Private physiotherapy office. How does physiotherapy work?

Physiotherapy is today a very popular and popular method of treatment for many diseases. This is due to her high efficiency combined with maximum safety for the patient’s body. Medicinal treatment methods, while effective, tend to have negative side effects on the body. At the same time, physiotherapy in some cases can completely replace other treatment methods or significantly reduce, for example, the need to take medications. In addition, physiotherapeutic treatment is an integral component rehabilitation programs prescribed in the post-traumatic and postoperative periods. Thus, physiotherapy can act independent method treatment and prevention, or be a component of complex treatment.

Physiotherapeutic treatment allows the use of a wide variety of methods, which are based on the use of natural and artificially created physical influences on body tissue. In particular, heat and cold, electric current, magnetic fields and ultrasound can be used, laser radiation etc.

Physiotherapy methods

The choice of physiotherapeutic treatment method depends on many factors and is carried out exclusively individually in each case. Firstly, the indications of the underlying disease and the stage of the underlying disease against which this treatment will be carried out are taken into account. Secondly, a complete medical examination patient to determine the general condition of the patient’s body, other chronic diseases and pathologies, the presence hereditary factors etc.

Thirdly, the doctor also takes into account other external factors, capable of influencing the course of treatment - age, gender, working and living conditions, climatic zone of residence, etc. Thus, despite the prevalence and versatility, and most importantly the safety of physiotherapeutic treatment this direction clinical medicine has a serious scientific basis and applies individual approach in each individual case.

As for the methods directly used in physiotherapy, their list is quite extensive and includes not only traditional ones (massage and exercise therapy), but also modern ones using the latest technology and equipment. Modern physiotherapy room has a wide offer and we will look at some of the treatments:

Cryotherapy. This method is based on the effect on the patient’s body low temperatures. Liquid nitrogen is used for this. Cryotherapy provides a general activating effect on processes in the body. In particular, it promotes pain relief, stimulates the endocrine and immune system, helps relieve swelling and spasms, helps saturate the blood with active biological components, etc. This method can be used not only to treat a number of diseases, but also to prevent them.

Laser therapy. Today, lasers are widely used in clinical medicine and the areas of this use are very diverse - from physiotherapeutic treatment to surgery. Laser therapy is the effect on tissue of a directed light flux (radiation). In this case, the degree of impact will depend on the type of radiation (red and infrared) and its wavelength. What does this light effect give? Active saturation of cells with light leads to activation of enzymes responsible for basic biochemical processes at the cellular level. As a result, cells are renewed, normalized and restored their vital functions, natural processes of self-regulation of vital functions and mobilization of the body’s internal reserves are launched. In addition, laser exposure helps improve blood microcirculation, which also has positive impact on recovery processes in organism.

Magnetotherapy. Magnetic fields are another way of influencing the body and its tissues, actively used in physiotherapy. In this case, each tissue cell acts as the final “reception point” of sent electromagnetic signals, which activate all compensatory and adaptive functions of the body at the cellular level, thus including internal recovery reserves. Magnetotherapy is prescribed for a wide variety of diseases. In particular, it provides beneficial effect on cerebral blood supply, promotes oxygen saturation of the myocardium, which in turn helps to improve the general condition of the patient, and also normalizes blood pressure, reduces blood sugar levels, improves immunity, etc.

UV blood irradiation - ultraviolet irradiation blood, also called photohemotherapy or photomodification of blood. This method allows you to influence the blood with a light flux by one-time insertion of a special light-guide catheter into a vein using a needle. Therapeutic effect this method based on the fact that such direct light exposure helps to activate the antioxidant system of the blood and helps increase the amount of hemoglobin. Ultraviolet irradiation of the blood undoubtedly stimulates and improves immunity, improves tissue nutrition, which has great importance for various diseases of internal organs.

