A man does not brush his teeth. What happens if you don't brush your teeth? The perfect (and true) horror story for everyone

From childhood, each of us was taught by our parents to brush our teeth in the morning and evening. In ancient times people did not know what it was Toothbrush, toothpaste. They also did not turn to dentists for treatment and filling of teeth due to their lack of availability. We rarely ask ourselves: what will happen if we don’t brush our teeth? That is, not clean at all? What will their condition be after some time?

Despite the absence of cleaning products, balms, and rinses for teeth in past centuries, people cared about their condition.

Attention! To clean teeth, our ancestors used crushed dried herbs mixed with chalk or charcoal. Chamomile decoctions were used to rinse the mouth, oak bark, propolis tincture. Instead of a toothbrush, a piece of cloth was wrapped around a finger and moved over the teeth and gums. Ladies of high society chewed tree resin, tree bark, and mint lozenges to freshen their breath and clean their teeth after meals.

A striking example of what happens if you never brush your teeth on principle, following the example of predators, tigers, for example, is known in world history. The totalitarian Chinese leader Mao Zedong decided not to consciously engage in such a hygienic procedure, believing that if animals do without it and have white, strong teeth, then humans do not need to do it either. There were no people willing to object to the ruler.
As a result, Mao's teeth gradually turned yellow, then green, and his breath became foul. But, as in old fairy tale about the naked king, no one from his entourage dared to reprimand him. Totalitarianism does not even allow the thought of the unpleasant personality traits of the helmsman.
Mao Tse Tong's mistake was to equate predators and humans on this issue. After all, our diet is different, and the smell from the mouths of lions and tigers is very unpleasant, even though the fangs are snow-white. People eat a lot of tasty but unhealthy food with chemical additives, drink coffee, strong tea, and smoke, which contributes to a specific plaque and bad breath that cannot be removed without cleaning.
IN modern world the argument that ancient people somehow managed without such hygiene procedure. But they either died early or were left without teeth early, as evidenced by archaeological finds.

This image shows a primitive toothbrush, which was made from a stick and special grass, as well as a toothbroom - a wooden stick with a tuft of bristles.

Do you want to replace toothpaste carrots, apples and oak bark? This is not enough to remove plaque completely, and the acid and glucose from these products will only add to problems in the oral cavity.

What are the dangers of not brushing your teeth?

Neglecting to brush your teeth can cause serious damage to your health. It's connected with dangerous factors, the manifestation of which we provoke if we do not pay attention to oral hygiene. These factors are:

  1. Plaque - food debris stuck in the teeth is a breeding ground for germs and bacteria, which gradually leads to caries, toothache, and other problems in the oral cavity.
  2. Tartar - plaque gradually turns into a persistent deposit that can only be removed in the dentist's office.
  3. Bad breath - food debris gradually rots and decomposes, releasing unpleasant putrid smell. This negative feature makes human communication difficult. Breathe on a colleague or loved one emitting a stench means showing disrespect for the interlocutor. This makes him subconsciously want to stay away from you.
  4. Inflammation of the gums, periodontal disease – serious illness which leads to loose teeth, bleeding gums, sour smell from mouth. Needs to drug treatment or surgical intervention, threatens tooth loss.
  5. Caries - destroyed by exposure to plaque, acids and glucose tooth enamel, caries develops, accompanied by toothache. The tooth may become damaged and require the help of a dentist.

Lack of oral hygiene leads to the formation of plaque, its transformation into tartar, inflammation of the gums and the development of caries; all these processes are accompanied by bad breath.

If you don’t have a toothbrush and toothpaste at hand

If you find yourself in conditions where there is no opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of civilization in the form of toothpaste and brushes, folk remedies will come to the rescue.

Important! ethnoscience successfully uses several proven compositions to clean teeth, freshen the mouth, and relieve toothache.

One of folk remedies, for example, chew a twig coniferous tree– cedar or pine. This cleanses your teeth well and strengthens them.
Recipe for making toothpaste at home from natural ingredients next:
  • Ash banana peel(contains fluorine) – 3 tbsp;
  • Sea salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • Dried tree resin - 0.5 tsp.

Add olive oil until a paste forms, rubbing the mixture well. Brush your teeth with the resulting mixture twice a day using a toothbrush or just your finger.

Attention! Powder of ground and mixed chamomile, turmeric, pepper, cloves, thyme, taken in the same amount It also cleans well and strengthens tooth enamel. After using it, you need to rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark, mint, thyme or saline solution.

