs. In addition, without treatment measures, people's life expectancy is reduced by an average of 6 years.

What is polyposis

The growing mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses and forming round formations of benign origin are polyps. Nasal polyps look like mushrooms, peas or grapes. Their sizes vary from 5 mm to several cm.

They do not cause pain, but make breathing difficult. It goes through several stages in its development:

  • at first they are small in size and do not interfere with nasal breathing, causing slight congestion;
  • gradually grow, blocking the nasal passages: the voice changes, smells are poorly perceived, speech is deformed and hearing weakens;
  • reach their maximum size, covering nasal breathing and causing persistent nasal discharge.

Since neoplasms develop gradually, symptoms cannot be identified immediately. The person does not experience pain, but eventually stops breathing through the nose. The disease is quite common, but it is difficult to cope with: it will not be possible to get rid of polyps quickly and painlessly.

Nasal polyps are protrusions of the mucous membrane that vary in shape and size. Their formation begins in the paranasal sinuses and continues in the nasal cavity. Polyps develop over several years, moving to new stages of development and making it difficult for a person to breathe.

Passing through nasal cavity, the air is humidified and warmed. Particles of dust and other small foreign bodies remain here, and the air passes into the lungs already clean. Nasal polyps block the air passages, and air passes into the lungs through the mouth without delay. It is not purified and arrives cold, which causes various respiratory diseases.

The connection between the sinuses is disrupted, which leads to chronic sinusitis. Overgrowth is also dangerous because it puts pressure on small blood vessels, causing circulatory problems. The consequences of this are inflammation of the tonsils and the formation of adenoids, the development chronic tonsillitis and otitis. If the blood vessels burst, a bleeding nasal polyp forms, causing nosebleeds.

It is important to start treatment on time. The disease progresses, first causing difficulty breathing, then loss of smell. An army of nasal polyps completely blocks the passage of air and causes heavy discharge.

Symptoms: how the disease manifests itself

Nasal polyps can be identified by characteristic symptoms, which appear gradually:

  1. Nasal breathing is impossible because the connective tissue completely blocked my nasal passages.
  2. When an infection enters the sinuses, a profuse secretion of mucus occurs, sometimes with admixtures of pus. Discharges form periodically or constantly, irritating a person and interfering with normal image life.
  3. The body's protective reaction is expressed in frequent sneezing. The nasal mucosa is lined with ciliated epithelium, the cilia of which perceive nasal polyps as foreign bodies and in this way try to get rid of them.
  4. The occurrence of frequent headaches, the causes of which can be several: lack of oxygen, which does not reach the brain well; pressure on nerve endings; the process of inflammation in the sinuses.
  5. Sensitivity to odors is lost, as the functioning of the nasal receptors responsible for the sense of smell is impaired.
  6. With overgrown polyps, “perverted taste” appears when the patient’s sense of taste is impaired.
  7. Due to the development of polyposis, a nasal tone occurs; a person speaks “through the nose.” Speech changes because nasal breathing is impaired.

Signs of nasal polyps and their manifestation are associated with the stage at which the disease is located.

If breathing through the nose is impaired, the development of colds is inevitable, since bacteria easily enter the body through the oral cavity. The disease is often accompanied by snoring.

Causes of the problem: why polyps grow

The causes of the disease are related to the mechanism of neoplasms. When a virus or bacteria enters the nasal cavity, the immune system begins to work, forming protective barrier from antibodies. The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed and partial detachment occurs. Hence – discharge, congestion, disruption of normal breathing.

These are temporary problems (our common colds), but they can become permanent if the immune system is weak. Then the mucous membrane, trying to fight the infection, grows and changes its structure to a more dense one. There is an increase in tissue in the paranasal sinuses. But when there is not enough space for the tissue, it protrudes into the nasal cavity and nasal mucous polyps appear.

From here the reasons for the occurrence of polyposis become clear:

  • infectious diseases and colds,
  • chronic inflammation in the paranasal sinuses,
  • allergic runny nose or hay fever,
  • weak defense immune system,
  • hereditary factors, tendency to polyposis,
  • narrow nasal passages due to the special structure of the nasal septum.

This is a polyetiological disease, the causes of which are different. The main ones are: chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, its anatomical structure and allergic manifestations.


Externally, the disease manifests itself only in a nasal voice and a stuffy nose with periodic discharge from it. But from this it becomes clear what the problem is. The doctor performs a rhinoscopy, examining the nasal cavities with a mirror.. Nasal polyps appear as solitary or clustered growths.

If there are many polyps and they are large, surgery is necessary, then an additional x-ray or tomography of the nasal sinuses is performed. These data will give the surgeon an idea of ​​the location of the tumors, their volume, the nature of the disease and the choice of method surgical intervention.

Other diagnostic procedures prescribed by an otolaryngologist include:

  • bacterial culture to check for concomitant infection,
  • pharyngoscopy,
  • otoscopy,
  • microlaryngoscopy.

Blood is taken for analysis and allergy tests, since the disease may be of allergic origin..

If polyposis develops, surgery cannot be avoided. The nasal polyp grows, blocking the passage of air and causing various complications. It cannot be cured therapeutically; drug therapy is usually used before surgery.

Drug treatment of polyposis

When nasal polyps are just beginning to form, you can try to avoid conservative therapy. Its goal is to eliminate factors that cause changes in the mucous membrane. The doctor draws up a treatment regimen, which includes:

  1. Elimination of factors provoking the disease, due to which the mucous layer increases. For example, the absence of allergens around.
  2. Relief of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.
  3. Rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solutions to cleanse the mucous membrane of pus, infection and allergens.
  4. Elimination of focal infection and drying of the mucous membrane, for which ozone-ultraviolet sanitation is carried out.
  5. Conducting laser therapy to restore blood microcirculation, which improves tissue nutrition.
  6. Introduction of turunda with medicinal ointments, which draw out purulent secretions.
  7. Carrying out specially designed gymnastics for nasal breathing according to Strelnikova, according to the Buteyko method, self massage trigeminal nerve.
  8. Treatment with drugs to restore immunity and relieve allergic reactions.

To those appointed medications Anti-inflammatory therapy includes oral and nasal corticosteroids, antihistamines. During complex therapy immunotherapy and antibiotics are added. Prednisolone for nasal polyps is prescribed in a general course of treatment orally for 10 days.

Thermal effects help treat nasal polyps without surgery. New growths are heated with quartz fiber, which is inserted into the nose. At a temperature of +70C, polyps are rejected and flake off within three days. If they do not come out with nasal discharge, the doctor removes the polyps with tweezers.

Warming tumors at home is strictly prohibited. This is not just useless, but also a dangerous procedure that can increase growth epithelial tissue. Warming up and removing a polyp using the thermal method are different procedures. Thermal removal is carried out by a doctor in a hospital setting.

The use of hormonal drugs is sometimes practiced in treatment. The patient is prescribed corticosteroids in large doses, which he takes for a long time, within three weeks or several times, the drug is injected into the sites of proliferation of epithelial tissue. Improvement occurs quickly, and then relapse is possible in the form of various side effects.

More often, therapeutic treatment serves as the first step or preparatory stage to surgery to stop the proliferation of epithelial tissue. Surgery guarantees complete removal of all polyps in the nasopharynx, but does not guarantee that after some time the polyps will begin to grow again. If the cause of the disease is unknown, then it is impossible to promise a 100% recovery.

Treatment should be based on what triggered the onset of the disease. But most often it is not possible to establish the exact cause, which is why the therapeutic course can be quite long and not always effective. More often it inhibits polyposis, rather than cures it completely.

Traditional methods

People have known about this disease for a long time, so there are recipes that help ease breathing, but do not cure the disease. Today, folk remedies can be used in complex therapy when breathing problems greatly complicate life.

You can use several recipes, the main ingredients of which are salt, herbs and essential oils :

  1. Prepare nasal drops: take 1/2 teaspoon of salt per glass of water and mix. Instill 2 drops three times a day. The same solution is used to rinse the nasal sinuses.
  2. We bury the nose with a decoction of the string. To do this, pour 2 teaspoons of herbs into a glass of boiling water and let it brew. The norm is 2 drops three times a day.
  3. We carry out inhalation: pour into a wide cup hot water and add 2-3 drops of any pine essential oil. You need to breathe above the steam every day for a week.

The recipes are simple, but they really make nasal breathing easier, improving the quality of life.

Surgical treatment of polyposis

There are two modern methods for removing benign formations in the nose: laser burning and endoscopic resection with a shaver. Let's look briefly at each of them.

Using laser equipment and an endoscope with a camera, polyps are burned out using a laser beam. This technique has many advantages:

  • the operation is carried out quickly;
  • no pronounced pain;
  • small risk of possible bleeding;
  • absence of possible infection;
  • small% of relapse (return) of the disease;
  • low morbidity;
  • short recovery period.

The disadvantages include the inability to remove too large growths. Another problem is the difficulty of completely removing the remaining polypous tissue, which leads to the proliferation of new cells and the return of the disease after some time.

Nasal polyps in adults can be removed with laser in the following way: due to the high temperature of the beam, the overgrown cells are heated and evaporated. The vessels instantly stick together, which avoids bleeding. The cost of laser surgery averages 16,000 rubles.

The second method is endoscopic removal of nasal polyps with a shaver. This is technology latest generation, which uses modern equipment. The intervention is characterized by low trauma and a low risk of recurrent complications. The technology allows you to preserve healthy tissue while completely removing diseased tissue. The risk of polyp regrowth is 50%.

