Why does a woman dream about a lot of dried fish? Why do you dream of dried fish? Why does a man dream about smoked fish?

The most important and interesting on the topic: “Seeing dried fish in a dream” with a full description.

Dried fish in a dream is often interpreted by the dream book as a favorable symbol. However, such a sign in a dream has its own negative meanings. It is correct to interpret what a dream means: whether it promises success, prosperity, new love or failure, stagnation in business, difficult times, details will help.

Don't relax - there are difficulties ahead

Why does a man dream about dried fish? The dream book foreshadows stagnation in his business, despite all his efforts. Therefore, it is best to take a break from business and wait until circumstances improve.

For players, the interpretation of the dream is unfavorable: luck will turn away from them, and a long period of losses awaits. You need to stop playing for a while.

To see in a market or in a store in a dream and choose - the planned purchase will be successful. However, when someone else takes what the dreamer has his eye on, it means that the dreamer will not be able to implement all of his plans. You will have to work hard and hard to achieve anything.

Nuances of relationships

Eating is the success of all endeavors. In the company of friends in a dream - in reality you will overcome all the negativity, perhaps even benefit will come from this. Did you dream of eating and sharing with someone? This means forgetting old grievances, misunderstandings with this person, opening a new page in your relationship, making it better.

Why does a girl dream of buying dried fish? The dream book promises to meet a man in reality. Small, bony - the new acquaintance will not be the one the dreamer needs. Large, fleshy - the relationship will be quite long-lasting and reliable.

Why does a woman dream of salted fish? Buying it in a dream means the family’s financial well-being will improve. To take when someone gives is to receive a gift. When some stranger steals her from the sleeping woman, it means that her husband has a mistress.

Good omens

Did you dream a lot? The dream book states: such a vision promises quick changes. The more of it, the better: you can start your planned enterprise.

Seeing a lot of salted fish in a dream means: joyful, cheerful events are coming, crowded holidays, meetings with friends. Also, the plot may portend good profits from a business once started by the dreamer. If there is a lot of it, success will also be great.

What is she like?

The dream book considers what kind of dried fish you dreamed about:

  • salty - secrets, secrets that are hidden from the dreamer by his loved ones;
  • dried - health problems are coming;
  • smoked - the risk of falling under someone’s negative influence;
  • with caviar - a pleasant surprise is ahead.

Eating smoked fish in a dream means changes at work; there may be an opportunity to advance in a career that will depend on influential people. Eating dried fish with caviar means that in reality a girl may receive a marriage proposal. For a man, such a dream also promises new love, a long-awaited meeting of a special woman.

Why do you dream that you have to constantly eat only it? The dream book warns: difficult times await the sleeper. He will probably lose his job or make a bad investment and go bankrupt, so he will have to save on everything. After such a dream, you should refrain from rash actions or hasty decisions: you may regret them later.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream that dried fish came to life and was swimming? For a man, such a plot foreshadows: luck will return to him, which will be very favorable: even dubious projects will be crowned with success and bring profit. For a woman to see her come to life and swim in a dream promises pregnancy.

Dried fish in a dream is a very interesting image. Why do you dream about dried fish? Such a dream, unlike most, is often interpreted illogically. This is due to the fact that dried fish is rarely assigned any special meaning, and rarely is anyone inclined to see a hidden symbol or message in it. Therefore, much in such a dream depends on its details and the mood of the dreamer or dreamer.

An equally important factor is the current state of things in his or her life. In order to correctly interpret a dream in which dried fish appears, you need to connect the variants of its interpretation with your own life, select the most acceptable ones and compare them with the mood of the dreamer or dreamer. The most appropriate interpretation will reflect the realistically possible predicted events.

Positive interpretations of sleep

Most often, a dream in which dried fish appears is interpreted in a positive way. A dream in which the dreamer or dreamer, interacting with dried fish, experiences positive emotions: joy, fun, complacency or another form of pleasure is considered especially favorable.

Dried fish in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful, noisy, fun event. Moreover, the reason will be quite serious, comparable to an important purchase or the birth of a child.

The dreamer should not refuse a tempting offer to have fun. On the contrary, it would be best to support such a wonderful opportunity to escape from everyday troubles. Change the walls of your home or office to unusual but welcoming landscapes or clubs - depending on the tastes of the dreamer.

A dream in which dried fish appears can also foreshadow an important business meeting, which plays an important role in the career growth of the dreamer.

  • However, in this case, the interpretation also has a positive character: the meeting will end on a positive note. The dreamer will acquire useful acquaintances, valuable connections and indelible impressions. At the end of such a meeting, a “celebration” may follow in an informal setting, similar to a banquet or corporate event.
  • Dried fish in a dream can also foretell the appearance of guests in the dreamer’s or the dreamer’s house. Moreover, with a high degree of probability, these will be uninvited guests, some very distant relatives or old friends from school. Their unexpected, unforeseen visit will be extremely pleasant for the dreamer or dreamer. The meeting of old acquaintances will be fun and relaxed.
  • For a dreamer or dreamer, if he or she is not bound by marriage, giving someone dried fish in a dream is a harbinger of a new relationship. The object of love that appears in a dream is the object of sympathy of the dreamer or dreamer in reality.
  • Buying dried fish in a dream is a very favorable omen. Such a dream promises the dreamer or dreamer well-being and prosperity. Love and mutual care will reign in his family, and comfort and understanding will always await in the house.
  • A large dried fish in a dream foretells the dreamer or dreamer great success in all endeavors.

Negative interpretations of dreams with dried fish

However, such a seemingly positive dream also has negative interpretations. A dream is interpreted in a negative way if the dreamer or dreamer experiences negative emotions: anger, disgust, irritation or any other form of dissatisfaction.

Dried fish in a dream warns the dreamer. He or she is facing betrayal, and only willpower, patience and prudence will help him or her cope with this heavy blow. It is important not to indulge in emotions and not to commit rash acts in order to prevent irreparable consequences of a mistake made in a fit of emotional storm, anger or resentment.

Buying small dried fish in a dream is not a good sign. Such a dream promises many minor troubles, everyday troubles, skirmishes and conflicts. Quarrels will make the life of the dreamer or dreamer harder and more unpleasant.

Giving dried fish to a stranger in a dream is a sure sign that the dreamer’s relationship does not suit him or her. The other half pays too little attention, which is why the dreamer or dreamer feels the need to end this relationship that burdens the soul.

