Why don't pharmacies sell manganese? Cough medicines. As it was before

Pharmacies are already experiencing a shortage of antibiotics, painkillers, a number of medicines for hearts and allergies - these are dozens of drugs, both imported and domestically produced. As they say themselves pharmaceutical companies, due to the collapse of the ruble, their supply to Russia or production within the country has become economically impractical.

After calling three dozen pharmacies, Izvestia journalists found out that it is already difficult to buy such medicines as Staloral (a drug for allergies), Zocardis (for heart patients), Nystatin ( antifungal agent), "Prednisolone" (treats including oncological, allergic, rheumatic diseases), "Acyclovir" ( antiviral agent).

The same information is confirmed by representatives of foreign and Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers and in the Union of Patients. And the situation, in their opinion, will only worsen.

Imports are losing ground

According to the deputy general director of Stada SIC (part of international group companies Stada AG) Ivan Glushkov, first of all, the supply of drugs that are included in the list of Vital and Essential Drugs (vital and essential drugs) is being reduced. Pharmaceutical companies cannot, at their own discretion, based on the market situation, change the prices for such drugs, since prices here are regulated by the state. In total, the list includes about 15 thousand drugs.

Most deliveries imported drugs included in the list of Vital and Essential Drugs are now seriously limited, - said Ivan Glushkov. - Due to the fall of the ruble, all these drugs are either unprofitable or on the verge of unprofitability.

By how much supply is reduced depends on the specific drug.

We are forced to exclude some drugs from the portfolio altogether. We refuse them due to their lack of prospects in the Russian market,” Glushkov said.

He clarified that, first of all, the supply of drugs "regular daily therapy, which are easily replaced domestic analogues". Consumers are not willing to pay dearly for them.

The so-called life-saving imported drugs are more cost-effective, as buyers are willing to pay for them and high price- said Ivan Glushkov. - They affect life or its quality.

At the same time, according to him, it is impossible to increase the price of medicine in proportion to the depreciation of the ruble.

This is wrong both in relation to the consumer and in relation to the market as a whole, he said.

According to him, consumers may experience a shortage of drugs in pharmacies in the second half of 2016.

The order delivery cycle is from 6 to 9 months, he said. - The drugs presented in pharmacies today are leftovers from warehouses. The range was ordered at the beginning of 2015 or at the end of 2014.

According to Ivan Glushkov, how the situation will develop further “depends on changes in state regulation prices and the general economic situation in the country”.

He did not name specific drugs because " internal solutions companies should not be known to competitors.

Among the drugs that are produced by Stada and are included in the list of vital and essential drugs, for example, Acyclovir (an antiviral agent), Hydrovit (normalizes water balance in the body), "Memorel" (psychostimulant), "Grippostad Rino" (nasal drops). Izvestia checked 10 Moscow pharmacies - these drugs are no longer available. Only one pharmacy said that they have Memorel in stock.

Despite the change in the exchange rate and the difficult economic situation, to date we have not stopped supplying any of our drugs and will continue to supply them to Russian market as far as possible, said CEO Pfizer in Russia Danil Blinov. - However, if the devaluation of the ruble continues, the cost of imported drugs may exceed ruble prices. In this case foreign companies will experience serious difficulties ... the supply of imported drugs will be under threat.

We supply all our medicines in full, including medicines included in the list of vital and essential ones, - said the manager for work with government bodies AstraZeneca Elena Danilova.

She also noted that there are risks of lower supplies in the future.

Since 2016, the registration of new drugs requires verification of foreign production sites for compliance Russian standards proper industrial practice(GMP), she said. - From 2017, this rule will come into force for re-registration, as well as in case of changes in the dossier. The uncertainty and duration of this process bear the risk of delays in obtaining the relevant certificates, and, as a result, there may be a violation of plans for the deadlines for filing documents for registration and re-registration of medicines. This can lead to delays in deliveries, which will negatively affect availability. modern medicines for Russian patients.

Bayer, Berlin-Chemie, Merz, Ipsen, Sanofi did not respond to Izvestia's requests.

Alien substances - unprofitable drugs

Russian enterprises for the production of drugs use mainly imported substances, so here the cost of drugs directly depends on the exchange rate of the ruble.

