Glauber's salt(Mirabilite) - 2 4 10H 2 O, decahydrate crystalline hydrate (decahydrate) of sodium sulfate. It was first discovered by the chemist I. R. Glauber in the composition of mineral waters, and subsequently synthesized by the action of sulfuric acid on sodium chloride. Used in glass and soda production, in medicine.

Other names: Sal glauberi, mirabilite, Siberian salt, gujir, sodium sulfate.

What is Glauber's salt? Cleansing the intestines and lymph with Glauber's salt

Colorless, white, yellowish white, greenish white
Stroke color White
Shine Glass
Transparency Transparent, translucent, opaque
Hardness 1,5 - 2
Cleavage Perfect by (100)
Density 1.49 g/cm³

Physical properties

They are large transparent crystals in the shape of prisms. It has a bitter salty taste and melts on the tongue. Has no smell. Highly soluble in water. It doesn’t burn, it doesn’t crackle in the fire. When exposed to air or heated for a long time, it evaporates (evaporates) and loses mass. When completely weathered, it becomes ordinary sodium sulfate powder white. In addition to the decahydrate Glauber's salt itself, rhombic crystals of the heptadic crystalline hydrate Na 2 SO 4 · 7H 2 O and the monohydrate salt Na 2 SO 4 · H 2 O are known.

Being in nature

The natural mineral in Glauber's salt is called mirabilite. Its density is only 1.49 g/cm³, making it one of the lightest minerals.

Deposits of about 100 million tons of mirabilite were discovered near the province of Saskatchewan in central Canada.

In other deposits, for example, in California (USA), Sicily, Germany, in Bolshoye Malinovskoye Lake (Astrakhan region), mirabilite is found with admixtures of other minerals - astrakhanite Na 2 Mg(SO 4) 2 4H 2 O, leveite Na 2 Mg (SO 4) 2 · 2.5H 2 O, vanthoffite Na 6 Mg(SO 4) 4, glauberite Na 2 Ca(SO 4) 2, glaserite Na 2 K 6 (SO 4) 4.

In dissolved form, Glauber's salt significant amount present in sea ​​water and in many mineral waters, for example, the spas of Karlovy Vary. Marienbad in the Czech Republic. Carlsbad salt, obtained from the mineral waters of Karlovy Vary, consists of 44% sodium sulfate (Glauber's salt), 36% sodium bicarbonate ( baking soda), 18% from sodium chloride (table salt) and 2% from potassium sulfate.

Mirabilite is also found in the form of plaque and crusts on gypsum and rock salt deposits.

Anhydrous sodium sulfate is very rarely found in nature - the mineral thenardite, named after the French chemist L. J. Tenard. To preserve it in an anhydrous form, arid desert zones are necessary. Therefore, such deposits were found in Chile, in Central Asia, in the state of Arizona (USA), as well as in Spain in the Ebro River valley.

History of discovery

The discovery of Glauber's salt dates back to the winter of the year and is directly related to the disease Glauber suffered in the year - typhus, at that time called "Hungarian fever". Here's how Glauber himself described it:

Having somewhat recovered from the illness, I arrived in Neapolis (the Latinized name for Neustadt, in German - “new city”; it is located on the Wied River, 25 km southeast of Bonn). There I started having attacks again and had to stay in this city. The illness weakened my stomach so much that it could neither accept nor digest any food. Local residents advised me to go to a spring located near a vineyard an hour's walk from the city. They said that the spring water would restore my appetite. Following their advice, I took with me a large piece of bread; I was told that I would have to eat it all, but I had little faith that it would somehow help me. Arriving at the source, I soaked the bread crumb in water and ate it - and with great pleasure, although before that I could not look at the most exquisite delicacies without disgust. Taking the remaining crust from the bread, I scooped up water from the source with it and drank it. This whetted my appetite so much that in the end I ate the “cup” of bread with which I had scooped up the water. I returned home much stronger and shared my impressions with my neighbors. I felt that if I continued to be treated with this water, the functions of my stomach would be completely restored. I asked what kind of water this was. They told me that it contained saltpeter, which then, not being experienced in such matters, I believed.

