What percentage of people have green eyes. How many people with green eyes

Eye color in humans is inherited by one of many genes. Already from the moment of conception, a person is predestined to have one or another shade of the iris. However, even scientists cannot say with 100 percent certainty what eye color a child will have. What affects the shade of the iris and what rare eye colors do people have?

What color are people's eyes: four basic shades

The color of the eyes of people is absolutely unique. It is known that the pattern on the iris is as unique as human fingerprints. There are mainly four colors of the iris - brown, blue, gray, green. According to statistics, green color- the rarest of the listed. It occurs in only 2% of people. There are only 4 primary colors, but there are many shades of them. In exceptional cases, a person's iris is red, black, and even purple. These are the most unusual shades that the iris acquires after birth, they are extremely rare in nature.

Is it possible to determine what eye color a child will have?

After birth, a baby's eyes are usually light green or cloudy gray. After a few months, the tone of the iris changes. This happens due to melanin, which accumulates and forms the color of the eyes. The more melanin, the darker the iris. The color, which is laid down by genes, appears at about one year of age, but it will finally form only by 5, and in some cases even by 10 years. The intensity of eye color, that is, the amount of melanin, is influenced by genetics and nationality. No geneticist can predict with absolute certainty what eye color a child will have. However, there are some patterns that suggest what the eyes of a person will be like. These patterns can be seen in examples:

  • If mom and dad have blue eyes, then the probability of having a child with the same shade of the iris is 99%. 1% is left on green, which is the rarest of the four majors.
  • If one parent has blue eyes and the other has green eyes, then the child has green or blue eyes with a 50% chance.
  • If dad and mom are green-eyed, then the probability of having a baby with a green tint of the iris is 75%, 24% - cases of the birth of a baby with blue eyes, 1% - with brown.
  • If one of the parents is blue-eyed and the other is brown-eyed, then their children will be brown-eyed in 50% of cases. 37% of children from such unions are born with blue eyes, and 13% with green eyes.
  • In brown-eyed parents, children in 75% of cases will also be brown-eyed. Green-eyed children can be born to them with a probability of 18%, and blue-eyed children - with a probability of 7%.

It is worth taking into account that the blue color of the eyes of a child may subsequently become sky blue, gray-green - emerald green, and brown - black. This is almost impossible to predict. Actually, this is the basis of the uniqueness of the shade of the human iris. Sometimes it has an unusual color from birth. There is absolutely rare shades found in only one person in hundreds of thousands. Let's make the top most unusual colors eye.

The most unusual eye color in the world. Top rare eye colors in humans

The first place in the list "The rarest eye color" is purple. This shade is obtained by mixing blue and red tones, few people have seen people with a purple iris. As geneticists point out, purple eyes- this is similar to blue, that is, they are a variant or pigment of blue color. It is assumed that the purple eye color in the world is found only among the inhabitants of Northern Kashmir. Also, the legendary actress Elizabeth Taylor had lilac eyes. Violet varieties include ultramarine, amethyst and hyacinth.

Sometimes a lilac iris can be a symptom of a pathology. In Marchesani syndrome, which is characterized by abnormal development of the eyes and limbs, the iris may take on a purple hue.

Violet color can be considered as a great rarity, it is rather beyond comparison. Then the first place in the ranking of eyes of unusual colors is rightfully occupied by a green tint. Only 2% of the world's population has it. In this case, the following regularities are observed:

  • Green-eyed are more common in Northern and Central Europe including Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Scotland. In Iceland, approximately 40% of people have green eyes. In Asia, Africa, South America, it is almost impossible to meet green-eyed people if we are talking about the natives.
  • Women have green eyes three times more often than men.
  • Many green-eyed people have white skin and red hair.

The most famous owner of green eyes is Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie. Her iris is dark green. Actress Tilda Swinton has bright emerald green eyes, while Charlize Theron has a calmer, light green iris. Among the men with green eyes, one can recall Tom Cruise and Clive Owen.