As Biosintez told Izvestia, in 2015 the production of about 40 drugs was suspended. These include Nystatin (an antifungal agent), Ibuprofen (analgesic and antipyretic), Prednisolone (including oncological, allergic, rheumatic diseases), Furosemide (diuretic), Drotaverine (vasodilating, antispasmodic), Levomycetin (antibiotic), Anaprilin (for the heart, antiarrhythmic).

In the summer of 2015, Roszdravnadzor asked Biosintez "about the reasons for the absence of the Nystatin drug on the market." The company replied that the drug is included in the list of unprofitable and is not produced.

This situation has developed at the enterprise in connection with economic events in the country - a sharp increase in the exchange rate of foreign currencies, an increase in the rate of inflation. Substance is purchased for the production of tablets foreign production in pharmacies. Therefore, the cost of the substance in the cost of medicines doubled compared to the first half of 2014, while the price of registration was increased in June 2015 by 12.2%. Thus, the cost of the substance exceeds the marginal price of drugs, and the company was forced to suspend their production. Prices for main and auxiliary raw materials, packaging materials, energy tariffs, etc. are also rising. In a similar situation, there were 38 more positions, the production of which was completely stopped, - wrote the general director of the enterprise Dmitry Boldov.

"Izvestia" checked more than two dozen metropolitan pharmacies in different districts of the city, and it turned out that "Prednisolone" can be bought in 8 pharmacies (in one of them - only in ampoules), "Nystatin" was found in 13 pharmacies (however, most often he presented not in tablets, but in vaginal suppositories), "Levomycitin" and "Ibuprofen" in tablets - in 14 points, "Anaprilin" - in 15 and "Drotaverin" - in 16 pharmacies.

Without optimism

Complaints are received about the lack of drugs in pharmacies, and we expected such a market reaction to the appreciation of the dollar, - said Yan Vlasov, co-chairman of the All-Russian Union of Patients.

According to him, complaints are received, for example, against Staloral (a drug for allergy sufferers, produced by the French company Stallergen). "Izvestia" was checked - he was not found in any of the 25 pharmacies.

It is also very difficult to buy a drug for the heart "Zokardis" (produces including "Berlin-Chemie") - out of 25 pharmacies, he ended up in 7.

David Melik-Guseinov, director of the Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management, noted that cheap drugs (up to 50 rubles) from the list of vital and essential drugs may disappear from the market first.

Fixing the price of such drugs in rubles has led to the fact that many items, especially the cheapest ones, are simply unprofitable to import into Russia and produce here. It is unprofitable for distributors to take products from manufacturers' warehouses.

In addition, according to the expert, the crisis has changed the payment system in the pharmaceutical industry.

Earlier major suppliers worked in the format of deferred payment with many pharmacy chains, - he said. - Now networks have to pay money immediately after delivery. Better yet, pay in advance. But not all pharmacies are ready to work in this format, especially large pharmacy chains, which are all completely on credit.

The press service of the Ministry of Health sent responses to a request about a shortage in the drug market, stating that there is no shortage of vaccines and drugs for the treatment of influenza in the country.

Roszdravnadzor commented on the situation with Nystatin. The department noted that in the State Register medicines As of February 2, there is information about nine manufacturers of the Nystatin drug.

According to electronic reference systems, the indicated medicinal product available in pharmacy organizations, - explained in Roszdrav.

It should be noted that the return and exchange of medicines are impossible if the goods themselves are of the proper quality. This decision was established in connection with the Decree of the Government Russian Federation, issued in January 1998, as well as on the basis of order No. 785 of the Ministry and social development dated December 2005.

However, the buyer has full right return the product if it turned out to be defective, of poor quality, and also if it has expired. This provision is enshrined in the law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". There is no exact amount for which the product must be returned. As a rule, the return must be made within the expiration date or the warranty period of the product (if purchased, for example, a medical device). In addition, the second paragraph of 477 of the Civil Code of Russia states that there is a reasonable period of two years from the date of purchase. For this, it is also legitimate to return a defective product.

If you decide to return the product on the same day that you bought it, then contact pharmacy. There will have to issue an invoice for the return in two copies. One is obligatory for you: you present it, you will receive money for the goods. The second invoice will be attached to the commodity report. This procedure is provided for in clause 10.3 methodological recommendations dated July 1996. By the way, yours will be given to you on a cash receipt from the operating cash desk. Please note that it must contain the signatures of the head of the pharmacy and his deputy.

