Calcium carbonicum homeopathy indications. CALCAREA CARBONICA - Lectures on homeopathic MATERIA MEDICA

Comparative Materia Medica from the lectures of D. T. Kent
(respect to Vera Matafonova for her excellent work)

Agaricus muscaricus (connection - delayed physical development - “late to walk”)

"Mental symptoms meet your expectations. Extreme variability, excitability, mental depression; complaints appear after mental overstrain and prolonged study. The brain seems to develop with a delay. Children learn to talk and walk late which combines the features of two drugs, Nat-m.(symptom of “late learning to speak”) and Calc.(“starts to walk late”). It should be noted that in case Calc. this is due to impaired bone development. U Agaricus muscaricus is a mental defect, delayed development of the psyche.»

Alumen (connection – enlarged and thickened tonsils, frequent colds affecting the pharynx)

"Alumen helps small children with unnaturally enlarged and very dense tonsils, whose pharynx is affected with every cold. Alumen- one of the remedies related Bar-c., which has the same tendency. In one patient, after careful analysis, you see that the constitution is similar to Bar-c. Another patient may have a different constitution, and when you examine it, you see similarities with Alumen; the third patient is similar to Sulph.; another one, if you look closely at Calc., another -Calc-i.and so on, you can choose among the means that are inherent in the described processes

Alumina (difference – no sweating, Calc. – profuse)

"The most pronounced feature Alumina– chronic dry skin. Sweating is scanty. The medicine is especially not suitable for profuse, debilitating sweats. In this it is the opposite of sweating profusely Calc.; in case of defeat spinal cord and paralysis, with fatigue from exertion there is no sweating

Ambra grisea (communication - hearing distortion - worse from music)

"Hearing loss." Dullness of hearing without organic changes in the structures of the ear. The hearing is so perverted that the symptoms are aggravated by music, and this is due to changes in auditory nerves. “Music causes congestion of the head.” Music aggravates cough. Imagine a cough starting just because the patient hears music! Similar sensitivity also exists Calc., even a chord played on the piano reverberates painfully in all parts of the body, especially in the larynx

Apocynum cannabinum (connection – damage to joints and nerves due to hydrocephalus)

"Hydrocephalus with severe lethargy." This is the last stage, when there is a significant loss of strength, weight loss, stiffness of all limbs, and edematous swelling. Often with hydrocephalus, pain shoots along the nerves and affects the joints. In this case you can go deep enough with Apis, Calc. And Apocynum cannabinum . The first constant and important indication for a remedy in hydrocephalus is the fact that it improves the decreased diuresis. For hydrocephalus, also study Tub."

Arnica montana (Calc. - subsequent for weakness of tendons as a result of bruise, injury)

"High potencies Arn. most effective for bruises, and this medicine is used first in the absence of contraindications; but with weakness of the tendons caused by a bruise, Arn. is not always enough, and after it is used Rhus-t. If joint weakness and pain persist, follow Rhus-t. should be used Calc. These medications should not be given on the same day or in one dose, but rather wait until one medication wears off before moving on to the next one. When Blunt pain, anxiety and weakness are localized in the part of the body that was damaged, then it is time to move on to Rhus-t.; if the affected joint still remains painful and weak during treatment, then you should move on to Calc. An appointment may be required. Caust., Staph. or other drugs that correspond to the characteristics of the clinical picture, but all of these drugs are somehow associated with Arn., Rhus-t. And Calc. For other injuries it may be necessary Led. or Hyper

Arsenicum album (connection – diseases after suppression; psyche – melancholy, weariness of life, religiosity)

“It is now fashionable to use electrocoagulation against local changes or for the healing of ulcers, to stop leucorrhoea and other discharge. When the external changes disappear, a state of anemia remains throughout the body, the patient becomes waxy-pale, sickly in appearance, and catarrhal discharge occurs as a compensation, as a result of the suppression of another symptom. For example, after suppressing leucorrhoea, a woman experiences thick, bloody or thin discharge from the nose. This happens when the ulcer has healed as a result of the use of ointments or the discharge from the ear has stopped as a result of the application of powders. The doctor thinks that he has done a smart thing by stopping this discharge, but he has only driven deeper this discharge, which is a relief for the patient. Tools such as Sulph., Calc. And Arsenicum album used in treatment if suppression has been noted, in cases with a loose constitution. »

(from the chapter onCalcareaCarbonica).“Whines.” Deterioration of mood and melancholy." Strange behavior of a bright little girl of 8-9 years old: sadness, melancholy, talking about the afterlife, angels, how she would like to die and go there, the desire to read the Bible all day. In this case it is shown Calc.. This condition can be cured Ars. And Lach. Children tend to grow up prematurely, attend Sunday school, take everything they are taught too seriously

Aurum metallicum (connection - visual disturbances, visual effects - corpuscles, flashes; psyche - fatigue from life, madness of feelings, intellect)

"Photophobia". Low vision. “Under artificial light, he sees many bright spots and dots floating before his eyes.” "Vision improves in moonlight." “Capital letters are poorly distinguished.” “Yellow sickle-shaped bodies float from bottom to top in an oblique direction in the field of view.” “There are many bright star-like bodies at the top of the field of view.” U Calc. a strange symptom occurs - the patient sees a sudden flash coming from the lower part of the visual field; it flies up and splits, and then stars appear in each direction. The picture resembles a rocket launcher that explodes at the top and then falls down in the form of a rain of stars. This occurs in Calc

(from the chapter onCalcareaCarbonica).“Sad and unhappy children; adults who are tired of life and disgusted with it. This reminds Aur. In the chapter on Aur. it was noted that the main and strongest love is the love of life; When a person is abandoned by the love of life, he is tired of life, disgusted with it and wants to die, he finds himself on the verge of madness. In essence, the desire for suicide is madness of the will. There may be madness of feelings, madness of intellect. One of the components of the psyche may remain intact, while the other may be affected by the disease. U Calc.both of these components are affected. In some cases, a disorder of the will occurs when all instincts are perverted; all feelings are different from those they had in the absence of the disease.Antipathy towards the family or one of the family members. In other cases, the feelings remain unchanged, but the intellect is affected.»

Baryta carbonica (connection – delayed physical development)

"We say that Calc. learns to walk late, also does it late Baryta carbonica, although this is a completely different case. The difference is that Baryta carbonica learns late how to walk, having very good limbs, and Calc. pitiful, weak limbs, flabby muscles, thin bones, and therefore she learns to walk late. “Starts walking late” – this is about Calc.“Late Learns to Walk” is about Baryta carbonica . As for Borx. And Nat-m. For Baryta carbonica characterized by delayed brain development, so they learn skills late, develop late.”

“Assessing the delayed development, one can compare this medicine with Graph., Sulph., Calc., but such specific symptoms like Baryta carbonica, you won't find any of them. It seems that Baryta carbonica the child’s transformation into a man or woman slows down. Not easy short stature makes you think about Baryta carbonica, but underdevelopment of the mind rather than the body.”

“Rashes on the face. The face is sickly-looking, often purple, red and swollen, or thin and gaunt, aged and withered. Small child looks like an old man, like Nat-m. And Calc

“Communication with Calc. – enlarged lymph nodes, enlarged abdomen, loss of limbs, loss weight in a patient who was previously overweight: Another striking feature Baryta carbonica– affinity for lymph nodes throughout the body. Lymph nodes throughout the body are enlarged and compacted; amazed cervical lymph nodes, inguinal lymph nodes, abdominal lymph nodes - nodular chains form on the neck. The patient Baryta carbonica There are several characteristic features. One of them is weight loss - gradual weight loss in a patient who was previously plump and well-nourished. The abdomen is enlarged in size. Baryta carbonica effective for extreme exhaustion of the body in children with enlarged lymph nodes and an enlarged abdomen; reduction in tissue volume, emaciation of limbs and mental retardation; such is the insanity of Baryta carbonica."

Baryta iodata (connection – corneal opacity)

(from the chapter onCalcareaCarbonica).« Calc. often used for corneal clouding ( Baryta iodata). At long-term symptoms recovery should not be promised. We do not know whether the result of a disease can be eliminated; a serious homeopath never prescribes a medicine based on the result of a disease, but only on the basis of the patient’s symptoms.”

Belladonna (Calc. - successor to Bell. and its natural antidote)

"Belladonna usually ineffective for multiple recurrent symptoms, even if it eliminates a single attack of the disease. During an attack there are convulsions or headaches, or congestion in the brain, complaints descend, irritability occurs, an attack of congestive headaches, the patient rolls his head on the pillow. This attack is relieved after taking Belladonna. However, perhaps this is only the first attack. If such attacks occur again, and the effect Belladonna decreases with each subsequent one, then it must be abandoned. Often effective in such cases Calc., but not always. It is necessary to evaluate symptoms during the interictal period, since Belladonna refers to acute remedies, acts shallowly, and for cure a more profound medicine is necessary. Belladonna indicated for those complaints that do not return after a single dose of medication. Belladonna only reduces periodic symptoms, but does not eliminate them.”