Another rare color is red. Most often, red eyes occur in albinos, although with albinism, the iris is usually brown or blue. The iris acquires a red color if the melanin pigment is absent. Because of this, eye color is determined by translucence through the iris. blood vessels. If the red hue is mixed with the blue tint of the stroma, the eyes may take on a purplish color that is closer to violet.

Amber eye color, which is a type of hazel, is also very rare. Amber eyes are usually bright, clear with a very pronounced golden tone throughout the iris. Varieties amber color considered golden green, reddish copper, tan and golden brown. True amber eyes, which can somewhat resemble the eyes of a wolf, are practically not found in nature. However, shades of amber are also quite beautiful and rare.

Fifth place in the top of unusual eye colors is black. It, in fact, is another kind of karego. The black iris contains a lot of melanin, the amount of which determines the intensity of the color. Due to saturation, the black tint almost completely absorbs the rays of light falling on the iris. This type of eye is found mainly among representatives of the peoples of Africa. In Caucasians, it is less common, but more common than purple, green and amber eyes. The famous owner of black eyes was the British actress Audrey Hepburn. Varieties of black: bluish black, obsidian, pitch black, dark almond and jet black.

Eyes are also very rare. different color. This physiological feature called heterochromia.

Eyes of different colors

Heterochromia is a rare phenomenon. It occurs in only 2% of the world's population. It occurs due to a lack of melanin in the iris of one eye. Congenital heterochromia is formed about six months after the birth of a child, when the pigment begins to be produced. If it is distributed unevenly, the eyes become various shades.

Most often, congenital heterochromia occurs in women, although scientific explanations this is not. In men, the eyes also come in different colors, but much less often. But their heterochromia manifests itself in more unusual shape.

Varieties of heterochromia:

  • Full. Often in this case, one eye of a person is brown, and the other is blue. Anatomically, the organs of vision do not differ from each other. They have the same size and visual acuity.
  • Partial. With this form of heterochromia, the iris of one eye is painted in different shades. It can be divided in two tones in half, in quarters or have wavy color borders. As a rule, partial heterochromia is observed in children from two to four years. Subsequently, melanin is distributed evenly. If this does not happen, it is necessary to check and identify the presence of pathologies.
  • Central. This form is characterized by the appearance of rings around the pupil. This phenomenon is somewhat reminiscent of the rainbow effect, when there are two or more rings of several colors in one iris. There are no more than a dozen such people all over the world.

Heterochromia, which has genetic prerequisites, manifests itself after birth. The acquired form occurs as a result of injuries and diseases, for example, Fuchs syndrome. This disease is an inflammation choroid and rainbows. The syndrome usually affects one eye. One of the symptoms of the disease is the lightening of the iris. There are other, more rare pathologies, accompanied by a change in the color of the iris. Among them:

  • Posner-Schlossmann syndrome is a type of uveitis, that is, inflammation of the iris and choroid;
  • Horner's syndrome is a disease associated with a lesion nervous system and manifested on the organs of vision;
  • Pigmentary glaucoma is a pathology in which the pigment separates from the iris and enters other parts of the eye;
  • Melanoma of the iris malignant tumor which is usually dark brown in color.

All these pathologies are characterized by a change in eye color.

Chameleon eyes

Another rare phenomenon associated with the color of the iris is chameleon eyes that change color. A change in the hue of the iris may occur as a result of natural causes and influenced by external factors. Emotions (stress, fear) are natural. External factors- air temperature, Atmosphere pressure, indoor lighting. Chameleon eyes can become lighter or darker, depending on the influence of these factors. Such changes are temporary and not always noticeable.

The first thing that attracts in a person and tunes in to communication is the eyes. Eye color is considered a gift of nature, fate and parents. It makes a person different from others, unlike, and sometimes unique. To find out what is the rarest eye color and why some lucky people can boast of it, you need to turn to information from biology and medicine.

3. Green color: red and freckled eyes. Owners of green eyes are Eastern and Western Slavs. These are residents of Germany, Iceland, as well as Turks. Clean green tint the eye is characteristic of no more than 2% of the world's population. Mostly carriers of the gene green eyes- women. It is believed that such a rarity is due to the times of the Inquisition - then red-haired green-eyed women were considered witches and put on fire for communication with evil spirits.

