Mild nausea during the day causes. Why do you feel nauseous but not feel sick?

  1. The baby sits well without support. Can sit up from a standing position and tries or has already gotten up from a sitting position.
  2. An 11 month old baby crawls well. It often happens that it is easier for a baby to move on all fours and he does not want to learn to walk. In this case, you cannot rush the baby. After all, while crawling, the baby more clearly senses his body in space and learns to orient himself. The crawling stage is extremely important for further development musculoskeletal system and muscles.
  3. Eleven months is the age when a child begins to stand independently without support. Some of the children stand for literally ten seconds, while others do it much more confidently, adding independent steps.
  4. At 11 months old, the baby has mastered fine motor movements well and can manipulate his fingers without any problems. The baby especially likes to sort out small items, put them into larger ones, stack cubes on top of each other and string pyramid rings. The child performs familiar actions from memory, listening to the request of adults.

    If the toy is not familiar to the baby, you don’t have to immediately show what specific actions can be performed with it, but watch what the baby comes up with. This way the child will develop imagination and an important skill - to play independently and come up with new games with familiar toys. If the child does not know what to do or how to play, be sure to show several options.

  5. The baby shows interest in other children and reacts vividly to their appearance. In communication, he can clearly show who he likes and who he doesn’t, thereby differentiating his attitude.
  6. According to the instructions of the adults, the baby happily performs the assigned actions with toys - feeds the doll, puts it to bed, walks the dog.

    These game elements V certain situation will be a good help for parents. If your baby refuses to eat because of his temper, suggest that he first feed the dog (or the whole zoo, if there are a lot of toys) and eat for company. Very rarely in such situations children refuse to eat. If your baby doesn't want to sleep, create a ritual based on the game. Tell your baby that his animals (dolls) want to sleep and need to be put to sleep. When the child has put everyone to bed, read a fairy tale to the baby, give him an evening portion of formula or breastfeed, if the baby is still a baby, dim the lights. The baby will soon fall asleep.

  7. The baby is more likely to already say the words “mom”, “dad”, “baba” or is actively trying to pronounce them. Children aged 11 months also love to look at pictures of animals, listen to who says what, and repeat. Although not entirely accurate, the syllables “woof-woof”, “meow”, “kva-kva” will perfectly complement the dictionary of active words, adding variety to speech.
  8. A child at 11 months can be taught to eat and drink independently. By this time, the baby should hold the sippy cup tightly and master the spoon.

Of course, in order to instill the habit of eating and drinking without outside help, parents need to try, be patient, have children's aprons and aprons. But believe me, in the future you will save yourself from a colossal amount of work and make your baby’s life easier.

What should a child do without fail at 11 months of age?

If an 11-month-old baby lacks certain skills, you need to contact a specialist to find out the reason:

Physical development

A child’s body weight at 11 months varies between 8 and 10 kilograms. It all depends on the initial body weight at birth, gender and nutrition of the baby. Over the current month, the child gains about 350 - 400 grams.

The growth of a child at 11 months increases by 1 - 1.5 centimeters in the eleventh month.

The vast majority of children have teeth by this time. On average, at 11 months there are already four of them. But everything is individual.

If you don't have a single tooth yet, don't worry. Ask your grandparents what time your first teeth came out. This fact largely determines the timing of your baby’s teething.

Nutrition and care

The child eats almost at the common table. The difference is that the food will be more chopped, fried, seasoned foods and semi-finished products will be excluded.

Blend and breast milk remain an important part of the infant diet. The baby uses them before bed, at night, and often after waking up. The baby will most likely be attached to the breast more often. He will especially need this during illnesses and teething.

Even if the baby does not have teeth, give the baby meatballs, baby cookies and cooked finely chopped vegetables. This way the child will develop chewing skills. Don't worry about missing teeth. The baby's gums are very dense and strong in order to cope with soft pieces of food.

It will be useful and educational for the child to sit at a common table and have a meal in the company of relatives. In this way, a culture of nutrition and correct eating habits will be instilled.

Child care includes daily morning and evening procedures (washing, brushing teeth), bathing, cutting nails and hair. After sleeping and eating, put your baby on the potty.

If the baby resists, arches and refuses to sit on the potty, do not insist. Put this matter off for a month or two.

How to develop an 11 month old baby

Finger paints are best for painting. It will also be interesting for the baby to draw on a surface dusted with flour or semolina.

It is better to start sculpting from soft wax plasticine. Show your child the simplest techniques - how to make a flagellum, a ball, how to “blind” a whole picture.

