The use of burdock, anise, castor and other oils for lice and nits: effectiveness and methods of application. Using tea tree oil for lice and nits

IN Lately oil tea tree, sold in any pharmacy, received wide use thanks to its extraordinary capabilities. People have gradually discovered the diverse properties of this plant of the myrtle family since the time of the famous navigator Cook. At first, travelers simply brewed tea tree leaves, and then they began to notice its amazing properties. medicinal properties. It turned out that cold-pressed oil has an antiseptic effect against bacteria and viruses.

It is tea tree oil against lice that has become a life-saving remedy for modern Russian schoolchildren. It is surprising that during a period of general economic prosperity and improving living standards (according to the Russian government), many Russian children suffer from the “disease of poverty” - lice. If a child has become infected with lice or, more simply, lice, you should not think that this is only his problem and that it will not affect his parents. It will touch, and how!

Lice, these little pathogens big trouble, lay eggs along the base of the hair in close proximity to the scalp. Very young children need to be treated especially carefully. However medicines, intended for this purpose, sometimes pose a threat to the body little man, and then tea tree oil comes to the rescue.

If you have not yet encountered this extremely unpleasant disease, it is necessary to carry out special preventive procedures, aimed at protection, which he may well become infected with in child care institutions. Inspect your child's head daily for nits or lice. Special attention pay attention to the neck area and the entire length of the hair, check behind the ears. For preventive purposes, comb your child's hair twice a week with a fine-toothed comb moistened with water and a few drops of tea tree oil.

The main symptom of lice is lice eggs deposited on the hair, similar to dandruff. It is impossible to get rid of this “dandruff” with just scratching. Body lice cause severe itching in the back area, and pubic hairs tend to settle on hairline pubis and also cause constant itching. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to know the main causes of its occurrence. Naturally, the first of them is non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Treatment with tea tree oil will help cope with this disease. You need to prepare a mixture of 50 g ethyl alcohol and 30 drops of oil. Only after mixing them thoroughly should you add 50 g of distilled water to the resulting composition. Ready product You need to thoroughly rub it into your scalp every evening. Use only high quality oil!

Mandatory treatment of clothing from head or pubic lice. Prepare a mixture of 15 ml of shampoo and 10 drops of tea tree oil. In this solution you can not only wash your hair, but also wash your clothes.

Here is another recipe using tea tree oil for lice, which was used during tsarism. It is no less effective now, in times of developed capitalism. Mix 20 drops of tea tree oil, 4 drops of clove oil and a quarter cup mineral water. Rubbing the prepared mixture into the scalp daily will help quickly cure lice. Be healthy!

The tea tree is a plant from the myrtle family, native mainly to Australia. Its antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial action have been known to mankind for a long time.

As for nits, their cover is even more dense, which ensures their complete resistance to oil. You will have to use ether more than once to get at least some effect.


The first thing to remember is that it is inadmissible to use tea tree essential oil undiluted: high concentration its composition can lead to disastrous results, including skin irritation or a severe allergic reaction. It is advisable to add a certain number of drops to shampoo, hair mask or prepare an alcohol tincture.

Plus, tea tree has several other important benefits in situations where lice and nits appear:

  • heals scratches;
  • soothes itching and irritation;
  • reduces swelling and redness.

Used successfully as aid not only for pediculosis, but also for lichen and psoriasis.


As you can see, very strong effect There is no benefit from using tea tree against lice: the desired result is possible only when used together with insecticidal agents. However, sometimes you can be cured of anything using this aromatic oil contraindicated:

  • allergic reaction (especially in children);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • age up to 6 years

Make sure that the ether does not get inside: this will lead to poisoning including hallucinations, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and stomach pains.

To the main traditional methods The fight against pediculosis includes:

  • vinegar solution.
  • Kerosene.
  • Dust soap.
  • Cranberry juice.
  • Herbal decoctions.

Traditional methods of combating pediculosis:

Lately, more and more The method of getting rid of lice using essential oils is beginning to become popular, the most effective is tea tree oil. This is a completely natural remedy that is safe for humans, but harmful to insects.

