What does pink discharge mean in a girl? Pink discharge before period

Pale pink discharge that appears in women at different phases of the menstrual cycle can be a symptom of trauma to the vaginal and cervical mucosa, endometrial pathology, and infectious processes.


This is an inflammatory process in the cervix, caused by various pathogenic bacteria and viruses. It can be the result of both a chronic infection and a recently acquired one.

Often, cervicitis occurs on the mucous membrane where ectopia (erosion) of the cervix is ​​located. Therefore, many gynecologists recommend getting rid of ectopia in order to avoid frequent inflammation of the cervix.

A doctor can see cervicitis during a gynecological examination; the cervical mucosa is inflamed. The number of leukocytes in the smear is increased. And if a culture is done and a smear is taken for sexually transmitted infections, it is possible to determine the exact causative agent of the disease and the treatment tactics.

The most common causes of pale pink discharge are: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, vaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, bacterial vaginosis. Let's briefly talk about each of these infections. All of them, except bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis, are sexually transmitted.

Chlamydia. The incubation period is up to 3 weeks. Symptoms in both men and women are erased. But pale pink discharge may appear after menstruation if infection has occurred. Treatment is carried out with the help of antibiotics, and if the infection has already become chronic, more than one drug may be prescribed, and the treatment itself may be long-term. It is important for both partners to be treated, otherwise there will be a re-infection, and in this case the disease can occur with complications. These include inflammation of the appendages, and as a result, infertility.

Mycoplasmosis. Infection with it can occur not only through sexual contact, but also in utero. It is he who is the culprit of urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), pyelonephritis, bacterial vaginosis in women and prostatitis in men. In case of severe symptoms, antibacterial therapy is carried out.

Trichomoniasis. This disease can be transmitted not only sexually, but also through household contact, since Trichomonas, the causative agents of the disease, remain viable for up to several hours in a humid environment. So, you can become infected with them, for example, by using someone else’s towel. The incubation period is up to 4 weeks. Then women experience profuse yellow vaginal discharge, which may have an unpleasant odor and foam. This may also be pale pink discharge in women before menstruation, especially after sexual intercourse, which is painful for women with trichomoniasis. The disease is detected in a routine gynecological smear. Treated with Metronidazole.

Ureaplasmosis. Just like mycoplasmosis, this infection can be transmitted to a girl during childbirth. And in the future, it can cause urethritis, urolithiasis, and provoke pale pink discharge during early pregnancy, which is often perceived as a threat of miscarriage. By the way, the risk of miscarriage and premature birth in women with ureaplasmosis is higher than in those who are not infected. Treated with antibiotics if there are symptoms of the disease (for example, urethritis). But carriage of ureaplasmosis cannot be treated.

Bacterial vaginosis. This is vaginal dysbiosis. It happens when there is less beneficial microflora, new infectious pathogens appear, against which there is no immunity yet. The main symptom of bacterial vaginosis is a foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Treatment is similar to that prescribed for trichomoniasis.

Endometriosis is the proliferation of hormone-dependent cells that normally line the inner surface of the uterus beyond its boundaries. It is for this reason that women experience intermenstrual, pink and brown discharge. Often endometriosis affects the cervix, and it begins to bleed. The doctor most often makes the diagnosis immediately after a gynecological examination of the cervix.

The causes of cervical endometriosis are abortions, diagnostic curettage, and “cauterization” of erosion performed before the onset of menstruation (endometrial cells can enter the wound after the procedure).

It is impossible to completely get rid of endometriosis. But its symptoms become invisible with menopause. Therefore, to improve well-being and stop the spread of endometrial cells, hormonal medications are taken. Oral contraceptives (birth control pills) are also very effective. When taken regularly, intermenstrual bleeding disappears.

Adnexitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, unilateral or bilateral. It is caused by various microorganisms, often gonococci and chlamydia, but there may be others. They can get there through the blood or through the ascending path - from the vagina. This can happen after medical intervention in the uterus, installation of an intrauterine device.

During an acute process, women feel weak, unusual discharges appear from the vagina, including those mixed with blood, body temperature rises, and they suffer from pain in the uterus and ovaries. If treatment is not started, inflammation may spread to the peritoneum, and then peritonitis will begin. Adnexitis is also fraught with the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes, which leads to infertility and ectopic pregnancy.

