Telepathy and telepathic abilities of a person. Development of telepathy


Telepathy can manifest itself in any person, but the manifestation occurs at different levels. Currently, scientists report: between people and the rest of the world, space. This is due to the fact that a person can tune in to energy messages, information coming from space. , emotional depression, loss of strength under adverse weather conditions are not reliable, convincing evidence of the situation regarding telepathy, therefore scientists are interested in conducting research.

Initially, the gift, transferred by higher powers, manifests itself in units. If desired and striving, each person will come into contact with the true "I", will get a chance for the development of telepathy, will find application in life.

Being engaged, there is a way to convey feelings and emotions, thoughts, despite the absence of traditional communication ties. Distance ceases to play an important role in this process.

Despite the chance to use telepathy for good, many people do not dare to manifest telepathy in life. People occasionally try to develop skills on their own. Despite this, the makings exist for everyone.

People who live together for a long time note that they feel each other's emotional and psychological experiences.

Telepathy is developed with the right approach, but at the same time, a person takes on additional responsibility, since he must take into account morality and ethics when planning his actions. Developed abilities should not negatively affect the lives of other people. When planning to commit selfish and destructive actions using telepathic skills, a person is faced with unnecessary dangers that cannot be adequately controlled.

Skill development is a possible challenge. If you want to increase your chances of success, you should set a goal for yourself. The goal must be useful. Self-interest and an attempt to infringe on the rights of other people should be absent. For the correct and full use of telepathic skills, you will need developed good health, resistance to influences on the mental state.

Telepathy research

During telepathic communication, logical thinking, human consciousness are not involved. The basis is intuition, which is given to development. People at the point, energy level tune in to each other. In fact, it is difficult to confirm the energetic, sensual connection between people by scientific methods. Most of the research conducted by scientists ends in failure. This situation leads to the following turn of events: skeptics report that telepathy is fiction, fiction that does not deserve attention. The reliability of the results obtained during the experiments allows us to draw certain conclusions.

In America, in California, a symposium was held in 1969. The symposium brought together representatives of different states. A presentation was held at the event, which made it possible to better understand how the situation regarding telepathy is developing. Prior to this, the successful completion of the experiment, which revealed the directions, the foundations of telepathy. The experiment resulted in obtaining objective data. The results obtained are used in the scientific world as proof of the existence of telepathy.

In 1971, official reports of telepathy sessions appeared in the US media. The sessions were held during the expedition for the interaction of people who remained on Earth and astronauts who went into space on a ship. At that moment, when the ship left the planet towards the moon, Mitchell discovered in himself the ability to telepathy. The astronaut returned to earth after a successful flight, learning that he had transmitted to Earth about 200 images from a special deck, with a match of 51 times. Despite the fact that the success was only 25%, the result was favorable. In reality, the probability of an event is practically unrealistic.

Experiments and studies, experiments with the participation of experienced researchers continued in different countries of the world. The events were held not only under normal conditions, but also in extreme situations, when other channels of communication were out of reach. Research proves that telepathy is independent of any other fields, as it is a unique factor that manifests itself without external influences. Experiments are still being carried out in Europe and America, with the results of each exercise being made public.

Experiments prove the existence of a bioinformatic connection between people and plants. This aspect was discovered during the experiments. The discovery of communication has become a passing component, manifested from an important side. Such results prove the unity of living nature, the whole world, and the cosmos.

The studies carried out are evidence of the existence of a connection between people and plants, space. Information passes through different levels, so there is an interaction in every case. Various life events, thoughts and plans, feelings and emotions serve as a source of information. The structure of the image serves as information when it comes to plants that lead vegetative life. Contact in the outer world serves as the basis for balance in space and the universe. At the same time, the human factor is completely eliminated. The research results confirm the existence of biophysical structures that manifest themselves at the level of psychology, psyche, and thinking. Structures exist outside the human body and do not depend on vital functions. For this reason, the plant serves as a sensor that captures structures, messages under favorable conditions.

