I have a disability permit but all seats are occupied. Disabled parking - how do I get a parking permit? Difficulties in using the "Disabled" sticker




Disabled parking - how to apply parking permit?

Car parking, especially in big cities, has evolved into a real problem, there is a large number of paid parking lots. In February 2016, a Government Decree appeared, according to which the parking rules for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 were radically changed. From the article you can learn about how to get a parking permit for the disabled, the features and nuances of the procedure.

As it was before

Until recently, the use of a parking lot for the disabled was not clearly enshrined in legislation, the text of the decree did not mention the need to have a certificate of disability, there was no information that the right to install the “Disabled” sign does not apply to cars transporting healthy citizens. The sign could be installed on any vehicle in which disabled people are systematically or periodically transported.
At the same time, anyone who stopped at the intended parking space, the traffic police inspector had the right to punish, regardless of the presence or absence of a certificate of disability. Although, according to the law, such a certificate was not included in the list of documents that the driver must present to the inspector. Penalty for illegal parking was only 200 rubles.

New rules

In 2019, who is allowed to park in the handicapped parking lot? Today, the driver of a vehicle with the identification mark "Disabled" is required to carry and present to the traffic police officer a certificate of disability. If the vehicle is driven by several drivers, and not all of them are disabled, a quick-release identification plate must be installed on the vehicle. In accordance with the SDA, benefits for paid parking for the disabled apply only to disabled people of groups 1 and 2, as well as to any group during transportation. Thus, a driver without health restrictions also has the right to purchase and install a “Disabled” sign, but he no longer has the right to stop in parking lots for the disabled. Upon presentation of a certificate of disability, not necessarily issued in the name of the driver, a fine is not issued.

Parking spaces, norms

What GOST for road sign disabled parking? Parking spaces are marked with special markings and an identification sign "Disabled", which schematically depicts a person in a wheelchair.
Within megacities, double marking is provided, in which case markings for 3 ordinary cars are applied to two disabled people allocated for vehicles.
The following requirements for parking spaces currently exist:

  • 10% of the total area - car parks located close to public places;
  • 20% of the total area - parking lots near hospitals, hospitals, clinics and other special institutions that patients with disorders of the musculoskeletal system can visit.

The exit to the sidewalk (if available) is equipped with a special ramp, convenient for exiting onto the road or parking. The width of the curb should start from 90 cm, the curb should be painted yellow and installed in the corner of the parking lot.
What size parking space for the disabled according to GOST? The width of the parking space for the disabled is 3.5 m, which is one meter more than the space for a conventional vehicle. This is due to the need to fully open the door when the driver or passenger exits, such dimensions avoid creating inconvenience. When allocating two or more parking spaces for the disabled, they should be located side by side, which will increase the free space between vehicles by 2 times.

Issuance of a permit

How to apply for a parking permit for a disabled person in Moscow? Even privileged categories of citizens are required to obtain a parking permit, the document is available for registration in any city within 10 days, regardless of registration. Its duration is one year, you can get it on the city services portal or at the MFC, the document is issued for vehicles owned by a person with handicapped or the guardian of a disabled child.
What documents are required to apply for a disabled parking permit? When processing documents, in addition to the application, it is necessary to present the passports of the disabled person and his legal representative. If the application is submitted by a representative of a disabled child who is not his parent, a document confirming his authority should be provided. It is also necessary to provide a certificate of disability / an extract from the examination certificate. The consideration will be suspended if there is no information about the disabled person in the Department of Social Protection.

Responsibility for violation of the rules

How much is the fine for parking in a disabled spot in 2019? A few years ago, the amount of the fine was only 200 rubles, as a result, drivers abandoned cars anywhere. Despite the increase in the amount of the penalty, car owners continue to violate the rules, in connection with this, the issue of tougher penalties is being considered, up to the deprivation of a driver's license and the initiation of court proceedings.
Today, the following penalties are legally fixed:

  • 5 thousand rubles - for an individual;
  • 10 - 30 thousand rubles. - for an individual;
  • 30-50 thousand rubles - for an official.

In addition to the fine, the transportation of the vehicle to the penalty area is also provided, the car can be returned only after the full repayment of the fine.


IN last years parking penalties wrong place are constantly tightening, today a driver can pay a tidy sum for a number of violations in this area. Moreover, it is almost impossible to challenge such a fine, and, as you know, there are no extenuating circumstances on the road.

