How to strengthen hair and nails. What vitamins are useful for strengthening hair and nails

Wedding calendar

Are you planning to get married, but you can’t decide what month to do it? Our Wedding Calendar will help you decide on your wedding month.

In the old days, people were very scrupulous when choosing the month of their wedding, which is probably why in the past there were practically no divorces. And we must listen to the advice of our ancestors.

Which month is best for a wedding?

January– the first month of the year, not the most successful month for a wedding. Women who get married in January are destined to remain a widow, or a wedding in January will bring serious illnesses future husband.

February– if you are planning to get married in the coldest winter month, then the warmth and tenderness between you will be guaranteed for the rest of your life.

March– the first spring month for a wedding is suitable for those people who want to connect their lives with constant movement, movement, relocation, trips and travel. It is March that will be able to bring constant wanderings into your life.

Aprilgood month for Wedding. People who get married in April, everything in their life will be fair. No more, no less, somewhere it will come, and somewhere it will go. A husband and wife will experience everything in life, both happiness and disappointment, but all this will be in balance.

May– a good month, but not for a wedding. There will be too much fuss and fuss in your personal life, if you decide to get married in May.

June– a great month for a wedding. Of all the months of the year, only June promises eternal love and fidelity between future spouses. And if you decide to get married in June, then after 50 years, in June, you will be able to have a “Golden” wedding.

July is a wonderful summer month, but if you decide to get married in this month, then soon after the wedding, you may regret what you did. You will think that your life partner is not exactly the person with whom you would like to spend your whole life.

Augustlast month Summer is perhaps the best month for a wedding. August will bring the spouses calmness, peace and happiness in their family. Long years of marriage and devotion to each other will be promised this month.

September– the first month of autumn is a velvet season for a wedding. And if you are not afraid of a quiet and peaceful life in the future, then this is exactly the month that is suitable for you for a wedding.

October– mid-autumn, a favorable month for a wedding, but only if you are not afraid of difficulties in the first years family life that may occur in your family. If you are ready to overcome them in the future, then October will give you long-term family happiness in the future.

November– the last month of autumn, this is the month of abundance. If material well-being in your family suits you more than feelings, then this is exactly the time at which you need to get married.

December– the first month of winter is a great time for a wedding. December will be able to give in the future long years a marriage in which there will be love, devotion and trust.

Wedding ceremonies are filled with traditions. Choosing the month and date of the wedding is the first and important step in the wedding planning process, affecting other aspects of the organization big day. Couples in love around the world follow folk signs, turn to numerology and astrology to choose the perfect day for the celebration. Ancient peoples believed that their future family life depended on the time when people got married.

According to old signs, the wedding month foreshadows the fate of the marriage. A number of cultures, including Hindu, Chinese, English, Roman, Slavic, still avoid certain months. They will help you find out the good and bad months for a wedding. folk superstitions regarding each of them.

  1. January. Although the first month of the year is a time for new beginnings, according to popular wisdom it is not suitable for marriage and promises the loss of a loved one. In the Middle Ages, wedding ceremonies were not held in January, since it included 7 Christian holidays.
  2. February. IN Ancient Rome In February, a festival of cleansing of sins was held. Newlyweds who tie the knot in February will be able to build family relationships on trust, agreement, harmony, tenderness.
  3. March. The month is named after the ancient Roman god of war, Mars, the son of Jupiter and Juno, and military campaigns usually began at this time. The relationship between spouses married in March will be passionate, but irreconcilable, full of disagreements and disputes. It also means traveling and living away from home.
  4. April. The month is dedicated to the Roman goddess of love, Venus. The marriage will be successful, prosper, filled with tenderness and care. But the relationship promises to be slightly changeable, like spring weather. The warm sun and short showers represent the joy and sadness that will meet on the path of the married couple.
  5. May. This month is considered the most unfavorable for marriage in the traditions of many nations, so spring marriages are celebrated at the end of April. There is a popular saying: “get married in May and spend your whole life in trouble,” which is associated with agricultural work. The Romans considered a wedding in this month a bad omen, since in May they celebrated the holidays of the dead of Lemuria and three days (9th, 11th, 13th) were dedicated to the cleansing of evil spirits and the veneration of deceased ancestors.
  6. June. Traditionally the most popular and successful month for marriage. The Romans believed that a marriage in June would be blessed by Juno, the wife of Jupiter, the goddess of marriage and the patroness of fertility, after whom the month is named. This tradition has carried over into the modern era, June is still considered one of the best months for marriage. The superstition “get married when the June roses are growing, you will go over land and sea” serves good prediction For June couples, marriage will be a long honeymoon.
  7. July. In antiquity, July, named after the great Roman commander Julius Caesar, was considered unsuitable for weddings, as it contained memorial days (July 18 commemorated the Roman battle) when wedding ceremonies were not allowed. As the saying goes, “getting married in July with flaming flowers will bring bittersweet memories the day after tomorrow.” This means that happiness in marriage will be inconsistent, joy will be replaced by turmoil.
  8. August. Ancient omen states that “if you get married in the August heat, your chosen spouse will become your lover and friend.” By getting married in August, lovers will gain mutual understanding, support and become the closest people to each other.
  9. September. The first month of autumn not only touches with luxurious golden landscapes, but also promises happy marriage. A couple who decides to tie the knot in September will have a smooth, serene and long family life.
  10. October. Couples who choose October for their wedding can have an unforgettable wedding ceremony while enjoying the stunning beauty of autumn. Such an alliance will be strong, but may encounter difficulties.
  11. November. A wedding in November will bring wealth and joy to family life. Fortune will be very favorable to such unions; a happy married life awaits them. Material well-being will grow and love feelings– intensify.
  12. December. There is a popular saying: “When the December snowfalls fall quickly, get married and real love will last." December is a happy time for marriage, especially its last day, as couples will begin their life together on the first day of the new year.