When returning the goods not on the day of purchase, but later, the order of the entire procedure will not change. The only difference is that you will already receive money through the main cash desk, and not through the operating room. Therefore, make a written application, on its basis, the accountant will issue an expense cash warrant. By the way, both documents (both in the application and in the warrant) must always contain such data as: name, surname, patronymic, passport details and address of the buyer.


Even if you lose cash receipt, then the seller will be obliged to accept low-quality or expired goods from you. The main thing is to prove that you made a purchase in this organization.

In 1998, the Government of the Russian Federation ruled that it was impossible to return and exchange medicines to a pharmacy. In 2005, the Ministry of Health and Social Development issued a corresponding order under No. 785. But at the same time there is a reservation - "the product must have the proper quality." Based on this, there is still a chance to return medicine to pharmacy. You just need to know in what cases it is possible.

You will need

  • - Medicine;
  • - package;
  • - instruction;
  • - witness;
  • - the conclusion from the doctor;
  • - a book of reviews and suggestions;
  • - information stand.


Return medicine you can if you find flaws. These include: - lack of instructions; - expired expiration date; - non-compliance appearance medicines and descriptions of its characteristics in the instructions; - marriage in the package; - defects in the labeling; - mismatch of the expiration date (series) between the primary (tube, vial,) and secondary packaging(cardboard).

If your request was not granted, refer to the "Consumer Protection", 18. Any pharmacy should have an information stand, take a copy of this law and familiarize the pharmacist with it.

In case of further refusal of your request, ask to call the head of the pharmacy or his deputy. Explain everything to him in detail. Say that contact Rospotrebnadzor.

Ask for feedback and suggestions, write your details (name and address) and the essence of the situation. Indicate that if within 5 days your request is not satisfied, you will go to court with statement of claim.

Potassium permanganate has become a deficit

Potassium permanganate, a popular antiseptic among the people, has for some time been included in the list of "prohibited goods". The product is available in pharmacies, but is sold only by prescription. Such restrictions are not related to the fight against “self-medication” that has unfolded in the country (because of which, recently, many drugs have been dispensed only by prescription). The matter is quite different. Potassium permanganate was "banned" because especially "advanced" people use it to make one of the drugs - "screw". What else can get into the "black list", the correspondent of "Fontanka" found out.

Potassium permanganate is one of the most common and well-known among the people antiseptics. We are used to that weak solution potassium permanganate helps with poisoning, sore throat. It is also used for disinfection, for example, water. However, more recently, pharmacists have begun to refuse to sell this product to customers. In some pharmacies, potassium permanganate disappeared completely, in some it is sold only by prescription.

Fontanka conducted an experiment. They agreed to sell us potassium permanganate only in one network of pharmacies in the city, however, only 2 bags per hand. In the rest, they immediately asked again with suspicion: “Why do you need it? Do you have a recipe?" , and in some pharmacies they immediately answered very sharply: “We have never had this drug and never will!” . One got the impression that the Fontanka correspondent was trying to buy not an antiseptic, but something like morphine.

The guess turned out to be correct - last year potassium permanganate was included in the lists of drugs used in the manufacture of drugs. This was reported to us by representatives of the Federal Drug Control Service. Officially, such drugs are called "precursors", they are regularly identified and annually replenish the list of drugs prohibited for sale in Russia. It turned out that potassium permanganate is used in the manufacture of a drug, which is popularly called "screw". The very method of its use in the service did not begin to spread. But the fact that potassium permanganate is a powerful catalyst for certain processes in the manufacture of the drug, as they said in the management of one of the pharmacies, "is known even to children."

Children hardly heard about the “screw”, but they know and love cow's milk, which, as you know, is also used for cooking poppy straw. True, it has not yet been included in the list of funds prohibited for sale. The distilled water that heroin addicts buy in pharmacies along with syringes is still on sale, as are the syringes themselves. In cigarette stalls free sale there are Belomorkanal cigarettes and there you can openly buy matches and lighters ...

