Why pupils are big reasons. Causes of dilated pupils in a child

Therefore, you should pay attention to this before using them (the property is usually indicated in the “Side” column).

When a person enters a dark room, the pupils dilate so that the area of ​​​​perception of vision is partially compensated for the lack of necessary lighting.

The muscles located in the iris of the eye react to fear, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated and the pupil reflexively dilates. The same thing happens during stress and nervous breakdowns.

Bad habits

Alcohol abuse, smoking, taking narcotic and psychotropic substances can always be recognized by a person’s dilated pupils. This is due to the fact that the brain does not receive sufficient quantity oxygen.

Pain and shock

At serious damage, such as fractures or injuries, the body releases adrenaline (stress hormone). This is what provokes the increase.


When communicating with the opposite sex, which is accompanied by sympathy, people's pupils dilate. This is the surest sign indicating that a person is not indifferent to you.

Secondary reasons for enlarged pupils include arrhythmia, deep depression, sharp irritating factors (loud unexpected noise or bright light), interest in something and good mood. Life observations indicate that a little is always present in people who have a balanced attitude towards life and have calm character.


  • why are the pupils big

Without mydriatics - drops that dilate the pupils, it is impossible to look into the fundus of the eye and identify such dangerous pathologies as dystrophy or retinal detachment. Spasms eye muscles cause false myopia. Mydriatics “turn off” these muscles, and real visual acuity can be determined. In addition to diagnostics, such drops are widely used in treatment. inflammatory diseases eyeballs. Without mydriatics, many ophthalmological operations are impossible.


A couple of centuries ago, at high-society balls, fashionistas enchanted gentlemen with sparkling, unusually expressive eyes. Their pupils were wide open. IN for cosmetic purposes ladies used "Atropine" by dropping it into their eyes.

At the time, Atropine was widely used in ophthalmology. But today it has almost been abandoned. Atropine has a lot of disadvantages. The main thing is that the effect of the drug is very long-lasting, the pupils do not constrict for three to ten days, and all this time the person sees dimly. In addition, Atropine has many contraindications, so using it on your own is simply unacceptable.

Today there is a series of drugs that do not have these disadvantages and - most importantly - are less toxic. Dilates pupils sufficiently a short time, and also reduces intraocular pressure"Irifrin." Therefore, these drops serve both for diagnosis and treatment. ophthalmological diseases.

Very important information: all mydriatic drops are contraindicated in most forms of glaucoma! Therefore, before using these drugs, it is necessary to measure intraocular pressure.

Midriacil (Midrum, Topikamid) is well tolerated by patients. The pupils enlarge to their maximum within 15-20 minutes. And they narrow after about three hours. This is very convenient, since visual acuity and full performance of a person are restored quite quickly. The drug is instilled in both adults and children.

True, "Mydriacyl" should be used with caution if intraocular pressure or inflammatory processes in the ocular apparatus. It is undesirable to use it if the anterior chamber of the eye is not deep enough.

Cyclomed also has limitations. It should be used with caution when treating the elderly and children under three years of age. Cyclomed can also be prescribed to breastfeeding women. If you have prostate adenoma, intestinal obstruction it is better to refuse it.

"Appamide Plus" is one of the most fast-acting drugs. The pupils dilate literally five minutes after instillation and remain in this state for one to two hours, depending on the concentration of the solution. And they narrow after five to six hours.


It is strictly forbidden to use mydriatic drugs of your own choice. Only an ophthalmologist, after an examination, should select drops that are suitable for you and prescribe their exact dosage and course of administration.

Appamide Plus drops contain preservatives that accumulate in soft contact lenses. Therefore, they need to be put on half an hour after instillation.

When treating with mydriatics, it is important to strictly follow the dosage. So, if in one the eye will get caught drop more than the other, then the next morning one pupil may be normal, and the other dilated.

Helpful advice

While the pupils are dilated, visual acuity is extremely low, and the person sees everything blurry. In this state it is impossible to read or write, much less drive a car. In addition, the eyes are blinded by bright light, so you need to stock up sunglasses.


  • Website Vseozrenie.ru/Mydriasis - pupil dilation
  • Website Glazamed.ru/Mydriatics
  • Video: Eye. Vision

Normally, a person’s pupils should react to bright light and its complete absence with certain changes. If you have any diseases, there may be certain restrictions on night or daytime light perception.


