Basal 37.1. Rationale for the basal body temperature method

If a woman monitors her basal temperature, she can find out how well her body is functioning. reproductive system. Over time, she will learn to determine the time of ovulation and menstruation, and will be able to suspect pregnancy and inflammation.

At first glance, the method seems inconvenient and suspicious. However, a woman, as a rule, gets used to it very quickly every morning. After conducting research for several months and seeing that the method works, she begins to trust it.

So, let's figure out how it works. The menstrual cycle is divided into two periods, separated by ovulation. Before it, the level of estrogen is high, ensuring the growth of the follicle. These hormones lower basal temperature.

After ovulation, the corpus luteum secretes progesterone. This hormone increases the temperature. When its level decreases, menstruation begins. Therefore, in the first phase the temperature is low, and in the second - high. The difference between their averages should be more than 0.4 degrees.

In the second phase, the basal temperature is usually 37 and above, and in the first it stays below this level. However, other indicators do not always indicate pathology, but may be a variant of the norm.

Basal temperature 37 and above should last for two weeks. The length of this period may vary by two days. If it is less than 10 days and the temperature level is below normal, then failure is possible. In such a situation, pregnancy becomes problematic.

In this case, the level of progesterone is checked and gestagens are prescribed, mainly Duphaston. If pregnancy occurs due to its background, then its use should be continued until 20 weeks to avoid miscarriage.

A basal temperature of 37.2 degrees is usually the highest in the second phase. Too high values ​​may indicate inflammation of the appendages. Although there are cases when it rose to 38, and this was a variant of the norm. It is also important to take into account the general body temperature, which increases with influenza and other diseases.

Basal or slightly lower levels last for several days before menstruation, usually 3. This is due to a decrease in progesterone levels.

A one-day decrease in temperature is possible 7-10 days after ovulation. This phenomenon is called At this moment, the embryo penetrates the endometrium. The decrease in temperature is explained by the fact that there is a jump in estrogen levels, and on the other hand, during this period the production of progesterone is already decreasing.

A basal temperature of 37.4, absence of menstruation and a duration of more than 18 days of the second phase may indicate pregnancy. It should remain at this level for the first 4 months. Then the measurement becomes uninformative.

The temperature may be lower, but should exceed 37. If its values ​​are lower, then a threat of miscarriage may be suspected due to a lack of progesterone. In this case, an analysis is performed to determine its level. If concerns are confirmed, gestagens are prescribed.

If the basal temperature drops before menstruation and rises during it, this may be evidence of inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Normally, during menstruation, the temperature should gradually decrease to the minimum values ​​of the first phase.

If the basal temperature is 37 with slight fluctuations throughout the entire cycle, this may mean that increased amount prolactin. It blocks the release of LH and FSH and ovulation does not occur. Pregnancy in such a cycle is impossible.

If the temperature remains high before and during unusual periods, and then drops sharply after them, then there may have been an early miscarriage. However, only a gynecologist can decipher the data obtained.

So, a basal temperature of 37 degrees and above should be in the second phase and during menstruation and before ovulation, such values ​​are pathological.

Realizing what exists in it new life, the woman strives to find out as much as possible about her situation. This is especially important for those who are worried about any reason. Basal temperature at early stages pregnancy will help monitor the process daily, identify danger signs, to future mommy could get help in a timely manner if necessary.

Read in this article

Why measure BT

Basal temperature is another indicator gynecological health. Due to the natural difference in its values ​​at each stage of the cycle, women plan pregnancy. Daily measurements and charting make it possible to find out the day of ovulation. Before menstruation, the BT value reaches 36.7-36.9 degrees. By the time the egg matures, it increases to 37-37.1. If conception does not occur, after ovulation its values ​​decrease again. If there was no ovulation at all, then the temperature will be approximately the same throughout the entire cycle.

Basal temperature 37 is a sign of pregnancy, which appears, perhaps, earlier than others. Delayed menstruation, morning sickness and other symptoms will appear later. In the meantime, maintaining BT at this level for 2 weeks will let the woman know that she is now responsible for another life, and it’s time to start providing suitable conditions for its development. And although this is not an indisputable sign of pregnancy, it may be a reason to conduct a test, leaving problems that interfere with it. bad habits, establishing a normal regime.

