HIV syphilis hepatitis timing of infection. Viral hepatitis B and C: symptoms

Comprehensive rapid screening test for hepatitis B and C, types 1 and 2 and syphilis, mandatory for hospitalization, registration of a health record, registration according to , military registration, obtaining a work permit, etc.

Synonyms Russian

Hepatitis C, antibodies + hepatitis B, antigen, Australian antigen + HIV 1 and 2, antibodies and p24 antigen + syphilis (treponema pallidum), antibodies.

English synonyms

Anti-HCV + HBsAg, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen + HIV 1.2 Ag/Ab Combo, HIV 1.2 Abs, p24 antigen + Treponema pallidum Abs.

Research method

Chemiluminescent immunoassay.

What biomaterial can be used for research?

Venous blood.

How to properly prepare for research?

  • Do not smoke for 30 minutes before the test.

General information about the study

The study is designed to screen for hepatitis B and C, HIV infection types 1 and 2 and syphilis. Since this is a rapid test, results will be received as quickly as possible.

To screen for hepatitis B, a blood test determines one of the antigens of this virus - HBsAg. It is part of the virus envelope and is the earliest marker of active infection. HBsAg usually appears in the blood 2-8 weeks after infection. This antigen can be detected in both acute and chronic hepatitis B. It is not detected upon resolution acute infection hepatitis B and after vaccination. It should be emphasized that HBsAg is also not detected during the serological window. Moreover, in some cases, hepatitis infection is latent, with the virus remaining in the liver tissue (as evidenced by positive result virus DNA test), but HBsAg is not detected in the blood. Thus, HBsAg is a sensitive, but not an absolute marker for excluding hepatitis B. The presence of HBsAg in the blood for more than 6 months serves as one of the criteria for diagnosing chronic hepatitis B. When HBsAg is detected in the blood, additional confirmatory tests are performed to clarify the diagnosis of viral hepatitis B.

To screen for hepatitis C, a blood test determines IgG antibodies to this virus. Anti-HCV can be detected both during an ongoing infection (acute or chronic) and during resolution acute hepatitis C. Thus, the Anti-HCV test does not differentiate between acute and chronic hepatitis and a history of hepatitis C. If Anti-HCV is detected in the blood, additional confirmatory tests are performed to clarify the diagnosis of viral hepatitis C.

Testing for HIV (the virus that causes AIDS), or more precisely, screening for HIV infection types 1 and 2 is carried out by determining antibodies to this virus and the p24 antigen. Testing for antibodies to the virus is characterized by very high sensitivity(>99.5%). The specificity of such an analysis is lower: a false-positive result can be observed in the presence of autoantibodies in the patient’s blood, liver disease, recent vaccination against the influenza virus, and in the presence of another acute viral infection. For this reason, if a positive result is obtained, an additional confirmatory analysis is performed. Also for more accurate information about the patient’s HIV status, an analysis for antibodies to HIV is supplemented with an analysis for the p24 antigen, one of the structural proteins of the viral capsid, which is an early marker of acute HIV infection. p24 testing may be particularly useful in early stages infections when the titer of antibodies to the virus has not yet reached a detectable level. It should be noted that when developing sufficient quantity antibodies to HIV (including p24), this antigen may no longer be detected. The specificity of the p24 assay reaches 100%, and its sensitivity is 30-50%. The combination of two tests for detecting HIV (antibodies and p24 antigen) allows you to achieve 100% sensitivity and specificity.

When testing blood for syphilis (syphilis screening), IgM and IgG antibodies to Treponema pallidum are determined. The analysis is characterized by very high sensitivity. The following factors may cause false positive results: the presence of autoantibodies in the blood (for example, antinuclear antibodies), the presence of ARVI, mononucleosis, measles and other viral infections, periarteritis nodosa, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and other diseases connective tissue, other spirochetoses (Lyme disease, leptospirosis) and other treponematoses. For this reason, when a positive test result for syphilis is obtained, additional confirmatory tests are performed to clarify the diagnosis. Serological tests are most informative in the secondary period and in latent syphilis.