Parapsychologists are inclined to the following: the results of research, experiments confirm the presence of a highly developed civilization and a chance to communicate through telepathy. Perhaps the plants are not as simple as it is believed.

Stages of development of telepathy

A person who decides to engage in the development of telepathy goes through several steps leading to the achievement of the goal.

How to achieve the desired results?

Become open to feelings, believe in existing forces, find inner potential. Open telepathy, knowing the facets of the natural personality, the real "I". Take a few cards with a variety of geometric shapes. Don't look at the cards. Apply the leaves to the forehead, where the third eye is located, concentrating. Think about what picture you took, try to feel it. Regular training will allow you to guess the pictures.
Study the exercises, focusing on emotional sensations, the inner world. Guess which passengers get off at the next stop, what people are thinking. Do not apply excessive force. Do your assigned tasks with ease. Concentrate on the question, but relax looking for the answer, don't worry. The right inner message will set you up for decent results. After a while, you will appreciate the effect.
Control your thoughts. You control the words you speak. This is not always an easy task, but it is manageable. Control not only words, but also thoughts, dreams. The presence of pure, sincere thoughts, the absence will allow you to cleanse yourself at the internal level, discover positive character traits, and lay the foundation for further development.

The third stage is a serious task, which you should treat accordingly. Telepathy changes the life of a person and his surrounding people, opens up opportunities for development in the chosen direction. Eliminating the negative, use the developed abilities for your own benefit, without trying to harm other people.

Effective exercise

To develop telepathy, do exercises regularly. Refuse standard communication, communicating on a mental level with a loved one. Find a partner and arrange with him to conduct training at a certain time.

The person who receives must sit in a suitable position and relax, perform preliminary adjustment, tune in to the information and thoughts coming from the partner. First, use simple and close words that can be guessed in the shortest possible time. Remember the person, the peculiarities of his behavior, wanting to succeed in the regular exercise. The visual representation will allow you to transmit information, capture emotions and feelings, as a result of which, over time, the possibilities for telepathy will be revealed.

The process is exciting and original, although it will require a lot of time, effort, real desire.

Do not treat training as ordinary entertainment, otherwise it is undesirable to count on the effect.

Correctly evaluate the incoming information, since it depends on how it will manifest itself, whether it will be beneficial or not. For this reason, it is not so easy to achieve success as we would like.

For the correct interpretation of the information received, imagine a person, think about him, and not about the features of a personal character, the perception of events on your part. In connection with this aspect, the control of emotions, thoughts is a significant task, because otherwise telepathy will not take place.

Telepathy can be dangerous, so control the influence of abilities on life. Act for the good of yourself and other people, be responsible for every act you do.

January 23, 2014

Telepathy is the ability to transmit words, emotions or images with the power of thought. Although there is no reliable evidence for the existence of telepathy, there is nothing stopping you from trying. Relax your body and mind, mentally imagine that the recipient is right in front of you, and focus on mentally sending a simple word or image to the recipient. Try to take turns receiving and sending signals with a close friend or relative and write down your progress in a diary. In a practical way, it may turn out that there is a strong mental connection between you and a friend!


Part 1


    Turn off your physical sensations. Try turning on white noise with headphones and wearing tinted glasses. Shift your focus away from physical sensations to maximize your focus on sending a telepathic message.

    • You and the recipient need to turn off their feelings. Sensory deprivation will help you focus on the message.
  1. Focus on a simple image or word. At the very beginning, try something as simple as the item closest to you. Imagine it in full detail and focus only on it. Think about the object's appearance, texture, and feel when touching such an object.

    • For example, imagine an apple. Mentally consider every detail of such an apple, imagine its taste and density. Think only of an apple.
  2. Send a message. Have a clear mental image and imagine it going from your head to the mind of the recipient. Imagine that you are sitting opposite each other. To complete the transmission, imagine that you say “Apple” to him or name another selected item. Visualize an expression of awareness on the recipient's face that confirms that they have understood you.