Glauber became interested chemical composition source water and devoted the entire next winter to this study. He became friends with the local pharmacist Eisner and used his laboratory for experiments. During the research he evaporated mineral water and analyzed precipitation. Instead of saltpeter, the sediment contained a previously unknown salt, which he called “wonderful” - in Latin “sal mirabile”. In particular, the name of the natural mineral mirabilite comes from its Latin name.

Many years later, in the year, Glauber conducted experiments with acids, or rather obtained hydrochloric acid by heating ordinary rock salt with sulfuric acid. With weak heating, the reaction of formation of sodium hydrogen sulfate took place: NaCl + H 2 SO 4 = NaHSO 4 + HCl, and with strong heating, sodium sulfate was formed: 2NaCl + H 2 SO 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + 2HCl. Imagine Glauber’s surprise when he discovered that the large transparent crystals that had precipitated turned out to be the same “wonderful salt” that he had become acquainted with in his youth. As a result, with one reaction, Glauber discovered a method for producing of hydrochloric acid, and the synthesis of sodium sulfate.

Chemical properties and application


  • Chemical dictionary for a schoolchild / B. N. Kochergin, L. Ya. Gornostaeva, V. M. Makarevsky, O. S. Aranskaya. - Mn. : Narodnaya Asveta, 1990. - 255 p. - 75,000 copies.

- ISBN 5-341-00127-3

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Mirabilite (sodium sulfate, Glauber's salt, E 514) is a laxative salt that is used as a laxative to relieve constipation, as well as to cleanse the intestines, liver, and lymph. Glauber's salt received its name in honor of Johann Rudolf Glauber, who first discovered it (1604 - 1670). The scientist recovered from his illness in 1624 thanks to mineral springs containing sodium sulfate. IN

Mirabilite (sodium sulfate, Glauber's salt, E 514) is a laxative salt that is used as a laxative to relieve constipation, as well as to cleanse the intestines, liver, and lymph. traditional medicine Glauber's salt is prescribed for short-term use against constipation.

Mirabilite (sodium sulfate, Glauber's salt, E 514) is a laxative salt that is used as a laxative to relieve constipation, as well as to cleanse the intestines, liver, and lymph. alternative medicine Glauber's salt is used to cleanse the body, body, fluid retention in the body, and gastrointestinal and kidney complaints. Food Industry it is used as

food additives
(E 514), and also added to detergents. Dosage of Glauber's salt for constipation: Adults: 10 to 30 g of sodium sulfate dissolved in

sufficient quantity
water (400-500 ml/dose). The effect occurs within a few hours. Contraindications: inflammatory bowel diseases,
intestinal obstruction
or stenosis
abdominal pain of unknown origin
intestinal perforation

renal failure
electrolyte imbalance: hypernatremia Side effects: Gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting occur mainly when high dosage. With long-term use, addiction and disruption are possible. electrolyte balance).

, dehydration (
Glauber's salt is a well-known laxative that can be bought at any pharmacy around the corner. This salt is similar to Epsom salt (magnesia) with an extremely bitter salty taste that radically affects gastrointestinal tract. During colon cleansing with salt, it is recommended to drink more purified water.

With diarrhea, which is caused by taking Glauber's salt, the body loses a large number of water. However, it is ideal for cleansing the body of toxins.

1. According to the book by H. Mayr:
Take 1 - 3 teaspoons of Glauber's salt (about 7 - 21 g), dissolve it in 200 - 250 ml warm water. You can add a few drops to mask the bitter taste. orange juice. Drink the drink on an empty stomach (in the morning). After 30 - 120 minutes, bowel cleansing, diarrhea, and removal of toxins will begin. This cleansing will continue for about 6 hours. It is recommended to drink water all day, natural juices, do not eat food. This type of intestinal cleansing is best done once, maximum 2 days in a row. For best effect the next day you can give a cleansing enema (read here).