“It should be noted the conditions that remain after the appointment Belladonna and characterize chronic process. If Belladonna suitable for acute conditions, stagnation, but the periodicity of symptoms remains, then after Belladonna other medications must be prescribed. One of them - Calc. In boys with a large head, plump, full-blooded, precocious, easily cold, with headaches and signs of congestion; in schoolchildren with headaches - Belladonna relieves the symptoms of an acute condition, but if you analyze this situation more carefully, it is often indicated to prescribe Calc. Connection Belladonna With Calc. very distinct."

« Calc. - antidote Lach. for chronic symptoms, Bell. – antidote for acute symptoms: A dry, hacking cough is often detected after an overdose Lach.….….. Upon appointment Belladonna this cough, nervousness and irritability caused by Lach., disappear. Belladonnacan be considered as an antidote Lach. for acute symptoms. Calc.- antidote for chronic symptoms Lach. In case of overdose Belladonna acts as a natural antidote Calc.”

(from the chapter onCalcareaCarbonica)."For Calc.characteristic chronic pharyngitis…….. At first the disease may resemble pharyngitis Bell., but the patient falls ill again before recovery. For Calc. frequent and rapid hypothermia is very typical; hypothermia from any draft, from any wet feet, from wet weather. After recovery from pharyngitis, characteristic of Bell., the patient falls ill again. Pharyngitis is cured several times by taking Bell., but later turns into chronic condition with small red plaques, possibly small ulcers on the pharyngeal mucosa.”

(from the chapter onCalcareaCarbonica)."For Calc.characterized by a change in voice - painless hoarseness. Fatigue of the vocal cords, inability to tense them; paralytic weakness. Sometimes copious discharge mucus from the larynx. Considerable irritation of larynx with weakness. There is no such burning and rawness as with Bell. And Phos., only painless hoarseness. For Phos. characterized by pain, Bell.– severe pain, cannot speak without pain. When Calc.the patient is surprised why he cannot talk if he does not feel anything.»

Calcarea arsenicosa (connection - swelling; worse from slight exertion - palpitations, shortness of breath, weakness)

“The striking feature is swelling, like Ars. And Calc. Symptoms aggravated by light load, tendency to faint, palpitations, shortness of breath and weakness. Defeat on the left."

"Calcareaarsenicosa should be studied keeping the symptoms in mind Ars. And Calc. The drug needs further testing with higher dilutions."

Calcarea phosphorica (link – delayed bone formation, delayed physical and mental development)

“Many children need this medicine during their growth period. Calcareaphosphorica indicated in cases where the bones of the skull form slowly and lag behind other bones in growth. The child is losing weight, slowly mastering skills, slowly learning to walk, leg strength is not enough to support the body, is lagging behind in mental development- you need to think about Calcareaphosphorica(Also Bar-c., Borx., Ph-ac., Nat-m., Calc.).»

Calcarea silicata (connection - pallor, anemia; worse from bathing; bone destruction)

“Severe pallor, as in anemia. Weakness and difficulty breathing from going up stairs, like calcium salts . Aversion to bathing and worse from bathing; worse, especially from cold baths, from a subject who always liked cold bathing."

“The properties of calcium and silicate suggest that Calcareasilicata helps with bone breakdown, when there is a correspondence of symptoms."

Calcarea sulphurica (link – skin symptoms)

"Many skin symptoms to expect from Sulph. And Calc. Burning and itching. Skin peeling. Cracks in the skin. Cracks on the skin after washing in winter, especially on the hands. Liver spots; pale skin and yellow skin, sometimes even to the point of jaundice.”

Capsicum (connection - similar constitution - fullness, flabby, lack of stamina, false plethora)

Constitution Capsicum often found in fat, flabby, red-faced children whose parents loved beer, pepper and stimulants, in relaxed and flabby people, with varicose veins, in people who consume a lot of stimulants. In such people, the face appears pink, although it is cold or cool to the touch, upon closer examination it turns out that pink color due to many capillaries. A plump and round face, without signs of stamina, false plethora, like Calc .

Chininum arsenicosum

Pulsation throughout the body. The pulse is fast, weak and uneven. Lethargy and flabbiness ( Calc.) .

Cistus canadensis (connection - similar action, but milder than Calc.)

“This is an antipsoric, deep-acting remedy. It is closely adjacent to Calc., however, it acts more softly. Cistus canadensis corresponds to the same exhaustion from exertion, shortness of breath, sweating and coldness that are inherent Calc. »

“From time to time I put it on the agenda for study and came to the conclusion that it was a minor remedy until I had to observe a 19-year-old lady. Her cervical lymph nodes (glands), especially the parotid ones, were enlarged and thickened; foul otorrhea; inflammation of the eyes with suppuration, cracks in the corners of the eyes; cracking and bleeding lips, white salty coating on the fingertips. Was not suitable for the patient Calc., and after a long analysis it seemed to me that this small remedy was just what I needed; and despite the fact that the patient had already been prescribed a huge number of homeopathic remedies, she was cured Cistus

“After mental exertion, a feeling of paralysis, mental excitement increases ailments, like Calc. And Borx

Dulcamara (connection – rashes on face and scalp; digestive disorders, diarrhea due to hypothermia after hot weather)

“Eruptions on the face, on the forehead, above the nose, but especially on the cheeks, which are completely covered with scabs; eczema in babies. Babies as young as just a few weeks of age develop rashes on the scalp and Dulcamara - one of the means that you need to know about. It is prescribed almost as often as other medications. Sep., Ars., Graph., Dulcamara, Petr., Sulph. And Calc. are used almost with the same frequency, but in my opinion it is most often shown, at least in our climate, Sep. »

(from the chapter onCalcareaCarbonica).“With each hypothermia, digestive disorders increase, vomiting of acidic contents intensifies. Diarrhea does not stop, since any hypothermia leads to diarrhea. If this condition occurs acutely, then it is indicated Dulcamara, but with relapses Dulcamara does not help, and it is possible to prescribe Calc. »

Fluoricum acidum

"Indifference to those whom one loves most." This is also inherent Sep., however Sep. more often indicated for women. ….. More often used in men Fluoricum acidum, among women - Sep., but this is not an absolute rule. Sep.more consistent with the condition of the uterus and ovaries, ailments unique to women (compare with Calc.)

Hepar sulphuris calcareurn (connection – polyps in the larynx, difference – Calc. has a milder effect on foreign bodies)

“Damage to the cartilage of the larynx during syphilis and chronic mercury intoxication. In cases of a sycotic rather than syphilitic nature, small or large white jelly-like polyps form in the larynx, painful, causing loss or hoarseness of voice; if they cause choking or discomfort, may be indicated Hepar sulphuris. This state corresponds to Hepar sulphuris, Calc., Arg-n., Nit-ac. and sometimes Thuj

"Unlike Hepar sulphuris(Although Hepar sulphuris and is a form Calc.), Calc. doesn't have that acute action. It does not cause inflammation around foreign bodies, causing them to come out with pus, but it does form fibrous deposits around bullets and other foreign bodies lodged in soft tissue. Calc. causes tuberculosis lesions to thicken and encapsulate

Hypericum (difference – Calc. – tropism: muscles, bones, blood vessels, connection – injuries and their consequences)

"The surgical branch of homeopathy includesArn., Rhus-t., Led., Staph., Calc. And Hyper. These funds are used routinely if the doctor is faced with partially surgical situations or the consequences of injuries. For a bruise, “black-blue tones”, a feeling of bruising and aching, it is indicated Arn.; it primarily corresponds to the acute stage, as long as pain and aches persist in the damaged area or throughout the body; but with overstrain of muscles and tendons Arn. turns out to be insufficient; careful study Rhus-t. shows that this remedy is suitable for subsequent weakness of tendons and muscles, aching, rheumatic sensations in every bad weather, which are relieved by prolonged movement. With weakness remaining even after Rhus-t., shown Calc. »

“These three products form a series, but it is important to distinguish them from Hypericum. The latter is not so important for bruises and strains of tendons and muscles; It corresponds to completely different complaints. Hypericum And Led. are in close contact…….. If muscles, bones and blood vessels are the scope of action Arn., Rhus-t. And Calc., then these are two remedies related to nerves.”