Cereal grains - wheat, oats, rye in combination with mint, a sprig of rowan, bird cherry - proven remedy for cleaning teeth. The grain needs to be chewed for some time, trying to use all the teeth.
If you are on a hike, on an expedition, in the forest, and there is no toothpaste and brush, you can chew a willow twig or calamus root. Despite the bitterness, the substances in their composition have a cleansing, anti-inflammatory, healing effect.
It’s better not to test in practice what will happen if you don’t brush your teeth. Significant damage will be caused not only to the health of the oral cavity, but also gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, from childhood on, it is important to use a toothbrush and toothpaste regularly and correctly.

It happens that you have already gone to bed and suddenly remember that you forgot to brush your teeth. But you don’t want to get up at all, and, of course, skipping brushing your teeth once won’t be the end of the world. But what happens if you stop brushing your teeth forever?

The consequences can be much more serious than it seems at first glance. The mouth is a place full of growing bacteria. In fact, one mouth contains more bacteria than there are people on earth.

When we brush our teeth, we scrape off excess bacteria, as well as food particles and plaque. When we don’t clean it, it all grows in volume. And ours the immune system overloads, unsuccessfully trying to get rid of this “garbage”.

Dental plaque is a film that covers the teeth and is formed by sugar residues. It produces acid that eats away the enamel. Because of this acid, caries subsequently forms. Uncontrolled plaque also leads to gum inflammation, darkening of teeth, mouth sores and bad breath.

When the number of bacteria begins to grow, the risk of developing periodontal disease increases, which affects the periodontal tissue (periodontium) that supports the teeth. As a result, teeth begin to fall out. By the way, this is the main cause of tooth loss.

Our mouth contains both bad and good bacteria, but for the staphylococcus family this is a particularly favorable environment. And if you don't brush your teeth, these harmful bacteria can work their way through your gums and into your bloodstream. In the future, this can lead to heart disease, asthma, pneumonia and endocarditis - inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.

Apart from this, several controversial studies have also found a link between poor oral hygiene and erectile dysfunction, as well as dementia.

Most likely, you have heard more than once about how important it is to regularly brush your teeth several times a day. It's not just about basic hygiene, brushing your teeth is also important for protecting your overall health.

If the brush and paste are not too familiar to you, you may encounter a number of unpleasant diseases- do not think that the danger is limited to caries. Sometimes it can be tempting to give up on cleaning - you're tired, you forgot and didn't remember until the very last second. Find out what happens if this behavior becomes a habit, and you no longer want to be lazy as before - you will always brush your teeth morning and evening.

Periodontitis and bone loss

You may not have even thought about it, however, in addition to caries, you can also face serious periodontitis and even bone destruction if you do not brush your teeth. According to experts, bacteria produce special enzymes that gradually destroy bones.

Once you develop periodontal disease, the problem becomes incredibly serious. When the bone is damaged, there will be more space in which bacteria can grow. The cause will become the effect and will be formed vicious circle, rapidly destroying bone structure. Infections causing this problem may even require surgical intervention if the situation gets really tough. Don't take any chances, be sure to keep your mouth clean with daily brushing in the morning and evening.


Diabetes is serious chronic illness, which affects many, both children and adults. According to research, there is a connection between periodontitis, also known as inflammatory process in the gums, and diabetes. Research does not confirm that one condition causes the other, however, those who suffer from gum disease associated with poor oral care are more likely to suffer from diabetes.

Both conditions can be extremely serious, especially if left untreated. Diabetes can even lead to fatal outcome! Brushing your teeth to protect yourself from both gum problems and diabetes is really important, even if the connection between these diseases does not seem obvious.

Cardiovascular diseases

It turns out there is a connection between not brushing your teeth enough and cardiovascular disease. Bacteria that remain in your mouth when you don't brush your teeth enter your bloodstream and can affect your teeth. natural processes your body, for example, on the ability of the immune system to protect you from infectious diseases. According to experts, poor hygiene oral cavity may cause cardiovascular diseases, heart attack and even Alzheimer's disease.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death, with Alzheimer's disease coming in fifth. By preventing such diseases, rather than simply trying to wait out the problem, you can greatly protect your health and even save your life. Be sure to remember this the next time you think about whether you should skip brushing your teeth?

Bad breath

When you don't brush your teeth, you create ideal conditions for plaque and caries in your mouth. Just think about everything you ate today! Every time you eat, pieces of this food remain on your teeth. If you don't remove them during cleaning, plaque will form. Over time, it can become very hard and turn into tartar, which can only be removed by a professional. In addition, all these food residues lead to bad breath. Brushing your teeth can help you avoid awkwardness that can seriously harm both your romantic and professional relationships.


