What medicinal herbs increase stomach acidity. Gastritis

The resulting inflammation in the stomach negatively affects the concentration of released hydrochloric acid. Depending on the type of gastritis therapeutic methods are different. To make the recovery process faster, a complex effect is used.

Traditional medicine involves the use of not only medications, but also the treatment of gastritis with herbs. The patient needs to know which plants and from them can be drunk for stomach inflammation.

Features of herbal medicine at home

Herbal infusions for gastritis have specific goals. It depends on the type of disease found in the patient. If inflammation of the stomach occurs with increased acidity, the main task is to eliminate the increased concentration of gastric juice.

Other main purposes of herbal remedies for gastritis are as follows:

  • prevention of progression of the disease to complications;
  • elimination of discomfort and pain;
  • enriching the body with additional vitamins;
  • strengthening the health of the whole body.

The distinctive task of herbs in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity is to stimulate the functioning of the glands. Herbal medicine for this type of disease helps prevent the transition from hypoacid pathology to cancer.

Before using herbal remedies, the patient should consult a specialist. Depending on the form and type of the disease, the doctor will recommend what herbs you can drink for gastritis. Application medicinal plants should be carried out with knowledge of their positive and negative properties.

To reduce autoimmune aggression and relieve oppressive pain, elecampane, celandine, and poisonous fighter will help. Some of these plants are dangerous herbs. They are used in small quantities so as not to worsen the health condition.

If a patient needs preparations with an anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended to use:

  • alder fruit;
  • cornflower;
  • sage;
  • coltsfoot;
  • fireweed;
  • Colgan;
  • calendula.

Herbal medicine for gastritis with increased or decreased secretion, is aimed at eliminating not only unpleasant symptoms, but also the main cause of the disease.

Herbal treatment for gastritis

IN traditional medicine Herbal medicine was often used for stomach inflammation. Herbal medicine is prescribed in combination with medications, diet and physiotherapy. There are many folk recipes, and decoctions, infusions or tea are prepared from plants.

With increased acidity

To prepare this remedy, you will need a plant that is at least 3 years old. Only aloe leaves are used for juice. They are placed in the refrigerator for 14 days. After time, the leaves are twisted through a meat grinder or the juice is extracted by hand. You should get 150 ml of product. Add 250 g of honey to the pulp and stir.

The mixture is infused for 5 days in a cool and dark place. A remedy for the treatment of gastritis with low acidity is taken in the first week, 1 tsp. before meals. After 7 days, drink aloe juice with honey, 1 tbsp. l. The course of treatment is 45 days.

The most effective plant Celandine is considered against atrophic type gastritis. The herb also helps in the chronic form of the disease. The plant is used in treatment peptic ulcer. Celandine helps in the fight against cancer and protects the gastric mucosa from tumors. Most people with gastrointestinal problems drink tea from this plant.

To prepare the drink you will need to pour ½ tbsp. l. dried and crushed celandine with boiling water. Take half a glass of tea in the morning, evening and afternoon after meals. Celandine juice is taken in addition to crushed. To make this product you will need to mix the components in equal quantities. Then add honey and bring to a homogeneous consistency with the remaining ingredients. Doctors allow adding butter.

For gastritis with low acidity, wormwood tea is used. The plant has a bitter taste, and honey or sugar is added to eliminate it. To prepare the drink you will need dried wormwood (1 tsp). The plant is poured with boiling water (2 cups). Cover the container with the liquid with a lid and let it brew for 20 minutes.

For gastritis with low acidity, you should drink 50 ml of tea 30 minutes before meals. Treatment lasts 30 days. In addition to the drink from the plant, they use alcohol infusion. Take the product (4 drops), pre-diluted with water.

Recipes for eliminating unpleasant symptoms

They help with exacerbation of gastritis, to get rid of unpleasant pain in the stomach. For this, caraway seeds, immortelle, sage and cinquefoil root are used. Any of the ingredients can be replaced. This herb has no less effective properties for pain relief.