Normal basal temperature after conception

A fertilized egg needs special conditions for attaching to the wall. The body creates them with the help of the hormone progesterone, which begins to be produced in increased quantities compared to the previous one. With its help, the uterus prepares to accept ovum, then allow the membranes and placenta to develop. For this reason, basal temperature during early pregnancy also increases, but up to certain limits.

Typically its value ranges from different women from 37 to 37.3 degrees. Keeping within this framework means that the process proceeds without unpleasant surprises, as it should. What basal temperature in early pregnancy may depend on the characteristics of a particular organism. Normally, it is capable of deviating from average values, reaching 38 degrees. But to make sure that this is not evidence of any danger, it is better to see a specialist.

Daily fluctuations in BT

Measurement of bt in early pregnancy should be carried out at the same hours in the morning. You can trust such indicators, since the body has rested, and no external factors have not yet been able to influence him. Characteristic of wakefulness exercise stress, eating, emotions, even wearing clothes inevitably change its meaning. Usually, the basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy rises above 37.3 degrees during the day, but this does not hide any threat. At this time, its values ​​can change every hour under the influence of the already mentioned factors.

By the end of the day, the body “digests” everything accumulated during the day, but is already preparing for rest. However, taking measurements at this time of day is also pointless. The indicator will still be high, and understand why this is caused natural causes or health problems is impossible. In the early stages of pregnancy, basal temperature in the evening is usually about 1 degree higher than normal. Informative dimension at this time it will be if the woman slept for at least 5 hours during the day. But it is unlikely that anyone will follow such a strange regime for all 12 weeks of the initial stage.

When and how to measure BT

Bt during early pregnancy is measured in the morning before waking up, when biological activity the body is minimal. The thermometer is placed 2 cm into the vagina or rectum and held for 3-5 minutes. During this time, the device will sense and display the real temperature values.

Each measurement should repeat the previous one. That is, you cannot insert a thermometer into the vagina today, and tomorrow into anal hole. And the manipulations must be carried out at the same time; you can only be late and rush for an hour. The thermometer should always be the same as before.

Basal temperature is important in early pregnancy to measure accurately. This is real if:

  • Do the procedure only in horizontal position without turning on your side or getting up. Sitting down in bed, a woman increases the flow of blood to the pelvis. In this case, the thermometer will show high values ​​that do not correspond to reality;
  • Take measurements after at least 5 hours of sleep, this is the only way the readings will be correct;
  • Do not have sex for the entire period of BT control. Sexual activity stimulates its increase. Or at least make sure that the break between the measurement and the act is at least half a day;
  • Do not take medications. Most of them will distort the picture, and the indicator may turn out to be significantly higher or lower normal values. But basal temperature is controlled in the early stages of pregnancy due to a possible threat to the condition. In this case, there may be no danger, but the number on the thermometer will show that there is;
  • Have breakfast after measuring. Food also affects the value of the indicator;
  • Do not be sick. Even a slight runny nose can change the BT value.

Why do you need a schedule?

A BT chart during early pregnancy is necessary if a woman seriously decides to monitor this indicator. As the fetus develops in the mother's body, various kinds changes, mainly related to hormones. It is not surprising that basal temperature is also unstable in the early stages of pregnancy, the graph will prove this. Usually it looks like this:

  • On the day of fertilization of the egg, the value balances between 36.4 and 36.7 degrees;
  • Over the next 3-4 days it rises by 0.1 degrees daily and reaches 37;
  • For another 2-3 days, the basal temperature remains the same;
  • On the day of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa, it decreases to 36.5-36.6 degrees;
  • Over the next 2-3 days, the indicator values ​​gradually rise, reaching 36.8-37 degrees;
  • For about 2 weeks, the numbers on the thermometer can fluctuate from 36.7 to 37.1. But the values ​​should not be lower than those observed on the day of ovulation.

Basal temperature chart during pregnancy early stages should include not only the numbers of the indicator and the days of the cycle, but also the accompanying circumstances. BT values ​​can be affected by illness, medication, and stress. The attending physician should know about each of them in order to have full picture development of pregnancy.

When basal temperature deviates from normal

It is worth saying that increasing the basal temperature and maintaining it at certain values ​​is not at all absolute sign pregnancy. Sometimes it can mean something completely different. But if a woman, using a test, is convinced that conception has occurred, she does not always have to control this indicator. Usually the doctor insists on measuring BBT if there have been problems with pregnancy in the past, in order to catch them on early stage. This way there are more opportunities to neutralize negative factors.

