What affects blood pressure? High lower pressure requires a thorough examination. What kind of blood pressure is there?

It's no secret that hypertension is one of the most common diseases of our century. This is humanity’s payment for the abnormal rhythm of life, endless stress, physical and mental stress, passion for fast food, poor quality food and drinks. The Land of Soviets will tell you how to recognize the symptoms of high blood pressure, the causes of hypertension, what to do with high blood pressure How to help yourself using simple and effective methods.

Arterial hypertension is a disease in which the arterial pressure. This occurs due to the narrowing of blood vessels, which react with spasm to physical activity, changes in weather, powerful emotions, stress. If high pressure remains constant, this inevitably has a destructive effect on the blood vessels.

At the very beginning of the disease, the symptoms of hypertension are very similar to ordinary fatigue. Dizziness may sometimes occur headache, memory impairment. These symptoms disappear after rest or sleep. A person lives for years without paying attention to such changes in his body. But over time, the symptoms of hypertension become stronger and stronger: redness of the face, tinnitus, spots in front of the eyes, swelling on the face in the morning.

Almost any person can develop hypertension, but people with overweight, with a hereditary predisposition to this disease, as well as persons who are in constant nervous tension.

Nowadays, the image of a typical hypertensive patient has become significantly younger, in contrast to the representative of this disease in the last century. Approximately 35% of the working population suffers from hypertension. Therefore, the role of prevention and healthy image life. And even if signs of high blood pressure appear only occasionally, it is better to know what to do if you have high blood pressure and take action now.

What actions to take if you have high blood pressure

First of all, in no case should you self-prescribe medication for high blood pressure. Only a doctor should do this. But, if you approach treatment comprehensively, you can also help yourself.

Start exercising- they should bring pleasure. Do it every day hiking on fresh air. Don't sit endlessly in front of the TV or computer.

Reset overweight . Fat people are always at risk of developing hypertension three times more often than people of normal weight. The only reason is that excess weight leads to an increase in blood volume, which means overloading the heart. The result is high blood pressure.

Reduce intake in your diet table salt . Salt retains fluid in the body, and therefore maintains high blood pressure.

Change your usual diet: Reduce your consumption fatty foods, sugar, smoked meats, coffee; give up snacks and fast foods. (Experiments showed that after two weeks of eating fast foods, even healthy people had high blood pressure and a significant increase in body weight). Eat fish, cabbage, bananas, raisins, and garlic more often.

If you quit smoking, you will reduce potential danger hypertensive crises. Also do not abuse alcoholic beverages. The causes of hypertension are largely due to bad habits.

Let love into your heart! Don't take everything to heart. Avoid conflicts and approach them philosophically. Enjoy every little thing, always keep a friendly mood with you. Read good classic books, find something to do, a hobby that you enjoy. Positive emotions are removed muscle tension, which, in turn, helps normalize blood pressure

Integrated with drug treatment, You can also try treatment of hypertension with folk remedies:

  • eat salads daily raw carrots during two months;
  • take a tablespoon of honey three times a day for two months (you can take honey with milk);
  • drink dill infusion (2 tsp of crushed dill seeds, pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, strain after 10 minutes). The infusion should be drunk within two days. You can grind the seeds and eat them 1 tsp. 3 times a day, with a small amount of water;
  • berries chokeberry will help reduce blood pressure if you consume 100 g of them three times a day half an hour before meals;
  • berries are very useful black currant and raspberries, as well as grains;
  • During the ripening season, eat more strawberries and tomatoes.

There is one more unusual recipe lowering high blood pressure, but it must be used carefully, because it can sharply lower blood pressure: moisten a folded cotton napkin or towel with 6% apple cider vinegar, lay it out on the floor, laying polyethylene under it, place your heels on it. After 10 minutes, check your pressure, if everything is normal, stop the procedure, or, if necessary, repeat again.

Prevention and treatment of hypertension is first and foremost taking care of your health. You must get used to this lifestyle where there is healthy eating, lungs physical exercise, movement, positive emotions and joy. And, most importantly, you now know what the symptoms of hypertension are, its causes, and what measures to take if you have high blood pressure.

Be healthy!