In case of exacerbation of gastritis, it is necessary to take the ingredients in the ratio 1:2:2:2. The collection of herbs is placed in a container and 1 liter of water is poured. Then the mixture is simmered over low heat for no more than 40 minutes. Afterwards, the broth is cooled and filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve. Pour the product into glass jar, and stored in a dark place.

To eliminate stomach pain, you need to take the decoction for 7 days. Drink it half a glass in the morning before meals. The rest of the product is drunk throughout the day. Before use, the broth is heated and it is recommended to add honey or sugar.

The following plants have a positive effect on the gastric mucosa:

  • mustard seeds;
  • nettle leaves;
  • St. John's wort;

To prepare, you will need to take an equal amount of the collection components to make 50 g. The mixture is placed in a container and 1.5 liters of boiling water is poured. The product continues to cook for 5 minutes. Then the liquid is cooled and filtered through cheesecloth. The decoction is taken throughout the day.

If a patient often experiences heartburn due to gastritis, then use a plant - fennel. To treat the disease and unpleasant symptom make an infusion from dill seeds. To prepare the product, you need to grind the ingredient. The resulting powder in the amount of 1 tsp. pour 250 ml of boiling water. The product must be infused for 30 minutes. Then the liquid is filtered and 80 ml is taken in the morning, evening and afternoon.

Chamomile decoction will help against stomach pain with gastritis of any type. The drink helps not only with gastrointestinal diseases, but also keeps you in good shape. nervous system. The method of preparing the decoction is to brew the plant with boiling water. The product is allowed to brew for 30 minutes. Take every day 3 times a day before meals.

Contraindications for herbal medicine

Plants that are used against stomach inflammation can be poisonous. In some cases, the patient is advised to refrain from taking decoctions, infusions and tea, due to individual intolerance components. You need to know that when using mint tea, a person should not drive a car for several hours. The plant has sedative properties and a hypnotic effect.

You cannot take wormwood in any form:

  • a woman who is breastfeeding;
  • if there is a problem with the kidneys.

If an overdose or poisoning of the plant occurs, then signs of nausea, vomiting, general malaise and kidney damage occur. Herbal infusions are not recommended for people who suffer from pain and dyspeptic syndrome. Herbal medicine is contraindicated if the diagnosis of gastritis is inaccurate or if other gastrointestinal diseases are detected.

Herbs should be used with caution in the following cases:

  • during self-medication;
  • if your health condition worsens.

For a pregnant woman, the attending physician individually selects medicinal herbs. It depends on the stage of pregnancy and other diseases.

Forecast of therapy using fees

At proper treatment plant collections, the restoration process is favorable. Depending on the causes and symptoms of the disease, herbs will help cure gastritis, which is caused by the bacteria Helcyobacter pylori. These microorganisms can lead to stomach ulcers.

Herbal medicine eliminates inflammation of the mucous membrane during gastritis, after taking. If you have been diagnosed with inflammation of the stomach, then it is necessary urgent help. For the treatment to have positive impact, you should follow your doctor's recommendations. The disease can develop into serious complications.

Treatment with medicinal plants is used as additional therapy. Herbs strengthen the effect medications, physiotherapy and. Overall impact Herbal medicines are considered to relieve discomfort. In most cases, plants are used in preventive measures gastritis warnings.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Human contains hydrochloric acid. It is necessary for digesting solid food and neutralizing bacteria that enter the body with food. But sometimes too much acid begins to be produced, and it cannot all be neutralized during the digestion process. Then it eats away the walls of the stomach and causes various digestive disorders and diseases. gastrointestinal tract. Many people face this problem, so the question of how to reduce it is very relevant. Some people live with this problem for years, occasionally taking medications. But this can lead to serious stomach damage. Therefore, you need to be able to recognize the onset of the disease in time.

Symptoms of high acidity

Heartburn and sour belching.

Abdominal pain, which can occur immediately after eating or on an empty stomach.

Frequent constipation.

Nausea and indigestion.

If these symptoms increase after eating sour and bitter foods, pickled, spicy and fried foods, then you need to think about how to reduce stomach acidity. The most important thing for this is not the reception medicines, but a change in eating habits and lifestyle.