Since the study determines antibodies to pathogens, the status of the patient should be taken into account when interpreting the result. immune system patient. False-negative results may occur in patients with immunosuppression (taking glucocorticoids and other immunosuppressants) and in the elderly. Also great importance have anamnestic data: the patient belongs to a risk group for these diseases (use of injection narcotic drugs, multiple blood transfusions), the presence of autoimmune and infectious diseases, physiological state body (, old age).

What is this analysis used for?

  • For screening hepatitis B and C, HIV infection types 1 and 2 and syphilis.

When is the study scheduled?

  • When hospitalized in a hospital;
  • when issuing a health certificate;
  • when registering for pregnancy;
  • when registering for military service;
  • upon receipt of a work permit.

What do the results mean?

Reference values ​​(norms for tests for hepatitis B and C, tests for HIV, tests for syphilis): negative – for all 4 indicators.

Positive result

Negative result

Acute hepatitis C

Chronic hepatitis C

History of hepatitis C

Acute hepatitis B

Chronic hepatitis B

Latent hepatitis B

The period of the “serological window” of hepatitis B

Vaccination against hepatitis B

HIV 1.2 Ag/Ab Combo:

  • HIV 1.2 Abs

HIV infection

False positive result:

  • presence of autoantibodies in the blood
  • liver diseases
  • recent vaccination against influenza virus
  • other acute viral infection

HIV 1.2 Ag/Ab Combo:

  • p24 antigen

Acute HIV infection

Treponema pallidum Abs

False positive result:

  • presence of autoantibodies in the blood
  • ARVI, mononucleosis, measles and others viral infections
  • periarteritis nodosa, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and other connective tissue diseases
  • other spirochetoses (Lyme disease, leptospirosis)
  • other treponematoses

False negative result:

  • primary and tertiary periods of syphilis

What can influence the result?

  • Time elapsed since infection;
  • state of the body's immune system;
  • the presence in the blood of autoantibodies, viral and bacterial pathogens that interfere with the reaction.

Important Notes

  • The study is a screening one: if a positive test result is obtained, additional confirmatory tests are performed to clarify the diagnosis;
  • when interpreting the result, the state of the patient's immune system should be taken into account.
  • Viral hepatitis B. Examination to exclude hepatitis B virus, including contact persons
  • Viral hepatitis B. Determination of the form and stage of the disease
  • Viral hepatitis C. Tests for primary detection of the disease. Examination of contact persons
  • Viral hepatitis. Primary diagnosis

Who orders the study?

Doctor general practice, therapist, surgeon, gynecologist.


  • Chernecky C. C. Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures / S.S. Chernecky, V.J. Berger; 5th ed. – Saunder Elsevier, 2008.
  • Fauci et al. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine/A. Fauci, D. Kasper, D. Longo, E. Braunwald, S. Hauser, J. L. Jameson, J. Loscalzo; 17 ed. – The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008.
  • Schmeltzer P, Sherman KE. Occult hepatitis B: clinical implications and treatment decisions. Dig Dis Sci. 2010 Dec;55(12):3328-35.

On average, in Russia, the cost of donating blood for HIV in commercial clinics will be from 300 to 800 rubles. The price of such a blood test depends on the “brand” of the clinic, the issuance/non-issuance of the appropriate certificate, and the complexity of the analysis itself. Depending on how soon the client needs the test results, the price will change.

Free analysis at the state KVD

Absolutely anyone can come to the state hospital and make an appointment with a doctor. To donate blood for HIV, it will be enough to name the reason for which the need for testing arose:

  1. Sexual contacts.
  2. Perinatal infection.
  3. Injury from dirty objects.
  4. Possible infection associated with blood transfusions.

Results are usually reported after 10 days. However, due to a number of reasons, many refuse to donate blood to government institutions and prefer to undergo procedures in paid clinics:

  • The State KVD registers the person taking the tests. It will not be possible to hide your data, since submitting an application to donate blood for HIV is carried out on the basis of documents. Therefore, the anonymity of the results cannot be relied upon.
  • Some KVD are limited fast express— a finger prick blood test instead of taking blood from a vein. In such cases, there can be no question of guaranteed reliability of the results.