Some classes may seem difficult. But children, as you know, do not stop developing for a minute. And what seems impossible today will be easily done tomorrow.

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about what an 11-month-old toddler should eat. During this period, the baby takes its first steps, even if still holding on to the crossbar or someone's hand. But these are already such achievements in the life of a little man! The child spends much more energy than before, so there should be more foods in his diet, and portions should increase. In the article you can find answers to the following questions: what to give to a toddler, how much to feed a child at 11 months, what a baby’s menu might look like.

Basic nutrition rules

If you have in your house Small child, then you need to know and follow all sorts of rules for raising and developing a child. And here I will also present to you some important rules for feeding children:

  1. The baby must have five meals a day, including two usual feedings (breast milk or an adapted formula).
  2. Your child should still not be given fried food. Particular preference should be given to steamed food. This is the best way to preserve all the beneficial substances in the product.
  3. Keep sweets to a minimum, there should be practically no salt in the toddler’s diet, and even more so all kinds of seasonings.
  4. The presence of a homogeneous mass in dishes is no longer necessary, but rather even superfluous. The child should already be getting used to solid food. It is best to mash food with a fork. The baby must learn to chew and develop his jaw.
  5. It is important that the child’s diet includes: cereals, fruits, meat, vegetables, cottage cheese, fish and bread.
  6. Never force something into your baby's mouth that he has just refused. Don't get angry and don't shout. Most likely, it just wasn't to your taste. I am sure that you also have products that you are indifferent to or disgusted with.
  7. You should still not give foods from the so-called allergy risk zone: red fruits and vegetables, exotic representatives, citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts, honey.
  8. Remember that milk should be diluted with water for the little one. At this age it is possible 1:1.
  9. We should not forget that when we introduce new foods into a child’s diet, we should do it slowly and gradually. You need to start with half a teaspoon. And only when normal reaction body, bring it up to age standards.
  10. And don't forget about drinking. The baby needs to replenish his fluid reserves every day. Juices, decoctions, compotes, herbal teas, jelly. And, of course, we shouldn’t forget about the water itself.

Baby's diet

The child continues to have five meals a day. He still needs to be breastfed (with fermented milk or an adapted formula) in the morning and before bed.

Breaks between meals can vary around three to four hours. You already individually adapt to the child’s requirements and what time he gets up and when he goes to bed. My son had four-hour breaks. He ate at 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22 o'clock.

To calculate how much food your baby should eat per day, just make calculations based on his weight. This figure in grams must be divided by nine. The answer will be the amount of food consumed. So, for example, my son already weighed 10 kg and 800 grams (10800), which means he had to eat at least 1200 grams per day. Next, you can divide the answer received into 5 meals and find out how much the child needs to eat at one feeding. In my case, this figure was 240 grams.

What can you feed your baby at 11 months?

The baby should have balanced diet, enriched with all the substances necessary for a growing organism. And what exactly is included in his diet:

  1. Fruits and vegetables, berries. These are irreplaceable sources of vitamins, fiber and pectins. The baby must, in full, corresponding to his age standards receive these products. You can already cook with them different dishes: purees, mousses, compotes, juices, jelly, puddings. And it is even allowed to eat grated fruits raw, but in small quantities.

But do not forget that the baby’s menu should not contain red fruits, citrus fruits and exotic representatives.

  1. Compulsory daily product is porridge. Oatmeal is considered to be the healthiest (but preferably not in the form of flakes). If the baby does not have celiac disease. It is better to cook such porridge with water, and simply add oil to the prepared product. However, cooking with milk is also allowed, but do not forget that the baby should not be given whole milk, dilute it 1:2 with water. It is better to change porridge every day. Buckwheat today, oatmeal tomorrow, rice the day after tomorrow, etc.
  2. Certainly, an important component the child's tables are meat dishes. These can already be meatballs, steamed cutlets, mousses, puddings. Try to give the meat in such a form that the little one tries to chew it on his own. Give preference to rabbit, turkey, chicken, veal, and young lean pork. I gave my son only rabbit and veal until he was one year old.
  3. Fish should also be in the baby’s diet. The baby should still avoid fatty varieties and red varieties.
  4. Cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir are important for proper operation digestive system. You can prepare these products yourself. Do not hesitate to give dishes not only in pure form, but also with the addition of already well-known fruits.
  5. Also, the baby can eat eggs, pasta, diet cookies, wheat bread, it is allowed to add butter to prepared dishes (both vegetable and creamy) in small quantities, and the amount of salt and sugar should also be minimal.