The pupil is a hole located in the center of the eye's diaphragm that allows light to pass through it into the retina. It visually appears black, due to the fact that many beams of light that enter the pupil are completely absorbed by the tissues located inside the eye. In humans, the pupil has a round shape, but in nature there are other types of it, for example. If the severity of the direct and friendly reactions is the same, the reaction of the pupil to light is considered normal.

A condition in which the optic nerves are partially damaged is called chronic dilation of the pupils, which occurs due to a decrease in the ability optic nerves react to lighting. With sufficient lighting, people with this disease experience dilated pupils, and in bright light, dilated pupils may occur. painful sensations. People suffering from chronic dilated pupils have problems with vision in the dark and in the absence of lighting. They should be especially careful when moving around in the dark due to their inability to see objects fully.

Update: October 2018

The pupil, the black circle in the middle of the eye, is actually a hole in the iris. By changing the diameter of the pupil, the iris regulates how much light should reach the retina - the structure on which the image of what is seen is formed.

The diameter of the pupil should change depending on the lighting: in the dark it should be dilated to 6-8 mm, in average lighting - 2-4 mm, but if bright light is directed directly into the eyes, the pupil should become very small, less than 2 mm. If, regardless of the brightness of the light environment, the pupils remain constantly dilated, this is a reason for a thorough examination. We will talk about what the possible causes of this condition are below.

How is pupil diameter adjusted?

Several structures decide what the pupil should be. The main “commander” is the autonomic nervous system (it carries commands to all internal organs):

  • the sympathetic part of this system innervates the muscle that dilates the pupil, so its stimulation (with stress, fear, looking at a person you like) leads to the pupil dilating (mydriasis occurs);
  • the parasympathetic nervous system “commands” the opposite structure – the muscle that constricts the pupil. Therefore, its stimulation (for example, when taking appropriate medications) causes the appearance of a pinpoint pupil.

The diameter of the pupil is adjusted reflexively, depending on the illumination of the environment in which the person is located. But if, when going out into the light, the pupil constricts in 5 seconds (and if the light is bright, then in less long time), then in the opposite situation, the dilation of the pupil occurs over a longer period - within 5 minutes.

Mydriasis can be caused by damage to the 3rd pair of cranial nerves, which contain parasympathetic fibers.

The autonomic nervous system is regulated by centers located in the hypothalamus, as well as the cerebral cortex. Therefore, damage to the cortex (for example, due to inflammation, swelling or tumors) or the hypothalamus can cause dilated pupils.

Mydriasis can also be observed when muscles are damaged: constricting the pupil or dilating it.

Classification of mydriasis

Depending on the reasons, there are several types of dilated pupils:

  1. Paralytic mydriasis. It occurs when due to various influences damage to the oculomotor nerve occurs. Because of this, paralysis (that is, immobilization) of the muscle develops, which should constrict the pupil - the latter remains in a constantly dilated state. The main causes of the condition: hydrocephalus, meningitis, epilepsy, tuberculosis or syphilis.
  2. Spastic form of mydriasis. In this case, a spasm of the muscle that dilates the pupil occurs, as a result of which it ceases to function (usually this is a temporary phenomenon). The cause of spastic mydriasis is irritation cervical spine central organ of the sympathetic nervous systemsympathetic trunk. Also, this type of lesion appears when using drugs that interact with receptors (special proteins on cells) that are sensitive to norepinephrine or adrenaline. It can occur in diseases of the liver, lungs, heart, kidneys, and is more often one-sided.
  3. Medicinal form of mydriasis. It occurs when taking medications that will either cause paralysis of the sphincter of the pupil, or spasm of its dilator. This often occurs under the influence of ophthalmic drops (Atropine, Midriacil, Scopolamine), after the use of which the doctor is going to examine the fundus in detail, but it can also occur during treatment peptic ulcer or pancreatitis when drugs like Platifillin are used.
  4. Traumatic mydriasis. It occurs when the structures of the eye are bruised, as well as during operations on the structures of the eye.
  5. Arbitrary form of pupil dilation. In medicine, voluntary is a phenomenon that occurs at the will of a person. Therefore, voluntary mydriasis is one that arose as a result of the desire of the person himself.