When choosing a procedure, it is best to choose endoscopic FESS. It carries out navigational control of the shaver’s operation, thoroughly cleaning the nasal cavities. Thorough cleaning reduces the risk of recurrence. Look at the doctor's license, which states that he can perform such operations.

The method has many advantages:

  • no cuts;
  • medical supervision during the operation;
  • the ability to work in inaccessible areas of the nasal sinuses;
  • low injury to healthy tissue;
  • rapid remission: postoperative recovery lasts no more than a week.

For complete relaxation the patient is being used general anesthesia. During the operation, the nasal sinuses are opened, from which epithelial growths are removed. If you need to correct nasal septum, then the operation allows you to do this. The nose is covered with tampons for 12 hours.

Identifying symptoms and treating nasal polyps should be under the supervision of a doctor. After surgery or drug treatment, the patient should be observed for two years by an ENT specialist, since the disease may return. If necessary, the doctor prescribes maintenance therapy, which also serves as prevention.

For treatment to be effective, it is important to know the reasons that caused tissue proliferation. And you should not look for the cause in psychosomatics if the disease returns again. You need to solve the problem with surgery or medications and continue to live, hoping for the best.

Nasal polyps are a common disease among the adult population. They are not detected immediately, but only when the growths make it difficult for a person to breathe.

Treatment of polyps is long and not always painless, so at the first signs of illness you need to undergo an examination.

Polyps are formations that appear due to the growth of the mucous membrane in the nose.

The disease occurs in several stages. At first, the polyps are small and do not interfere with breathing through the nose; in advanced forms, the formations are so large that they completely cover the nasal passages.

Nasal polyposis is a polyetiological disease, since it occurs against the background of the most various pathologies. A thorough examination will allow you to confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis.

The exact cause of the appearance of polyps in the nasal cavity has not yet been established, but statistical information provides important information:

  • nasal polyposis is diagnosed in women twice as often as in men;
  • after twenty years the likelihood of getting sick increases;
  • the most vulnerable age group is people 40-50 years old;
  • Children with cystic fibrosis are prone to the disease.

TO possible reasons Nasal polyposis includes:

Among the provoking factors are:

  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • fungal sinusitis;
  • Young, Churg-Strauss syndrome;
  • intolerance to alcohol, aspirin;
  • cystic fibrosis (genetic disorder);
  • unfavorable environment.


The process of polyp formation has not been thoroughly studied, but many scientists have come to the conclusion that polyposis is both the root cause and the result of the inflammatory process.

In the nasal cavity with infectious process Microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly.

Because of this upper layer cells peel off, the following symptoms occur:

At this point, it is important to undergo effective treatment. Its absence leads to chronicity of the pathological process in the nasal cavity. The mucous membrane ceases to perform its function, grows and thickens.

Next, the overgrown tissue begins to fill the nasal cavity. This condition is referred to as “polyp exit.” Education is the result of inflammatory processes in various parts nose and is a translucent, non-cancerous substance.

Polyps can grow on the ethmoid bone tissue, in the sinuses and other places. Their locations and clinics are varied.

Symptoms and stages of the disease

There are three stages of nasal polyposis:

  • first: polyps fill a small part of the nasal cavity without causing any discomfort;
  • second: the formations quickly increase in size, grow, block a significant part of the nasal passages, and make breathing difficult;
  • third: polyps completely close the respiratory passages, the person cannot breathe through the nose, the sense of smell disappears (due to insufficient oxygenation of cells and tissues).

Depending on the location, nasal polyposis can be:

  • ethmoidal - develops from the mucous membrane of the ethmoid bone (both sides of the nasal septum are affected);
  • antrochoanal – develops from the maxillary sinuses (more common in children and is unilateral;
  • choanal – develops from a retention cyst.


  • difficulty breathing, nasal congestion due to blocked nasal passages;
  • loss of smell due to disruption of receptors blocked by polyps;
  • rhinitis;
  • snore;
  • headache;
  • feeling of aching in the nose;
  • frequent sneezing due to irritation by polyps of eyelashes in the nose;
  • nasality, change in voice.

In general, the symptoms are the same in adults and children, but the latter additionally have the following:

A sure sign that a child has nasal polyps is a constantly open mouth. The nasolabial folds are smoothed out, lower jaw droops, the contours of the face are changed. This can cause the chest bones to form improperly.

Infants sleep and suckle poorly, causing them to lose weight and become susceptible to infectious and viral diseases.

A woman during pregnancy can easily identify a bleeding polyp herself. In addition to the general symptoms, itching appears around the eyes, tearing increases, and the frontal bones hurt due to high pressure. The woman looks weak and unhealthy, the functioning of the speech apparatus is disrupted.


An otolaryngologist can make an accurate diagnosis. The first thing the doctor does is examine the nasopharynx using a rhinoscope and endoscope and interview the patient.

Polyps located near the nostrils are easy to detect with the naked eye.

If the mucous membrane grows deeper, additional differential diagnostic techniques are used.

If the polyp has grown deep in the nasal passage, additional differential diagnostic methods will be required.

List of studies:

  • MRI and CT scan of the paranasal sinuses, which makes it possible to accurately determine the size and location of formations;
  • radiography, which allows you to examine the affected area in detail;
  • allergy tests showing individual reaction to one or another allergenic agent (injection of the allergen into the forearm);
  • biopsy pathological tissue(determining the nature of education);
  • blood tests (biochemistry, blood test);
  • testing for cystic fibrosis, thanks to which it is possible to establish a hereditary relationship with the disease.

Differential diagnosis allows us to exclude other possible pathological processes and tissue changes (benign and malignant).

MRI and CT scans are rarely performed in pregnant women, since these techniques adversely affect the condition of the fetus. Therefore, the technique of choice is radiography. Children are also prescribed, first of all, x-rays.

A specialist doctor talks in detail about polyps and an effective non-surgical treatment method, watch the video:


Nasal polyposis is treated conservatively and surgically.

Activities associated with conservative therapy include:

1. Elimination of unfavorable factors:

  • contact with allergenic agents (dust, pollen, medications, detergents etc.);
  • fungal and infectious agents that are not excreted in the urine;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs, which accumulate in some quantities in the body;
  • products with dyes, additives and natural salicylates.

2. Washing with sea ​​salt;

3. Buteyko technique (breathing according to a special pattern), Strelnikova gymnastics, self-massage;

4. Homeopathy;

5. Taking medications prescribed by a doctor:

  • antibiotics (elimination of the infectious process);
  • corticosteroid drugs;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • sodium cromoglycate;
  • nasal decongestants.

6. Immunotherapy (immune strengthening, immunomodulators);

7. Herbal treatment (in the absence of individual intolerance);

8. Use of quartz fiber (warming the nasal cavity, promoting the removal of the polyp).

If conservative treatment does not have the desired effect, the doctor decides to surgically remove the formations.

Indications for the operation:

  • snore;
  • lack of smell;
  • severe curvature of the septum;
  • high congestion;
  • bleeding of growths;
  • attacks of asthmatic suffocation.

Surgical methods for removing polyps:

The choice of treatment method and regimen is made by the doctor; self-medication is unacceptable.

Play an important role in the treatment of nasal polyposis preventive actions. You need to regularly visit an otolaryngologist, avoid allergenic agents and maintain personal hygiene.

In contact with

There are many different ones that cause a person significant discomfort. Diseases associated with breathing problems are especially unpleasant. One of the common ailments today is the formation of polyps in the nose.

Nasal polyps - description

Before moving on to what causes nasal polyps, it is necessary to find out more precisely what it is and why there is so much talk about this problem.

Only an otolaryngologist can see whether there is a polyp in the nose or not, who is able to notice the growths that have appeared during a simple examination of the nasal cavity. All patients who often go to a specialist with this problem hear the name “polyposis rhinitis,” the cause of which is these growths.

In fact, it is almost impossible to make an adequate comparison so that a person understands what we're talking about. The only comparison that comes to mind for the common man and even experienced doctor- these are grapes. The resulting polyps are similar in shape to grape berries. But they only bring trouble, not pleasure.

Polyp is benign tumor, which begins to gradually grow in the nasal passages.

At the first stages, it practically does not cause discomfort, since the size is small. But over time, the polyp closes the respiratory passage and the person simply stops breathing through the nostril in which it appeared. But the most important thing is that it seems small education can lead to other problems, for example, chronic fatigue, which appears not only due to lack of sleep, but also due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body's cells.

More information about the signs of nasal polyps can be found in the video.

In the most difficult cases, when the polyp is located close to ear canal and reaches large sizes, hearing problems may begin.

When a person hears that a polyp has formed in his nose, this leads to severe panic, since few people know about the benign nature of the tumor. But even despite this, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention eliminating the problem, since even its harmlessness can ultimately give rise to other serious diseases and complications.

Causes of nasal polyps

Nasal polyps - causes

Nasal polyps are a very common problem, but only some people immediately turn to specialists for advice. But others drag it out until the last moment, until the problem develops into something more.

The human nasal passages are lined with a fragile mucous membrane that performs protective function. It is thanks to her that a person is able to breathe normally. But when pathological processes occur (viruses enter, injury occurs), the mucous membrane is damaged, and non-standard changes may begin.

