Raw oatmeal with cottage cheese for breakfast. Appetizing casseroles - a combination of cottage cheese and oatmeal

Good afternoon friends! Today in our kitchen diet porridge. Do you want to lose weight? And without any harm to health? At the same time, receive the necessary useful material? Hercules porridge on water, recipe with the addition of cottage cheese and apples. These ingredients, when combined in a menu, give excellent results and benefit the body great benefit. Because they are quite effective in losing weight.

Recipe with cottage cheese and apples

  • Oatmeal - normalizes intestinal activity, is a supplier of fiber and complex carbohydrates. And the last ones, on long time provide the body with a feeling of satiety.
  • – an excellent source of many minerals and vitamins. The fruit is also rich in soluble dietary fiber(pectin), which cleanse the body of toxins, incl. Effectively removes bad cholesterol from the blood.
  • Cottage cheese (for a diet no more than 4% fat) – it contains a lot of easily digestible proteins and fatty acids that the body needs. The presence of cottage cheese in the diet will give a wonderful result: the muscles will be elastic, and excess weight will disappear. In addition, cottage cheese is a storehouse of calcium, which is so necessary for strengthening bones and teeth, hair and nail growth.

Oatmeal cookies appeal to many baking lovers, especially since they are low-calorie and have a lot of useful properties.

You can even bake oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese at home and diversify its taste by adding nuts, dried fruits, raisins and different types fruit.

I know of no recipe for homemade oatmeal cookies with a soft texture and surprisingly pleasant taste.

I advise you to familiarize yourself with them by preparing oatmeal curd cookies at home for breakfast and tea, especially since this process does not take much time.

Look at the photo to see what a delicious delicacy it turns out in reality.

Oatmeal-curd cookies

In order to prepare cottage cheese oatmeal cookies you need to take the following set of products: 100 gr. oat flakes, I advise you to take small ones; 1 PC. chickens egg; 60 gr. sl. oils; 6 gr. cinnamon; 100 gr. sah. sand; 12 gr. baking powder; 100 gr. cottage cheese (not too fatty).

We will prepare oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese without flour:

  1. I mix flakes and sugar. sand, baking powder, cinnamon. I add the following there. butter, after softening it, chicken egg. I stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. I let it swell for about 40 minutes.
  2. I add cottage cheese to the mixture. Look, if the dough turns out liquid, feel free to add more cereals. It is important to get a tight dough. You need to make balls out of it, approximately the size of a walnut.
  3. Place in the oven for 25 minutes. at 185 gr. When the cookies are ready, I take them out and let them cool, and only then treat them to my family. The delicacy looks amazing in the photo, and it actually tastes very soft, sweet and appetizing.

Soft banana curd oatmeal cookies

The recipe is very simple, and cookies with cottage cheese turn out to be very interesting in taste and healthy. Take:

100 gr. oats cereal; 1 PC. banana; 50 gr. sl. oils; 200 gr. cottage cheese (not too fatty); 2 tbsp. honey; a little flour, and if necessary during the cooking process.

Let's start cooking:

  1. I make puree from peeled bananas and add it to cottage cheese. I beat the mixture with a mixer or whisk. I add oatmeal and add sl. butter, candied honey, previously melted.
  2. I stir the dough and make it sticky. I put it in the cold for 1 hour.
  3. I roll the dough into cookies and put them in the oven for 25 minutes. at 185 gr. When the cookies are ready, let them cool and serve.

Oatmeal-curd cookies with banana and apple

This is a recipe for very nutritious and healthy cookies, which will become indispensable for all connoisseurs. healthy food. Plus, it allows you to prepare a dietary curd oatmeal treat that will not harm your figure.

Take: 100 gr. oats cereal; 1 piece each banana and apple; 100 gr. cottage cheese (not too fatty); cinnamon, vanillin to taste; 4 gr. baking powder; rast. oil to grease the baking sheet, nuts (chop).

We will prepare cookies like this:

  1. I mash the peeled banana with a fork. I peel and cut the apple. I mix fruit with cottage cheese, vanilla and cinnamon. It is important to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  2. I pour oatmeal into the mixture and stir the dough, it should be sticky and moist.
  3. I place the cookies on a baking sheet, sprinkle with nuts and bake for 25 minutes. at 185 gr. in the oven.

When you place the dough on the baking sheet, if it sticks to your hands too much, wet them with water.