Private clinics

If a person applies for a blood test for HIV to various commercial clinics or medical centers, then average cost tests will be 450-500 rubles. The procedure for providing services is the same almost everywhere, different price is formed due to brand markups and the issuance of various certificates:

  • Novomed Medical Center - the cost of the test will be 300 rubles. The price is one of the cheapest among private clinics in the Russian Federation.
  • Clinic "Invintro" - has about 700 offices throughout the country. The cost of the test will be 455 rubles.
  • Network of health expert clinics - price for donating blood for HIV: 400 - 800 rubles. An additional payment of 400 rubles is required for the issuance of a certificate indicating the results of the analysis.
  • Northwestern Center evidence-based medicine. It has a wide presence in Russian cities. The minimum cost of the test will be 360 ​​rubles.

There are also dozens of other commercial medical centers that have their own pricing policies for additional services. For example, if a client wants not only to conduct a preliminary HIV test, but also, if necessary, to determine the number of copies of the virus in the blood, then such a service will cost almost 4 thousand rubles. You will have to wait about two weeks for results.

When submitting an application to private clinic The client is guaranteed complete anonymity of the research. Only the doctor who tested the blood for HIV will know the results.

Deadlines for receiving results

When taking standard HIV tests (in commercial clinics), results can be obtained within the same working day. However, some people want to receive a certificate within 20-30 minutes. For such clients, clinics offer accelerated analysis services, which will increase the cost of tests by 2-3 times.

What to consider when donating blood for HIV

Some medical centers may not indicate prices for their services quite correctly. If the price list for a blood test for HIV antibodies indicates a base amount of 300 rubles, then this may turn out to be only a part of the total fee. In some cases, the price for drawing blood from a vein medical worker can be taken into account separately and is about 150 rubles. As a result, the total cost will be 450 rubles. Also, in some cases, issuing a test certificate may be mandatory, which will affect the cost of the analysis.

Many who take a standard blood test at the VDC believe that it can detect HIV infection. In fact, if necessary, you will have to donate blood for HIV separately if you have all the necessary documents.

Correct diagnosis is the first step successful treatment diseases. In our clinical diagnostic laboratory you can take express tests for HIV (AIDS), RW, hepatitis C and B. We also do blood tests: general, biochemistry, hormones, determining blood type and the presence of the herpes virus.

Signs and symptoms of HIV

Human immunodeficiency virus is a disease that attacks the immune system. Every year in Russia new cases of this disease are recorded. dangerous disease. HIV is a retrovirus that lives on human T-lymphocytes. Subsequently, the development of the virus leads to immunodeficiency (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS), which gradually destroys the immune system. There are two types of virus: HIV-1 and HIV-2. The second type is less common.

On average, several years pass from the moment the virus enters the body until the development of immunodeficiency, after which the patient begins to suffer from frequent acute respiratory viral infections that are severe. atypical pneumonia, are developing malignant neoplasms. Asymptomatic incubation period HIV infection is characterized by the production of antibodies to the virus. The period following it clinical manifestations looks like general malaise, weakness, weight loss; Peripheral lymph nodes may enlarge.

Appointments and consultations with doctors

How is HIV transmitted?

HIV is transmitted from person to person in the following ways:

  • sexual (see also STDs),
  • through blood (during transfusions, contact with contaminated blood products, medical instruments),
  • vertical (from an infected mother to the fetus during pregnancy).

When should you get tested for HIV?

HIV tests must be taken in the following cases:

  • when planning a pregnancy, registering with an antenatal clinic,
  • in preparation for surgery,
  • after unprotected sexual intercourse ( casual connection, especially if there is uncertainty about the partner),
  • some time after the blood transfusion,
  • after using non-sterile medical or cosmetic instruments.

Preparing to donate blood for HIV involves refusing to eat at least 3 hours before the test.