Every person has suffered from a cold at least once in their entire life. And, as a rule, most people, especially adults, do not give it special significance and thereby launch other bad processes.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment of polyps is used only in the very initial stages, when breathing is not severely impaired and problems with the sense of smell have not yet begun. In this case, your doctor may recommend using medications to avoid surgery. True, in order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and not stop treatment when the first improvements appear.

Conservative treatment includes, first of all, the fight against provoking factors. And at this stage it is very important to install them so as not to lose precious time.

As a rule, polyps begin to grow either against the background of constant allergies, accompanied by nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane, or against the background of chronic and penetration into the body bacterial infection. If the cause lies in allergies, then it is necessary to exclude the allergen, and also take antihistamines to reduce swelling and remove remnants of the irritant.

If the problem is a persistent bacterial or viral infection, then it is necessary to treat the nasal cavity with antibacterial solutions as soon as possible.

Carry out rinsing, as well as strengthen local and general immunity to avoid re-development of the disease.

The conservative method today includes the method of thermal exposure, during which a thin quartz fiber is introduced.Due to its heating to 60 degrees, the polyps turn white, and after two or three days they simply disappear. And it is at this moment that the doctor can remove them with simple tweezers.Depending on how effective the conservative treatment was, the speed of recovery will depend.


Doctors identify several main indications for surgical removal polyps:

  • Problems with breathing, especially when there is no oxygen supply at all.
  • Impaired sense of smell, as a result of which a person does not perceive even strong and pungent odors.
  • Heavy snoring, especially during night sleep.
  • Seizures bronchial asthma.
  • Constant headaches due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain.

Today there are several ways to surgically remove polyps. These include:

  1. Removal using a loop that is placed at the base of the polyp, thereby stopping the path to its supply nutrients. Minuses this method are that there is a possibility of injury to the mucous membrane, reappearance of polyps, and severe bleeding.
  2. A laser method during which a person experiences virtually no pain. And recovery occurs quickly, in three to four days.
  3. Endoscopic removal. This method is considered one of the most effective, because during the procedure an image of the nasal cavity is displayed on the screen and the doctor can monitor the condition of the mucous membrane. This allows you to completely remove the polyp, as well as other overgrown tissue, without harm to the person.

Nasal polyps are a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but can be corrected. The main thing is not to delay contacting a specialist, since the recovery period will depend on it.

What is a nasal polyp? Nasal polyps are elongated malignant formations tissues of the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses (paranasal sinuses) - sphenoid, maxillary, frontal, ethmoidal labyrinth, reaching 3 - 4 cm in length.

What do polyps look like? Visually, they look like smooth gray-pink or yellowish outgrowths in the form of a bean or a mushroom, painless and easily moving. They usually grow in whole “clusters”. They can hang on a leg or sit tightly on a wide base.

Filling the nasal cavity and sinuses, they are able to completely block the airways, and with massive growths they can be seen sticking straight out of the nose or in its vestibule without diagnostic equipment.

Recurrent pathological condition the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus or other air cavities (sinuses), which are filled with outgrowths in the form of multiple polyps, is defined in medicine as polypous sinusitis or rhinosinusitis if several different sinuses are affected.

Patients often confuse polyps and adenoids. Or they mistake the cyst for a polyp of the maxillary sinus.

Unlike adenoids, which are overgrown nasopharyngeal tonsils, that is, they are physiological elements in the nasopharynx, a nasal polyp is a neoplasm that appears and grows for certain reasons. it is a hollow growth with internal contents - liquid, thick, and a polyp in the nose is a dense tissue knot.

Such formations in the sinuses are observed more often in adults (2–4%), and male patients occur 3–4 times more often than women.

There are two main types of polyps, which are classified according to the area where they formed:

  1. Ethmoidal polyps. They grow on the mucous membrane of the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth, which is also a paired system of air sinuses. More often they are multiple and form on both sides of the nasal septum. If the right sinus is affected, then growths are also found in the left cavity. Usually found in adult patients.
  2. Choanal polyp (another termite in medicine - fibromyxoma). Formed in the choana - the opening connecting the nasal cavity and top part throats. Usually the tumor “sits” on a stalk, has a particularly dense texture and grows from the choana towards the nasal passages and oropharynx. Mature polyps become reddish.

A polyp in the maxillary sinus is called antrochoanal. Such formation is considered as a manifestation of polypous sinusitis. The antrochoanal polyp, formed in the maxillary sinus, grows from the maxillary sinus into the nasopharynx, and looks like a hanging whitish-gray growth, which, increasing in size, reaches the oropharynx.

As a rule, a tumor-like formation of the choanal type appears either in the left maxillary sinus or in the right, that is, on one side. More often diagnosed in children.

Stages of the anomalous process

Depending on the size of the tumor-like node and the degree of growth, three stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • at stage 1, nodes do not occupy large area on the nasal mucosa;
  • at stage 2, multiple outgrowths fill a significant volume of the sinuses;
  • at stage 3, the polypous mass grows so actively that it completely blocks the air passages.


Why do polyps form in the nose? The appearance of polypous growths is directly related to hyperplasia (abnormal growth) of mucosal tissue.

But where do these outgrowths come from, and for what reason does the mucous membrane begin to form such nodes?

Among the causes of polyps, the main one is long-term inflammation of the mucous membrane in the sinuses, including inflammation in the frontal sinus (frontal sinusitis), maxillary sinus (sinusitis) and in the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth (ethmoiditis).

In addition, among the reasons for the appearance of nasal polyps are:

  • features and anomalies of the structures of the nasal cavity and the development of the mucous membrane - deformation of the septum, narrowed passages, anastomosis;
  • frequent infections, acute respiratory viral infections with a long-lasting runny nose;
  • allergic rhinitis, hay fever (rhinoconjunctivitis, which appears seasonally);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • abnormal reaction of local immune mechanisms.

Provoking conditions and factors include:

  • bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis - a hereditary disorder of the secretion of the exocrine glands and disorders of the respiratory, digestive, and musculoskeletal system;
  • Churg–Strauss syndrome – damage to small vessels;
  • nasal mastocytosis (pathological accumulation of mast cells - mast cells - in tissue), cystic fibrosis, Young's syndrome;
  • individual intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid.

Among the psychosomatic reasons that provoke the growth of nasal formations, there are psychological and neurological problems, long-term and latent (hidden) depressive states, insomnia, phobias (repressed fears).

Symptoms of sinus polyps

To fight polyps, you need to be able to recognize their characteristic signs.

TO typical signs nasal polyps include:

  1. Difficulty breathing through the nose, congestion, which have little effect on vasoconstrictor drops. With an ethmoidal polyp, breathing problems often occur on one side, since the formation occurs either on the left or on the right side of the nose.
  2. Sensation of a foreign body in the nose.
  3. Violation of voice timbre, nasality.
  4. Decreased sense of smell (hyposmia) due to dysfunction of the receptors that perceive odors.
  5. Hearing impairment.
  6. Mucus discharge as a symptom is excessive active work iron
  7. The appearance of green snot, increased temperature due to bacterial infection.
  8. Frequent sneezing, night snoring.

General symptoms:

  • headache, sleep disturbances, nervousness, fatigue, depression. All this is a sign of oxygen starvation of brain cells due to difficulty breathing;
  • pain in the frontal part of the head, under the eyes, around the bridge of the nose, associated with the development of inflammation in the sinus affected by polyps - polypous sinusitis.

Complications and consequences

What is the danger and what are the consequences of the spread of nasal outgrowths?

Main complications:

  1. Complete loss of smell (anosmia).
  2. Hearing loss to varying degrees as a result of overlap eustachian tube, connecting tympanic cavity with the nasopharynx.
  3. Inflammatory phenomena in the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis) due to impaired ventilation between the sinuses and the cavity of the nasal passages and the creation of an environment favorable for reproduction pathogenic bacteria. Exacerbation of bacterial sinusitis if the polyp becomes inflamed.
  4. Frequent illnesses respiratory organs and nasopharynx, including laryngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and asthmatic attacks. This occurs due to a violation of the function of nasal breathing: since the patient breathes through the mouth, cold, dry air, unpurified of toxins, allergens and dust, penetrates into the bronchi and alveoli of the lungs.
  5. Multiple nasal tumors compress the blood vessels, preventing the supply of oxygen and nutrition to the tissue cells of the nasopharynx, leading to consequences such as the development of chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the middle ear (otitis) and auditory tube(eustachitis).

Why are polyps dangerous in children?

The consequences of such tumor-like formations in children are more serious than in older patients due to the specificity and incomplete development of the structure of the nasopharynx, weak immunity and general immaturity of the body. And the younger the child, the more severe the complications can be.

Nasal polyps in a child, if ignored, in addition to the complications that arise in adults, can lead to:

  1. To pronounced delays in speech development.
  2. To deformation facial bones skull and nasal septum, abnormal development dental system, malocclusion.
  3. Due to difficulty breathing, children in infancy find it difficult to suck, swallow, and sleep; they experience constant malnutrition, weight loss, sleep disturbances, night-time breath-holding (apnea), neuroses, and delays in mental and physical development.


How to identify polyps in the nose? With grape-shaped formations, diagnosis is not difficult. Sometimes they can be seen even at home, by looking into the mouth: if the polyp becomes large, it sags like a “bell” into the oropharynx.

A child's appearance indicates breathing problems: an open mouth with dry lips, a drooping jaw, noticeable pallor, and lethargy.