Reduce your consumption of sweets to almost nothing. The baby is just getting his first teeth, and you shouldn’t disrupt their development. And, of course, the child’s diet should not yet contain chocolate, citrus fruits and other allergenic foods.


How can it be represented? daily ration baby? Enough is already available to the baby a large number of products. What exactly could be the approximate menu for children on breastfeeding and IV? You can read about this below.

Breastfed babies

  1. The baby wakes up at 6 am and the first thing he does is reach out to his mother. He's already hungry. First feeding still presented mother's milk(approximately 200 ml). It is still very important source useful substances for the development of the baby.
  2. By 10 o'clock the child was already hungry. At this time, give the little one porridge (you can use either milk or water) - 200 grams, no more. You can add 5 grams of oil to it. Also give your baby half a yolk. For dessert, offer your baby 50 grams of fruit puree. You can wash everything down with compote or juice (50 ml).
  3. The baby has lunch at 14:00. This feeding should be the most satisfying. May consist of the following dishes: 200 grams of vegetable puree with added butter (5 grams), 80 grams of puree, a piece of bread (from wheat flour, gram 10). You can drink it with 60 ml juice.
  4. At 18:00 - dinner with the little one. Give him 60 grams of fruit puree, 50 grams of cottage cheese, two biscuits. Give your child 200 ml of kefir to drink.
  5. The last feeding occurs before bed, at 10 o'clock at night. And it's still breast milk. The baby will drink the amount necessary to be completely saturated.

Formula babies

  1. Breakfast starts at 6 o'clock. The first feeding is formula milk (200 ml).
  2. The meal between breakfast and lunch falls at 10 am. Feed your little one any porridge, cooked in any form. The baby needs 200 grams. Add 5 grams butter. For dessert, 50 grams of fruit puree is good. Also offer your child half egg yolk. You can wash down your food with 50 ml of juice.
  3. Meat soup (200 grams) is well suited for lunch feeding, which comes at 14:00. In addition, you can give your child 80 grams of vegetable puree, 10 grams wheat bread. You can drink it with compote (60 ml).
  4. For dinner (18:00) give your baby 60 grams of puree (fruit) and 50 grams of cottage cheese. For a snack, give two crackers or biscuits. The child can wash down the meal with kefir (200 ml).
  5. And finally, around 10:00 pm, be sure to feed the little one with an adapted mixture (200 ml).

So we figured out what your child’s diet should now be. The toddler is growing, and along with it, food preferences are developing. Pamper your baby with a variety of dishes. Make sure he doesn't get bored or lose interest in some food. And, of course, you shouldn’t give the same thing every day, for example, oatmeal and no other cereal every day. This product will quickly become boring, and the baby will start spitting it. Therefore, plan your toddler’s diet correctly, taking into account all the baby’s preferences. Try to make the menu varied and unique. And let your child grow up healthy!

During the eleventh month, the child gains an average of 400 grams of weight and grows by 1.5 cm. Thus, the weight of an 11-month-old child is about 9500 - 10000 g, and his height is 72-78 cm. Gain in the last, 12th month up to a year will be approximately 350 g and average weight a child's weight per year will be 10 - 10.8 kg, and height - 74-80 cm.

It's okay if your baby gains weight faster or slower, but be wary if abrupt change centile corridor of weight or height (for more details, see the centile tables for boys or girls). The norms of physical development are described in more detail in the centile tables: for boys, for girls.

What can a baby do at 11 months?

1. By the age of one year, a child can stand independently with support, rise to sit, walk with support or independently, climb and descend a short flight of stairs.

2. Give your child a box with a ball. Then open and close the box several times, revealing the ball. Then you need to take out the ball and give the child an empty box. The child notices the absence of the ball and looks at you in surprise.

3. A child can purposefully ring a bell, use a comb as intended, drink from a cup, and feed himself from a spoon. Eating from a spoon does not mean that he will completely eat all the food offered to him with a spoon; a child at 11 months understands the purpose of a spoon, scoops up food with it and pulls it into his mouth.

4. Give the child blocks, show that you can build a tower out of them and then destroy it. The child himself builds a tower of cubes, assembles and disassembles a pyramid of rings with wide holes.

5. The child makes generalizations: shows dolls, cars, blocks, balls, parts of his body.

6. The child loves to play with children, but treats different children selectively.

7. Distinguishes objects by shape (cubes, bricks, balls).

8. The first attempts at plot play appear: he leads, feeds, and lulls the doll. She flips through and looks at the bright pictures in the book.

