How to understand that you have seen a prophetic dream. Alex

Many people claim that they dream prophetic dreams. But not everyone understands what it is. Scientists give the following definition of prophetic dreams: these are dreams in which a person can see a situation that could happen in the future in reality. Not all dreams can be called prophetic, and often certain places, events or people are dreamed only because a person is too focused on them.

How to treat such dreams? Are some of the dreams really considered prophetic? How to react to what you dream? All these questions can be answered if you analyze the types of prophetic dreams and understand the nature of their origin.

First of all, you need to understand that prophetic dreams can be both literal and symbolic. Literal dreams are those prophetic dreams whose events are later repeated in reality. The most common example of a literal dream: a person dreamed that he was in an accident, and the next day this incident actually happened to him.

It is much more difficult to deal with so-called symbolic prophetic dreams, since in them the future is presented not directly, but indirectly, that is, in a dream a person is given a certain hint, a symbol that needs to be unraveled.

No matter what a person dreams - be it a nightmare or a happy dream - it is always very difficult to interpret it correctly. And clues to such dreams, as a rule, need to be looked for in dream books. Fortunately, at present the choice of such literature is very wide, so there should be no problems with the interpretation of dreams, if, of course, the dream was prophetic.

In addition to dividing into literal and symbolic, prophetic dreams can also be pseudo-prophetic, doubles, truly prophetic.

Man always wanted to know what awaits him in the future. This desire has been inherent in him since ancient times. In pagan times, as well as during the development of early civilizations and the Middle Ages, people turned to seers and priests to find out what their dreams meant and to receive some guidance for action in the future life. In documentary sources you can find a lot of information that the interpretation of symbols and signs of dreams not only helped ancient people find out whether the hunt would be successful and what kind of harvest they could harvest, but also predicted the real outcome of battles and battles. It is currently impossible to determine whether dream interpreters were people with supernatural powers or simply good psychologists, which could make people believe that all their predictions came true. However, at present, the search for the mystical in symbols and images from dreams continues to remain relevant. People are still trying to find answers to all questions in dreams, perceiving each dream as prophetic.

For example, a girl in a dream sees a flock of pigeons flying away. Waking up, she opens the dream book and sees that such a dream means a quarrel and loss of personal happiness. The girl, quite obviously, is upset, and in the evening she goes on a date with her boyfriend. She has Bad mood, she is silent. The guy is trying to find out what happened and starts asking questions. In the end it all ends in a quarrel. And the girl thinks that her dream turned out to be prophetic. But in reality this is a so-called pseudo-prophetic dream, when, under the influence of a dream, a person programs himself to a certain situation, and in the end the dream seems to come true.

As for the so-called twin dreams, it should be noted that this phenomenon most often occurs among creative people who have completely devoted themselves to their favorite work, and can focus on solving one problem for a long time. There are many examples in history of how creative people in their dreams they drew ideas for creativity and saw their future discoveries. For example, it is known for certain that Pushkin saw rhymes in his dreams, which real life I just couldn’t find the plots of the paintings that Raphael would later recreate in his dreams. Rene Descartes saw the foundations of analytical geometry in a dream. Chemist August Kekula, using dreams with monkeys, managed to describe the cyclic formula of benzene in real life. But the most famous example of a double dream is the discovery of the Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev, who in a dream saw his table of periodic chemical elements.

According to psychologists, the phenomenon of such dreams arises because during wakefulness human brain concentrated as much as possible on some problem. Thus, a pronounced obsession is formed. When a person falls asleep, his brain continues to work by inertia. If during the day a person is distracted by some other problems, the brain is freed in sleep, because external stimuli none. Thus, nothing interferes with his fruitful intellectual work and concentration. That is why all the answers are found that could not be found during the waking period.

One of the most famous is sleep American President Abraham Lincoln. He dreamed of the White House, the coffin that stood under a white cover, as well as the words of the guard that they were burying the American president, who was killed in the theater. 10 days later, a terrorist attack occurred in the theater, after which America truly lost its president.

Another striking example of a truly prophetic dream is the dream of K. Ryleev’s mother. Even as a child, the future poet was very sick, and doctors did not give his mother any hope of curing him. In a dream, Kondratiy’s mother heard a voice that told her that asking for help from Heaven was pointless, since the boy would not live long, but very hard life, and his death will be simply monstrous. After this, the boy quickly began to recover, but the Decembrist’s life was indeed full of hardships, and he was ultimately executed by hanging for attempting to represent the Tsar.

And another illustrative example is Mark Twain’s dream. As a young man, Mark Twain, along with his brother Henry, were apprenticed as pilots on a steamboat called the Pennsylvania. But it happened that Mark got sick, so he missed the flight. In his sleep, he had a dream in which he saw a coffin in the middle of the room, and in the coffin - his brother with a bouquet of white roses and one red rose. The dream was so real and so impressed the future writer that when he woke up, he did not immediately realize that it was a dream. After some time, the brothers began to work on different ships, and a few days later Mark heard about the wreck of the ship on which his brother worked. Mark urgently went to the scene of the accident, but he could no longer help his brother. The bodies of all the dead were in the morgue. It was very difficult to search for my brother’s body, because all the bodies were in identical wooden coffins. And only in the middle of the hall was a single metal coffin, in which Twain saw his brother with a bouquet on his chest. As it turned out, the women were so touched by the beauty young man, that with your own money, buy a metal coffin for him so that the body can be delivered to his relatives. And the woman who put the bouquet in the coffin said that Henry was very similar to her dead son.