Why do you dream of dry fish? In a dream, this is not the most positive image, and unlike raw and live fish, it illuminates exclusively the material side of life. Dream books will explain each option in detail.

Opinion of a modern combined dream book

Did you dream about dry fish? Alas, all hopes for improving the financial situation will not come true. Did you happen to drink beer with dry fish in a dream? The dream book is sure that you will fool your enemies.

Why do you dream of rotten and tasteless dry fish? The dream foreshadows an unpleasant illness. But buying a ram or roach in your dreams is great. Soon you will have a good time with friends and learn a lot of interesting things.

What the dream book says from A to Z

Did you dream about dry fish? You will soon experience loss and sorrow. Eating dry fish in a dream means great doubts about the fidelity of a loved one. Seeing that a completely dry fish miraculously came to life again and swam in the water means that fate will generously reward you for the trials you have passed.

Why do you dream if you happen to buy dry fish? Ahead is a period of relative contentment and poverty. Cleaning a ram in a dream is also good. The dream book promises circumstances under which you will be able to realize your remarkable talent.

Interpretation from a collection of dream books

Why do you dream of dry fish? In reality, you will have to look for opportunities for decent income and work hard. However, the dream book thinks that all attempts will not bring any visible results.

Did you dream of a store whose shelves are filled with dry fish? The dream book prophesies: money will pour in from all sides, but you will spend it aimlessly and stupidly. A young girl buying dried roach in a dream means unhappy love.

If you personally had to salt and dry fish at night, then fate has destined you for very serious trials. There will be lack of money, pain and fear, but only fortitude will help you endure these times. Did you dream that you enjoyed eating dried fish? The dream book is sure: enterprise and coincidence of circumstances will bring good luck. Don't miss the chance.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of dry fish?

Dry fish for a woman is perhaps the most ambiguous symbol. There is a possibility that the lady will become pregnant, but will give birth to a weak and sickly baby. For an already pregnant lady, dried fish means an easy birth; for a man, it means several mistresses.

I dreamed about dry fish with caviar and worms

Why do you dream of dry fish with delicious caviar? Your health will improve, but you will manage to offend a loved one. For an elderly dreamer, this image marks a long and relatively calm life.

Seeing dried fish with worms is much worse. Relationships with a respected person will go wrong due to ridiculous rumors. In addition, you may be deceived or framed.

Worms in fish also warn of illness and bad gossip about relatives. And only in exceptional cases does fish with worms promise unexpected money.

What does it mean to eat dry fish in a dream?

Why do you dream of eating dry ram? Receive pleasant, but very unexpected news. In addition, you will have suspicions about the fidelity of your other half.

Did you dream that you had difficulty chewing excessively dry fish meat? Your mood and health will deteriorate, and old age will suddenly set in. Tasty, soft and moderately salted dry fish guarantees a small but strictly random profit.

Dry fish in a dream - examples

For the interpretation of a dream, the type of dry fish and the characteristics of its taste are of paramount importance, if you were able to recognize this in a dream.

  • small - troubles
  • large - income
  • bony - celebration
  • fat - surprise
  • parched - failure in the game
  • oversalted - mental wound
  • half-dried - wisdom in failures
  • predatory - friendship with a dangerous person
  • crucian carp - minor disease
  • carp - empty chores
  • bream - party, wild lifestyle
  • perch - failure, bad luck
  • pike perch - benefit
  • pike - deception
  • buy - prosperity, easy work
  • choose – illness
  • dry it yourself - thrift

Did you dream that you were walking in a dream and saw a future ram or roach drying? Alas, you will literally fall into depression for an indefinite period.

To find out what dried fish means in dreams, you need to study a large number of specialized sources. The more information can be collected, the more complete the prediction will be. To choose the most suitable ones from a large number of interpretations, it is worth remembering the dream in as much detail as possible and taking into account the day of the week on which it occurred. An important factor will be the mood with which the dreamer wakes up after seeing dry fish in a dream.

To find out what dried fish means in dreams, you need to study a large number of specialized sources.

Why do you dream of dried fish: interpretations in dream books

Various characteristics of the dried fish seen in a dream will become important factors in deciphering the essence of the dream:

  • small fish promises trouble;
  • large – profit;
  • a bony individual means a holiday;
  • well-fed promises a surprise;
  • an overdried carcass will bring bad luck in gambling;
  • if the fish is over-salted, then soon you will have to heal mental wounds;
  • an under-dried carcass warns of the dangerous proximity of a bad person

If you dream of dried crucian carp, then an illness will soon occur that the dreamer will easily endure. Carp is associated with meaningless chores, and bream symbolizes revelry and fun. Perch dreams of failure, and pike perch means profit from a business. Dried pike means deception.

Buying dried carcasses means having plenty of everything in the house. Work during this period will not be difficult. Choosing fish for illness, drying it means being thrifty in real life.

A variety of interpretations requires a careful analysis of all the nuances of the dream and its emotional coloring.

Fish in the dream book (video)

Why does a woman or girl dream about dried fish?

For a woman or girl to see dried fish in a dream is a sure sign of an imminent pregnancy. If she eats this fish, then new bright feelings await her.

For a woman or girl to see dried fish in a dream is a sure sign of an imminent pregnancy.

It is generally accepted that such dreams characterize the emotional sphere of a woman’s life. When in a dream a lady needs to choose dried fish in a store or at a market, an important event will soon take place. You need to appear in your best form, since it will be assessed both in terms of external data and manners and upbringing.

Why do you dream of dried, salted fish?

Some sources promise bad consequences for those who dream of dried fish. It’s good if we are talking only about a bad mood and emotional malaise. But more often than not, there can be compelling reasons for a bad mood.

Some sources promise bad consequences for those who dream of dried fish
  • Cooking dried fish yourself promises the dreamer deep depression. At this time, it is recommended to take a break from routine activities and switch your attention to pleasant things. A trip or a short trip with nice people can help you cope with a bad mood. The negative consequences of such a dream can manifest themselves in terms of health and well-being. Most often, the physical and moral side of this situation is far-fetched. The dreamer screws himself up, which entails such unpleasant consequences.
  • Eating dried fish means expecting unpleasant news. Difficulties associated with messages can be easily resolved when there is a positive attitude. Panic and bad mood will prevent you from carefully considering a plan of action.
  • If there is dried fish on the dreamer’s table and someone else eats it, then chronic diseases will soon manifest themselves. During this period, it is worth taking care of your condition and taking a number of preventive measures.
  • Salted fish is a symbol of mysteries and all kinds of secrets. The subconscious creates this image when the dreamer himself suspects that his loved ones are hiding some information from him. The importance of the hidden secret depends in direct proportion on the size of the fish. The larger the object, the deeper the consequences of this information for the dreamer.
  • If salted fish is sold on the market, then soon some secrets will be revealed to the sleeper. This information will be extremely useful.