Most people will answer this question straight away: normal blood pressure of course it is 120 by 70 mm Hg. Blood pressure above 120/70 is considered elevated.

Right? Yes and no. The numbers 120/70 are real good, ideal pressure. If you are young, if you are 20 years old, you don't have a gram excess weight, and if you are training to be an astronaut.

But if you are 30-35 years old, or a little overweight, or don’t move much, then your normal blood pressure is 130/80. Although 120/70 is also good, even better. But there is absolutely no need to worry about the difference of plus or minus 10 units.

Well, what about the “terrible” 140/90? Is this a lot or not?

At 20 years old, 140/90 is really too much. This indicates a tendency to high blood pressure, a tendency to hypertension. But this is not a disaster yet. I repeat, at 20 years old 140/90 is only a harbinger of possible future troubles.

But at the age of 40 and older, 140/90 is the norm! Normal pressure! Moreover, this is the ABC, they teach this in the second year of medical school!

After all, over the years pressure rises almost any person, especially if he is not a blessed Buddhist monk living high in the mountains. And already in the second year of medical institutes, future doctors are taught that starting from 40-45 years old, blood pressure is considered normal: 130/80 - 140/90.

And you need to bring down the pressure only if it has risen above 150/90 or 150/100.

Apparently, someone is studying at the institute carelessly. Or too zombied by representatives of pharmaceutical companies. And, having become a doctor, former student forgets what he was taught in medical school.

“Oh,” he says to his 50-year-old patient, “your reading is 140/90, you need to take pills urgently. Otherwise, horror-horror-horror!

Let me clarify. Because of 140 to 90 there will be no horror. None. And there is no need to knock down 140/90. And it’s not even necessary to knock down 150/90. Especially if your body tolerates them calmly.

Now, if the pressure has risen to 160, and especially if it continues to rise, it is worth taking action. But you don’t have to take pills right away; there are other options. We will talk about them below.

In the meantime, let’s answer the following question (even several questions at once):

Are you sure you know your blood pressure? Are you sure you know how to measure blood pressure correctly? And doctors - do they always measure blood pressure correctly?
Somehow we got too many questions at once. Not good. Let's try to summarize all these questions into one.

A home weather station allows you to find out the current weather outside, as well as make a forecast - regardless of other sources of information. Our test laboratory received the Ea2 EN209 weather station, which consists of two components. You will find out all the details in our review.

Characteristics of weather station Ea2 EN209
Products webpage Manufacturer's official website

Main unit: 0.3°C, ~5%

External sensor: 0.2 °C, ~5%


Main unit: DC power supply / 3 AAA batteries

External sensor: 2 AAA batteries


Weather station: 179 x 127 x 27 mm

Remote sensor: 65 x 84 x 18 mm

Signal transmission range 30 m
Operating temperature range

Main unit: -9.9 °C …+50 °C

External sensor: -40 °C …+50 °C

Price 4.5 thousand rubles


  • Weather station EN209
  • Stand
  • Remote sensor BL999
  • Network adapter
  • 1 year warranty card
  • User guide


EN209 arrived to us in a large box containing a photo of the device, as well as the most important specifications(humidity measurement, atmospheric pressure, weather forecast for the next 12 hours).

The station looks stylish - a frame made of black glossy plastic, a black display, contrasting numbers are clearly visible from afar. The compact arrangement of data on the screen allows you to quickly navigate to the desired values.

The screen is made of easily soiled glossy plastic, the back panel is made of matte. The weather station is assembled tightly. All controls are on the rear panel, except for the button that controls the backlight and snooze alarm.

It is possible to place the EN209 on the wall (an excellent solution with a network adapter). The delivery set includes a silver stand with magnets - with it the station is quite stable on horizontal surfaces.

Weather forecast

The forecast is quite accurate. The weather station records the minimum and maximum values.

The pictograms are clear (clear, partly cloudy, cloudy, rain, snow), but the predictions do not always coincide with reality (the forecasts are accurate relative to the first one, which is selected manually).


EN209 displays hours (12/24), minutes, seconds, year, month, day, day of week (on any of 8 languages ​​- English, German, Russian, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, French).