2. Second option for colon cleansing:
The day before the cleansing, prepare a solution of Glauber's salt. To do this, mix 30–40 g of salt in 250–400 ml of warm water. Stir the mixture several times throughout the day.
In the evening, 2 hours before bed, drink a mixture of salt and water. large doses, i.e. Within 30 minutes you must drink all the prepared liquid. After some time, you can drink 2 glasses of purified water to avoid dehydration.
You will notice the effect of Glauber's salt the next morning. Your intestines will be cleansed of toxins and blockages.

After cleansing, you need to follow a diet for 3 days, i.e. There are only light meals and snacks (vegetables, fruits). Avoid meat, oil, beans, soy, fish, eggs and dairy products for now.

Who is Glauber's salt not suitable for? To those who suffer chronic constipation, low blood pressure, heart failure. Before using the product, consult your doctor.

Instructions for the use of the drug "GLAUBEER'S SALT".

I. General information.

1. Trade name: Glauber's salt (Nаtrii sulfas).

International generic name: sodium sulfate 10-water.

2. Dosage form: coarse crystalline powder.

Glauber's salt is colorless, transparent crystals that erode in air or become damp, odorless, bitter-salty taste, highly soluble in water.

3. Glauber's salt is packaged in plastic jars of 250 g, 500 g and bags of 1 kg.

Each package is marked with the manufacturer’s company, its address and trademark, the name of the drug, the content of active ingredients, container, batch number, date of manufacture and expiration date (month, year), storage conditions, the inscription “Sterile”, “For veterinary use”, TU designations and provide instructions for use. The shelf life of Biotrimerazin, subject to storage and transportation conditions, is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

4. The shelf life of Glauber's salt when stored in the manufacturer's containers (35 kg polyethylene bags) is 1 year, when stored in sealed jars or bags - 3 years from the date of manufacture (the drug is not affected by external environment). It is necessary to take into account the influence of storage conditions on the quality of the drug. In a dry place, it may lose water of crystallization (the powder turns from clear to white). In hot weather, when stored in hangars at a temperature of 33°C, it becomes liquid. In a damp room it becomes damp and “floats”.

II. Pharmacological properties.

2.1. Sodium sulfate is practically not absorbed in the intestines and keeps water from being absorbed. Sulfate ion reacts with various cations, forming non-absorbable compounds, which explains the effectiveness of the drug in salt poisoning heavy metals, with excess copper and to reduce calcium levels in the intestines. In small doses, irritating the receptors of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, it enhances secretion, peristalsis and motility, and improves digestion. By diluting mucus, it has an anti-catarrhal effect.

2.2. The laxative effect is manifested throughout the intestines. Sodium sulfate is believed to be the most effective and safe laxative.

2.3. Glauber's salt stimulates bile formation and peristalsis of bile ducts, accelerates the excretion of metabolic products and toxins with bile.

2.4. When applied externally, hypertonic solutions of sodium sulfate draw fluid from tissues, increasing lymph outflow. Together with lymph and wound exudate, toxins, bacteria, and rejected epithelium are removed. Wounds are quickly cleaned and healed.

III. Procedure for using the drug. Dosages.

3.1. Glauber's salt is used internally as a laxative, choleretic, detoxifying and as an antidote for poisoning with metal salts (especially copper, barium, mercury, lead, etc.).

3.2. In small doses (cattle, horses 0.5 g/kg of animal weight; pigs, sheep 0.3 g/kg; dogs, cats 1.0 g/kg; in the form of a 1-2% solution) is used to increase appetite and improve digestion. In the form of a 1% solution, it is used for hypotension and atony of the proventriculus by washing the rumen through a gastric tube.

3.3. In large doses (cattle, horses 1.0 g/kg; pigs, sheep 0.5 g/kg; dogs, cats 1.5 g/kg; in the form of a 6% solution) as a laxative for constipation, fullness and blockage of the intestines, flatulence.

In the same doses - to remove toxins, poisons and other harmful substances from the body.

In the same doses - as a distracting, dehydrating agent for edema, dropsy, pleurisy, peritonitis, etc.

3.4. Externally, in the form of lotions, hypertonic (10%) solutions of sodium sulfate are used to treat wounds, ulcers, etc.