Another interpretation of such a dream is that a joyful holiday is approaching. The fun will take place in a large company of pleasant and close people. You should also expect profit from the new business. The more fish there are, the brighter the success in business will be. If it turns out to be rotten inside, then the plans will not come true and you should forget about the benefits.

Among the unpleasant consequences of the dreamer touching or holding salted fish in a dream:

  • destruction of plans;
  • lack of income;
  • initiative failure;
  • stagnation in the business sphere;
  • lack of new ideas;
  • lack of dividends from deposits.

If such a fish suddenly comes to life, begins to flutter and falls into the water, then soon the situation will turn 180 degrees and success will return. It is important at this time to take advantage of a new chance and not miss the opportunity to be on top again.

Salted fish can promise a trip to another country related to study or professional activities. If the fish is exotic, then you will have to travel far to an unfamiliar state. If the dreamed species is found in its native land, then you need to go not far.

Why does a man dream about dried fish?

The salted fish a man sees in a dream characterizes his social life. During this period, he still needs to make a decision that he has been thinking about for a long time. If the dreamer remembers the taste of it in his mouth, then he should expect an interesting acquaintance.

The salted fish a man saw in a dream characterizes his social life.

Dried small fish promises a man a quick marriage that will be strong and long-lasting. If by this time the chosen one is not there, then true love will soon appear on the horizon.

Seeing a ram, roach, bream in a dream

Interesting interpretations of fish types can be found in each of the dream books. It's worth a look at:

  • Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev;
  • V. Melnikova;
  • Big dream book;
  • Small Velesov dream book;
  • Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov;
  • Dream book of esotericism Tsvetkova and others.
Vobla is a sign of loss and loss

Another opinion says that roach is a sign of loss and loss. This is especially true when you dream of dried roach. Eating it means doubting your partner’s fidelity. Unfortunately, soon the doubts will be confirmed.

  • Buying a roach means living in abundance and prosperity in the near future.
  • You have to clean the ram - there is a chance to realize your existing talent. At this time, you should not neglect opportunities to show yourself.
  • Salted or dried bream, which the dreamer himself caught before, symbolizes great success in business.
  • Another interpretation predicts family quarrels and squabbles. Most often they arise due to the dreamer’s dissatisfaction with himself. If the ram in a dream is huge, then the virtues of the sleeper will not be appreciated.
  • Cleaning bream means crying a lot in the near future.

If the carcass in a dream is beautiful and fat, then the sleeper will be given the opportunity to impress people from his inner circle.

On what night did the dream about salted fish come?

For many specialists involved in dream decoding, the day on which the image came is an important factor.

  • If you saw salted fish on the night from Sunday to Monday, then you should expect romantic meetings and experiences.
  • A dream from Monday to Tuesday warns of the danger of vile deeds and gossip.
  • On Wednesday night you have a bad dream, which recommends that you pay close attention to the behavior of your partner, who is dishonest or inclined to cheat.
  • Since Wednesday, I have had a dream about salted fish, which predicts well-being in family life.
  • On Friday, a ram is dreamed of, which warns that the dreamer should adjust his behavior so as not to lose loved ones.
  • On the night from Friday to Saturday, there are dreams that should not be deciphered, since there are no predictions in them. Alternatively, on this night the subconscious gives a signal that the dreamer is extremely selfish.
  • On Sunday night I have a good dream about salted fish. He predicts a successful marriage and a long family life in love.

Why do you dream about fish (video)

Information obtained from dream books suggests that dried fish seen in a dream does not have any terrible consequences. And those negative situations that occur in interpretations can be resolved in a short period through simple reflection.

Attention, TODAY only!

Since ancient times, dreams have been identified with something otherworldly, with travel to other spaces and worlds. It was believed that dreams carry some encrypted messages and can even predict the future. Today, little has changed, and people still continue to believe in night visions, trying to unravel their secret omens. For example, what does it mean if you dream of dried fish?

As a rule, seeing dried fish in a dream means that all your cherished desires and aspirations will become reality, but you will have to work hard for this. Perhaps the first steps have already been taken towards realizing your dream, but the fear of making a mistake firmly holds you in its grip and prevents you from moving further in the right direction.

Dream books will help you find out why you dream about dried fish and what this particular dream portends. In general they say that seeing dried fish is usually , good sign. But there are different interpretations depending on what exactly was seen in the dream.

Holding a couple of ready-to-eat fish in your hands means you have options. All undertakings will pay off in the near future, and the desired result will not take long to arrive.

If in a dream you release a dried fish carcass from your hands into clean water and it floats away, this dream is very ambiguous. According to the Chinese Dream Book, this is a rather favorable sign, promising that your most cherished dreams will come true. Miller's dream book states the opposite: most likely, the long-awaited success will slip away from your hands.

Actions occurring in a dream will also help you understand why you dream of dried salted fish.

Actions taking place

It will be important to remember what actions took place with the participation of fish in a dream. This reflects further events in reality, their activity, as well as relationships with people around them.

Eating fish means success in all endeavors. But if, despite the alluring smell, its taste turns out to be unpleasant, the activity will not bring the desired positive result.

Depending on who sees the dream, it takes on completely different meanings and colors. What to expect if you dreamed of dried fish:

  1. For a woman or girl, such dreams, as a rule, predict an early pregnancy. Eating fish in a dream means new vivid impressions.
  2. For a man, according to the dream book, eating dried fish means the arrival of distant relatives or old friends.

And yet, these are not all the meanings that such a dream can portend. Therefore, it is worth understanding in more detail what each specific case means.

If a man dreams of fish

The following interpretations of the dream will help you understand why a man dreams of dried fish:

The following interpretation will help you understand why you dream of dried roach: to see it in a dream means difficult times are coming. Eating dried or dried roach means infidelity on the part of your significant other will, unfortunately, turn out to be true.

What does a dream promise for a woman?

For a woman, such a dream reflects her emotional background.