    • It is important to understand the difference between focus and tension. Focus on your image, but stay relaxed.
    • Once you send a thought, put it out of your head and don't think about it again. Just imagine that you gave it to the recipient.
  3. Ask the recipient to write down the thought that comes to their mind. After sending a message, the recipient should remain relaxed and ready to receive this message, and then write down his thought on paper.

    • Before checking, also write down the thought you tried to send. This will help you get objective results by comparing records.
  4. Compare results. When both are ready, show each other your notes. Don't get frustrated if it doesn't work the first time. Try to clear your mind again and try to send another image.

    • Don't beat yourself up if you can't send a clear telepathic message. The fun is in the effort, not the end result!

Part 3

Train with a partner
  1. Alternately try to send and receive messages. Switch roles as you try and see which role you do best. You may be better at receiving messages and your friend is sending mental images.

The exchange of information at the level of biofields between a person and the outside world around him is currently called telepathy (in the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, the term "telepathy" is explained as the transmission of thoughts and feelings at a distance without the mediation of the senses).

The natural ability of telepathy is inherent in a few people, but for the most part, people do not possess telepathy. But this ability can be developed with the help of special exercises. And for those who want to do telepathy, you need to understand the following for yourself:

  1. The measure of responsibility to society of a person who uses the ability of telepathy is very large. If a person uses them for the benefit of society, participating in search and rescue of people or in scientific research, this is commendable. But it must be remembered that the work of a telepath (including for the benefit of society) must be qualified, because otherwise great mental troubles are possible both for the telepath himself and for the people with whom he works. If a person wants to use telepathic abilities simply out of interest, this cannot be considered worthy of approval, because the release of information in the general field, without good intentions, can unbalance a certain number of people, push them to rash acts. When using telepathy for selfish purposes or to harm certain people, both the telepath himself and the objects of his influence can suffer severely.
  2. A person who uses telepathic abilities must necessarily be able to accumulate prana and have a sufficiently large supply of it in the nerve centers. The fact is that the energy distributed in a healthy body (taking into account a certain amount of energy in the nerve centers) fully ensures the physical and mental processes of the body itself. And only in exceptional cases, especially in dramatic situations that are mortally dangerous for an individual, does this energy automatically, spontaneously switch to transferring information about the nature of the danger to the general biomagnetic field. From this it is clear that a person engaged in telepathic experiments must constantly take care of the accumulation of a large amount of prana (psychic energy) in the nerve centers.
  3. You need to be healthy physically and mentally. For a telepath, in this regard, Hatha yoga is very useful, which improves health (as well as giving the skills of proper breathing and relaxation, necessary for the release of consciousness). To Raja Yoga, the elements of which you need to know (in particular Pratyahara), you should proceed only after a thorough study and mastery of Hatha Yoga.
  4. A positive attitude should always be present in your life. You need to convince yourself that in the world that you perceive with the help of ordinary senses, everything is as good as possible, and if there is something absurd, then the time is not far off when it will disappear. Any elements of anxiety and uncertainty that are present in you before the release of consciousness can set you up to receive such information that its perception, at best, will forever block your path to the common field, at worst, will deprive you of the possibility of normal thinking under normal conditions.
  5. You need to be able to manage yourself in any conditions of life. Without mastering the ability to restrain one's emotions, one cannot accumulate and send energy, because, accompanied by uncontrollable emotions (often negative), this energy can be the energy of destroying the psyche of other people. Suppose you have learned to concentrate and send, at will, sufficiently powerful discharges of high-frequency currents. When communicating, someone inadvertently offended you, causing you to become angry. The discharge of energy that this person will receive from you will be so strong that it can cause him a deep nervous shock. This person may become seriously ill.
  6. The ability to relax, release the body from tension is no less important than the ability to concentrate, direct and send energy to individual parts of the body or to the external environment. Clamps in certain parts of the body are a focus of excitation, to which energy rushes from the rest of the cells of the body - nearby and distant. And this can interfere with the liberation of consciousness.