Why is your basal temperature too high?

An excessive increase in basal temperature occurs due to the inflammatory process occurring in the body. In most cases it is associated with reproductive sphere, but not always.

Another reason for too high BT may be ectopic pregnancy. The fertilized egg, despite its abnormal localization, develops, which means that progesterone is produced in the usual amount for pregnancy. At the same time, there is an inflammatory process in the body that can increase both body temperature and BBT.

A woman needs to listen to the sensations in the lower abdomen and monitor the discharge. If brown instead of clear, an ultrasound should be done. fallopian tubes and abdominal cavity.

Possible threat of interruption

A decrease in basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy occurs when there is a threat of termination. The main reason This in most cases is caused by a lack of progesterone. The hormone ensures the creation of conditions for the development of the fertilized egg: loosening the upper layer of the inner lining of the uterus, securing the embryo in it.

Thanks to it, the basal temperature also increases in the early stages of pregnancy; 37 is its average value for the first 2 weeks after conception. A lower indicator is a reason to take measures to prevent rejection of the fertilized egg, which may begin soon. If, in addition, a woman feels pain in the abdomen or notices blood-stained discharge, she needs help immediately.

Frozen pregnancy

Low basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy can also be a sign of fetal fading. This means that the embryo has stopped developing. For what reason this happens, one can only speculate. But you need to be aware of this situation, since the fetus does not always come out on its own. It is necessary to remove it, and the sooner, the safer it is for the woman. In the short term this is done using vacuum method, and having recovered, after a while you can plan a pregnancy again.

Stopping the development of the embryo is accompanied not only by a decrease in BT, but also by other symptoms, the main one of which is the disappearance of other signs of its existence. The woman's mammary glands also stop enlarging. In this case, the level of progesterone also drops, because the corpus luteum no longer needs to produce it.

Does low BT occur during normal pregnancy?

The normal basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy is quite arbitrary. It is not at all necessary that the body will demonstrate its meanings as if from a textbook. His individual characteristics may turn out to be such that, with normal developing pregnancy the indicator will not reach the average throughout the 12 weeks when it makes sense to measure it. And a low BBT during early pregnancy will not prevent you from carrying and giving birth to a healthy child.

The indicator must be monitored and values ​​compared over time. If at other times its values ​​also do not coincide with the norm, you should not take this as a threat to pregnancy. For example, if BT during ovulation is less than 36.4, the indicator in the first 2 weeks may not reach the milestone 37 degrees.

Measuring basal temperature is useful for the first 3 months, when its values ​​are informative. Further they have no decisive significance. But even in the first trimester you should not overestimate them. Basal temperature only becomes significant in the context of other signs. Therefore, if there are any discrepancies with the average numbers, you should not worry, but it is better to go to an antenatal clinic to make sure that everything is in order.

Good afternoon, Ksenia!
An increase in basal temperature in a woman’s body is due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman. Progesterone is main hormone pregnant women. Progesterone releases heat, which leads to an increase in basal temperature; in addition, it may also increase normal temperature body, but this kind of increase will be insignificant.
Considering the fact that your delay has been going on for two weeks, this kind of delay can be considered long-term; as a rule, if the delay lasts less than 5 days, then in most cases the reason for such a delay is a restructuring of the menstrual cycle; the cause of a delay in menstruation can also be stress , fasting or sudden loss weight, physical stress, taking certain medications, inflammatory or infectious diseases.
As for the pregnancy test, it can show two stripes 10-14 days after sexual intercourse, everything largely depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, as well as on the sensitivity of the test itself. The hCG blood test is considered the most accurate; you can donate blood completely free of charge. antenatal clinic. Typically the level hCG hormone increases in the blood when a fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine wall. Pregnancy can be diagnosed using this test as early as 6-8 days after sexual intercourse.
There is enough a large number of signs of pregnancy, but the first priority is still considered a delay in menstruation. Due to an increase in progesterone and prolactin in the blood of a pregnant woman, a woman may experience some pain in the mammary glands, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, pain in the nipples, nausea, weakness, decreased performance, drowsiness, pink discharge, all this can be considered the first signs of pregnancy.
In addition to a blood test for hCG, you can do an ultrasound of the uterus, depending on the research method and the quality of the equipment, you can determine the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus as early as 3-4 weeks of pregnancy.
Basal temperature does not rise just like that; readings of 37.2 and 37.3 may indicate that pregnancy has occurred; it is quite possible that for some reason the test does not respond to an increase in the level of the hCG hormone in the urine. Try to see a gynecologist as soon as possible, experienced doctor can determine the fact of pregnancy during a routine examination, but if in doubt, he will definitely send you for a blood test for hCG or an ultrasound.
You can sign up for an ultrasound yourself, when conducting a trans study vaginal method It is possible to detect a fertilized egg at 2.5-3 weeks of pregnancy, when conducting a study through abdominal wall at 4 weeks of pregnancy. Considering the fact of the delay and you can also try to do the test again, according to all the rules, it is most effective to do the test in the morning, before eating and taking medications, if you are taking any medications. You should measure your basal temperature in the morning, before you even get out of bed, otherwise the readings may change. An increase in basal temperature increases the risk that you are pregnant.