There is also a form of mydriasis, when in the light the pupil dilates, and in the dark, on the contrary, it narrows. This can develop with tuberculosis or syphilitic damage to the brain, severe neuroses.

Most dangerous condition

If, in addition to dilated pupils in the light, you notice symptoms that we will describe below, immediately contact a neurologist. This may be brain dislocation syndrome - a condition when the brain is displaced (due to inflammation, tumors, hematomas, abscesses, traumatic brain injury, overlap venous sinuses and many other reasons). The danger is that when this main body Some part of the central nervous system gets into a large opening of the skull, it is pinched there (that is, the vessels are squeezed by the bone ring). This causes the death of the part of the brain “inserted” into the bone and, if it is large or vital (like the brain stem), the person dies.

The fact that delays in diagnosis and treatment medical care very dangerous, the following symptoms will say:

  • headache;
  • depression of consciousness (a person becomes as if drowsy; if you wake him up, he will first answer in monosyllables, and then stop doing so altogether);
  • irregular breathing rhythm;
  • tilting the head to one side;
  • impaired movement and sensitivity of all limbs.

Physiological causes of pupil dilation

The reasons why your pupils are dilated do not necessarily have to be related to illness. It could be:

  1. insufficient lighting in which you view the pupils. In this case, the dark circle in the middle of the iris can reach 8 mm, and even after exposure to light it can remain enlarged for 1-2 minutes;
  2. a person who has mydriasis is now experiencing powerful emotions. This could be panic, fear, anger - everything that causes the release of adrenaline into the blood and its effect on the sympathetic nervous system, which dilates the pupil;
  3. if a person whose pupils are dilated looks at the object of his sympathy/love or thinks about it. The cause of mydriasis in this case is the same - activation of the sympathetic nervous system.

How to understand that dilated pupils are caused by reasons not related to the disease? In this case:

  • The pupils react to light: if you direct the light from a light bulb or flashlight into both eyes, the pupil will constrict immediately, but if the flashlight is directed at one eye, both pupils should constrict simultaneously, in a second or less.
  • A person can puff out his cheeks, bare his teeth, close his eyes tightly - and at the same time his face will be symmetrical: no drooping of the corner of the mouth, incomplete closing of the eye, or blowing air out of a sagging cheek.
  • Eyes don't hurt; they are not red or watery.
  • There is no headache or nausea, especially in the morning.
  • The sensitivity of the arms and legs, as well as movements in them, are preserved.
  • Body temperature is neither higher nor lower than normal values.

Both pupils are dilated

There can be 2 situations here: the pupils react to light or not. Each of them has its own reasons, which we will consider.

Mydriasis with preserved reaction of both pupils to light

If the pupils are always (or often) dilated, but if you shine light on them, they narrow, this may indicate the following reasons:

Preeclampsia in pregnancy

Preeclampsia is a condition that occurs in the second half of pregnancy as a reaction individual women on developing fetus. It is manifested by an increase blood pressure, swelling that starts from the legs, but can “rise” higher, spreading throughout the body, the appearance of protein in the urine.

The pupils dilate if preeclampsia becomes severe and can progress to eclampsia, a life-threatening condition that causes seizures. This is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • blurred vision;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • decreased amount of urine;
  • feeling of lack of air.

Any of these signs in pregnant women (especially a decrease in the amount of urine, which not all women pay attention to) is a reason for emergency hospitalization V obstetric hospital(maternity hospital). You should only travel by ambulance, as convulsions and respiratory arrest may develop during transportation.

Pregnant women need to be especially vigilant:

  • when there is already preeclampsia, and it is combined with antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • whose close relatives have suffered from preeclampsia or eclampsia;
  • If previous pregnancies occurred with eclampsia or preeclampsia;
  • if a woman is carrying more than 1 child;
  • if she is sick: hypertension, diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, diabetes mellitus;
  • if a pregnant woman is obese with a body mass index of more than 35;
  • when pregnancy is the first;
  • if the age is over 40 years;
  • if more than 10 years have passed between births.

The fact that eclampsia has already begun will be indicated by a headache, pain in upper sections abdomen, twitching of the muscles of the face and upper limbs.