Composition of tea tree oil

There are more than 200 varieties of tea tree in nature, but the most valuable is the Australian tea tree. Only the leaves are used to extract oil. The oil contains more than 95 components, among which there are some that are not found anywhere else in nature.

The composition of tea tree oil is unique; the main components include:

  • limonene (24%).
  • Cineole (15%).
  • Pinenes (8-10%).
  • Terpenes (28%).
  • Viridiflorene (7%).
  • Alligexaonate (3%).
  • Terpineols (32%).

Thanks to its powerful antiseptic properties tea tree oil quickly and effectively relieves itching, relieves scalp irritation and heals small wounds from scratching, for pediculosis.

How does it act on lice and nits?

Lice are blood-sucking insects who react very strongly to odors. Tea tree oil has a specific pungent aroma, which repels insects. It can be used as prophylactic: Having caught the smell of tea tree, adults will bypass such a victim.

If lice are already present on a person’s head, then after treating the hair with tea tree oil, the insects will be in a semi-fainting state. They cannot leave the victim, as they are very weak, but in this state the insects are easily washed or combed out of the hair using a special comb.

Reference! While under the influence of the aroma of tea tree oil, lice become inactive, females cannot lay eggs (nits), and the reproduction process stops.

Essential oil is not able to immediately kill an adult, since the louse is protected by a chitinous shell. But with prolonged exposure, the insect becomes so weakened that it can die on its own, after 4-7 days.

Tea tree oil is absolutely harmless to nits. The offspring of lice (nits) are protected by a durable cocoon, which even many modern aggressive drugs cannot destroy.

How to use it correctly?

When applying tea tree oil to pure form you can feel a burning sensation on the scalp, the skin begins to “burn” - this is normal reaction for active substances.

The burning sensation should be tolerable and go away within 5-10 minutes after application.

But it is not customary to treat hair and scalp with pure oil; it is more effective as one of the components in mixtures with other ingredients.

To completely expel lice, tea tree oil can be added:

  • in washing bed linen, towels and clothes.
  • In water for washing floors.
  • Use a comb for daily hair styling.
  • In a hair wash or rinse.

Recipes for the treatment of pediculosis based on it

Alcohol solution

How to cook:

  1. take 50 ml of ethyl alcohol and 35 drops of tea tree oil.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Add 50 ml clean water and mix again.

How to use:

  • Apply the solution to clean, dry hair. Using a small piece of sponge.
  • The entire hair is divided into strands.
  • Each strand is treated on both sides with a sponge soaked in a solution along the entire length of the curl.
  • Finally, the entire surface of the scalp is treated.
  • Treatment is carried out until the hair is completely moisturized.
  • Wrap your head in cling film (bag, rubber cap) and insulate it with a dry towel (warm scarf or cap).
  • The solution should be kept for at least two hours; an option is to do it in the evening and keep it overnight.
  • Sweep big amount water and shampoo.
  • Wet hair should immediately be combed thoroughly using a special anti-pediculosis comb.
  • The hair treatment procedure should be carried out daily for 5-7 days, until the insects and nits completely disappear.

A mixture of two essential oils

How to cook:

  1. mix two types of oil in a ratio of 35:5, where 35 drops of tea tree oil and 5 drops of clove oil.
  2. The mixture must be prepared immediately before use for one time.

How to use:

  • Apply the mixture to clean, dry hair using your fingertips.
  • Dip your fingertips into the mixture and begin massaging into the scalp.
  • You should start from the back of the head, then move to the temporal and crown. The bangs are processed last.
  • For the first 5-10 minutes after applying the mixture, a tolerable burning sensation will be felt; this is a normal reaction.
  • There is no need to distribute the mixture over the entire length of the hair; it is enough to treat only the scalp.
  • The procedure can be done at night and in the morning, if necessary, wash your hair with shampoo. It is permissible not to rinse the mixture from your hair and repeat the procedure in a day.
  • Every day, after applying the mixture, after 2-3 hours, you should carefully comb the strands with a special comb.
  • The course of treatment is 5-7 days or until the lice and nits completely disappear.

Important! Tea tree oil can stop head lice initial stage development. If there is a large population of insects, this method will not be effective. If after 5-7 days, after the start of treatment, the insects have not disappeared, you should use another, more aggressive method of combating lice and nits.

How effective is this method of combating the disease?

To achieve the most effective result follows:


Before treating your scalp with a mixture of oils or alcohol solution, you should definitely test for skin sensitivity to the components of the essential oil.

Important! If after the test the skin turns red and there is severe itching, then using this method is strictly not recommended.

  • at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Women during lactation.
  • Children under 2 years old.
  • At individual intolerance ingredients.
  • For allergy sufferers.

Tea tree oil is not the most effective means against lice, but it works great as a preventive measure. If you suspect lice or after contact with infected person, a remedy such as tea tree oil will be a safe and effective remedy.

But in the case of a large population of insects, to exterminate lice it is better to start treatment with more aggressive means. And use tea tree oil to restore the scalp (reduce itching and irritation).

As for the disadvantages of using oils in the fight against lice, these are personal intolerance and allergic reactions. Some oils can become strong allergens, causing skin redness, rhinitis, coughing and even suffocation.

In general, the benefits of using oils are much higher, since in addition to getting rid of the disease, they can improve the condition of the hair and scalp.

Important: It is necessary to use oils to treat head lice only after conducting an individual sensitivity test.

What means can be used?

  • burdock;
  • castor;
  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • anise.
  1. lavender;
  2. geraniums;
  3. bergamot;
  4. eucalyptus.

Burdock oil is a popular remedy. It is used not only in the treatment of head lice, but also for the general improvement of the condition of the hair and scalp, as it helps nourish and saturate them with fats and essential vitamins.

Has the same effect as burdock Castor oil. You can also buy it at the pharmacy. The second most popular remedy is sunflower oil. It is usually used to dilute essential oils, since they cannot be used in their pure form.

Essential oils for lice are not used in their pure form. They are added in small quantities to base oils or shampoos to prevent head lice. In the case of lavender, it is also used as a component of a mixture of several oils, since by itself it does not have such a strong effect.

Important: Fragrance oils also have a positive effect on human immunity due to their smell, so it is worth choosing those oils whose smell is pleasant to humans.

Recipes for masks against lice

Oils should be used with caution so as not to cause further damage to the body. more harm. Burdock oil is the easiest to use, since apart from it no additional components are required. A small amount of it is slightly heated to a comfortable temperature.

Warm product is applied generously to hair and skin. After application, wrap your head with a plastic cap or film. The resulting mask should be on your head for at least an hour. This is the only way to achieve the desired effect.

This mask should be washed off warm water using shampoo. The course of treatment is about three days, after which such masks can be repeated weekly for prevention.

Sunflower oil is used in combination with essential oils for better dissolution and absorption into hair and skin. For a small amount of sunflower oil, take a few drops of extra.

They are mixed and the resulting mixture is slightly heated to a warm state. The resulting composition is applied to the hair roots. As in the case of burdock, the product is left on the head for an hour or several, wrapped in polyethylene.

It is recommended to wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo. Anise oil is used in its pure form. It, like other products, is applied to the hair roots and skin for one to two hours and then washed off copious amounts water. After using such products, you should thoroughly wash your hair and comb out lice and nits using a fine-toothed comb.

  • lemon;
  • lavender;
  • tea tree;
  • rosemary.

As base oils you can use sunflower, burdock, castor, coconut or any other fatty oil. All of the above components are mixed and applied to the skin.

The rest of the oil-based recipes practically duplicate each other. They differ only in the types of components that are mixed with the base ones. For children school age It is recommended to use a product containing the following oils:

Adults can use masks made from anise or oregano to treat head lice.

You can add oils from plants such as:

  • thyme;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • oregano;
  • citronella.

Important: Pure ethers cannot be used on skin and hair, as there is a high risk of chemical burns.

A course of treatment

The use of any oils has positive impact only for a certain time. Typically, a course of masks lasts three days, after which you can regularly repeat the procedure once a week to consolidate the effect.

In addition, since pediculosis most often affects people with weakened immune systems, it is necessary to take a course of vitamins that would have a positive effect on the immune system.


However, they can also have their contraindications and cause allergies, so it is necessary to select them based on individual sensitivity.