9. Fulfills the first simple instructions (give, show, walk/crawl...), understands the word “impossible”, orients himself in the room very well.

10. By the end of the year, pronounces special “words” that are understandable only to the mother and child: for example, “bah” - fall, “fa” - hat, etc.; can pronounce individual words with an understanding of their subject correlation. The first simplified words appear: “kis-kis”, “av-av”, “give”, “bye”.

How much does an 11 month old baby eat?

Meals are still 5 times a day, and they will remain that way for up to 2 years. For pureed meat or fish, offer a little salad of grated or finely chopped vegetables or vinaigrette. Cottage cheese can also be given in the form of pudding or casserole. Since the child wakes up later, the entire schedule shifts 1-1.5 hours forward. The last (fifth) breastfeeding can be replaced with kefir, and if the baby is sleeping peacefully by this time, cancel it altogether.

How long does an 11 month old baby sleep?

A child's daily routine at 11 months

The daily routine depends on the number of feedings and the child’s biorhythms (some get up earlier in the morning, some later, some sleep more during the day) and often differ for all children of the same age. Adapt to your child, but try to feed and put your child to bed at the same time every day, so he will have less problems with digestion and sleep. Sample daily routine for a child.

This regime is far from being a guide to the life of mother and baby by the hour, but only an example by which you can imagine what the duration of the sleep and wakefulness phases and breaks between meals can be.

Baby's health at 11 months

Most pediatricians do not prescribe regular medical examination, but you can see your doctor if you have any problems that can't wait until your next visit.

Educational activities and games for an 11-month-old baby

At 11 months, the child plays magpie-crow well, okay, but these games are no longer interesting to him.

The child can now put together a tower of cubes without outside help, assemble and disassemble a pyramid of rings with wide holes, and nest molds of different sizes into each other.

At 11 months, you can offer your baby a game with a bucket, in which he will collect toys, and then dump them again on the floor.

Children at this age can play with different natural structures - salted dough, pouring cereals and cereals from one mold to another, pouring flour, pouring water. Watch your child closely during these games, the baby will try to taste everything, so pour boiled water, and take small grains, preferably more or less soft (dry beans are not allowed). Such games perfectly develop fine motor skills, which directly affects the development of speech.

Game "Thump into the hole." Place the baby on your lap and gently toss him in, while saying: “Over the bumps, over the bumps, along the narrow paths...” or “We’re going, we’re going...”, and then, changing the intonation, say: “Thump into the hole!” and carefully lower the child down. When the baby notices changes in the voice, he will wait for these words and rejoice in anticipation of them. The game develops auditory perception, establishes a connection between movement and sound, teaches the perception of intonation coloring of speech, and develops auditory memory.

And it is imperative to continue the development of tactile perception and associating it with the properties of objects. Let your child touch different objects, naming their properties: carpet - soft, table - hard, wooden, cold water, warm water, etc.

Your baby is becoming more and more mature every day, and his first birthday is just around the corner. Baby, I learned so much and learned a lot during this time, but there are so many more interesting things ahead.

Your baby already knows how...


68.9-81.1 cm.
8.3-12.3 kg.
44.3-50.0 cm.
44.8-56.3 cm.
68.8-79.4 cm.
8.2-11.4 kg.
43.2-49.6 cm.
45.0-42.7 cm.

Physical development at 11 months of life

During the eleventh month of life, the baby should gain 400 - 450 grams.

The child’s body length increases during this month by 1-1.5 cm. The chest and head circumference increases by 0.5 cm.

Teeth continue to emerge. By the eleventh month there may already be eight. As a rule, these are 2 lower middle incisors (erupt at 6-7 months); 2 upper middle incisors (at 8-9 months) and 2 upper lateral incisors (at 9-10 months) and 2 lower lateral incisors (at 11-12 months).

Neuropsychic development of a child at 11 months

Your baby is already so big, he understands your requests and prohibitions, and of course he doesn’t forget to show his “I” from time to time, because he is already a big personality.

Motor skills at 11 months

At eleven months a child can:

  • Sit down and stand up independently;
  • Climb up and down a hill;
  • Overcome various obstacles;
  • Can move quickly and over long distances on all fours;
  • The baby can drink from a cup or sippy cup, while being able to hold it independently;
  • Tries to eat independently with a spoon;
  • Squats freely;
  • Depicts some semblance of a dance to the music;
  • He is starting to walk better and better without assistance. Most babies walk holding an adult's hand or balancing with their hands. While walking, the baby sways, tilts his body forward, spreads his legs, and grabs a support.

Cognitive development

An 11 month old baby can play simple games story games(feed the dolls, put them to bed, bathe them, and so on). Knows well and shows body parts on himself and other people.

Many kids know how to build a tower from several cubes, distinguish colors, and string rings onto a pyramid.

At the request of an adult, finds and gives the desired toy.

Children at this age really like to copy the actions of adults. Therefore, adults should carefully monitor their actions, since the baby can very quickly adopt bad habits.

As babies approach one year of age, they begin to take an active interest in communicating with other people, especially children.

The baby's taste and sense of touch are actively developing. The child tries new food, he is interested in touching different surfaces. It is very useful at this age, for the development of the child, to let him walk barefoot on sand, grass, or rough surfaces. Let him touch wet toys, put his hand in a jar of beans or jelly.

Speech development

By the age of 11 months, a child begins to imitate simple sounds well, such as the noise of a car engine, the ticking of a clock, how water drips, how animals and others speak.

Try to encourage your child to speak as often as possible. Ask more questions, at this age the child understands 5-6 times more than he can pronounce.

The child watches with great interest how adults speak and their lips. Begins to use simplified words (av-av, boo, bi-bi and others). By 11 months, at vocabulary The baby has about 4-5 such simplified words. Some little ones have special words that they themselves came up with to designate certain objects. For example, a child may call a fish “tank”, tights “ota” and others.

At 11 months, the child understands well when he is praised and when he is scolded.

Caring for a baby at 11 months

By the age of 11 months, the regime and daily routine remain the same. Children at this age, as a rule, sleep twice a day and eat 4-5 times.

Many babies wean themselves off night feedings by 11 months.

By 11 months, babies begin to walk, so you need to pay attention to your baby's shoes. It should be the right size, have a fairly rigid sole, have a firm back, bend well and be made of safe materials.

At this age, you can begin or continue (if you have already started) to potty train your child. Don't forget to praise your baby, even if he just sat on the potty, this is very important!

Pay attention to oral hygiene, especially if your baby is already teething.

Otherwise, caring for the baby remains the same. Washing, bathing, walking fresh air, massage, gymnastics.

Baby's nutrition at 11 months

Many children's appetite decreases by the age of one year, most often this is due to teething, while others show their character in this way. Be patient and resort to different tricks to feed your baby. Food in the form of a game, feed him and his favorite toy at the same time, decorate dishes, give something tasty.

As a rule, by 11 months, basic foods have already been introduced into the baby’s diet. These are a variety of cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish dishes, dairy products, baked goods.

For a child of this age, dishes of homogeneous consistency, crushed, with small pieces, stewed, steamed or boiled are suitable.

By 11 months, the baby can eat many adult dishes, the only difference is that children's dish do not add spices and give it the appropriate consistency. For example, a stew with meat and vegetables can be prepared for the whole family. Using lean beef or chicken for this purpose. Adults add spices to their plates, and the child’s portion is simply mashed with a fork into small pieces or to a puree-like consistency. If desired, the meat for the baby can be crushed using a blender, or divided into small fibers and mixed with vegetables.

Fruit juices - 90-100 ml;

Fruit puree - 90-100 grams;

Cottage cheese - 50 grams;

Yolk - 1/2

Vegetable puree - 200 grams;

Milk porridge - 200 ml;

Minced meat - 60-70 grams;

Fish puree - 60-70 grams;

Minced liver - 30 grams;

Kefir - 200 ml;

Rusks, cookies - 10-15 grams;

Bread - 10 grams;

Vegetable oil - 5 - 6 grams;

Butter 5-6 grams.

Approximate diet of a child at 11 months

6:00 - Breast milk or adapted formula - 200 ml

10:00 - Porridge (170 grams), 1/2 yolk, fruit puree (30 grams), bread (10 grams);

14:00 - Vegetable soup, pureed 50 ml; Vegetable puree 150 grams; Meat puree(or fish 1-2 times a week) - 60 grams; Bread 10 grams, Fruit juice 50 ml.

18:00 -Adapted kefir - 150 ml; cottage cheese (50 grams); cookies (5-10 grams);

22:00 - Breast milk or adapted milk formula - 200 ml.

If the mother has milk, then it is ideal for normal development a child, it is considered to feed him breast milk at least 1-2 times a day up to a year, and after the first year of life (as long as the mother has milk).