Conditions and postures for practicing telepathy

At first, you need to practice telepathy in a separate room with complete silence. This condition is observed in the initial period, when you have not yet learned to fully focus your attention on the rhythms of the body (noise can interfere with the fixation of the pulse, the feeling of the current of prana). In the future, as you advance in the exercises, you will acquire the ability for deep concentration, the ability to concentrate on a chosen point of the body in any situation. The room should have normal humidity, it is advisable to remove or close water tanks (water is an active absorber of radio waves). Do not exercise during rain or thunderstorms. Nearby there should be no metal objects that have a connection with the ground, as well as working electrical appliances. You should not exercise in conditions of high radioactive background (the body allocates part of the energy to create a screen-aura around individual neurons, vital centers to protect them from exposure to radiation or from the effects of negative information, but energy to maintain the aura around vital centers during telepathic experiments may not be enough, and then small doses of radiation can cause significant harm to the body).

The position of the body during the exercises for the development of telepathy associated with the release of consciousness is very important. Incorrect, uncomfortable postures lead to the fact that high-frequency currents lose power when the conductors are bent (where there are no Kenrak waveguides). Such emissions at intermediate stages in the process of neural transformations will reach a maximum, a large amount of energy mobilized by us for telepathic communication will be wasted. At the same time, it should be remembered that neglecting the posture can not only minimize the results of telepathic experiments, but also harm the practitioner.

Yoga postures such as Sukhasana (pleasant posture), Sidhasana (adept yoga posture), Vajrasana (diamond posture), Ardha Podmasana (half-lotus posture), Podmasana (lotus posture) can be used as postures for practicing telepathy. An acceptable position may be sitting on a chair or lying on the floor, while the condition must be observed: the head, neck and back are in one straight line. In a sitting position on a chair, the torso is tilted forward so that the chin is on a line passing through the middle of the thighs; the palms of the hands without tension should lie on the knees, the head is raised.

Transfer of energy and information from one person to another

An inductor (from the Latin word induco - I introduce, direct, induce) in telepathy is a person who is a source of information; percipient (from the Latin word perceptio - perception) - a person who perceives information.

Before learning to enter into a telepathic connection with another person, as well as with the general biomagnetic field, you need a certain time (5-6 months) to work out the release of consciousness according to the classical method of Raja Yoga (Pratyahara - Dharana - Dhyana) or according to the simplified method of Raja Yoga (Pratyahara - rhythmic breathing - mental breathing). As a result of these classes, the ability to tune in to the field of another person and to the general field will come:

  1. having performed rhythmic breathing, you will feel that your consciousness is expanding, as it were, opening up to receive information, to awareness without sensations. You become a part of the general field, and a drop of your consciousness acquires the ability to pass information through itself, perceive spontaneously the radiation of other people, their thoughts, their conscious sensations: smells, voices, music, various pictures, taste. (After 1 - 2 months of classes, unusual states may “roll over” on you, which are uncontrollable at first. Voices of some people, music, laughter will sometimes sound in your brain, you will smell food, flowers, although there is no sound, you will not be able to see a smell nearby. Then you will suddenly discover in yourself the ability to "see" in complete darkness, to see even with your eyes closed. This is the result of the fact that your consciousness is tuned to receive any information from the general field. It catches everything indiscriminately for joy not yet controlled by your will.After 2-3 months of training, you will feel the rolling of soft powerful waves of energy - usually it happens before falling asleep.You do not need to tune into resonance with these waves.You are not ready yet.After a few months you will be able to use the tuning to these waves , not only opening up access to energy, but at the same time ensuring its removal from the body for various purposes, directing it, targeting and focusing.However, this right must be earned in the nirovkah. No one will ever tell you: now you can. You yourself as a result of training should feel and realize this, feel like a complete master of your body and each of its cells);
  2. having performed mental breathing, you will get the opportunity to tune in to a specific person or to a general field. Tuning (gradual groping for the rhythm of the field of another person or the rhythm of the general field for further connection to these fields and merging with them), which is essentially the tuning of the neurons of the nervous system to the wavelength of interest to us due to the redistribution of energy between excited atoms, occurs reflexively. A person who has begun to train in the practical use of his telepathic abilities can be compared to a child turning the knob of a receiver's variable capacitor (and, of course, having no idea about radio communication and the device of the receiver); in the end, he stumbles upon a program of interest to him. As you work on yourself, the knowledge of the “scale of ranges” comes, and the person quite consciously, unmistakably finds the “station” that interests him.