There are also two alarms that are hard to ignore. It turns out to be especially effective when EN209 is on the wall (the buttons that turn off the alarm clock are on the rear panel). In parallel with weather stations, Ea2 produces alarm clocks, so the functionality is quite good.

Atmosphere pressure

It is measured directly by the barometer of the main device, so even without an external sensor the station is functional.

The user has the opportunity to select units of measurement (hectopascals, inches of mercury and, of course, mm of mercury) for absolute or relative pressure.

The station also shows a diagram of the last 12 hours and the trend of changes in atmospheric pressure (arrow), although the bars are not equivalent and are turned on one by one, which is not very convenient.


If desired, the display shows extreme humidity values. Measurement range - from 20% to 99%.


The weather station warns about high and low temperatures (shows the corresponding icon if you have previously set extreme values). The weather station records the maximum and minimum temperature(indoor/outdoor).

Wireless Remote Sensor (BL999)

Looks the same color as the station - black, completely made of thin plastic (so attach it securely), on back wall there is a mount.

The radio signal frequency is 433 MHz, the operating distance is up to 30 m. The low battery indicator (displayed on the weather station) shows when you need to change the batteries (2 AAA), and you can’t change them without a screwdriver, but usually this doesn’t take about a year, which not bad.

The external sensor is poorly protected from external influence— ice and snow freeze, the data becomes less accurate, below -12 °C alkaline batteries do not work, below -30 °C lithium batteries also stop functioning.

As it turned out, the sensor is very poorly protected from moisture - if it gets in significant amount moisture under the BL999 case stops functioning until it dries (about two days, if you disassemble only to the batteries). So we recommend hanging the sensor in a dry place where it will not be exposed to raindrops.

Comparison with forecast

We compared the weather indicators produced by the weather station with the Gismeteo website.

As you can see, the weather station provides weather forecasts with good accuracy.


A home weather station fits perfectly into any interior. Multifunctionality does not affect accuracy in any way, which is pleasing, as is the ease of use. The choice of mounting and power supply for the station is also quite useful. The only bad thing is that the external BL999 sensor is not suitable for cold temperatures below -30 ° C, and we also recommend hanging it in a place where raindrops will not fall on the sensor. Note that up to three wireless sensors can be connected to the EN209 weather station.

Advantages of Ea2 EN209:

  • Stylish design
  • Lots of useful features
  • Data Accuracy
  • Ability to select units of measurement
  • Ease of viewing information on the screen
  • Supports up to 3 sensors
  • Powered by AC adapter and batteries (if the adapter is not connected)

Disadvantages of Ea2 EN209:

  • Weak protection of the wireless sensor from external factors
  • When changing batteries, device settings are reset
  • Quite a long time to set up everything from scratch
  • High price

High blood pressure may indicate hypertension and other ailments. A decrease in pressure can only occur after the cause of the condition has been eliminated; for this, you should seek medical help.

High blood pressure is the most commonly reported cardiac vascular disease. Pressure is the force with which blood pushes against the walls of the arteries as it moves through the body. Blood can fill the arteries only to a certain extent.

High blood pressure from 180/90 mmHg. Art. and more can lead to serious illnesses, for example, which are dangerous for good health and human life. Hypertension is also a leading cause of heart attacks.

How to take measurements

A person’s blood pressure consists of two indicators. The first, higher one, shows systolic pressure– pressure inside the arteries when the heart fills them with blood. The second number expresses, that is, the pressure inside the arteries during the respite of the heart between beats.

Normally, blood pressure gradually increases from 90/60 mmHg. Art. at birth and up to 120/80 in adults healthy person. If a person jogs or drinks alcohol, the blood pressure will rise noticeably, but this is not a cause for concern.

A person's blood pressure falls and rises under the influence of emotional state And physical activity. For one person, a reading of 130/90 mmHg is considered normal, while another person feels unsatisfactory in such cases.

If you have persistently high blood pressure, you should visit your doctor. With this pathology, the heart works at its limit. Besides blood vessels, deformations occur:

  • brain,
  • eye,
  • kidney

If the pressure is 140/90 mmHg. Art. and higher with measurements of more than two, then we can talk about hypertension. When the pressure is 200/120 or higher, urgent health care. If available diabetes and high blood pressure, treatment should begin at 130/80 mmHg. Art.

Scientists include people whose blood pressure is more than 120/80 mmHg. Art, in a category that has a chance of developing hypertension. This condition called prehypertension. Prehypertension increases the likelihood of system and organ defects, so it is important to begin timely treatment.

Because hypertension often has no symptoms, it is called " silent killer" It is typical that symptoms may not appear even with serious complications. The disease is severe when the pressure is 220/110 mmHg. Art and above provokes:

  1. vision problems,
  2. heart attack,
  3. stroke,
  4. kidney failure.

Hypertension leads to heart failure, common but very dangerous illness, causing breathing problems. It is generally accepted that people with high blood pressure– malignant hypertension with diastolic pressure more than 130, and systolic pressure more than 200 mm Hg. Art. This variety hypertension is a very serious deviation because it occurs very quickly various damages organs.

High blood pressure can be controlled and corrected. To do this, you must first of all systematically measure your blood pressure.

Risk group

There are several categories of people who, with maximum high probability may develop hypertension. People most often affected by high blood pressure are:

  • with a genetic predisposition,
  • African Americans,
  • aged over 55 years,
  • overweight
  • presenters passive image life,
  • smokers and alcohol abusers,
  • consuming unhealthy and highly salty foods.

Patients who drink may also suffer from hypertension. certain drugs, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, decongestants, and drugs such as cocaine.

Norms and classifications of arterial hypertension

There are three degrees of the disease.

  1. When the pressure is from 140/90 to 160/99 mm Hg. Art. The pressure rises and falls abruptly. If hypertension at this stage is not treated, it transforms into more serious stages,
  2. Stage 2 hypertension is called moderate. Here the pressure changes to 179/109 mmHg. Art. In this case, a protracted increase in pressure is observed. The indicator rarely drops to normal,
  3. Stage 3 hypertension is the most severe. Pressure starts from 180/110 mm Hg. and stays stable.

Normal blood pressure varies from person to person. Medicine suggests taking 120/80 mmHg as a normal indicator. These indicators are observed in people aged 20 to 40 years.

Normal blood pressure for ages 16 to 20 is usually slightly low. This applies to both systolic and diastolic pressure. Physiological norm, blood pressure appears in calm state at the level of 100/70 mm Hg.

In general, blood pressure is considered normal in the range of 90 - 139/61 - 89 mm Hg. Doctors consider 120/80 mmHg to be the absolute norm. Slightly elevated blood pressure – 130/85 mmHg, elevated normal pressure– 139/89 mmHg. An increase in the indicator to an increase of 140/90 mmHg and above indicates an existing pathology.

Over time, irreversible processes begin in the human body, provoking an increase in pressure throughout later life. Over the years, any person's blood pressure increases.

There are blood pressure standards based on a person’s age and gender.

  • At 20 years old, blood pressure in men is 123/76, in women 116/72 mm Hg,
  • At 30 years old, men have 126/79, women 120/75 mm Hg. st,
  • At 30–40 years old, men have 129/81, women 127/80 mm. Hg st,
  • At 40–50 years old, men have 135/83, women 137/84 mm Hg. st,
  • At 50–60 years old, men have 142/85, women 144/85 mm Hg. st,
  • After 70 years, men have 142/80, women 159/85 mmHg. Art.

As the data shows, changes due to age affect both the upper and lower blood pressure levels. It is important to remember that these are averages and do not reflect individual patterns.

Not only high blood pressure, but also a decrease in its indicators appears characteristic feature deterioration of body systems. Therefore, the ability to take measurements with a tonometer can be attributed to the prevention of almost all ailments.

To identify the dynamics of changes in blood pressure, you should keep a diary.

Constantly high blood pressure

The third stage of hypertension is the most severe. In this case constant pressure exceeds 180/100 mmHg. Art. Gradually a person gets used to this state, but the heart works with high load and wears out a lot. Patients often experience:

  1. cardiac ischemia,
  2. violation heart rate,
  3. angina pectoris
  4. the formation of heart failure.