IV. Side effects. Contraindications.

4.1. Glauber's salt should not be administered to emaciated, dehydrated animals.

4.2. Due to the high content of sodium ions, the drug should be prescribed with caution to old animals, as well as animals with severe heart failure

V. Special instructions.

5.1. When using Glauber's salt as a laxative, animals need to drink plenty of fluids.

5.2. Since sodium sulfate is not absorbed into the blood and does not accumulate in tissues, the meat of slaughtered animals is suitable for food without restriction.

VI. Storage conditions. Best before date.

6.1. Stored in manufacturer's containers (35 kg plastic bags) for 1 year. It is necessary to take into account the influence of storage conditions on the quality of the drug. In a dry place, it may lose water of crystallization (the powder turns from clear to white). In hot weather, when stored in hangars at a temperature of 33°C, it becomes liquid. In a damp room it becomes damp and “floats”.

6.2. In container 1.0; 0.5; 0.4 kg in sealed jars is stored for 3 years, not affected by the external environment.

6.3. Dehydrated Glauber's salt can be used sparingly in half doses.


Deputy Head


"_____" _________ 2010


on the use of Glauber's salt in veterinary medicine

(Manufacturer: , Vladimir, Vladimir region)


1. Glauber's salt (Na2SO4x10H2O - sodium sulfate 10-aqueous).

2. Glauber's salt is a medicinal product that is colorless transparent crystals that erode in air, is odorless, has a bitter-salty taste, and is highly soluble in water. It turns to stone during storage.

3. Glauber’s salt is packaged in sterile polymer jars of 200; 500 g sealed with sealing caps with a lock to control the first opening.

Each package is marked indicating: the manufacturing organization, its address and trademark, name medicine, titles and contents active substance, method of use, batch number, date of manufacture, expiration date, quantity per packaging unit, storage conditions, inscriptions: “Sterile”, “For animals”, state registration number, certification information, technical specifications designation and are accompanied by instructions for use.

Store in a well-sealed container, in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature from minus 45 to plus 30 ºС.

The shelf life, subject to storage conditions, is unlimited.


4. Sodium sulfate is practically not absorbed in the intestines and keeps water from being absorbed. In small doses, irritating the receptors of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, it enhances secretion, peristalsis and motility, and improves digestion. By diluting mucus, it has an anti-catarrhal effect. The laxative effect is manifested throughout the intestines. Stimulates bile formation and peristalsis of bile ducts, accelerates the excretion of metabolic products with bile. When applied externally, hypertonic solutions of sodium sulfate draw fluid from the tissues and therefore cause the outflow of lymph from the tissues. Together with lymph and wound exudate, toxins, bacteria, and rejected epithelium are removed. Wounds are quickly cleaned and healed.


5. Glauber's salt in small doses is used to increase appetite and improve digestion, in large doses - as a laxative for constipation, fullness and blockage of the intestines, flatulence; to remove toxins, poisons and other substances from the body; as a distracting and dehydrating agent for edema, dropsy, pleurisy, peritonitis, etc. Hypotension and atony of the proventriculus of ruminant animals. Used as an antidote for poisoning with barium, mercury, and lead salts. Prescribed to all types of animals and birds.

Used to treat post-surgical complications and skin diseases.

6. Glauber’s salt is most often used internally for animals. big amount water in the following doses (g): as a laxative - for horses 300 – 500, large cattle 400 – 800, deer 100 – 300, sheep 50 – 100, pigs 25 – 50, dogs 10 – 25, cats 3 – 10, chickens 2 – 4, foxes and arctic foxes 5 – 20, minks 5 – 15; How choleretic agent- horses 150 – 250, cattle 250 – 600, dogs 10 – 25; to improve digestion - horses and cattle 250 - 600, dogs 10 - 15. Dissolve in water before use. It is used as a laxative in the form of a 6% solution. For ruminants, sodium sulfate in the form of a 1% solution is used for hypotension and atony of the proventriculus by washing the rumen. In the form of hypertonic (10%) solutions, they are used externally in the form of lotions for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, etc. Weathered and dried, that is, dehydrated (lost crystallization water (the powder turns from transparent to white)) Glauber's salt is prescribed in half the dose, since the amount sodium sulfate in such salt increases approximately 2 times.