The law is especially harsh for those who try to take a disabled parking space for no reason. The requirements of the traffic police in this are so strict here that such parking can cost a pretty penny even for a disabled person if he forgets about the formalities.

Handicapped parking ticket

Very often you can hear the following phrase from drivers: why was I fined, because I only stopped for 2 minutes? However, in this case, the law is harsh and is interpreted unambiguously, as soon as the car entered the parking lot, the violation was committed and it is almost impossible to challenge it.

In accordance with article 12.19. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation since 2011, a driver for illegal parking in a place for the disabled is punished with a fine of in the amount of 5000 rubles.

Interestingly, these violations are very fond of traffic police inspectors.

  • First, there are a lot of offenders.
  • Secondly, such violations are very easy to prove in court.

Therefore, "bread" places for a long time without the attention of traffic police do not remain.

Despite the severity of punishment, the number of violations here remains quite large. But it is steadily declining, according to the traffic police officers, there are practically no relapses among drivers here, so the price for this offense is high, not only for an ordinary driver, but also for a representative of the middle class.

Why do we need packages for the disabled?

Anyone with a disability can stop at regular parking. However, if the clinic, for example, does not have a free place, park a block further and walk to the place on foot, for the disabled, serious problem, and therefore humanely make sure that socially significant objects always have free places.

Other important reason appearance a large number special places for cars of people with disabilities - this is the law "ABOUT social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation" prescribing the organization of special parking lots in all car parks, municipal car parks, areas near supermarkets and private paid car parks. In total, 10% of the parking space should be allocated for these purposes.

Violation of this law, according to article 5.43. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, entails a fine, which For legal entities is 50,000 rubles. Of course, it is much cheaper to install a penny sign than to give a tidy sum after each check.

Disabled parking signs

By current rules Disabled parking is marked with three signs.

  • Parking lots (No. 6.4)
  • Disabled sign (No. 8.17)
  • Auxiliary sign indicating the parking area.

As an auxiliary sign, it is not uncommon to use special markings in the parking lot 1.24.3, which is a rectangle 1.6 by 0.8 meters in size with the “disabled person” symbol inside.

Places for the disabled near supermarkets

And so, according to the law, every tenth parking space near parking lots is about shopping centers and supermarkets should be reserved for the disabled, but are they located in the area under the jurisdiction of the traffic police, and will a fine be issued if you stand in this place.

Here the answer is unequivocal, if the driver is caught in this violation, a protocol for an administrative offense is immediately drawn up, and a fine will have to be paid. By law, everything, and not just that, traffic violations in any parking areas are the area of ​​responsibility of the traffic police. Supermarket workers or security personnel themselves cannot act as root authority. They can only politely ask to move to another place, or report violations to the traffic police.

Who is disabled parking for?

Special parking lots are intended for disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups, with the appropriate certificate and a sign on the windshield of the car. In this case, even if the driver has a sign, they can check the documents.

However, the law takes into account the fact that not all disabled people are able to move independently. Many use specially adapted cars for this, ordinary taxis, cars of relatives and friends, or transfer control of their transport to others.

In this case, cars can be installed "Disabled" and stop at a special parking lot. However, only if he this moment transports a person with a disability. In other cases, the permit is not valid and the car must be steamed under general conditions.

Violation of this rule or illegal installation of a “disabled person” sign on a car is punishable in accordance with Articles 12.4 and 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation a fine of 5000 rubles.

There are situations when there is a disabled person in the car, but there is no corresponding sign on the car. For example, a neighbor asked to be taken to a supermarket or urgently needed to take a person to a doctor. It is not considered a violation. The traffic police officer must personally issue a fine, making sure that the driver or his passenger does not have a certificate for disabled people of the 1st or 2nd group. Only in this case, according to the law, the violation will be recorded.

Many people think that there are too many places for the disabled and nothing will happen if they take one of them. However, we must not forget that the new infrastructure for people with disabilities was created so that they could live full life ordinary person, as much as possible. But not for ordinary drivers to put themselves in the shoes of disabled people.

Starting from 2012, car parking in the center of Moscow is paid service. But there are some categories of citizens who have the right to do it for free. These include the disabled. What are the parking rules in Moscow for the disabled - find out in more detail.