Necessary examinations at 11 months

At 11 months it is necessary to go to the pediatrician to evaluate the physical and neuropsychic development child. The doctor will weigh and measure the child and ask about what he can do. The data obtained will be recorded in the history of the child’s development.

How to play with a baby at 11 months?

At 11 months, a child is good at finding objects, so he will really like it if you forgive him to choose from a bunch of toys and give you a specific toy. Be sure to praise him because he is trying so hard.

Also, the baby is very interested in parts of the body, which he no longer knows well and shows. Ask him “Where is his (or your) mouth? Where are the eyes?

The baby already knows how to play simple story games, help him with this - feed the dolls, put them to bed.

Look at books with bright pictures with your baby, give him the opportunity to flip through the pages.

The baby at this age is very active, so he loves to play noisy, active games. Swinging, tossing, spinning, and falling upside down are especially delightful. Dads are especially good at these games, as they are physically stronger and reliably protect the baby.

What toys are appropriate for this age?

As children approach the age of one year, they increasingly like to play not with toys, but with adult objects. Don’t drown out his interest, because it’s quite possible to give your baby a saucepan, an old watch or a telephone. Let him tinker with them, study them.

The baby quickly gets bored with the same toys, so try to change them, and don’t offer too many toys at the same time. This can quickly tire a child.

At this age, the baby is very active, do not restrain him, try to talk to him more, tell him and show him. Play with him, and through play teach him independence, sociability, and teach him to work.

Other information on the topic

  • Child development at 3 years old

  • Child development at 2 years 6 months

  • Child development at 1 year 6 months

  • Child development at 2 years 9 months

The baby's first birthday is approaching. Parents never cease to be amazed: just recently the baby couldn’t do practically anything, but now he’s an adult child who already knows how to show character. At eleven months, children continue to actively develop both physically and emotionally. Some have already taken the first step, others delight mom and dad with clear words and phrases. What kind of success should children achieve at this age? How the daily routine changes almost one year old baby. Let's consider the main nuances of child development at 11 months.

Changes in the physiological development of children at 11 months

Every month the child learns new skills and abilities. But the main breakthrough in development is the attempt to walk. Most children take their first steps at this age, which makes their parents very happy. The baby may begin to stomp in dashes: from support to support. Then the baby will learn to stand more and more confidently on his feet and walk on his own.

Pediatricians point out to parents that each child is individual, so the pace of development may vary. If a baby at this age is actively crawling, standing on a support and walking with support, there is no need to worry, this situation is normal. Dr. Komarovsky insists that crawling, then the ability to stand and walk with support, and only then the first steps are ideal model physical development baby. This strengthens the spine enough to withstand the load in an upright position.

But do not worry if the child does not crawl, but immediately begins to stand up and then walk. This situation is also considered normal. Some children may skip the crawling stage, but this is not good for a weak spine. Parents are advised to encourage crawling in every possible way, but not to force the baby if he does not want to do it. You cannot scold a child, because he is very sensitive to the emotions of his parents.

At this age, you can purchase a walker for your child as a support. The baby will hold on to them and try to take steps on his own

But if a baby at this age not only does not crawl, but also does not stand on a support, or does not know how to walk hand in hand with adults, you should consult a doctor. These signs may indicate damage nervous system, muscle hypotonicity or problems with skeletal system crumbs, for example, rickets.

Weight and height of boys and girls at 11 months - table

Don't forget to visit your pediatrician monthly. During the examination, the doctor will evaluate changes in the baby's weight and height. For children in the first year of life, these indicators are the main criteria proper development child. If the baby is regularly underweight, this may indicate iron deficiency anemia, problems at work thyroid gland. Lack of body weight can lead to delayed physical and psychological development.

Sleep and active pastime

For many children, at 11 months, their usual daily routine begins to change. This is primarily due to the fact that the baby began to spend more time awake. But remove it completely nap It’s still early, because the baby spends a lot of energy. The total amount of time a child spends sleeping is 14 hours. Of these on night sleep It's 10 o'clock, and four babies sleep during daylight hours.

Some children who wake up later in the morning can switch to one nap, because in the first half of the day they have enough energy to sleep. active activities. According to Dr. Komarovsky, if a child develops according to norms, sleeps peacefully at night and has a good appetite, which means he only needs one nap during the day, which can last from two to four hours. In this case, it is not recommended to force the baby to sleep during daylight hours a second time.

For parents who practice co-sleeping with a child, you should start teaching the baby to sleep in his own bed

Learning to chew: number of baby teeth

Most eleven-month-old babies will have four teeth already: two at the bottom and two at the top. Therefore, you can let your baby taste food in small lumps and pieces. However, some children do not yet have one baby tooth in this age. Dentists reassure parents: this situation is considered normal. The timing of teething in most cases depends on heredity: if the parents’ teeth grew late, the child’s teeth will also erupt later.

If your baby does not have a single baby tooth in a year, you should consult a pediatric dentist. May need additional examination and taking calcium supplements. But only a doctor can prescribe all recommendations.

What should a baby be able to do at 11 months - skills and abilities

Although each child's rate of development may vary, World organization Health has developed a list of standards that an infant aged 11 months must meet. At this age, the baby should be able to:

  • stand confidently against a support, walk hand in hand with adults or hold onto a wall. Some babies are already starting to take their first steps;
  • sit down from a standing position. But if the child does it hesitantly and slowly, this is also considered the norm;
  • crawl actively and very quickly, as well as sit independently without back support;
  • point a finger at a toy or object that interests him;
  • holding a spoon and trying to scoop up food, as well as holding a sippy cup, bottle or cup with both hands;
  • trying to assemble a pyramid, a tower of cubes. The baby already confidently takes objects, even the smallest ones, with two fingers, and does not squeeze them into a fist, as before;
  • climb onto a sofa or bed and get off;
  • leaf through children's books with dense pages;
  • collect toys in a box or basket.

Psycho-emotional development: the baby shows character

An eleven-month-old baby is already a person, with his own preferences and desires. Emotionally, the child also makes a big leap in development. The baby already knows how to more clearly formulate what he wants. For example, if a baby wants something, he doesn’t just show his desire by crying, but points his finger or pronounces simple words. At this age the baby:

  • begins to talk: can pronounce short words consisting of several syllables, tries to repeat some sounds and phrases after adults;
  • understands speech addressed to him: can follow some commands, for example, bring a toy, show parts of the body, find an object;
  • rejoices when he is praised and is upset if parents address the baby in a stern voice;
  • knows how to manipulate parents: the child realized that as soon as he cries, many of his wishes are fulfilled. Therefore, the baby begins to throw tantrums and whims for any reason so that adults will give in to him;
  • prefers to listen to music: to the sounds of rhythm and funny children's songs, the child can make movements to the beat or just have fun;
  • often repeats the actions of its parents: it can rock a doll or feed it. These are signs of the first role playing games when the baby tries to put himself in the place of an adult.

Parental attention is very important for a child of this age. Adults help the baby develop fine motor skills and learn new skills

Child psychologists warn parents who, at the first whim, fulfill their child’s requests, not to do this. The child will constantly manipulate adults if they continue to behave this way. The task of parents is to set the limits of what is permitted, and if they say the word “impossible,” then they should not give in to the child under the onslaught of tears and hysterics.

This situation is considered normal, because the crisis of the first year of life is approaching. At this time, parents should be patient and constantly explain to the baby why this or that action cannot be done. Some children quickly outgrow this period, while for others it lasts up to six months. This behavior of the baby is considered normal and is a sign of the development of the child’s character.

What an 11-month-old baby learned - video

Caring for a child at this age

Parents must comply specific mode day and teach the child to it. A child who is used to doing everything on time will not experience problems while visiting kindergarten, and then school. Therefore, adults should accustom the baby to various rituals that will help him prepare for bed or a walk.

Hygiene and water procedures

Every morning should start with water procedures, because it is necessary to accustom a child to personal hygiene from an early age. In the morning, be sure to wash the baby and toilet the genitals. Also, the child must brush his teeth: for this procedure, there are special silicone brushes that fit on an adult’s finger and perfectly remove plaque. Such models cannot injure the baby’s delicate gums, because the bristles on them are very soft.

Show your baby many actions by example. After all, the baby tries to repeat everything after his parents.

In the evening, pediatricians recommend running a bath and giving the child at least half an hour to play with water and have a relaxing hydromassage. The water should not be too hot or cold for the baby to feel comfortable. A bath with cool water sets him up for a restful sleep. Many parents practice infant swimming. And if the baby has no contraindications, neurologists and orthopedists speak positively about such activities in the pool or at home in the bathroom.

Gymnastics and massage: is it necessary to perform such exercises?