4. Amber-colored eyes: from golden to marsh. This variety of brown color is distinguished by warmth and light. A rather rare species in its yellowish-gold coloration is similar to the eyes of a wolf. That is what they are sometimes called. They can turn into a red-copper shade. This color is also called walnut. Eyes of this shade are usually endowed with vampires or werewolves.

5. Black color: passionate eyes. True black color is not common, it is only a shade of hazel. In the iris of such eyes is so great amount melanin pigment that it completely absorbs all light rays. Therefore, the eyes appear jet black. More often they can be found among representatives of the Negroid race, as well as the inhabitants of Asia.

Unknown facts about human eyes

7 out of 10 people have brown eyes.

With the help of a special laser surgery brown eyes can be turned into bluish. It is believed that if melanin is removed from the iris, then under it there will be a blue tint.

10,000 years ago, all people living on the Black Sea coast looked at the world with brown eyes. Then, as a result of genetic changes, blue eyes appeared.

The yellow hue of the iris, or as it is called "wolf's eye", is often found among many animals, birds, fish and even domestic cats.

Heterochromia is a disease in which the eyes are painted in different colors. This rare anomaly occurs in only 1% of people on the planet. According to signs, such people are happy and successful in life. It was believed that if a person has eyes of different colors, then he is associated with the devil or a demon. These prejudices can be explained by the fear of the inhabitants of everything unknown and unusual.

There is still debate about what is the rarest eye color. Some give the palm to a green tint, some scientists insist on the possibility of the existence of the elect with purple eyes on the planet. Many talk about acceptable color effects when varying degrees illumination, when the eyes can appear amber, and lilac, and red. However, the color of the iris is unique for everyone.

It happens like this: stranger and, it seems, there is nothing special about it, but it is impossible to take your eyes off! What attracts and fascinates us? Eyes! And their main advantage is huge variety colors! Almost every person in the world has their own shade! But they are all divided into groups - blue, brown, green, gray.

Most common eye color

It's believed that brown-eyed people most in the world. Moreover, according to scientists, initially all people were born with brown eyes, and all other colors occurred in the process of mutation - about ten thousand years ago. And still, even after millennia, brown remains the most common color in the world. Unless the inhabitants of the Baltic countries are predominantly light-eyed.

The rarest

Oddly enough, people with green eyes are the least common in the world. Scientists believe that only 2% of the inhabitants of the planet have this eye color. This fact is still associated with the Middle Ages, considering that such a small percentage of green-eyed people in modern society is the result of the Inquisition. At that time, as you know, women with this eye color were considered witches and burned at the stake, which made it impossible to continue the race.

The most unusual eye color

Two percent is, of course, very little, but there is an eye color that is even rarer - lilac. It's hard to even believe that this is possible without photoshop and lenses until you see a person with violet eyes live. One thousandth of a percent is exactly the number of such people in the world. They are called indigo, they are admired, and only scientists skeptically declare that there is nothing supernatural in this, and explain that this is a mutation called "the origin of Alexandria." It is not a disease and the process is extremely little understood.

What is known for sure is that babies are born with blue or gray eyes, but literally six months later, the color of their eyes changes towards purple. A bright representative of "violet" eyes is the legendary and unique Elizabeth Taylor. Who knows, perhaps the secret of her unsurpassedness is in her magical look!

According to scientific research and statistics, the most rare color the eye is green. Its owners make up only 2% of the total population of the planet.

The green hue of the iris is determined by a very small amount of melanin. In its outer layer, there is a yellow or very light brown pigment called lipofuscin. In the stroma, a blue or blue tint is present and diffuses. The combination of diffuse tint and lipofucin pigment gives green eyes.

As a rule, the distribution of this color is uneven. Basically, there are a lot of its shades. AT pure form it is extremely rare. There is an unproven theory that green-eyedness is related to the red hair gene.