Brain contusion

A concussion, in which there is no damage to the brain itself and after the injury there may be a short-term loss of consciousness (up to 5 minutes), is not accompanied by dilated pupils. This only happens with a bruise, when brain tissue is injured.

A bruise accompanied by dilated pupils indicates severe brain damage. It is also characterized by other symptoms:

  • loss of consciousness immediately after injury – more than 5 minutes;
  • loss of adequacy with motor excitement;
  • swallowing disorder;
  • there may be a violation motor activity limbs;
  • involuntary movements of the eyeballs to the sides or up and down.

Various chronic encephalopathies

Encephalopathy is common name for non-inflammatory and non-tumor diseases of the brain. It develops due to various reasons:

  • chronic alcohol intake;
  • after a severe head injury or due to permanent injuries (for example, boxers, football players);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • previous meningitis or encephalitis;
  • smoking more than 1 pack of cigarettes per day;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels supplying the brain;
  • drug addiction;
  • persistently increased intracranial pressure;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

A patient with encephalopathy is no longer distinguished by dilated pupils, but by a change in personality: lack of initiative, memory impairment, narrowing of interests, irritability, absent-mindedness, daytime sleepiness. The person is also concerned constant noise, appearing in the head, frequent headaches and dizziness.


The disease manifests itself with various symptoms that can occur in any combination:

  • rave;
  • hallucinations;
  • disorientation;
  • apathy;
  • psychoses;
  • social isolation.

Against this background, it may be noticeable that the person’s pupils are dilated. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish schizophrenia from symptoms that occur when taking drugs or psychotropic drugs, so you need a specialist examination.

A brain tumor

Sometimes the first symptoms of a tumor developing either in the occipital lobe of the brain or compressing the pathways along which information flows from the retina to the brain are:

  • dilated pupils;
  • "floaters" before the eyes.

Then the visual impairment progresses: it is lost in both eyes in half of the visual fields. A condition may develop in which a person no longer recognizes written text or recognizes images.

In addition, as the tumor grows, headaches, nausea, and other disorders may appear, the symptoms of which depend on where the tumor is pressing.

Acute alcohol or nicotine intoxication

Against the background of the reception large quantity nicotine or alcohol, dilated pupils are observed. In addition, there are disorders of coordination, attention and memory. The clarity of speech and the adequacy of behavior suffer greatly. For other diseases (such as meningitis or psychosis) alcohol intoxication or nicotine intoxication is characterized by a pronounced specific odor from the mouth. It develops more often in men, unlike other diseases, which can equally develop in both sexes.

This condition differs from chronic encephalopathy, when the brain suffers due to the fact that a person constantly drinks alcohol or smokes: after the main breakdown products of alcohol or nicotine are eliminated, the pupils return to their normal width.


This is the name of the state when thyroid produces more hormones than needed - on its own or under the influence of control organs: the hypothalamus or pituitary gland (they can give “wrong” commands to a healthy thyroid gland).

Hyperthyroidism manifests itself:

  • increased heart rate;
  • weight loss;
  • increased appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • attacks of abdominal pain;
  • anxiety, muscle tremors;
  • decreased libido;
  • Women may have menstrual irregularities.

If both pupils are dilated and do not react to light

Let's talk about what dilated pupils mean when they do not react to light. This can happen under the following conditions.

Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) or its membranes (meningitis)

These pathologies are difficult to distinguish from each other, so we will consider them together. They appear:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • inability to reach the chin with the sternum;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • hallucinations.

Meningitis can manifest itself as lower back pain together with or instead of a headache - when the membrane is inflamed not in the brain, but spinal cord. Whereas encephalitis is characterized by the addition of focal symptoms to the above symptoms: drooping of one of the eyelids, drooping of one corner of the mouth, deviation of the tongue from the midline.

Taking narcotic, poisonous or psychotropic drugs

Conditions where the pupils are often, but not all the time, dilated may indicate drug use. Then, in addition to this symptom, a number of others can be noted:

  • mood swings;
  • inappropriate behavior, tendency to irritability, nervousness;
  • eyes are red, “glassy”, pupils do not react to light;
  • constant thirst;
  • dry lips;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • no odor of alcohol or tobacco from the mouth.

The problem of drug use and not narcotic substances, affecting the central nervous system, is more typical for adolescents of both sexes, as well as young men with an unbalanced character.

Symptoms of using drugs that affect the nervous system depend on the type of drug:

  1. When using cannabis, redness of the eyes and lips is observed. The teenager is overly active, speaks and moves quickly. appears a little later increased appetite, when a teenager is ready to eat (and does it with pleasure) incompatible taste qualities products.
  2. Morphine-based drugs do not dilate, but rather constrict the pupils.
  3. A teenager may have dilated pupils when using psychostimulants. Here, as well as as a result of the use of cannabinoids, it is noted high mood, the liveliness of a teenager. He is ready to commit various extreme and rash actions, he may not sleep for several nights
  4. Mydriasis can be caused by hallucinogenic drugs (eg LSD). Noticeably strange behavior teenager: he talks to himself, answers the questions that sound in his head.
  5. Pupil dilation may develop in response to inhalation of vapors of such products household chemicals: cyanoacrylate glue, gasoline, acetone.


This disease develops as a result of botulinum toxin entering the intestines, and from it into the blood, and then into the nervous system. The latter can be contained in dried and dried fish, canned food, some sausages and other food products. Partially inactivated by ethyl alcohol.

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the first symptom may be one or two loose stools, but this is not a mandatory sign;
  • Double vision occurs, it becomes impossible to read the text - it blurs. The reason for this is highly dilated pupils that do not react to light;
  • bloating appears, gases pass poorly or do not pass at all; there may be vomiting. This is due to paralysis of the intestinal muscles;
  • in severe cases, a person chokes when swallowing or cannot swallow at all (due to paralysis of the pharyngeal muscles);
  • at severe course With completely clear consciousness, breathing may stop. Before this happens, it becomes difficult for a person to breathe.

Therefore, if pupil dilation appears within the first two days after consumption river fish in the form of dry or dried, canned or sausages, urgent hospitalization is required.

Brain swelling

This is a condition that can develop as a result of many factors: inflammation of its area, stroke, poisoning of the nervous system with products formed during severe damage to the liver or kidneys, poisoning with toxic substances and a strong increase or decrease in blood sugar levels. Brain swelling manifests itself as a disturbance of consciousness up to coma; against this background, convulsions may occur.

A dilated pupil with no reaction to light is a sign deep coma of any origin.

One pupil is dilated

A condition where a person has a difference between the diameter of their pupils of 0.4-1 mm may not always be a disease. Every fifth case of such anisocoria is physiological. It is a variant of the norm.

The fact that anisocoria is physiological will be indicated by the following facts:

  • not accompanied by any symptoms: as regards vision (double vision, photophobia, blurred vision);
  • the difference in pupils is better visible in the dark;
  • if you drop drops that dilate the pupil, the difference between them disappears;
  • reaction to light is normal.

Unilateral mydriasis with normal reaction to light

Pupil dilation, but with a preserved reaction to light, can develop with:

  1. oculomotor nerve palsy. It is manifested by the inability to move one eye (the eyeball is turned down and out), the loss of the ability to look forward with it. Because of this, strabismus occurs, and all objects begin to double;
  2. aneurysm or rupture of an artery located near the oculomotor nerve. She has the same symptoms as described above;
  3. an attack of a cluster headache or migraine - pain in one side of the head. The pupil dilates on the same side as the headache. Mydriasis is observed only during or after an attack;
  4. ciliary ganglionitis. It manifests itself as burning paroxysmal pain in one eye and behind it, which radiates to the forehead, temple, sometimes to the root of the nose, solid sky, neck and back of the head. May appear on the skin of the nose and forehead herpetic rashes. During an attack, the eye turns red, tears flow from the eyes, and snot flows from the nose. When pressing on the inner corner of the eye or on the bone above upper eye there is either a narrowing of the pupil and palpebral fissure (if the lesion predominates parasympathetic system), or dilation of the pupil and palpebral fissure (if damage to the sympathetic system predominates).
  5. iridocyclitis - inflammation of the iris and ciliary body, which is attached to the iris. The latter becomes rusty or greenish color, her drawing is no longer so clear. The sclera turns red, lacrimation appears, and the pupil becomes deformed.
  6. glaucoma. It usually lasts a long time, when the field of vision narrows, sometimes rainbow circles appear before the eyes, and a headache begins to ache above the eyebrow of the affected eye. In some cases, glaucoma affects both eyes.