The diagnosis is made based on the patient's complaints. Antibacterial therapy and, if necessary, painkillers are prescribed. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Indomethacin rectally, are often recommended.

Ovulation and pregnancy

Ovulation, the period of “birth” of an egg from a follicle, is sometimes a quite noticeable process for a woman. Based on this, for many decades, women have been building contraceptive schemes and calculating the most successful period for sexual intercourse, which should lead to conception. During ovulation, a short-term decrease in some sex hormones occurs, which entails a very slight endometrial detachment. Well, a woman can notice it in the form of pinkish discharge on about 12-16 days of the cycle.

Ovulation is determined in different ways. Of course, this can be done most accurately with an ultrasound if you regularly undergo folliculometry. Or do ovulation tests (sold at the pharmacy), 2 times a day, following the instructions.

At home, a method for measuring basal temperature is used. Every day, without getting out of bed after a night's sleep, a woman measures the temperature in the rectum and writes down all the data obtained. Immediately before ovulation, there is a slight decrease in temperature, and after ovulation it rises by 0.4-0.5 degrees.

In addition, during ovulation, a woman may experience a slight tingling pain, usually on one side, in the area of ​​the ovary where the follicle ruptured. In this case, the discharge becomes abundant and mucous. A woman's sex drive increases.

If you have pale pink vaginal discharge instead of your period, but this phenomenon is not typical for you, you need to take a pregnancy test, if possible. The fact is that this kind of discharge in the early stages of conception may indicate a threat of miscarriage, and sometimes is a sign of a frozen or ectopic pregnancy. Normally, there should be no bleeding during pregnancy.
The causes of spotting can be infections, which we wrote about earlier, and cervical pathologies. But all this is perfectly diagnosed. The main thing is to get to the doctor.

Normally, mucus streaked with blood appears in the expectant mother shortly before labor and is a sign of its imminent onset.

Sexual intercourse

For this reason, spotting can occur in both pregnant and non-pregnant women. And if there were no rough actions on the part of the partner, then the culprit is infections and (or) insufficient hydration of the vagina. In turn, the reasons for this low hydration are:

  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • fatigue, stress, lack of foreplay;
  • lack of estrogen, occurs during menopause and (or) after removal of the ovaries.

Infections can be cured, foreplay can be lengthened, lubricant can be used, perhaps, different positions during sexual intercourse can be tried - and your intimate life will shine with new colors.

Bleeding, and this is how pink discharge can be characterized, is a signal from the body about some kind of trouble. Listen to him.

Ovulation discharge or pink discharge from a woman’s genital tract is not normally a pathological process. They appear approximately two weeks before the start of menstruation. This is a physiological phenomenon that means that ovulation has occurred, that is, a mature egg has left the ovarian follicle and is ready for fertilization. Ovulation discharge may not necessarily be pink; small amounts of bloody, transparent, brown, white, and mucous discharge are also acceptable.

Cause of pink discharge

During the period of egg maturation, the hormonal background of a woman’s body changes. When a mature egg is released from the ovarian follicle, it enters the uterus for fertilization. At this time, an increased release of the hormone estrogen into the blood begins. This is necessary for the uterus to accept the fertilized egg. At this stage, changes occur in the endometrium. It becomes “loose”, blood circulation increases, the vessels become permeable and erythrocytes (red blood cells) penetrate through the walls of the vessels into the uterine cavity, and then into the vagina they mix with the mucous discharge and a specific discharge is formed. Depending on how many red blood cells have penetrated the vessel wall, the color of the discharge depends, which can vary from light pink to red and dark brown.

Pink discharge may also be associated with hormonal birth control medications.. When using an intrauterine device. These methods of contraception are hormonal; a certain dose of hormone is constantly released into the blood. . Under the influence of hormones, the endometrium changes its properties and begins to bleed. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that during the use of hormonal contraceptives, pink discharge is normal and may appear instead of menstrual bleeding, as well as after it. If discharge occurs constantly at different times, this may indicate that this method of contraception is not suitable for a woman. In this case, there is no need to postpone your visit to the doctor.