For the treatment of post-surgical complications, skin diseases in animals: for fresh, superficial wounds, abrasions, cracks, after suturing, etc. iodine ointment is applied thin layer on the affected area 1-2 times a day until clinical recovery; at purulent diseases skin and soft tissues (boils, abscesses, phlegmons), after opening the cavities and removing the purulent contents, a cotton-gauze swab is soaked in iodine ointment and inserted into the wound cavity.

7. Glauber's salt correct use and even with an overdose, no side effects not found.

8. The use of Glauber's salt does not exclude the use of other medications.

9. The drug is contraindicated for volvulus and diarrhea.

10. Livestock products are used without restrictions during the use of Glauber's salt.


11. When working with Glauber's salt, you should follow general rules personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medicines.

12. Jars of Glauber's salt are prohibited from being used for household and food purposes.

13. Glauber's salt should be stored in places inaccessible to children and animals.

The instructions have been developed (Vladimir, Vladimir region).

Manufacturing organization: . Address: Vladimir, Yuryevets microdistrict, st. Noyabrskaya, 41 A .

PVI registration number –

Glauber's salt got its name from the name of its discoverer, the German Glauber. Often in medicine, this drug is simply called When studying the composition mineral spring Glauber singled out general composition a specified product that had a bitter and salty taste. After this, he gave the bottle with the resulting salt to his friend the pharmacist. While cooking, the cook mixed up the hodgepodge and used this salt. Immediately after lunch, everyone who ate the food felt unwell and had a laxative effect. The pharmacist realized that the salt that Glauber gave him was to blame. Since then, this product has been called Glauber's salt and is the most famous and effective laxative. It is widely used not only for constipation, this remedy helps well as a choleretic, decongestant and diuretic, it is widely used for various kinds poisoning.

Later Glauber began to obtain the specified product from ordinary table salt, which was treated with sulfuric acid. But Glauber’s salt cannot be kept in the open air, as it gradually erodes.

Glauber's salt has a strong laxative effect and its use is justified in the presence of poisoning, to cleanse the intestines, as well as in the presence of liver diseases. This product causes liquefaction feces, as a result of which it begins severe diarrhea Thus, the body is cleansed of toxins and wastes, which are removed from it along with the liquid.

Glauber's salt application

This drug can also be used as an external agent, it helps cleanse upper layer epidermis, which has become keratinized. Depending on the human body, the use of this product allows you to remove up to 4 liters of fluid from the body. Naturally, this process is accompanied noticeable decrease weight.

But due to the fact that Glauber's salt is a strong laxative, the body should not be dehydrated and it is necessary to drink a lot of fluid when taking it. If you are taking this drug, you should not eat on this day.

Many experts recommend taking specially prepared juice while taking this remedy. It contains 4 grapefruits, 3 oranges and 2 lemons. Fresh fruit is made from these fruits; it will yield about 3 liters.

Glauber's salt is also used for weight loss and cleansing the body. To do this, you need to drink a glass of water in the morning, in which you dilute a spoonful of this product. After half an hour, you should start drinking the pre-prepared juice. It is enough to take a few sips of the drink after 30 minutes.

In the evening, you need to perform it. To perform it, use 2 liters of water, to which the juice of 2 lemons has been added. This procedure is carried out over 3 days. On the fourth day you need to drink vegetable juices and you have to eat raw vegetables. Do not be afraid if by the end of this cleansing process you feel weak, this is natural. If weakness appears, you need to lie down, but you cannot eat. After you start taking raw vegetables, over the course of 5-7 days you need to gradually transition your body to its usual food intake.

As for losing weight, make no mistake, Glauber’s salt helps remove fluid from the body and therefore weight loss occurs. But fat when used this drug does not collapse, and it’s up to you to decide whether to lose weight or not using this method.

Glauber's salt is used and, if necessary, treatment helminthic infestation, in this case, with its help, preliminary

But in any case, you should not self-medicate; this remedy can only be taken after consulting a doctor.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs