Basal temperature after implantation retraction. How accurate is this sign? How does implantation retraction of basal temperature occur?

Many women planning a pregnancy can find out about their new position even before the test shows two lines. Implantation retraction will help with this basal temperature, which is clearly visible in the graph below in the article.

Temperature method

Measuring basal temperature is a common method that is used both to protect against unwanted pregnancy if a woman has permanent partner, and to determine the most auspicious days for conception during the cycle.

Ovulation can be determined by three days high temperatures(above 37 degrees Celsius) around the middle of the cycle. Before this, the temperature remains at approximately 36.2-36.7 degrees. If conception has taken place, then the temperature will not decrease further and will remain at 36.8-37 degrees or slightly higher until the date of the expected menstruation.

If pregnancy has not occurred in the current cycle, then a few days before the next menstruation the temperature will drop slightly. But each organism is individual. Some women, for example, confused retraction with a decrease in BT before menstruation. This is possible with late ovulation or if fertilization did not occur immediately after intimacy, but only on the next day or later.

So, implantation retraction is a short (one day) and insignificant (maybe only 0.2 degrees) decrease in basal temperature, which occurs approximately on the twentieth day menstrual cycle. This is an invisible, but quite sure sign of pregnancy.

Mechanism of occurrence

From a physiological point of view, implantation retraction is explained by a decrease in the production of the hormone progesterone. The increase in temperature is caused by high content biologically active substance in blood. When pregnancy occurs, progesterone is produced simultaneously with estrogen. Implantation retraction is explained by medical point view of the interaction of these two hormones in a woman’s body.

When does retraction occur?

Temperature reduction through certain time after conception is evidence of the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus; this is reflected on the graph as implantation retraction. On what day after sexual intercourse leading to conception does this usually occur?

It is important to know that this phenomenon is short-term (lasts no more than one day) and not all women can notice it. To distinguish implantation retraction from a simple temperature fluctuation for some other reason, you need to keep charts for several months.

Generally speaking, a woman can note changes on the chart six to seven days after sex. This is implantation retraction. On what day does the temperature drop? With a 28-day cycle, this can happen around day 18-21. And even then, provided that ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, and the sperm has fertilized the egg within several hours. Sometimes this process takes several days, but in total, sperm can remain viable in a woman’s genital tract for about a week.

Bloody issues

Implantation retraction is often accompanied by minor bleeding. Minor bloody issues appear when the embryo implants into the uterine cavity (this damages the superficial vessels). The bleeding lasts no more than two days, it is very scanty (usually one daily pad is enough). May be accompanied by minor pain in the lower abdomen.

Implantation bleeding occurs in approximately 20% of expectant mothers. Its absence or presence does not mean pathology. From a physiological point of view, minor bleeding during the implantation of a fertilized egg is quite possible and does not indicate pathology. You should consult a doctor if the bleeding is heavy, lasts more than two days, and is accompanied by intense pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting.

Determination accuracy

Implantation temperature drop seems to be a sure sign of pregnancy, but is it really so? Even if the graph clearly shows a picture of retraction, this does not necessarily mean that conception was successful, and the embryo has already entered the uterine cavity and continues to develop. A drop in temperature does not always indicate pregnancy.

For the method to work accurately, you need to measure BT for at least three months in a row. In addition, temperature may be affected by intake medicines, stress or insomnia, weather changes and the like. It will help to determine more accurately " interesting situation"pregnancy test after a missed period, and implantation retraction is just indirect sign.

No recess on the chart

Many women who regularly measure BT begin to panic when, on the day of their expected period, they see two stripes on the test, but there is no implantation drop in basal temperature on the graph. There's really no reason to worry. Firstly, implantation may not be accompanied by a decrease in basal temperature. Secondly, sometimes retraction is so invisible that a woman simply does not pay attention to it. Thirdly, the measurement results may be affected various factors, as a result of which the temperature will be slightly higher or lower than the actual one. Those who are very worried about this can only be advised to visit a gynecologist so that the doctor can confirm the onset of pregnancy.