Contact physiotherapy room Our medical center guarantees patients the appointment of individually selected comprehensive physiotherapeutic treatment. In this case, doctors conduct a preliminary examination and the choice of treatment methods is carried out taking into account all existing indications By specific disease and the general condition of the patient. In addition, do not forget that physical therapy is also excellent preventive method on prevention large quantity the most various diseases. Therefore, contacting our center may well be of a preventive nature. Indeed, in addition to the hardware physiotherapeutic methods discussed above, there are massage courses and exercise therapy programs ( therapeutic exercises), inhalation procedures, visiting a halochamber (effect salt caves) etc. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also indispensable during the rehabilitation period after injuries or surgery.

Thus, we can confidently say that contacting our medical Center will be useful both for people who have certain health problems and for those who seek to maintain their health and prevent the occurrence of serious illnesses in future.

The standard for equipping a physiotherapy room is described in the Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated December 21, 1984 No. 1440 “On approval of conventional units for performing physiotherapeutic procedures, time standards for massage, regulations on physiotherapy units and their personnel” In contrast to the office of an ophthalmologist or surgeon, which can be located in a children's or adult clinic, a physiotherapy room involves premises in a variety of health care facilities. These include sanatoriums, dispensaries, private clinics, and rehabilitation centers.

Physiotherapeutic procedures that are prescribed to women in maternity hospitals, patients in psychiatric hospitals, etc. have their own specifics. When choosing equipment, you should both rely on the regulations of the Order and focus on the needs of specific groups of visitors, on the services that the office will provide in a particular medical complex or department.

What is a physiotherapy office?

The physiotherapy room provides therapeutic, preventive and rehabilitation measures. Recovery vitality, tone and strengthen the immunity of patients is carried out due to the influence magnetic field, heat, light, water, electrical impulses or ultrasonic, laser waves. As a rule, they are installed in one room multifunctional devices or several portable devices near each couch, which makes it possible to carry out treatment with various methods simultaneously.

When equipping a physiotherapy room, choose furniture and medical equipment that has the following characteristics:

  • - Comfort for visitors. Many types of physical therapy treatments require complete relaxation, which has a beneficial effect on the course and effectiveness of treatment as a whole. All electronic or mechanical systems must be ergonomic, not causing discomfort from the staff.
    - Safety. All devices must have the necessary documents, registration certificates and evidence. It is unacceptable to use devices other than for their intended purpose or without passing all prescribed (regular) checks. Faulty products must be disconnected from the power supply and returned to the workplace only after repair.
    - Hygiene. To equip the office, furniture should be selected from durable materials that are subject to regular processing in accordance with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations.

A simple option for equipping a physiotherapy room

In a spacious room, mounted partitions or movable screens are installed. Between them there are 1 or 2 couches, depending on the type of procedure and the type of patient preparation. Between the medical couches there are bedside tables for installing therapeutic equipment, for example, galvanizers, devices for electrophoresis, UHF, quantum therapy etc. The range of services provided depends on the types of equipment.

Today wide use received complex systems that combine several simple devices. While saving indoor space, they help offer visitors more services. In any case, it will be necessary to install a bactericidal irradiator-air recirculator. Such devices help to maintain optimal conditions microclimate, disinfecting the air.

Ordering comprehensive equipment for a physiotherapy room at MEDMART LLC

Specialists of the MEDMART company in short time they'll pick everything up necessary funds to equip a physiotherapy room, they will help you quickly and efficiently prepare for licensing the clinic. Along with saving time, they also optimize the organization’s budget by selecting popular and inexpensive equipment models. You can always find in our catalog alternative options a couch you like, but an expensive one, a UHF device, an inhaler, a device for laser therapy or electrophoresis. The list for each new client is formed not only based on the requirements official documents, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, but also taking into account individual wishes, the area of ​​the allocated premises and other important factors.

Order equipment medical offices at MEDMART LLC - plan your budget with maximum benefit for the clinic and care for patients!

Ordering goods to equip a physiotherapy room

This page contains all the equipment and tools necessary to equip a physiotherapy room and prepare the premises for the licensing procedure. To order all the necessary products, you should:

  • 1. Follow the links of all points.
    2. Select in each category that opens the products that are suitable in terms of cost, type and other characteristics.
    3. Add the selected model to your order by clicking the “Add to cart” button located in the product card. After which the message “Added” should appear.
    4. Click on the “Cart” icon at the top of the site page.
    5. Check the list of all products, if necessary, add additional ones by reopening the catalog or the equipment account page.
    6. Click the “Place an order” button, then create an application by selecting the necessary items and filling out the fields proposed by the system.
    7. Wait for a call from the manager of the online store https://site

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The physiotherapy department (office) is a structural unit of the hospital and is intended for the rational use of scientifically based physical therapeutic factors V complex therapy and rehabilitation of patients.

A qualified physiotherapist with experience in his specialty and organizational skills is appointed to the position of head of the department (office). The head of the department (office) is directly subordinate to the deputy head of the hospital for medical affairs and organizes the physiotherapeutic treatment of patients.

The head and staff of the department (office) in their activities are guided by current legislation, orders, instructions and methodological instructions, other regulations.

The physiotherapy department should have rooms:

1. Electro-light and heat treatments;

2. Inhalator;

3. Therapeutic massage room;

4. Expected;

5. Rest room;

6. Material.

If possible, water and mud therapy rooms are also equipped.

Hardware and material support for the physiotherapy department (office) is carried out in accordance with the equipment sheet, as well as taking into account the possibility of ensuring the implementation of the recommended approximate list of physiotherapeutic treatment methods.

In accordance with the rules for the design, operation and safety of physiotherapy departments, the requirements of sanitary standards and regulations, the physiotherapy department must have premises for electrophototherapy, massage, laser therapy, hydrotherapy, heat therapy, and inhalation. If it is not possible to allocate the required number of premises, the organization of the work of the physiotherapy department in the available space should provide those types of physiotherapy that are most often in demand in the treatment of patients with underlying diseases in a given hospital.

For most physiotherapeutic treatment methods, a cabin system for placing equipment is acceptable.

Physiotherapy is prescribed by the attending physician to each patient individually, taking into account his general condition and the characteristics of the course of the disease. When prescribing physiotherapeutic treatment, the medical history indicates the name of the procedures, scope of application, dosage, frequency and number of procedures.

Patients who have been fully examined and have a clear diagnosis should be accepted for physiotherapeutic treatment. Patients are allowed to perform physical procedures only after they have been examined by a physical therapist and filled out a procedural card. He is responsible for the correctness and validity of the physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed to the patient. If necessary, the physiotherapist, in agreement with the attending physician, can make changes to his prescriptions, revise the dosage and number of procedures.

With the procedural card, the patient is sent to the treatment room, where the nurse registers him in the patient register in the outpatient clinic, which notes the date, name, age, diagnosis of the patient, medical record number, name of the attending physician, and prescribed treatment by physical factors.

Physiotherapeutic procedures, in accordance with the instructions in the procedure card, are administered by nurses with special training, under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

Physiotherapeutic procedures must be administered to patients 1.5-2 hours after eating, always at the same time. During the procedure, the patient is prohibited from sleeping, reading, touching devices, or adjusting the dose of exposure. After the procedure, the patient is recommended to rest for 30-40 minutes in the hall or rest room of the department. Patients should be reminded of these rules during return visits. The patient should also be familiarized with the nature of the sensations that arise during physiotherapeutic treatment. When poor tolerance For patients undergoing a procedure, the nurse should inform the physical therapist about this.

The physiotherapist notes in the procedural chart the patient’s body’s reaction to the influence physical methods treatments and their effectiveness. At the end of the course of physiotherapeutic treatment, a similar entry is made in the medical record.

Procedural records are stored in the physiotherapy department or hospital archives.