But with many diseases of the nasopharynx, the symptoms are similar to those of polyposis. Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate, that is, to distinguish the pathology from sinusitis, tumor, adenoids, atresia (fusion) of the choanae, synechia (tissue fusion) in the nasal cavity.

This requires instrumental diagnostics:

  1. Rhinoscopy is an examination of the internal cavity using a speculum and dilators, which allows you to see growths hanging into the oropharynx. To look at the noses of children under 2 years old, an ENT doctor uses ear specula.
  2. Endoscopic rhinoscopy. A procedure using an endoscope and a microcamera helps to examine the maxillary cavities and identify hypertrophied areas of mucosa in the sinuses and antrochoanal polyps.
  3. Computed tomography (CT). This method is necessary for a more in-depth analysis of the degree of proliferation of nodes and clarification of their localization, especially before surgical treatment.
  4. X-ray with contrast agent. Used to assess the condition of the sinus mucosa if computer diagnostics are not available.

If polypous sinusitis or rhinosinusitis is suspected, research is carried out by an allergist, pulmonologist, or immunologist.

Is it possible in modern medicine to treat nasal polyps without surgery? Which medications give the best therapeutic results?

Conservative treatment of nasal polyps using medications and home remedies is possible if they are diagnosed at an early stage. Therapy, first of all, is aimed at maximizing the influence of causative factors that provoke abnormal growth of the mucosa.

When choosing treatment tactics, the stage of growths, the area occupied by the growths, and provoking causes that trigger the mechanisms of mucosal hyperplasia are taken into account. It should be noted that the severity of the symptoms of nasal polyps determines the treatment regimen.

Drug treatment of sinus polyps is prescribed:

  • if the size of an individual formation is insignificant - up to 10 mm;
  • if the polypous mass with multiple formations does not block the airways;
  • if the risks of surgery are too great (blood clotting disorders, severe hypertension, heart and pulmonary diseases);
  • when the patient actively refuses surgical removal of polyps.

Drug treatment of nasal polyps

How to cure a nasal polyp without surgery using pharmaceuticals? Medicines have different impact on the body, are prescribed taking into account the main cause of the pathology and always in combination with each other.

Hormone therapy

To rid the patient of growths on the nasal mucosa, topical steroids in nasal sprays, hormones in tablets and injections must be prescribed.

Topical intranasal steroids or glucocorticoids

These are hormonal agents in inhalers for spraying a medicinal substance into the nasal passages. They are used to reduce the growth of polyps due to their unique, pronounced resistance to inflammation and allergens, which no other drug provides. It is believed that for nasal polyps there are no alternative medications to glucocorticosteroids in modern medicine.

The effect of hormones does not appear immediately, but as the therapeutic effect accumulates. The main drugs include: Fluticasone, Mometasone, Nasobek, Beclomethasone, Aldecin, Nasobek.

Doctors consider the most rational option to use hormonal sprays not instead of surgery, but after it, in order to minimize the likelihood of relapses.

Hormonal treatment with pills

If the sinus polyp mass is too large and occupies most of the sinuses, intranasal steroids may not be enough. There is a need to take them orally. In such cases, hormones (Prednisolone, Dexomethasone) are traditionally prescribed for 2–3 weeks in high dosages (40–60 mg per day).

The effect of steroid drugs is to inhibit the rate of cell division in polypous formations. This does not allow the mucous membrane to grow; the tissue of the growth itself gradually dies and is destroyed.

Disadvantage internal use hormones is the duration and large doses of the drug, which leads to serious side effects on the body. Therefore, there is an option for safer use of hormonal drugs (medical polypotomy).

Medical polypotomy

This method involves the introduction of glucocorticosteroids directly into the polyp tissue by injection. Prednisolone inhibits the process of replication of atypical cells, promoting the destruction and death of abnormal nodes and their gradual spontaneous release along with nasal discharge.

The advantages of introducing hormones into the body of the polyp:

  1. When a medicinal solution is introduced into the body of a polyp, hormones do not penetrate into vascular bed, which allows you to avoid systemic complications and at the same time get rid of polyps.
  2. The dose of the administered substance is very small - only 1 mg, which is 40 times less than when taken hormonal pills. This also minimizes the risks of unwanted consequences.
  3. The choice of a specific medicinal substance and dose is determined individually, taking into account the area of ​​growth, age and degree inflammatory phenomena. Usually 1 - 2 injections every 7 - 14 days are enough for the polyp to collapse. It either disappears or shrinks and atrophies so much that removing it bloodlessly and painlessly is not difficult.
  4. Repeating a course of intrapolyposis injections is safe, and therefore the method is often used when monitoring the growth of formations.

It should be borne in mind that in rare cases it is possible to permanently remove nasal polyps using hormone therapy.

Additional treatments

  1. Antihistamines (antiallergic) agents.

If polypous nodes have formed as a result of long-term allergic rhinitis, antihistamines are prescribed: Loratadine, Erius, Cetirizine, Zodak, Claritin, Ebastine.

To treat allergic sinusitis with polyposis, nasal drops are used: gel, spray and drops Vibrocil, Sanorin-Analergin.

  1. Preparations with cromoglycic acid.

They prevent an allergic reaction by stabilizing processes in mast cells and inhibiting the release of histamine. The main ones: Vividrin, Sodium cromoglycate, CromoHexal, Cromosol, Cromoglin, Ketotifen.

  1. Antimicrobial agents.

Included in treatment for polyposis caused by bacterial inflammation in the cavity and accessory sinuses, for example, with sinusitis, frontal sinuses. Antibiotics stop inflammatory and purulent processes, preventing suppuration in the area of ​​growth.

In the initial stages of inflammation, the use of local antibiotics in the form of drops or aerosols is sufficient. What are the most effective antimicrobial nasal sprays?

Aerosols Framacetin, Bioparox, Fusafyungin have high therapeutic activity, which create a medicinal haze of tiny droplets in the nasal cavities, completely covering the mucous membrane. These also include Polydex aerosol (and drops), Isofra, Mupirocin (drops and nasal ointment), Dioxidin in solution (1% for adults and 0.5% for children).

Herbal remedies with a pronounced antimicrobial effect include Umkalor drops, which additionally have an anti-inflammatory and thinning effect (allowed for children from 1 year).

In severe cases, you have to take antibiotics in the form of tablets and even by injection (Macropen, Azithromycin, Augmentin, Tavanic, Ceftriaxone, Azimed).

  1. Breathing aids.

Vasoconstrictor sprays and drops for nasal polyps relieve tissue swelling, allowing air to pass freely through the paranasal sinuses and providing easy access to inflamed areas for treatment with other drugs. Light nasal drops and aerosols: Galazolin, Xylene, Snoop, Rinomaris, Otrivin.

The most powerful long-acting agents: Adrianol with a viscous consistency, Midrimax, Nazivin, Afrin, Nazol, Vicks Active, Irifrin.

  1. Mucolytics.

They thin out thick and sticky mucus, helping to ease breathing, clearing sinuses and normalizing ventilation. The most effective: Sinuforte, Sinupret and Rinofluimucil aerosol, which also contains a vasoconstrictor component.

  1. Moisturizing and bactericidal sprays.

Aerosols with a cleansing and moisturizing effect can partially reduce swelling and inflammation of tissues, wash away allergens, microorganisms, viruses and viscous mucous secretions. In addition, they increase local protection by stimulating immune and regenerative processes in the nasal mucosa: Dolphin, Quix, Aquamaris, Aqualor, Otrivin-Sea, Goodvada, Allergol Taisa, Gudvada.

  1. Immunomodulatory drugs.

The therapeutic effect of immunomodulatory agents is aimed at activating local and general body resistance to infectious agents, producing antibodies, reducing the likelihood of progression of polyps in the nasal cavities.

Immunostimulants suppress the proliferation of viruses and inflammatory processes in any area, accelerating the healing process.

The most effective drugs in this group are:

  • Derinat and Nazoferon in the form of nasal drops (used for polyps in newborns and pregnant women);
  • Grippferon drops and spray with antiallergic ingredient (loratadine);
  • intranasal spray IRS 19, which contains a complex of weakened strains of staphylococcus and other pathogenic bacteria.

Thermal destruction

Removal of nasal polyps without surgery includes therapeutic method thermal effect on the growth, which is heated with quartz fiber (filament) at 70C.

After heating, the processes turn white, the cells in them are destroyed, and after 3–4 days the polyps are rejected. In this case, their fragments are either removed by blowing the nose, or the doctor removes them with tweezers.

Nasal polyps in pediatrics

Are parents worried about how to treat nasal polyps in their child?

To eliminate nasal polyps without surgery in a child, the same medications are used as in an adult, only in pediatric dosages. But in pediatrics, otolaryngologists avoid prescribing hormones, trying to cure nasal polyps in young patients by rinsing, adjusting the immune system, and nutrition.

Of course, if you can’t get rid of nasal polyps for a long time, you have to resort to nasal hormonal sprays in precisely calculated dosages.

Methods for removing nasal polyps

Should nasal polyps be removed or not? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Formations such as a nasal cyst or polyp disappear on their own extremely rarely. On early stages Hormone therapy or high-temperature effects on the nodes may help. But as the pathology progresses and the size of the growths increases, painful symptoms become more pronounced, and the likelihood of complications increases.