What Causes High Stomach Acidity?

Most often, this problem occurs in people who are addicted to fatty and fried foods, spicy and sour foods. Alcohol, coffee and chocolate, tea and cola, as well as excessive consumption Sahara, confectionery and citrus fruits. Overeating, especially at night, also causes the release of hydrochloric acid. This problem affects people who are accustomed to snacking, irregular meals and fast food. Often such symptoms occur in people exposed to stress and constant worry.

How to reduce stomach acidity

If you are one of the people with these eating habits or notice symptoms increased acidity, you need to see a doctor and get examined. Based on its results, you will be diagnosed and treated. Various medications are used to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid.

You can reduce the acidity of the stomach by taking the drugs Maalox, Almagel or Gastal. The drugs "Zantac" or "Vicalin" are also used for this. You can alleviate your condition by taking medications that regulate digestion. Most of them are sold without a doctor's prescription, for example, Mezim, Festal or Pancreatin tablets. But you can completely get rid of high acidity only through diet.

How to eat healthy

To avoid problems caused by excessive release of hydrochloric acid and its effect on the walls of the stomach, you need to follow some rules in your diet:

You need to eat small meals, preferably little by little and 5-6 times a day, so that the stomach does not remain empty;

The temperature of the food should be close to the temperature human body, it is undesirable to eat too cold or hot dishes;

It is necessary to abandon low-fat diets that lead to gastritis;

It is better to steam or boil food, and the food should be finely chopped, you can even puree it;

Food should be chewed thoroughly and try not to overeat;

Diet for high acidity

A person suffering from excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid needs to monitor what food he eats. Only with the help of diet can you easily reduce stomach acidity. Products must be fresh, without added preservatives or seasonings. The basis of nutrition should be cereals and liquids that envelop the gastric mucosa and protect it. It is best to cook rice, oatmeal or semolina. Milk is beneficial as it reduces acidity well. You can also eat cheese, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt.

Include more boiled or vegetable stew, potatoes are best, cauliflower and carrots. You shouldn’t give up fruit either, just choose non-acidic ones. It’s good to make puree, mousse or jelly from them. You need to choose lean meat, preferably chicken, veal or rabbit. It needs to be boiled, stewed or baked, for example, to cook meatballs or steam cutlets.

It is recommended to eat the bread slightly dried. You can eat an omelet, drink weak tea or still mineral water. This diet will help you reduce stomach acidity. Foods that lead to increased production of hydrochloric acid should be excluded from your diet, but otherwise, in the absence of symptoms of the disease, you can eat more variedly.

What is prohibited to eat

To prevent increased acidity from leading to gastritis, you need to completely avoid:

From rich, rich broths, especially mushroom and pork;

Coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks;

Spicy and smoked products, seasonings and marinades;

Fried food;

Very acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes or sorrel.

Even at a time when there is no exacerbation, you need to limit the consumption of vegetables containing a lot of fiber, such as radishes or cabbage. It is not advisable to eat vegetables raw, especially onions and garlic. You need to reduce the amount of salt in your diet, eat less brown bread and baked goods, ice cream and canned food. But even if all these rules are followed, the disease can sometimes worsen. Medicine is not always on hand, but you can reduce stomach acidity folk remedies. Herbal decoctions, tinctures, vegetable juices, sea buckthorn, ginger and cinnamon.

How to reduce stomach acidity quickly

The most common way to do this is to drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of soda dissolved in it. This solution quickly neutralizes the acid. An excellent remedy is chalk powder or white clay. You need to mix it in water and drink this suspension twice a day before meals. You can also eat chalk powder this way. Helps reduce acidity honey water. Dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass warm water and have a drink.

They will also come to your aid regular products: carrots and potatoes. The juice from these vegetables is very good for the stomach. But if carrot can be taken without restrictions, then potato is drunk a quarter glass 3-4 times a day. Include pumpkin and red beets in any form in your diet more often. It is best to boil or bake them.