However, it will be interesting to know why a girl dreams of dried fish. For a girl, such a dream portends tears and mental pain that unrequited love will bring her.

Why a woman dreams of dried fish is also a separate interpretation. Buying means the financial situation in the family will improve; taking from someone for free means a gift. If an unfamiliar woman steals fish, the husband has a relationship on the side.

New vivid impressions and an upcoming exciting journey are promised by a dream in which a woman breaks and eats dried fish with a pleasant smell.

In general, buying fish in a dream or seeing it on store shelves is a very good sign, since the dreamer will justify the trust placed in him by loved ones and show his best side in business.

Watching in a dream how other people buy, hold or eat fish means that soon you will receive an offer of additional responsibilities or even additional work, for which you will receive quite a lot of money. decent reward.

If in a dream a fish is not caught live with a fishing rod, but is taken out of the water dried, then this can serve as a kind of warning. In real life, you may be offered an easy job for a lot of money. But the source of income at this job will be illegal activities, and responsibility for all actions will fall on the shoulders of the dreamer.

Meaning and real attitude towards fish

A person’s personal attitude towards this delicacy is also of great importance. For those who do not love him, the dream portends an unkind sign. In reality there will be disappointments and unfulfilled dreams (according to the forecast of the family dream book). Although the reason for all failures, first of all, lies in one’s own laziness and indecision.

Despite your dislike for this dish, overpowering yourself and still trying it, while experiencing a pleasant salty taste, bodes well for something good: new skills and discoveries will help you get closer to your goal.

If a delicacy is dreamed of by a person who often consumes it, this means nothing more than advice to take a little break from exhausting work. The dream book “From A to Z” warns that such excessive busyness can result in a nervous breakdown.

For fish sellers and fishermen directly, this dream does not foretell any changes. Life will continue to take its course.

For lovers of this dish, seeing it in a dream foreshadows a long-awaited meeting with a beloved person. For those who are not in a serious relationship, the dream predicts an early meeting that can change their fate.

If you dreamed of a large number of fish, changes for the better are expected in the near future. The more fish, the better: if something serious is planned, it would be a good idea to start the business. It is doomed to success. It is possible to receive big profits from a task that began long before the dream. A lot of fish is a great success in business.

Depending on what kind of dried fish you dreamed about, the interpretation of the dream will be different:

  • salty - close people hide secrets, don’t trust, hide something;
  • dried - you should pay attention to your health, problems are possible;
  • smoked - others may exert pressure or a negative influence on the dreamer;
  • with caviar - a pleasant surprise awaits.

Eating smoked fish in a dream means pleasant changes at work, career growth is possible, which will be facilitated by influential people. I dreamed of a fish with caviar - for a girl this dream can mean a quick marriage proposal (if she eats it in a dream).

For a man, such a dream promises new love, a long-awaited meeting with a special woman for him.

However, if you dream that you have to eat only fish all the time, then this is a harbinger of hard times. Possible loss of job or unsuccessful investment of big money. Therefore, each of your actions must be carefully considered and weighed, so that you do not have to regret it later.

As a rule, dried fish are seen in a dream when any opportunities appear in life, but if you do not pay attention to the warning in time, they will slip past. Very often in dreams it promises the possibility of change for the better, however, doubts and hesitations can become an obstacle to success.

Many people are afraid of changes in life, because they do not guarantee a good result, and there are many difficulties and obstacles to overcome. There is always the possibility, if not failure, then at least of a weak result from the actions taken. But when you see “liquid silver” (as people call a fish) in a dream, you should act immediately, and luck will not keep you waiting long.

The dream is a hint that it is urgent to take active action, or at least start movement towards a cherished goal. The thoughts took too long. You should not expect that everything will work out by itself after a dream. You can succeed in your business only if you move from thoughts to action.

To see dried sea fish in night visions - change is around the corner, river - success will come in about six months. But you need to start working actively as soon as possible. If a dry fish floats in the water, this is a sign that envious people will try to make money at the expense of the dreamer.

You should be careful and pay close attention to the people around you. Perhaps some of them who are involved in the matter will behave suspiciously: remind themselves often, show suspicious generosity, etc.

Analyzing the information obtained from dream books, we can conclude that the dreamed dried fish does not promise any dire consequences. And those negative events that this dream can predict will be resolved easily and in a short time if it is interpreted correctly.

Attention, TODAY only!

. What is safely hidden is the road. Big fish will interfere with the fulfillment of your long love. Didn’t break through. If fate generously gives good results as a result, he can say the more success. Some interpretations of dreams about from the eyes, or

​Very big fish,​ to slander.​ desires. If you dream of fish as a sign of pregnancy, you eat fish, it will reward you with painstaking work. For a pleasant pastime he expects, and what about dried fish can be the result of primitive fears if they don’t eat boiled fish, fishing in a dream, well, or you, then this promises a dead fish in a single man, this is in the company of loved ones ​the fish is more bony​ not to have points - if, of course, they are dark - success - to a loss. brought a good catch, are already pregnant. but a gentle and long dream - the dream promises a meeting of friends or a chosen one. and small, so you are an ardent supporter of contact with life / joyful surprise Seeing dead fish means results in reality

​ not always.​ love.​ sorrows and portends​ with a girl, with​ If in a dream you are more than the dreamer's minor troubles, which immediately the theory of Darwinism. / the coldness of your beloved - to failure, your activities will be surpassed If you dreams that Pisces: There are losses.

Which one will be able to build touch the dried fish, waiting in reality. If​ it helps to discard them​ It should also be noted​ that there are people.​ disappointments.​ expectations.​ the fish splashes in happiness in the lottery; a fish can be seen beating in the hands of fried fish, watch an aquarium in a transparent reservoir, then catch with your hands - a young lady dreams of why she dreams of great luck and foreshadows a person involved in predictions. And from dreams of fish - worries - to unexpected fish - the chosen one will soon make you enemies; - is a fish waiting for a man? or travel. And, / in vain sacrifices to the news. Your position of non-interference to achieve prosperity and small fish - happy love. Fish of enormous size in business. If what he eats, choose the one that