Pediculosis is rightfully considered one of the most unpleasant diseases who are not the best way affect the quality of human life, causing not only physical, but also aesthetic discomfort.

When determining the optimal treatment, it is important to be guided by criteria such as effectiveness and safety for the patient. The listed requirements are met by various essential oils, which are recognized as one of the most effective natural remedies against pediculosis.

Beneficial features various oils in the fight against pediculosis were known to mankind long before the advent of modern pharmaceutical drugs containing chemicals. Today, their popularity is not decreasing, because it is due to absolute safety, which cannot be guaranteed when treating head lice with traditional methods.

Concerning negative aspects the use of essential oils in the treatment of head lice, then in this case we are talking about hypersensitivity, as well as individual intolerance to the constituent components of the oily substance used.

Essential compositions can cause severe allergic reactions, therefore, immediately before treating the head, it is recommended to conduct a test to exclude an allergy to the composition.

Most high efficiency in the treatment of head lice is attributed to essential oils, which are represented by:

  • burdock;
  • tea tree;
  • anise;
  • castor;
  • lavender.

Burr oil It has been actively used for several millennia in the fight against many hair problems, including lice. The undeniable advantages of using burdock oil is its availability, low cost, high efficiency.

Characterized by lower efficiency anise maslo , which is recommended to be used as additional component to eucalyptus, lavender and bergamot analogues.

Usage castor oils in the treatment of pediculosis will also provide additional effect, which consists in strengthening fragile hair, preventing it severe loss and nutrition of the scalp.

It is recommended to use only in combination with more effective components lavender oil , which has a pronounced healing and antimicrobial effect.

Lavender oil is also great for preventive purposes, so it can be added in small quantities to shampoos and other hair care products. Any of these essential oils will be more effective if you use a complex of several ingredients.

Before using any of the above ethereal compositions Be sure to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. We are talking about:

  • individual intolerance and allergies;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • treatment of children under 3 years of age.

If you ignore these warnings, as well as the penetration of the oil used into the stomach, you risk encountering unpleasant side effects represented by the disorder digestive tract, diarrhea, vomiting and painful sensations in the abdominal area.

Various allergic reactions often result from the use of essential oils. In this case we are talking about peeling of the scalp, rashes and severe itching or burning.

The use of essential oils in the treatment of head lice is attractive due to the simplicity of the procedure. So, step-by-step instruction for using the most popular burdock oil includes the following steps:

As already noted, sunflower oil is recommended to be used only in close tandem with other oils and more effective components. Otherwise, you risk facing a lack of any positive results procedures. Can be cooked oil mixture from available essential oils, adding sunflower oil in small quantities.

Anise mixture is used much less frequently in the fight against pediculosis due to insufficient effectiveness against the background high cost. Use anise oil follows the same as burdock, preheating and distributing on skin head and hair. After keeping the composition under polyethylene for two hours, the hair should be rinsed under running water.

As an independent medicinal substance You can also use castor oil by heating it in a water bath and spreading it generously on your head. As in previous recipes, the hair is thoroughly washed after 2-3 hours.

Concerning lavender oil, then it should be used as an additional ingredient to more effective components medicinal mixture. The oil composition in this case is used according to the already familiar scheme.

If you are aiming for quick results, it is recommended to choose recipes based on the use of several essential oils at the same time. In this case, you can use the following step-by-step instructions:

An acidic environment is also recommended as an additional ingredient to help separate lice larvae from the hair and make them easier to comb out.

The effectiveness of essential oils is several times lower than modern pharmaceutical preparations, so they will need to be used repeatedly. So, treatment of the head and hair burdock oil It is recommended to perform daily for 3-4 days. If this oil is used for preventive purposes, 1-2 treatments per month will be sufficient.

Due to low efficiency natural compositions treatment of pediculosis by selected essential oils may take several weeks. Therefore, modern experts recommend using such compositions only as a supplement to traditional methods treatment.

It is also important to consider that without the procedure of combing out lice and nits with a special comb, the use of any oil will not give positive results. Therefore, you should not ignore regular brushing, which is recognized as the key to success in the fight against head lice.



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