Not many women have heard what implantation retraction is. But calculating such a moment on the basal temperature chart can be very helpful when planning a pregnancy. Planning pregnancy is a special period. When planning a pregnancy, it is imperative to keep a chart of basal temperature and monitor implantation retraction. This simple technique will allow you to determine the beginning of embryo implantation into the uterine wall.

The schedule will become faithful assistant to track ovulation, will help determine pregnancy when it occurs. The first “bell” that conception has occurred will be an implantation decrease (or drop) in basal temperature. Attentive women who keep a proper schedule will determine that they will become mothers even before a pregnancy test confirms this.

Basal body temperature is the lowest temperature reached by the body during rest. Usually, best time measurements - the morning after a night's sleep, while the woman is still in bed, without taking any physical activity. That is, she opened her eyes and immediately measured, without jumping up to go to the toilet or wash. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a thermometer in advance in the evening and place it nearby so that you can reach it without getting out of bed.

To correctly chart your basal temperature, you only need to use one single thermometer. This way the indicators will not be subject to error.

Basal temperature is measured rectally - by inserting the tip of the thermometer into the rectum. Optimal time The procedure takes 5-7 minutes. Then the readings are entered into a special table. Menstruation is not a reason to refuse measurements; they are carried out daily for several cycles.

If a woman is healthy, she has not been diagnosed, and everything is in order with her hormonal background, then in the first phase of the cycle (from the first day of menstruation until the moment of ovulation - approximately 12-14 days depending on the length of the cycle), the temperature does not rise above 37 degrees.

A sharp rise of 0.3 degrees or higher indicates that ovulation has occurred. A couple of days before menstruation, the temperature drops again. If you track ovulation in this way, you can accurately determine the “best day” to conceive.

Basal temperature at the stage of implantation retraction

If fertilization has occurred, basal temperature will tell you about it. The first changes in the schedule will begin to occur from the moment the egg leaves the follicle and begins to move along the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. This usually happens around the middle of the cycle. It is at this moment that the first fluctuations in basal temperature can be observed.

At conception, the basal temperature stops falling, remaining elevated. High BT lasts for about 4 months. But at the moment when the embryo implants into the wall of the uterus, the basal temperature decreases slightly for a short time.

The introduction of the embryo is called implantation. The fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus so that the embryo can receive the necessary nutrition from the endometrium before the formation of the placenta. From this moment, production begins, thanks to which it is possible to determine pregnancy in laboratory conditions or by rapid test method.

Basal temperature decreases at the time of implantation. This decrease is insignificant and lasts no more than a day. Therefore, in order not to miss this wonderful day, you need to track your BT daily. Then, if implantation is successful, the basal temperature returns to increased performance and remains at this level for several tens of weeks.

This graph shows implantation retraction. As you can see, the retraction occurred on the 7th day of the beginning of ovulation.

Implantation retraction is reliable indicator that implantation has occurred. However, there are two possible scenarios for the development of events:

  • favorable when pregnancy develops further;
  • unfavorable if, after implantation, for some reason the embryo did not continue to develop (frozen pregnancy, miscarriage).

Thus, retraction may be present without the pregnancy progressing.

On what day does implantation retraction occur?

It is impossible to accurately predict the day when implantation retraction occurs. Normally, this is the entire implantation period. Unfortunately, implantation does not have a clear schedule. Typically, a fertilized egg moves into the uterus within 3-5 days. On days 6-8 it is implanted into the endometrium. However, some women may ovulate earlier or later than mid cycle, and implantation retraction can thus deviate significantly from the approximate schedule and become late.

In most cases, implantation retraction occurs from the third to the tenth day of the ovulation phase (most often on the fifth or seventh). The average basal temperature during relapse is 36.8-37 degrees.

Additional signs of implantation

In addition to a jump in basal temperature, the following signs may indicate that the embryo is implanting in the uterus:

  1. Small It's a dull pain lower abdomen.
  2. Minor spotting (implantation bleeding).

Pain in the lower abdomen, similar to pain during menstruation, may indicate the beginning of implantation. But this doesn't happen to everyone. Many people do not feel the implantation happening at all. In addition to pain, there is often bleeding.

This should be mentioned separately. This sign of pregnancy often misleads women. Since the timing is close to the expected menstruation, pregnant women may just mistake the discharge for menstruation.

Where does blood come from?

During implantation there is minor damage endometrium and its capillaries. Blood, mixed with mucus, comes out. As a rule, the color is slightly different from the menstrual one. The blood has a brown or beige tint. Bleeding may continue for a couple of days and the discharge is very scanty. Already at this time it is able to show two stripes.

Many people are interested in whether implantation retraction occurs with ectopic pregnancy? As a rule, no. After all, the embryo does not implant into the endometrium, which means there is no drop in basal temperature.

Is an implantation drop in basal temperature always an indicator of pregnancy?

Only the most attentive women can accurately track the period of retraction. Therefore, you need to meticulously keep a chart as accurately as possible, in compliance with all the rules for measuring basal temperature. According to statistics, only a quarter of pregnant women noticed this short-term drop. Most expectant mothers either missed the moment of retraction or made an error in measurement.

Of course, every woman’s body is individual. Thus, we can conclude that implantation retraction is characteristic feature pregnancy only for those women who do not have regular menstrual irregularities. That's why count reliable sign Retraction is not allowed during pregnancy and more efficient and accurate diagnostic methods should be used ( hCG analysis 14 days after conception and ultrasound after 20 days).

The only way to truly confirm pregnancy is with an ultrasound. Tracking implantation retraction on a graph only indirectly indicates successful conception.

Every woman planning a pregnancy tries to look for signs of a new situation every month. One of the proofs that fertilization has occurred is the implantation drop in basal temperature. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article. You will learn about what implantation retraction is and how to determine it. Also get to know additional signs this phenomenon.

Implantation retraction - what is it?

What is this phenomenon? Implantation is the process of introducing ovum into the cavity of the reproductive organ. Before this, ovulation and sexual intercourse necessarily occur.

Implantation retraction indicates pregnancy. However, not every future mom can recognize him. It can only be detected by measuring body temperature in the rectum. Implantation retraction is a slight decrease in thermometer values ​​that is observed for one day.

Timing of implantation retraction

On what day does implantation retraction occur? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. It really all depends on the duration. female cycle, day of ovulation, time of sexual intercourse and the speed of movement of cells through the fallopian tubes.

Normally, implantation can occur from the third to the tenth day of the second phase of the cycle. However, more often this process occurs around the fifth day. In women with short cycle, lasting three weeks, implantation can occur on the 10-20th day. If your period is average and is four weeks, then the temperature will drop between the 17th and 27th days. When a representative of the fairer sex has long cycle, implantation of the fertilized egg occurs on the 23rd or 30th day after the start of bleeding.

How to determine the implantation relapse of basal temperature?

To see a decrease in the thermometer level, it is necessary to take measurements regularly. This should be done exclusively in the morning. Do not get out of bed before this and do not make sudden movements. It is advisable not to even turn on the light or open your eyes. In this case, the values ​​will be most accurate.

It must be remembered that many factors can influence the results obtained. These include the use alcoholic drinks the day before, stress, sexual intercourse and change in measurement time. To obtain obvious signs implantation on the chart, it is necessary to enter all the obtained values ​​​​during the cycle into a notepad. After this, transfer the data to the scale and build a graph.

Visual definition

Implantation retraction looks like on the graph in the following way. At the very beginning of the cycle, temperature values ​​are at 36.8 degrees. This is completely normal during menstrual bleeding. After this, under the influence of estrogen, the temperature decreases and becomes approximately 36.5 degrees. Next comes the day when you will see the lowest temperature. Within a few hours after this, the follicle will rupture and the egg will be released.

After ovulation, the temperature rises sharply to about 37 degrees. This is facilitated by the production of progesterone. It is this hormone that will support the progression of pregnancy over three cycles if it occurs. You will be able to see such values ​​on the thermometer within a few days. However, one morning you will notice a slight drop in level. The thermometer will show approximately 36.8 degrees. But the next day the usual high values ​​will return. In some cases, you may see numbers between 37 and 37.4. Visually, the implantation temperature drop looks like a tick.

How accurate is this sign?

Does a decrease in temperature in the rectum by several levels really indicate implantation? Is it possible to absolutely trust this sign and talk about pregnancy?