Very effective means against increased stomach acidity is sea buckthorn. It’s good to make a decoction of berries and drink it with honey; sea ​​buckthorn oil. Don't forget about mineral water. But to reduce acidity you need to drink before meals alkaline waters without gas.

Herbal medicine to help the patient

Instead of regular tea It is recommended to drink decoctions of mint or chamomile. From time to time it is necessary to carry out courses of treatment with various herbs that help reduce acidity. The most effective for this, in addition to chamomile, are nettle and yarrow. You can brew them separately or use them in a mixture with other plants. What fees are recommended to reduce acidity:

Mix cinquefoil erecta, calendula and yarrow;

Two parts chamomile, one part cumin seeds and oregano herb;

Mix two parts of linden flowers with one part of flax seeds and fennel fruits;

Mix valerian, chamomile flowers, immortelle and St. John's wort in equal parts.

But you should not get too carried away with such treatment, especially with drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. If there is not enough of it, then in addition to poisoning and digestive disorders, gastritis with low stomach acidity may appear. The symptoms of this disease are also unpleasant, and they cannot be immediately identified, mistaking heartburn, diarrhea and abdominal pain for manifestations of high acidity. Therefore, the most important thing is diet. But, besides this, you need to know how to reduce high stomach acidity in order to prevent complications.

One of the main symptoms of high stomach acidity is heartburn. People experiencing these discomfort doctors prescribe strict diet and drugs from the group of antacids - medications, reducing the acid content in gastric juice. Recommendations also include the use of medicinal herbal remedies. How effective herbs are in treating high acidity and inflammation of the stomach will be discussed in this article.

An increase in acidity is usually observed in the morning, this is physiological norm. After waking up, the body is ready to work and recharge with energy in the form of food. That's why light feeling abdominal discomfort, feeling hungry or light weight immediately after waking up should not alarm you - this is the norm.

Damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, increased concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice leads to unpleasant pain. A person begins to experience: heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, belching with an acidic taste, and maybe a fever.

Important! If these symptoms are systematic, an immediate visit to a gastroenterologist is required for timely detection pathologies of the digestive system and diagnosis. This will help quickly identify an emerging problem. The specialist will prescribe necessary treatment promoting speedy recovery. There is no need to wait for the situation to worsen and bring the situation to surgical intervention.

Pharmacological actions of medicinal herbs

Positive therapeutic effect The value of medicinal plants lies in their rich microbiological composition. They contain: flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, essential oils, a rich vitamin complex.

These substances reduce inflammation and have a regenerating and enveloping effect. Impact Research biological substances contained in plants are carried out regularly. But to date, the exact mechanism of action on the body of many of the components contained in them has not yet been identified.

For example, the reaction of parietal cells to some substances of specific medicinal herbs is unknown. It is also unclear which biochemical reactions occur between biological substances in the plant that promote the production of hormones endocrine cells. Scientists have yet to answer these questions. This indicates only one thing - there is still a lot of unstudied in the microbiology of humans and the plant world.

Diseases and symptoms

Many people, experiencing malaise, fatigue, headache, irritability, they don’t even realize that it can serve a clear sign existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Only when they begin to feel nausea, heartburn, pain in the abdomen, and the urge to vomit, do they begin to attach importance to it.

More on the topic: Atrophic gastritis: symptoms and treatment

In cases where the above symptoms appear several times during the week. They cause discomfort throughout the day or prevent you from falling asleep at night - this may serve as a signal of the presence of the following pathologies: stomach ulcer, gastroduodenitis, inflammation of the bulb duodenum– bulbitis, gastritis, etc.

A person most often experiences heartburn due to gastroesophageal reflux, in which stomach contents reflux into the esophagus. This process is also called insufficient gastric cardia. With this pathology, incomplete closure of the sphincter separating the stomach and esophagus occurs.

Acid belching, in turn, indicates putrefactive processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. This occurs due to a lack of food enzymes in gastric juice due to malfunction pancreas. This may be a symptom of chronic pancreatitis.