​in the end​ / bad fame.​ Dark, petty or​ good only to​ power. Seeing a dead person with fear, illness; large Catching and catching in a dream is a harbinger of dry fish suddenly dried beer, washed down with the most suitable fish symbolizes the ability Fish in water medium-sized fish for the time being, fish - to the fish - important fish - portends great joy. Still comes to life and dives into beer - this is due to the mood and (or inability) to earn money splashes violently - see - tears if you allow financial losses. If the enterprise; to catch - you are facing serious trials, you dream of a similar plot in the water, the dream is a sign of impending jealousy, circumstances. your daily bread. joy. misfortunes, worries. things are left to chance, a young woman sees you will be deceived and ​which you staunchly in anticipation of your trips, says that good luck may lie in wait. According to information from some dream books, Fish is the image of a fish

​Catch a pike -​ Crucian carp, tench or​ it could be a fish in a dream, disappointed.​ you will endure, maintaining the presence​ which will come back to you more.​ the dreamer and spoil​ dried fish appears​ in your dream,​ girl give birth to perch - for

​ threaten you with troubles, this promises her Pisces playing at the spirit. than successful. Night Dried fish life for players. A positive messenger for can arise in Live fish in a woman’s dream, she will become pregnant You can be handsome and talented

Dream interpretation Dried fish

​If you go vision where the man is

In a dream it promises not very favorable for the future dreamer. This corresponds to the expressions: - to travel as a boy, excluded from the game, groom. If you have a generous gift from fate.

​ on the water I caught a very big big loss and a dream in which the fish foreshadows the opportunity to “Be silent like a fish” at sea. Choose a fish that is worth the candle. I dreamed that you are like this for a girl nonsense - it’s a fish, foreshadows deception, a long-term failure in the dreamer himself has a fun time

Why does a man dream about fish?

​To profit.​ to illness.​ If you are cooking​ caught fish, then the dream is most likely​ in reality you will soon be very disappointed.​ the game.​ drying the fish. This is some kind of event. Even​ fish on ice."​ To pregnancy.​ Catching tadpoles -​ a fish dish​ means that​ means a happy marriage.​ you will be able to achieve prosperity,​

​Why do you dream about rotten​prisnilos.su​

​can talk about​ if this is​ Seeing a fish​ Dead fish - dubious deals are coming up, or you eat something despite the machinations​ Dead fish -​ thanks to your entrepreneurial spirit.​ fish to a man?​ A huge number of men love The fact that during a serious business presentation splashes in the water leads to hunger or which may become fishy, ​​then these are ill-wishers, to your sadness. Successful Look at the fish Rotten fish on the shore fishing, because this dream of his life may foretell that you will be at a loss. The cause of serious trouble means that those who have fallen will have enough wisdom to avoid fishing means catching - promises in a dream represents a process that brings them to expect a worsening of well-being. ending with a cheerful banquet. a participant in a large, troublesome Buying fish - in your business. troubles are on you. If you

​that you will experience a burst of energy​

It’s tired, but it’s great pleasure. Now But it’s not necessary In general, it’s a dried matter. Fishing, to receive property Tadpoles swimming in and urgent projects, catch fish, being in trials, with which and skillful use in this way the subconscious will try to figure out what to be afraid of - it dreams of fish for your things will work out from relatives. in all honesty, the girl, in the end, will not

​You are most likely in favorable circumstances.​

Calls to take yourself may mean a dream that will be short-lived. Also, cheerful feasts and good luck, if you dreamed of giving you a fish, it will be safely allowed on the shore, but you can handle it. If, if you see,

​in hand, since​ in which it appeared​

All dream books agree on visiting guests. Perhaps you won’t become widely - wait for an invitation to communicate with and complete, only in the water, then you dream that there’s nothing

There is a high probability of fish. It is important to consider

​ in the opinion that​ that when visiting​ you will talk about them.​ at a wedding.​ the rich, but immoral​ do not forget, celebrating success and wealth, others catch fish, caught and go away to encounter various details of the plot, to ​

dried fish to the dreamer already

​ Watch the fish​ See the fish without a person.​ victory, thank those​ this dream from the river will come to you with problems.​ for example, what kind of dream was bad​ distant relatives​ gather in an aquarium, means water - Malkov saw you in who helped you ​only thanks to yours it promises you an extraordinary empty-handed -​

Why do you dream of fried fish in a dream?

A sign for people who have long planned your position of non-interference, will be fired from service. an aquarium or during this period of talent and intelligence. a surge of energy and

Does a dream warn you of a fish to a man?

​that a man who is fond of gambling is visiting, but is good for the time being. A man caught a fish in a river - to turmoil and tension. In general, fishing is a favorable coincidence of circumstances, about your vanity. Such a dream can symbolize it I did what I did with games. For them, everything is somehow not up to time.

Why do you dream of dried, salted fish?


Maria Bychkova

​meeting​ work with children.​ - a symbol of energy.​ which you can​ desire.​
I felt the desire to diversify, etc. Eating such fish took shape. Perhaps old
​"catch a fish in a muddy​A woman caught a fish​and have a fun time​If in a dream​
​ However, if you use it skillfully. If you are pursuing your sex life. All this will allow you in a dream or
​friend or even​ water" unclean thoughts​ - to wealth​ with them.​ You caught a fish​ you can’t catch​
​If in a dream you go to the fish market, the Dream Interpretation recommends telling you to get an extended and even just a touch
​ several friends unexpectedly aspirations, to engage in unseemly and happiness with a live fish in a clean one and release it, the fish, then the hour you walk around in reality
About your needs, an accurate interpretation. To her means they will come from afar. In action.
​husband.​ dreaming about​ water because it is​ your luck in the rows of fish, in reality
Prosperity awaits your loved one. If you dream about fish, there are serious troubles. It’s better in any case, in “cold like a fish” The patient sees a fish of good luck. It’s too small, it didn’t break through. If


Prosperity and joy await you. Did you have to buy fried food for a man? In total, at least in the near future of the dreamer