Medical personnel are required to check the condition of physiotherapeutic equipment daily before starting work. If a malfunction is detected, the device must be turned off and an entry about this must be made in the control and technical log.

Physiotherapeutic department personnel must be trained in the rules of first aid for electrical shock, heatstroke and other conditions potentially possible during physiotherapy. In the department, in a place accessible to staff, there should be a first aid kit with medications for emergency treatment. medical care. The department should also contain instructions on how to comply with safety regulations when working with physiotherapy equipment.

Safety instructions for persons administering physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out upon hiring, then again - once every six months and are recorded in a special journal in the physiotherapy department.

Maintenance and repair of physiotherapeutic equipment is carried out by engineering and technical personnel of repair shops medical equipment. Preventive examinations equipment is carried out at least once every two weeks, accounting of hourly operation of devices is quarterly.

An approximate list of physiotherapeutic treatment methods used in the physiotherapy department (office):

1. Electrophototherapy;

2. Ultrasound therapy;

3. Magnetic therapy;

4. Laser therapy;

5. Heat therapy;

6. Inhalations;

7. Hydrotherapy;

8. Massage.

The department's offices are equipped in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations.

The room for electrolight therapy is organized on the above-ground floors and is equipped with reliable grounding. Pipes, water heating radiators and all metal objects connected to the ground must be covered with protective insulating grilles or other devices that prevent accidental contact of the patient with them. Electrical fittings (boards, sockets, switches) are made of non-conducting material. The switchboards must be connected to the cabinet's main switchboard, which has a common switch.

A cabin system for dispensing procedures is organized in the department's offices. The cabin must have the following dimensions: rack height - 2.0 m, length - 2.2 m, width - 1.8 m. No more than one device can be placed in the cabin. Along with the apparatus, a wooden couch, chair, and hanger are placed in the cabin. In the office outside the cubicles there is a nurse's table on which procedure charts and an electric procedure clock are located.

Electrolight therapy includes procedures associated with therapeutic effects various types electromagnetic energy (currents low voltage, impulse currents low frequency and low voltage, currents and fields of high, ultra-high and ultra-high frequencies, electrosleep, etc.).

Laser therapy is carried out in a separate room or cabin with an area of ​​at least 12 m² per couch, which has protective grounding and proper insulation. The laser installation must be placed indoors to prevent exposure to direct beam laser into the eyes of service personnel and patients. The walls and ceiling must have a matte finish. In this case, the walls are painted with oil paint in a color that promotes maximum absorption of reflected rays. The floors are covered with dark-colored linoleum. Sheets and curtains are made from material that has light-absorbing properties. Covering walls with tiles and using devices and objects with a mirror surface is prohibited. A laser danger sign is installed on the doors of the premises.

For massage, separate rooms (offices) are allocated at the rate of 12 m² per workplace. The massage room must be equipped with a washbasin with cold and hot water. If there are several masseuses, the workplace of each of them is equipped in the cabins with the help of fabric curtains. Special massage tables are used for massage.

If possible, the department will organize heat treatment and hydrotherapy rooms.

Thermal therapy is intended for the thermal effect on the body of peloids (silt mud, sapropels, peats) and peloid-like substances (paraffin, ozokerite). To carry out heat therapy, the following premises are required: a locker room, a treatment room, electromud therapy rooms, a shower room, a room for treatment with mud tampons, a mud kitchen, a room for washing sheets and tarpaulins, a drying chamber, mud peat storage, a rest room for patients, a room for staff with a shower and individual wardrobes, toilet rooms, utility rooms.

Hydrotherapy (hydrotherapy) is intended for external use of water for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Hydrotherapy methods using various devices and devices require special equipment of premises, the size of which is determined by the volume and nature of the clinic’s work and the number of hydrotherapy installations. The hydropathic clinic includes: a bathroom, a pool for underwater traction, a shower room, rooms for medicinal irrigation (intestinal, gynecological, etc.), rooms for wrapping, staff rooms, utility rooms.