Thus, at any age of a person, a blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg is considered normal. Art. With slight deviations round trip. If blood pressure systematically increases to 160/100 mm Hg. Art. or long time rests on this indicator- this speaks of initial stage hypertension.

Regardless of what age a person is, he should immediately consult a doctor for thorough examination. The doctor sets the task of clarifying the diagnosis by conducting diagnostics. After identifying concomitant diseases specific treatment is prescribed.

The examination includes:

  • examination by a therapist,
  • study of anamnesis (heredity, work, bad habits, general lifestyle,),
  • general clinical analysis urine and blood,
  • blood for cholesterol and sugar levels, ECG,
  • consultation with an ophthalmologist, fundus examination,
  • examination by a neurologist.

If the need arises, an endocrinologist or cardiologist should be involved in the diagnosis. The following may also be prescribed:

  1. Ultrasound of the heart,
  2. 24-hour blood pressure monitoring.

After the examination and medical history, the doctor reviews the results and forms a treatment plan. In severe stages of hypertension, the person should be hospitalized for more intensive treatment.

It is important to visit a doctor in any case, at least to find out what exactly to do if your blood pressure increases.

The doctor should measure the patient's blood pressure and consider lifestyle changes. In particular you need:

  1. weight loss,
  2. proper diet with a reduction in fat and salt,
  3. moderate physical activity,
  4. giving up alcohol, smoking and coffee,
  5. walks in the air.

It is necessary to consume vegetables and fruits rich in potassium and magnesium in your diet, including:

  • greenery,
  • carrot,
  • legumes,
  • sea ​​kale.

You should buy a tonometer and take measurements twice daily - morning time after getting up and evening time before going to bed.

It is necessary to take medications only as prescribed by your doctor. All medications for high blood pressure are prescribed for certain time to achieve lasting results.

Diuretics are used, for example:

  • Furosemide,
  • Indapamide,
  • Arifon,
  • Indap.

These products reduce swelling by removing excess liquid. Therapy begins with diuretics, if there are no such diseases:

  1. diabetes,
  2. renal failure,
  3. lactation and pregnancy,
  4. gout,
  5. allergy.

Beta blockers are also used:

  • bisoprolol,
  • metoprolol,
  • Celiprolol.

These drugs reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and reducing the load on the heart muscle. The medicines should not be taken if you have allergies, bradycardia or pregnancy.

ACE inhibitors:

  1. Enalapril,
  2. Perindopril,
  3. Ramipril.

These drugs dilate blood vessels and are contraindicated in cases of renal impairment and pregnancy.

Calcium antagonists include:

  • Verapamil,
  • Amlodipine,
  • Diltiazem.

These drugs show effectiveness in hypertension, accompanied by increased heart rate and heart rhythm disturbances. The drugs should not be used during pregnancy or bradycardia.

Quite often, combinations of agents from different groups. May be assigned:

  • sedatives,
  • phytotherapy,
  • medicines to strengthen the heart muscle,
  • statins and other drugs.

During pregnancy, high blood pressure is common, especially after the 20th week. This has physiological reason– the volume of circulating blood increases due to the fetus, so the heart works harder, the pulse quickens and blood pressure rises. As a rule, the figure does not exceed 140/90 mm Hg.

According to statistics, more than half of ambulance calls come to patients with cardiovascular diseases. Every third person is diagnosed with hypertensive crisis by doctors. The condition is caused by a sudden exacerbation, accompanied by a sharp increase in blood pressure. Accompanied serious condition renal, coronary (heart) disorders cerebral blood flow and vegetative disorders nervous system.

It is dangerous both for health and for life. When a crisis occurs, the patient must consult a doctor who will determine the cause. hypertensive crisis, will provide first aid and prescribe treatment.

  • Sudden withdrawal of antihypertensive drugs.
  • Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, changes in weather (typical for weather-sensitive people).
  • Sudden increase in blood pressure in patients with chronic hypertension.
  • Physical and neuropsychic overload.
  • Large meals (especially at night).
  • Use alcoholic drinks, smoking.
  • Collagenoses (scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, etc.), acute glomerulonephritis, ischemic stroke, fibromuscular dysplasia, atherosclerosis of the renal arteries.
  • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids.