Before you experience periodontitis, you may first develop gingivitis. Gingivitis is a slight inflammation accompanied by swelling and bleeding of the gums. It is important to take good care of your teeth, gums and soft tissues oral cavity, so as not to encounter gingivitis. Also, if you notice signs of this disease, try to take everything immediately necessary measures to prevent its further spread, believe me, it will be much more painful later, and treatment will be difficult. Visit your dentist regularly so that he or she can help you prevent the situation from getting worse if you yourself do not notice changes in your oral health.

Enamel destruction

Your tooth enamel, which covers each tooth, is of great importance. It protects your teeth from impact environment. In the oral cavity heat, due to which the decomposition of food debris occurs rapidly. Bacteria feed on these residues, creating a plaque with an unpleasant odor. Prolonged exposure to this plaque on your gums causes inflammation, and in the future you may experience destruction of tooth enamel.

When the enamel covering a tooth erodes, you experience tooth decay much faster than if the enamel was intact. in perfect order. Every effort should be made to protect the enamel, first and foremost by brushing your teeth and using dental floss. It is also worth visiting the dentist regularly to monitor the condition of the oral cavity and be able to prevent the situation from worsening, if there are prerequisites for it.

Stains on teeth

When you drink or eat something with a rich color, for example, coffee, tea, beets, wine, your teeth gradually turn yellow. Smoking can also cause teeth to darken and become stained over time. Teeth become stained by food and drink, and if the stains remain for too long, the color of the teeth begins to gradually change. Be sure to brush your teeth to restore them normal color, then your smile will always look great! While brushing twice a day may not be enough to achieve complete whitening, this is a very important first step.


This is true, problems with oral hygiene do increase the likelihood heart attack or stroke. Bacteria found in plaque on teeth enters the bloodstream and travels to the heart and brain, creating plaque in the arteries. If this plaque grows enough to block blood flow to an area, cells in that area will begin to die due to lack of oxygen. The heart and brain are the areas most susceptible to the damaging effects of arterial plaque. Try to prevent the formation of plaque on your teeth so that it does not spread throughout the body - be sure to brush your teeth. This the simplest way protect your health.

Premature birth

Few people know about this, but problems with oral hygiene in pregnant women can actually lead to premature birth. Gum disease has been proven to cause premature birth and reduced body weight in the newborn. If you forget to brush your teeth often enough, you could be negatively impacting your baby's health. If you develop gum disease, it can cause your baby to be born prematurely, which means he or she will not be fully developed. This, in turn, can lead to a whole host of other problems. During pregnancy, you need not only to eat right, sleep more and take care of yourself in every possible way, but also try to brush your teeth regularly - you definitely need to remember this.

Surely every person wants to have healthy and strong teeth. But how to achieve this? To keep your teeth white and free of plaque, it is enough to brush them twice a day. In this case, you can forget about Not pleasant smell from mouth. Many people are interested in: “What happens if you don’t brush your teeth?” Firstly, they will lose their natural color. Secondly, plaque will appear. Thirdly, it will become a place where many microbes will be concentrated.

Habit or necessity?

Nowadays, the issue of oral care is quite relevant. In modern world appearance is of great importance. Beautiful smile- recipe for success. To ensure that your teeth always remain white, free of plaque and caries, they must be brushed daily. Is this always necessary? IN Lately There are many skeptics who claim that using toothpaste and brushing is more of a habit imposed by society. This is not necessary at all.

Doctors' opinion

Answering the question of what will happen if you don’t brush your teeth, dentists come to a clear conclusion - nothing good. Of course, ancient people did not use brush and powder, but they also did not consume sweets in such quantities as they do now. Apples and carrots still help to cope with plaque, but bacteria are too tough for them.

Experts have proven that in oral cavity, specifically on the tongue, there are most microorganisms that can cause many diseases. To remove them, daily procedures are needed - It is better to do them 2 times a day, morning and evening.

We're going against the rules

Many people are perplexed why brush their teeth, because in most cases it appears not from plaque, but due to stomach problems. This is true, but dentists talk in detail about what you can encounter if you ignore these procedures:

    Plaque that can only be removed by a doctor using special rubber attachments. Dentists assure that a film begins to form after each meal, so it is advisable to use an irrigator or rinse your mouth after finishing your meal. Plaque changes the color of the enamel, it becomes more yellow. In addition, a special environment is created for the proliferation of bacteria.

    Enamel caries. Appear on the surface of the tooth dark spots which can lead to many diseases.

    Stale smell. Bacteria living in the mouth can cause gingivitis. And you will have to forget about the pleasant smell from your mouth for a long time. Even mint gum or candy will not help.