Inhalation therapy with aerosol drugs and others medicinal mixtures performed for patients with respiratory diseases. To carry it out, a room is allocated with an area of ​​4 m² per inhalation device. The office must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation. Carrying out inhalations in the electrolight therapy room is prohibited.

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”

Gorlovka branch


discipline: Fundamentals of physiotherapy

TOPIC: “Organization of physiotherapeutic care

to the population"


Milyaeva Anastasia Valentinovna

1. Design, equipment and equipment of a physiotherapy room

1.1 Safety and health instructions for the physiotherapy department (office)

2. Organization of the work of the physiotherapy room

3. General rules carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures

1. Design, equipment and equipment of a physiotherapy room

To provide physiotherapeutic care, physiotherapeutic departments (offices) are organized in all medical and preventive, sanatorium and resort institutions and rehabilitation centers.

Depending on the capacity of the treatment and prevention institution, it can either use separate devices for physiotherapy, or create physiotherapy rooms or physiotherapy departments. Physiotherapeutic rooms are designed to provide basic types of electrical, light and heat treatment. Physiotherapeutic departments are created on the basis of large multidisciplinary hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums and are capable of providing the entire volume of physiotherapeutic care. They also usually include reflexology, massage and manual therapy rooms.

According to this standard, the area of ​​electrotherapy and light therapy rooms must be at least 6 m2 per couch, and if there is one couch, at least 12 m2. The room for performing abdominal procedures is allocated separately, the area is for one gynecological chair-- 18 m 2 . The floor should be wooden or covered with special linoleum that does not generate static electricity. The walls of the premises are painted with light-colored oil paint to a height of 2 m; for the rest of the walls and ceiling, adhesive paint is used. Wall cladding with ceramic tiles is prohibited.

For medical procedures cabins are equipped, the frames of which are made of plastic or well-polished wooden racks or of metal (nickel-plated or oil-painted) pipes. In the latter case, metal structures must be isolated from stone walls and floors by installing flanges made of insulating material. Dimensions of cabins: height - 2 m, length - 2.2 m, width - 1.8-2.0 m. Only one stationary physiotherapy device should be installed in each cabin; There may be several small portable devices. Stationary devices for UHF and microwave therapy are located in specially equipped shielded rooms or cabins.

In the electrotherapy room there must be a special insulated box with an area of ​​at least 8 m2 for preparatory work, storage and processing of pads, preparation medicinal solutions etc., equipped with a drying and exhaust cabinet, washing sinks, a work table, a medical cabinet, disinfection boilers, and a washing machine.

In each room for electrolight therapy, in an easily accessible place, a group panel is installed with a common switch or starter with a designated “on-off” position. In each treatment cabin, a starting panel is installed to connect devices at a height of 1.6 m from the floor level. Wires used to connect devices to the network must be made of flexible cable. Wires extending from the device to the patient must have high-quality insulation, and its integrity must be checked before each use. Electrical wiring and starting devices in areas associated with the conduct of water procedures, are made of special materials that ensure tightness. Each of the premises used for procedures has certain requirements. They relate to the size of the room, supply and exhaust ventilation devices, placement of devices, etc. All devices with electrical safety class 01 and I are subject to mandatory grounding (grounding).

Safety instructions should be posted in a visible place in the office.

1.1 Safety and health instructions for the physiotherapy department (office)

1. Before starting work, the nurse must check the serviceability of all therapeutic devices and grounding wires. If defects are detected, she must inform the doctor about this and make a record of the detected defects in the control and technical journal. Until the defect is eliminated, it is prohibited to carry out procedures on a faulty device.

2. Metal grounded housings of devices during procedures with contact application of electrodes should be installed out of reach of the patient.

3. It is prohibited to use batteries as grounding heating system, water and sewer pipes. They should be covered with wooden casings painted with oil paint.

4. Before turning on the device, check that all switches are in their original positions. Changing the impact parameters or turning off the device is only permissible when the amplitude or intensity knobs are in the zero position.