Parking spaces for the disabled

After the introduction in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation", their owners must allocate a certain number of free parking spaces. They are intended for owners of vehicles who have. In addition, they can be used by drivers transporting persons with disabilities. The parking rules in Moscow for the disabled state that the owners of parking lots, including those located near trade enterprises, medical, sports and other institutions, must allocate at least 10% of parking spaces for vehicles of citizens with disabilities. At the same time, they can use these places for free.

How are these places labeled?

As a rule, parking lots for the disabled have a clearly visible marking 1.24.3, which differs from the marking 1.1 used to indicate parking spaces. In addition, a sign (sign of additional information) informs that this parking space is intended for the disabled.

What you need to get a free parking space

The rules in the center of Moscow state that citizens with disabilities have the right to use free parking in allocated places. These include disabled people I, II groups. The basis for this is an officially issued permit. At the same time, you can use the parking space around the clock. But the same parking rules in Moscow for the disabled say that, taking a place that is not intended for citizens of this category, that is, that does not have special markings, he must pay for it on common grounds.

When parking in a place intended for parking vehicles belonging to disabled people, the driver must have documents confirming this fact. This can be either standard help or an identity. A special sign pasted on glass is not proof of disability. On the other hand, its presence or absence is left to the discretion of the owner of the car. By law, the presence of this sign on the vehicle is optional.

Who else can use free parking

There is another category of citizens who can take advantage of such benefits as parking for the disabled in Moscow. The rules allow the use of these places by those who transport persons belonging to this group. It does not matter whether this is done by a specialized, equipped for the transportation of persons with disabilities, or a simple car. Drivers who are not disabled but regularly transport disabled children or accompany disabled children may affix a sign to their vehicle and occupy a designated parking space. Vehicle belonging to citizens with disabilities. This is possible only for the period of transportation of a disabled person who has supporting documents with him. In all other cases, the parking rules in Moscow for the disabled consider the presence of a sign on a car illegal.

Who issues a parking permit

According to Appendix No. 4 of the Decree of the Moscow Government, since 2013 a special register has been maintained, which takes into account parking permits for citizens with disabilities. Its formation is carried out by GKU "AMPP". The registry contains the following information:

  • Full name of the disabled person;
  • his contact details or the contact details of his representative;
  • information about the place of residence;
  • vehicle details (make, registration number);
  • the term and date of establishment of disability;
  • indication of the preferential category;
  • the validity period and registration number of the parking permit.

Which vehicle can be licensed

The parking rules for the disabled in paid parking also stipulate the requirements for a car for which a permit can be issued. To do this, it must meet several conditions.

  1. The vehicle is owned by a citizen with a disability.
  2. The car belongs to a person who is the legal representative of a disabled child.
  3. The car was given to a disabled person medical indications bodies of social protection.
  4. The vehicle is the property of the person transporting the disabled person, unless a fee is charged.

Registration procedure

To apply for a permit, a citizen with a disability group, or his representative, must contact the multifunctional center, where an appropriate application is drawn up and submitted. Within ten days, it and copies of the attached documents will be considered and a decision will be made.

In addition, it is possible to apply for in electronic format. To do this, you need to go to the Moscow website of public services. If you are not registered on it, then register or log in. Then in the "transport" tab, select the "issue a parking permit" item. Then upload scanned copies required documents and send a request. The result will also be known in ten days.

Required documents

The following documents must be attached to the application for a parking permit.

  1. Passport of a person with a disability.
  2. Passport of his legal representative.
  3. If the appeal comes from a representative of a disabled child who is not his parent, a document confirming his authority.
  4. Certificate of disability or an extract from the certificate of examination.

Note! If there is no information about the disabled person in the Department of Social. defense of Moscow, the consideration of the case will be suspended.

Penalties for car park owners

Despite the fact that they lose part of their profits, the owners of paid parking lots are required to allocate the number of parking spaces that provide for the parking rules for disabled people of the 2nd group in Moscow. However, disabled people of group I have the same rights. Compliance with this is monitored by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In case of non-compliance with these rules, article 5.43 comes into effect, which provides for penalties for the lack of places in the parking lot intended for citizens with disabilities. For individuals it can cost from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. Organizations will pay a fine in the amount of 30 to 50 thousand. Faced with such a choice, the owners prefer to allocate and equip the necessary places than to pay such amounts.

Penalty for illegal use of parking

Despite the fact that the parking rules for Moscow quite clearly describe the categories of citizens who can use free places, it sometimes happens that they are occupied by cars of those who are not included in the defined circle of people. Even if not considered ethical side this issue - you must admit, it is not very nice to take the place of those for whom overcoming extra meters often causes great difficulty - such an action can bring quite tangible troubles for the violator. The same provides for a fine in the amount of 5 thousand rubles in the event of illegal occupation of a parking space, which is intended for a vehicle of a disabled person. Incidentally, this is the large sum behind wrong parking. Fans of occupying other people's places are also at risk because traffic police officers usually watch such parking lots very closely. After all, in order to issue a fine, you need so little: wait for an inattentive or impatient driver to stop at a place with markings showing that this parking space is intended for a disabled vehicle, take a picture of the violation? gjckt xtuj you can issue a receipt.

And finally, I would like to note ^ gentlemen drivers, let's remain human! Yes, it often happens that free places there remains only parking for the disabled in Moscow, the rules of which can either be violated, or you will have to park at a considerable distance from the purpose of your trip. But for healthy person it is not very difficult to overcome the extra 100, 200, 300 meters. When occupying a parking space intended for a car of a person with disabilities, remember that it is much more difficult for him to overcome this distance.

Violators justify themselves with a banal haste. Like, you need to urgently leave the car and run to the meeting. As if we, disabled people, are never in a hurry, - Denis smoothly enters the turn and we find ourselves on the Garden Ring.

Denis Gromnadsky has been disabled since childhood. But problems with his legs did not prevent him not only from becoming a driver, but also from recently completing 1st category in motorsport.

One evening on the street of 1905, I had to go to the church, - continues Denis. “My grandmother died yesterday. I'm driving up. There are three parking lots, and all of them are occupied. Moreover, in places for the disabled there were cars worth 3-4 million rubles. None of them had a "disabled" badge. I ended up having to park a block away from the church. By the time I got to it, it was closed.


We are driving along Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street. Mazda and Kia flaunt in preferential places. Both cars have a cardboard box with a “disabled” sign stuck on the windshield. It happens that drivers hang them when transporting their loved ones with disabilities. It is allowed. But very often this is a trick for which you can get a fine of 5 thousand rubles. True, only a traffic police officer can check whether it is disabled or not. Who, of course, does not have time to do this. By the way, there is no unified database of disabled motorists either.


And there, in front of Gorky Park, a nice brand new Mercedes is right under the sign. And next to two women. Well, I think we got it! Now let's be ashamed. We are looking forward to it.

- We, - I say - from "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Do you know that you can't park here? More precisely, it is possible, but for the disabled.

The one who is the driver turns to me and proudly shows her tummy:

And pregnant women.

We wish the strangers universal goodness and move on.

- And if the same parkon takes a picture of her car number?- I ask Denis. - She is not disabled by documents.

Then, - she answers, - she will have to take a certificate stating that she is in position. Or pay a fine.


Society is not mature! - Denis reasoned on the way. - My wife was once in America ...

While we were driving, Denis convinced me that there is no such mess in America. And in Beijing, it’s like that in general - the 22nd century already! Recently, his acquaintances were in China ...

And here is a picture: two chrome-plated stallions are standing in an invalid parking lot. A black sporty Boomer and a white Toyota. The second reminded me of a German heavy tank from World War II. Only without the gun. We went out, stood, slightly shivering from the cold. And then she appeared! Moscow Scheherazade in high heels! Proud and impregnable blonde. With keys to a white Toyota. She left the beauty salon.

Girl, and we are from Komsomolskaya Pravda. Do you know this is a handicapped parking lot?

No, the queen replied.

Then why did you park here?

Alas, no more words, no more glances... Clinking heels, a glance to the side, a proud Greek profile... Silently, she started her tank and sped away.


Frankly speaking, I was preparing for the worst when I went on this editorial task - to the fact that the photographer and I would be beaten by car drivers who didn’t care about the rights of people with disabilities. On the rights of many, of course, do not care. But there was never a fight. Even vice versa. In 99 percent of cases, we parted ways with violators almost as best friends.

For example, a young couple was sitting on Mantulinskaya. He smoked while driving, she fiddled with her smartphone.

Excuse me, please, we did not see the sign, - the driver began to fuss. - We'll leave now.

On Litvin-Sedov Street, another violator - a whole minibus stood in a preferential place.

Sorry. We are already leaving, - the driver justified himself.

I don't know, maybe the camcorder acted like that. Or maybe motorists understand that they are wrong. And yet they break it. Crown excuse: "oh, we're in a minute."