Unilateral mydriasis with no response to light

If a dilated pupil does not respond to light, this may be a sign of many pathologies:

  • Adey-Holmes syndrome. This is the name of a disease in which the innervation of the muscle that constricts the pupil is disrupted. It is manifested by dilation of the pupil on one side and its weak (or lack thereof) reaction to light. It is also characterized by photophobia and fog in the eyes.
  • Injury eyeball. She may have various symptoms on the part of the organ of vision - depending on which structure of the eye was damaged. If damage to the iris occurs, the pupil dilates to 7-10 mm, stops responding to light, visual acuity decreases, and photophobia is felt.
  • Bene Dilitatism is a recently described disease caused by damage to the optic nerve by an infectious agent. The pupil gradually increases in size and stops responding to light. This is accompanied by intolerance to bright light, lacrimation, the appearance of spots, “floaters” in the eyes, and decreased visual acuity in the dark.
  • Tumor or inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the neck. They, being located directly near the cervical sympathetic nerve, irritate him, which provokes mydriasis.
  • Epilepsy. During an attack of convulsions, dilation of the pupil is often observed. There is such a form of the disease as absence seizures, then a person simply “freezes”, his pupils dilate, a little later he comes to his senses, but does not remember the episode of “freezing”.
  • Tumors ocular structures. They can cause mydriasis either when they are localized in the iris or when they affect oculomotor nerve. In addition to pupil dilation, protrusion of the eyeball forward, turning of the eyeball down and inward, and changes in the pattern of the iris may be observed.

How to dilate your pupil

There are several ways to dilate your pupils: medicinal and non-medicinal. There are no contraindications for the latter, but they are short-lived. This:

  • go into a dark room and stay in it for more than 10 minutes;
  • look (or think) about the object of passion/love;
  • become afraid through thoughts or watching horror films.

Medicines that can cause mydriasis are: eye drops“Atropine”, “Tropicamide”, “Mydriacyl”, “Phenylephrine”; drugs for systemic use"Adrenaline", "Pentoxifylline". It is dangerous to use these remedies on your own, as they have different systemic effects. Thus, adrenaline, phenylephrine and atropine can cause severe heart palpitations and increased blood pressure, and many drugs can provoke an increase in intraocular pressure.

The most common causes of mydriasis in children

Dilated pupils in a child are the cause of many conditions:

  • anxious state of the child: the parent looked at the child and noticed dilated pupils just at the moment when the child was worried, afraid of something, watching an unpleasant or scary movie/cartoon;
  • the child is in an insufficiently lit room, that is, there is no reason for concern;
  • poisoning occurred, for example, with gasoline or acetone vapors - if the child was in an unventilated room where paint and varnish work was carried out;
  • if he came from the street and you notice dilated pupils, this could be either a consequence of a brain injury or drug use. In the first case, most likely, he will remember the fact of the injury. Contacting a neurosurgeon is mandatory;
  • hyperthyroidism: it is characterized by the same symptoms as in adults;
  • brain tumors: only a neurologist can exclude or confirm this diagnosis;
  • epilepsy. In this case, there does not have to be convulsions: the disease can manifest itself in the form of absence seizures, when the child periodically freezes with an absent look, and then does not remember such episodes.

What to do if your pupil is dilated

You need to urgently call an ambulance if:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • inappropriate behavior;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • violation of limb movements;
  • decreased sensitivity of the limbs and/or face.

If you don’t have any of the symptoms from point 1, make an appointment with a neurologist as planned (you need to visit in the next 2-3 days, no later). During this time, you can find photographs in which you can evaluate whether such dilation of the pupils existed before, or whether it is - new symptom. You need to tell your doctor about this.

If a neurologist, based on testing reflexes and sensitivity, or after evaluating computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scans, says that he does not find neurological disease, you should definitely visit an ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist). Do not relax if you find out that you do not have more “terrible” diseases when the nervous system is affected, but continue the examination. This way you can avoid vision loss.