After conception, in the first month, scanty pink discharge may appear instead of menstruation. This suggests that the woman’s body has not yet completely adjusted to carrying a pregnancy. The prepared uterus received the fertilized egg. Therefore, spotting in the second or fourth week of pregnancy instead of menstruation is normal.

An examination of a pregnant woman by a gynecologist can provoke a discharge of this nature. During pregnancy, pink discharge may also be observed for three months. This is due to the fact that the reproductive system is intensively washed with blood during this period.

In addition, pink discharge often appears before childbirth. This is due to the fact that there was a mucus plug in the cervix. It protected the fetus from infection entering the uterine cavity. With the onset of labor, the mucus plug comes off, causing discharge.

Possible diseases with the manifestation of this symptom

The symptom of pink discharge is not always harmless. It can be quite difficult to distinguish the border of pathology from the norm. In what cases should you sound the alarm about this?

  • Endometriosis() is the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity, in the vagina, ovaries, and rectum. Pathological tissues function like healthy ones. At a certain point in the menstrual cycle, they are rejected by the body, then grow again, causing pink discharge. If the discharge turns dark brown and there is an odor, it is a concern for a long time after menstruation has passed. Sexual intercourse is painful. These may be symptoms of endometriosis.
  • Cervical hyperplasia() is a functional change in the cells lining the vaginal part of the cervix and a violation of the surface of the mucous membrane. Pink discharge with this disease can mainly appear after sexual intercourse. Erosion can occur for a long time unnoticed and asymptomatic. Women of all ages are susceptible. The provoking factors are microtraumas.
  • Threat of spontaneous abortion. If the pink discharge intensified, it became brown and its volume increased. It is possible that placental abruption and leakage of amniotic fluid occurred due to premature rupture of the amniotic sac.
  • Ectopic pregnancy– this is the implantation (attachment) of the fertilized egg in a pathological place, for example, in the fallopian tube. The implantation site is abundantly supplied with blood, i.e. all processes proceed as during the normal development of pregnancy. Symptoms of this pathology begin with minor, scanty pink discharge and pain. Then, over time, the fertilized egg develops and the pink discharge turns into extremely life-threatening bleeding.
  • Infectious inflammatory diseases of the genital area. A group of diseases that is accompanied by discharge from the genital tract of a different nature, including in the form of pink discharge.

Pink discharge is double in nature. In one case they can be safe, but in another case they can be a symptom of extremely dangerous pathological conditions. Only a doctor can diagnose these conditions. Since some of the listed diseases can be eliminated only by surgery, while others require special therapy carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

The female reproductive system is a complex complex of organs that not only ensures the birth of children, but also plays a vital role in the female body. Whether all the organs of a woman’s genitourinary system cope with their functions ultimately determines her well-being, mood, and in some cases, her overall health.

The most common diseases affecting the female reproductive organs include, but are not limited to, cervical ectopia, endometriosis and uterine fibroids.

Reasons for the development of cervical ectopia

Cervical ectopia (the term “ectopia” has long replaced the outdated term “erosion”) can have different origins. This ectopia of the cervical epithelium, cervical pseudo-erosion, cervical erosion, endocervicosis. In the practice of a gynecologist, there are ectopias that are traumatic in nature, but much more often specialists have to deal with ectopias of infectious origin. Most often, the cause of the development of cervical ectopia is viral infections (mainly human papillomavirus, HPV), and less often - bacteria.

Treatment of ectopia

The main difficulty in treating diseases of this group is timely diagnosis: unfortunately, despite the abundance of information about the importance of regular visits to the gynecologist, many patients still skip annual preventive examinations, seeking medical help only in the later stages of the disease.

Prevalence of cervical ectopia

The problem of cervical ectopia is extremely common: one or another disease from this group is found in every second woman who goes to the gynecologist with complaints of discomfort, pain during sexual intercourse, bloody discharge during sexual intercourse (the so-called contact discharge). The latter already indicates that the process is neglected. If the cause of ectopia is an infectious process, then the woman is worried about the discharge.

What tests need to be taken?