One must remember to have a positive attitude towards the percipient. It is impossible to free your consciousness and penetrate the consciousness of another person if you have at least the slightest element of dissatisfaction with this person. All negative feelings towards the percipient must be excluded, since the psychological centers of excitation chain the consciousness to itself, preventing it from mobilizing all the forces to unite with another consciousness. This situation is confirmed by the fact that most often there are cases of spontaneous telepathic communication between lovers (lovers, friends, relatives) and almost never between people who are antipathetic to each other.

Usually our thinking is abstract in nature (we operate with categories without their specific binding), and only when the thought is concretized is emotional coloring possible with the participation of the senses. As a result, there is an increase in power, a shift in frequencies to the blue side, the radiation of the information-energy complex into the environment, that is, a telepathy is emitted. And only telepathy can be perceived by the consciousness of the percipient.

In order for the perception of information from another person to cease to be episodic, spontaneous and become a stable and controlled phenomenon, it is necessary to master perfectly the method of transferring one's own energy-information into the field of someone else's consciousness. For this purpose, exercises are practiced for several weeks in sending one's own prana into someone else's consciousness.

Sending prana (energy) to a person who is out of sight

This exercise should be practiced at all times, throughout your development and even after achieving liberation of consciousness. Exercise cannot harm either the inductor or the percipient.

Sit in one of the comfortable poses - diamond, lotus, half lotus or on a chair. Remember one of your good friends, communication with which and memories of which have always been pleasant for you. The course of your thoughts is rational, but emotional coloring is not excluded. Now think about what you could do for him on your own, how you could help him. Think, search until you feel a slight chill in your back (tightness in your chest, chills all over your body, or a feeling that some strange warm wave has passed through your whole body). Such a feeling will mean that you have found a reward and it is in your power to make this person receive it. Achievement of the goal set for consciousness caused you a feeling of joy (emotional "shock"), this feeling "swung" prana to the Kenrak waveguides, there was a shift in the high-frequency current ranges to the blue side, part of the energy radiated by the body in telepathy turned into warmth (sensation warm wave), a part was radiated following telepathy into space (feeling of chills); both sensations (warm wave and chill) are quite objective, however, in different cases and in different people, the consciousness fixes either the initial (warmth) or the final (chill) stage.

Sending prana (energy) to a person nearby

The exercise is similar to the previous one. But if in the previous exercise you are convinced of the successful sending of a telepathy (thought form) by realizing unclear, unusual sensations, then in this exercise the person who is next to you will convince you by his behavior that your telepathy is accepted (he can confirm the fact of receiving word or phrase, smile, deed).

You should not practice this exercise with the same person often. As you develop 8 telepathy, your psychic strength will increase, and any act of sending a telepathema with direct contact will easily and imperceptibly develop into a strong telepathic connection: not only the content and amount of such a connection, but the very fact of its termination (sooner or later you will find necessary to go out and do it, of course, without asking the consent of the percipient) can cause damage to the human psyche. The sensations experienced by the percipient at the final exit from the connection of the inductor are very unpleasant. You yourself can get an idea about this if you ever have to be at the mercy of a stronger and more trained consciousness, then, at the moment of termination of the telepathic connection, you will feel emptiness, fatigue, acute dissatisfaction with yourself, those around you, past and future, your heart will feel cramped inexplicable longing, you suddenly begin to consider yourself an abandoned, unloved, unnecessary person.