    Tartar. These deposits usually appear in the internal part of the organ. They consist of food debris, plaque, phosphorus salts, bacteria, and dead cells. If you do not use a toothbrush and do not remove these elements from the oral cavity, they harden and turn into stone. You will not be able to cope with the problem on your own; a dentist and appropriate procedures will come to the rescue.

    Periodontitis. This is one of the most common diseases caused by improper hygiene oral cavity. purulent inflammation- these problems may be encountered by those who reject banal procedures (brushing their teeth).

When asking a question about what will happen if you don’t brush your teeth, carefully read the information presented above. Ten minutes spent on procedures can protect you from a number of problems and diseases.

We teach kids

Parents are often interested in the question: “When should I start brushing my children’s teeth?” This can be done from the time when the first incisors appeared. As a rule, this happens when the baby is 8-9 months old. Perfect for such purposes special brushes, which are put on the mother’s finger. They are not hard, they cannot damage the gums. At the same time, you will protect the baby from bacteria that are in the oral cavity.

Should baby teeth be brushed?

Many parents are perplexed: “Why clean them because they will fall out anyway?” Firstly, this procedure disciplines the kids. It is very difficult to accustom a child to the process when he is 6-7 years old. It's better to do this from an early age.

Secondly, do not forget about enamel caries. It spreads very quickly in children. The little ones reluctantly and with great fear go into dental office. In some cases, to treat baby teeth it is necessary to resort to general anesthesia, which negatively affects the baby’s health.

Older children: what do they need to know about oral cleanliness?

After your child turns 2 years old, you need to think about buying your first toothbrush and toothpaste. There are rules here that dentists recommend listening to:

Majority cultured people does this every day, morning and evening. Sometimes you happen to skip brushing your teeth - due to laziness, intoxication or health - and it seems as if nothing bad happened.

Meanwhile, neglect of teeth (as well as gums and tongue) is fraught with a lot of health problems, even those that at first glance have nothing to do with oral hygiene.

In this note, we will try to briefly list the possible troubles that await those who are not friendly with a toothbrush and common sense.

If for some reason a person gets used to not brushing his teeth and the surface of his tongue regularly, this leads to the formation of dental plaque - sticky, covered with a protective film, accumulations of microorganisms on the surface of the teeth, consisting of strains. If plaque is not removed on time, then not only bad breath occurs, but also caries, which irreversibly damages the structure of previously healthy teeth.

If you forget about your toothbrush for even a day, bacteria literally take control of your mouth. This also means that food fragments remain in the mouth, the bacterial decomposition of which creates a bad odor, which adversely affects the reputation of the owner of the teeth (and the forgotten brush).

Cardiac ischemia

Oral microbes and poisonous products their vital activity can enter the bloodstream and accumulate in coronary arteries. Because of this blood vessel blocked, leading to heart attacks or fatal myocardial infarction.

Bleeding Gums

Brushing your teeth stimulates blood flow to your gums, which is important for oral health. If you don’t brush your teeth, your gums often become inflamed and bleed.

Loose teeth

Refusal of daily dental care causes pain over time. If it is not treated, bone The jaws begin to deteriorate, and the teeth no longer stay in place, causing them to become loose and finally fall out. Moreover, a tooth lost due to periodontitis can be completely healthy.

You can forget about kissing

If a person’s teeth are rotting due to insufficient care and food stuck between the teeth, then no matter how attractive he or she may have, the chances of building close personal relationships with someone are minimal. Random connections on a drunken bench and we don’t take into account the romance of the social bottom.

Discoloration of teeth

A man or woman's clothes, shoes and hair can be any color, but teeth are usually white. However, the color of teeth inexorably changes in an unhealthy direction if they are not cared for daily. Colored substances from food and drinks are retained by bacterial plaque. These can be pigments from red wine, coffee or turmeric ( full list– much longer). If pigments are not removed with a toothbrush, teeth can change color for a long time - so that their owner no longer wants to smile in decent company. Tobacco lovers themselves are well aware of the staining of teeth caused by smokers.

Techniques for proper brushing of teeth

  • The cleaning process takes at least two minutes and is done at least twice a day: in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed.
  • You should use toothpaste containing fluoride and a toothbrush with soft bristles (“soft”).
  • Brush bushes, synthetic or natural, should be in contact with both the surface of the teeth and the surface of the gums. The brush is held at an angle of 45 degrees to the gums. Instead of moving the brush up and down or left and right, it is more advisable to make light circular movements - without much pressure and with moderate amount pasta.
  • It is highly recommended to replace your old toothbrush with a new one every three months. That is, in a year a decent person should “wear” at least 4 brushes.



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