If cervical ectopia is suspected, a PCR test is performed to detect the human papillomavirus, as well as bacterial culture to detect staphylococcus, streptococcus, e. coli and other bacteria that can cause inflammation of the cervix - endocervicitis. Patients are also checked for the presence of cytomegalovirus infection and herpes virus. All these tests can be performed in the Zdorovye network of clinics, as well as transvaginal ultrasound. It is advisable for patients with ectopia to undergo extended colposcopy with various tests to exclude malignant changes in the cervix.

Consequences of HPV

When HPV of high oncogenic risk is detected, patients are necessarily prescribed treatment to prevent the development of cancer. However, cervical cancer is not the only problem associated with ectopia: patients often complain of decreased fertility and libido (sex drive), so cervical diseases must be treated regardless of the presence or absence of a risk of developing cancer due to ectopia. If necessary, doctors at clinics in the Zdorovye network perform cauterization of ectopia using electrocoagulation and pharmaceuticals.

Endometriosis: symptoms

Another extremely common gynecological problem is endometriosis, a condition clinically manifested by chronic nagging pain in the lower abdomen. The pain may be constant. Endometriosis is also characterized by the presence of brown spotting discharge before and after menstruation. Menstrual bleeding itself becomes heavy and painful due to endometriosis.

Causes of endometriosis development

Endometriosis is a consequence of varicose veins of the small pelvis, poor circulation in the pelvis. This is why endometriosis is often detected in professional athletes, young and practically healthy women: intense physical activity can provoke circulatory problems, which, in turn, lead to endometriosis.

Diagnosis of endometriosis at the Zdorovye clinic

To diagnose endometriosis, the Zdorovye network of clinics performs an ultrasound examination, in which the doctor usually detects an enlarged uterus with characteristic growths.

How to prevent endometriosis?

You can prevent the development of endometriosis by limiting physical activity and avoiding activities that require excessive effort. Such prevention is especially important for women whose relatives suffer from endometriosis: it has been proven that predisposition to this disease is inherited.

To treat endometriosis, the Zdorovye clinic network uses drugs that relax the uterus. If endometriosis develops against the background of inflammation, we also treat the cause of the inflammation, and in the later stages of endometriosis we use hormonal drugs. However, it is better to organize treatment in such a way that there is no need to prescribe hormonal drugs.

Consequences of untreated endometriosis

Untreated endometriosis can cause infertility or uterine fibroids. The latter is a fairly common complication of the nodular form of endometriosis, but can also develop as an independent disease.

Uterine fibroids: symptoms

In general, uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that arises in the muscular layer of the uterus, the myometrium. Characteristic manifestations of fibroids are pain in the lower abdomen, intermenstrual bleeding, heavy and prolonged periods and pain during bowel movements.

When should you visit a doctor?

Uterine fibroids often develop in young girls, including those who have not given birth and are not sexually active, as well as in adult women aged 25 years or more. Since it is impossible to predict the appearance of fibroids, all women, starting from the moment their periods appear, should regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo all necessary examinations, including ultrasound.

Treatment of uterine fibroids

If a fibroid is detected, we begin to monitor it. Signs of active tumor growth are an indication for the prescription of medications, including drugs that cause a reversible condition similar to menopause. Since the growth of fibroids depends on female sex hormones, it stops during artificial menopause.

Consequences of an advanced disease

In advanced cases, the myomatous node can become necrotic and cause septic conditions, a fatal condition. But even in the absence of such serious complications, fibroids can significantly worsen the quality of life, for example, causing infertility.

How to avoid female diseases?

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases should become an integral part of the life of a modern woman who takes care of herself and values ​​her health. That is why you should not put off visiting a gynecologist, even if there is no reason to worry.

The occurrence of pink discharge before menstruation can be associated with various factors. Sometimes they indicate the occurrence of natural processes in the body, but may indicate gynecological diseases and hormonal imbalances. It is important to take into account the time of appearance, duration, volume, shade and consistency of vaginal secretion.

Bloody and pink discharge before menstruation

Such vaginal secretion is allowed several days before monthly bleeding, as well as in the middle of the cycle. If pale pink discharge before menstruation has a uniform consistency, is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations and smoothly transitions into regular menstruation, then there is no reason to worry.

A woman can also observe another shade of pink. The fact is that such vaginal secretion is a combination of lubricant, mucus and blood. If clear secretion predominates, you will notice a lighter shade of mucus. Conversely, if there is more blood, the secretion will have a rich red tint. A similar phenomenon can also occur after monthly menstrual bleeding.

Another reason for pink discharge a week before your period or 10 days is the onset of ovulation. The uterine mucosa begins to prepare the conditions for the attachment of the fertilized egg. This change in the body is accompanied by the production of large amounts of estrogen. It is a sharp jump in the hormone that provokes a slight appearance of blood in the vaginal secretion.

Find out if they are considered normal by following the link.


A woman may notice both a copious amount of secretion and spotting. In any case, it is worth visiting a gynecologist and undergoing an examination, because the following health problems cannot be ruled out:

  1. Inflammation of the cervical canal: unpleasant odor, presence of pus, sometimes foamy consistency, pain in the lower abdomen and pain during sex.
  2. Endometriosis: increased symptoms of PMS, aching pain, the color of vaginal secretion from dark pink to almost black. It is important that the discharge appears shortly before menstruation.
  3. Neoplasms in the reproductive system. First, a large amount of transparent secretion is noted, which over time acquires a bright shade of pink.

Red discharge

Here it is necessary to pay attention to the shade and nature of the red discharge before menstruation and the period of its occurrence:

Scarlet discharge

Indication of a small amount (only a few drops may appear on laundry) is not hazardous to health. They are provoked by sexual intercourse, hormonal contraceptives, and also indicate a favorable time for conception. But if the pad gets wet quickly and the discharge is bright pink, then bleeding is possible.


Implantation bleeding (6-12 days after fertilization), use of an intrauterine device (non-cyclical in the first few months), hormonal imbalance.


Often indicate inflammatory processes, infection in the organs of the reproductive system. They can occur at any time and are sometimes accompanied by abdominal or lower back pain and odor.

Discharge before menstruation as a consequence of pregnancy

The described symptom is not observed in all girls, therefore it is not a reliable guarantee of successful conception. In order not to torment yourself with guesses once again, you should pay attention to your women's calendar.

You can assume conception if unprotected sex coincides with ovulation or occurs shortly before it. The period depends on the length of the cycle, but the duration of ovulation is the same for everyone - from 12 to 48 hours. But this rule applies only to those women who have a stable menstrual cycle. In another situation, the release of the egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube may be displaced.

Pink vaginal secretion before your period during pregnancy is completely different from menstrual bleeding. A woman may notice the following secretion:

  • yellowish-pink;
  • creamy soft pink;
  • dirty pink;
  • slight bloody.

But it is observed two days before menstruation or earlier and lasts several hours or days.

You also need to calculate the time. For example, a cycle is 28 days and ovulation should occur two weeks after your last period. Add another 6-12 days, and it turns out that the appearance of discharge with blood 2 days before menstruation may indicate fertilization of the egg and successful consolidation of the fertilized egg. By the way, this happens earlier with an unstable cycle, so pinkish discharge 4 days before menstruation may also indicate early pregnancy.

Pink discharge a week before your period

When there are only a few days left before the expected menstruation, a woman is not too worried about mucous secretion with a small amount of blood, because in most cases it is a harbinger of monthly bleeding. But what to do if the symptom appeared long before the expected menstruation?

During this time period, such secretion may have the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • climate change;
  • strong feelings, stress;
  • the presence of gynecological pathologies;
  • recent surgeries and treatments.

If you notice prolonged pink discharge earlier than 5 days before your period, and you have not had unprotected sexual intercourse, then you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination, because such vaginal secretion is not considered normal. However, there is no need to worry ahead of time, since non-systemic disruptions in the cycle caused, for example, by emotional outbursts and weight loss, are not dangerous.

Double ovulation

Doctors do not rule out the maturation of two eggs at once in one month. At the same time, the woman notes:

  • pale pink discharge (end of cycle);
  • secretion is abundant and even watery;
  • bloated belly;
  • problems with stool;
  • basal temperature is increased;
  • taste intensifies;
  • increased libido;
  • may pull in the lower abdomen.

Pink discharge instead of period

If, instead of menstruation, scanty pale pink or slightly bloody discharge is observed, then this is a reason to consult a doctor, because this is not always a sign of pregnancy, but also a signal of disorders in the organs of the reproductive system.