Fatigue, fever, sharp pain in the abdominal area, chills are an indicator of general intoxication. Usually observed in case of poisoning or indicates an exacerbation of gastritis.

Today, herbal infusions are used as an auxiliary or preventive therapy in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. And they are unable to notice traditional methods treatment. Most effective results they have been shown in the treatment of diseases associated with normal or increased gastric acidity.

Due to their bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, enveloping properties, they are recommended for use for the following diseases:

  • - acute and chronic gastritis;
  • - gastroesophageal reflux;
  • - peptic ulcer;
  • - gastroduodenitis;
  • - ulcerative colitis;

It is recommended to use herbs for various inflammatory processes Gastrointestinal tract, poisoning, damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and duodenum. Some pathologies arise due to violation of the timing of taking certain medications, for example, acetylsalicylic acid- in common parlance, aspirin. As well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Side effects of medicinal plants

All the talk about harmlessness natural preparations have nothing to do with reality. The microbiological composition of medicinal herbs is very diverse. Accordingly and diversely pharmachologic effect. Some substances help increase blood pressure, others have the opposite effect.

A number of substances contained in plants have vasodilating or vasoconstrictive properties, affect blood clotting and are contraindicated in case of vegetative-vascular dystonia or cardiovascular diseases. Their use can cause a heart attack or stroke.

More on the topic: Well-differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma

At long-term use infusions that reduce the acidity of gastric juice, symptoms may occur iron deficiency anemia. The same effect can be observed if the timing of taking drugs from the group of antacids is violated: Rennie, Gastal, Maalox, etc.

Scroll side effects some herbs:

  • - St. John's wort – has a vasoconstrictor property, increases blood pressure;
  • - licorice glabra – promotes the formation of edema, affects the secretion of hormones;
  • - wormwood - provokes muscle cramps, promotes the appearance of hallucinations;
  • - yarrow - causes dizziness and allergic reactions in the form of rashes on the skin, helps increase blood clotting. Contraindicated for cardiovascular diseases.

As we see, when trying to get rid of stomach inflammation or heartburn with the help of medicinal plants, you can provoke more serious problems with health. Therefore, their use must be agreed upon with the attending physician. This is especially true in prenatal and postpartum period. Self-medication during pregnancy and lactation is unacceptable!

Methods of application

To cure inflammation of the stomach and other gastrointestinal diseases, you can use folk remedies. Preparations based on medicinal herbs taken in the form of decoctions, infusions and tinctures. When preparing them, it is advisable to have a small thermos available.


Infusions differ from decoctions in preparation technology. During production, infusions are subjected to the least heat treatment. This contributes to the greatest preservation of vitamins that are susceptible to decay due to exposure to high temperatures.

  • - cold infusion - crushed dry plants are poured with cold boiled water, leave for 5-7 hours, then the mixture is filtered;
  • - hot infusion - the crushed herbal mixture is poured with boiling water and left to simmer over low heat, without bringing to a boil for 7-10 minutes. After cooling, the infusion is filtered.


Thanks to heat treatment, decoctions have more content minerals than infusions. However, they are significantly inferior in the amount of vitamins. A significant part of vitamins are destroyed under the influence of long-term heat treatment.

To prepare the decoction, pour the finely ground herbal mixture with water and bring to a boil. Boil for about 3 minutes over low heat. Pour into a thermos and leave for 4 hours. Next, cool the broth, cool and strain.

When preparing decoctions and infusions, the generally accepted ratio of dry crushed plants is 1 tbsp. spoon per glass of water – 250 ml. It is recommended to store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

The term gastritis usually refers to an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the stomach walls, accompanied by numerous negative manifestations, disrupting the normal functioning of this organ. Inflammation can be superficial or can penetrate into the deeper layers of the mucosa. Gastritis can have an acute or chronic course. It can be characterized by high, low, or normal acidity.

The main reasons for the development of the disease include regular violations of a healthy diet, indulgence in too hot, spicy or sour foods, frequent consumption of foods with preservatives, and dry food. Gastritis can appear as a result of alcohol abuse, smoking, frequent stress, and nervous disorders.

