Pink tooth treatment. Local discoloration of enamel and dentin

A popular question today: why did the tooth turn pink? Why can't doctors prevent cases where teeth turn pink or red? What does this mean? He came to the doctor to treat a tooth, and when he returned, he found that he was pink. Could this have serious consequences? I answer briefly: changing the shade of the tooth towards pink or red is bad. To what extent - you decide after reading. Why did the tooth change its shade to pink?

First reason.

This is resorcinol-formalin paste. Why do doctors fill up millions of teeth every year with this muck that stains them red, brown, pink, gray-brown-crimson. Not only does the dental organ become like a carrot in a matter of weeks or months, but there is plenty of other harm: it becomes “fragile”, after years it will be extremely difficult to remove it (since it “grows” to the alveolus), they are not sealed tightly enough channels...

Yes, and in general, this dirty trick is banned in many countries of the world as a carcinogenic drug. Or is it another weapon mass destruction, which does not take us?! So, we are not surprised why children and residents of remote villages still have pinkish teeth here and there.

The second reason.

Sequelae of trauma to the tooth. For example, they hit you with a door on which a fist hung, and in the morning there was already a pink or red tooth. In children's practice, this fist usually hangs on a swing or on a slide in a kindergarten.

What to do?

If you have a tooth filled with resorcinol-formalin paste, hurry to treat it. Then it will be too late. If a dentist does this with a milk tooth, then it can be difficult to turn it from pink back to white. For resorcinol-formalin permanent teeth there are methods intracanal bleaching with the replacement of materials with modern and non-coloring ones.

If it has become pinkish as a result of an injury, then you should quickly run to the dentist, so irreversible processes can go inside its canals: it is easy to lose a tooth. Moreover, in addition to hemorrhage inside the canal, due to which the tooth turned red, there may be a fracture, crack or incomplete dislocation of the root.

Local discoloration of enamel and dentin

Acquired anomalies in tooth color

Local superficial damage or damage to limited areas of enamel occurs under the influence adverse factors external environment. The cause of this condition is usually limited areas of enamel demineralization during the period of initial caries or on early stages acid necrosis.

initial caries. initial caries called the appearance of a whitish clouding of the enamel, which is called a chalky spot. External surface enamel does not change, it remains smooth, roughness is not formed. During the examination, this part of the tooth does not hurt. The optical properties of enamel during this period change as a result of an increase in the microporosity of the subsurface layers of the enamel. It is these layers that undergo demineralization. It is believed that the cause of demineralization is the effect of organic acids, which are produced by microorganisms living in plaque during their life as a result of the utilization of easily digestible carbohydrates. Hydrogen ions, formed as a result of dissociation of acids, penetrate through the micropores of the surface layer of enamel and interact with hydroxyapatite crystals, as a result of which calcium is displaced from the crystals. In the affected enamel, the gaps between the crystals and prisms increase, the size of the crystals and prisms decreases. outer layer enamel in the early stages of the lesion remains intact. This is the superficial intact layer. Then comes the dark zone that surrounds the front of the spot. The front of the spot or the body of the lesion is the place where both the periphery and the core of the prisms dissolve. The enamel in this area becomes porous. The lesion may extend into the depth of the tooth or run parallel to the surface. Depending on the age and maturity of the enamel, such foci can either spread along the surface without the formation of zones typical of caries, which is typical for immature enamel. In some cases, small chalk spots may form in the subsurface. The combination of subsurface demineralization with partial destruction of the surface layer of enamel is most common and is typical for people of various age groups. It is related to action. high acidity content oral cavity. In such a state, it becomes impossible to restore the optical properties of enamel in a conservative way. The formation of micropores in the body of the enamel lesion leads to a violation of the homogeneity of its structure. It loses its properties - transparency and brilliance. The affected area of ​​the tooth looks matte, this is especially noticeable when the tooth is dried with a jet of air. The carious spot can be pigmented and stained in various shades Brown color. Such staining may be superficial, but in some cases hard tissues teeth are stained to a sufficiently large depth.

Exogenous (due to external influence) staining of the tooth. Such staining can be superficial or deep. It occurs when enamel and dentin come into contact with metal seals. Under the influence of copper amalgam, the tooth acquires green tint. Silver amalgam stains the tooth dark gray, sometimes black. Teeth and previously used materials were painted black: lapis, chromic acid. Staining of the tooth in different colors can also occur when the dyes penetrate into the cracks of the tooth. The degree, intensity and depth of pigmentation in this case is very different and depends on the type and depth of the crack. Food colorings easily penetrate the tooth tissue. This effect increases with age. Especially pronounced coloring of cracked teeth is observed under the influence of nicotine. Gradually, the color can spread to the entire tooth. The reason for discoloration of the tooth is sometimes necrosis (death) of the pulp. In this case, the color of the entire crown of the tooth changes.

Tooth trauma during its formation. Trauma to the tooth during its formation can lead to a violation of its color. More often this occurs with trauma to temporary (milk) teeth, when the decay products of blood cells penetrate into the tissues of the germ permanent tooth and then become part of the tooth enamel. Such changes are detected after the eruption of the tooth. As a result internal hemorrhage tooth may stain pink color. Injured permanent teeth can remain alive, and the decay products of blood cells accumulate in the dentinal tubules and give the teeth a dark brown-yellow color or an opaque yellow tint deep in the tooth tissue.