To detect HIV infection are used following methods laboratory diagnostics:

1. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA):
This is a way to detect HIV antibodies in the blood. It makes sense to implement this analysis no earlier than 3 months after the alleged infection, since after this period of time antibodies are detected in the blood. The test result can be positive or negative; in the first case, diagnostics is additionally carried out by immunoblotting.

2. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR):
a method for detecting the genetic material of the immunodeficiency virus in the body. For analysis, both whole blood (qualitative analysis) and blood plasma (quantitative analysis) are used. Quantitative PCR method in dynamics allows you to determine the activity of the virus and the effectiveness of the treatment.
The advantage of this method is that, unlike ELISA, there is no period of “serological (therapeutic) window” when antibodies are not detected in the blood. Therefore, this test can be taken 2 weeks after possible infection. PCR also ensures the absence of false results, unlike ELISA.

According to statistical data, as a result of research work in medical field, a disappointing pattern was discovered. It shows that more than 15% of people who are carriers of HIV infection are also infected with hepatitis. The connection between these two serious diagnoses can be traced against the background of severely weakened immunity. The prevalence of mixed infection of people infected with HIV, and in addition also with the hepatitis virus, is due to identical ways of their entry into the body. For this reason, it may be advisable to get tested for hepatitis and HIV at the same time.

What is HIV infection

HIV is dangerous disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. The damaging effect of this pathogen is aimed at the cells of the immune system. As a result of the development of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) protective forces the body is gradually suppressed, it loses the ability to resist various infections and inflammatory processes.

Classification of HIV infection:

  • Stage I of OI - acute.
  • Stage II AI - asymptomatic (virus carriage).
  • Stage III PGL - persistent generalized lymphadenopathy.
  • Stage IV pre-AIDS, SAH - associated symptom complex of AIDS.

The disease occurs in sluggish form, without drug support, the patient dies within approximately 8–10 years, depending on the subclass of the virus. But when executing antiretroviral therapy, a person can live long life up to 80 years. The transience of the disease is influenced by many factors, including the strain of the virus, the initial level of immunity, age, climatic conditions, diet, medical support and others.

What kind of pathology is hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a serious diffuse inflammatory disease of the liver caused by viruses. This viral pathology tends to occur in acute or chronic form. For acute course Hepatitis is characterized by the presence of intoxication with a sharp deterioration in health. Sometimes there are signs inherent in jaundice, yellowing skin And eyeballs. The chronic form is more dangerous because with mild symptoms, the disease reaches a larger scale and is more difficult to treat.

A latent course can lead to liver cirrhosis or cancer.

Types of hepatitis:

  1. Hepatitis A passes by everyday means through common household items, unwashed foods, water. Develops in about four weeks.
  2. Hepatitis B is spread through sexual intercourse and blood contact. The disease is severe with characteristic features jaundice. AT 10 O'CLOCK% clinical cases develops into a chronic form that continues to destroy the liver.
  3. Hepatitis C is transmitted only through blood through contact with surgical instruments, during transfusion and in other cases associated with risk. The form of the disease is the most severe, since 80% of clinical cases transform into chronic with the subsequent development of liver cirrhosis.
  4. Hepatitis D progresses against the background of hepatitis B and is similar to it in the course of the disease. This type of infection tends to occur in acute stage, which with proper treatment is accompanied by complete recovery.
  5. Hepatitis E is caused by poorly washed food and contaminated water. But this species also passes through contact with blood. It differs in that it leads to death more often than other subgroups.

Except viral forms of this disease, there is also medicinal and autoimmune. Application of some medicines may cause hepatitis varying degrees gravity. Autoimmune hepatitis is observed more often in women and mainly occurs in a chronic form. With this pathology, the lesion can affect not only the liver, but also neighboring organs.

How is blood tested for HIV and hepatitis?

Testing for HIV and hepatitis is carried out enzyme immunoassay method(ELISA). Highly sensitive laboratory analysis ELISA is based on the “antibody-antigen” reaction; it can be qualitative or quantitative. In case of qualitative analysis for hepatitis and HIV, the presence or absence of the desired substance is determined. Quantitative Analysis allows you to detect the concentration of pathogens in the blood. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the first tests for HIV and hepatitis may show controversial or negative results. Cause similar phenomenon This is explained by the fact that when the causative agent of hepatitis C is found, the coefficient of HIV antibodies decreases.