Today we will talk about the treatment of gastritis with increased secretory function with folk remedies - with the help of plants and a special diet. With their help, you can cure gastritis with high acidity: nutrition and herbs cure! But first, let us briefly list the symptoms of this disease:

Symptoms of the disease

Gastritis with increased secretory function of the stomach has severe symptoms. The patient is worried about heartburn, nausea, sour belching, vomiting with sour-bitter vomit, etc. The main symptom is aching pain in the stomach (epigastric region).

Most often, pain occurs at night, as well as on an empty stomach, immediately or after eating. In case of vomiting, the pain may stop immediately. The patient's appetite remains intact. I don’t feel like eating until the pain becomes long-lasting and exhausting.

To quickly eliminate a painful attack, in case of increased acidity, it is recommended to take special antacids: Maalox, Phosphalugel, Gastal, etc. After the exacerbation is relieved, you can use effective herbal remedies. Here are a few recipes for medicinal herbs that have helped many get rid of debilitating illnesses:

How does traditional medicine correct gastritis with high acidity? Herbs, recipes

In the evening, mix an equal amount of flaxseed, dry yarrow herb, and chamomile flowers in a bowl. Stir. Now pour only 2 tbsp into the thermos container. l. mixtures. Pour half a liter of clean, soft boiling water over the grass. In the morning, strain the infusion. It is recommended to take a third of a glass, 3-5 times a day, before meals.

Pour the same amount of dry nettle herb and St. John's wort into a suitable container. Add the same amount of plantain and chamomile flowers. Stir. Place the herb in a thermos. Not all of it, but only 2 tbsp. l. Pour half a liter of boiling water. Let it be night. In the morning, take the strained infusion 30 minutes before meals. Drink a third of a glass in total, 4-5 times a day.

Also combine an equal amount of dry herb celandine and St. John's wort. Add the same amount of yarrow and chamomile, mix well. Add 2 tbsp. l. mixture into an enamel bowl, pour half a liter of boiling water. Cover with a lid, insulate, leave for 3-4 hours. Then you can take the strained product a quarter glass before meals.

Gastritis with high acidity is treated with herbs: St. John's wort, nettle, dried grass, wormwood. Mix all these plants together equally. Add to them the same number of meadowsweet flowers and flax seeds. Mix well. Now only 2 tbsp. l. add 400 ml of boiling water to the mixture of plants. Wrap the container with the infusion well and wait until it cools down. You should take the strained infusion a third of a glass before meals.

Nutrition for gastritis with high acidity

If the symptoms of the disease worsen, or if the pain is severe, it is better not to load the stomach with food. You can drink still mineral water, weak tea, fruit (not sour) or milk jelly. Slimy soups, pureed porridges, and low-fat broth are allowed. All drinks and food must be warm.

After eliminating the exacerbation, you can expand the diet. However, it is necessary to exclude fried, fatty, spicy and very salty foods from the menu. Spices that irritate the stomach, hard-boiled eggs, and strong black coffee are prohibited. Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited.

You can eat fresh fruits and vegetables in the form of puree, or baked, boiled. Healthy: beets, pumpkin, carrots, baked apples, pears, and other sweet fruits.

Use freshly squeezed vegetable juices from fresh cabbage, potatoes, carrots. It is very useful to drink them not separately, but to mix all three. These juices have an antacid effect and help quickly relieve stomach pain.

Meat, fish, and poultry can be eaten boiled or steamed. It is best in the form of cutlets or finely chopped. You can include only low-fat varieties in your diet.

Include fresh, low-fat, non-sour cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, and Varenets in your diet. Prepare cheesecakes (baked), puddings, cottage cheese dumplings, omelettes.

Gastritis with high acidity involves the use of enveloping, analgesic drugs. In some cases, antibiotics are necessary. However, nutrition and herbs also treat this disease. Just consult your doctor before attempting treatment on your own. Be healthy!