Why green eyes are rare

In an attempt to find out why green eyes are a rarity today, one should seek possible reasons to the Middle Ages, namely to the time when the Holy Inquisition was a very influential institution of power. According to her doctrines, the owners of green eyes were accused of witchcraft, ranked as accomplices dark forces and burned at the stake. This situation, which lasted for several centuries, almost completely replaced the already recessive green iris gene from the phenotype of the inhabitants of Central Europe. And since pigmentation is an inherited trait, the chance of its manifestation has decreased significantly. So green eyes have become an infrequent occurrence.

Over time, the situation has somewhat leveled off, and now green-eyed can be found in Northern and Central Europe, and sometimes even in its southern part. Most often they can be seen in Germany, Scotland, Iceland and Holland. It is in these countries that the green-eye gene predominates and, interestingly, is seen more frequently in women than in men.

In its pure form, namely the shade of spring grass, green is still a rarity. Basically, its diverse variations are found: gray-green and marsh.

In Asian countries, South America and the Middle East are dominated dark eyes, mostly .

If we talk about the distribution and predominance of individual shades of the iris in Russia, the situation is as follows: 6.37% of the owners of dark eye color account for 50.17% of the population with eyes of a transitional type, for example, hazel-green, and representatives bright eyes- 43.46%. All shades of green belong to them.

Attitude towards a person is often formed on the basis of how he looks. But there are things that have little to do with it. Eye color is given to us from birth, and there are those in whom it turns out to be the rarest. And sometimes they say a lot about the character of the owner, which is sometimes explained quite logically.

It turns out that the rarest eye color on earth is violet . It is unlikely that there will be someone who has seen the owner of such eyes. This color appears due to a rare mutation called the "origin of Alexandria". Immediately at birth, such a patient has the most common color. It changes after 6-10 months.

2nd place.

Red color very rare. It is found in humans and animals with certain disease. Also attached to it White color hair.

3rd place.

pure green color eyes are a rarity. In Iceland and Holland, a population study was conducted, which showed that they are more common in women than in men. The softness of the associations is understandable. There is a lot of it in nature - this is the foliage of plants, and the color of some crawling animals, and the color is important for human organs.

4th place.

Rare are multicolored eyes . Scientifically, this phenomenon is called heterochromia. The color may include inclusions of other colors, or just both eyes are colored differently. The phenomenon is rare, but original looking.

5th place.

Blue colour the eye is considered a variety of blue. But it is somewhat darker, and is quite rare.

6th place.

Yellow considered a variety of karego, but rare. It is generally accepted that such people are endowed with magical powers. They say they have telepathic abilities. They usually have an artistic nature. If you have no evil in your thoughts, then communicating with people with this eye color will bring real joy.

7th place.

hazel eye color is the result of mixing. Lighting can affect its hue, and it comes in golden, brown, brown-green. hazel eyes- a frequent occurrence.

8th place.

Even though the owners blue eyes classify themselves as an elite category of society, there are quite a lot of them in the world. They are especially common in Europe, in its northern part and the Baltic countries. Among the population of Estonia, the owners of blue eyes are found in 99% of the population, in Germany - 75%. It is generally accepted that its owners are softer and less psychologically developed than, say, the owners of brown eyes. They are considered a variety gray color although the latter is much more common. In Russia, it occurs in almost 50% of cases.

9th place.

Very common in the world black eye color . Its owners usually belong to the Mongoloid race, in the South, Southeast and East Asia. Sometimes the color of the pupil and iris merge, which creates the feeling of a completely black eye. Given the prevalence of the inhabitants of these regions, black eyes are not uncommon. In this case, the black iris is different high concentration the coloring pigment melanin. Accordingly, the color falling on it is absorbed. Also, the color is found among the Negroid race. Color eyeball sometimes has a grayish or yellowish tinge.

10th place.

Most common brown eye color . His warm nature speaks of his origins. He has a very large quantity shades ranging from light to dark brown. Its owners are found in the following countries:

  • Asia,
  • Oceania,
  • Africa,
  • South America
  • Southern Europe.

very bright and warm color eye. He has a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bshades from light to dark brown. It looks quite strange, and, of course, spectacular.



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