  • drug treatment, including intranasal sprays and hormones in tablets, does not provide a noticeable positive change;
  • the polypous mass blocks the airways, causing serious breathing difficulties;
  • growths deform the back of the nose, frontal bones of the upper jaw, facial bones;
  • children are impaired venous blood flow, develops, developmental delay, hypotrophy and underdevelopment of nasal structures;
  • disorder occurs olfactory function;
  • there is a general deterioration in condition due to oxygen deficiency in the tissues: weakness, headaches, dizziness;
  • observe frequent or severe chronic inflammation in the sinus area (sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis).

Contraindications to surgical removal:

  • exacerbation of diseases of the lungs, bronchi, ENT organs (asthma, bronchitis, allergic rhinitis);
  • the presence of bacterial or viral sinusitis in acute form;
  • insufficiency of myocardial function, stroke, ischemic disease;
  • severe hypertension, serious damage to the kidneys and liver;
  • low blood clotting;
  • acute infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, elevated temperature or blood pressure at the time of surgery.

Surgical interventions to remove nasal polyps are performed using the following methods:

  1. Polypectomy using a snare and forceps.
  2. Cauterization with a cryoagent (low-temperature substance).
  3. Laser and radio wave vaporization (or evaporation of polypous formations).
  4. Endoscopic surgery for nasal polyps.

Loop polypectomy

Traditional, actively used, but outdated method. Used under the following conditions and conditions:

  • it is necessary to remove a single polyp in the nose or several clearly visible nodes;
  • the abnormal process affects only the nasal mucosa and partially the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth;
  • upon examination, you can accurately see the body and stalk of the polyp.

Execution technique

The doctor removes nasal polyps using a metal loop, first capturing the body of the polyp with it. Then he moves the loop onto the leg of the knot, tightens it and cuts off the formation.

For pain relief, a lidocaine solution (5%) is sprayed into the affected area, but for large polyps, a low pain threshold, and special indications, endotracheal anesthesia is used, combining it with local anesthesia.

After polysinusotomy, tampons are inserted into the nose and removed after a day. The patient is in the hospital for 2 to 5 days.

Disadvantages of polysinsotomy:

  • healthy mucous membrane is injured, which is often pulled out in fragments along with formations;
  • increased pain of the procedure, since the anesthetic does not enter the sinuses, where the base and leg of the node are often located;
  • it is impossible to remove nasal polyps that grow in the sphenoid, frontal, and maxillary sinuses;
  • low efficiency of the method due to the lack of tracking of manipulations through video surveillance - tumors are often not completely cut off, and several approaches are necessary;
  • high risk of bleeding and infection;
  • frequent relapses due to incomplete cleansing of the mucous membrane from the polypous mass;
  • long-term healing of wound areas;
  • risk of attack in patients with asthma.

Cryosurgical removal

During cryodestruction (destruction by cold), nasal polyps are exposed to ultra-low temperature. The basic cryoagent that is most often used due to its low toxicity is a liquid nitrogen. It instantly freezes the cells of the polyposis mass, and upon thawing they are destroyed.

With this method of getting rid of nasal formations, there is almost no pain for the patient, since frost has an anesthetic property. As a rule, there are no bleeding areas left at the treatment site.

It should be noted that the technique is considered ineffective, since it is difficult to freeze a large polyp or a large mass of growths; several procedures may be required. In addition, it is impossible to treat the nodes that fill the maxillary sinuses.

Laser surgery

This method involves treating single nasal outgrowths with a laser beam under the control of an endoscopic apparatus with a microcamera. The laser light guide evaporates the abnormal tissue of the ganglion stalk, removing water from the cells of the polypous mass.

When heating tissues to high temperatures it becomes a little painful, but you can remove nasal polyps with a laser under local anesthesia, which is prescribed by the surgeon for high pain sensitivity.

The atrophied node is removed from the nose with tweezers, and young mucosal cells quickly form under the thin crusts remaining at the treatment site.

Duration healing process about 15 – 20 minutes. In case of incomplete evaporation of polyps, the procedure is repeated after 7–10 days.

After the operation, using an endoscope, the treatment sites are checked for remaining growths, and hormonal and drug treatment is prescribed to prevent recurrences.

Advantages of the technique:

  1. No bleeding, since the bleeding vessel is immediately coagulated (sealed) at high temperature.
  2. The endoscope makes it possible to assess the extent of growths, monitor actions and manipulate the laser with high precision.
  3. Postoperative scarring and adhesions are excluded.
  4. In addition to removing the main polyp, laser vaporization of polypous tissue occurs, which limits its growth.
  5. Secondary infection is excluded due to the disinfecting properties of laser irradiation and the absence of bleeding.
  6. The operation is allowed for patients with bronchial asthma.
  7. Short rehabilitation period, low percentage of repeated formations.

Disadvantages of laser nasal polyp removal:

  • the inability to treat polyps localized in the paranasal sinuses with a laser due to the inaccessibility of this area;
  • multiple shoots are not evaporated due to too large atypical tissue mass;
  • there is a possibility of burns to healthy areas of the mucous membrane.

Radio wave surgery

The method is aimed at removing nasal polyps using radio waves, and the procedure is carried out using the Surgitron apparatus. The body of the polyp is exposed to radiation, which increases the temperature in this area, which leads to the destruction of tissue cells. The remaining atrophied membrane is easily removed with forceps.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia and under mandatory endoscopic control.


  1. The procedure is bloodless, since during the treatment process instantaneous coagulation (blood clotting) occurs at the treatment site and sealing of the vessels.
  2. Narrowly targeted impact on a specific area, superior in accuracy to laser irradiation.
  3. The ability to control the depth of penetration of radio waves into tissues, unlike, for example, cryodestruction.
  4. Conditions and instruments that allow the operation to be performed on an outpatient basis.

However, the removal of nasal polyps using radio wave surgery also has a drawback - with this procedure it is possible to remove only small individual nodes growing in the area of ​​the nasal chambers.

Endoscopic surgery for nasal polyposis

Endoscopic endonasal intervention is today considered the most gentle and effective way to remove polyps.

The treatment process is performed without punctures or incisions. All manipulations are carried out endonasally, that is, through the nasal cavity and anastomosis. Thanks to the endoscope camera, the surgeon sees the entire working area and is able to operate in inaccessible areas of the air sinuses, which is impossible with other methods.


  1. In the presence of multiple polyps, completely filling the nasal cavity and sinuses.
  2. For large nodes.
  3. With damage to the maxillary, frontal and sphenoid sinuses, the ethmoid labyrinth.
  4. If necessary, rid the patient of antrochoanal polyps growing in the maxillary sinus.
  5. Against the background of severe deformation of the nasal septum.

Execution technique

How are polyps removed from the nasal cavity and sinuses during endoscopic surgery?

The destruction of nodes is carried out using a micro-tool - a rhinoshaver. The principle of operation of this high-precision device is to crush and draw in fragments of atypical tissue to the very base of the growth, while removing polyps with a shaver occurs practically without affecting the healthy mucosa.

For maximum pain relief, the patient is given general anesthesia, and the duration of the process depends on the massiveness of the polypous growths and the number of areas that need to be cleaned.


  • availability of video surveillance surgical field and any area of ​​the sinuses;
  • complete and high-quality cleansing of the mucous membrane from polypous mass thanks to the high precision of the rhinoshaver;
  • access to polyps in the maxillary sinuses and other sinuses, and not just in the nasal chamber;
  • minimal bleeding and affecting adjacent healthy areas;
  • reducing the risk of relapses due to thorough tissue cleansing.

Disadvantages of the method:

  1. The operation should only be performed in a hospital.
  2. A long period of hospital stay, which takes from 3 to 7 days.
  3. The need for general anesthesia.
  4. The need for postoperative packing of the nasal passages for a day.

Recovery process

To the conditions that ensure fast recovery, removal of edema, inflammatory phenomena, include the following:

  1. During the day after the operation: it is forbidden to blow your nose, insert cotton swabs, bandages, fingers into the nasal passages, and do not take hot drinks or food.
  2. A gentle home regime is required for 2–4 days.
  3. The room should be wet cleaned to maximize the destruction of germs, allergens, dust, toxins, and increase air humidity.
  4. For 3–4 weeks: physical overexertion, overwork, thermal procedures, and taking a hot bath are unacceptable.
  5. For 2 - 3 months you must stop visiting the sauna, bathhouse, and swimming pool. During the same period, swimming in open waters is limited, air travel is not used, and the climate zone is not changed.

The rehabilitation period includes postoperative treatment aimed at preventing secondary infections, relapses, and restoring olfactory function. The patient is recommended as prescribed by the otolaryngologist:

  • rinsing the nose with medicinal solutions Aquamaris, Marimer, Quix, Atrivin-More, Aqualor;
  • use of hormonal intranasal sprays: Flixonase, Nasonex, Aldecin, Beconase, Rinoclenil;
  • taking antihistamine tablets - Cetrin, Zyrtec, Suprastin, Zodak, Kestin, Erius, Tavegil, Claritin.

Loss and restoration of olfactory sensitivity

With the development of anosmia and hyposmia (reduction and loss of smell detection), patients are concerned about how to restore their sense of smell after removal of polyps.

Restoring olfactory abilities is one of the important tasks postoperative period.

As a rule, the ability to distinguish odors is reduced due to inflammation and hypertrophy of the mucous membrane even before treatment. Immediately after surgery, swelling and inflammation are also noted. This - natural symptoms, observed in all patients, which disappear after some time.