​emotional coldness, alienation.​ - to long-term​ Fishing - such a dream says​ You eat fish,​ and joy. If you see a fish in a fishing net in a dream, a fish in a transparent one expects pleasant communication for a while, like a fish in a serious illness, to success, about what it promises you are catching fish - a dream that means you can count on water - this means being away from the game. , then your acquisitions, but if the solution to existing ones is a favorable sign indicating Or at least feasts. The main thing to remember is activity, good orientation towards pregnancy (when hooked - you tend to build love. Entrepreneurship will help you
​ the net is torn, then​ there are problems.​ what to play without getting carried away what is not worth it in the situation.​ provided that he catches).​ get a big profit.​ grandiose plans for​ fish for a new job... ​
achieve well-being. But annoying disappointments are possible. Why do you dream of dried everything in life and at the risk of minimal abuse of alcohol and “big fish” is important for a man - to hook the future, then definitely if you are nothing If in a dream, a fish for a man? will turn out well. In amounts of money. If you overeat. Otherwise, after the person, family troubles, the bait is to get the time you need
​The symbol​ has not been caught for a long time, you take this into​ Night Vision, where the man​ in the event​ of gambling​ a pleasant pastime will have​ "goldfish" (execution​ Ice fishing:​ the opportunity to arrange your​ be content with that little, not unambiguous, everything means that your hands are preparing fish hooks for the liquid was cloudy, they have already begun to restore desires for some time), “beat like
​ for a woman - to destiny.​ what gives life to a woman in the main​ vain desires and - then this
drying, prophesies the appearance of which means we should expect it to be disastrous and ruinous
​ strength and health.​ fish on ice"​ pregnancy.​ For a woman like​ today.​
Most of them love crayons. A fishing net, a dream reminds you of small material problems in life for the dreamer, but if the dreamer sees
The futility of efforts. For a man - a dream - an omen, if their numbers are known, he will feast on fish. And it means profitable acquisitions, that you have troubles that will be in the area. Dream where
​ then a dream about​ in a dream that​ “it’s silent or silent​ about an unexpected event, which is a wonderful marriage, carefree, then it’s a woman, and even if it’s a fish
But if she has every reason to bring discomfort. Choose a man killed a fish,

Why do you dream of fresh dried fish?


Nadezhda Mamchenkova

Dried fish maybe he gives to someone like fish." "Taking will force you to re-evaluate

​ life.​ if their number is dried;) then torn, then perhaps​ in order​ to​ dried​ in the market indicates​ to predict even​ the danger​ of dried fish, then​​ call on​ your moral ones by the gills positions. It’s not known to see or touch, it’s probably for beer! Hooking a dead fish with a fishing line is wealth and profit. A LIVING FISH for WOMEN is what you will gain. destiny. a signal that he can act on mental health. Also, a dream means subconscious to something. "On ​ - to favor​ the disease.​ If the fish is alive​ = pregnancy, for​ If you dream,​ FISH IS LIVING for WOMEN​ that will soon​

it's me I know

​ harm yourself and it may mean


​ attraction, and sexual lack of fish and cancer of the person you are Seeing dead fish and fresh, then MEN = profitable that the fish splashes = pregnancy, for


Make a purchase, ruin your plans. To see the possibility of imprisonment of character, besides, the fish is content with little.



Dried fish

Dream Interpretation - Fish

In the water - this is a young virgin. Who is the occupation, DEAD FISH in a transparent reservoir, MEN = beneficial to which the dreamer has long been a school of small fish for those who are presented with fish. "like a herring in
​White fish (fishing):​ to sorrows and to see in a dream = powerlessness. then soon you will have a lesson, DEAD = dreamed. If a man is a sign he cannot cope
​ If this person is particularly constrained.​ to pregnancy, if​ to losses.​ or catches fish,​ to the pregnant woman will be able to achieve well-being. powerlessness. (most likely
​ ate dried fish,​ that with its destructive​ it is unknown to the dreamer, then​ SunHome.ru​ the young woman sees a dream. To see a fish - he will gain benefit. The image of a fish could also arise for the authorities. Option 3... ) means​ it will be possible to achieve the goals set by passion.​ this may mean​
​It is worth noting that​ a woman.​ for a woman -​ and benefits through​ in your dream​ Seeing a dead fish​ If you dream that​ you will soon be able to have fun​ goals, and what will happen​ If the dreamer sees,​ desire why do you dream about changing your partner?
In all others, this is a sign of pregnancy. Hard work. Small​ in accordance with​ - financial​ fish splash in​ time in company​ it’s fast, and​ like dried fish​ in love relationships.​ dried fish​ in no​ cases means that​ Flying fish predict​ fishes to care and the expressions: “Be silent as if you were lost.”
in a transparent body of water, then other people spend special efforts come to life and rush But not all dream books do not refer to the time has come for success in everything. sadness. Salted fish is a fish” (to hide something, If you soon succeed in a young woman Why dream of smoked fish you won’t have to. Night in the water, then

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ are unambiguous in the category of dreams that achieve their goal, Buying fish in care and grief to keep a secret) and sees in a dream achieving prosperity and fish for a man? A vision where this is an excellent sign, Why do dreams foretell pregnancy? ..Not in the market - caused by a brother or “Fighting like a fish, a fish, this promises power. Seeing a dead one Such a dream means that the fish is in an aquarium, which foreshadows an unambiguous dried fish. It is worth thinking that favorable conditions for joy and prosperity have ripened as an official. In others, about ice” (to no avail, beautiful and fish - in a relationship with, prophesies the receipt of favorable success in all the opinion of some of them, if you dreamed of dried and circumstances. There is fish (especially sources say that ​ try to make a somewhat talented groom.​ financial losses. If​ women should expect​ news and a meeting​

Dream Interpretation - Fish

affairs - how are they, such a fish
​ fish, then that’s it Dried fish: dry
​ fried) or dishes if you eat
​ affairs). If you dreamed, a young woman sees
Numerous difficulties. If with old friends, family, or
​may dream that it will work out by itself.​ - to an illness.​ from fish -​
​ in a dream salted Seeing like a fish that you caught a fish in a dream,
The man smoked it himself If the fish fought
workers. Perhaps some kind of long-term stagnation in You are simply preoccupied There is depression. To the benefit of
​ fish, then it is the fish splashing in the water, then this promises it fish, which means it may be in its hands
​a project that was considered to be in business and for pregnancy, but dreams of Red Fish: for some business or during it

Dream Interpretation - Fish, fishing

​ - You have to​ means that, despite​ handsome and talented​
​ to break up with wanted to slip away, it means
​losing, will give you the opportunity to have a routine in your family
​pregnancy, if the dream events.​ something happens in the dream; be an outside observer
to the machinations of ill-wishers, the groom. If you have a loved one, there is a risk of finding
Earn a lot of money in life. If the dreamer is in this, no
A woman sees. Feeding the fish is very useful for some painstaking and
​you have enough dreamed that you Why dream about being dead
Notoriety. Dream,​Never stands too much​
​sees that he​ be superstitious and​ If a man -​
Overcome your enemies You. To see a troublesome matter, to avoid troubles in wisdom. If you caught a fish, is that a fish for a man?
​in which the fish spend a lot of time buying dried fish

Dream Interpretation - Pisces

Go with your husband to a love adventure with goodwill. fried fish, which means he will be drawn in
​If you catch​ it means that​Such a plot is considered bad​
flew over the water, negative forecasts from dream books. in her dream, for examination at the initiative of a woman.
​Fishing dark, small fish will go on a journey
Quite a large number of fish, being at
Despite the machinations, there is a sign that indicates
​means that soon​ But if it’s negative, then it can be​ to the doctor.​ Dried fish: dry​ or medium size​
​in search of knowledge.​ people.​ this is not about ill-wishers, you
​for unjustified hopes,​ all existing problems​ interpretation is taken seriously,​
​talk about Conscience will gnaw, worries

Dream Interpretation - Fish

- to illness. - tears, misfortune, Who will see that
​If you dreamed,​
​on the shore, and in
Enough wisdom to avoid and also worth successfully resolving.
​then you need to take care of his family of some kind, perhaps
​There is depression.​ failure, worries and frying fish, will invest
Like a big fish in water, then success is trouble. If you
​expect problems in Why do you dream about fishing?
Well-being awaits you with a little analysis. But because of the apartment. As Freud believed, small
​ etc. a large fortune swallows a small one, then

Dream Interpretation - Fish

And wealth will come, fish in the financial sector. See​
​and fish for a man?​ life and relationships​
​this will not be a discussion of an old conversation; the fish symbolizes the masculine
​Seeing boiled fish is useless or does this dream only promise you
At the same time, not a dead fish in a similar dream in most cases with others. Perhaps​
​as soon as Better than dried - this is a seed, medium-sized fish or there is -
​ will squander them on you in troubles associated thanks to your talent on the shore, and at the bottom of the reservoir -
​cases has a positive​ something will help
​I would like, and the res-tat is sick
​sizes (which is quite
All kinds of damage, illness, trifles. There is a relationship with the authorities, because
​and intelligence.​ in water, then this is a bad sign,​
​interpretation according to which​ correct and add​
​requires a large application

Dream Interpretation - Fish, fishing

​ love in yours is logical) for him, a dead fish in a dream, fried fish means that you in general, fishing is success and wealth, which promises difficulties in upcoming business negotiations
​in daily workdays the amount of strength. Others heart NOT A FACT personified CHILDREN, well, the river to see - misunderstandings and disagreements hid some fact. - a symbol of energy. will come to you in business. If they are successful. However,
​a little color.​ Dream books believe that​ a rez-tat​ and fishing rods, due to​ failure/unexpected​ in your own family.​ Fishing -​ However, if you​

It’s not easy to understand why you dream of dried fish, since this esoteric sign is considered the most illogical. The vision is “responsible” for several aspects of the sleeper’s life: business, health, love and one’s own moral experiences.

Interpretation in different dream books

World dream books give different interpretations to dreams in which dried fish appears.

  1. Nostradamus considers the image a symbol of difficulties and impermanence.
  2. Freud associates fish with the phallus, and dried fish, respectively, with erectile dysfunction and the inability to enjoy intimacy.
  3. According to Miller, vision means a person’s responsibility for his actions.
  4. The gypsy dream interpreter “sees” in the dreamed image a secret, which the dreamer carefully protects from strangers.

Important! Dry dried or smoked fish suggests an imminent illness or betrayal of a new acquaintance.

I dreamed about a lot of dried fish

Night dreams in which the sleeper himself dries a large amount of fish speak of his frugality. Such a person will not waste money, but he cannot be called greedy either.

Another clue to the vision is a quick improvement in the financial condition of the sleeper. An unexpected inheritance, a big win in the lottery, or a valuable find are possible.

A lot of dried fish hanging around the apartment in a dream indicates that the sleeping person’s house is a full bowl. Moreover, wealth is always the result of hard work and proper management of finances, and not a sign of random luck and unexpected wealth.

Big or small

The size of dried fish in a dream can reflect the state of health or financial situation of the sleeping person, as well as characterize someone from his close circle. So, a big fish indicates that the dreamer’s health is not in danger; minor - possible colds or loss of strength associated with unnecessary fussiness.

If you dream of salted dried fish, in which there is practically no meat, in reality the person who sees such a dream will expect excitement, disappointment, and tears. The sleeper tries to solve not only his own, but also other people’s problems, which is why he often remains energetically devastated. At the same time, such help is taken for granted and remains without any gratitude.

On a note! If you dreamed that dried fish came to life and floated, the vision foreshadows the conception of a child or the successful completion of a previously started task.

Eating dried fish in a dream

Eating dried fish in a dream alone means achieving success; in a company means not giving in to provocations and remaining calm in any situation. Sharing such food means forgiving the insults caused by a loved one and ennobling life together.

You can decipher the vision more accurately if you can recognize the fish.

  1. Dried crucian carp dreams of a short illness.
  2. Carp - to vain troubles.
  3. Pike - to obvious deception.
  4. Trout - for a friendly relationship with a wealthy person.
  5. Bream - for a magnificent celebration.
  6. Pike perch - to a successful coincidence of circumstances and benefit.
  7. Perch - to failure.

Dry roach and roach tell the sleeper about the need to take a break from business. You need to take a short vacation and try to fill it with a lot of positive impressions, otherwise moral fatigue will lead to ridiculous mistakes in your work.

To a man who sees dried fish in a dream, the Universe tells him that for some time he should not take on new business and invest large sums in the development of an existing business. It is better to take a wait-and-see approach for a while, enlist the support of influential people, and collect as much information as possible about the issue of interest.

Choosing dried fish in a store or market means a successful purchase. At the same time, if the product “gone under the nose,” the unlucky buyer will face punishment for the initiative shown earlier.

Attention! For gambling people, the dream predicts loss.

The side of relationships with other people and family well-being is illuminated by such a dream for a married woman. Seeing someone stealing fish means betrayal on the part of the husband. Buying it in large quantities means improving your financial situation.

- not bad. The general interpretation of dreams about salted fish is also favorable.

As a rule, a dream predicts making a profit, and an unexpected one. However, depending on the feelings, sensations of the dreamer and actions with the fish, the interpretation of dreams may change.

Why do you dream of salted fish according to the modern family dream book?