The answer to this question is yes. The faster and stronger the child’s muscles are strengthened, the better the baby will master the necessary skills and abilities. Therefore, in the morning, pediatricians recommend performing gymnastic exercises that will invigorate the baby and set him up for an active pastime during the day. And in the evening, after swimming in cool water, it is better to do a light relaxing massage, which also helps falling asleep quickly child and good sleep for several hours on end.

For massage you can use a special baby oil, which penetrates the epidermis of the skin, warms up the muscles and has a good effect on the condition of the body as a whole.

You can diversify physical activities exercises on a fitball - a large ball that the baby will definitely like. Exercises with a fitball help strengthen the muscles of the whole body and also train the vestibular apparatus.

Massage for children from Dr. Komarovsky - video

Is it necessary to walk outside?

Walking with your child is beneficial at any age. At 11 months, the baby can not only ride in a stroller, but also walk independently or hand in hand with his parents. Pediatricians recommend going outside for at least two hours, and preferably not once, but several times a day. Children also love to sleep in the fresh air, so doctors recommend spending one nap outside.

Don't be afraid of bad weather: rain or frost. You should dress your child warmly and go out with him for at least 30–40 minutes during the cold season. During the frost season, you are allowed to stay at home if the thermometer drops below - 15 degrees.

The importance of walking for children - video

A varied menu: feeding a baby at 11 months

The number of meals does not change and remains five times a day. But the child eats more and more adult food, breast milk or an adapted formula, the baby receives only in the morning and before bedtime. The rest of the time, mom cooks or stews vegetables, meat and fish dishes, and porridge for the baby. And also fruit purees and juices are always included in the baby’s menu. Dairy products important for maintaining immunity and proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Several times a week, the child should eat cottage cheese, drink kefir or yogurt.

Some parents transfer the baby to the common table, but pediatric gastroenterologists are categorically against this. The baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready to accept fried, smoked or spicy food. Many foods are prohibited: mushrooms, cow's milk, coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits, some types of fish. Do not put your baby's health at risk. Doctors recommend not to rush, but to introduce new products gradually and according to the baby’s age.

Parents should develop their child's chewing skills at this age.

The child must learn to chew, so it is no longer necessary to grind dishes to the consistency of puree; it is better to leave some lumps in the porridge or soup. There are special cereals on sale that stimulate the chewing reflex in a child. And you can also try giving your baby a nibbler - special device with a mesh in which several pieces of food are placed. In order to squeeze out the juice, the child will have to make chewing movements with his gums or teeth.

Child development program

Parents should work with the baby every day. If for some reason they cannot independently engage in the development of the child, there are many centers for children where experienced teachers work with children. But the mother’s attention is still much more important for a baby of this age.

How to learn to speak correctly

The best and effective method- talk more with your child:

  • read fairy tales every day, you can organize such a ritual before bed, day or night;
  • look at bright pictures and pronounce the names of objects and images;
  • play children's songs with a cheerful rhythm and sing along with the baby;
  • while walking, describe trees, people, passing cars and other situations;
  • develop fine motor skills, because a large amount is concentrated on the palms and fingertips nerve endings. Exercises with busy boards, modeling and finger painting are effective.

How to help your baby learn to talk - video

Activities to develop fine motor skills

Developmental exercises are mandatory at this age. Today there is more quantity proprietary techniques that are suitable for children aged 11 months. Parents can choose one or try to combine several methods. With a child at this age you can:

  • study using Doman cards: this way the baby will not only remember new objects, but will also try to repeat some words;
  • play with soft and hard educational boards, rugs and books. These products are supplemented a huge amount interesting details. By playing with a busy board, a child develops logic, thinking, patience and memory;
  • draw: the child may not yet like pencils and brushes, but the baby will definitely appreciate finger paints. While drawing, you can explain to your child the name of each color;
  • play with tactile pads: you can sew them yourself and fill them with different cereals or other small objects;
  • sculpt from plasticine or salt dough;
  • assemble a construction set: for children of this age, models with large parts are suitable.

Doctors and child psychologists encourage early development children. But classes must be held in a playful way. You should also take into account the baby’s wishes: if the child is capricious and does not want to exercise, it is better to give up trying and move the exercises to another time or day.

Games with cereals at 11 months - video

Parents should pay more attention to the baby, because they have the power to speed up the rate of development of the baby. You should communicate more with the child; he already understands a lot and is trying to repeat it. If the baby wants to help with something: bring a toy, put some object back in its place, you should not refuse him. At this age, the baby shows interest in other children. You can explain to your child that they need to share toys, not offend their peers, and play together. Children grow up so quickly, so parents need to help them learn basic skills and abilities.



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