Lucky day according to numerology

During calculation auspicious date To get married, lovers turn to numerology - a teaching based on belief in the mystical influence of numbers on a person’s destiny. Need to take full dates births of the bride and groom separately in Arabic numerals and add them so that the resulting number does not exceed 15. For example, 01/01/1988 (1+1+1+9+8+8=28=2+8=10) and 02/7. 1991 (7+2+1+9+9+1=29=11). If you sum up these numbers (10+11), then a successful wedding date is the 21st number according to numerology. The 31st is neutral, suitable for events.

Moon calendar

In astrology, successful wedding dates are calculated by lunar calendar, indicating the phases of the moon (new, waxing, full, waning). The Romans believed that if you get married on a full moon, the goddess Venus will bring passion and love into family life. Astrologers do not recommend going down the aisle during a waning moon or an eclipse, as this will bring unhappiness in love. New Moon – best period for any endeavor, including marriage.

Best days of the week for marriage

Popular English proverb reads: “Monday is for health, Tuesday is for wealth, Wednesday is the best day of all, Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, no luck at all on Saturday.”

Based on this saying, the beginning of the week is best time for ceremonies. However, with astrological point In terms of view, the days of the week are under the protection of different planets, which directly influence the development of relationships.

  • Monday. Although marriage registration authorities usually do not work on Monday, this day is very prosperous for creating love unions, since he is under the auspices of the Moon.
  • Tuesday. In ancient times, it was forbidden to get married on Tuesday because... It was the day of the planet Mars, the patron of war, struggle, and disputes. The church also does not welcome weddings on this day.
  • Wednesday. On this day, a long, lasting marriage will develop, which is facilitated by the energy of the planet Mercury. It is considered the best day for a wedding.
  • Thursday. The ceremony, which took place on Thursday, promises the union prosperity, joy and good luck in relationships, which is patronized by the planet Jupiter.
  • Friday. A successful day for starting a family, since it is patronized by the planet Venus, named after the Roman goddess of love.
  • Saturday. Today is the most popular day to get married. For a long time, people avoided Saturday, considering it an unlucky time for this event. The day is under the auspices of Saturn, which helps to overcome obstacles, difficulties and achieve success. Such a marriage is characterized by strong devotion between the spouses.
  • Sunday. In astrology, this is the day of the Sun, its energy brings warmth, harmony and unity to the family. Weddings in Rus' were celebrated on Sunday and lasted 3 days.

When should you not get married?

Regardless of the day and month of the wedding, Bad sign for a couplegetting married after dark. This portends anxiety and encountering difficulties. You cannot change the date of the wedding ceremony after it has been set, this will result in failure. People avoided the 13th and even numbers; the number 7 was considered lucky.

According to church traditions, it is not recommended to get married on religious holidays (Christmas, Easter, Intercession, Annunciation and others) and during fasting. According to another sign, you cannot get married on the birthday of the bride or groom, as this will bring trials. Superstitious couples fear leap years.

Wedding date about married life (video)

Your wedding date will also tell you what your married life will be like. How to determine, see the following video.

You can get married at any time and day of the year. But to determine the best date for this wonderful event, couples inherit the centuries-old experience of ancient peoples. Signs, numerological calculations, astrological forecasts They will help you choose the wedding date of your dreams and make sure that everything around you and even the planets will contribute to a happy family life.