Let's be honest, we still managed to park in privileged places - one or two were free on almost every street. But we went in the evening, after 19:00, when " office plankton has already vacated the central streets. According to Denis, work time the situation is completely different and for disabled people in the zone paid parking nothing to do.

Meanwhile, from September the authorities promise to start a merciless raid on violators. We will definitely repeat our experiment in a few months.


According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine of 5 thousand rubles is imposed for violation of the rules for stopping or parking cars in places for the disabled. For the same amount, a driver who has attached a special “disabled” sign to his car, without any reason, can fly in.


What should a disabled person do if everything preferential places busy?

This is stated in the rules of the Administrator of the Moscow parking space as clearly as possible:

“If you have a disability permit or certificate of disability, free placement of a vehicle is possible only in places marked with sign 8.17 “Places for the disabled”. If all places for the disabled are occupied, parking is carried out on a general basis with payment.

For more information on how to obtain a parking permit for a disabled person and who can be their representative, see parking.mos.ru in the Frequently Asked Questions section.

Tested on myself. Places for the disabled and those who are not ashamed. KP correspondent drove around Moscow with a driver with disabilities and tried to find an unoccupied privileged seat

According to the federal law "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in Russian Federation”, people with disabilities have the right to use free parking. In parking lots located near shopping centers, sports, cultural, entertainment, medical and social institutions for the disabled, at least 10% of the places are allocated (but not less than one place). Also, parking spaces for people with disabilities are provided in the local area.

Parking places

Parking spaces for people with disabilities are marked with special markings and the identification sign "Disabled". The width of the parking space for the disabled is greater than for conventional transport - 3.5 meters. This is done so that the driver or passenger can freely open the car door when exiting.

INIMPORTANT! According to the rules traffic, sign action 6.4 "Parking" together with the sign 8.17 "Disabled" applies only to motorized carriages and cars driven by disabled people of group I or II or carrying such disabled people or disabled children.

You should always have a document confirming the establishment of disability with you. This mandatory requirement entered into force in February 2016. Reason - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 23-PP "On Amendments to the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation".

Parking in a place where there is no special sign or markings, the beneficiary or his representative will have to pay on a general basis.

Disabled parking permit

A disabled person's parking permit entitles you to free 24-hour parking in places marked with sign 6.4 "Parking" together with sign 8.17 "Disabled". This requirement applies only to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Permission will be issued at any multifunctional center (MFC). About the place and procedure for obtaining permission in other regions of the country, check with the district administration at the place of residence.

To apply you will need:

· passport;

certificate of disability;

insurance certificate of the applicant's mandatory pension insurance (SNILS).

For a legal representative of a disabled person, you must:

representative's passport;

A document confirming the authority.

For a guardian of a child with a disability:

the child's birth certificate;

guardian's passport.

The application at the MFC is considered within 10 working days.

The permit is valid until the first day of the month following the month before which the disability was established. You can apply for an extension of a parking permit no earlier than two months before the expiration of the previous one.

A parking permit can be obtained for any number of cars registered to a person with a disability, or a guardian of a child with a disability. For a representative transporting a person with a disability, only one vehicle is allowed. The benefit also applies to one car provided by the social protection authorities for medical reasons.

A car for which a disabled parking permit has been obtained must be equipped with a “Disabled” sign measuring 15 by 15 cm.

Only after meeting all the above requirements, people with disabilities will be able to use free parking.

How to get a parking space near the house

Article 15 federal law"On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation", parking spaces for vehicles are provided to disabled people out of turn near their place of residence, taking into account urban planning standards.

At each parking lot (stop) of vehicles, including near social, engineering and transport infrastructure- residential, public and industrial buildings, recreation areas, buildings and structures, including those in which physical culture, sports and cultural organizations are located, at least 10% of places (but at least one place) are allocated for parking special vehicles for disabled people. Parking in the yard is no exception.

If the courtyard does not have a parking space for a disabled person, then you need to contact the organization that manages your home. Public utilities are obliged to create a favorable environment for living.

In the event that the Criminal Code or the HOA ignore your requests, complain about them to the administration of the district or city, to the social security authorities, or to the traffic police.

For refusal to allocate a parking space, a fine is provided - for officials from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, for legal entities - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

IMPORTANT! The indicated parking spaces must not be occupied by other vehicles.

Prepared in conjunction with online services for the disabled



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