28.09.2011 20229 +33

TELEPATHY (from telos - "far away", pathos - feeling) is the transmission and reception of information directly from the brain of a person or animal. As a result of the research, it turned out that about 10-15% of the people who were involved in them have the ability to take

information from the brain of a person they know well, no matter how far apart they are. In addition, up to 70% of study participants are able to do this with a probability of about 0.5. However, the substances that are responsible for shielding such information exchange could not be found. Very few people can transmit information to the brain of another person or animal, so this ability is most likely the result of genetic abnormalities.

Thanks to the ability to telepathy, a small group of gifted people can confuse others into believing that the telepath is really, for example, a fortune teller or fortune teller. Telepaths can intentionally or unconsciously receive information directly from the human brain, but not from the future at all. It is believed that telepathy occurs due to the action of some fields. Namely, a hypothesis has been put forward that the cause of telepathy lies in the ultra-low-frequency radiation of the cells of the human body (animal). According to another assumption, telepathy is a manifestation of torsion or chronal fields.

As a result of the experiments, it was found that a telepathic way of communication is possible for people who speak different languages, since understanding in this case does not consist of a common vocabulary. For example, the following incident happened to one psychic. With the help of telepathy, he gave certain actions to five Englishmen, and each performed exactly his own action. Then he asked them to come up with a question, but not to say these questions, and then he himself said the answer to each question.

As evidenced by numerous stories of people who have had face-to-face and correspondence contacts with aliens, it is known that they most often (almost 100% of all correspondence "telepathic" and about 50% of all face-to-face contacts) contact people through telepathic communication. There are many examples of such communication.

The study of telepathy

Probably, many of us have observed the manifestation of one form or another of telepathic abilities. For example, such a situation: you are doing something or just sitting or lying down, and suddenly something inside tells you to call this person (for example, a friend whom you have not seen for a long time). You dial a number, a friend picks up the phone and says: "And I just thought about you! I wanted to call myself! Well, wow! Just like telepathy!" Or another situation: quite unexpectedly, an image of a distant relative appears in your head, whom you last saw twenty years ago. After some time, the doorbell rings, you open it and see it in front of you. Well, after that, how can one not believe that telepathy really exists?

Not only ordinary people who do not have a higher technical education, but many scientists believe that telepathy, in other words, the transmission of thoughts at a distance, exists. Nevertheless, all the rest (a larger group) firmly believe that there is no telepathy and cannot be. Whom to believe? Whose point of view to take?

Systematic research on telepathy began in 1882 in Great Britain. The researchers took the matter very seriously. Professor of ethics at the University of Cambridge G. Sidzhwick, chemist W. Crooks, physicists W. Barrett and O. Lodge, biologist A. Wallace and mathematician A. Morgan were studying such a phenomenon as telepathy. The object of research was the young telepath Smith and his assistant Blackburn. During 1882-1884. they successfully showed their telepathic abilities. Unfortunately, they turned out to be hoaxers. After many years, Blackburn admitted that young people simply played a cruel joke on scientists. In 1911, he wrote a letter to a newspaper, where he confessed: “All the so-called experiments were and arose from the disinterested desire of two young people to demonstrate how easily scientists who are eager to prove a theory can be fooled around the finger.

If it took two youths a week to prepare to deceive such experienced and attentive observers, how can future prospectors count on great success in exposing "sensitivities" who have been practicing for more years than they and Smith had weeks.

It would seem that such confessions should have forever turned away from conducting experiments on telepathy. However, this did not happen, and the scientists hurried to continue their experiments.