Later, neither the poet himself nor the scientists who specialize in dreams could explain whether this was a simple coincidence or a prophetic dream.

There are quite a large number of theories about the nature of dreams. But the theory of John William Dunn is of greatest interest. He constantly had dreams that foreshadowed events in his family. Later he began to see dreams that concerned destinies large quantity of people. According to his theory, the present, past and future occur simultaneously. In a dream, the human consciousness perceives time as if it were a ruler, and can easily cross the boundaries of time. And if a person can learn to use the opportunity to move freely through time, then one can derive great benefit from this not only for oneself, but also for society as a whole.

Scientists, however, have found that not every person can see prophetic dreams. Only very sensitive people with a fine emotional attunement are capable of this. As a rule, in most cases, dreams are gloomy and foreshadow the death of loved ones, disasters and high-profile murders. Less often they can predict joyful events- success in career and weddings.

It is impossible to answer the question of how to relate to prophetic dreams. Such dreams can simply be ignored and modeled after them. real events your life, as well as realize your creative ideas. But in any case, you need to remember that human life is not programmed. And dreams that describe some future events are not a death sentence. What you dreamed about may just be a signal that you need to prepare for trouble and be able to adjust the situation in order to prevent its undesirable outcome.

Useful tips

We often have chaotic dreams that mean nothing.

But dreams can also be prophetic. Thus, higher power trying to warn us about upcoming events, and perhaps even about impending danger.

How can we understand that we had a prophetic dream?

First you need to understand the very concept of a prophetic dream. What it is?

What is a prophetic dream?

Dreams that predict a future event are considered prophetic or prophetic. In your dreams, you may see fragments of the future and have a strong feeling that something bad is about to happen.

Sometimes you will experience in a dream something that is actually about to happen (for example, choking on black smoke or being among people running in panic).

How to understand whether a prophetic dream is true or not?

The fact is that a prophetic dream is not easy to recognize. Typically, you will not know whether a dream is prophetic until the event occurs. Only then will you be able to connect all the puzzles and understand: what appeared to you in a dream was a preview of what was about to happen in reality.

The only way to know for sure whether a dream is prophetic or not is to know your dreams accurately.

They differ only in the obviousness of the prediction - in some dreams the pictures can be clear and easy to remember. However, as a rule, prophetic dreams are veiled messages.

Sometimes in dreams we come to absolutely fantastic non-existent images that have nothing to do with our real life.

To understand what these images convey, you can start keeping a dream journal and carefully monitor what you dream about.

Please note that prophetic dreams are often repetitive.

All you need to do is write down your dreams in detail. Try to do this in the morning, when the memories of the night's sleep are still quite clear and have not had time to dissipate.

It’s enough just to sketch out the plot of the dream in a few keywords or phrases. But if you have time, write down your dream in as much detail and detail as possible.

Then describe the events that happen to you during the day and identify the similarities between reality and dreams.

It is quite possible that some time later, after you start keeping a dream diary, you will be able to trace some coincidences or patterns that will help determine whether the dream was prophetic or not.

It is worth noting that this process is not quick. Here it is important to be patient and be extremely careful.

However, the result may please you: after a while you will receive a reliable tool for predicting future events.

Please note that the more clear and vivid your dream, the more important information it carries within itself.

As a rule, prophetic dreams prophesy to people the events of the coming day, sometimes weeks or months. Try to remember the voices from your dreams. Very often it is voices that convey important information to us.

However, there is no need to unconditionally believe everything that comes to us in dreams. You just need to take this information into account.

Here are the main signs that allow you to understand that the dream is prophetic:

Typically, prophetic dreams are more intense than normal dreams and can push you into a state of emotional urgency.

You may not understand what your dream means, but it still moves you into a state of anxiety and increased excitability.

In addition, your premonitions in dreams are rarely personal and concern only you. As a rule, events that concern other people are predicted in a dream.

Usually a prophetic dream is very powerful, and the sensations it evokes stay with you long after you wake up.

What are prophetic dreams?

Types of Prophetic Dreams

It is important to know that a prophecy in a dream can come to you in different forms:

Through phenomena

Your spirit guide, guardian angel, or deceased loved one may appear in your dreams to tell you about what is about to happen. This can be either a direct message or a message that needs to be decrypted.

Through clairvoyance

You can witness a specific event as if it were happening before your eyes. You can clearly see people's faces, buildings and objects, and events unfolding.

Through sensations

You can feel fear, fright, torment and other emotions that people experience in their dreams. You may also feel energy at the scene of the event shown in the dream.

You may also experience real feeling something. For example, you can clearly smell the smoke, which makes your dream more vivid and real.

Usually, when a danger that is about to happen concerns many other people, you may find that other people have had similar dreams around the same period of time.

Always remember that events in a dream can closely resemble an event that is coming in reality, or they can only be a symbol of something about to happen.

What to do when you have a prophetic dream?

First of all, you need to remain calm and not panic, even if you saw something terrible in your dream. Remember that the future is not fixed by anyone or anything, and even if your dream talks about a bad event in the future, it can still change.

It would be a good idea to turn to specialists. A psychiatrist can clarify your visions and give you a deeper understanding of what your dream may mean.

Since time immemorial, people have believed in the prophetic power of dreams. Dreams have always been of interest to different nations the world, who were looking for interpretation and decoding of future events in dreams.

The Old and New Testaments often mention the apostles and prophets who had prophetic dreams. The most famous case is the moment when an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and informed him that Mary was pregnant from the Holy Spirit.

At the end of the 40s of the twentieth century, it was decided to collect all prophetic dreams, which predict important events in the history of mankind.