Pink tooth syndrome. Pink tooth syndrome is the result traumatic injury ligamentous apparatus tooth. Pink color in this case is formed due to germination in dental cavity granulation tissue, which is formed after the death of the pulp or ruptures of the neurovascular bundle. This tissue gradually destroys the dentin and the pink coloration of the tooth appears many years after the injury. Pink tooth syndrome is quite rare. Its treatment consists in the removal of granulations, followed by filling the tooth cavity. During orthodontic movement of teeth, if an impact is applied that exceeds the physiological endurance of the tooth, the vessels in the pulp can rupture. In this case, bleeding occurs. If hemorrhage occurs in peripheral departments the tooth and the vessel are small, the nutrition of cells in a small area is disturbed, the cells atrophy, but great harm it does not bring a tooth. But if the bleeding comes from large vessel pulp, then all of it can undergo necrosis and die. The color of the tooth first becomes pink due to the erythrocytes that have penetrated the dentinal tubules. The hemoglobin then breaks down and stains the tooth dark yellow. Subsequently, the tooth may become yellow, brown, dark gray and black.

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Tooth discoloration in a child can be serious reason to worry his parents. This usually happens as a result of an injury. It is believed that about a third of all children before the age of seven, one way or another, injure their teeth. A discolored tooth can be embarrassing for a child and disturb his parents. However, more importantly, such a tooth can become a source of infection and pain. Trauma to the tooth may be accompanied by damage blood vessels. In such cases, blood particles can get into the tiny tubules inside the tooth. This process can lead to discoloration, turning the tooth gray, brown, or even black. Usually the color change does not happen immediately. The first signs may appear 2-3 weeks after the injury. Also, the causes of discoloration of teeth can be deep caries or resorption (resorption), in which the tooth may turn pink or red. Damage inside the tooth is usually irreversible, but in some cases the tooth can be restored, especially if the damage is caused by caries. General rule: The darker the tooth, the more likely it is to have a dead nerve. If a child's tooth has become discolored, the wisest thing to do is to go to the dentist right away so that the doctor can see if there are any other signs that the tooth is dead, has a deep cavity, or is showing symptoms of inflammation or infection. Many of these features can be seen in x-ray. After that, the dentist will be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment. Depending on the situation, the range of treatments can be very wide: from treatment root canal, before filling, installing a crown or extracting a tooth. If there are no signs of infection or other symptoms, the dentist may decide not to touch the tooth. Eventually, the tooth will fall out on its own and in doing so will help save room for the permanent tooth to erupt. Research results show that about 75 percent of discolored baby teeth fall out on their own, without any side effects for permanent teeth. The teeth may also turn pink or red. As in the cases described above, this can happen immediately after the injury or several weeks later. When a tooth turns red after an injury, it usually indicates damage to the blood vessels and filling the pulp with blood. This condition, called pulpal congestion, can be very difficult to diagnose and can also lead to tooth discoloration over time. One of possible complications is that protective system the body begins to dissolve the inner layers of the tooth (internal resorption). As the resorption progresses, the pink or red color becomes more and more visible as the tooth structure gradually thins out. In such cases, the teeth are either not touched, waiting for complete resorption, or removed. Resorption may also precede the eruption of the permanent tooth when its pressure leads to internal resorption of the deciduous tooth.

Is it possible to fix malocclusion at the age of 45?

Modern methods of orthodontic treatment allow correcting wrong position teeth at any age. The main thing is that the teeth themselves are present.

For treatment, special braces are glued to the teeth, with the help of which the teeth are moved. But in adults, treatment will be longer than in childhood. It will take from one and a half to two and a half years.

In addition, adults, as a rule, simultaneously with the correction of the bite, have to do prosthetics of part of the teeth.

If a person wears braces, will his diction change?

During treatment with braces, diction is not disturbed, as they are glued to the labial surface of the teeth and do not interfere with articulation.

Is it possible to restore a tooth if it is completely destroyed from above?

In most cases, this is possible using pin systems or stump inlays made laboratory method right for your tooth.

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures, and as a rule, the teeth restored from the roots are covered with a crown from above. Today, there are also methods of implanting teeth in place of lost ones.

After the nerve was removed, the tooth changed its color and became pink. What is the reason and can it be fixed?

Discoloration of a pulpless tooth occurs for several reasons. Here, apparently, an outdated paste composition was used to fill the canal, which has such side effect. It is possible that mistakes were made during the filling itself.

It is advisable to refill the canal, and then try to “whiten” the tooth from the inside. If this fails, apply different kinds masking: vinyls (veneer only the front surface of the tooth) and crowns.

At what month of pregnancy is it better to treat teeth?

Teeth should be treated before conception. If you do not have time, then in the first three and last three months of pregnancy it is better not to go to the dentist. The exception is acute toothache.

In the second trimester, it is better to go to the doctor in the afternoon, especially if there is nausea in the morning. Be sure to tell your doctor about your pregnancy, this will help him decide on painkillers and choose a treatment plan.

X-rays should only be taken if absolutely necessary. And from the fifth month, teeth should be treated only in a sitting position, not reclining.

A child has a black dot plaque on his teeth. From what it can be and what to do with it?

The child needs to be shown to the dentist and gastroenterologist. Most likely, you will have to undergo an examination for dysbacteriosis and infection with worms. It is with these pathologies that the teeth are most often covered with black dots.

Today there is modern facilities and devices that will remove plaque quickly and painlessly. Teeth are cleaned with a jet of a special fine powder based on soda and water droplets under pressure. But if the cause is not cured, the plaque will return.



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