Hypertensive crisis - symptoms

First type. Short-term and mild hypertensive crises. Patients are concerned about symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, restlessness, nausea, body tremors, hand tremors, and palpitations. Red spots appear on the skin of the neck and face of patients. The pulse increases, the pressure reaches 180-190/100-110 millimeters of mercury, the content of adrenaline and sugar in the blood increases, and blood clotting increases.

The second type of hypertensive crisis. They last for several days and are more severe. Symptoms of this type of hypertensive crisis are dizziness, severe headaches, vomiting, nausea, and short-term blurred vision. During an exacerbation, patients feel compressive pain in the heart area, paresthesia (tingling, numbness in the body), confusion, and stupor. Pulse pressure (the difference between the lower and upper pressure) does not increase; the lower pressure rises sharply. At this time, the level of the hormone norepinephrine and blood clotting increase.

A patient with an uncomplicated crisis can be treated on an outpatient basis. Some conditions require relatively urgent intervention. These include malignant arterial hypertension(PAG), characterized by an excess of the lower blood pressure of 120 millimeters of mercury and leading to pronounced vascular wall changes. And this disrupts the function of organs and provokes tissue ischemia.

All these changes are accompanied by a further release of a substance that causes vasospasm and even greater increased blood pressure. ZAG syndrome usually manifests itself as decreased vision, progression renal failure, changes in blood properties, adverse symptoms from the central nervous system, weight loss.

The main complications of a hypertensive crisis: pulmonary edema, stroke (), cardiac asthma, myocardial infarction. It is necessary not only to lower blood pressure when eliminating the crisis, but also to prevent cardiovascular complications. The choice of drugs depends on the degree of damage to the brain, organs of vision, kidneys, and heart.

First aid for hypertensive crisis

In the first 2 hours after a hypertensive crisis, first aid is as follows: blood pressure should be reduced by 25%, over the next 2-6 hours - to 160/100 millimeters of mercury. You cannot reduce it too quickly, otherwise it may develop oxygen starvation(ischemia) of the central nervous system, cardiac muscle (myocardium), kidneys. And the person will ultimately suffer from improper treatment.

First of all, you need to call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, it is advisable to do the following:

  • Sit comfortably with your legs down. Take one of the following medications to lower your blood pressure:
  • Clonidine (clonidine) sublingually or orally 1.15 milligrams, again after an hour 0.075;
  • Captopril - 6.25 milligrams under the tongue. If the effect is insufficient, take the drug again after 30-60 minutes, 25 milligrams;
  • Hypothiazide 25 milligrams or furosemide 40 milligrams orally;
  • Nifedipine (cordafen, corinfar) - 10 milligrams;
  • With pronounced emotional stress you can take Corvalol 40 drops or diazepam 10 milligrams orally;
  • At coronary disease nitroglycerin (isosorbide dinitrate or mononitrate), propranolol (atenolol, metoprolol) are used in the heart;
  • At neurological disorders may be beneficial as additional means aminophylline.
  • Do not use ineffective drugs - papazole, dibazole. Otherwise the condition may worsen.
  • At sharp increase pressure, but in the absence of adverse signs from other organs, you can use drugs with moderate quick action(nitroglycerin, anaprilin - under the tongue 20-40 milligrams).

Prevention of hypertensive crisis

It is better to give up alcohol completely - for prevention purposes. Alcohol and many cardiovascular medications incompatible: the effect of the drug is weakened, protection is reduced. Men can drink no more than 50 grams of vodka or 200 grams of dry red wine or half a liter of beer per day. The dose of alcohol for women should be reduced by half.

It is known that smoking increases blood pressure, accelerates the development of atherosclerosis, increases the number of heart contractions, and reduces the oxygen content in the blood. Many people think that quitting smoking causes severe stress, even worse than that. They are mistaken. People with heart problems should definitely give up cigarettes. This will bring undoubted benefits: at the same time, the risk cardiovascular complications is rapidly decreasing.

Swimming, morning exercises, skiing, skating, cycling, daily walks for 40 minutes in the fresh air tone the body and restore health. If you have hypertension, you don’t need to lift barbells or heavy dumbbells. Excessive physical exercise dangerous with serious complications.



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