In most cases, as tissue swelling subsides, the sense of smell is restored within 1 to 2 months. In order for the process to proceed normally, you must follow the recommended regimen and behavior in the first 3 months after removal of polyps and do not cancel the restorative treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Home medicine

Alternative treatment for nasal polyps is an additional element of therapy and does not replace medications and surgery.

Treatment of nasal polyps with folk remedies can help:

  • in the early stages of identified pathology;
  • with small formations that do not cover a large area of ​​the mucous membrane;
  • after surgery.

In these cases, especially with inflammatory phenomena, treatment with folk remedies helps:

  • inhibition of the activity and reproduction of microbes;
  • easier breathing by relieving swelling;
  • washing away bacterial poisons, allergens, and harmful organisms from the mucous membrane;
  • strengthening local immune defense in affected areas.

How to get rid of nasal polyps at home using homemade recipes based on folk remedies?


One of the home treatment methods is nasal rinsing for polyps. But sometimes doctors prohibit this method. So is it possible to rinse your nose if there are abnormal growths in the sinuses?

It should be remembered that rinsing can be carried out for no longer than 2 - 3 weeks, and this method is not used for acute bacterial or viral sinusitis, accompanied by fever, impaired swallowing function, and bleeding due to increased fragility of blood vessels.

One of the simplest and most effective rinsing solutions consists of boiled water with table or sea salt. This powerful tool against microbes and inflammatory phenomena in the nasopharynx. Proportion: a teaspoon of salt per 600 – 700 ml of liquid. Before use, the solution must be filtered so that salt crystals do not damage the mucous membrane. You can add 2 drops of iodine to the wash. Rinse your nose with a warm solution up to 4 – 5 times a day.

To rinse the nasal sinuses, small children's enemas, special pharmaceutical watering cans, and a large-volume syringe without a needle are used.

Important! When washing, the head is tilted in the direction opposite to the nasal passage, where the solution is poured. To remove salt water, blow your nose very carefully. This is necessary to prevent water and germs from entering the middle ear, which is connected to the nasal cavity by the Eustachian tube.

Medicinal recipes

Effective folk remedies often used to treat nasal polyps include the following:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide solution 3%.

For small growths in the nose, treatment with hydrogen peroxide is carried out by soaking cotton swabs in it. They are inserted into the nasal passages for 3 to 5 minutes twice a day. The course is no longer than 7 days.

  1. Treatment of nasal polyps with celandine.

Take an incomplete glass of boiling water for a teaspoon of herbs or flowers and leave for 60 – 90 minutes. After filtering, the infusion is dripped 2 drops on both sides for 7 days. After a one-week interval, treatment is resumed. Course – 30 – 60 days.

  1. Decoction with calendula.

Do herbal mixture from 30 grams of St. John's wort and sage flowers, add three times less celandine, spring primrose and horsetail. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with 250 ml of boiling water, keep it on low heat for 2 - 3 minutes and leave for 2 hours. This decoction can be used for rinsing up to 4 times a day, and for instilling 3 drops into the nose 4 times a day.

  1. Ointment with propolis.

Add a teaspoon of Vaseline and a tablespoon to softened warm propolis (the size of a small plum) butter. Stir until you obtain an ointment, which is used to soak cotton or gauze swabs and injected into the nasal passages for 5–8 hours (at night). The ointment is kept in the cold. Polyps are treated in this way for 30 days.

You can use propolis tincture (20%), mixed with sunflower, linseed oil in equal parts and drip this healing mixture into the nose 3 times a day.

  1. Tincture of white lily.

Grind fresh plant(leaves, flowers) and pour high-quality vodka in the proportion of 50 grams of raw materials per 500 ml of liquid. Infuse in a closed jar in the dark for up to 12 days. After straining, dilute 1 tablespoon of the resulting infusion with a tablespoon of water. Soak the tampons in the solution and place them in the nasal passages for 30 - 40 minutes. Repeat twice a day.

One of the key causes of polyposis is allergens, so honey, propolis, oils, including sea buckthorn, and many essential oils can increase the manifestations of allergies.

A well-designed treatment regimen makes it possible to maximally lengthen the period of remission and delay the recurrence of new growths for several years. However, it is not yet possible to remove them forever and reduce to zero the likelihood of regrowth on the mucous membrane through therapeutic treatment.

In addition, if the formation does not grow in the nasal cavity, but in the maxillary sinus, frontal sinus, then the healing substances do not reach these areas, especially with swelling. Therefore, hormonal nasal sprays, like herbal decoctions and oils, do not provide a therapeutic result for polyps of the maxillary sinus.

However, after surgery to remove polyps in the sinus, both medications and folk remedies are very useful in preventing relapses.


Measures to prevent the disease, first of all, include measures to eliminate the underlying causes leading to polypous growths:

  1. Early diagnosis and treatment of inflammation in the respiratory and ENT organs, treatment and prevention of exacerbations of allergic diseases.
  2. Correction of deformities of the nasal structures and dental system.
  3. Immunostimulating therapy.
  4. Identification and correction of psychosomatic disorders.

Practice confirms that in almost half of patients who received timely, comprehensive treatment, including patients after surgery, nasal formations grow back.

To minimize the likelihood of relapses, patients must be observed by an otolaryngologist, therapist, or allergist. According to indications, locally acting glucocorticosteroids are prescribed in the form of sprays, drops, and based on the immunogram - the necessary measures and drug treatment to strengthen protective forces organism, which is developed by an immunologist.

Nasal polyps- These are round, benign, painless to the touch formations that are the result of proliferation of the nasal mucosa. Externally, they look like a pea, a mushroom or a bunch of grapes.

According to statistics, nasal polyps are one of the most common complications of chronic rhinitis. Nasal polyposis affects 1-4% of the population. Men are susceptible to it 3-4 times more than women. Antrochoanal polyps are more common in children, while ethmoidal polyps are more common in adults.

The disease is manifested by nasal congestion and mucous discharge. Unlike a common runny nose, after use vasoconstrictor drops breathing does not improve. A person is forced to breathe through his mouth. As a result, dry air enters the lungs, not sufficiently purified from dust and allergens. This causes frequent respiratory diseases and asthma. As a result, polyposis reduces a person’s life expectancy by 6 years.

Anatomy of the nose

The human nose is a rather complex structure. The part we see is called the external nose. It includes: the frontal process of the maxilla, the lateral cartilage and the large pterygoid cartilage of the nose. The lateral surfaces - the wings of the nose - consist of cartilage and connective tissue; from below they open with the nostrils. All this is covered on top with muscles and skin rich in sebaceous glands.

The internal structure of the nasal passages is more complex. The nasal cavity is formed by the nasal septum, which consists of a vertical plate of the ethmoid bone, vomer and cartilage. Many people have a deviated septum. Minor changes are considered normal.

The nasal cavity has four walls:

  • lateral
  • internal
  • top
  • lower
The most complex structure is the lateral wall, on which the upper, middle and lower nasal turbinates are located. It is formed by the nasal bones, the upper jaw, the lacrimal bone, the ethmoid bone, the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, the inferior nasal concha (an independent bone) and the vertical plate of the palatine bone.

Between the nasal septum and the nasal turbinates there is a space called the common nasal meatus. In the lateral sections of the nose there are three nasal passages, each of which corresponds to the nasal concha. The opening of the nasolacrimal duct opens in the inferior nasal meatus.

Also, the lumens of the paranasal sinuses open into the nasal cavity. These are small "pockets" in the bones of the skull that contain air.

  • The maxillary sinus is located in the upper jaw
  • The frontal sinus is located in frontal bone
  • Ethmoid labyrinth in the ethmoid bone
  • Sphenoid sinus in the main (sphenoid) bone
This entire complex system performs a number of vital functions.
  1. Prevents hypothermia. Warms cold air, before it enters the lungs.
  2. Humidifies and filters the air from dust, allergens and microorganisms. It traps these particles on hairs and mucous membranes, neutralizes them and prevents them from entering the respiratory tract.
  3. Participates in the formation of the voice, playing the role of a resonator.
  4. Provides odor discrimination.
But all these functions of the nose would be impossible without the special mucous membrane that lines the nasal cavity. On top it is covered with pseudostratified epithelium. Below is loose connective tissue, beneath it is a layer of glands and perichondrium (the top layer of cartilage).

On the surface there are goblet and ciliated cells with numerous cilia, as well as short and long intercalated epithelial cells, which are responsible for the renewal of mucosal cells.

The protective function of the inner lining of the nose is provided by ciliated cells of the ciliated epithelium. Each of them has 250-300 cilia several microns long. Cilia trap the smallest particles of substances contained in the air. Vibrating movements of the cilia send these substances into the nasopharynx.

The protective factor is mucus, which is produced in the nose by mucous glands and goblet cells. It prevents the nasal cavity from drying out and foreign particles sticking to it. Then this contaminated mucus is pushed out by the movement of the cilia and natural cleansing of the respiratory tract occurs.

Causes of nasal polyps

During infectious diseases, microorganisms multiply on the mucous membrane. This process leads to the detachment of the upper layer of mucosal cells. At this time, we feel a burning sensation in the nose, stuffiness, and voice changes. Mucus flows from the nose, which is a result of hard work mucous glands and exudate, a liquid that forms during inflammation. With proper treatment and normal immunity, recovery occurs within 7-10 days. The mucous membrane is restored and is again able to perform its functions.