Human pupil can tell you a lot. Our pupils, those black holes that let light into our eyes, do more than just help us see. They also signal what is going on in our minds.

Here are 10 tips based on various psychological research, which show how changing pupil size reveals many secrets.

1. The pupil says “I’m thinking hard”

If you ask a person complex issue, to which he quickly finds no answer, his pupils dilate. The man thinks. Research has shown that the more our brain works, the more our pupils dilate. As psychologists Hess and Polt (1964) gave participants more and more difficult tasks, their pupils dilated more and more.

2. The pupil says "My brain is overloaded"

If you give a person very difficult task, then with long and intense thinking his eyes will narrow.

Psychologist Pook (1973) reported that when participants' minds were loaded at 125% capacity, their pupils constricted.

3. The pupil says “I have brain damage.”

Doctors and paramedics flash lights in patients' eyes to check if their brains are working properly. The pupils should be the same size and round shape, and react to light.

4. The pupil says "I'm interested in you"

The size of a person's pupils can also signal that I am interested in what the other person is saying.

Psychologists White and Maltzman (1977) had participants listen to excerpts from three books: one was erotic, the second contained cruelty and violence, and the third was neutral. At first, the participants' pupils dilated for all three. But they remained wide only during scenes of eroticism and cruelty.

A person is always slightly interested in anyone new information. That's why his pupils dilate a little at first. But they will remain expanded only if interest continues.

5. The pupil says “You turn me on”

When we are sexually interested, our eyes also “take part.” Both men and women's pupils dilate when they are sexually aroused (psychologist Bernick et al., 1971).

However, not everyone agrees that large pupils are a signal sexual arousal. There have been several studies done, and some psychologists are of the opinion that people are simply always interested in nudity.

6. The pupil says, “You disgust me.”

Just as a person's pupils increase in size when they are interested or sexually aroused, they constrict when a person feels disgusted.

Psychologist Hess (1972) showed people photographs of injured children. At first, people's pupils dilated in shock, and then they constricted to try to avoid the disturbing images.

7. The pupil says “I recognize my own (or strangers)”

Psychologist Barlow (1969) showed people photographs of Liberal Party leaders. Liberals' pupils dilated when they saw fellow liberals and constricted when they saw conservatives. Conservatives reacted in exactly the opposite way.

8. The pupil says “I’m in pain”

Psychologist Chapman et al (1999) gave small shocks electric shock into people's fingertips and measured how dilated their pupils were. At maximum intensity, the pupils dilated by approximately 0.2 mm.

9. The pupil says "I'm on drugs"

Some drugs, such as alcohol and opiates, cause the pupils to constrict. Others such as amphetamine, cocaine, LSD and mescaline cause them to expand.

The police are aware of this and some use it as a means of checking. Typically, police officers look for pupils that are constricted to less than 3 mm or dilated to more than 6.5 mm (psychologist Richman, 2004).

10. The eye speaks volumes about a person’s personality.

This point is not related to pupil dilation, but it is very interesting. You can learn a lot about a person from the iris of the eye. Exists a whole science– iridology, but you can’t talk about it in a few words.

Of course, the pupil is too small, and it is difficult for a person to notice its changes. But scientists believe that people perceive information about their interlocutor's pupil subconsciously, along with other nonverbal cues.

Date: 02/19/2016

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  • In what cases do pupils always enlarge?
  • Why are dilated pupils noted?

The reasons for the appearance of which healthy person have long been known to everyone, are a reason for further discussion. For those who don't know, let's clarify. Dilated pupils (mydriasis) are the result of a habitual reaction to light and good location spirit (excited state). However, the reason why the pupils constantly dilate may be associated not only with the reaction of a healthy body.

Physiology has established a standard diameter for the pupil, which always varies from 3 to 5 mm, and is determined by the level of illumination indoors and the person’s state of mind.

Wide pupils of the eyes are evidence of some pathological processes in the body and are directly related to the disruption of any organ. Therefore, it is so important to identify the source that forms dilated pupils - the reasons identified in a timely manner will contribute to the diagnosis and solution of the problem.

In what cases do pupils always enlarge?