For this purpose, the so-called Bureau of Prophetic Dreams . Every day, data on hundreds of dreams were collected in this place, which allegedly predicted various disasters and important events. These events were about to happen in the world.

After more than half a century of operation of this center, specialists carried out statistical analysis. It turned out that there were only about 10 real prophetic dreams that actually predicted global changes in the world.

But the dreams of personal content, stored in the bureau, almost all turned out to be prophetic and eventually came true.

Analysis of ideas about prophetic dreams. Description of techniques for capturing them and processing the information received. Chronology of their arrival. Theory of their origin and possibilities of regulation. Prophetic dreams in history. Images worth paying attention to.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva

Faculty of Primary Schools

Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Primary Education

Do prophetic dreams exist?


Student of group 14

Kuznetsova Tatyana Anatolyevna

Krasnoyarsk 2015


1. Are there prophetic dreams?

2. How to see a prophetic dream?

3. How to recognize a prophetic dream?

4. When do prophetic dreams occur?

5. When do prophetic dreams come true?

6. Theories about where prophetic dreams come from?

7. Prophetic dreams in history

9. What images in a dream should you pay attention to?




Scientists have been wrestling with the problem of whether prophetic dreams actually exist for decades. But their reality has not yet been proven or disproven by science. And yet, the facts are clear. Not only many great minds made their brilliant discoveries and inventions with the help of prophetic dreams, but also many ordinary people saw the future and found answers to exciting questions.

Dreams are a reflection of our unconscious. Prophetic dreams are dreams that carry information about life events unknown to us. They reveal to us things we didn't know about or warn us of impending events.

The phenomenon of prophetic dreams has been described since the dawn of humanity. People of all ages have seen and continue to see prophetic dreams. historical eras and cultures. Dreams are an integral part of human existence, and as long as dreams have existed, there has been an idea that they can foreshadow certain real events and “tell” us about something.

1. Are there prophetic dreams?

If in the old days the possibility of prophetic dreams was not questioned, then in our enlightened age, when many mechanisms of the work of the highest nervous activity person and the peculiarities of the functioning of the psyche, prophetic dreams often cause a skeptical attitude. Sleep time for the brain is an opportunity to unload and process the amount of information received during the current day. Figuratively speaking, with the help of dreams, our brain cleans up our heads and puts everything in its place. At the same time, along the way, he completes what he did not complete while the person was awake.

For example, in a dream, the brain can complete the solution to a problem that a person struggled with during the day. Such a dream may seem like an epiphany (like the periodic table that dreamed of Mendeleev or the dreams of Isaac Newton), but in reality it is the merit of your own brain who continues to work even in his sleep. Such dreams are explained logically, they are worth paying attention to, as they carry useful information to solve those problems that we think about a lot during the day. But esotericists go further and say that dreams are often not just the fruit of the brain, but also mystical windows into other times and even other worlds.

So, do prophetic dreams exist in that very mystical sense? I can safely answer that yes, there are. History has documented many facts related to prophetic dreams that are inexplicable by material theories, and it is impossible to brush them aside.

Why do we have prophetic dreams? During sleep, it is easier to reach our consciousness, since the barriers of our logical control are weakened. This can be used both by our body, showing a prophetic dream about problems of the body, ailments, and by our intuition, showing future events.

2. How to see a prophetic dream?

Many people think about how to induce a prophetic dream. Exist different approaches to achieve the desired effect. You can try to choose yours. Like the characteristics of the psyche, the characteristics of dreams are individual for everyone. Some people have a greater tendency to have prophetic dreams since childhood, others have a lesser tendency. This can only be verified by personal observations.

Keep a dream diary, which will help you not to forget the plot of the dream and in the future track the realization of the dream. Such a diary is also useful for developing your own prophetic symbolic meanings.

To see a prophetic dream, lithotherapists advise placing moonstone, rock crystal, menovite, belomorite, emerald under the pillow or next to the bed. When in contact with a person, these stones improve sleep, drive away nightmares and develop intuition in a person.

Astrologers and palmists call various signs that you initially have the ability to see prophetic dreams. Such signs include the position of Neptune in the natal chart in the constellation Pisces or the Isis line in the palm. The Isis Line is an arc-shaped line from the Mount of Mercury to the Mount of the Moon, and if a person has an island on this line, then the intuition of such people by nature can cause influxes of clairvoyance and telepathy.

In addition to the dream diary, the persistent intention to have a prophetic dream will help you. Before you fall asleep, clearly formulate what you want to see in your dream and what question you want to answer. Fall asleep repeating the question to yourself. If all distractions have been eliminated, the symbolic answer will come on the first night. If you don't succeed right away, try again. One of the next nights, your “order” will be completed, and you will see a prophetic dream. The development of this ability is quite amenable to training.

3. How to recognize a prophetic dream?

Dreams most often take a symbolic form. It is very rare that the message is read directly. The language of dreams is the language of metaphors. This is precisely why dream books exist as collections of the most typical symbols. For example, if a sick person dreams of swimming in clean water, this portends an improvement in well-being. A dream in which a dog dreams is most often dedicated to a friend or a person who is close to you. Snakes in a dream warn of danger and treachery in your environment.

These are the most general examples. The meanings of dream books contain generally accepted, collective metaphors of the unconscious, but each person’s system of images is slightly different, so it is better to develop your own system. Moreover, the symbolic system of different nations differs, and if you ask which dream book to trust more, I will say that a dream book from a Russian-speaking compiler deserves more trust than a Western one.