In such cases, you will have to use an additional test for hepatitis and HIV method PCR based on the study of the structures of RNA and DNA molecules. A method for identifying a specific virus using polymerase chain reaction contributes to obtaining the most accurate and early information.

If markers of combined HIV and hepatitis infection are detected, you will need to donate blood regularly.

To determine the immunodeficiency virus, there is another blood test for HIV, the so-called immune blotting. It is based on the interaction of electrophoresis and one of the ELISA or RIA methods. Immunoblotting is often used as an expert tool when it is necessary to confirm a positive result obtained by ELISA. For diagnostics combined infections analysis blocks are used. The convenience of the blocks is based on the ability to simultaneously detect several types of infections, for example, AIDS and hepatitis.

Rules for taking tests for hepatitis and HIV

How to take tests for viral infections such as HIV and hepatitis, do they need to be done on an empty stomach or not? These questions must be answered before conducting the examination. Because from proper preparation depends on whether the result is reliable. Otherwise, the test for HIV infection and hepatitis will have to be repeated.

List of basic rules for taking tests for AIDS and hepatitis:

  • Blood for HIV and hepatitis testing must be taken on an empty stomach; at least 8–12 hours must pass from the moment of taking the current meal, so that the stomach digests, assimilates and is completely empty. You should refrain from pickled, heavy, fatty, highly seasoned, fried, smoked foods. You can also drink water on the day of the test.
  • You will need to inform your doctor in advance about taking medications if the patient is undergoing any course of treatment. Typically, the doctor will require you to stop taking all medications for a week or more.
  • You should not drink alcohol for 5-7 days before taking a test for hepatitis and HIV.
  • Serious emotional experiences are contraindicated, physical fatigue, intensive sports activities 3–5 days before the examination.
  • You cannot combine a blood test for hepatitis and HIV and physiotherapy procedures (ultrasound, x-ray, fluorography, etc.).
  • Women should consult an infectious disease specialist about menstrual cycle, since indicators can respond to physiological changes, occurring in a woman’s body under the influence of phases.
  • For several days before testing for hepatitis and HIV, do not eat yellow fruits and vegetables, because they contain carotene, which can distort the information obtained from a blood test.

It is advisable to arrive at the laboratory early to sit by the office and take a break from the road. Therefore, it is better to have about half an hour to spare before picking up venous blood calm down heartbeat, pulse and blood pressure. On the day of the visit Research Center you need to refrain from smoking.

Associated symptoms of hepatitis and HIV infection

On initial stages a person’s illness may not bother him. Meanwhile, the infection is already present in the body, and the disease is gaining momentum. In order to prevent pathology from developing into a difficult-to-treat stage, it is necessary to monitor your health and pay attention to unfavorable changes in well-being. Immediately take all tests for hepatitis and HIV if alarming symptoms are detected.

Signs of hepatitis of all categories:

  • Jaundice tint of the sclera, palms of the eyeballs.
  • Rashes on the skin.
  • The urine becomes dark and the stool becomes white.
  • Attacks of vomiting and nausea occur.
  • Pain in the joints, muscles, and also in the liver area.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Bitter taste in mouth.
  • Difficulty falling asleep at night and apathy, drowsy state during the day.

Symptoms of HIV infection:

  • High fever.
  • Popular-spotty rash over the entire surface of the skin.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Infections respiratory tract, cough.
  • Gastrointestinal disorder.
  • Severe sore throat.
  • Ulcers in the mouth.

Analysis of HIV infection and hepatitis, why they are studied together, because they are often transmitted in the same way. In Group increased risk Drug addicts who use injecting drugs are infected with a combined infection of AIDS and hepatitis.