Certainly not. A decrease in temperature does not always lead to pregnancy. In some cases, implantation may occur, but after a few days the fertilized egg, for some reason, exfoliates and leaves the uterine cavity. In this case, there was implantation retraction, but pregnancy ultimately did not occur.

Also, signs of implantation on the graph can be seen for other reasons. This is often facilitated by early temperature measurement. Experienced women say that every hour subtracts 0.1 degrees from the actual values. So, if at 6 o’clock in the morning your thermometer should show 37 degrees, then at 4 o’clock you will get a value of 36.8. This must be remembered and always taken into account.

Additional symptoms of implantation retraction

What other signs are there that you will soon become a mother? In addition to a decrease in basal temperature, implantation can be indicated painful sensations or discharge.

So, at the moment of implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, the endometrium is damaged. Because of this, capillaries can rupture and small vessels. Blood is released and directed into the cervical canal. This is where the red droplets mix with the mucous secretions and come out of the vagina. During this period, a woman notices spotting beige or brownish discharge which last no more than three days.

Pain may be minor during implantation of the fertilized egg. reproductive organ. However, most women simply do not notice it. The sensations are more like minor nagging pains.


You now know what an implantation drop in basal temperature is, how it looks and is defined. Remember that to receive exact values It is worth using the same thermometer throughout the entire cycle. Visit a pharmacy and purchase a special thermometer for rectal use. If you have any new questions about implantation temperature drop, contact your gynecologist. Good health to you!

Measuring basal temperature is one of the effective methods detecting ovulation and possible pregnancy. However, to obtain reliable results you must strictly follow the rules of self-measurement rectal temperature. After ovulation, the egg meets the sperm, but the moment of conception will not be reflected in any way on the chart.

The temperature curve will change when, after fertilization, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. Implantation drop in basal temperature occurs in response to hormonal fluctuations V female body associated with the emergence of a new endocrine substance.

Taking a rectal measurement

The temperature in the rectum will help a woman track changes in the body that occur throughout the menstrual cycle. After ovulation, the curved line on the graph rises and remains at the same level until menstruation. When pregnancy occurs, the temperature does not decrease; in the absence of desired conception– falls to normal values(36.6°).

For the objectivity and accuracy of the results, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • measurements should be taken daily with one thermometer in the morning until the first time you get out of bed;
  • the measurement duration should not be less than 5 minutes;
  • to exclude incorrect results necessary procedure rectal measurement must be carried out for at least 3 months, excluding days of any illness.

A basal temperature test performed over 3 months will assess the regularity of ovulation and the viability of the luteal body in the 2nd phase of the cycle.

An experienced woman who has been using for a long time basal method for various purposes (contraception, determination of ovulation, preparation for conception), it is able to notice a drop in basal temperature at the time of implantation.

Changes in rectal temperature during implantation

Normally, the curved line after ovulation remains at the same level, not falling below 37°. This phenomenon is explained by the action of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary. From the moment of implantation attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, it begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin human (hCG). The appearance of this hormone affects the functioning of the luteal body, which affects the temperature curve of the basal temperature. There are 3 options for changes:

  • a one-time decrease in temperature by 0.2-0.3°;
  • an increase of 0.2-0.3° with a single measurement;
  • insignificant fluctuations of 0.1-0.2°.

A woman can pay attention to the first options, but minimal changes Basal temperature is impossible to confirm implantation with a high degree of certainty.

Normally, a fertilized egg reaches the uterus in 1 week, so you need to wait for a change in the temperature graph due to implantation 7-9 days after ovulation.

External factors affecting the schedule

A lot of factors can affect a woman’s body and fluctuations hormonal levels, reflected in the temperature graph. Therefore, you cannot always trust this method of determining pregnancy. The following reasons can affect the rise or fall of the line on the chart:

  • acute stressful situation or psycho-emotional reaction (conflict, unexpected event, sad news, passing an exam);
  • intimate intimacy several hours before measuring temperature;
  • lack of sleep;
  • a large amount of work, contributing to severe fatigue;
  • viral or bacterial infection, proceeding like a banal acute respiratory infection.