As you observe your dreams, you will not only develop your own system of symbols, but also learn how to understand that the dream is prophetic. Such dreams are usually very different from ordinary dreams. They are memorable, they evoke powerful emotions. They are bright and metaphorical. Their plot often stands out from the fabric of everyday life. For example, if after a fantasy movie you dream about elves at night, this will be a continuation of your brain working on the impressions received. But bright, not connected, at first glance, with everyday life the dream should attract your attention.

4. When do prophetic dreams occur?

Prophetic dreams very often occur before major religious holidays, especially on Maundy Thursday before Easter. In general, the days of prophetic dreams are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Dreams about deceased loved ones and relatives often occur before their anniversaries as reminders to us to remember them or give to the poor for them.

Days when prophetic dreams occur are tied by astrologers to lunar calendar. You yourself can check the consistency of your dreams and the observations of astrologers from your own experience. According to the postulates of Avestan astrology, prophetic dreams occur on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 24th, 28th lunar days. "Empty dreams", as a rule, come on the 2nd, 9th, 13th lunar day. However, an important dream at the level of revelations can occur on any day. If fate wants to show you this dream, no lunar day will stop it.

5. When do prophetic dreams come true?

When asked when prophetic dreams come true, experts in this field answer differently. As a rule, the implementation period is three days. Depending on the lunar phases, the period may vary in one direction or another. For example, dreams on the first lunar day tend to come true within a month, and dreams seen on the last lunar day come true very quickly.

Prophetic dreams on lunar days after the full moon (as a rule, the full moon is the 16th lunar day) are long-term, and dreams before the full moon are short-term.

Prophetic dreams are very individual. Watch them, listen to them, analyze them - and soon you will gain very useful tool, which will help you in life.

6. Theories about where prophetic dreams come from

Conventionally, we can divide them into two groups. The first will include ideas that are somewhat mystical. Those that are refuted by official science. But, nevertheless, they have many supporters. So, the first group.

The most controversial in the prosaic realities of today's world. It says that when we sleep, the soul travels to other worlds, spaces and there it finds answers to questions and brings news about the future. Indeed, since ancient times, people believed that during sleep the soul leaves the body and goes to unknown places and spaces. And now the idea is widespread that the soul and body can be separated, not only during sleep, but also while awake, for example, during meditation.

The second theory, also today disputed by convinced skeptics. This is the idea that some otherworldly forces bring information of interest to a person during sleep. They are called differently, guardian angels, spirits... They give answers to pressing questions for a person and warn about upcoming good and bad events. The second group of theories are those that are recognized to one degree or another by scientists: not only professional psychologists, but also by doctors who have a very distant relationship with psychology.

There is a widespread idea that there is some kind of information-energy field around us. And this field-space contains information about everything that happened, what is happening and should happen. And we, as part of this space, are connected to it. Accordingly, a prophetic dream is nothing more than information entering our consciousness from this energy field. But then the question arises, why are our dreams not always prophetic, why do we not know everything that is happening around us, with our loved ones, and what is about to happen? The fact is that in order to receive information, certain conditions must be maintained, the most important of which is our readiness to perceive it. Our consciousness must be open and not “stupefied” by alcohol, nicotine, drugs, stress, anxiety, etc.

The most common theory is that the brain needs dreams not in order to rest (after all, as we understand, its work continues during sleep), but in order to assimilate, process, “realize” all the information that has been received and accumulated ... This is how scientists explain the existence of prophetic dreams. For example, if you are thinking about a problem and cannot come to a solution, then during sleep your brain will not stop solving it. But he will do it differently. He will focus only on this problem, eliminate everything unnecessary and come to a logical conclusion. It is not for nothing that many discoveries and inventions were made “in a dream.” In this case, sleep is a way to concentrate and abstract from unnecessary facts. Doctors also agree that with the help of dreams you can learn about certain diseases shortly before the first signs of their manifestation. There have been cases when the future patient some time before the incident (for example, the discovery serious problems with the liver), talked about his dreams where he was attacked, and he received a knife blow precisely in the liver. But scientists do not give such facts a mystical interpretation, but rather scientific explanations.

For example, if the body is sick, then the cells are already injured and the mechanism of the disease has been launched, but its consequences are not yet so destructive that a person can feel the results destructive action. However, there is already a signal that the human brain receives about problems in the body, and during sleep it transmits this information. But the problem is that he does not convey it literally, but encrypted, in the form of symbols and metaphors: a knife blow to the liver, a blow to the head with a heavy object, a snake biting the neck, etc.

Another theory, which is related to the two described above, says that prophetic dreams as such do not exist. For example, it is not known or predetermined that a particular person will be injured by falling down the stairs. But a loved one dreams that something bad happens to him. And after a while the first one actually falls down the stairs. But the dream was far from being an omen, but just a signal from the psyche. The one who fell down the stairs Lately worries a lot about work, has become absent-minded, does everything in a hurry. A person close to him noticed changes in behavior and is very worried about him. During sleep, he continues to “think” about the first thing and assumes that if things continue like this, then the person dear to him may certainly find himself in an unpleasant situation.

Those. The fact of coincidence is obvious. But there is one more point. If we accept as true the idea that a person’s thoughts are material (and that same energy-information field exists), then the second person with his fears only escalated the situation even more, constantly warning the first one about possible danger. Which didn’t take long to arrive.

So, it turns out that there are two groups of so-called “prophetic dreams”. The first category includes those dreams that do not require “deciphering”. They see events (good or bad) that are about to happen in the future. A striking example, the dreams of Titanic passengers before the disaster. Under the influence of such dreams or simply an unpleasant premonition, some people handed over their tickets and remained alive. In relation to such situations, the most difficult thing is to answer the question of whether prophetic dreams actually exist, because the facts are clear, but admitting that a person “felt” the future is not so easy...

Such events, perhaps, can be explained by the first group of theories or the idea of ​​a single energy field. The second group of dreams is encrypted. They do not provide solutions to the most complex mathematical problems and the impending catastrophe is not visible, but there are certain symbols that can be interpreted in one way or another. Psychologists have been studying such dreams for a long time. But, unfortunately, owners of such dreams often fall into the trap of scammers who try to interpret what they see without sufficient knowledge and abilities.

It is unlikely that science will be able to say for sure whether a prophetic dream can actually exist in the coming years, or maybe even decades. There are so many people, so many opinions, so it’s up to you to choose whether, when you wake up, you think about what you just saw in your dream, or brush off your night dreams with your hand and blithely go to work...

7. Prophetic dreams in history

A survey conducted among a population sample of 1,600 people revealed that people who mostly do not have dreams believe in prophetic dreams. higher education, low-income people living in rural areas, women (2.2 times more than men). I do not belong to any of the named categories of citizens, but I firmly believe that prophetic dreams still exist. Several years ago, I had a prophetic dream. I will not give details of this unpleasant dream in the article, but when I woke up, I was sure that my grandmother had died in Yaroslavl. And it turned out to be true.

Historians have recorded many examples of prophetic dreams. So, Ryleev’s mother, when her child fell ill, heard a voice in a dream that asked her not to pray to God for her son’s recovery, because his life would be difficult and his death would be terrible. But she only dreamed of her child getting better. The fate of Ryleev is known to everyone, and it ended with his hanging in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

The dream of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov is widely known - for a long time he could not solve a difficult problem. And when he fell asleep, a man came to him and helped him with the decision. When Mikhail Lermontov woke up, he wrote down the decision and drew a portrait of the man who came to him. It turned out that it was a portrait of John Napier, who invented logarithms in the 17th century. And although Mikhail Lermontov lived two centuries later than John Napier, he had never seen a portrait of this man, or even heard of him.

It was also said that Lincoln, shortly before his death, had a dream foreshadowing this event. He dreamed of a coffin solemnly guarded in the White House. And when he approached the guard to ask whose coffin it was, he answered him - “The President was killed. In the theatre". Ten days after this dream, Lincoln was shot and killed in a theater.

Such examples can be given endlessly, but what do scientists think about the nature of sleep and whether dreams can be prophetic?

8. How can I see prophetic dreams more often and is it possible to regulate them?

There are four modes of operation of our brain according to the frequency of oscillations.

The first is called beta mode - it is 18-30 hertz. This is the mode in which we see very well the world, we can think, read... But we practically do not communicate with our unconscious

The second is alpha mode 8-18 hertz. In this state we begin to connect with the primary unconscious.

The third is the tetta mode 4-8 hertz. This is a connection with the deep layers of the unconscious. For most of us it is not available. We do not know how to enter it consciously.

And finally, the fourth delta mode is a connection with the collective unconscious or, as it is also called, with the cosmic Internet. Delta corresponds to sleep. And you need to go through a lot of meditative training to learn how to maintain awareness in the delta state. This is where the real magic comes in!

Followers of Carlos Castaneda are confident that after a year of training, you can learn to look into the future, answering your troubling questions. Learn lucid dreaming when we are in complete control of all our dreams - the aerobatics of our psyche is capable of making us magicians.

9. What images in a dream are worth paying attention to?

1. It doesn’t hurt to pay attention to your health if you keep having unusual dreams. For example, bad but at the same time vivid images appear in dreams that have not appeared before. This may be a feeling of suffocation, being chased, a desire to hide, and so on.

2. Recurring dreams. If a person “scrolls” the same plot, it is possible that the subconscious is trying to draw his attention to an event that he overlooked or some important unnoticed detail.

At the same time, scientists claim that every person can see a prophetic dream at least once in his life. Significant important dreams a person usually remembers well after waking up. He then tries to understand, comprehend, and interpret them.

That is, in essence, a person conducts an independent psychoanalysis of his actions. Vivid, memorable dreams help many people better understand themselves.


Children under one year of age have direct contact with angels - it is believed that in their dreams they see all of their later life. It’s a pity that children cannot tell adults about this or remember the predictions.

Religious holidays have special power: It is believed that the greatest likelihood of having a prophetic dream is during Christmas or Epiphany week. To others church holidays prophetic dreams come true before lunch.

There are whole theories for calculating prophetic dreams based on the dates of the month. Some of them take into account not only the calendar month, but also the lunar month, but our ancestors believed that prophetic dreams often occur on the third day.

Those who believe that predictions can be obtained every week, with special attention should take into account what you dream from Thursday to Friday, especially on Great Friday.

It is noticed that morning dreams brighter than daytime, evening and night. It is believed that the soul that has moved away from the body receives information from subtle world, and therefore it is the most correct.

Some people believe that they do not dream at all, but this is not true. Scientists have proven that dreams come to everyone at night, but not everyone remembers them. To remember a dream, you need to make some effort: immediately recall all the dreamed images in your memory, or sleep lightly (for example, on a hard pillow). There are also mystical ways not to “lose” your dreams: go to bed on your right side or bite the corner of your pillow after sleep. Try it, maybe it works!

prophetic dream information


1. Alex. Prophetic dreams

2. Demina A. Do prophetic dreams really exist // Alika Demina

3. Do prophetic dreams exist?//KOLIZEO.

4. Prophetic dreams exist // informational portal about the unknown world “That’s it!”

5. Prophetic dream//Dream book.

6. Do prophetic dreams exist? // Get a

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    General concepts about attention. The main functions of attention: direction, concentration, depth in activity, control and regulation of activity. Forms of attention: intellectual attention, sensory attention, motor attention.

    abstract, added 11/25/2002

    Characteristics of imagination as a process of transformation of ideas, its role in mental activity. Individual characteristics of imagination differentiation, the main stages of its development. Mechanisms for processing ideas into imaginary images.

    abstract, added 06/23/2015

    Study of the process of creative transformation of ideas that reflect reality. Imagination as a way of understanding the external world. Study of the types and functions of imagination. Review of mechanisms for processing ideas into imaginary images.

    presentation, added 04/03/2017

    Definition of memory as the highest mental process. The essence and relationship of imprinting, storing, forgetting, reproducing, recognizing. Mnestic processes, forms of their organization and individual characteristics. Physiological basis of ideas.

    abstract, added 05/14/2009

    Stages of development of ideas about the subject of psychology. Branches of psychology and methods psychological research. World mental phenomena: processes, properties, states and formations. Exteroceptive sensations, voluntary attention, memory and memorization.

    test, added 05/13/2010

    Attention is a selective focus on an object and concentration on it, depth in cognitive activity directed at the object. The main types of attention are involuntary or reflexive and voluntary attention.

    abstract, added 01/18/2009

    The essence of attention physiological basis. The concept of attention in psychology. Voluntary and involuntary attention. Types, basic properties, development of concentration in junior schoolchildren. The ability to voluntarily direct and maintain attention.

    abstract, added 11/15/2008

    Theory social ideas. Features of the student group. Analysis of students' ideas about their own group at different stages of training. The relationship between the socio-psychological climate and the content of students’ ideas about their own group.

The concept of “prophetic dreams” implies dreams in which a person can see a certain event that after some time happens in real life. Since ancient times, people have taken this phenomenon very seriously, but there is still no reliable answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur. Of course, not every dream is true. Also, you should not equate with them various symbols and images, which can be interpreted in completely different ways.

A true prophetic dream is considered very a rare occurrence. More often, a person, having seen a certain image, tries to fit it to reality, and if any coincidences arise, he begins to consider the dream true. As a rule, only selected people who devote their entire lives to a specific cause manage to see prophetic dreams. In fact, their brain gets used to it over time and, as it were, tunes in to a specific wave; a kind of obsession appears in its activity, which is reflected in dreams. This is how artists see their future masterpieces in their dreams, scientists see important scientific discoveries, etc.

What causes them?

To understand various aspects of this interesting phenomenon, as well as to answer the main question of why prophetic dreams occur, a lot of research has been carried out. It was possible to find out that the prediction seen is always associated with the part of the brain that is responsible for emotional manifestations. The clearest and clearest dreams are for people of a creative nature, as well as for those who practice various meditative techniques and yoga.

As for the question of when exactly true dreams come, there is also no exact answer. There are quite a few folk beliefs, according to which, a prophetic dream can be seen on certain days of the week, for example on the night from Thursday to Friday or from Monday to Tuesday, or in some specific phase of the moon. IN ancient Rus' people believed that true predictions dream about baptism, but Catholics believe that such dreams always come at Christmas. There is also a theory that says that the greatest probability of seeing true dreams occurs on days when there is an energetic imbalance, such as the full moon or the summer or winter solstice.

Types of dreams

Prophetic dreams can be literal or symbolic. Literal dreams are always easy to interpret, and the events seen in them are repeated in detail in real life. It is much more difficult to analyze symbolic images, which can also predict the future, but not directly, but indirectly.

And although the nature of prophetic dreams is still poorly understood, they can all be divided into three groups, the first of which will include dreams associated with human activities, which she is engaged in most of her time. History knows many examples when poets saw their poems in their dreams, composers create melodies, engineers find new ideas for projects, etc. Such dreams can be easily explained by the fact that the human brain is heavily loaded with certain information. Even when distracted by extraneous matters, consciousness continues to concentrate on a specific activity or a specific idea. When a person sleeps, he is in complete silence in a state of rest, and it is at this moment that consciousness can give out an idea or solution to a problem that could not have been born before.

To some extent, those dreams that come true by the will of the person himself can also be classified as prophetic. We can simply believe that the dream we had is true and carry it out ourselves. It is also related to brain activity.

The third group is the most interesting and mysterious, because it includes those dreams that can be associated with the real gift of clairvoyance. Such dreams are seen by people with a very fine mental organization and emotional sphere. No one can reliably explain the ability to see the future in a dream, but, nevertheless, similar phenomenon exists.


Many people try not to show their true interest in dreams, but once they have seen a prophetic dream, they radically change their worldview. But how can you understand when dreams are truly prophetic? They can be recognized by the following criteria:

Astrologers claim that such true dreams are a solution to future or existing problems, which is suggested to a person by some higher mind.


The interpretation of dreams can only be appropriate when they do not concern truly exciting issues. this moment problems or events. If you go to bed on full stomach in a poorly ventilated room, it is quite natural that you may have nightmares, which in essence mean nothing and do not portend anything. Also, prophetic dreams cannot be dreamed and in a state alcohol intoxication or as a result of taking any psychotropic drugs and other medications. True dreams occur only under normal conditions when feeling good. Often they are in no way connected with present reality, therefore, upon waking up, a person cannot build any logical chains in order to somehow interpret your own dreams.

In fact, dream books are not needed to interpret dreams, but the internal state of the person himself, his emotions, feelings, and intuition are important. Astrologers believe that when trying to understand the meaning of a particular dream, it is necessary to take into account the day on which it was dreamed, the phase of the moon and other factors. Often true dreams occur at a time in life when a person is experiencing some difficulties or going through serious changes. It is important to note that even unpleasant or downright scary prophetic dreams should not be taken too seriously and turned into obsession, since this is just a tiny part of a person’s future, which can be interpreted in different ways, because a dream reflects, first of all, the internal state of the individual.

The most striking examples

The history of mankind knows many examples when someone managed to see a dream that was truly prophetic and significant in all respects. If you turn to the Bible, you can remember Joseph, to whom an angel came in a dream and ordered him to take Mary, pregnant with Jesus, to his house. Hecuba also had a prophetic dream. She dreamed that she gave birth to a torch that burned the entire city. To prevent the dream from coming true, her newborn son Paris was left far in the mountains, but he grew up and returned to Troy, meeting the beautiful Helen there. Further events are known - a brutal war broke out, and the city was completely burned.

Also of interest is the incident that occurred with the President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, who received a prophecy about his own death in a dream. Exactly ten days before his death, he dreamed of a coffin under the state one, standing in the middle of the hall in the White House. It was the funeral of the country's president.

An interesting fact is that many of the greatest scientists and artists saw prophetic dreams and found inspiration in them to make scientific discoveries and creativity. One can immediately recall the case when Dmitry Mendeleev managed to see a table of chemical elements in a dream. We can recall other great examples: the writer Dante dreamed of the plot of his famous “Divine Comedy”, the mathematician Turing saw the diagram and created the first computer based on it, the composer Tartini wrote “The Devil’s Sonata”, also inspired by the plot of his dream.


Many people are interested in the question of how and when this can be done. In ancient times, people performed special rituals to attract true dreams. In fact, anyone can try to do this by doing a few simple rules psychological preparation:

  • before going to bed, it is useful to meditate to relax, clear your thoughts and concentrate as much as possible on the desired object;
  • it is also important to correctly formulate the desire in your mind, because even scientists do not deny the materiality of thoughts, the main thing is that they are clearly formulated;
  • trying to induce prophetic dreams, you can light pleasant incense in the room, you must go to bed alone;
  • if you see true dream If you succeed, it is advisable to remember it well, so that you can then try to interpret it correctly. There are also special techniques for remembering images seen.

The human mind, as well as memory, rests during sleep, which explains why it can be so difficult to remember one’s own dream. Interestingly, prophetic dreams are usually so clear and vivid that they are practically not forgotten. If a person tries to invoke a true dream intentionally, he needs to learn to remember it. To do this, you can keep a kind of dream diary, in which you will need to record in detail each of the dreams you have and be sure to date them. You need to enter information into your diary immediately after waking up to make sure you don’t forget anything. Subsequently, it will be possible to compare events occurring in life with your own dreams and understand whether any of them were truly prophetic.

Do you know how much of a person's life he spends sleeping? Yes, that's right, third. Do you know how much of brain research is devoted to how it works during sleep? Abroad - the same third. Ours is approximately two percent. Meanwhile, this is an area in which...

Do you know how much of a person's life he spends sleeping? Yes, that's right, third. Do you know how much of brain research is devoted to how it works during sleep? Abroad - the same third. Ours is approximately two percent. Meanwhile, this is an area in which a real scientific boom and a cascade of unexpected discoveries are predicted in the 21st century.

I’m talking with a Doctor of Biological Sciences, head of the laboratory of neurobiology of sleep and wakefulness. It was just, in 2007, created at the academic Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IVDNiNF RAS).

This man could rightfully be called the “grandson” of academician Ivan Pavlov, since he was the last graduate student of his student, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Ezras Asratyan, founder of the Institute of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences. But he took a different path, passing through the junction where the study of the neutrophysiology of the brain and the patterns of our consciousness and subconscious interact with each other.

By the way, in the late 80s he was the head of the development of the first domestic computer electroencephalograph. And in 2001 he organized a school-conference for young scientists “Sleep - a window into the waking world”, which this year, for the fourth time, was held under his leadership.

My interlocutor is Vladimir Dorokhov.

- Vladimir Borisovich! The brain is an immense topic. What are the coordinates of your laboratory there?

The brain is truly vast, like the Universe itself. We specifically deal with the neurophysiology of sleep, the study of people’s consciousness during sleep and during the transitions to sleep and awakening.

For ten years, approximately from 1991, timelessness reigned in Russia in this area. The world was growing chain reaction experiments with impressive results in practice, and we preached the idea of ​​either “the sleep of the mind, giving rise to monsters”, or the complete shutdown of the “resting” brain (there is supposedly nothing to study in it except unconscious “noises”).

- This is wrong?

Not like that, of course! The brain in this very “blackout” is fraught with the possibility of great discoveries (from the periodic table to poetic pearls born in a dream), and considerable prognostic potential (the same “prophetic dreams”).

At one time I talked with academician P.V. Simonov about discoveries in sleep and “prophetic dreams”. He polufgal: such a dream is a consequence, and the cause is ours life choice. Life is a chain of choices. And each leads to certain events. But most often we don’t realize it. And the brain working in a dream shows the result...

Pavel Vasilyevich believed that in a dream the brain is more independent of external circumstances. And those options for future events that during the day are rejected by us as tertiary due to stereotypes, prejudices and other reasons, in a dream, when the work of the subconscious intensifies (Freud called sleep the royal road to the subconscious), will appear as significant and even decisive. And when we wake up, we receive this “new” information in the form of a “prophetic dream.”

I agree with this in principle. But recently, more and more reliable data has been accumulating, demonstrating the phenomenal accuracy of some “prophetic dreams”. There is a known case when a journalist saw a volcanic eruption in a dream and wrote about it in the newspaper. And soon it actually happened. But - the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, and not the one whose name the newspaperman dreamed about. He was accused of creating another “day”. However, it turned out that he dreamed of the ancient name Krakatoa!

On the other hand, when it comes to the predictive capabilities of the brain working in sleep, experimental data increasingly speaks of ambiguity, the complexity of the interaction of random and natural, of various factors - both dependent and independent of our life choices.

- Have you become interested in the nature of sleep and dreams since childhood, as soon as you started seeing these same dreams?

No, what are you talking about! At first, after graduating from the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University, he was a “classical” neurophysiologist. But at the IVNDiNF RAS I found myself in a favorable “nurturing” environment. Thanks to Academician P.V. Simonov and his scientific school, supported by the current leaders of the institute, in our country, perhaps, for the first time in the country, human consciousness, including at its border with the subconscious, became the subject of deep and systematic research.

In 1991, Japanese professor E. Hiroshige came to us to study... napping. Since I had one of the first computer electroencephalographs we created for brain mapping, the Japanese began to work on it. Every evening we discussed the results obtained. Performed in Japan in 1993 working together. Since then, the borderland between sleep and wakefulness has been an area of ​​particular interest to me. Here, the latest fundamental knowledge about the brain and promising applied problems come into close contact.

- What do you have in mind?

Our research, for example, helps reduce the number of accidents in transport. After all, the “sleep of reason” gives birth not only to “monsters,” but also to numerous road accidents. Too often they happen due to the “switching off” of the driver or driver, the fading of their indicative reaction. The reason may be “lack of sleep”, monotony, monotony of the road, and, conversely, receiving unexpected information. In most cases, a person does not feel the moment of transition to sleep from a drowsy state, when, as it seems to him, he is still in control of the situation.

The modern equipment that our laboratory has allows us to record this moment with an accuracy of a fraction of a second. Based on the experiments conducted, the research and production company Neurocom (it was created by neurophysiologist V. Shakhnarovich and MIPT graduates who worked at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) designed a device to monitor the level of wakefulness of railway drivers.

This is a bracelet worn on the hand. When falling asleep there is an unconscious transition from waking to drowsy state consciousness, the indicative galvanic skin reaction fades away. When the fading reaches dangerous level, a sharp beep sounds. For it to stop, the driver must stand up and press the button. But if it does not respond to the signal, the brakes are automatically applied. Where this device has been implemented, the number of accidents has dropped sharply. Work is currently underway on a similar system for vehicles.

In the same vein, there are experiments that scientifically document the relationship between road accidents and driver conversations on mobile phones. American researchers say that such conversations are more dangerous than a strong cocktail drunk before the road. According to representatives of Rosgosstrakh, up to a quarter of road accidents that occur through Insurance companies, could not have happened if it had not been telephone conversations behind the wheel.

We took part in an experiment conducted this summer by JSC Neurocom and the company mobile communications Beeline. It used an in-vehicle version of the device to monitor the level of wakefulness, to study the effect of talking on a cell phone on the concentration of drivers. Result: in nine out of ten subjects, approximately 50 seconds after the start of the conversation, the devices noted a weakening of the attention function.

You led the development of our country's first computerized electroencephalographic equipment for brain research. Others followed you. The Americans declared 1990–2000 the decade of brain research and invested a lot of money in the development of various tomographs. So what do we have today?

Now you can see with your own eyes which areas of the brain are active at certain mental states what type of neurons are responsible for this activity. Our brain becomes aware of the signal it receives literally within hundreds of milliseconds. Now these speeds are also available to scientific equipment. Modern functional magnetic resonance imaging scanners are able to “see” the changing activity of various parts of the brain at the speed of real mental processes.

Many years ago, scientists from the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPEE) Lev Mukhametov and Alexander Supin established: dolphins never completely sleep. If one half of their brain is asleep, the other is awake. And vice versa. People don't have that. But a seesaw-like, wave-like change of different stages of sleep is observed. Isn't there a potential here for strengthening the restorative role of sleep?

Lurking. The rhythmic alternation of different stages of sleep - slow, when brain activity is deeply inhibited, and paradoxical, in which the brain actively works and which is the cradle of all dreams, has long been established. It is known that during the night the brain, as if on a swing, goes through 5–6 such cycles in succession, alternating between slow and paradoxical stages of sleep. But the in-depth study of these phases, which has begun in recent years, may bring no less surprises than the remarkable discovery of unihemispheric sleep in dolphins that you remembered.

For example, a series of experiments conducted by us together with colleagues from other institutes V. Loginov and V. Kovalzon allowed us to hypothesize that brain recovery after a stroke occurs in the paradoxical stage of sleep. If the hypothesis is confirmed, it is possible that it will be possible to influence this restoration by activating paradoxical sleep.

In a word, in addition to the treatment of various diseases, even the most severe ones, by medicinal, therapeutic and surgical methods, sleep treatment can also be added. And not as side branches, which has long been practiced, but as one of the main areas of healing. These are all the tasks of somnology, which is not yet on the official lists of scientific specialties, and sleep medicine, which is also not in our health care registers.



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