Why tea cannot be considered water. Why is it important to drink water and herbal tea?

JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Some people say that you should definitely drink water. pure form about 2 liters, and for example tea, coffee and other drinks do not count, explaining this by the fact that they affect the functioning of organs, remove or retain fluid .. and this is so!
But there is another opinion...
Everyone knows that water is a strong solvent, and in the body it is absorbed in the intestines... i.e. water, drunk in its pure form, passing through the intestines will mix with the food that you ate hours earlier.. and this is almost the same as eating soup or drinking juice..

But water and all trace elements from food enter the bloodstream separately through the intestines... i.e. this does not mean that after drinking the juice, juice will flow through your vessels.. Each component of the juice in the intestines will be separated into monomers with the help of enzymes and absorbed according to its own rules, and the water that is included in the juice will be absorbed accordingly as it should be...

We can conclude that after drinking juice or water, the body will receive water... but in the case of juice, the body will additionally receive substances that are included in its composition..
The body's need for water corresponds to the fluid lost... on average, losses per day are 2.5 liters... with urine, sweat, feces, breathing...

And providing the body with water can be carried out with solid food up to 1 liter, and with oxidative water during the oxidation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body up to half a liter...
Therefore, to meet the needs, it is necessary to additionally consume about 1-2 liters of liquid and this can be water, juice, compote, milk, etc.

Water is retained in the body by sodium salts, excess nutrition, food rich in carbohydrates and proteins...
And potassium and calcium salts remove water...
Excess water affects cardiovascular performance vascular system and kidneys, promotes protein breakdown, flushes out of the body mineral salts and water-soluble vitamins, nitrogenous sulfate and other compounds..
Lack of water contributes to the breakdown of proteins and fats with the accumulation of their breakdown products in the body, thickening and reducing the amount of circulating blood.
So we can conclude: fanatically drinking 2 liters of water and not counting juice, tea, milk as a liquid is not correct..
If you only drink 5 cups of tea a day and don’t drink water, you can overload your kidneys with the substances contained in tea... this will lead to other problems... that’s also not right...
I recommend drinking a wide variety of liquids, and as for water, you also need to drink different water, since its composition is also different... different water has different effects on the functioning of internal organs, as it saturates the body with different microelements..

I recommend
For example, one day drink a cup of tea, a small bottle of water and a glass of juice.. on another day - a glass of milk, a couple of glasses of compote and a couple of glasses of water.. on the third day only 1-2 liters of water..
And you can also drink 1 liter of liquid on one day and 3 liters on another... and it depends on 1000 factors... on the season, on the characteristics of the body, on the field of activity, etc.

Don’t set specific limits.. I’ll drink 2 liters of water and that’s it, but I won’t take into account the rest of the liquid I drink.. this is not correct..
Listen to your body and it will tell you! Watch about JavaScript is disabled in your browser - how much water does the skin become pleasant to the touch (especially the legs), swelling goes away, the mouth is not dry and bad taste.. and the color of the urine is not dark yellow and not transparent..
It is important that the color of the urine is light yellow... if, for example, in addition to tea and juice, I drink 2 liters of water, then the urine is usually almost transparent like water! And most likely, not only the excess is washed out of the body, but I also lose minerals and vitamins!!
I have just begun to understand and experiment with this issue.. if you agree with me or have a different opinion, write to me in the comments!!

To survive, a person needs to drink water. AND we're talking about not about the hot desert, but about big city with a fast pace of life and poor ecology.

Everyone knows that the human body is 85% water: brain 85%, lungs, heart, kidneys - 80%, muscles - 75%, skin, liver - 70%, bones - 20%, adipose tissue- 10%. Water provides vital work for all important organs person. It improves the functioning of the heart, digestive system, nourishes nervous system. Saturates the skin with moisture, preventing aging. Water lowers temperature, cleanses the blood, removes toxins, and normalizes metabolism. She's filming nervous tension And chronic fatigue. Half of all city dweller’s problems are related to feeling unwell and mood, is solved by regular drinking. But how much water to drink, when and what kind of water you can drink will be discussed below.