According to statistics, very few marriages take place in May. Perhaps the couple’s decision is influenced by a well-known folk sign. How to live long and happy life? Does the duration of family life depend on the month of marriage?

If yes, then when is the best time to do it? main step In my life? In what month do you get married?

Let's turn to the signs that tell us what a marriage will be like in a particular month.

The first month of the new year promises quick separation from your spouse and loneliness. According to the sign, newlyweds should not rush into a wedding date and set it immediately after the New Year holidays.

A wedding scheduled for this month predicts long life in peace and harmony. It is not for nothing that Valentine's Day is celebrated in February.

Getting married in the first month of spring means moving and living away from your previous home, or problems with housing for the newlyweds.

A marriage entered into in April is considered uneven, as is the month itself (and snow may fall in April). Happiness will not always please spouses with its presence.

The saying “Toil all your life” is familiar to everyone. It turns out that in Rus' this month was associated not only with a difficult fate, but also with betrayal.

The honeymoon that begins in June will last for the rest of your life! The beginning of summer is perhaps the most successful period for starting a family!

The solemn day, scheduled for July, will retain conflicting memories. There will be joy and sorrow. However, family separation is rare.

An August marriage gives the bride a friend and lover in the person of her husband. It is also considered favorable for marriage.

A wedding in early autumn will give the spouses a quiet and peaceful life. The month guarantees marriage stability and peace.

The family path will be difficult and difficult if the newlyweds decide to legalize their relationship in October. Fortune will test the spouses' strength every now and then. A loving hearts, in turn, it is necessary to stock up on patience and the ability to forgive.

A November marriage will bring wealth and prosperity to the couple. It is believed that November protects young people from financial troubles. Such a couple will never experience need or lack of money.

“The stars rise higher...” is sung in Alsou’s song. And these stars of love will shine brighter every year!

These are the signs. Have you already decided when to set your wedding date?

If the wedding has already taken place, and the month chosen for this was not the most successful, do not panic! You should not take seriously everything that was said in ancient times. Of course, intuitively, subconsciously, we try to follow all the rules and advice. But every rule has its exceptions. And perhaps that exception is you! Smile, give your other half love, charm, just like on the first day you met! And it doesn’t matter what month you got married. The main thing is that you are happy!

During the off-season, many women face the problem of excessive hair loss and brittle nails. This happens because the body does not have enough nutrients and vitamins. Immunity and energy levels decrease. The body prefers to give all its reserves to organs that are more important for life. Hair and nails are not so important by nature; they are even, in some ways, an unnecessary rudiment. They get the crumbs.

Ways to strengthen hair and nails

1. The folk method.

It cannot be called budgetary, but the method is effective. It is better to use after consulting a doctor to exclude the possibility of drug intolerance.

For treatment you will need:

Corvalol – has a calming effect. Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Echinacea – has a beneficial effect on immune system. Improves metabolic processes.

Cinnarizine – affects the functioning of blood vessels in the brain.

Cholenzym – has a choleretic effect. Helps the functioning of the liver and stomach.

Hilak forte - normalizes the intestinal microflora and cleanses it.

Any complex vitamins.

All these medications should be used according to the following regimen: 1 tsp. Echinacea in the morning, 1 vitamin tablet, 1 tbsp. Hilak Forte during meals 2-3 times a day, 1 tablet of Cholenzyme also during meals, and 20 drops of Corvalol and 0.5 tablets of cinnarizine at night, alternate every other day. Take the course for 1 month. Hair will return to its “normal hair loss” and nails will become stronger.

2. The method is logical.

K no less effective ways If you don’t want to take handfuls of pills, change your diet. During this time, it is important to consume as much as possible more products containing zinc, iron, B vitamins.

Iron is necessary so that hair does not weaken and nails do not lose their healthy looking. This microelement is contained in seaweed, buckwheat, mushrooms, legumes - lentils, beans, peas. In combination with fresh vegetables it will actually be a “bomb”. Vitamin C especially promotes the absorption of iron. Therefore, it is excellent to combine spinach, different cabbage and greens.

Zinc reduces hair loss and normalizes fat secretion. This substance is in egg yolk, whole grains, liver, flaxseed.

B vitamins strengthen hair and nails in general. They are found in abundance in foods such as avocados, bananas, yeast, corn, liver, and legumes.

3. The method is cosmetic.

For nails the best option is a Japanese manicure. 3-4 procedures are enough for the nails to become smooth and stop peeling. During sessions, a paste of special staff almond and castor oil, glycerin and beeswax. At this time, it is better to refuse to apply varnish; it is even better to stop using gel polishes, shellac and other similar products.

For hair, strengthening ampoules, dietary supplements, and masks are used. Gentle care also helps. The hair experiences great stress from constant washing, and even more stress from styling. Daily water procedures contribute constant allocation fat This is how the skin tries to restore natural balance. Therefore, you should gradually move to washing as rarely as possible. Serums that normalize fat production will contribute to this. You can alternate between regular and dry shampoo. It helps remove excess sebaceous secretions and does not negatively affect the scalp.

Nails and hair are the main indicators of the health of the whole body. Therefore, at the first signs of destruction, loss, delamination, you should think about it. Ideally, see a doctor and get tested necessary tests and identify the cause. It can be anything from simple stress to serious failures. Therefore, before using any of the methods described, it is better to consult a doctor.

  • Iron. Due to the lack of this microelement, hair becomes weak and thin, and nails lose their healthy pink color. Add iron-rich mushrooms to your menu seaweed, lentils, peas, beans, buckwheat, cocoa, and also meat by-products and egg yolk. It is good to combine them with fresh vegetables. They, especially all types of cabbage, spinach and greens, have a lot of vitamin C, which improves the absorption of iron.
  • Zinc. Normalizes the condition oily skin scalp, reduces hair loss and even eyelashes. More of all this valuable microelement in oysters. And from more available products Zinc is present in liver, whole grains, egg yolks, flax seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and chocolate.
  • B vitamins. Strengthen nails and hair follicles. B3 improves microcirculation in the scalp, improving hair nutrition. B6 stimulates the production of your own keratin. B8 normalizes sebum production. Best sources: yeast (especially beer yeast), tea mushroom, solid oat groats, bananas, avocados, corn, legumes, liver and eggs.
  • Beta carotene. Peeling and itching of the scalp - common symptom the fact that the body lacks this substance, which tends to convert into vitamin A when necessary. To compensate for its deficiency, add pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, sea buckthorn, oranges, tangerines, mangoes, as well as vegetables and herbs to your menu dark green(spinach, sorrel, parsley, celery).
  • Omega-3, vitamins E and D. These substances are found in abundance in oily fish from northern seas, as well as flaxseed, rapeseed and nut oils, seeds and dried fruits. That's why these products make hair softer, reduce breakage and promote natural hydration in the skin.


Many manufacturers offer specialized dietary supplements. For example, Imedeen “Hair Density” or Oenobiol Capillaire Fortifiant. However, they are not the only ones who can improve the situation. “At the end of winter, I take a course of prenatal vitamins every year. Since I started doing this, I have forgotten what seasonal weakening of hair and brittle nails are,” famous Moscow stylist Natalya Kalaus shares her experience.

More activity

Oddly enough, sports and body massage improve the condition of hair. The effect is explained by the fact that they reduce tension in the neck and shoulders, stimulate blood circulation, including in the scalp, which means they improve the access of nutrients and oxygen to the hair, accelerating its growth.

Complex therapy

Unfortunately, hair loss can occur not only due to lack of nutrients. Stress and hormonal imbalancecommon reasons reducing the volume of hair. “In the first case, the hair thins at the temples. In the latter - around the face. And dental diseases can lead to thinning of the occipital region,” explains Le Colon stylist Alya Epryntseva. So if after a month of changing your diet you have not noticed any improvement, you should get tested. Until the real source of the problem is eliminated, cosmetic preparations(for example, ampoules for hair growth) will only have a temporary effect.

Soft care

No matter how gentle modern cleansers are, daily shampooing and especially styling is stressful for hair. This can cause them to become dull, brittle and dry on the ends. "This vicious circle: the more often we use shampoo, the more active they work sebaceous glands. In this way, the skin tries to restore the damaged protective layer,” explains Alya Epryntseva and recommends mixing shampoo with water before application to soften its effect on the skin. Serums that normalize oil secretion (Tonique Vegetal, Leonor Greyl; Complexe Capillaire, Biologique Recherche), as well as dry shampoo will help you gradually switch to washing your hair more rarely: it is good to alternate it with regular shampoo.

Japanese manicure

Weakened nails also need to be treated with care. For a while, it is better to give up varnish and, especially, persistent gel coatings (Shellac, CND; GelColor, OPI, and so on). A course of three to four sessions of Japanese manicure will completely correct the situation. During the procedure, the master rubs it into the nail plate special paste, which contains castor and almond oils, glycerin and beeswax. Nails immediately become stronger, denser and shiny.



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