Oatmeal cookies for those on a diet

My recipe will let everyone know that a diet is not a death sentence and you shouldn’t deny yourself healthy and tasty treats. Take:

200 gr. oatmeal; 100 gr. banana and apples; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 200 gr. cottage cheese (low-fat); 5 gr. cinnamon.

Making dietary oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese is very simple:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites and beat the latter until foamy.
  2. I grind the yolks with cottage cheese and get a homogeneous mass.
  3. I put the peeled fruits in a blender, puree them and add cinnamon at the end.
  4. I fry the oatmeal without using oil. You need to stir it in a frying pan continuously until a nutty aroma appears and the flakes darken.
  5. I knead everything and form cookies from the dough. I bake at 150 gr. 15 minutes. The cookies are ready. The most interesting thing is that the recipe does not include the use of nuts, but even without this component the cookies will taste like them. This is because we pre-fry the grains.

Baking oatmeal cookies at home is very simple, but if you know some tricks, the task will be simplified several times more, and the result will pleasantly please the whole family.

It is for this reason that I advise you to read my tips, then any oatmeal baking recipe will be within your power:

  • For soft cookies with a delicate texture, use fine oatmeal. I like Hercules.
  • Grind the cottage cheese before adding it to the dough mass, this will allow you not to feel its cheese lumps while eating the cookies. For these purposes, you can take a blender, a sieve or a meat grinder. Add tsp to it. sugar and cottage cheese will quickly acquire the consistency required for baking.
  • Diet oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese go well with a lot of fruit, you can add dried fruits. However, do not forget to steam them boiled water. Know that it is not necessary to put sugar in such baked goods. oatmeal cookies will be sweet and tasty.
  • You can decorate the dietary treat with dark chocolate; for this purpose, it should be melted.

This recipe will suit those who are watching their figure, because the product is low in calories and perfectly complements the dietary treat. Diabetics can use special chocolate for decoration.

My video recipe

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Are you tired of your regular breakfast and want to replace it with something simple, light and easy to prepare? Try lazy oatmeal - this healthy and quick breakfast you will definitely like it!

Oatmeal is the simplest and most suitable food for our body. For this reason, it cannot be done without it. Oatmeal contains a large number of fiber, which improves digestion processes and rids the body of toxins and waste. More details about valuable nutritional properties you can read about oatmeal in the article “”.

Traditional way Cooking oatmeal consists of cooking porridge in water or milk. Today we will tell you about another recipe called “lazy oatmeal”. “Lazy” - because its preparation requires little effort and even less time and, most importantly, such a breakfast can be prepared in the evening. If you don't have time to have breakfast in the morning, you can take lazy oatmeal with you to work.

Another important advantage of lazy oatmeal is its usefulness: it contains a lot of fiber, protein, calcium and other essential vitamins, but at the same time does not contain fat and sugar. So nutritious and healthy breakfast Those who adhere to a diet can safely choose.

How to make lazy oatmeal

To prepare lazy oatmeal, you will need a jar or any other sealable container with a volume of at least 1 cup of liquid. This volume is a serving for one.

Main Ingredients: oatmeal is not instant cooking, kefir or skimmed milk, yogurt without fillers and cottage cheese (optional), honey.

Additional Ingredients:, seeds, nuts, depending on the recipe you choose.

Preparation. Pour dry oatmeal into a container and fill it with milk or kefir. Mix or shake well. All ingredients should be mixed well. After this, you can put some berries and fruits on top and mix lightly. But berries are better and add fruit immediately before use. Close the container tightly and put it in the refrigerator overnight. During this time, the cereal is soaked in milk and yogurt, becoming soft and tender. The next morning the lazy oatmeal is ready.

The shelf life of lazy oatmeal in the refrigerator is 2-4 days, depending on the recipe.

Lazy oatmeal can be frozen for up to a month. To do this, fill the jars with the selected ingredients no more than ¾ of the total volume. You need to defrost such oatmeal gradually: at night, move the jar from the freezer to the main compartment of the refrigerator, and by morning your oatmeal will be ready.

Lazy oatmeal at room temperature is ready to eat. But defrosted oatmeal can be heated, for example, in a water bath, for a few minutes.

Delicious lazy oatmeal recipes

There are many lazy oatmeal recipes out there, but you can create even more recipes yourself by experimenting with different ingredients to suit your tastes.

Lazy oatmeal with bananas, nuts and honey

Ingredients: 2/3 cup oatmeal, 2/3 cup milk, 2 tsp. honey, to taste: nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc.), several pieces of banana.

Preparation. Pour milk over oatmeal and add honey. Mix well and refrigerate overnight. The next morning, before eating, add banana and nuts.

Lazy oatmeal with cocoa

Ingredients: ¼ cup oatmeal, 1/3 cup milk, ¼ cup yogurt, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. cocoa powder, ½ tsp. instant coffee (optional).

Preparation. Mix all ingredients and refrigerate. This oatmeal can be stored for three days.

Lazy oatmeal with cottage cheese

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. oatmeal, 100 g of cottage cheese, 150 g of kefir, one apple, seeds (flax, sesame, etc.), nuts, half an orange (optional).

Preparation. Mix all ingredients and refrigerate. Before use, sprinkle with seeds and nuts, add fruit.

Lazy oatmeal with pumpkin

Ingredients: 2/3 cup oatmeal, 2/3 cup milk, 1 cup mashed potatoes, 2 tbsp. honey, a few pieces, ground nutmeg, nuts.

Preparation. Mix all ingredients and refrigerate. Sprinkle with nuts before use.

Lazy oatmeal with apple

Ingredients: ¼ cup oatmeal, 1/3 cup milk, ¼ cup yogurt, ¼ cup kibbles fresh apple, 1 tsp. honey; ½ tsp. cinnamon.

Preparation. Mix all the ingredients except the apple, the pieces of which we add immediately before use. This oatmeal will keep for two days.

Lazy oatmeal with cocoa and banana

Ingredients: ¼ cup oatmeal, 1/3 cup milk, ¼ cup yogurt, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. cocoa powder, ¼ cup banana pieces.

Preparation. Mix all ingredients except bananas, the pieces of which are added immediately before use. This oatmeal can also be stored for up to two days.

Bon appetit!

Summer oatmeal, lazy oatmeal, or oatmeal in a jar. Well, as soon as they don’t call this one new way cooking the familiar porridge. Let's not lag behind the culinary trend, and understand all the intricacies of this dish.
Recipe contents:

Oatmeal with cottage cheese is a very light, and at the same time satisfying and nutritious dish that perfectly saturates our body. Oatmeal is healthy and perfectly balanced in composition. It is rich in protein, vitamins, fiber, calcium and contains virtually no sugar or fat. This dish is ideal for those who are in a hurry, because you can prepare it in the evening and have breakfast in the morning or take it with you to work by putting it in a jar.

The number of variations of such a recipe tends to infinity. For example, playing with the dairy component, porridge can be prepared with kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, etc. Everyone will find a recipe to their taste and liking. The basic ingredients for this dish are standard. Regular instant oatmeal is fine. But you can also opt for cereals long cooking. The main thing is that any oatmeal is of good quality.

You can enrich your oatmeal with omegas fatty acids like ground flax seeds. Jerusalem artichoke syrup, honey, fructose, agave nectar, and stevioside are suitable sweeteners. You can try combinations from Western food bloggers: banana and chocolate, mango and almond, apple and cinnamon, blueberry and maple syrup, raspberry and vanilla, banana and peanut butter. Don't be afraid to experiment and discover new tastes.

This dish can also be frozen for up to one month. But then make sure that the container with porridge is not filled to the brim of the container - ideally 2/3 full, so that the jar does not crack. Well, then, after heating the oatmeal, it’s not a problem at all. One or two minutes in the microwave without a lid and the oatmeal is ready.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 108 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes


  • Oat flakes - 50 g
  • Cottage cheese - 100 g
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. or to taste

Cooking oatmeal with cottage cheese

1. If you have instant oatmeal, pour boiling water over it, cover the container with a lid and leave for 5-7 minutes to swell. If you are using oatmeal coarse, then cook it on the stove for about 15 minutes.

2. Put the cottage cheese with honey and grind it, or use a blender.

3. Beat the cottage cheese until smooth so that there are no lumps or grains.

4. Peel and core the apple and divide it into 4-6 parts, depending on size.

5. Bake the apples for 1 minute in the microwave at maximum power.

6. When oatmeal When it swells, combine it with the whipped cottage cheese.

7. Mix the oatmeal and cottage cheese well.


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