Juice, compotes and tea are not water

For example, you: how much water do you drink a day if you drank 4 cups of tea in the morning, one cup of coffee, a glass of fruit juice at lunch, and a glass of milk in the evening? Correct answer: not at all. All of these nutritious drinks, of course, contain water. But in addition to it, there is also sugar, dyes, caffeine, etc. Therefore, they are considered food that the body digests. Water has unique functions: it dissolves and then transports vitamins, minerals and trace elements to cells, and harmful substances after dissolution, it is removed from the body through sweat and urine, thereby cleansing it. Water regulates body temperature and also speeds up metabolism, helping burn fat. Other liquids and drinks do not have such properties.

Drinking regimen: how much and when to drink water

It seems natural to drink when you want. But thirst is the body’s signal that dehydration has occurred. Medical recommendations are as follows: you need to drink about 2 liters of liquid per day, of which 1.5 liters are water. You need to increase the volume of water in hot weather, stuffiness, and also during sports.

It is best to drink the bulk of water in the first half of the day before 15.00, and try to drink less water after 19.00 - leave 1-2 glasses for evening time. For many, the question remains open: is it possible to drink water while eating?! Without going into details of how the digestive system works, we will answer briefly: it’s better not to. The only liquid that must enter the body to digest food is gastric juice. And it is better not to dilute it with water. Drink 30 minutes before or after meals, and between meals.

Which water is healthier to drink?

Of course, water from mountain wells is considered the cleanest and healthiest. But if you don’t have one nearby, then you have to choose from what’s available.

And tap water is available to everyone, which contains toxic chlorine, arsenic, heavy metals, harmful microorganisms and others hazardous elements. In order to destroy these harmful substances, we boil this water. True, at the moment of boiling such useful microelements, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, oxygen, nitrogen, noble gases. Therefore, there is an opinion that boiled water"dead".

More expensive and labor-intensive, but effective way water purification is filtration. Even a regular filter with activated carbon gives tangible results. Filters need constant replacement, so if you don't have enough time, you can stick to bottled water. This water undergoes all the necessary purification while maintaining its beneficial properties. If bottled water is obtained from natural sources, then its value is even higher, since it does not contain those hazardous substances that are found in tap water.

Scientists have proven that a person can live for several weeks without food, but without water - only a few days. In our body, fluid makes up two-thirds of our body weight. It is continuously polluted through metabolic products that must be removed from the body, especially with the help of natural biological fluids; also when inhaling polluted air (industrial gases, human or chemical fumes, etc.); through the use by many people of substances that have a stimulating effect, such as coffee, tobacco, alcohol, table salt.

One way or another, all people are susceptible to such pollution in the body, which results in dry, pale skin, bad smell from the mouth (with caries or stomach diseases), coating on the tongue, thick saliva, frequent fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus. These signs indicate internal self-poisoning and are caused by a lack of fluid in the body. In older people, whose body is chronically lacking water, these symptoms appear even more clearly (wrinkles, sagging and pale skin, low resistance to colds).

Research shows that when sedentary In a person's life, 2.5–3 liters of water are excreted from the body per day. Water is excreted through the kidneys, intestines, lungs and skin. Correct fluid exchange occurs when the water balance is balanced, that is: the same amount of fluid is removed from the body as it is introduced. If the balance is disturbed, then the decay products are not removed from the body in time, accumulate and poison it. As a consequence - serious illnesses, bringing the death of a person closer.

We drink less than our organs require in order to function well. The result of this is hard stool, cloudy urine (small amount). The mucous membranes dry out, the amount of saliva decreases, swallowing becomes difficult, and it becomes more difficult to breathe.

How much fluid do you need to drink to keep your body in good shape?

In a milk-vegetable diet, the liquid content is about one and a half liters. In addition to these, you need to consume about two more liters. This amount should be drunk between meals, as water helps “transport” the contents of the stomach. Drinking during meals impairs digestion, as water dilutes gastric juice. Milk is a food, not a drink. It is not true that you need to drink only when you want. The body needs a certain amount of water, regardless of thirst. But you need to increase your water intake gradually, especially if you are not used to drinking a lot. One-time acceptance large quantity fluids are a big burden on the heart.

Let's say a little about the temperature of the drinks. If the temperature of the liquid we consume is lower than body temperature, the body itself equalizes the temperature difference, so we lose calories. Following the call of instinct, we do not drink cold drinks in winter; they should be heated to body temperature. In hot weather, the need for water increases due to increased sweating.