Second place goes to people who are dishonest sex life constantly changing partners. But people who do not maintain sterility when performing procedures are also susceptible to hepatitis and HIV infection. medical manipulations. You should be careful when visiting beauty salons, since during seemingly completely innocent procedures, such as manicures and pedicures, there is a possibility of contracting a life-threatening infection.

In contact with

Every person at least once in his life had to donate blood to detect acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, hepatitis. Therefore, information on where you can get tested for HIV and hepatitis for free will not be superfluous for anyone. Here we will touch on the topic of confidentiality of information and tell you how to donate blood for HIV infection anonymously, without providing any information about yourself.

According to statistics, about 15% of AIDS patients are also infected with hepatitis C. Most often, patients are not aware of the development of two serious illnesses in your own body. Only a special blood test can “open the eyes” of the patient and detect the immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C in the patient’s blood. You can be tested for HIV and hepatitis by taking a free laboratory test called ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent method).

Attention! The accuracy of this type of diagnosis is low, since the hepatitis provocateur affects AIDS antibodies, reducing their concentration in the blood.

Types of tests for HIV infection and hepatitis

In addition to traditional ELISA, specialists resort to alternative types laboratory research. We summarize all the tests used to detect infection in the table below:

Type of analysis Explanation
Immunological study Included in the group of immunoassays for HIV, AIDS and hepatitis. The analysis is aimed at identifying markers of viral hepatitis in the blood of patients
Immunoblotting The most effective examination for HIV and hepatitis. This is a combination of ELISA and electrophoresis. Using this method, you can group antibodies according to their number on a special membrane or container
Blood chemistry Using this analysis, it is impossible to determine the presence of viral particles in the blood, however, it is possible to identify metabolic disorders and assess the degree of liver damage
General blood analysis We are talking about an analysis that detects specific reactions of the body to the virus (decrease in the concentration of platelets and leukocytes, high speed erythrocyte sedimentation, etc.)
PCR Aimed at isolating RNA and DNA molecules of pathogenic microorganisms

When is the ELISA test taken?

ELISA makes it possible to evaluate general state health and development pathological processes in the patient's body. Therefore, taking such an HIV test means providing the doctor with complete initial data about your own health. This is necessary for further development of a therapeutic course. That is why, among other methods of diagnostics and dynamic assessment serious pathologies ELISA takes a leading position.

Important! In the case of a single positive test, a clear diagnosis is not given to the patient - a number of additional studies are required.

Any representative has the right to take one of the tests for HIV infection if desired. However, there are a number of conditions under which a patient must be referred for the procedure.
The described analysis is necessary for people:

  • those who have been sexually assaulted;
  • rapidly losing weight;
  • those who doubt the sterility of the needles used;
  • entering into sexual contact with a new partner (analysis must be done for any casual contact, even if it is protected);
  • preparing for surgery (the need for timely diagnosis HIV occurs even if there is no need for a person to be hospitalized after surgery);
  • living next to an HIV-infected person (analysis is carried out not only when symptoms are detected, but on a regular basis);
  • sufferers of STDs (if there are signs inflammatory diseases, sharp deterioration well-being).

All types of such studies help to determine whether antibodies to HIV are found in the human body. PCR analysis can confirm a positive result already in the 2nd week after the suspected infection. A person intending to undergo a traditional test must wait a certain period of time (usually 1.5-2 months) and only then resort to the procedure.

Attention! If a person does not receive a positive test result and still doubts the reliability of the test, experts recommend that the patient who has donated blood once repeat the test again. If enough time has passed since the “suspicious” contacts and other significant events, then re-take the ELISA test.

How to prepare for the examination

The doctor will tell the patient how to take the test correctly. Typically, a person will have to undergo the examination in the morning, because the body has time to cleanse itself during the night. In addition, blood from a vein must be donated on an empty stomach. This means that such a test is carried out on an empty stomach, at least 10 hours after the last meal.

A number of factors can affect test results.
In this regard, experts recommend the following, when the test is to be taken (several days in advance), the patient should not:

  • smoke;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • overdo it with physical activity;
  • worry;
  • eat junk food.

In addition, the result may be unreliable due to a recent infectious disease. In this case, you should wait about a month.