Best regards, Veronica.

Women who monitor the level of basal temperature know that its indicators reflect internal processes, such as ovulation and pregnancy. What is he talking about? low temperature throughout the cycle or during ovulation and how it affects the ability to get pregnant.

How does the temperature change throughout the cycle?

A woman can become pregnant only when she is ready for fertilization. This period is called ovulation. Accordingly, to understand whether there is a chance of getting pregnant, you need to calculate the moment of ovulation. It’s not at all difficult to do this with help.

All monthly cycle women are divided into three main stages, each of which corresponds to a certain temperature:

If you look at the curve graph, then in the middle of the cycle you will clearly see a temperature jump that lasts 1-3 days. These are the few days that are favorable for conceiving a child.

When the temperature rises to 37 or higher, the chance of getting pregnant is greatly reduced. Since at this moment the egg dies, and pregnancy can occur only in the next cycle.

Attention! A woman can become pregnant at a time when the BT level in the middle of the cycle has not yet reached 37 degrees.

But you should understand that basal temperature is a very individual indicator, and for each woman it can differ significantly from the norm. Therefore, when analyzing a chart, you need to look not so much at the indicators as at their ratio. The temperature difference between the first and second phases should be 0.4-0.5 degrees, that is, during ovulation BT should be higher than during menstruation .

What does a temperature below 37 mean?

In fact, the hormone progesterone is responsible for increasing basal temperature. His high concentration in the blood during ovulation leads to a jump in BT. Accordingly, if a woman’s temperature does not rise to this level, most likely the problem lies in disrupted hormonal levels.

There are several other explanations for this phenomenon:

  1. Lack of ovulation . Once or twice a year, every woman may experience an anovulatory cycle. That is, the egg does not mature, which means she cannot become pregnant this month. In this case, the BT schedule will be almost uniform, without jumps, and menstrual flow very scarce. If this happens constantly, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  2. Implant window . If pregnancy occurs 5-6 years after ovulation, BT decreases as a result of the implantation egg attaching to the uterine wall. This reduction lasts no longer than 36 hours. If pregnancy does not take place, the temperature will remain at around 37 and gradually decrease.
  3. In a small number of women The temperature during ovulation, contrary to the norm, may decrease.

Also, you need to understand that in the first phase of the cycle and immediately before the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature does not exceed 37 degrees.

What happens if pregnancy occurs at a low basal temperature?

If for successful conception it is necessary that the temperature be below 37 degrees, then for further development It is imperative for the embryo that its level be slightly higher. In almost all pregnant women, in the first weeks after conception it remains at 37.

During ovulation, the basal temperature should be 37.1-37.3, a deviation from the norm of 0.8 degrees up or down is already alarm signal. Low temperature indicates phase failure corpus luteum, which is responsible for the production of progesterone.

The corpus luteum is a temporary gland, thanks to which the embryo receives everything in the first weeks of pregnancy. necessary substances to maintain life.

Accordingly, even if pregnancy occurs at a low temperature, the fetus will not be able to survive.

Reasons for low BT after ovulation:

  • Implant window.
  • Estrogen and progesterone deficiency.
  • The temperature was measured incorrectly.
  • Alcohol, stress, jet lag.
  • Individual norm.

The following signs may indicate a lack of progesterone in the blood:

  • There is no decrease in BT before menstruation.
  • The second phase is too short, less than 10 days.