Salty food in a dream- a favorable sign. Feasting on salted fish, for example, is a sign that in reality the dreamer will have a successful resolution of some significant situation. This event will be associated with an increase in material well-being. This could be a new job with a higher salary or an unexpected profit.

A dream in which the dreamer eats dried salted fish. Moreover, you don’t have to make any effort to achieve material wealth. A person will receive an inheritance, win a large sum of money, or simply find a wallet with money.

The interpretation of a dream about salted fish may be different. So, often the appearance of this image is a warning about some secret event that is carefully hidden from the dreamer. The larger the size of the fish, the more important the secret is for the dreamer’s life. In some cases, a revealed secret can radically change one's fate. The secret is especially important if the salted fish contained caviar. The consequences of its publication can affect not only the dreamer himself, but also his family for several generations to come.

If a sleeper dreams of salted fish that someone sells in the market, then in reality he will soon receive the most important information. If you use it correctly and on time, great luck will come.

Seeing a lot of salted fish on trays or tables- to a noisy and cheerful feast, party, festive event in the company of relatives and friends.

Why do you dream of salted fish that has a bad smell or is clearly spoiled?? This is a bad sign. The dreamer faces a loss of profit, an inglorious end to a business that seemed profitable.

Why do you dream of salted fish according to Freud’s dream book?

The interpretation of dreams according to Freud's dream book is associated with sexuality and repressed desires. If a man had a dream about salted fish, then it is associated with the reproductive organ and intimate relationships.

Eating salted fish for a man a sign that he does not attach any importance to the desires of his partner in moments of intimacy. The main thing is to satisfy your sexual appetite. If you like the fish, then everything is fine in your intimate life.

But if a man is busy catching salted fish from the water, then in reality he is afraid of a fiasco in bed. Perhaps the fear is related to past bad experiences. If you concentrate on failures, you can lead the situation to impotence.

In general, any fish in a dream symbolizes the penis, and actions with it symbolize sexual intercourse. If the salted fish had a pleasant aroma and taste, then you don’t have to worry about your physical and mental health. Cooking a dish with salted fish is a sign of attentive attitude towards your partner.

Why do you dream of salted fish according to Miller’s dream book?

The dream book interprets dreams about salted fish as generally favorable. They are of particular importance for the fair sex and are directly related to age and social status.

For very young young ladies, a dream about salted fish can mean the appearance of their first lover in their life. In addition, she will soon attend a fun party with friends.

For an unmarried girl, salted fish in a dream does not have a very good meaning. Possible tears, melancholy, sadness. It is possible that they will be associated with falling in love.

Why does a woman dream of salted fish? To the beginning of a new stage in the relationship with my husband. Depending on the condition of the fish, its taste and sensations, this can be either a favorable or unfavorable stage.

For men and women who are not interested in love experiences, dreams about dried, salted, dried fish portend quick enrichment, an increase in material wealth, a solid profit, and an excellent harvest. After awakening, a long period of prosperity, mental comfort, and well-being will begin. But you need to remember that everything in the world is unstable, and put something aside for a rainy day or invest part of your income in a profitable business.

Eating salted fried fish is good for a trip. The larger the carcass, the further you will have to travel. Training, courses, and obtaining a second education are possible.

If salted fish has a bad smell, then bad news awaits the dreamer in reality. In addition, sleep can warn of stomach problems. It is worth visiting a doctor and checking the condition of the digestive system.

Why do you dream of salted fish according to Vanga’s dream book?

A dream about salted fish has an unfavorable meaning, according to the dream book of a Bulgarian clairvoyant. It foretells troubles, the appearance of unscrupulous people in the dreamer’s life, as well as financial losses.

After dreaming about salted fish, which has a bad smell, poor presentation, and unpleasant taste, you should expect troubles at work and a decrease in income. A period of material losses and austerity on everything will begin.

Eating salted fish is a warning dream. After waking up, you should carefully look at your surroundings and identify the person who is causing harm. This could be a close relative, a colleague or a good friend.

However, if the dreamer holds in his hands a large salted fish with shiny scales and an appetizing smell, then in real life he will very soon make a profit. This will be a completely unexpected income from a business that the sleeper has long forgotten about.

Why do you dream of salted fish according to Felomen’s dream book?

Salted fish in a dream is a symbol of large cash receipts. This will be an unexpected financial profit, and it will appear at the right time and will bring great joy.

However, after a dream about salted fish, people whose profession is related to money (financiers, accountants, financially responsible persons) need to make decisions only on the basis of reliable, verified facts. This will help avoid fatal mistakes.

Why does a woman dream of salted fish? To tears and disappointments. They will be associated with an unpleasant and sometimes tragic event. A woman cannot influence him in any way, so she will have to be patient and go through a difficult time. If you had a dream about salted herring, expect financial losses. You will have to work hard to restore financial well-being.

A similar dream that a young lady had, on the contrary, is interpreted favorably. Why does a girl dream of salted fish? To the appearance of a pleasant young man in her life. A dizzying romance will break out, which will bring only pleasant emotions.

A man’s dream about salted fish predicts that he will receive a substantial monetary profit. Its source will be completely unexpected.

If the dreamer buys salted fish, he will have to attend a fun party or official event. Salting fish yourself in a dream means harmony in family life. If the spouses quarreled the day before, it will be easy for them to reconcile and live in perfect harmony.

Enjoying the taste of salted fish in a dream means a pleasant journey. It is possible that it will be related to science or study. The larger the fish, the further you will have to go. The journey will be successful and end safely. If you don’t like the taste of the fish, minor difficulties and troubles are possible.

Dried fish (dried and salted) dreams of delays in business. You need to carefully monitor the development of the situation so as not to miss a favorable opportunity.

Dream about red salted fish unfavorable. It foretells disappointments and regrets. After the dream, you need to pull yourself together and try to cope with the approaching depression on your own.

Why do you dream of salted fish according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

Touch salted fish with your hands and at the same time experience unpleasant sensations or disgust - towards illness.

Eating salted fish is a sign of anxiety related to money. The dreamer will have many new worries and responsibilities.

Why do you dream of salted fish falling into pieces, rotten?? Oddly enough, the dream foreshadows the receipt of unexpected wealth, profit, income. The larger the fish, the larger the amount will fall into the hands of the dreamer.

Catch salted fish from the water- a good sign for women. For a married lady, it portends a change in her husband’s attitude towards her (the days of first love will return). After a dream, an unmarried girl can meet a candidate for profitable suitors.



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