In addition, the following unpleasant conditions associated with women’s health may be reflected in the chart:

  • insufficiency of the luteal body;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • defective implantation with death of the embryo.

Basal temperature will allow you to suspect a problem, but will not give an exact answer as to why and for what reason the line on the graph fluctuates. After the next menstruation, a woman should consult a doctor for examination, because only with the help of a basal test it is impossible to identify the reasons for the lack of the desired conception.

Maintaining basal schedule Several cycles help to accurately identify the moment the cell enters the reproductive tract and control the rhythm of the ongoing processes. Implantation temperature drop is a signal about the attachment of the fertilized egg in the uterus.

When and how does implantation retraction occur?

Having decided to use this method to determine the day of ovulation, a woman begins to record the thermometer readings in her chart from the first day of the menstrual cycle.

During the first phase, while the cell is maturing, the graph line is almost flat. Approximately in the middle, there is a decrease of several tenths of a degree, which indicates that the day of cell release is approaching, then a jump up to 37.0-37.5°C indicates that the follicle has ruptured. Our cell has gone into fallopian tube, you need to hurry with the delivery of sperm.

When implantation retraction can be observed and on what day after ovulation it occurs depends on the length of the female cycle. Let's look at an example:

  • With a cycle of 28 days ( average rate) the period of ovulation and, accordingly, fertilization occurs on the 14th day. Temperature in this moment stays at 37.0-37.5°C.
  • At about day 19 the thermometer shows slight decrease by 0.1-0.3°C. It lasts for one day.
  • On day 20, the temperature returns to its original value.

Implantation temperature drop

This slight fluctuation shows on what day the implantation temperature drop occurs, which indicates the implantation of the embryo into the endometrial wall.


Such a barely noticeable movement of the graph is not 100% confirmation of pregnancy. For greater reliability, you need to measure your basal temperature for several months in order to understand the normal “jumps” for your body. Since the slightest impact on the body in the form of stress, climate change, or taking medications can cause an error in the graph.

In addition to the fact that we see temperature implantation retraction, signs of implantation of the fertilized egg can also appear in bloody cervical discharge. They are a brownish smear or a drop of blood. The inclusions are usually difficult to distinguish. Therefore, such a manifestation often occurs unnoticed by a woman.

If you want to use a graph to track implantation retraction, by how many degrees the temperature in the rectum decreases at this time, you should remember: fluctuations occur by tenths, on the order of 0.1-0.3°C. Therefore, it is often recommended to choose electronic thermometer, which will show the temperature more accurately.

What explains implantation retraction?

Some experts believe that this fluctuation is explained by the balance and interaction of hormones. In the first phase, estrogen works, maintaining 36.4-36.8°C on the thermometer, which reaches its highest value the day before ovulation, thereby reducing the readings by 0.2-0.4°C. Next comes the leap. This provokes progesterone, which begins to produce corpus luteum after ovulation has occurred. At the moment the embryo is implanted into the uterus, it slightly decreases, and estrogen increases slightly, which is recorded by these tenths of a degree. But within a day everything returns to normal and the placenta and fetus begin to develop.

Here is a useful video that talks about at what point the implantation temperature drop occurs. You can watch it from the very beginning to understand in detail what the basal temperature graph shows:

Having understood the concept of implantation retraction, on what day of the menstrual cycle it is observed and how it is explained, it is worth noting that it is impossible to feel its manifestation. It occurs in the first days of pregnancy, when the embryo has just settled into place. further development. Connected this phenomenon with a change in a woman’s hormonal background, which prepares and rebuilds the body for pregnancy.

And the first signs of the development of a new life are determined:

  • slight malaise;
  • fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • breast enlargement and tenderness;
  • delay of menstruation.

Implantation depression of basal temperature is a little studied fact. Sometimes, noting her indicators on the graph, a woman does not even notice what happened. Therefore, he does not give a 100% guarantee of confirming the fact of pregnancy. This difference may be caused by some kind of malfunction that occurred under the influence of stress, physical strain, or due to medication. But constantly watching the rhythms and noting for yourself possible reasons failures and changes, it is quite possible to determine the moment of attachment to the uterus of the embryo.



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