Telepathy organ

This area is located in the region of the crown, it is often called the "third eye". Our well-known psychics Ninel Kulagina and Mikhail Kuzmenko conducted an unusual experiment more than once, - says Vitaly PRAVDIVTSEV, the author of the discovery, a cybernetician, candidate of technical sciences in the field of artificial intelligence. The experience was as follows: when a photographic film, lying in an opaque envelope, was applied to their foreheads, the ordered images could be seen on it.

It turns out that some people have the ability to radiate the so-called mental images from the forehead. This is confirmed by the ancient Eastern traditions, according to which the radiation comes from the human energy centers - chakras, one of which is the ajna chakra. It was her esotericists who from ancient times called the “third eye”. The image of the "third eye" on the forehead of deities can often be seen in the paintings and sculptures of Buddhist temples. Some scientists believe that this is the memory of the extraterrestrial progenitors of mankind (gods).

As the legends said, thanks to the all-seeing eye, they had such amazing abilities as clairvoyance, telepathy and telekinesis. Nowadays, some people, mostly Buddhists, are trying to regain their once lost "divine" abilities by spending years in intense spiritual work. But in the end, these people really reveal their paranormal abilities.

The "third eye" with the lens, photoreceptors and nerve cells is laid in a two-month-old fetus, after which it resolves. But instead of it, the epiphysis remains - the pineal gland, the size of a red-brown pea, located in front of the cerebellum. Specialists notice a striking thing: the pineal gland is mobile and can rotate like an eye. Not only that, they note that there is a direct similarity between the pineal gland and the eyeball, since it also has a lens and receptors for perceiving colors. In addition, it is said that this gland is stimulated to activity by signals coming from the eyes.

According to some biologists, due to centuries of inactivity, the pineal gland has become much smaller in size, and once it was the size of a large cherry. “Perhaps someday its size will become the same,” suggests Pravdivtsev. - And then our descendants will regain their once lost psychic abilities.

Scientists have created a device that makes it possible to transmit thoughts over a distance. But telepathy has absolutely nothing to do with it. An invention called "mental typewriter" (mental typewriter) attracted everyone's attention at an exhibition of new developments in the field of electronics, held not so long ago in Hannover.

Developers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software and doctors from the Charite Clinic (Berlin), under the guidance of Professor Klaus-Robert Müller and Gabriel Curio, have been developing the Brain Computer Interface system for many years. They are convinced that a computer that can be controlled with the help of thought will allow people who are deprived of the ability to fully move, maintain contact with the outside world and serve themselves on their own.

Even if a person is injured or ill and cannot move at all, his brain continues to work. Perceiving information, the brain produces electromagnetic signals that can be recorded. This is the principle of operation of the new device presented at the exhibition: 128 sensors are fixed on the head of a person, in front of him there is a monitor, on which two groups of letters are located on the right and left. A device that transmits thoughts over a distance is able to recognize letters in three stages. He selects one or another group of letters, and a special program filters out the electrical signals that appear when choosing. The selected group of letters remains, the computer removes the other from the screen. Soon, the groups of letters become smaller and smaller, until the operator mentally moves the cursor closer to the desired letter. This letter is entered in a specially designated line.

It takes 5 to 10 minutes to type a short phrase. The system is capable of self-learning, it determines the "palettes" of signals individually for a particular person. Similar work is underway in the US and Russia. Developers from the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, headed by Academician Igor Shevelev, Head of the Laboratory of Physiology of Sensory Systems, achieved a similar result almost at the same time as German scientists: their subjects manage to type words consisting of three or four letters with the help of thought. The work is funded by a Russian innovation firm.

The word "telepathy" in Greek means "to feel a person at a distance." It is the ability to sense, as well as transmit and receive the thoughts of another person. Many believe that this is a natural feature of the body, but it is inactive. With telepathy, there is no need to use the usual opportunities and techniques for communication between people. You can transmit thoughts and the general state of the body at a distance. At the same time, the person to whom feelings are transmitted will think that they are his, that is, perceive someone else's state as his own. How to become a telepath? The exact answer has not yet been found.