If the basal temperature has decreased after ovulation, you need to, firstly, eliminate errors when measuring BT, and then carefully study the graph. If there are deviations from the norm, you must first pass all the tests. If the results are within acceptable limits, then this basal temperature refers to individual characteristics body.


The method of measuring basal temperature is based on calculation exact date ovulation, during which occurs sharp increase temperature. However, in order to get pregnant, a woman needs to rely not on the temperature itself, but on its dynamics throughout the entire cycle.

In most cases, you can get pregnant at a temperature of 36.2-36.9. But immediately after this, BT must necessarily increase.

You need to understand that the basal temperature can be different for each woman, which means that this method of pregnancy planning is considered not very reliable. It is not necessary to judge the onset of ovulation or pregnancy; for reliability, additional ultrasound monitoring is necessary.

It’s definitely not worth making any decisions on your own based only on the basal temperature chart. Only a doctor can interpret the results of the graph.

Basal temperature (BT) is body temperature measured in the rectum. BT fluctuations are quite healthy woman caused by reaction female body on the amount of progesterone.

Basal temperature can be measured to determine when ovulation has occurred. That is, women can use this indicator to find out which day is more favorable for conceiving a baby. TO this method calculations auspicious days As a rule, women who have been unable to conceive a baby for more than 1 year come running.

The same indicator will help determine the days most suitable for unprotected sex. And that is not all. BBT is often measured by doctors to diagnose early pregnancy.

Knowing your basal temperature is necessary in order to promptly identify and begin to treat any hormonal disorders in organism. Exactly this indicator will help check the correct release of hormones by the ovaries depending on a particular cycle. In addition, BT will help to detect it in the uterus in time inflammatory processes. So, the following is often calculated serious disease like endometritis.

From all this we can conclude that every representative of the fair sex must know what basal temperature means and how it can be measured.

BT measurements

Temperature is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In order for the indicators to be accurate, it is necessary to strictly follow certain rules.

Experts advise measuring your temperature at the same time. It is better to do this early in the morning, without getting out of bed (around 7 am). Beforehand, a woman must have good sleep(at least 6 hours). The measurement time should not differ by more than half an hour. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.

The thermometer should be inserted into the anus. You can pull it out only after 5-7 minutes. This time is quite enough to obtain accurate results.

You can start collecting data on absolutely any day. However, experts advise starting this process from the very beginning of the cycle.

For these purposes, it is better to use a regular medical thermometer. Electronic thermometer for measuring BT - not the best option. To avoid inaccuracies, the same device should be used each time.

You should look at the indicator on the device immediately after it is pulled out of the anus.

All data must be entered into a special chart.

Maintaining a schedule

The schedule must be created in such a way that it clearly distinguishes the 2 phases. The first phase involves the first half of the cycle. It lasts about 14 days. During this period, BT, as a rule, does not exceed 36.3-36.8 °C. After this comes the second phase, which is characterized by sudden jump temperature (basal temperature - 37 °C and above). This jump is easily explained. During this period, the egg leaves the ovary, that is, the beginning of ovulation is observed. Then BT is 37 °C for some time (until the start of menstruation) and decreases again. If in the second phase there is a vague and unclear increase in temperature or it is not observed at all, then you should seek help from a specialist. This indicates that there are some problems with ovulation.

Ideally, the difference between the average BT of the first and second phases should be about 0.4-0.5 °C (not less than this indicator).

Various factors can make adjustments. That is why they must be included in the schedule. It's about about factors such as taking any medicines, inadequate sleep (less than 5 hours), the presence of a disease or sexual intercourse immediately before measuring BT.

If you are planning a trip to hot countries in the near future, then you can leave your schedule at home. It is not suitable, for example, for calculating the time when you can make love without protection. The whole point is that menstrual cycle will definitely respond to climate change. Ultimately, the metrics will be inaccurate.

Definition of pregnancy

Pregnancy is determined by many women using basal temperature. As mentioned above, approximately 5-7 days before the start of menstruation, the above indicator begins to decrease. This is due to the fact that progesterone is responsible for the increase in temperature. If pregnancy does not occur during ovulation, then the level of this hormone decreases, which entails a decrease in basal temperature. If pregnancy occurs, then progesterone remains at high level. From this we can conclude that BT also remains at a high level.