5. It is strictly forbidden to troubleshoot, change fuses or wipe the panels of devices connected to the network. Non-working devices must not be left connected to the network.

6. When carrying out ultraviolet and laser irradiation It is necessary to protect the eyes of patients and medical personnel with dark-colored glasses and side protective (leather or rubber) frames. Do not look towards the primary and reflected laser beam.

7. The mercury-quartz irradiator and the Sollux lamp must be installed on the side of the patient to avoid the dangerous fall of hot glass fragments or parts of the lamp (irradiator) in case of accidental breakdowns. The Sollux lamp must be equipped with safety wire mesh with a window with a diameter of 4-5 mm in the outlet of the reflectors.

8. It is prohibited to carry out UHF therapy if the total gap between the tissues and the capacitor plates is more than 6 cm.

9. Before taking a bath (shower), it is necessary to measure her (his) temperature using a thermometer.

10. When heating paraffin (ozokerite) and carrying out thermotherapy procedures, it is necessary to prevent water from getting into it to avoid burns for patients.

11. When carrying out gas baths, it is necessary to protect gas cylinders from impacts and falls. Do not touch oxygen cylinders with objects containing grease or oil.

12. Hydrogen sulfide baths must be carried out in isolated compartments with supply and exhaust ventilation.

14. During the procedures, the nurse has no right to leave the physiotherapy room. She is obliged to constantly monitor the operation of the devices and the condition of the patients.

15. At the end of the working day, all switches, device switches, as well as socket plugs must be disconnected from the network.

16. Nursing personnel who do not have specialization in physiotherapy are not allowed to perform procedures.

17. Repair of physiotherapeutic equipment by random persons is strictly prohibited.

2. Organization of the work of the physiotherapy room

The work of the physiotherapy department (office) is managed by the head of the department (office), who supervises the treatment and preventive work personnel, ensures the organization of the work of the department (office), equipping it with equipment, is responsible for the correctness of prescriptions and implementation of treatment procedures, is responsible for the safety of work on physiotherapy equipment, and controls the proper maintenance of medical documentation.

The choice of physiotherapeutic method, area of ​​influence, dosage, frequency of exposure and number of procedures are the prerogative of the attending physician, which he makes an appropriate entry in the medical history or outpatient card. A physiotherapist (rehabilitation doctor) has the right to cancel the attending physician’s prescriptions if they are made without due consideration of contraindications, are incompatible with the physiotherapy already being carried out, or contradict other basic principles of therapeutic and prophylactic use physical factors. In this case, assigning the optimal therapeutic complex carried out by a physiotherapist (rehabilitation doctor) together with the attending physician.

After examining the patient, the physiotherapist (rehabilitation doctor) makes detailed entry in the medical history (outpatient card), which indicates the name of the procedure, area of ​​influence, technique, dosage and number of procedures. Based on the appointment, a procedural card of the patient being treated in the physiotherapy department (office), form No. 44u, is filled out. In it, the method and parameters of the impact are indicated for the nurse, and the localization of the impact is graphically marked on the silhouette diagram of the person. In this card, the nurse makes notes on the implementation of each procedure, the actual dosage of the physical factor and the duration of exposure are noted. After completion of the course of treatment, the procedural card is stored for a year. The physiotherapy department (office) must also have the following documentation: a logbook for registering primary patients, a diary for the daily work of a nurse, a logbook for registration of induction training upon hiring, a logbook for on-the-job briefing, a technical maintenance logbook, a passport of the physiotherapy department (office).

Physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out only by paramedical workers who have undergone special training and have a certificate of completion of specialization courses in physiotherapy. Some procedures are carried out only by a physiotherapist (rehabilitation doctor). The nurse must prepare the patient for the procedure: briefly introduce its essence and report possible sensations during the treatment process, instruct about the rules of conduct during the procedure, help take the necessary body position, provide, if necessary, protection for the eyes or other parts of the body that are not subject to influence. During the procedure, the nurse must be in the treatment room, monitor the patient’s condition, and if it worsens, stop the treatment and call a physiotherapist (rehabilitation doctor). She must strictly follow safety rules, know and be able to provide emergency medical care to patients in situations where it is necessary. The responsibilities of the nurse also include keeping records and reporting on the work done. Every 5 years, a physical therapy nurse must undergo advanced training in their specialty.

Since unequal time is spent on performing various procedures, so-called conventional procedural units (CU) have been introduced to account for the work of a physical therapy nurse. By current situation, for 1 USD A job has been accepted that requires 8 minutes to prepare and complete. So, for example, galvanization, UHF therapy, decimeter wave therapy, magnetic therapy are estimated at 1 USD, ultrasound therapy, treatment with dia-dynamic currents - 2, electrosleep - 3, underwater shower-massage - 4 USD . etc. The standard workload for a nurse is 15,000 USD. per year (per day approximately 50 USD with a 6-day working week and 60 USD at 5 days).

Preventive inspection of physiotherapy equipment is carried out twice a month, and a corresponding entry is made in the technical maintenance log.

3. General rules for conducting physiotherapeutic procedures

1. Each treatment room must have a work schedule posted in a visible place, which indicates:

a) the time the doctor sees patients;

b) time of procedures in the office;

c) time of procedures in the ward;

d) if the office is designed to serve inpatient and outpatient patients, the hours of reception of these groups of patients are indicated.

2. Each patient should be allocated certain time to carry out the procedure. The order of procedures is determined by the time specified in the procedure card.

4. Before the first procedure, the nurse familiarizes the patient in detail with the rules of behavior during and after the procedure and the nature of the sensations that he will experience during the procedure. Before each following procedure Patients should be briefly reminded of these rules.

5. Where possible, procedures should be performed on patients in a supine position. At the end of the procedure, patients, especially the elderly, should slowly move into vertical position to avoid dizziness.

6. When performing any procedure, the patient should be given a comfortable position. To prevent pain, numbness, and cramps in patients during the procedure, place sandbags under the lower back and knee joints. Patients with cardiac dysfunction and lung disease are given an elevated position of the head and chest during the procedure.

7. To fix the electrodes, it is advisable to allocate bandages for each patient and put them in the closet in special slots indicating the patient’s name. If there is a shortage of bandages, it is necessary to allocate bandages for the face and limbs and store them separately.

8. Patients with infectious diseases ( fungal infections etc.) must be served at specially allocated times with the obligatory use of individual linen.

9. During procedures, wires should not be left directly on the patient’s body.

10. After the procedure, patients should rest for 20-30 minutes.


1. Pankov E.Ya. Physical factors and recovery processes. - Kharkov, 1989. - 48 p.

2. Technique and methodology of physiotherapeutic procedures / Ed. V. M. Bogolyubova.-- M.: Medicine, 1983.--352 p.

3. Physiotherapy: Transl. from Polish /Ed. M. Weiss and A. Zembatogo.-- M.: Medicine, 1985.--496 p.

4. Physical rehabilitation: Textbook for academies and institutes physical culture/ Under the general editorship. prof. S.N. Popova. - Rostov n / D: publishing house "Phoenix", 1999. - 608 p.