Cycle disruption

Often, light pink or unusual discharge is observed at the end of the cycle under the following circumstances:

  • cycle duration is more than 35 and less than 21 days;
  • the duration of menstruation constantly changes by 5 days or more;
  • there were already no monthly bleedings in a certain month;
  • menstruation is very scanty and ends in two days;
  • menstrual bleeding lasts more than a week;
  • unstable adolescence.

It is very stupid to let everything take its course, expecting discharge next month. The sooner the patient contacts her gynecologist, the faster the problem can be solved, avoiding serious health problems.

Medicines and contraceptives

The appearance of a symptom is often a consequence of the use of:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • hormonal patches;
  • intrauterine device;
  • drugs with hormones.

Pregnancy is allowed during the first three months after starting to use one of the above remedies. But it is better to discuss this sign with your doctor. It is possible that the drug or contraceptive is simply not suitable and needs to be changed.


Acceptable in early pregnancy, but they should not be abundant or accompanied by pain. If their number increases, blood clots appear, and unpleasant sensations occur in the pelvis and abdomen, then the following cannot be ruled out:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • pathology of the cervix;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • spontaneous abortion.

The doctor will prescribe an ultrasound to determine the exact cause of the current situation and choose treatment.

Thyroid problems and infections

If your test is negative and hormonal medications are not used, then you should look for other causes of pinkish vaginal secretion. In most cases, the problem lies in the following violations:

  1. Problems with the thyroid gland directly affect the hormonal levels of the female body. A malfunction occurs, against the background of which there is the presence of red secretion or light pink marks on the pad instead of menstruation. Drugs that will compensate for the lack of hormones T4, TSH, T3, and TPO will help restore the cycle.
  2. The entry of a harmful agent (infection) into the reproductive system causes an inflammatory process. As a result, the woman notices quite a lot on her panty liner, which appears pink due to the presence of blood. Additional symptoms include itching, burning, weakness, abdominal pain and an unpleasant odor of vaginal secretion.
  3. In the chronic form, thrush (candida) spreads, penetrating the upper layer of the reproductive system, causing inflammation and malfunction of the reproductive organs. The loose surface of the mucous membrane is damaged, which is why blood may be present in the white cheesy discharge.

The best solution is to undergo a comprehensive examination, because it is important to find out why pinkish vaginal secretion has replaced menstrual bleeding.

Pink discharge when menstruation is late

A cycle shift may be due to poor nutrition, strict dieting, lack of vitamins and taking hormonal medications. In this case, the delay will be no more than two or three days.

And also do not forget to track the amount of secretion and its duration. Pink discharge on the first day of the delay does not always indicate pregnancy, but if you have any doubts, you can take a blood test for hCG or buy a special sensitive test labeled 10 mIU/ml if only a week has passed since unprotected intercourse.

When such secretion has been going on for 7 days, and there is still no period, you should not put off visiting the doctor. After all, secretion with blood can take a long time, and it is wrong to hope that it will end on its own.

Pregnancy excluded: test negative

Hypomenorrhea may be the cause of pinkish secretion when delayed. With this disease, menstrual bleeding is very scanty (less than 50 ml), and over time, oligomenorrhea (reduction in the length of the menstrual cycle) or amenorrhea (complete absence of monthly bleeding) may occur. The girl urgently needs to see a doctor and start treatment. It is possible that specialists, during diagnosis and based on test results, will find other factors that provoked the cycle shift.

In addition, the release of ichor or anemic secretion may be associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, sudden weight loss and stressful situations.

Problems of the reproductive system require increased attention from a woman, so use information from the forums only for informational purposes and in case of any ailments or suspicions, consult a doctor. Problems with pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, cycle disorders and diseases of the reproductive system are easier to eliminate at the very beginning, avoiding advanced cases.

Discharge can be observed in every healthy girl or woman. It is thanks to the secretions that the vaginal mucosa is cleared of dead cells, bacteria and mucus. It's normal if your discharge:

  • Transparent or whitish, creamy or slightly yellowish in color
  • Thin (watery) or slightly stretchy (mucus-like)
  • No smell
  • The discharge is not abundant: no more than a teaspoon per day

What discharge is not normal?