What do scientists think about telepathy?

For a long time, specialists have been conducting various experiments and studies in order to study in more depth such a phenomenon as telepathy. There are still different opinions about the reality of telepathic abilities, but the indisputable facts of their existence are already known. The question of how to become a telepath is of concern to many people.

All people have paranormal abilities from birth, but most of us simply do not think about it. Everyone has intuition, but no one knows that this is also a gift. Especially often telepathic abilities are manifested when communicating with relatives. This is because blood ties are stronger. It is not for nothing that our mentality, character traits and habits are passed down through generations by family. The blood bond is very strong, it is quite difficult to break it. The development of telepathy is a complex mental process. This must be taken into account by everyone who wants to plunge into the world of the unknown.

Categories of telepathy

  • Sensual. In this case, a person can accept or convey emotions, mood, feelings. The highest level of this kind of ability is the sensation of feelings with the awareness that they come from outside, that is, from another individual.
  • Mental telepathy involves the transfer of another person's own thoughts, images, memories. In the modern world, such skills are referred to as telepathy. Of course, such abilities are of interest, because this is a real opportunity to know what the other person is thinking about and influence the course of his thoughts. That is why many people have a question about how to become a telepath.

How to develop abilities?

Paranormal abilities, according to scientists, are present from birth in each of us. But the modern rhythm of life simply does not allow them to open up, so you need to constantly take care of yourself in order to be able to do something.

The development of telepathy involves the implementation of a set of tasks. Exercises can be combined and modified. Thus, you develop yourself and learn to feel other people. This process takes a lifetime. Being engaged, a person constantly develops, and his understanding of the Universe becomes deeper. But it is worth noting that in order to achieve global results, it will take more than one day to work. If you're up to the task, then consider tips on how to become a telepath.

Basic exercises

Exercises to develop telepathic abilities must be done in pairs. Choose a person you trust and schedule a session. The receiver must relax and tune into the wave of the transmitter in order to feel his mood, emotions and excitement.

At the beginning of the practice, it is necessary to use easy words and numbers to understand the essence. The transmitter must clearly keep the image in mind or mentally repeat the chosen word. During a session, to increase efficiency, you can imagine that your energies have merged, and you are transmitting information through waves to each other. With this practice, the effect will be much stronger. Speaking about how to become a telepath, we note that this is a complex and multifaceted development process.

This technique is quite effective, but it takes a very long time to set up and practice. Remember, it is necessary not only to convey information clearly, but also to interpret it correctly. This skill can be achieved by anyone through long exercises and training.

For the development of telepathic abilities, you can use, for example, a deck of cards. Try to pass information about each of them in turn. The receiving person makes notes about the information received and then checks the result. This is a simple and high-quality method of developing abilities. Now you know that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become a telepath is yes. The main thing is to work hard. With the help of the above exercises, it is clear how to become a telepath at home.

The main types of telepathy

  • Instinctive. This type of telepathy is a push of the energy of the etheric body of one person to another. In this case, the main means of communication is the ethereal substance of bodies. A person has a solar plexus area. In this case, it will act as an instrument of transmission and reception, as it is very sensitive to the touch of energy. touches a person, that is, with his feelings.
  • mental telepathy. Occurs very rarely. The main role is played by the throat center, the reaction of the solar plexus and the heart. That is why this method is not very common. When a person transmits information through the throat center, the receiver uses the solar plexus.
  • Intuitive telepathy. This is true meditation. In this type of telepathy, three centers take an active part. These include the following: the head, which receives information from higher sources; ajna - the chakra that absorbs impressions; the throat center, which helps to correctly perceive feelings, emotions and information.

Process duration

How to become a telepath in a day? First of all, it is worth noting that these are mental processes, and each person is individual. You should not rush things.

Development must take its course so as not to become a problem. You should not study on your own, without a teacher, so as not to harm yourself. The simple exercises given in the article will not bring anything bad and will help in development.



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