If the disease is not treated, it may drag on and develop into chronic form. A prolonged inflammatory process undermines local immunity and the strength of the mucous membrane. But it is trying to fulfill its functions by increasing the area. As a result, it begins to grow rapidly and thicken due to the growth of connective tissue. This often occurs in the paranasal sinuses. At a certain point, hyperplastic (overgrown) mucous membrane emerges from the sinus opening into the nasal cavity - this is usually called a polyp.

The cause of polyps can be:

  • frequent colds and infectious diseases accompanied by a runny nose
  • chronic sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis)
  • allergic rhinitis caused by inhalation of house and library dust, plant pollen, fungal spores, animal hair, particles of household chemicals, chromium compounds
  • severe curvature of the nasal septum, disruptive breathing and mucosal growth
  • hereditary tendency to form polyps
  • pathological reaction of the immune system
A number of diseases can affect the occurrence of polyps: asthma, cystic fibrosis, aspirin intolerance, nasal mastocytosis, Young's syndrome.

According to the place of origin, polyps are divided into:

  • Antrochoanal – most often arise from the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. Located on one side. More common in children.
  • Ethmoidal– develop from the mucous membrane lining the ethmoid labyrinth. They occur on both sides of the nasal septum. It affects people in adulthood.
Based on the size of the polyp and the changes it causes, polyps are divided into three stages:
  • First stage - polyps cover only a small part of the nasal space
  • The second stage - the connective tissue grows so much that it blocks a significant part of the lumen of the nasal cavity.
  • The third stage - polyps completely block the respiratory tract.

Symptoms of nasal polyps

A nasal polyp is a round formation ranging from a few millimeters to 3-4 centimeters. It is painless, insensitive to touch and easy to move.

Symptoms of nasal polyposis include:

  • Prolonged difficulty breathing through the nose, feeling of nasal congestion. This is caused by the fact that the overgrown mucous membrane partially or completely blocks the lumen of the nasal passage.

  • Runny nose, mucous or mucopurulent discharge. These are signs of a secondary infection and intensive work of the mucous glands.

  • Sneezing with polyps in the nose occurs due to the fact that the outgrowth of the mucous membrane touches the cilia, and they perceive it as foreign object. And sneezing is defensive reaction which allows you to get rid of it.

  • Smell disorders, up to complete loss of sensitivity to odors. When connective tissue grows, the functioning of receptor cells in the polyp that perceive odors is disrupted.

  • Headache is a consequence of compression of the nerve endings by the overgrown tissue. Lack of oxygen caused by polyps causes oxygen starvation brain Often painful sensations associated with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

  • Voice disorders, nasal sound. The nose is an organ that takes part in the formation of the voice. With polyposis, the passage of air is disrupted and this causes the person to speak “through the nose.”

Treatment of nasal polyps

Treatment of polyps depends on the stage of the disease and the cause that caused the growth of the nasal mucosa. If the size of the polyps is small, the doctor will prescribe medication.

For allergic rhinitis, which is one of the causes of the disease, a number of allergy tests are performed. This is necessary in order to determine what exactly causes the allergy. After this, it is necessary to avoid contact with this substance and undergo a course of treatment with antiallergic drugs (Loratadine, Cetirizine).

If the cause is chronic inflammation of the sinuses, then these diseases are treated with antibiotics (Macropen, Ceftriaxone).

In the case where polyps are caused by aspirin intolerance, it is necessary to exclude from the menu all foods rich in salicylates (strawberries, gooseberries, cherries, currants), some nutritional supplements and dyes. Also stop taking all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid.

Treatment with topical steroids (Beclomethasone, Mometasone, Fluticasone) helps reduce the size of nasal polyps, relieve inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane. They provide a good therapeutic effect, but have a significant drawback. Treatment requires large doses of steroids for a long time, which can cause serious side effects.
For treatment, mast cell membrane stabilizers are used - cromoglycates (Ketotifen, Sodium Cromoglycate), which can stop the release of histamine in the body. This substance causes allergies, swelling of the mucous membranes and increased activity respiratory tract.

IN last years wide use received immunotherapy. To restore the functions of the immune system, immunocorrective drugs of bacterial origin are used (Ribomunil, Polycomponent vaccine VP-4). They contain bacterial antigens and nonspecific immunomodulators in the form of lipopolysaccharides. These drugs cause the body to produce special antibodies that increase immunity.

In the event that a patient consults a doctor for late stage or when drug treatment has failed, surgery may be prescribed to remove the polyps.

Indications for surgical removal of polyps are:

  1. frequent attacks of bronchial asthma
  2. complete nasal congestion
  3. bloody or foul-smelling nasal discharge
  4. severely deviated nasal septum
  5. inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
  6. disturbances of smell and taste
Preparing for surgery necessarily begins with a complete examination of the patient. This is necessary in order to determine the state of health and identify possible contraindications. You need to tell your doctor:
  1. About what medications the person is taking (for example, anti-inflammatory birth control pills)
  2. About the presence of chronic diseases
  3. About problems with the cardiovascular system
  4. About cases of allergies to medications and other substances
To determine the structural features of the nose, diagnose inflammation in the sinuses, and identify a deviated nasal septum, radiography or computed tomography is performed.

Be sure to do blood tests: general, biochemical, coagulability.

Medication preparation for surgery:

  • 10 days before the procedure, Ketotifen is prescribed to eliminate allergies.
  • 3 days before surgery, daily administration of Dexamethasone solution is prescribed to prevent inflammation, allergic reactions and swelling.
  • On the eve of the operation, sleeping pills and a cleansing enema are usually prescribed.
  • A few hours before surgery, a 2% solution of Clemastine (antiallergic and sedative)
  • An hour before the procedure, an injection of diphenhydramine (3-5 ml of a 1% solution intramuscularly) and atropine sulfate (subcutaneously 1 ml of a 0.1% solution) is given; they have an analgesic and calming effect.

Methods for removing nasal polyps. Types of operations

Conventional polypotomy

Polypotomy is an operation that allows you to get rid of polyps using a cutting loop or Lange hook. Its advantage is that in one procedure you can get rid of numerous polyps.

On the day of surgery, you must refrain from eating. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. 2 ml of a 1% novocaine solution is injected into the area of ​​the polyp. A loop is inserted through the nostril and the polyp is captured with it. Gradually, the lumen of the loop is narrowed around the stalk of the polyp and cut off. The Lange hook is used when it is necessary to remove a polyp arising from the ethmoid labyrinth. The duration of the procedure is from 45 minutes to an hour.

During the operation, the patient sits in a chair and holds a kidney-shaped basin. His head is covered with a sterile sheet. After surgery, the mucosal surface is disinfected. If necessary, the nose is swabbed. Turundas soaked in Vaseline are inserted into the nose and secured with a sling-shaped bandage. After this procedure there are no scars and bleeding is usually very minor.

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for several days. The tampons are removed the next day and lubricated with synthomycin ointment. As prescribed by the doctor, the patient goes for nasal rinsing. After 5-7 days, the doctor discharges the patient home. The full recovery period takes from 10 to 20 days.

Contraindications to this procedure are: acute period colds, blood clotting disorders, heart problems. In bronchial asthma, conventional polypotomy can cause status asthmaticus. Therefore, it is advisable for such patients to choose another method of polyp removal.

A significant disadvantage of this intervention is that the polyp grows again in 70% of cases. And the patient may need repeat surgery after 6-12 months.

Endoscopic surgery

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. An endoscope with a camera is inserted into the nasal cavity through the nostril. The image is displayed on the computer screen. This allows you to accurately determine the size and number of polyps and eliminate them without affecting important structures of the nose. Using endoscopic equipment, all altered tissues are removed and the structures of the nose are corrected. With this method of treatment, there are no traumatic scars left.

After the operation, there is a feeling of discomfort that goes away quite quickly. The patient feels significant relief in breathing. For 2-3 days, bloody or mucous (not purulent) discharge is possible. Within 24 hours the patient is discharged home, and after 3 days he can go to work.

In the postoperative period, Pinosol oil drops are prescribed 3 times a day for a period of 5 days. Then Nasonex spray.

Contraindications: exacerbation of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis, the period of flowering of plants, if they are the cause allergic rhinitis. For women, the operation is planned so that it does not coincide with menstruation.

Shaver removal

One of the types of endoscopic surgery, when the doctor sees everything that is happening on the monitor screen and is in complete control of the situation. The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia.

A shaver or microdebrider removes polyps as accurately as possible down to healthy tissue. It kind of crushes the tumors and absorbs them. The operation is low-traumatic and allows maximum preservation of healthy mucous membranes. The risk of bleeding is minimal. If necessary, the doctor can correct all anatomical defects of the nose and remove polyps inside the sinuses. This is the only method after which there are practically no recurrent polyps.

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for 3-5 days. During this period, saline rinses are prescribed to remove tissue debris and antibiotics to prevent secondary infections. Local steroids are prescribed to prevent regrowth of connective tissue.

Contraindications to the procedure: acute inflammatory processes, colds, risk of allergies.

Removal of polyps with laser

This procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you do not have to go to the hospital. It is better not to eat on this day. The patient is injected into the area of ​​the polyp with an anesthetic drug. An endoscope with a camera and laser equipment are inserted into the nasal cavity. By using laser beam the doctor heats the cells that make up the polyp, and they evaporate. During the operation, the laser seals the vessels, and bleeding does not occur. Also, with this procedure, the possibility of infection is completely excluded. This is the least traumatic procedure and is suitable for people with asthma and children.