Where can you get tested for HIV infection for free?

Among the institutions where you can anonymously donate blood for HIV:

  • clinic, first-aid post;
  • specialized center for combating HIV;
  • mobile express laboratory;
  • private clinic;
  • independent laboratory.

Attention! You can take a free HIV test anonymously only in health care institutions and AIDS prevention centers to which a specific person is assigned.

An anonymous survey means that the procedure does not require the person to provide any personal information. All manipulations are carried out in “incognito” mode; the result of the analysis for determining the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is given to the patient after providing the number assigned to him.

Where to contact

Not all settlements countries have different medical centers where you can anonymously take a blood test for HIV. Where can you donate biological material in this case? In such circumstances, you can go to a regular clinic or a paramedic-midwife station.

The material is usually processed in a local laboratory. You can find out the result by phone, voicing the assigned number. In case of a positive test, the test results are sent to regional clinic or the closest urban medical institution.

Where to anonymously donate blood for testing

As mentioned earlier, there are ways to anonymously get tested for the virus. Such HIV testing is carried out in specialized laboratories at hospitals, as well as in any AIDS center (for citizens of the country it is done free of charge). In this case, the analysis is carried out completely anonymously (when the patient is assigned an individual number).

This anonymous analysis can be done in another way. Patients wishing to take an HIV test should remember that there are private clinics that provide results as quickly as possible. Conducting an anonymous HIV test within the walls of these institutions is carried out on a paid basis.

Where to take a quick test

You can anonymously get tested for HIV using a rapid test at a clinic or AIDS prevention center. This blood test for HIV can also be done at home if for some reason a person cannot go to a medical facility. In this case, the patient will need only a few minutes to get the result. Which research option to choose is up to the person donating blood. If the result of an anonymous home test is positive, you must promptly contact the clinic.

Blood test for HIV and AIDS and interpretation of the result

A few days or weeks after the procedure (depending on the place where the material was submitted), the patient is provided with the result of an AIDS test.

In a screening test, the absence of antibodies in the material indicates negative result, otherwise the doctor will conduct additional tests.

If the result is positive for HIV, immunoblotting is indicated. Darkening on the test strip in this case indicates the presence of proteins gp160, gp120, gp41 - the patient is given a presumptive diagnosis, since alternative protein combinations correspond to another infection.

From the above we can conclude: if, after a thorough study in the described way, all three types of proteins are present in the patient’s blood, this is interpreted as HIV. If the data demonstrates the absence of at least one component, the person is referred for additional research.

Also used quantitative method diagnostics, in which the concentration of virus RNA is determined (unit of measurement - C/ml). If in this case it “leaks out” negative indicator, then the decision on the advisability of performing other procedures remains with the doctor.

Attention! Subsequent positive tests for HIV, they express the need to treat the patient - the patient is prescribed antiviral therapy.

Blood test for hepatitis and interpretation of the result

If a hepatitis test (ELISA) shows the presence of antibodies in the blood, the patient is definitely sick or has had liver disease.

The PCR method is also used to diagnose the disease. A positive result in this case is reliable with a probability of 99% - the diagnosis is obvious. Then, after a thorough examination of the biomaterial, information about the level of viral load is given, and a treatment plan is drawn up.

When conducting a quantitative test, a positive result will indicate that the person is sick chronic hepatitis C. For subsequent treatment planning, tests for hepatitis are repeated. If the result is again positive, the patient should not panic. Based on practical data on hepatitis C, we can conclude: the disease is treatable in the first and middle stages of development.

Is it possible to refuse to donate blood?

Testing blood for HIV is a mandatory procedure for people in certain professions.
Among them:

  • doctor;
  • nurse;
  • waiter;
  • cook;
  • visagiste;
  • cosmetologist;
  • hairdresser and a number of others.

Patients who are admitted to a hospital, as well as pregnant women (as part of a screening examination) are also subject to a mandatory procedure.

For those groups of the population who cannot refuse to take a blood test for HIV, it can be carried out in paid certified medical laboratories.



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