Many people drink drinks rather than water.
It has long been clear that drinking water is necessary for health, however, even knowing this, almost all people do not drink enough plain water, preferring different drinks to her.
But there are a number of extremely important factors why we just need to drink as much as possible more water every day.

What are we drinking?..
Today, people reduce the use of ordinary water to minimum quantity. Often a person does not drink water at all, preferring tea, coffee, juices, alcohol, carbonated drinks; V best case scenario- milk. Very often we do not drink enough fluids at all, which causes the body to become dehydrated.

Tea is food
Not enough people realize that water is water, and coffee, tea, and other drinks are food. Finally, why do you need to drink water specifically?
I recommend to your attention 9 points to drink water, and do it as often as possible:

Water – weight loss!
Water is one of the best devices in the fight against overweight. Firstly, because we often replace water with highly nutritious drinks like cola, juice, alcohol.
Secondly, water is considered a powerful appetite suppressant, and often if we think we are hungry, we just want to drink.
3rd, water with healing qualities when consumed, relieves swelling, including hidden ones. If they disappear, the weight decreases significantly. Effects of consumption clean water when losing weight they are amazing.

Water – heart health.
Usage sufficient quantity water reduces the likelihood heart attack. Research has shown that a person who drinks six glasses of water a day is 41 percent less likely to have a heart attack than a person who drinks two glasses. So drink plenty of water!

Water is human energy.
And even mild dehydration of just 1 to 2 percent of a person's total body weight can make you feel tired. If you want to drink water, it means that you are already dehydrated, and this leads to fatigue, muscle weakness... And also, water, which has a negative charge, provides our body with energy.

Water - healing headaches.
The second sign of dehydration is leading headache. Very often, if we have a headache, this is the result of insufficient water intake.

Water is healthy skin.
Water cleanses the skin. Of course, this does not happen right away, but if you get into the habit of drinking more water, you will certainly notice a difference. Since everything cosmetical tools designed to moisturize the skin externally. Maybe it’s worth saturating it from the inside?

Water – difficulties with digestion.
The human digestive structure requires huge amount water to naturally digest food. Often, water can help solve problems with high stomach acidity - since the excess acid concentration drops when drinking water. Water can also help digest food. Constipation is often considered a consequence of dehydration.

Water is a cleanser for our body.
Water serves our body to remove toxins and harmful substances. Most of the waste is located specifically in the intercellular fluid. If a person drinks slightly alkaline water with a negative ORP, the cells and also the intercellular fluid are cleansed.

Water is cancer.
Threat of getting cancer digestive tract people who drink enough water have 45 percent less than people who drink little water. It also reduces the likelihood of cancer Bladder by 50 percent and the mammary gland. In addition to this, it has long been known that cancer cells do not ripen in an alkaline circle. Because alkaline water prevents the occurrence of cancer cells.

Water – affects sports success.
Dehydration can be a serious barrier to exercise. Thus, due to general exhaustion, you may simply not be able to cope with the load, and this is dangerous and causes injuries. Drinking a couple of glasses of clean, slightly alkaline water before training will guarantee an energy boost and keep you healthy.

Many people wonder why tea is not considered water. It seems that this is also a liquid. Both tea and coffee are liquids. But the body perceives them more like food. Many people minimize their water consumption by replacing it with other drinks. The result can be dehydration, which is why it is necessary.

Water in the body

Before we talk about the benefits of water for the body, let’s give statistics on how much water is in the human body:

  • Brain – 95%;
  • Lungs – 90%;
  • Blood – 82%;
  • Bones – 25%;
  • Muscles – 70%;
  • Fat – 10-20%.

Liquid is involved in all processes occurring in the body. It improves digestion, removes harmful substances and carries out general detoxification. Water also helps maintain skin tone.

The benefits of water for the body

It is imperative to drink water; it brings many benefits to the body. Among beneficial properties water:

  • Only water can be considered water. It is this that prevents dehydration of the body by saturating it with necessary moisture. and other drinks have a diuretic effect, so they are quickly eliminated and do not provide enough moisture.
  • Water helps fight excess weight. The first reason is that it does not have the same calories as the nutritious drinks with which we often replace it. The second reason is that water suppresses appetite. The third reason is that water has an anti-edematous effect, and when the swelling goes down, the weight also decreases. Therefore, those who are losing weight are advised to drink water rather than tea in large quantities.
  • Drinking enough water improves heart function. People who drink 6 glasses of water a day are less likely to have attacks. So drink 3 glasses a day at least.
  • Water gives energy. Even when the body is only 1-2% dehydrated, a person begins to feel tired. If you are thirsty, drink water, this is one of the signals of dehydration. Water will give you a lot of energy, a boost of vigor and strength.
  • Water helps fight headaches. Headache is one of the signs of dehydration. Sometimes drinking water is enough to make the headache go away. Although there may be other reasons.
  • Water improves skin condition. If you drink a lot of water, your skin becomes clearer. You will notice a difference if you make a habit of drinking 3-6 glasses a day. No cosmetic products will help you if you drink little water.
  • Water helps proper digestion. Digestive system a person requires a lot of water for normal functioning. Water can help in many ways to combat increased acidity stomach. It also contributes to more rapid absorption food. And dehydration can cause constipation.
  • Water cleanses the body. Water removes toxins and various harmful substances. Most of the waste is concentrated in the intercellular fluid. If you drink slightly alkaline water, where the ORP is negative, the toxins are cleaned out.
  • Water promotes athletic performance. Dehydration means fatigue. Consequently, it interferes with normal sports activities. Due to fatigue, you cannot cope with stress, which can cause injuries. Drink a couple of glasses of slightly alkaline water before starting your workout to boost your energy for the sport.

How much water should you drink?

Relying only on thirst, asking yourself how much water you need, is not worth it. Thirst occurs when dehydrated. If you drink plenty of water, this process can be prevented.

You need to drink enough to compensate for the loss of natural fluids.

The reason is this: the stomach needs to produce enough acid to have time to digest all the proteins received and absorb minerals. If you consume too much liquid while eating, your stomach will not be able to function properly, which will increase energy costs and disrupt the digestion process. It is best to drink 30 minutes before or after meals. You should also drink 250 ml of water between meals.

  • Hot weather;
  • Stuffiness in the room;
  • Sports activities;
  • Consumption of large amounts of sweets and coffee.

It is recommended to consume the main volume of water before 15 hours. After 19.00. The volume of water drunk should be no more than 500 ml. The issue of drinking water should indeed be taken very seriously, since it plays a big role in the functioning of all tissues of the body.

Consequences of dehydration

The first consequence of dehydration is a decrease in mental and physical activity. When moisture levels drop by even 4-5%, activity levels drop by 20-30%. Dehydration of 10% is already a direct threat to health. And with dehydration of 2%, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Fatigue;
  • Decreased concentration;
  • Difficulty reading small print;
  • Decreased physical performance;
  • Deterioration of short-term memory.

Water is the main component of cells, organs and tissues. She acts as a guide nutrients, which are transported through the blood. Water also produces saliva, which is necessary for digestion. Water also forms the fluids surrounding the joints and is involved in maintaining the following processes:

  • Acid-base balance;
  • Body temperature;
  • Breath;
  • Metabolism;
  • Circulation of various substances;
  • Blood circulation;
  • Neurological processes;
  • Excretory functions.

Dehydration and illness

Scientists and some doctors believe that chronic dehydration may cause various diseases. The nature of the disease depends on the degree of dehydration - mild, moderate or severe. Statistics say that about 75% of people drink little water. And to improve their well-being, they sometimes just need to increase their consumption. The greatest statistics in improving processes in the body by restoring the water-alkaline balance have such areas of medicine as clinical medicine and pediatrics. There are a number of symptoms and diseases that dehydration causes that can be eliminated by restoring the water-alkaline balance:

  • Heartburn;
  • Arthritis;
  • Pain in the chest and lower back;
  • Migraine;
  • Colitis;
  • High pressure
  • Asthma;
  • High cholesterol;
  • Muscle pain.

Please note that simply drinking large amounts of water is unlikely to completely cure your condition. If any of these symptoms occur, consult your doctor. Consume more water, take it with you in a bottle and try to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, replacing other drinks with it as much as possible.



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