"Hypericum also corresponds to injuries to more cranial parts of the spine. It is not so rare that a person, going down the stairs, slips, falls on his back and hurts his back on the steps, receiving an acute injury. Some give immediately Rhus-t.; others prescribe Arn. To prevent inflammation due to such an injury, you should immediately give In fact, you should immediately give Hypericum. Then other trends may appear, such as nagging pain and rheumatic symptoms, indicating Rhus-t. and finally on Calc. Long-standing weakness in the back, pain when rising from a sitting position is often cured Rhus-t., with subsequent appointment Calc.; however, for conditions affecting the spinal nerves and meninges, the first treatment should be Hypericum

Kali muriaticum (connection – compactions in glands, muscles)

“Condensation of many tissues; in the glands; in the muscles. Inflammation followed by hardening; infiltration after inflammation; hepatization after pneumonia ( Calc., Sulph.).

Kalmia latifolia (connection – rheumatism of the heart after suppression of articular rheumatism)

"Wandering rheumatic pains in the region of the heart." "Cardial symptoms after external treatment of articular rheumatism." Rheumatism passing from the lower extremities to the upper. Such situations are not so rare. “Massage therapists” using strong ointments and magnetism often do eliminate rheumatic knee joint disease, but if this happens, it is likely that ailment in the heart occurs. It has been shown that for such heart damage they are effective. Kalmia latifolia, Aur., Bry., Rhus-t., Led., Calc. And Abrot., Sometimes Cact. »

"As antidotes Kalmia latifolia can be cited Acon. And Bell. A suitable follow-up and antidote is Spig. Natural addition - Benz-ac. Similar drugs requiring comparison are Calc., Lith-c., Lyc., Nat-m. And Puls. »

Lac caninum (distinction – Calc. sore throat DURING menstruation, Lac-c. – pain begins and ends with menstruation)

“Pharyngitis begins and stops with menstruation. For Mag-c. characteristic sore throat before menstruation, and Calc. effective for sore throat during menstruation.”

Lycopodium (relationship – depth and duration of action of the drug)

« Lycopodium inherent different kinds fevers, prolonged, intermittent, remitting. It is especially suitable in old age, with premature aging, when a person at the age of 60 looks 80, his health is poor, and he feels weak and tired. Lycopodium good for complaints due to a weak constitution. Various edema associated with damage to the liver and heart. Scabs remain on the skin and do not fall off; New crusts appear, old ones do not fall off or become layered. Sulph., Graph. And Calc. act no longer and no deeper than Lycopodium. These substances, inert in material form, become excellent medicines when potentized.»

Magnesia carbonica (connection - condition preceding consumption)

« Magnesia carbonica is especially effective if there is a history of tuberculosis. Weight loss and desire for meat if you are prone to tuberculosis or have tuberculosis in your parents. Dry cough. Dry cough before evening chill, like Rhus-t. There are patients whose condition does not change from year to year: withering, a slight hacking cough. Finally, against the backdrop of resolving circumstances, tuberculosis quickly develops from a long, sluggish state. Several remedies are most closely associated with this situation: Ars., Calc., Lyc., Magnesia carbonica And Tub. They correspond to a long-term state preceding active consumption. Under the influence of medication, the patient sometimes begins to improve, but keep in mind: managing such cases is not easy. It is difficult to find a medicine in them. Ailments are hidden, symptoms do not appear, and sometimes you have to read between the lines. These are the one-sided cases that Hahnemann spoke of.”

Manganum (connection – anemia, uterine bleeding)

“Extremely scanty menstrual flow. Lasts one or two days, arrives too early. This is an unusual anemic condition, not characteristic of chlorosis. Mature women constantly experience slight bleeding and slight watery discharge. Anemia in older women with minor watery discharge, discharge from the uterus. Previously, for uterine bleeding in elderly women, we relied mainly on Calc. »

Mezereum (connection – fear of bad news, “fear in the stomach”)

“Feeling of emptiness, fear, apprehension, sudden weakness in the stomach, as if something is going to happen; every shock, pain or bad news causes this feeling of apprehension, hunger, fainting, weakness, emptiness in the epigastrium. It occurs when the doorbell rings, if the patient is waiting for the postman, while waiting at the station for the arrival of a friend or for the departure of a train; while introducing himself to someone, the patient experiences a trembling that begins in the stomach - “fear in the stomach.” This is typical for Calc., Kali-c., Phos. And Mezereum. Such people with “solar plexus” often have deep fissures in the tongue, (which) are difficult to treat.”

Nitricum Acidum (connection – uterine bleeding)

“Women have severe anxiety from constant itching and burning, sexual desire. Irritation around the genitals from leucorrhoea and menstrual flow. Any tension causes uterine bleeding ( Calc.).»

Nux vomica (difference from Calc. for abdominal symptoms)

“For complaints related to the abdominal cavity...... Nux vomica the stomach is sunken, whereas Calc. And Sep.- hyperemic."

Onosmodium virginianum (connection – headaches from eye strain)

(from the chapter onCalcareaCarbonica)."All eye symptoms, headache and neurological manifestations, aggravated by reading, staring. After such exertion, the patient is exhausted, tearing pain occurs above and behind the eyes. This type of headache is very typical for Calc. Asthenopic headache that occurs in different areas heads. Calc. very effective for asthenopic headaches ( Onos.).»


(From the section “Characteristic symptoms”) “In low-grade fever, patients want to be hypnotized, need vital energy. Sometimes Calc

(from the chapter onCalcareaCarbonica).“Tuberculosis is a huge area of ​​application Calc. The sputum has a sweetish taste, like Phos. And Stann.»

Calc.– painless hoarseness. Phos.- hoarseness with pain - see Bell.

Podophyllum (connection – white stools, vomiting milk)

“Discomfort and unpleasantness about two or three hours after eating, with jaundice; severe nausea; aversion to food; feeling of absolute emptiness in the intestines. Vomiting of greenish, copious, watery masses; vomiting milk ( Calc., Aeth.) ; hunger after vomiting; fatal, unbearable nausea and loss of strength.”

« The child's stool, instead of its normal color, looks like chalk ( Calc.) . In adults, acholic (approx. - devoid of bile pigments), white stool.

Psorinum (connection – hair growth, “fluff” on the face)

"Marasmus; shrinking of the skin; unclean skin; it is impossible to wash it clean. Foul-smelling bowel discharge; severe exhaustion; active growth of facial hair, “fluff” ( Nat-m., Psorinum, Sulph., Calc.); repulsive impression despite washing; losing weight despite a voracious appetite. Unpleasant smell makes you think about Psorinum

Rhus toxicodendron(connection - rashes)

« Calc.: Rash on the head and face; eczema in children. "Thick crusts on the head, with yellow pus." Rashes with an unpleasant odor."

"Rhus-t.: Rashes on the scalp; extremely sensitive to touch. Sensitivity of the scalp on the side on which the patient lies.”

Rumex crispus (Calc. – subsequent antipsoric remedy)

"Morning diarrhea with cough from tickling in the jugular fossa." The consumptive state is characterized by morning diarrhea, and often these cases are similar to Sulph. Rumex crispus will alleviate the condition of wavy morning diarrhea; it will reduce the extreme sensitivity of the lungs, sensitivity to cold air and will have a general strengthening effect. Rumex crispus does not work as deeply as Sulph., but is also an antipsoric agent. However, he limited to early stages of disease; at a certain stage is effective in chronic cases, but requires the subsequent administration of another antipsoric drug. Behind Rumex crispus well follows Calc

Ruta graveolens (connection – overexertion, soreness, tendon weakness)

“This is an excellent remedy for ordinary overexertion; it corresponds to soreness and weakness in the tendons. Arn., Rhus- t.And Calc. often needed routinely, in the absence of symptoms other than the overexertion itself

Sepia (connection - suppressed malaria; menstrual irregularities, difference - in Calc. menstruation begins during breastfeeding)

"Sepia necessary in the following situation: a woman should begin menstruation when the baby stops suckling; sometimes the child dies, and menstruation should resume, but does not appear, and then the mother’s condition worsens, she dries out; Sepia will allow you to establish menstruation. Calc.acts opposite; Menstruation begins when the baby is still suckling. Thick greenish acrid or milky leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea in little girls

"In old cases of suppressed malaria Sepia brings back the chill, but it works best after a wrong choice of remedy, when the picture becomes confused, when a remedy that is only partially similar produces a slight change, but the patient does not get better. In this case, fever, chills and sweat are unnatural. One of the best means for malaria - Nat-m., but for him, as for Chin., is characterized by a certain order, for Sepia - vice versa. If the picture is confused by the wrong medications, consider Calc., Ars., Sulph., Sepia And IP. Never give Chin. or Nat-m. with a chaotic alternation of symptoms and stages.”

Silicea (Sil.. complements the action of Calc.; connection - enlargement and hardening of glands and lymph nodes; effects on foreign bodies, including helminths; abscesses in deep muscles, perirectal abscesses; uterine bleeding during lactation; prolonged pneumonia; tuberculosis lungs; visions with closed eyes)

"Patient's complaints Silicea with hardening of the glands, especially the neck, lymph nodes, salivary glands, especially parotid; enlarged and dense parotid glands. The parotid glands enlarge and thicken with every cold, from cold ( Bar-c., Calc., Sulph.)

Siliceagets rid of helminths if there is a semblance of symptoms ( Calc.. Sulph.)

"Silicea also cures fistulas. There are patients prone to tuberculosis who have perirectal abscesses that rupture inward or outward, forming fistulas. ……. with surgical or other external treatment, this tendency leads to problems in the chest, in the form of either persistent catarrh or tuberculous infiltration. Silicea is one of the means that changes the constitution in such a way that within a period of one to five years, fistulas cease to form again and heal completely. The surgeon removes the fistula instantly, and for some time nothing bothers the patient, but after a few years exhaustion sets in. In such cases it is also suitableCaust., Berb., Calc., Calc-p., Graph., Sulph. Here Silicea well follows Thuj

“Bloody discharge between periods. U Silicea bleeding from the uterus begins easily; bloody issues appear before menstruation from excitement, especially during feeding; as soon as the baby is put to the breast. Note the difference between Calc. And Sil. U Calc. there is a tendency to bleed during lactation, but not when the baby is put to the breast.»

“Chronic tendency during colds to develop chest and asthmatic symptoms. Chronical bronchitis; pneumonia with suppuration. Silicea Particularly suitable in the later stages of pneumonia and for old, chronic complaints after pneumonia. Slow recovery after pneumonia ( Lyc., Sulph., Phos., Silicea, Calc.). Hot flashes, wheezing in the chest. Flushing to the face during the day ( Sulph., Sep., Lach.), wheezing, like Ant-t., hot flashes, like Sulph. And Lyc

"Pulmonary tuberculosis; thick, yellow, green, foul-smelling sputum, more pronounced chilliness than Calc., sweating of the head, pain in the lungs, soreness, tingling.”

« Calc., Puls., Thuj. mutually complement the action Silicea

(from the chapter onCalcareaCarbonica).« Pyemic state, with the formation of abscesses in the deep muscles. Deep abscesses of the neck, thigh, abdomen. If the symptoms match Calc. prevents opening of an abscess…….. Sulph. And Sil. promote suppuration if the symptoms are similar. Action Calc. similar to concentration and contraction. Sometimes in cases where it is indicated Sil., and the abscess is located in dangerous place, then reception Sil. may contribute to dissemination - then surgery is necessary. If inflammation occurs after damage or contusion of the periosteum, pus quickly forms - in this case, take Calc. if symptoms are similar, makes surgery unnecessary or harmful.

(from the chapter onCalcareaCarbonica).“In a state of delirium and madness, mental oddities arise again. Picks and chews fingers, etc. When eyes are closed, he sees images and faces. “Imagines that someone is walking nearby.” Such signs were noted during testing Sil., Petr. And Calc.

Sulfur (Calc. – subsequent for Sulph.; connection - general muscle atrophy, bloated stomach; slower growth and development; rheumatism of the limbs; difficulty breathing, shortness of breath; occupational diseases of coal miners and stone cutters)

"For the patient Sulfur characterized by emaciation, an unusual feature - wasting of the limbs with bloating. The abdomen is swollen, there is rumbling, burning and soreness; with an enlarged abdomen, there is emaciation of the rest of the body. Atrophy of the muscles of the neck, back, chest and limbs, the same happens in the muscles abdominal wall with an increase in the volume of the abdomen itself. This condition is typical for general atrophy. Gives a similar picture Calc.; for women in need of Calc., you will see a pronounced enlargement, stretching and thickening of the abdomen along with shrinkage of the rest of the body.»

“Children have complaints. ……. Sulfur will correct the constitutional condition if other remedies are not deep enough to do this. If there is a violation of the baby’s development, bone growth, or slow closure of the fontanelles, it may be indicated Calc. ; Sulfur is the second most important factor in slowing growth.”

« Sulfur helps in old cases gout. This is a deep-acting remedy, in most cases it does not allow gout to move from the extremities inward, directing it from the center to the periphery. How Lyc. And Calc., when properly prescribed in case of gout without pronounced organic changes, Sulfur prevents the rheumatic process from spreading from the joints and limbs

“In the coal mining regions of Pennsylvania, miners and residents around the mines often need Sulfur. It is known that coal does not consist of Sulfur; however, people dealing with coal often need Sulfur, and not only because the ore contains a considerable amount of sulfur. People engaged in grinding kaolin and various components used in the production of porcelain, as well as workers associated with stones, are especially in need of Calc. And Sil., but coal miners often need Sulfur

"For Sulfur typical labored breathing, shortness of breath from the slightest effort, profuse sweating, loss of strength; asthmatic breathing and severe wheezing in the chest. ……….. “Every cold ends in asthma” - an indication of Dulc., but very often after an attack a “tail” remains, forcing the doctor to prescribe a deep remedy. After Dulc. finished work, it's time Sulfur as a complementary agent. In a similar position in relation to Dulc. located Calc

(from the chapter onCalcareaCarbonica).« Calc.cold head and limbs are common when walking in cold air, in very cold weather; as soon as the weather becomes warm, the other extreme occurs - the burning sensation makes the patient jump out of bed. This symptom sometimes leads to the appointment Sulph., since a similar sign is characteristic of Sulph. Sulph. indicated when the patient puts his feet out of bed, but for many drugs, not just for Sulph., characterized by burning and heat of the feet.”

Tuberculinum bovinum (close relationship, interchangeable - predisposition to tuberculosis, weakened constitution, recurrent fever; enlarged lymph nodes of the neck, adenoids)

“One of the most important uses of this remedy is in intermittent fever. Some of the most persistent cases of intermittent fever recur over and over again. Even after prescribing deep remedies, for example, Sil. And Calc., the fever goes away for a while, but after a few weeks, after exposure to cold, draft, physical or mental fatigue, from overeating and dyspepsia, fever returns again. Tuberculinum bovinum indicated if any of these circumstances gives rise to a recurrence of intermittent fever. In a patient potentially susceptible to tuberculosis, these factors bring fever to the surface. Such a person has a weak constitution, his complaints usually recur, the chosen remedies do not give a lasting effect, although at first they work well, they have to be changed soon - due to the variability of symptoms.”

“People who have been suffering from tuberculosis and associated weakness for a long time are prone to cold sweat on the head. This symptom was found during testing Calc., and many who began to develop tuberculosis were cured by this remedy. Between Tuberculinum bovinum And Calc. there is a close connection. They are interchangeable; that is, one may be shown first and then another. They both act deep, with Tuberculinum bovinum also closely related Sil., another deep remedy; Calc., Tuberculinum bovinum And Sil., as well as derivatives Sil."

“If a homeopathic remedy can actually cure a disease, this will be clear, so that if the symptoms return, the same remedy will be indicated, perhaps only a change in potency will be necessary. If, with each subsequent relapse, the need for a new remedy arises, this indicates Tuberculinum bovinum. Symptoms subside at first Calc., next time they demand something different, the next time something new again, and so on. It may be necessary to use the same medicine several times in this series. Constant wandering in changing symptoms. It is precisely such changes and vagueness of symptoms that serve as a clear indication for Tuberculinum bovinum

Veratrum album (connection – congestive hyperemia of the head, “head immersed in ice”)

“Strong rush of blood to the head, congestive hyperemia of the head with coldness of the extremities. It seems that the head is immersed in ice, ice on the crown and back of the head ( Calc.) , tension in the head, as if the membranes were tightening the brain more tightly; tightening pain."

Zincum metallicum (connection – dull pain in the lumbar and sacral region, worse when sitting)

“Dull pain between the shoulder blades, in the lumbar and sacral region; better when walking, worse when rising from a sitting position. (U Rhus-t. dull pain in the sacral area is relieved when walking and occurs in a sitting position. This symptom is highly present in Calc., Rhus-t., Sulph. And Sep. Zincum metallicum has a lower significance of worsening on rising from a sitting position, as well as Petr. And Led.).»

General information about Calc.

The Golden Rule of Homeopathic Practice (from the MM chapter on Bryonia alba)

Homeopathy requires the exclusion from the diet of foods that counteract certain medications or the patient’s constitution. The golden rule of homeopathic practice: the medicine is similar to the condition of the patient, and the products that the patient takes are in agreement with the medicine taken.

For example, taking Rhus-t., the patient felt well until he took a bath, after which the symptoms Rhus-t. arose again; here the effect of the medicine stopped. Of course, you should take a bath, but you need to remember that in some cases of constitutional intake Rhus-t. You should avoid taking a bath so that the medicine does not stop working. Also happens when Calc. — after the bath the effect of the medicine may stop.

Triple drug bundles

(from the chapter onFluoricumacidum -Puls.,Sil.,Fluoricumacidum)

Fluoricum acidumfollows Sil. as natural as Sil. behind Puls. They exist in a triple bind. The triple bind can also combine other means, but most often it is: Sulph., Calc. And Lyc.; Sulph., Sars. And Sep.; Coloc., Caust. And Staph., which often follow each other, closing in a cycle. Let these facts not force you to succumb to the routine prescription of remedies without similar symptoms, but it is worth remembering that these remedies are somewhat similar.

(fromchaptersOStaphisagria - Caust., Coloc. And Staph. )

"Staphisagria And Coloc. remind each other. In both remedies, after eating and drinking, there is constricting pain and stool, both correspond to colic, as when passing stones; Staphisagria - in the intestines, head and testicles; Coloc.- in the intestines and ovaries; both correspond to worsening after anger. Caust., Coloc. And Staph. follow each other, just like Sulph., Calc. And Lyc

(fromchaptersOKali sulphuricum – Puls., Sil., Kali-s. )

It is not difficult to understand that this remedy enhances the effect Puls. It takes on the job and completes it, acting as a complement to Puls. However, in some cases, the patient becomes chilly, freezing, he feels better during rest - and then we come to the appointment Sil., which will be indicated by the remaining symptoms. Under the influence of a deeply acting drug, the patient often exhibits opposite modalities, therefore Puls. so often follows Sil.; but this pattern does not always appear. If Puls. worked well for some time, then when opposite modalities appeared healing effect begins to provide Sil., and when the patient's condition returns to the starting point, to the original symptoms and modalities, it may turn out useful purpose Kali sulphuricum.

The same thing happens when Sulph., Calc. and Lyc. replace each other in a case too serious to be cured by one remedy; in this situation it is necessary to use a number of means; because the symptoms change in such a way that a homeopathic approach is only possible when using a whole series of drugs.

(from the chapter on Sulfur - Sulfur, Calc., Lyc. )

"As for interaction, Sulfur should not be given immediately before Lyc. He belongs to the interchangeable triad: Sulfur, Calc., Lyc. At first Sulfur, then Calc., and then Lyc., then again Sulfur, since it follows well Lyc .

Acute drugs on Calc.

Bell, Sulph – colds

Dulc – diarrhea, rashes

Rumex (?) – morning diarrhea, colds

Podoph. – vomiting, nausea, diarrhea

Rhus-t. (?) – rashes

Hepar. (?) – foreign bodies, polyps in the larynx

Kali-m (?) – seals

Carbonated lime. In homeopathy, carbonated lime is used, obtained from oyster shells. The carbonated lime obtained in this way is not chemically pure, but, nevertheless, cannot be replaced by any other preparations, since it was with this kind of lime preparation that Hahnemann carried out his experiments. The first three dilutions of this salt, insoluble in either water or alcohol, are prepared in the form of rubbing. The pathogenesis of Calcarea carbonica is found in Hahnemann's Treatment of Chronic Diseases.

Type The lymphatic temperament, according to Guernsey's definition, is typical of Calcarea carbonica - a fat, plump, damp rather than robust child. the head is disproportionately large, the fontanelles do not heal, the child sweats partially, especially the head, so that the pillow becomes wet. The face is pale, the facial features are rather large, the upper lip is swollen; teeth erupt late, are often jagged, feet are cold and clammy. The calcarea child is prone to weeping skin inflammations, rashes, and, in particular, eczema of the scalp; he has inflammation of the ear, enlargement of the cervical and axillary glands, chronic catarrh of the nose with thickening and ulceration of its wings. The belly is large, it can be compared to an overturned pelvis. A child always begins to walk and talk late. Another type of calcarea carbonica also has swollen glands and also begins to walk late, but its skin is thin and delicate, its eyelashes are long, silky, and its hair is long, smooth. Prescribing calcarea to such a child will prevent tuberculosis. Calcarea corresponds to very emaciated children with loose, hanging folds of skin, as well as to fatty ones, and the abdomen remains abnormally large; These are “atrepsic” children, progressively losing weight due to lack of nutrition and absorption, for whom calcarea is a heroic remedy. A young man with weak muscles is the exact opposite of an athlete; he seeks only rest and peace and begins to get fat early. The young girl is fat, anemic, and complains of palpitations, shortness of breath and headaches. The same types are found among adults, mainly young women, affectionate, gentle, sensitive, lazy, always tired, due to too much and too much frequent menstruation; they become desperate that after lunch their face burns and the tip of their nose turns red. The mental state of such a subject is easy to understand: he is full of all kinds of fears, especially worried about his health. Mental work is difficult for him, due to the difficulty of concentrating his attention and the rapid onset of brain fatigue with sweat appearing on the forehead.

Characteristic 1. Feeling of cold in the feet, knees, throughout the leg, as if it were wearing a wet stocking. Cold in various parts head, especially on the right side, so strong that it seems as if there is a piece of ice on the head. Feeling of inner cold. 2. Constant chilliness with aversion to fresh air; The slightly cold air seems to penetrate right through. 3. Feeling weak, exhausted for no reason or after the easiest thing physical exercise and in particular, walking. 4. All digestive tract Calcarea carbonica sour: sour taste, sour belching, sour vomiting, sour stool. 5. Milk is poorly tolerated, the child vomits curdled milk; it often causes hives. 6. Attacks of heat in the face and rushes of blood to the head, as in a critical age. 7. Chronic dilated pupils. 8. Heavy menstruation. 9. Profuse sweat on the head. 10. Aversion to meat, fried foods, appetite for eggs, sweets and indigestible things: chalk, coal, pencils. The pain is always accompanied by a feeling of local or general cold; however, they usually explode due to damp cold, damp weather, and are always aggravated by washing with cold water. Rheumatic pains in washerwomen are often cured by Calcarea carbonica. Menses. Premature, too abundant, too long. They appear again with the slightest mental excitement. Leucorrhoea milky.

Summary Calcarea carbonica is primarily a constitutional remedy. Insufficient nutrition is its main characteristic. In particular, it corresponds to subjects of the scrofulous type (leuko-phlegmatic patients of the old authors). Greater sensitivity to cold, partial sweats, a feeling of weakness and exhaustion, heavy menstruation are characteristic symptoms that should always be remembered.

indications for use

Main indications

Calcarea carbonica is an important remedy for assimilation disorders. The result of these disorders are three main diseases: scrofula, rickets and tuberculosis, in which calcarea is very effective. With scrofula in initial period Calcarea is indicated by the following symptoms: enlargement and dull pain in all lymph nodes, weeping impetiginous and granulosa eczema, chronic, runny nose, leucorrhoea. It is also indicated in a later period in the presence of pain with swelling of the cervical vertebrae. For RICKETS, calcarea is indicated for children whose teeth erupt late and who begin to walk late; Their heads sweat easily and their urine produces a whitish sediment. In TUBERCULOSIS, calcarea acts mainly on the upper and middle lobes of the right lung. Painful sensitivity by touching and breathing; shortness of breath when walking and especially when climbing. Together with other lime salts, this is one of the means that promotes the action of tuberculin drugs. “One Belgian doctor,” says Jousset, Dr. Marini, in search of a specific medicine for all cases of tuberculosis, prescribed the following combination for chronic and uncomplicated forms of pulmonary tuberculosis: arsenicum iodatum 6 one day and calcarea phosphorica 6 another day, and so on for weeks and months. I must admit that I had the opportunity to observe the effect of this method." For my part, I will add that even better results are obtained if you choose calcarea, which can be carbonica or phosphorica, depending on the type of patient. Calcarea carbonica is also a valuable remedy for diffuse bronchitis of small branches of the bronchi , with the threat of their becoming chronic; in these cases, two characteristic symptoms are often observed: profuse sweat on the head and cold feet. IN DIGESTION DISORDERS in children, first of all you need to think about calcarea carbonica and other lime salts. Although when choosing a medicine, the appearance of the stool depends less important than the type of patient and accompanying symptoms, but still we list its characteristic features, usually observed in such cases: sour stool with undigested food, with a very strong odor, worse after breastfeeding, with an admixture of undigested and curdled milk, usually greenish and watery “The child suffers from chronic enteritis,” says Cartier, as a result of which he is emaciated; Calcarea carbonica will be a life-saving remedy in all stages of the disease if it has at least some of the symptoms characteristic of this remedy.” Calcarea is an excellent remedy for ATREPSIA, a disease close to chronic intestinal infection. “How many children of the poorest part of the population, with all the signs of intestinal cachexia, due to poor nutrition and care, were saved in homeopathic dispensaries. I always remember one wrinkled, old-looking child, whom I did not recognize after two weeks of treatment with Calcarea carbonica 30, such a change for the better occurred in his entire being.” (Cartier). Since calcarea profoundly alters the body's assimilation processes, it is not surprising that it works well for LIVER STONES. Calcarea carbonica may be indicated for nervous diseases. EPILEPSY with dizziness and blackout, with falling, and complete unconsciousness, with weakening of memory and mental abilities, indicates this remedy. In these cases, as always, you need to have indications for calcarea in the accompanying and side symptoms. Yahr, among other numerous symptoms, notes that calcarea is especially useful in nocturnal epilepsy with screaming and violent attacks during the full moon. HYPOCHONDRIA. The patient cares and fears for his health, lethargy of thinking and decreased mental abilities. Unreasonable loss of strength specifically indicates calcarea carbonica in hypochondria. Dizziness, when suddenly standing up or turning the head, even at rest, when climbing stairs or porch. FEAR OF SPACE (Agoraphobia). Goiter was repeatedly treated by Imbert-Gurbeir when calcarea was prescribed in material doses. EYE DISEASES. Corneal cataracts and ulcers. Chronic dilated pupils. Cataract. Lacrimal fistula. HEADACHE. Various pains with nausea, belching and a feeling of icy cold inside and on the surface of the head, especially with right side. Calcarea headache begins in the morning, upon awakening, and is aggravated by mental work, alcoholic beverages and physical exertion. Chronic trigeminal neuralgia with pain starting in the right side of the chin and going to the ear. COUGH, with expectoration, especially in the morning, of thick, purulent sputum: emaciation, general weakness, sweating at the slightest exertion. Depressed morale. Scrofulous and tuberculous.

effect on the body

Physiological action Calcarea carbonica does not have poisonous properties; Hahnemann carried out experiments with small doses, which he used for a long time, which, together with clinical experience, enabled homeopaths to accurately determine the indications for the use of this remedy, which is one of the most valuable polychrests (i.e., comprehensively effective). Calcarea has long been used in therapy in various forms: in the form of chalk, eggshells, cancer eyes, etc. In our time, after Ferrier’s work, the fever of remineralization gripped modern doctors and tons of lime salts in large doses began to be absorbed by unfortunate tuberculosis patients. The dangerous results of this method are already beginning to appear. After Manoussakis’s report in Tessier’s laboratory in Lyon, proving that lime salts introduced in this way not only are not absorbed by the body, but also contribute to its decalcification, Laufer, a doctor in charge of a tuberculosis dispensary, published a very important work on this issue, where he came to the conclusion same conclusions. His work can be found in the “Tuberculosis Review” for August 1926, p. 600, under the title “Mineral metabolism in tubercular patients.”

Peculiarities Deterioration. From cold, dampness, and during the full moon. Improvement. In dry weather. If you are constipated, you feel better. The predominant side is the right. Indeed, Charger notes that in scrofulous children and women with heavy menstruation, nosebleeds are almost always from the right nostril. In pulmonary tuberculosis, the selective effect of calcarea on the apex of the right lung is clearly expressed. Feeling of icy coldness in the right side of the head.


Calcarea carbonica is rarely prescribed above 12 and 30 dilutions. Calcarea acetica for diarrhea is usually given in the first dilutions.


This is very important medicine of animal origin, as well as, are obtained from animals that live in water. Just as Sepia is prepared from the dark liquid secreted by the cuttlefish, and Murex from the dried secretion of the purple gland of the mollusk Murex, the scarlet, so this medicine, also called , is prepared from the secretion of Ostrea edulis, the oyster.

The source of the drug is the soft, snow-white, calcareous substance of the inner layer of the oyster shell, secreted by the mollusk mantle, which is actually a deposit of pure calcium carbonate crystals.

This mollusk, an intermediate between the snail and the cuttlefish, attaches itself to the ocean floor with the two halves of its wide-open shell in an apparent lazy stillness. He is capable of only one type of movement - if there is the slightest movement of water near him, he closes the shell flaps with the force of a vice, demonstrating the ability to experience severe muscle spasms.

It is important to note that the Calcarea carbonica patient has sedentary image life, seems lazy and relaxed and hides behind a mask of unsociability the confusion, fears and anxiety seething inside. The tightly clenched oyster shell hides the internal agitation that leads to spasmodic contraction and the creation of a safe shelter.

Along with insufficient tone and muscle weakness the Calcarea carbonica patient may also exhibit muscle spasm of both striated and smooth muscles.


The predominant mineral form of calcium in nature is carbonates. Thus, after aluminum and iron, it is the most common metal in the earth's crust. Calcium also performs very important functions in the body and is found there in large quantities. Calcium metabolism in the body and its transformation in the soil are largely similar. Calcium metabolism in the body consists either of its precipitation, and then it settles in tissues, or of its diffusion - then free calcium ions participate in cellular metabolism. Calcium is mainly found in skeletal bones in the form of phosphate and carbonate; active ions combine, when necessary, with bicarbonate, acid phosphates and, to a lesser extent, with chlorides.

Sufficient calcium intake, for example from food, lime water and tablets, does not necessarily protect against calcium metabolism disorders. The processes of absorption, assimilation and utilization of calcium depend on many factors; it is important that the calcium content is in the correct proportion with the other members of the metabolic quartet - sodium, potassium and magnesium; these four elements must be in fluid equilibrium, and for this, the absorption of calcium and its excretion must be balanced.

Calcium is an antagonist of sodium and potassium ions, which regulate the absorption of water by cellular colloids. In this case, calcium acts as a barrier and reduces the permeability of cell membranes, thus maintaining cell tone and preventing cells from becoming overfilled with water.

The predominant calcium content impedes the exchange between cells and fluids and slows down metabolism. The membranes change their properties, as if parchment was used as a filter, and the release of water and solutions stops. Oxidation decreases, and the patient with impaired calcium metabolism in the tissues becomes slow, cold, lethargic, pale, obese, puffy, phlegmatic, and snail-like.

The slowing and suppressive effect of calcium is also evident in the neuromuscular sphere. Without the intervention of calcium, the unlimited influence of potassium and sodium ions would keep the skeletal muscles in a constant state of hypertonicity, resulting in tetany, leading eventually to paralysis due to exhaustion. Therefore, both too little and too much calcium lead to metabolic disturbances, and when homeostasis is disturbed, potentized Calcarea carbonica can restore the necessary balance.

Understanding the various functions of calcium in the body, or rather the variety of functions (since they are not very well understood), will help to appreciate the significance of the various symptoms presented by this drug.

Calcium is the main one component bones, where it is present in the form of apatite, the crystal lattice is composed of calcium carbonate and phosphate, which give bones strength.

Calcium is responsible for coagulation reactions in both blood and milk.

In optimal concentrations, calcium accelerates the action of certain enzymes, but if there is a lot of it, it, on the contrary, slows down the activity of enzymes.

It is also believed that calcium plays a leading role in the formation of bioelectric potentials due to the presence of a calcium electrode in the form of calcium proteinate in the cell membrane. It is possible that the ability of calcium to combine with protein and form these compounds throughout the body is most important biological feature this element. This explains its participation in many vital physiological processes.

A huge variety of pathological conditions can be explained by improper absorption, distribution and utilization of calcium. This includes inadequate nutrition, slow growth and development, improper bone formation, slow blood coagulation, increased irritability of the nerves and a tendency to tetany.

The calcium balance can thus fluctuate in two directions - from an excess of calcium to a lack of it. But not only these disorders help to explain the various symptoms of Calcarea carbonica patients. Experience shows that this remedy, when prescribed in time and in the required potency, can effectively correct the imbalance and restore health.


The first pathogenesis of Calcarea carbonica appears in the first edition of Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases.


The patient who requires Calcarea carbonica is often corpulent, blond, with blue eyes, a pale, waxy complexion, pale lips, ears and pale fingers, although the face is sometimes red-tinged. Sometimes the Calcarea carbonica patient is a lean, dark-haired man with a sallow complexion.

Children are loose, lethargic, with a pasty face, and their heads are constantly sweating.

A child of the Calcarea carbonica type is inhibited, sits more, remains where his parents left him, fidgets with his fingers, plays with small objects. His teeth erupt late, his fontanelles close late, his breath is hot, he moves lower jaw as if he is chewing gum, signs of rickets are possible. Starts to walk late and sways due to muscle weakness. In general, outwardly they are overweight and untrained. Adults are plump, but some children have pronounced emaciation of the neck and limbs with a protruding, tight abdomen.

Poor circulation is manifested by cold, clammy, lifeless, flabby, limp hands and cold, clammy feet. Sometimes the brush is soft, warm, wet, and seems to have no bones.

Wide pupils indicate a decrease in the tone of the parasympathetic system.

The speech can be endless, non-stop, constant muttering about trifles that concern him personally, or the person can plunge into complete silence, and the state in this case resembles catatonia.

Characteristic - unusual sour smell body, vomit, feces.


Emotional manifestations are mainly a mirror reflection of general slowness due to impaired calcium metabolism. The Calcarea carbonica patient is slow, dull, uninterested in his surroundings, shy, avoids mental stress in any form. This does not come from congenital laziness, but from an inability to make effort: this is not the patient’s fault, but his misfortune.

Children do not like to be laughed at, or, when disappointed in something, they simply give up. They are slow at school, slow at play, afraid of the dark, can see faces in the dark, and have nightmares. They cry and are in a bad mood.

The Calcarea carbonica patient is usually irritable, stubborn, unable to think coherently or remember events, and completely unable to make a decision. Mental and any other stress causes malaise, to the point that the patient can no longer stand it and gives up everything.

Fear is a pronounced symptom. The Calcarea carbonica patient is full of fears - afraid of people, of the dark, afraid of being looked at, afraid of being alone, a vague fear of “who knows what,” a growing fear of encroaching madness. Being in such a state, the patient does not stop thinking about his premonitions, talks about it without stopping and thinks that everyone is suspicious of him.

Another feature is the lack of reaction, the person slams shut like a clam, indifferent to everything, which is actually an attempt to cover up fear and internal excitement, he may be discouraged, in despair and disgusted with life.

A stage of hyperexcitability is observed: jumps up, flinches easily at the slightest noise, becomes very upset when he hears about cruelty, becomes frightened at the sight of wounds, suddenly screams or bursts into unreasonable tears.

The patient has a tendency to grumble and complain about long-standing mistakes, becomes grumpy, takes everything with hostility and experiences unreasonable antipathy towards certain people.


Disturbance of calcium metabolism disrupts heat exchange in the body. It is therefore not surprising that the Calcarea carbonica patient is unusually chilly, and when it is cold he feels completely miserable. He wants to be warmly dressed, it is unpleasant for him to be in the open air, he does not like drafts. Direct sunlight is also unpleasant.

Violation of the distribution of blood flow leads to a combination of a feeling of internal heat with external chilliness; cold is often felt in certain areas of the body; the feet are usually cold, but may, however, burn at night; the patient moves them, trying to find a cool place, or sticks his feet out from under the blanket - a symptom characteristic of, and. The hands “burn” in the area of ​​the back surface. The Calcarea carbonica patient easily overheats during physical exertion and feels unwell, then quickly becomes hypothermic when physical activity ceases.

Usually feels hungry, tends to feel weak, hungry every hour, sometimes immediately after eating. He loves sweets and often simply craves eggs, this is also observed in children. Often there is an aversion to hot food, meat, coffee, tobacco and milk, which may not be digested.

A perversion of taste that is unusual in the field of food addictions - a child can eat earth, coal, chalk, perhaps thus showing that his calcium metabolism is upset.

Thirst is expressed, but drinking water causes nausea. Ice water, however, is better tolerated and is preferred.

Sleep is usually disturbed by nightmares; Children wake up screaming and it is almost impossible to calm them down. The child sleepwalks, mumbles or grinds his teeth, and lies with his hands under his head.

It is often difficult to fall asleep; full of restless thoughts, does not sleep until 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the morning; or may wake up at 3 a.m. and then rush around restlessly.

Sweating is a characteristic symptom, often very severe, and especially pronounced on the head and feet. This is especially noticeable at night, when the child's pillow is completely wet from sweat. You may suddenly sweat due to tension, excitement or fear.


General symptoms

Symptoms characteristic of Calcarea carbonica indicate one or another aspect of a calcium metabolism disorder - these are symptoms indicating a slowdown in functioning and a lack of oxygen saturation of tissues on the one hand, or hypertonicity and hypersensitivity on the other. Clinical picture lack of vitality, very rapid fatigue associated with muscle weakness, and slow development. As a result of this weakness, any effort causes discomfort in the form of shortness of breath, flushing, headache and general malaise.

Also striking is the pronounced tendency to catch a cold, manifested in the development of catarrh. Involvement of the mucous membranes in the process leads to the formation of polyps and papillomatous growths that are prone to bleeding.


Although the scalp is usually sensitive to cold, which makes you want to cover your head warmer, at times there is a rush of blood to the head with a sensation of burning heat, especially in the crown area. Dizziness easily occurs with strong physical and even mental stress, due to the fact that the blood circulation is not able to satisfy the increased need for oxygen. A tearing or splitting headache located over the right eye, extending down the triangle towards the nose, or an intermittent headache, recurring every 7 or 14 days and accompanied by irritability, is common. The headache is worse in daylight, relieved by warmth or hot compresses, and by lying in a darkened room. A unilateral headache is also described, aggravated by noise and when trying to talk, which decreases in the evening. Alopecia occurs, where hair falls out in clumps rather than evenly throughout the head.


Eye symptoms are severe, including corneal lesions, including ulceration and photophobia. These major changes are preceded by blurred vision. Sensation of a veil or film before the eyes. Symptoms sharply intensify with any stress, prolonged reading and other activities.


Involvement of the middle ear in the catarrhal process leads to perforation eardrum with chronic discharge: thick, yellow, purulent mucous; Every time there is exposure to cold, there is an exacerbation. Regional lymph nodes are often involved in the process, and a rash may appear on the auricle and behind the ear.

Respiratory system

As mentioned above, there is an excessive tendency to catch colds, which is manifested by persistent inflammation of the throat with enlarged tonsils and involvement of the cervical lymph nodes. Colds tend to go downhill and cause a painless hoarseness that gets worse in the morning. The patient complains that he feels a lump in the left side of his throat. Catarrh of the nose, turning into a chronic form, with soreness of the nose, swelling and ulceration of the mucous membrane and thick yellow discharge with the presence of crusts. Nasal polyps. A persistent, irritating cough is likely to be especially bothersome at night, or the cough may be accompanied by copious amounts of thick, yellow, sweet-tasting sputum, sometimes streaked with blood. Breath bubbling due to large quantity mucus, and the chest feels as if it is full of blood.

Digestive system

An unpleasant sour taste in the mouth is accompanied by bad breath. Feels at the tip of the tongue burning pain. Digestion seems sluggish with frequent sour belching or even sour vomiting. There is an unusual aversion to hot food, severe heartburn and possibly cutting pain towards the right scapula with irradiation into the right hypochondrium and epigastric region, which is often very sensitive to palpation. Persistent diarrhea with clay-colored stools; defecation is accompanied by a sensation of crawling, burning and heaviness in the rectum. Watery diarrhea is common, worse in the afternoon; the stool is whitish, watery, frequent, has a sour, putrid odor and causes excoriation of the skin of the perineum. Stool often contains clots and particles of undigested food. Calcarea carbonica is often indicated for tuberculous mesadenitis, as well as for helminths. Lymphatic and endocrine systems

Lymph nodes in different places become enlarged, thicken, and burning and stinging pains appear in them. Clusters of nodes are palpated, especially in the neck and mesentery. Lymphadenitis is usually of tuberculous origin.

The cardiovascular system

In accordance with the general asthenic condition There is a weakening of cardiac activity, and such an effort as climbing stairs is accompanied by shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. When walking in the fresh air, fainting is possible. Varicose veins with strong burning sensation and malaise.

Urinary system

Cystitis with the discharge of dark, brown urine, which has an unusual unpleasant sour putrid odor.

Reproductive system

Menstruation comes early, profuse, prolonged - too long and too abundant. Your period may stop due to emotional stress or physical strain. The mammary glands become swollen and painful before and during menstruation; Dysmenorrhea is associated with characteristic cramping pain in the uterus, as well as general pain in the stomach. Pain from the region of the right ovary extends to the thigh and is aggravated by reading and writing. Leucorrhoea is profuse, accompanied by acute pain, burning, and itching. Bleeding polyps of the uterus and vagina.

Nervous system

Calcarea carbonica is indicated for convulsions at night, and also for epileptic fits preceded by an unusual aura, as if a mouse were running along the arm or leg. Complaints of paresthesia include tingling sensations, pinching, muscle tremors, a feeling of a “cold wet sock on the foot,” a feeling that some “part of the body will explode.”

Propulsion system

Muscle weakness prevents any sustained effort. Ankle joints weak and often tuck. The back muscles are weak, which is why when sitting for a long time, posture is disrupted and curvature of the spine appears. Cramps usually occur at night, especially during calf muscles. Rheumatic pain in the limbs is accompanied by severe stiffness. Joints are hot and swollen. Gout of small joints with the formation of gouty nodules around them. Bone deformations as a consequence of rickets. Metabolic disorder in bones, which is expressed by the appearance of exostoses.


Calcarea carbonica is indicated for chronic urticarial rashes, as well as warts and papillomatous growths. Leather cracks easily. You should always remember that ointments and dressings are inadmissible for skin diseases of the Calcarea carbonica type in children. Excess calcium is released from the body through the skin, and there is no need to prevent this.


Worsening occurs with any contact with cold air, with drafts, with changes in weather from warm to cold, with humid weather and with contact with cold water. The condition also worsens before and during menstruation, when standing for a long time or when the limbs hang down, which impedes blood circulation. The symptoms are worse after midnight and also during the full moon.

Better in warmth, in dry weather, when lying on the sore side, and, unusually enough, in constipation.


This medicine well illustrates the point that the person should be treated, and not the disease by its name. The main indication for use is the patient's compliance with the medicinal type of Calcarea carbonica, especially constitutional and mental manifestations.

Medicine has long known the important role of calcium in childhood. It supports the growth and development of the body, is useful in diseases of growing bones, in convulsive diseases, and the use of calcium for the purpose of treatment began long ago. At first it was chalk and eggshells, foods containing calcium. Then popularity shifted to calcium chloride and calcium gluconate, which began to be used for allergies and seizures in children.
But, strangely, despite the full scientific validity, the therapeutic successes of using calcium in scientific medicine have always been small and still cannot be compared with the popularity and effectiveness of using calcium preparations in homeopathy. Followers of homeopathy attribute this to a special (potentiated) form of homeopathic Calcium preparations and a clearer system of indications for use.
Calcium preparations are considered primarily for children, since the indications for their use increase during the period of growth. There is no disease in childhood for which homeopathic calcium preparations are not useful.
If the quality of the skeleton is important for the selection of homeopathic Calcium preparations in adults, then in children Calcium preparations are prescribed only based on the fact of their growth and accumulation of mass. Every child experiences tension with calcium ions: it is necessary for the growing skeleton, for the formation of the immune and nervous systems, for all physiological processes without exception. Therefore, homeopathic Calcium preparations are indicated for most children.
The psyche of the most typical patient of the Calcium type is characterized by strength, balance, some stagnation, and epileptoidism; There are often signs of increased neuromuscular excitability in the form of obvious or latent convulsive readiness. As for the outer integument, the skin is always soft and elastic.
This type is considered "cold". He is not characterized by heat, but rather by subjective and objective cold. The coldest of the Calcium types is Calcium carbonicum. An almost obligatory sign is that the patient's relationship with chalk is unusual: children eat chalk or tooth powder. If this sign is not clearly expressed, then it may be another - the child likes the smell of whitewash. The relationship with milk, which is poorly tolerated, is unusual.
IN pediatric practice homeopathic calcium salts are used for a wide range of diseases. The name of the child's illness simply does not matter. There are not only diseases of bones and joints, but also glands, respiratory organs, blood circulation, inflammatory processes, tumors, metabolic disorders (not only calcium), diabetes, diseases of the nervous system, migraine, epilepsy. This list can be extended. All this will be true under several conditions, namely, if the specific case coincides with the modalities of homeopathic pathogenesis of Calcium salts.
Homeopathic Calcium preparations are prepared from calcium salts, of which there are several. The second half of the Calcium salt molecule determines in homeopathy the constitutional background against which the action of a homeopathic medicine is most effective.
The younger the child, the more suitable it is for him Calcium carbonicum. In adulthood he will have a picnic constitution. His phlegmatic type of nervous system, mental balance and even stagnation in the future will give a strong temperament. The muscular system is developing well. The skin is tender, white, elastic, but “wet”; soft tissues are prone to swelling. The teeth are small but even. Milk intolerance appears from early childhood, when the only food is milk. This is the contingent of children with exudative-catarrhal diathesis, in whom the typical localization of rashes is the scalp, cheeks, buttocks, and extensor surfaces of the limbs. There is a tendency to disease of the lymph nodes, proliferation of adenoid vegetations and enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsils. Sensitivity to cold is increased. Feet are very cold; the symptom is described as the sensation of wet stockings on the legs.
Calcium phosphoricum indicated for children and young men of asthenic constitution - taller and thinner. Bones, muscles and soft tissues are quite well developed. In more mature age it will be strong, resilient, beautiful and physically developed person with harmonious and expressive, but somewhat elongated proportions. Nervous excitability compared to type Calcium carbonicum elevated, but not hypersensitivity to cold due to the presence of Phosphorus, one of the “hottest” elements. But bone diseases are very likely, since not only calcium, but also phosphorus is related to bones. The teeth are tall, long and, as they say, “horse-shaped” (with age, a problem with periodontal disease will arise). If a child of the Calcium carbonicum type does not like milk and meat, but prefers eggs and chalk, then the child of the Calcium carbonicum type Calcium phosphoricum- meat eater.
Child type Calcium fluoricum least harmonious. Crooked teeth and jaw are sure to give him away. This child almost certainly suffers from diseases of the bones and joints with severe deformation. Diseases of the glands occur with compaction and a tendency to form tumors. The psyche is strong and stable, but aggressive tendencies such as Fluorine make themselves felt.
Calcium salt of sulfuric acid - Calcium sulfuricum. Indications for its use are purulent diseases. But another drug is more popular in homeopathy, Hepar sulfuris, which powerfully combines the capabilities of Sulfur and Calcium.
Patient type Hepar sulfuris energetic, like the Sulfur type, and stagnant, like the Calcium type. This combination psychological characteristics gives epileptoid temperament traits. This child is colder mentally (an adult of this type is said to be Nordic, who has manifestations of aggressiveness, coldness and persistence; among adults of this type there may even be cold-blooded killers, but we are not talking about adult patients now). The physique has athletic features, tall, muscles are well developed, eyes are light and often blue. The teeth are strong, even, tall, beautiful. Such a child has a very high sensitivity to pain.
The most typical pathology is a purulent disease of the tonsils with the characteristic that the body temperature rises very strongly, and pus is found in the tonsils even outside acute periods of the disease. These are the so-called follicular tonsillitis. Most of these patients remain without tonsils even after early childhood. It has long been noted that a patient without tonsils will regret this loss in the future (I almost call it castration). Hepar sulfuris is most often used for sore throats, rheumatism, allergic diseases, bronchial asthma.
To summarize everything that has been said about Calcium, we note that in its homeopathic form it strengthens any constitution and is indicated for all diseases.

In order to better understand the drugs, I advise you to refer to the articles on the Materia Medica page:
— “Homeopathic medicine Calcium carbonicum”,
— “Homeopathic medicine Calcium phosphoricum”,
— “Homeopathic medicine Calcium fluoricum”,
— “Homeopathic medicine Calcium sulfuricum”,
— “Homeopathic medicine Hepar sulfuris”,
— “Psychological portrait (type) of people who are helped by Calcarea carbonica (Calcarea carbonica)”

Another well-known remedy that treats various conditions homeopathy can offer – Calcium carbonicum. In other words, calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate), as it is called in modern science. The ancient name of the drug is Calcarea carbonicum, or oyster lime.

Calcium Carbonicum is known in homeopathy and beyond, because it is a very common inorganic compound. It is the main component of limestone, chalk, marble, found in eggshells and, of course, in the valves of oyster shells - they became the source from which the homeopathic remedy Calcium carbonicum is made. This is one of the most common drugs. What is his strength?

Properties of the drug Calcium carbonicum

The homeopathic medicine Calcium carbonicum is considered constitutional, that is, one that is suitable for patients of a certain build and character. These people are dense, stocky, with a large head and often a belly. They are characterized by lethargy, passivity, and often being overweight. They freeze easily, especially feeling the cold in the feet and legs, as well as the back. Some people have an unhealthy tendency to eat clay, lime, and chalk. Children are susceptible to obesity and manifestations of exudative diathesis.

Use of the drug Calcium carbonicum

Homeopathy recommends using Calcium carbonicum for many diseases. Among them:

Homeopaths do not refuse to cooperate with traditional medicine and can prescribe drugs in addition to those already prescribed by the allopathic doctor. Among the diagnoses that can be used complex treatment– uterine mima, prostate hypertrophy, thyroid nodules, diseases of bone and joint tissues and others. However, this is not the entire list; it is also recommended. It is no less effective during pregnancy, breastfeeding in women, and during the period of active growth in adolescents - that is, when the body’s need for calcium increases significantly.


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