When such a phenomenon is not an individual trait of a person associated with heredity, then we can talk about diseases such as:

Sometimes the cause of mydriasis may be hidden in acute poisoning body and its intoxication. And the development of dilated pupils is largely facilitated by conditions professional looking activities related to the use of toxic chemicals. In addition, the reason may lie in the abuse of drugs of a narcotic or hallucinogenic nature, or alcoholic beverages. It has been noticed that people who refuse dangerous habits and began to observe healthy image life, the size of the pupils remains at the same level - over 5 mm in circumference.

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Why are dilated pupils noted?

In addition to those factors that were outlined above, mydriasis can appear as one of the manifestations side effects medicines. For example, the use of Atropine, Adrenaline, Scopolamine and Homatropine. Also, eye drops containing tropicamide lead to a reversible and brief enlargement of the pupils. The considered deviation from normal condition The size of the pupil will only affect the eye into which the solution will be injected.

Psychological emotional instability of the condition can also cause dilation of the pupils. And the culprit here will be a strong release of hormones (oxytocin, cortisol, adrenaline) into the blood. The diameter often increases with negative reactions of the brain, for example, anger, fear, prolonged depression, pain. Less commonly, the value exceeds 5 mm due to excitement.

There are situations when dilated pupils are caused by genetic factors.

Described clinical picture corresponds unusual disease Bene Dilitatism, recently discovered.

Its appearance is due to damage (partial or complete) of the optic nerves various reasons- as internal (infection of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature, inflammation, chronic diseases), and external (injuries and disorders). With this pathology, there is a gradual loss (up to complete disappearance) of the ability of the nerves to react to changes in illumination. As a result, the pupil constantly increases in size.

In addition, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • pain in the eyes in bright light;
  • tearing and redness of the eyelids;
  • decreased visual acuity in the dark;
  • distortion of vision in bright light (flares, spots and spots in the eyes).

A person with this pathology practically goes blind in the dark, the size of his pupil reaches 7-8 mm.

Eyes, a kind of diaphragm that can change its diameter. The sensitive photoreceptors of the eye react with unimaginable accuracy to changes in the flow of light rays. Depending on the intensity of illumination, a special muscle reduces or increases the size of the hole, thereby regulating the amount of light falling on the inner shell - the retina. Changing pupil diameter is one of the the most important indicators functions and general condition brain. No wonder in any feature film in emergency medicine, you can see how a doctor shines a narrow flashlight into a patient's eye in order to cause a reflex constriction of the pupil and assess the level of consciousness.

Changes in pupil size may not only be related to the degree of illumination. For example, when a person sees something that arouses increased interest, the pupil intensively changes size.

Pupil and disease

Doctors call persistent dilation of the pupils mydriasis. This condition may be caused by medications or drugs chemicals(including drugs).

However, doctors say that if the causes need to be determined as quickly as possible. Mydriasis can cause injuries (both to the eye itself and to the brain), as well as stroke, epilepsy and a number of other brain diseases. However, in at different ages The reasons for persistent changes in pupil size are different. If an adult's pupils are dilated, the reasons this phenomenon may be hidden in lesions and diseases

But if this is observed in newborns and children younger age, you don't always have to worry. If dilated pupils are noted in a child, the reasons for this phenomenon may lie in congenital genetic characteristics. It is noteworthy that in newborns the pupils are completely different sizes. In most cases there is no need to worry. But if the pupil is dilated by more than 1 mm and does not return to its original size under the influence of light, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Mydriasis in a teenager is a sign of trouble

As mentioned above, changes in pupil size are also caused by drugs - cocaine, LSD, marijuana, amphetamines and other deadly drugs. hazardous substances. If a teenager has dilated pupils, the reasons for this are usually unpleasant. A persistent change in pupil size towards enlargement is considered as physiological sign drug use. However, parents and teachers should remember that the opposite phenomenon (persistent) is also a sure sign of intoxication with opiate drugs. In this case, the pupil is unusually narrow and does not expand at all even in complete darkness. But even in adolescents, pupils can be dilated due to illness. We should not forget that mydriasis allows us to suspect a disease of the nervous system or blood vessels. In addition, the pupils different sizes- This early sign brain tumors or severe infection.

If you notice that you or your family members have dilated pupils, the reasons need to be determined as soon as possible. Wide pupils add beauty to the eyes, but they can also signal trouble and illness.



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