After the operation, the patient must visit a doctor for several days to monitor the condition of the mucous membrane. It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages, visit the bathhouse or play sports. This may cause bleeding. Special aerosols are often prescribed to prevent the reappearance of polyps.

Contraindications to the procedure are pregnancy, obstructive bronchitis, the flowering period of plants, multiple nasal polyps. A significant disadvantage is that during this operation the sinuses are not opened and the polypous tissue in them is not removed.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is the effectiveness of treating polyps with folk remedies?

Treatment of polyps with folk remedies is used quite widely and dates back hundreds of years. But official medicine does not recognize the effectiveness of using herbs. Doctors warn that nasal polyposis is often caused by allergic reactions. And many traditional medicine recipes are based on products such as honey, propolis, and essential oils of various plants. They can intensify the manifestations of allergies and worsen the situation.
At the same time, traditional medicine has not yet fully studied the problem of the occurrence of polyps and cannot guarantee that after treatment with medications or surgery, polyps will not reappear.

Treatment of polyps with folk remedies eliminates the very cause of the disease. Natural components have a comprehensive effect on the body. They help restore normal work nasal mucosa and reduce the size of polyps.

However, if the connective tissue has grown strongly and the polyp has reached a large size, then using natural remedies it will not be possible to get rid of it. In this case, it is necessary to remove the tumor. And after the operation, folk remedies are used to prevent recurrent polyps.

Treatment of nasal polyps with folk remedies

Nasal drops
  1. Recipe from the series
    The stem and flowers of the fresh string are crushed. Then pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. strings in 200 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes over medium heat. The resulting broth is cooled and filtered. Using a pipette, instill 2-3 drops into each nasal passage, 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 20 days.

  2. Anise drops
    You need to take 15-20 g of dry anise and grind it. Pour 100 ml of alcohol over the herb and let it brew for 8 days in the refrigerator. Shake the tincture thoroughly before use. Then dilute with boiled water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:3. The resulting composition must be instilled 3 times a day, 10 drops into each nostril. Continue the course for 15 days. If the polyps do not go away, take a break for 2 days and continue treatment.

  3. Horsetail decoction for the nose
    To prepare the decoction you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed horsetail and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Cover with a lid and let it brew for half an hour, then strain. The decoction must be inhaled alternately through each nostril 10 times a day. A new portion is prepared daily.

  4. St. John's wort and celandine drops
    Take dry St. John's wort powder and mix with butter in a ratio of 1:4. Steam the mixture for 7-10 minutes. Add celandine juice to the resulting mass, at the rate of 1 drop of juice per 1 teaspoon of a mixture of St. John's wort and oil. Drip 2 drops 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.
Ointments for the nose
  1. Propolis ointment
    To prepare this medicine you need to take 15 grams. homemade propolis, 10 gr. Vaseline and 25 gr. butter. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then cotton swabs are soaked in this ointment and placed in both nostrils. The procedure must be done overnight. The course of treatment lasts 20-30 days. The ointment must be stored in the refrigerator.

  2. The simplest ointment
    Take fresh but thickened honey. Dip a cotton swab into it and anoint problem areas in the nose. Perform the procedure 3 times a day for 20-30 days. Usually, before the end of the course, the polyps resolve.

  3. Ointment mix of oils
    You can make a mixture of: wild rosemary oil - 20%, St. John's wort oil - 20%, sea buckthorn oil - 40%, propolis tincture - 15%, honey -5%. Cotton flagella are impregnated with this composition and polyps are lubricated. The procedure must be done 5 times a day. The course lasts 10-15 days.
Nasal inhalations
  1. Propolis inhalation
    Take a piece solid propolis and place it in a metal container. Heat over medium heat until smoke appears with a characteristic odor. Remove the dishes from the heat and inhale the propolis smoke through your nose. Be careful! The procedure can lead to internal burns of the respiratory tract.

  2. Inhalation of chamomile and celandine
    You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed chamomile and celandine. Pour boiling water and put on low heat. After the broth boils, remove from heat and carefully inhale the steam. It is advisable to do the procedure 2 times a day for 10-15 days. Then take a break for 5 days and repeat the treatment for another 10 days.
Using celandine to treat nasal polyps

Celandine is one of the most popular plants, which is used in both folk and traditional medicine. Celandine contains alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, organic acids, vitamins A, C, and essential oils. This plant has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties, relieves swelling and heals wounds.

Due to its medicinal qualities, celandine is effectively used to combat nasal polyps. The stem, roots and flowers of celandine are used for medicinal purposes. This medicinal plant is collected during the flowering period. The root is cleaned from the ground and stored in a cool, dark place. The grass is dried and stored in paper bags.

Celandine is poisonous plant. It is necessary to strictly follow the recipes and dosage when using any medicine from this plant.

  1. Celandine drops
    To prepare the drops, you need to take fresh celandine roots and flowers. Rinse them thoroughly with running water. Then grind in a blender or meat grinder. Squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth, expressing the juice into a clean glass container. Then let it brew for 5 days in a cool, dark place. After this, the drops are ready for use. Using a dropper, place 2-3 drops into each nostril daily, 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 10 days.
    The juice from the freshly picked stem is also used as drops. Instill 1-2 drops of pure juice, 2 times a day, for 10-15 days. After which you need to take a break for 10 days. Repeat the course 3-5 times.

  2. Infusion of celandine
    Take 1 tsp. crushed dry celandine, place in an enamel container and pour 200 ml. boiling water Cover with a lid and let sit for half an hour. Strain the resulting infusion through cheesecloth. Soak cotton swabs in the product and insert one by one into each nasal passage for 15 minutes, 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months. After which you need to take a break for 1 month and repeat the course.
    An infusion of celandine is also used to rinse the sinuses. This method is most effective in treating nasal polyps. The infusion is poured into each nostril one by one and spat. The procedure must be done 2-3 times a day for 15 days.

How to treat nasal polyps in a child?

Polyposis is considered an adult disease, but can also develop in children. Usually in teenagers over 10 years of age. Most often, antrochoanal polyps develop from the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. The main reasons for their occurrence in childhood– these are frequent, prolonged runny noses and allergic reactions to dust particles, animal hair or fungal spores. Treatment of polyps in a child is related to the causes of inflammation.

It is necessary to conduct allergy tests to determine what exactly causes irritation of the mucous membrane. If you eliminate the patient's contact with this allergen, then there is a chance that the polyps will stop growing and begin to shrink.
After you find out what foods you are allergic to, you can begin treating polyps in your child using traditional methods.

The safest procedures for the baby are salt rinses. You can purchase a saline solution at a pharmacy or make it yourself. To do this, you will need a liter of boiled water and two teaspoons of sea or regular salt. Rinse your nose with a warm mixture 4-5 times a day using a 5 ml syringe.

Salt and iodine. The composition disinfects, dries and kills infection in the nose. To prepare it in 300 ml warm water dissolve half a teaspoon of salt and add 3 drops of iodine. Inhale the solution alternately, first with one nostril, then with the other.

Small polyps in children are treated with medications:

  • antibiotics (Augmentin, Azimed)
  • antiallergic drugs (Cetrin)
  • mast cell membrane stabilizers (Ketotifen)
  • steroid drugs (Beclomethasone)
In order to stop the growth of polyps, it is necessary to increase immunity. This can be done through hardening and taking vitamins, immunomodulating drugs and special bacterial antigens (vaccines).

But if the polyps have already become large enough, then surgery will be required. Signs that a child needs to have polyps removed are:

  • nasal congestion for several weeks
  • smell disturbances
  • headache
  • abundant mucous purulent discharge
  • hoarseness of voice
A laser is suitable for removing single polyps in a child. This procedure is the least traumatic and does not require a long hospital stay.

How are nasal polyps removed?

If there are indications for surgical removal of nasal polyps and the doctor insists on surgery, the patient can choose the removal method.
  1. Loop removal. In the ENT departments of hospitals, you will be offered a polypectomy (surgery to remove a polyp) with a cutting loop. Most often it is performed under local anesthesia through the nostril.

  2. Endoscopic removal of polyps. An endoscope is a device that allows the surgeon to see what is happening inside the nose on a monitor screen. A device that directly removes polyps is called a shaver. It crushes the polyp tissue and removes it from the nose. The shaver penetrates the paranasal sinuses through natural openings and removes polyps there. Thus, it is possible to completely get rid of the changed tissue and prevent relapse of the disease.

  3. Removal of polyps with laser. The laser beam evaporates moisture from the fabric. The formations “dry out”, decrease significantly in size and are then easily removed. This is the most bloodless method that does not cause complications.

What to do after polyp removal?

After removal of polyps, it is necessary to take antibiotics and steroid drugs to prevent inflammation and complications.

It is necessary to instill oil drops into the nose: Pinosol or sea buckthorn oil. This will speed up healing. They are used for 3-5 days 3-4 times a day.

In order to wash away germs and allergens from the mucous membrane, salt sprays are used. They can be used for a long time; they are a prophylactic against ARVI.

Local steroid-based medications are prescribed. They do not cause systemic side effects. The drugs are intended to prevent the regrowth of polyps. They have antiallergic and anti-inflammatory properties. The most effective remedy is Nasonex spray.

You need to be attentive to your health. If measures are not taken, polyps can reach large sizes and lead to sinusitis, otitis media, deviated nasal septum, and even the development of a cancerous tumor. If, upon examination by a doctor, you were diagnosed with polyps, do not despair. Modern traditional and folk medicine offer many options for treating this problem.



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