Herbs for gastritis with high acidity are used for symptomatic therapy. Experts warn that traditional medicine should be used with extreme caution, as some of them cause adverse reactions. Before choosing a particular recipe, you should consult with a gastroenterologist about the advisability of its use.

Herbs are used in the acute stage of gastritis and to prevent gastrointestinal pathologies. Traditional recipes are indicated for the following symptoms of pathology:

  • pain of varying intensity in the abdomen and stomach;
  • burning in the mouth;
  • bowel disorder accompanied by diarrhea or constipation;
  • cough at night;
  • severe heartburn with a sour taste;
  • belching.

The listed signs are the first manifestations of gastritis with high acidity. Herbal infusions have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Stomach acidity is reduced by plants that have an enveloping and astringent effect. Among the effective herbs for pathology, the following should be noted:

  1. Yarrow. Suitable for the treatment of chronic forms of gastritis. Yarrow has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, but has contraindications for use - pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Celandine. Used for trophic changes in the mucous membranes of the stomach caused by gastritis. Used for the prevention of cancerous tumors and prevents the development of metastases in stomach cancer in the initial stages of development.
  3. Mint. Relieves symptoms of inflammation during gastritis and is characterized by an antiseptic, sedative effect. To prepare healing tea, mint leaves are poured with boiling water and left to cool.
  4. St. John's wort. Fights the main cause of the disease - the bacterium Hilicobacter pylori - thanks to its antiseptic properties. Helps restore intestinal microflora.
  5. Blooming Sally. Recommended for chronic gastritis with high acidity. Among the healing properties of the plant are noted: improved digestion, elimination of flatulence, restoration of intestinal microflora.
  6. Plantain. The active ingredient of plantain increases the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice in case of gastritis with low acidity.
  7. Sagebrush. It is taken for pathologies with high and low acidity. Plantain tincture stimulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications for use: breastfeeding, lactation and pathologies of the urinary system.

Important! For mild forms of the disease, preference is given to one-component tinctures. In case of exacerbation of gastritis, preparations are used because they have a powerful therapeutic effect.

  1. A mixture of St. John's wort, goldenfoil and mint in a ratio of 2:2:1, respectively. 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 1 hour. 150 ml of medication is taken before meals three times a day.
  2. A mixture of mint leaves, chamomile flowers, dill seed. Herbs are taken in equal proportions (in general - 2 tbsp.) and pour 500 ml of water. The medicine is infused for 3 hours and taken 60 ml after meals.
  3. Tincture of yarrow, chamomile and St. John's wort. Medicines in a ratio of 3:1:3, respectively, are mixed in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Brew with boiling water (200 ml). Take 1/3 cup before meals.

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The tinctures are simmered over low heat or in a water bath for 10 to 15 minutes. Before using the medicine, warm it slightly. Simple recipes help regenerate damaged areas of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Due to this, the intensity of gastritis symptoms decreases.

To treat high acidity, you can use one-component products:

  1. Mumiyo: 1 g of the product is dissolved in 1 liter of milk and taken 3 times a day, 200 ml for a month. In advanced forms of pathology, a course of therapy is carried out with a break of 10 days.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil. Before consumption, the product is stirred with 200 ml of water and the sediment that remains on top of the glass is collected. The medicine is drunk 3 times a day before meals, 1 tsp.
  3. Pumpkin. For gastritis with high acidity, the product is consumed boiled or stewed. Start with small portions, gradually increasing the amount of product to 150 g.
  4. Honey. Before use, stir the product in 200 ml of warm water. Hot liquid destroys beneficial features honey The medicine is taken 1 tbsp. l. four times a day.
  5. Chamomile. The plant has bactericidal properties and relieves patients with chronic form gastritis from high acidity. To create a medicine, 2 tbsp. l. chamomile is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water and left for 30-40 minutes. The decoction is drunk half an hour before meals, 2 times a day.

Treat gastrointestinal pathologies folk recipes impossible without staging accurate diagnosis. Natural remedies, taken “for good luck”, worsen the course of gastrointestinal pathologies. This also applies to gastritis with high acidity.



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