The FSKN called the ban on the sale of potassium permanganate stupidity. According to a spokesman for the service, who wished to remain anonymous, there are much more dangerous precursors: they are potent in themselves. toxic agents. But they remained in free sale, and their ban would have caused bewilderment among the majority of the population of the state. These agents include, for example, acetone. It is also used as a catalyst in the manufacture of synthetic drugs. There are a number of acids and bases used in production, which any citizen can also openly purchase, without even realizing that drug manufacturers use these drugs for their dirty purposes.

The chemical drug called "buterate" has nothing to do with the drug of the same name, which is used by doctors to facilitate childbirth in women. Buterate is pure chemistry. In Russia, the sale of one of the components of this drug is prohibited. The second component is a pipe cleaner, which is periodically used by all citizens who have ever encountered a blockage in a sink or bathroom. Initiatives to sell this tool only upon presentation of a plumber's certificate have not yet been introduced into Russian legislation, but the story of potassium permanganate shows that this is quite possible.

Not so long ago, residents of the capital were faced with the fact that it would no longer be possible to call at a pharmacy at any time and buy antibiotics: drugs in a number of pharmacies began to be dispensed strictly by prescription. For most, this came as a surprise and, of course, caused a flurry of indignation. After all, until recently, without a prescription, you could buy anything, except psychotropic drugs and narcotic drugs (for example, painkillers).

Why have antibiotics and a number of other drugs suddenly ceased to be freely available? With such a question website appealed to the Ministry of Health and the Department of Drug Provision.

Suddenly they began to fulfill the old decree

Head of Rendering Department medical care and treatment policy of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic Samat Toymatov claims that in Lately no one forbade anything, and a decree on the prescription of some medicines was issued back in 2014.

"Someone pulled it out and said that from December 1, antibiotics cannot be sold without a prescription. Pharmacies had to comply with this decision before. It turns out that specialists from the Department of Drug Provision and medical technology when monitoring was carried out, they asked whether the prescription the same antibiotics. However, we do not punish anyone. Antibiotics are both released without a prescription and released. Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, of course, is undesirable. All of them must be prescribed by the doctors of the centers family medicine. And the intake of drugs should be controlled. We inform about it. However, we want to fight the uncontrolled use of antibiotics through outreach, not bans," he explained.

You can read about the dangers of uncontrolled use of antibiotics.

The Department of Drug Provision and Medical Technology noted that not all, but most pharmacies began to dispense antibiotics only by prescription.

"Prescription dispensing in pharmacies has been around for a long time. The order on new approved prescription forms was in 2015. There, as before, it was stated that prescription drugs without a prescription are not prescribed. Many pharmacies did not comply this norm. At present, in hospitals, these new prescription forms There is. This process will now begin. For the umpteenth time, the department's specialists go to pharmacies and carry out explanatory work. Also, for this, the heads of large pharmacy chains were called. In addition, from 14 to 18 November, as part of the World correct use antibiotics, the campaign "Antibiotics: use with caution" was held.

In 2015, in order to strengthen control over the procedure for prescribing prescription drugs and their dispensing in pharmacy network The Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic approved the GD of the KR dated April 22, 2015 No. 232 "On amendments and additions to the GD of the KR dated January 5, 2011 No. 2 "On approval of the procedure for issuing prescriptions for medicines and on their dispensing in the Kyrgyz Republic", according to which new form prescription forms LS-1. List of prescription drugs (including antibiotics), approved by order Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 353 dated June 23, 2014 "On Approval of the Lists of Prescription and OTC Dispensing of Medicines in Healthcare Organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic". The above normative legal acts posted on the official website of the Department: www.pharm.kg.

It is clarified that prescriptions must be issued on approved forms, printed in a typographical way, bearing the stamp of a healthcare organization. The prescription should indicate the age of the patient, the form of release of medicines and the nature of the action of the ingredients included in their composition.

Prescriptions for medicines are written under international generic names , clearly and legibly Latin, in ink or a ballpoint pen with the obligatory filling in of all the columns provided for in the form, certified by the signature and personal seal of the doctor, corrections in the prescription are not allowed.

For violations of the rules for dispensing medicines, a fine in the amount of 3,000 to 10,000 soms may be imposed.

Specialists of the Pharmaceutical Inspectorate of the Department conduct inspections only on the basis of an order from the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic. Scheduled inspections are carried out depending on the risk criteria with a mandatory 10-day prior notice of the upcoming inspection, and unscheduled inspections are carried out based on written complaints-applications.



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