A basal temperature of 37 °C is observed during fertilization of the egg before the delay occurs. This is why you need to keep a schedule. Women who take it will definitely notice that about 7 days before the start of menstruation, that instead of decreasing, the temperature continues to remain at around 37 -37.1 ° C.

Many people consider BT to be the first sign of pregnancy (even before the delay occurs). However, there is no need to be happy or upset in advance. It's better to buy a test and double-check everything. After all, this indicator can be influenced by a number of factors.

Ideal time to conceive

It was already said above that with the help of BT you can quite simply determine at what point you should try to conceive a child or, conversely, refrain from not safe sex to avoid getting pregnant. To do this, you just need to know what basal temperature indicates a particular period of time.

Very important rule- days for safe sex or conception should be calculated only if the basal temperature was measured over 3-4 cycles. Only in this case the results obtained can be considered quite realistic.

You should count back 4 days from the start of ovulation. This period is considered the viability time of sperm. Next, from the moment the egg is released, you need to count 2 days ahead. This determines the period of viability of the egg.

Deciphering this data is quite simple. So, for example, if in 3-4 cycles the earliest release of an egg occurred on the 14th day of the cycle, then you need to subtract 4 from 14. The result is 10. Next in the graph you need to look at when the earliest occurred late exit eggs. So, for example, if it happened on 20, then by given number should add 2. The result will be 22. Accordingly, perfect time for pregnancy this is the period from 10 to 22 days of the cycle. All other days can be conditionally called safe. They are suitable for unprotected sex. The risk of conceiving a child these days is minimal.

Experts warn that only those women who have a stable menstrual cycle can use the BBT indicator to calculate the time for safe sex. If a woman often experiences a delay in menstruation, then this method of calculation safe days It's better to refuse.

Pathological manifestations

Quite often, BT is influenced by some factors. They can cause deviations of stable indicators from the norm. So, for example, if a woman has endometritis, then she will experience a slight increase and increase to 37-37.1 ° C during menstruation. In this case, you must make an appointment with a specialist. Endometritis is considered a rather serious ailment, which, when untimely treatment can lead to severe complications. With this disease, a fertilized egg according to all the rules will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus. If left untreated, endometritis can lead to infertility.

If during the follicular phase a woman has a fairly high BT, then one can suspect. In the first phase of the cycle, estrogen dominates in the fair sex. It is under the influence of this hormone that the basal temperature before ovulation is kept at 36.2-36.5 °C. If the temperature is elevated during this period, this indicates a lack of estrogen. The same complication will be discussed if a woman has a basal temperature of 37 °C or higher in the second phase of the cycle. Lack of estrogen indicates incorrect operation ovaries. With a small amount of this hormone, the egg does not mature. This results in sperm having nothing to fertilize. That is, we can safely conclude that the woman is infertile (at least in this cycle). That is why this deviation must be treated, especially if a woman dreams of conceiving a baby.

Women are often diagnosed with a disease such as adnexitis. Its presence can also be determined by constantly measuring BT. Adnexitis should be suspected if within a few days this indicator rises to 37-37.1 °C and decreases again. In addition, in the second phase of the cycle, BT remains at a higher level compared to the previous chart. If these signs are detected, then you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Sometimes representatives of the weaker part of the population experience estrogen-progesterone deficiency. Many women are interested in the following question: what basal temperature may indicate this deviation? The answer is quite simple - with estrogen-progesterone deficiency, there is a low temperature in the first phase of the cycle and a slight rise in the second phase (by no more than 0.2-0.3 °C).

If in the second phase there is one or more retractions (at this time the temperature drops below 37 °C), then this phenomenon most likely indicates that the egg has died. At the moment of death of the egg, a sharp drop in temperature is observed. This is what is reflected in the graph Fertilization in this case, alas, is impossible.

Sometimes it happens, which is characterized by the absence of formation of the corpus luteum. It is the formation of the corpus luteum that causes an increase in BT. In this cycle, the chart does not have an ovulation line. It shows a monotonic curve with only small temperature fluctuations (36.5-36.9 °C). Experts say that several such cycles per year can occur in every representative of the beautiful part of the population. In principle, this phenomenon does not pose any danger to a woman’s health. If such periods occur too often, it is better to make an appointment with your doctor.

The need for specialist consultation

Judging whether a woman is healthy or not based only on BT indicators is the wrong decision. Tell what basal temperature is not normal, determine the presence of any ailment and put final diagnosis maybe only qualified specialist. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.



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