Your discharge is abnormal and a symptom of illness if:

  • Discharge that is yellow, green, brown, or other color
  • The discharge is very thick, foam-like or cottage cheese-like
  • The discharge has an unpleasant odor (sour, rotten, rotten fish odor, onion odor, or something else)
  • Heavy discharge: more than one teaspoon per day
  • Any discharge, if against its background you have itching, redness in the genital area, a feeling of dryness and discomfort in the vagina, abdominal pain, increased body temperature, pain and burning during urination and

Why does abnormal discharge appear?

The main cause of abnormal vaginal discharge is inflammation. Inflammation of the vagina or uterus occurs as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as when the composition of the vaginal microflora is disrupted (). Unusual discharge may be caused by non-compliance.

Is it possible to determine its cause by the color of the discharge?

Unfortunately no. Gynecologists know more than 100 causes of vaginal discharge, and many of these causes present with the same symptoms. That is why, based only on the appearance of the discharge, even the most experienced gynecologist will not be able to make a diagnosis.

How to determine the cause of discharge?

Only with the help of a smear on the flora. - This is a smear from the vaginal mucosa, which is stained and examined under a microscope. Under a microscope, most bacteria and fungi that cause discharge become visible.

I have a lot of clear or mucous discharge, what is it and what should I do?

In some situations, completely normal clear or mucous discharge becomes excessively abundant (more than a teaspoon per day). This is normal discharge if:

  • Discharge appeared as a result of sexual arousal
  • Discharge appeared a few minutes or hours after sex
  • The discharge appeared in the middle of the menstrual cycle and lasted no more than 3-5 days

Contact your gynecologist if:

  • Heavy discharge appears at the beginning or end of the menstrual cycle and lasts more than 3 days
  • You are over 40-45 years old and you have a lot of watery or mucous discharge
  • In addition to clear discharge, you experience the following symptoms: they appear regardless of the menstrual cycle and after sexual intercourse, periods last longer than usual, you have back pain, weight loss. The symptoms listed above may occur with.

I have white discharge (leucorrhoea), what is it and what should I do?

White discharge may be normal or indicate inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Normal white discharge appears in small amounts shortly before your period and a few days after your period.

If yellow discharge appears, you should contact a gynecologist. The gynecologist will take a smear on the flora and determine the cause of the discharge. Each of the diseases that cause yellow discharge is treated differently. Until you find out what is causing the yellow discharge, treatment will not be effective.

I have green discharge, what is it and what should I do?

Green discharge is always a sign of infection. Healthy women do not have green discharge.

Green vaginal discharge occurs with sexually transmitted diseases: and some others. Such discharge appears soon after unprotected sex and is accompanied by itching, pain when urinating, dryness and discomfort in the vagina.

If you are not sexually active, then green discharge may indicate.

If green discharge appears, you need to see a gynecologist as soon as possible. The gynecologist will take a smear of the flora and, based on the results of the smear, will recommend treatment.

I have pink discharge, what is it and what should I do?

The pink color of the discharge is given by tiny droplets of blood. Pink discharge may be normal if:

  • Appear (appear) a few days before the start of menstruation
  • You are taking it and pink discharge appears in the middle of your menstrual cycle
  • Pink discharge appeared after rough sex
  • Soon after the appearance of this discharge you found out that you were pregnant

Pink discharge that appears frequently or every time after sex can be a symptom or even.

If soon after the appearance of pink discharge you have an unplanned menstruation, then most likely this is a menstrual cycle failure.

If the pink discharge has an unpleasant odor, you experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen and your body temperature is elevated, then you may have endometritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus).

Pink discharge can be a symptom of more serious diseases: such as ovarian rupture,. With these diseases, pink discharge is often accompanied by very severe abdominal pain.

If pink discharge does not fit the description of normal discharge, then you need to see a gynecologist. The gynecologist will examine the cervix, take a smear on the flora and, possibly, prescribe. All these tests will help determine the cause of pink discharge and prescribe treatment.

I have brown or black discharge: what is it and what should I do?

Dark colored discharge (brown or black) is bloody - that is, it contains blood. This issue is addressed on our website.



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