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A physiotherapeutic office is a structural unit of a medical and health resort institution that provides physiotherapeutic procedures to the population. It can function independently (in low-power institutions) or be part of a physiotherapy or rehabilitation (restoration) department. Depending on the capacity of the institution, it can use either individual devices, or groups of devices, or the whole complex devices and equipment for the operation of which several physiotherapy rooms can be organized. However, regardless of the number and type of physiotherapeutic devices, they can be used for prevention and treatment only if safety precautions are ensured in accordance with current regulations. regulatory documents and in the presence of at least an average medical worker who has undergone special training and has a document authorizing him to work with physiotherapeutic equipment.
Physiotherapy rooms are located in specially equipped rooms that fully meet the requirements of the “Rules for the design, operation and safety of physiotherapy departments (offices)”, approved by the ministry healthcare. When setting up and equipping a physiotherapy room, the following must be provided: 1) safety precautions; 2) convenience for patients; 3) normal conditions for staff work. When constructing new or reconstructing existing physiotherapy rooms (departments), an approved standard design is required, which indicates the placement of equipment, electricity, water, heat supply, and ventilation. Commissioning of the cabinet is formalized by a special act with a conclusion on the possibility of operating the adopted cabinets. One copy of the act must be kept by the head physician of the institution, the second - by the head of the office (department). Particular attention is paid to the placement of equipment and the nurse’s workplace. It depends on the correct placement of the equipment. rational use and convenience during procedures.
Separate rooms must be equipped for carrying out procedures for each or similar types of treatment. Electrotherapy and light therapy may be placed in the same room. Each specialized office has some features in its design and equipment. In electric light therapy rooms, according to the number of stationary devices, cabins for carrying out procedures are equipped.
The area of ​​the office is determined at the rate of at least 6 m2 per treatment couch, including the area for aisles and staff workplaces. Workplace nurses should be installed close to the entrance to the office. Each office must have an adjacent utility room with an area of ​​at least 6-8 m2 for preliminary preparation medical procedures. A room located no lower than the first floor is allocated for the physiotherapy room (and department). The office space should be warm, dry, bright and spacious enough. For systematic ventilation, transoms and supply and exhaust ventilation with air heating are installed in the physiotherapy room. A washbasin with a mixer is installed in the office, to which hot and cold water is supplied. The floor of the offices should be wood, oil-painted, parquet or covered with linoleum. The walls of the offices to a height of 2 m are painted with light-colored oil paint. Central heating radiators, water supply and sewer pipes must be covered with wooden casings painted with oil paint. A group electrical panel with a common switch is installed in the office, and switchboards are installed to connect individual devices. An emergency first aid kit must be available in the office.
The management of the work of a physiotherapy room is entrusted to a physiotherapist, and in his absence, to a doctor trained in physiotherapy. The physiotherapy room is equipped in accordance with the current report card. Preventive monitoring and repair of physiotherapeutic equipment is carried out by the relevant institutions (representatives) of the Medtekhnika system.
For each physical therapy room, safety instructions must be developed, approved by the administration of the institution. Instructions must be posted in a visible place. Every office should have detailed instructions, defining the action of personnel to provide first aid in case of electrical injury, overdose of factors, as well as instructions and an evacuation plan in the event of a fire, approved by the administration medical institution. Each office must have a technical passport containing a list of premises, their equipment and protective devices. An inventory of the technical equipment of the office, a list of measures for routine maintenance and repair of equipment must be contained in the technical maintenance log.
The official document of the patient in the physiotherapy room is the registration card in form No. 44/U, in which the prescription of the physiotherapy procedure is specified by the physiotherapist or another doctor and signed by him.
A record of the procedures, indicating the actual dosages and duration of the procedures, is carried out when each procedure is performed by the nurse.
At the end of treatment, the card in form No. 044/U is stored in the department for a year or pasted into the medical history (outpatient card) of the patient.
The activities and scope of work of a physiotherapy room are determined depending on the profile of the medical institution by the relevant regulatory documents. To take them into account, by order of the Ministry of Health, standard units for the performance of physiotherapeutic procedures are approved.
To carry out quantitative and qualitative analysis office activities, journals are usually kept in it containing diaries of the work of the physiotherapeutic office of a hospital or clinic.
The main tasks of the staff of the physiotherapy room are: carrying out therapeutic, restorative and preventive measures using physical factors; introduction into practice of new methods of physiotherapy and physioprophylaxis; organizing the promotion of physiotherapy methods among medical workers and sick; accounting of the work of the office in accordance with the approved accounting and reporting documentation, etc.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs