What is healthy to eat for breakfast: delicious recipes and recommendations. Breakfasts for every taste


Rules for a healthy breakfast

The morning meal is rightfully considered the most important, since it is the one that charges you with energy for the whole day. A tasty and healthy breakfast improves your mood, increases your productivity and allows you to prepare for the day ahead in a relaxed atmosphere. But what to do if you don’t feel like eating at all in the morning? Simple recommendations will help cope with this problem:

  1. To replenish glycogen in the liver, you need to have breakfast within an hour of waking up. But you shouldn’t run straight from bed to the kitchen - your body needs time to wake up. To get the first feeling of hunger, it’s a good idea to do exercises and take a cool shower.
  2. After waking up, it is recommended to drink a glass of filtered water at room temperature, which will prepare the stomach for the first meal. To purified water, you can add half a glass of mineral water with a high content of magnesium, a useful anti-stress microelement.
  3. Contrary to popular belief, breakfast should not be too heavy. Overeating makes you feel sleepy. It is better to move part of the first meal to lunch. If it is not possible to eat a second breakfast, you can replace it with nuts or dried fruits.
  4. It must be remembered that a carbohydrate breakfast is useful for people who work mentally, and a protein breakfast is primarily necessary for those who work physically.
  5. You need to eat tasty and varied. Lack of appetite in the morning is not at all surprising if you eat the same thing for breakfast every day.

Nutritionist Kovalkov about a healthy breakfast

Protein Breakfast Options

Protein foods saturate better and speed up metabolism in the body. They are rich in calcium, vitamins and microelements. People who prefer this breakfast option are not prone to overeating during the day. In addition, protein is the main building material for muscles, hair and nails.

Omelette or scrambled eggs

Scientists have proven that the cholesterol contained in egg yolk is not at all dangerous. Lecithin and choline, substances also included in this useful product, prevent its deposition. A dish made from 2-3 eggs is best combined with vegetables, such as tomatoes or bell peppers. This breakfast will enrich your body with protein for the whole morning.


It's no secret that eating yogurt for breakfast is healthy. Only without sugar, dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives. Thanks to the content of beneficial fungi and lactobacilli, this product normalizes intestinal function and allows you to stabilize the metabolism in the body. It’s very easy to prepare it at home: in a special yogurt maker, slow cooker or in a regular thermos. You can add any fillers to natural yogurt: syrups, fresh fruits, nuts, oatmeal.

Cottage cheese

In order not to burden the pancreas with too heavy food in the morning, it is better to use cottage cheese with 5–9% fat content. You should not give preference to a low-fat product, because for normal absorption of calcium the body needs simultaneous consumption of fat. Those with a sweet tooth can treat themselves to cottage cheese with berries or fruits with the addition of a spoonful of honey or jam. Salty food lovers will love cottage cheese with sour cream and herbs. A great breakfast would be cheesecakes or a healthy casserole.

Carbohydrate Breakfast Options

Carbohydrate foods are necessary for active brain function. But not all of them are suitable for a healthy breakfast. Simple carbohydrates (cookies, white bread, corn flakes) are quickly absorbed. Once in the blood, they are immediately converted into sugar. Insulin produced by the pancreas removes it, turning it into fat. At the same time, your blood sugar level drops, and you feel hungry and tired. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, so they are an excellent source of energy for the whole morning.


First of all, complex carbohydrates include cereals. That's why it's good to eat porridge for breakfast several times a week. In this case, it is better to choose oatmeal, buckwheat, millet or pearl barley. They contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, as well as essential fiber. Whole grain cereals will provide energy for several hours, and coarse fiber will help the gastrointestinal tract function. It should be remembered that semolina and white rice are simple carbohydrates. Their consumption will cause drowsiness, and soon another attack of hunger. It is recommended to cook porridge in water or low-fat milk. You can add pumpkin, dried fruits, nuts and honey to taste.


This healthy mixture will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Due to the content of a large amount of indigestible fiber, this breakfast is ideal for overweight people. The body will spend a lot of energy trying to process coarse fibers, thereby burning calories. Store-bought muesli often contains a lot of sugar and artificial additives. Therefore, it is better to prepare such a mixture yourself. Healthy muesli should contain unprocessed oats, unroasted whole grains, nuts and dried fruit. You can pour the resulting mixture with skim milk or yogurt.

Whole grain sandwiches

Few people know that it is healthy to eat sandwiches for breakfast. Just not white bread with sausage and cheese. They contain simple carbohydrates, preservatives and bad cholesterol. Such a morning meal will only awaken your appetite, and after an hour or two you will want to eat even more. If you have very little time for breakfast, you can snack on sandwiches made from whole grain bread with pieces of boiled chicken breast or fish. Instead of butter, it is better to use low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, add fresh vegetables and lettuce. You can also eat this healthy sandwich as a second breakfast and take it with you wherever you go. By the way, grain bread is an excellent source of fiber and B vitamins, necessary for the beauty and health of hair.

Whole grain pancakes

When, if not in the morning, can you please yourself with high-calorie pancakes without compromising your figure? You don’t have to worry about weight gain—the calories you gain will be burned during the day. It’s just healthier to prepare them not from premium wheat flour, but from whole grain flour, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat. It is better to bake such pancakes in a non-stick frying pan without adding oil. They will be an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and will create a feeling of fullness for a long time.

A good mood, high performance and a sense of vigor throughout the day depend directly on the foods consumed in the morning. Breakfast will not take much time, but will bring enormous health benefits. Start your day right!

(3 ratings, average: 2,67 out of 5)

Everyone has heard more than once that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The body has just woken up and needs enough calories to have enough energy for a productive day. Having done a warm-up in the morning, you need to move on to eating.

However, A healthy breakfast looks different for each type of activity.. Proper nutrition for weight loss and general well-being of a person plays an important role in his life cycle.

Healthy breakfasts for every day provide proper nutrition and health

For example, for students and office workers who pay a lot of attention to mental activity, food with a sufficient amount of glucose is very important. This includes muesli, cheesecakes, cottage cheese, jam or chocolate.

When it comes to athletes, they need a different approach when choosing breakfast foods. For example, eat chicken breast and bran bread. They will help you get enough before the work day.

For example, for students and office workers who pay a lot of attention to mental activity, food with a sufficient amount of glucose is very important.

Do not forget about the healthfulness of drinks, as they are included in breakfast options with proper nutrition. Many people prefer to drink coffee in the morning. However, there is an important factor that needs to be adhered to. The drink should be exclusively brewed, and not instant, because it tastes better and is less harmful.

When choosing tea, nutritionists recommend paying attention to black rather than green. It has a lot of vitamins. As an option, they also use juices, which should be freshly squeezed due to a greater number of beneficial vitamins and the absence of dyes.

Note! There are a number of foods that should be excluded from your morning meal. This includes instant breakfasts, which contain much less nutrients than the manufacturer claims. Most are simply lost during cooking. You should also avoid sausage; you will only feel full for a few hours. Foods high in fat are not considered healthy for breakfast.

Healthy breakfasts for every day of the week: breakfast options - recipes

Obviously, a person faces difficulties in preparation if he wants to start monitoring his condition and chooses healthy breakfasts for every day.

By preparing healthy breakfasts for every day, proper nutrition will not only help you lose weight, but also recharge your energy.

Proper nutrition in this case, it will not only help you lose weight, but also recharge your energy for the whole day.

For breakfast you can prepare the following:

10 quick, healthy and delicious breakfasts

An important feature of eating in the morning is how quickly it can be prepared and whether it will be tasty:

Is it possible to lose weight by eating the right breakfasts?

Interesting fact! Very often, girls and people who want to improve their metabolism look for breakfast (with proper nutrition) for weight loss. The answer to this question is quite simple. Healthy food helps the body in every possible way, metabolism is improved, in which fat accumulation does not occur.

Since breakfasts often include a lot of fresh fruits and proteins, this has a positive effect on the body; within a week you can notice weight loss and the person will begin to feel better. Sleep improves, you have more energy and more strength to perform your daily duties.

Therefore, in order to lose weight, you need to know how to prepare healthy breakfasts for every day. Proper nutrition is best combined with sports activities, so the extra pounds will go away faster.

Proper nutrition for breakfast for weight loss (breakfast options - recipes)

Everyone who wants to lose weight is faced with a difficult moment - choosing the best examples of healthy eating breakfasts. For example, You can choose porridge, which is prepared in the evening.

For it you need:

  • 1 tbsp. cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal or other);
  • 2 tbsp. boiled water;
  • for taste and decoration you can take vanillin, cottage cheese, fruit, sugar, honey.

In the evening, pour the cereal into a thermos with a wide neck to make it convenient to eat. In the morning the porridge will be warm and crumbly.

As an option, you can also cook oatmeal with raspberries. You need to take oatmeal and cook it in milk or water. You can add vanillin, sugar, dried fruits and raspberries. Black coffee looks like a great addition.

The healthiest breakfasts for weight loss (recipes with photos)

It is very important for lovers of proper nutrition to have balanced and healthy breakfasts for weight loss. Recipes with photos will help you see what can happen in the end, and it will be easier for a person to choose the right dish for himself.

They usually come in the form of salads:

  • only fruit, with various types of fruit and dressings in the form of juice, yogurt or kefir;
  • only vegetable ones, which consist of vegetables, with dressings in the form of sunflower or olive oil, sour cream;
  • salad mixes - include both fruits and vegetables, add cheese and cereal flakes.

Smoothies have always been a very healthy breakfast option.

The healthiest breakfasts are considered to be those full of fresh vegetables and fruits.

For example, you can prepare a kefir-apple smoothie:

  • chop any apple (with a blender or grater);
  • mix chopped apple with low-fat kefir;
  • as an option, add a little cinnamon or thyme;
  • The entire mixture is whipped in a blender, which will ultimately give 2 full servings for breakfast.

And it is a well-known fact that breakfast is the main meal of the day. Everyone around says that breakfast should be the healthiest, heartiest and most satisfying. But for some reason there are always many different “buts” to such a simple truth. “I have no appetite in the morning”, “I’m late for work - I don’t have time”, “I can’t stand porridge, but you can’t think of anything else for breakfast”...

Do you recognize yourself in at least one of the excuses? If yes, then this article is just for you. She will tell you about the importance of breakfast and share 6 breakfast recipes with which you can make it a habit and only enjoy it.

The benefits of breakfast

For starters, breakfast is truly the main meal of the day. It launches your mood, energizes your body and mind until the evening. This is a kind of alarm clock for your body. If you yourself wake up, help your body wake up too. Also don't forget about.

It is known that people who prefer to skip this meal are more prone to obesity, emotional instability and weakness during the day.

Breakfast is the most important factor for a perfect and energizing start to the day. It is the morning meal that gives a charge of vigor and joy for the whole day. In order for your day to be productive, you should definitely have a hearty breakfast before the day's accomplishments.

Scientists say that in the morning the body needs to get enough energy to work productively. To do this, she recommends eating full carbohydrate breakfasts. Don't be afraid, this will not affect your weight in any way, because the extra calories will be burned off during the first half of the day.

Don't forget that every person needs to feel ready for the work process. The first meal will make the work process as fruitful as possible.

Also pay attention to the amount of sugar contained in the food you eat. Coffee or tea with sugar for breakfast will help a person wake up from sleep, but at the same time they will be a factor that will take away his good mood after 40 minutes, since the effect of sugar in the blood will end. Therefore, it is better to accompany sweets with something that contains complex carbohydrates that will be digested within two or three hours. This will significantly affect your performance.

Let's talk about the most popular “buts” that people come up with just to avoid having breakfast.

Excuses for not having breakfast

So, the first excuse is that you don’t feel like eating in the morning.
You just need to overcome yourself for the first time. If you have no appetite, don’t worry, this is just the beginning. A person quickly gets used to everything good, so you will have to endure literally a week of “pushing” food into yourself in the morning. Your body is very smart, so then immediately after waking up it will begin to eagerly ask you to feed it. Moreover, if you push tasty and healthy food, then you yourself will like it.

The next item on the list is no time.
Lack of time is just an excuse for your laziness. To have time for breakfast, just get up 30 minutes earlier than usual. Instead of checking your page on a social network, enjoying delicious food and benefiting your health – is that really a lot?

I don't know what to cook.
As for the food options. Here people rush from one extreme to another. They either gobble up croissants with condensed milk or choke on unsweetened oatmeal with water. Neither option is suitable. Various types of baked goods and sweets are truly filling and tasty, but they clearly don’t pass the “healthiness” point. The fast carbohydrates, trans fats and chemical additives they contain will not only cause hunger within an hour, but will also cause pain.

Porridge is healthy, but I don't like it.
As for lovers of healthy eating... Oh, the myth “only porridge for breakfast.” It’s really healthy and nutritious, but it’s not at all necessary to force yourself with tasteless food. Breakfast should lift your spirits and energize you, and not cause negative emotions. And breakfast should be not only healthy, but also tasty.

Well, let's try to find a middle ground?

The article offers you a choice of recipes for unusual, tasty, satisfying, nutritious and healthy breakfasts. They are also suitable for those who are on diets or. All dishes provided are based on the average caloric intake for a woman - 1600-2000 kcal per day.

Also, the list of recipes is suitable for those who always “have nothing to do” - all breakfasts are easy to prepare, do not require a lot of time and special culinary skills.

6 healthy breakfast recipes

No. 1. Oatmeal apple pancakes.

BJU of the finished dish: 552 kcal, B – 17.2, F – 11.5, U – 93.5.
BJU per 100 g: 152 kcal, B – 4.8, F – 3.1, U – 26.

Oat flakes "Hercules" 80 g.
Apple 1 piece (200 g)
Chicken egg 1 piece
Honey 30 g

Cooking method:
Process oatmeal into flour using a blender. Peel the apple and grate it on a coarse grater. Mix these ingredients, add an egg. Mix everything thoroughly. Place the resulting mass on a non-stick frying pan in the form of pancakes.

Fry them over medium heat with the lid closed for about 3 minutes on each side. Before serving, pour honey on top, otherwise it will not be sweet. You can, of course, add honey directly to the dough, but when heated, this product loses its beneficial properties, you need to remember this.

The pancakes turn out very tasty, and the aroma of apples and honey will fill your entire kitchen and whet your appetite. This is the first breakfast option, then it gets more interesting.

No. 2. Buckwheat with cottage cheese.

Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
BJU of the finished dish: 487 kcal, B – 20.8, F – 5, U – 90.4.
BJU per 100 g: 201 kcal, B – 9, F – 2.3, U – 38.5.

Buckwheat 80 g
cottage cheese 5% 50 g
dried apricots 20 g
raisins 25 g
banana 60 g

Cooking method:
Boil the buckwheat without adding salt. It is desirable that it is properly boiled, so that it is more mushy than crumbly. Read about it in the article.

Add 50 g of cottage cheese to the prepared buckwheat and microwave for about 2 minutes to soften the cottage cheese. Finely chop dried apricots and bananas and add them to the resulting “porridge” along with raisins. Mix everything well. That's all, the dish is already ready!

You can also get creative and add any fruit you like. This healthy breakfast option will definitely energize you for the whole day.

No. 3. Oatmeal-curd cookies.

Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
BJU of the finished dish: 488 kcal, B – 20.8, F – 7.7, U – 85.7.
BJU per 100 g: 192 kcal, B – 8.5, F – 3, U – 32.5.

Oat flakes "Hercules" 80 g
cottage cheese 5% (soft) 50 g
banana 1 piece (120 g)
raisins 15 g

Cooking method:
Grind the rolled oats into flour with a blender. Mash the banana using a fork or the same blender. Crush the cottage cheese as well. Mix all ingredients, add raisins. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. If you don’t have time, then put it in the freezer for 7 minutes (while brushing your teeth, for example).

Then place the resulting mass on a silicone mold in the form of cookies. You can try using a baking tray lined with food paper. You can sprinkle sesame seeds, poppy seeds, coconut flakes or walnuts on top of your work of culinary art. And now place the dish in an oven preheated to 180° for 12-15 minutes.

The aroma will be excellent, no store-bought oatmeal cookies can compare with this! Ruddy on the outside and soft on the inside. The perfect start to the day.

No. 4. Muesli and protein sandwich.

Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
BJU of the finished dish: 486 kcal, B – 25.4, F – 12, U – 72.3.
BJU per 100 g (sandwich): 166 kcal, B – 11.6, F – 7.1, U – 12.9.

Borodino bread 1 slice
chicken egg 1 pc
cheese 27% 20 g
bulb onions
muesli 80 g
kefir 1% 120 ml

Cooking method:
Of course, you only need to prepare a sandwich. It’s just that it alone is not enough for a full breakfast, so to make the meal truly complete, I suggest you, in addition to the sandwich, pour 80 g of muesli into your cup (without sugar, chocolate and honey) and pour in 120 g of kefir.

Now let's start making the sandwich. Cut a slice of Borodino bread (it is the most useful, and it also has a very good shape) and cut out the middle. Thus, a kind of frame should remain. Place it on a non-stick frying pan and crack an egg into the middle. Add a little salt.

Cut the tomatoes into slices, onion into rings and place on top of the egg. Cover with a lid and fry over low heat. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle on the sandwich. Leave in the pan for a couple more minutes, after which the dish can be served.

This breakfast is incredibly tasty and also has an ideal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

No. 5. Banana pancakes.

Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
BJU of the finished dish: 394.3 kcal, B – 18, F – 8.2, U – 60.4.
BJU per 100 g: 106.5 kcal B – 4.9, F – 2.2, U – 16.3.

Banana 1 piece (120 g)
kefir 1% 150 ml
whole grain flour 50 g
chicken egg 1 pc

Cooking method:
Puree the banana using a blender or a regular fork. Add kefir, egg, flour to it. Mix everything thoroughly. Place the pancakes on a non-stick frying pan. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side over low heat.

Such a simple, even almost banal breakfast is a storehouse of everything that makes up an ideal breakfast - a lot of complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and most importantly - a delicious taste!

Still drooling? Would you like to cook this?

No. 6. Lazy oatmeal.

Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
BJU of the finished dish: 407 kcal, B – 14.3, F – 6.5, U – 74.2.
BJU per 100 g: 160 kcal, B – 5.6, F – 2.5, U – 30.

Rolled oat flakes 70 g
banana 1 piece (120 g)
cocoa powder 5 g
natural white yoghurt 60 g

Cooking method:
This recipe lives up to its name - it is truly for the very lazy. In the evening, pour 70 g of rolled oats into a bowl. Add banana puree according to the old scheme. Sprinkle in a couple of tablespoons of natural sugar-free cocoa powder. Add 60 g of white yogurt to this. Mix everything well and refrigerate overnight.

In the morning you won’t need to do anything - just take the dish out of the refrigerator and enjoy. In fact, lazy oatmeal is a flight of your imagination. The basis is only rolled oats, and the fact that the porridge is left overnight and served cold. What exactly you add is entirely up to your taste preferences.


Well, I hope this article helped you understand that delicious and healthy breakfasts can be quick and easy to prepare! Tomorrow morning, try making yourself some of these recipe options. Be healthy and bon appetit!

A short video with a few more healthy breakfast options:

What do you eat for breakfast? I will be happy to discuss your recipes in the comments.

This year we've collected lots of healthy breakfast recipes, both sweet and savory. Check out some of them. You may really like many of them. They will be able to keep you in good shape until the end of winter.

Coconut, almonds and chocolate covered oats

Made with a blend of high-calorie ingredients, this delicious dessert breakfast offers 13 grams of protein and 8.2 grams of fiber. In total, the treat contains about 350 calories and less than 14 g of sugar.

Oatmeal fudge

Make a fudge bowl! Use one part fudge and one part oatmeal. They make breakfast amazing.

Avocado and egg

For a hearty breakfast, hard-boil your eggs ahead of time. Such food will fill your body with protein and fiber.

Gluten Free Oat Protein Bars

Each bar contains 176 calories, 8.4 grams of fiber and only 5.5 grams of sugar. Isn't it useful?

Vegan oatmeal

To prepare breakfast, you should whip up oatmeal. This porridge will last you for several days. Delicious!

Apples with cinnamon

Whisk together quinoa and apple puree, add raisins, cinnamon and crunchy almonds. Bake a batch of treats ahead of time and you can enjoy this healthy breakfast all week long.

Greek yogurt is one of the best ways to enjoy more protein without eggs or meat. Fresh yogurt should be served in a cantaloupe bowl, which contains carbohydrates. Don't forget to add your favorite fresh berries to the mix. They will provide additional color and flavor.

Oat bread with pumpkin seeds

Bake the bread and top it with oats and pumpkin seeds. A bite of this fiber-rich treat will leave you completely satisfied.

Tofu with cabbage and sweet potatoes

Mash the hard-boiled eggs and add them to the cabbage and sweet potatoes. This salad will fill you with energy for the whole day.

Spinach with quinoa

Fill your breakfast with grains in this quinoa and spinach salad. Looks very tasty! Plus, this breakfast only takes 10 minutes to prepare. It contains almost 20 g of protein.

Try baking an egg in an avocado. In addition to healthy fatty acids and plenty of protein, this filling breakfast is low in sugar. It will provide you with an active day.

Even if you're eliminating gluten from your diet, you can still enjoy a stack of hot pancakes! These wheat-free pancakes include almond flour and flaxseed. They are high in fiber and protein, and they are almost sugar-free.

Spinach with feta cheese

It's hard to say no to a spinach and feta treat, and we understand that. This breakfast is low in calories and carbohydrates and contains no preservatives.

Gluten free granola

Rich in iron and completely cholesterol-free, gluten-free granola is a sweet, nutty treat with the perfect crunch. Cereals with dried fruits will not leave anyone indifferent.

A chicken egg, sprinkled with bacon cubes and seasoned with butter, is baked in a heat-resistant ceramic mold with tomato. This dish contains more than 10 grams of protein. A tomato frittata is the perfect way to satiate your body after a strenuous morning workout.


If you like dishes with a creamy texture, then you will definitely love this method of preparing vegetarian buckwheat porridge. And unlike many hot cereal options, this cereal is gluten-free!

Polenta for breakfast

A bowl of polenta for breakfast is super easy to make. It will fill your body with proteins and carbohydrates, which are so necessary after a morning run. This is an excellent vegetarian choice for runners who need fast recovery. The dish is prepared in about 10 minutes.

These light and airy pumpkin muffins make a delicious breakfast and will fill you up for the day. One muffin contains less than 140 calories, so grab two for a quick breakfast that will keep you energized all morning.

Baked egg with quinoa

Make this Quinoa Egg Casserole on a Sunday night to eat the next morning. This breakfast is gluten free. In addition to plenty of protein and fiber, your body will receive iron and calcium.

Try classic omelettes with this incredible Southwestern tofu. Its beautiful yellow hue comes from turmeric. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Yummy Turkish muffins

Oat bars

Save money by baking your own oat bars. They will give you energy at the start of the day. These low sugar products are a great way to fill you up in the morning!

Eggs baked in ham cups

Eggs in ham shells make a great hot breakfast before going to work. They are suitable as a morning meal throughout the work week, and will also fill you up on the weekend. This food contains low carbohydrates.

Enjoy amazing flavor with a batch of fluffy vegan pancakes. These hot pancakes are the perfect weekend treat.

When you're looking for a hearty breakfast with sophisticated flavor, simply wrap a few asparagus stalks in salmon.

Banana muffins

Make original baked goods that can become a nutritious breakfast. These banana muffins are filled with a super healthy ingredient you wouldn't even know about - spinach!

Pancakes with quinoa

If you don't know what to do with leftover quinoa, here's a great idea. For breakfast, you can prepare a portion of fluffy quinoa pancakes. This creative culinary treat is high in folic acid, protein and fiber.

Lots of different vegetables and high protein content all in one easy recipe. The dish, which includes tomatoes, cubes of mozzarella cheese, black beans and purple basil, is high in protein. It will captivate you with its unusual aroma.

These delicious little muffins will replace hard-boiled eggs and speed up your body's metabolism.

Protein pancakes

Don't worry, these thin pancakes are grain-free! They are made from three yolks and two whites. And it’s not at all surprising that breakfast contains protein. The dish is perfect for a Sunday or a healthy start to the workday.

Oat waffles with cinnamon

Waffles with a little pure maple syrup have become a favorite breakfast for many. This cinnamon oatmeal waffles recipe is topped with whole grains, fruit, yogurt, and flaxseed meal. These waffles are not only delicious, but also incredibly nutritious.

Gluten Free Apple Donuts

These gluten-free apple cider donuts get their sweetness from molasses and cinnamon. One bite and you'll love these fried rounds forever.

Top these pancakes with berries and Greek yogurt. Oh my God, what a pleasure this is!

Combine your favorite breakfast foods and enjoy healthy and delicious oatmeal pancakes.

Blueberry, grape and barley baked goods

This dish has approximately 250 calories per serving and is a very healthy way to start the day.

Enjoy a spicy and delicious protein-packed breakfast. A batch of poached eggs is made with tomatoes, Swiss cheese, Swiss chard and chickpeas.

French toast may seem decadent, but the satisfaction of this sandwich with whole grain bread and ricotta cheese is truly heavenly.

Coconut pudding with chia seeds

Treat yourself to healthy pudding for breakfast. It goes very well for dessert.

This dish contains protein. This recipe made from whole grain oats will be an excellent solution for breakfast, because it requires a minimum of effort to implement.

Lemon and raspberry muffins

If you love baked goods, then you will like this baking option. We suggest preparing a muffin with lemon and raspberries, which will contain 3.2 g of fiber and 5.4 g of protein.

It is served with crunchy granola and fresh berries. This cup of fruit mousse is a refreshing morning treat.

Paleo Diet for Breakfast

Is the Paleo diet close to your heart? Then pay attention to this option for serving your breakfast. It's high in protein and omega-3s and will keep your body energized throughout the workday.

Vegan French Toast

Enjoy this great vegan French toast and get your morning juices flowing.

Gluten Free Banana Muffins

These gluten-free banana muffins are a delicious breakfast.

Upgrade your classic pancakes with a delicious seasonal surprise - pumpkin puree! These pumpkin pancakes are deliciously fluffy and flavorful.

If you're craving eggs for breakfast, a white frittata is a great choice. The dish is surprisingly simple and nutritious.

Sweet Potato Apple Cinnamon Pancakes

Make sweet potato and apple pancakes on the griddle for breakfast. They will bring you pleasure.

This apple cinnamon smoothie will fill you with energy throughout the workday. It is quite simple to prepare, but the effect is amazing!

Nut butter bars

Save money and don't buy ready-made butter at the store. You can squeeze oil out of nuts at home.

These berry muffins can be prepared according to the recipe of Gwyneth Paltrow, or rather, her mother.

Banana and spinach pancakes

Don't be afraid and prepare this breakfast. These Blueberry Banana Spinach Pancakes are a delicious treat that will boost your health.

This is an excellent breakfast option!

Prepare apple pancakes from oatmeal and enjoy the taste.

Breakfast provided a margin of safety before going out into this cruel world. After a proper breakfast, it was easier to withstand any tests sent by the villainous fate.

Daria Desombre "The Mystery of the Dutch Tiles"

Breakfast is undoubtedly the most important meal of the day. Many of us often don't have enough time to prepare a healthy breakfast before heading to work. For this reason, we often manage to eat only a small cookie on the way to the office, and sometimes nothing at all. We present breakfast options - both for weekdays and weekends, when there is more time for preparation. A good breakfast can be a wonderful start to the day, and it's worth getting up a little earlier.

Quick breakfast options for every day

Those who do not have breakfast in the morning are making a big mistake. Breakfast gives the body energy, especially needed in the first half of the day. After a healthy breakfast, your concentration improves, you feel better and have more energy. This is why eating in the morning is so important. If you don't have a breakfast habit, you need to get one to stay healthy.

In the morning we often don’t have enough time to prepare a solid breakfast. Therefore, the path to regular meals in the morning begins with getting up early. We have collected excellent recipes that are prepared quickly enough and will help you spend your time and energy more economically.

Eggs for breakfast

If you want to enjoy a hot breakfast every morning, eggs are the quickest option. Eggs are one of the typical breakfast ingredients as they keep us full for quite a long time and can be prepared in a variety of ways. There are many delicious recipes using eggs that taste great and only take a few minutes to cook.

Scrambled eggs don't require much time or effort and can be combined with a variety of ingredients of your choice - there are many recipes. You can customize your eggs with bacon, cheese, or fresh vegetables.

Breakfast of muesli

If you prefer sweet breakfasts, you can't go wrong with making your own muesli mix. There are endless options for delicious muesli breakfasts to suit every taste. You decide whether it's crunchy muesli, oats, quinoa or any other ingredient, and you can upgrade your portion with fruit, chocolate or yogurt if you wish. This breakfast will turn out even faster if you prepare all the ingredients the night before.

Smoothie for breakfast

If you don't like chewing in the morning, you can enjoy one of the liquid breakfasts. Fresh citrus juice may not satisfy your hunger, but a delicious, thick juice for breakfast will do just fine.

Many recipes for delicious liquid breakfasts are prepared using milk, kefir, yogurt, bananas, kiwi, spinach, and oatmeal, which provide the body with sufficient energy until noon. Of course, almost all quick breakfast recipes, with the exception of hot dishes, can be prepared and enjoyed with pleasure right in the office.

Delicious weekend breakfasts. Sweet recipes

Unlike weekdays, on weekends we usually have much more time to treat ourselves and our family to delicious breakfast dishes. When choosing a menu for Saturday or Sunday morning, you can choose sweet or savory dishes, or combine both options.

Pancakes for breakfast

If you want to start the day with sweets, then you can make pancakes - one of the most common dishes for a delicious breakfast, popular among both young and old people. Several made from dough with cocoa, or regular pancakes with chocolate spread, honey or jam, fruit - a good start to the day.

Toast for breakfast

Regular croutons, also known as French toast, are famous all over the world and are among the best weekend breakfast recipes. To prepare them, you only need bread, milk, eggs and a frying pan (can be fried with or without oil), and breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Toasts go well with jam, honey and chocolate, which is why children love them very much.

Waffles for breakfast

If you have a waffle iron at home, then cook in, which are also a great weekend breakfast. Waffles can be made with sweet or savory dough and topped with your choice of cream, chocolate, fresh fruit or plain yogurt. Waffles are a nice accompaniment to coffee that will add some fun to your weekend.

Homemade bread for breakfast

On your day off, you can also surprise your family with a delicious homemade one. Baking time for banana bread usually takes about an hour, so this recipe is not a quick process. If you get up early anyway, then this breakfast option is perfect for you.

Cupcakes and muffins for breakfast

There are many delicious breakfast ideas that will allow you to start your weekend in style. For example, you can bake blueberry or chocolate muffins, or try recipes with ingredients like pumpkin and carrots. Also add dried fruits and nuts if you want to further enhance your baked goods.

Delicious breakfasts with a spicy taste

If you're looking for some Sunday brunch ideas, don't miss out on some of the savory treats featured here. If you're preparing breakfast for guests, you can bake delicious dishes in muffin tins in the oven. These could be, for example, savory, bacon, or small. This hearty breakfast goes well with tomatoes, leeks and spinach.

Toasts with toppings

Among other quick breakfast recipes, mention should be made of different versions of toasted bread with some kind of topping. Among them, for example, is toasted fat-free bread with tomatoes and cheese. Or crostini - a sandwich similar to bruschetta, but fried with fat.

In general, different types of sandwiches are the best choice for breakfast, quick and easy to prepare. With the right ingredients, you can make your sandwich as tasty as possible and as healthy as possible. One delicious and healthy breakfast idea is a salmon and avocado sandwich, which can be served with fresh salad and cheese. Instead of bread, you can use toasted toast or, if time permits, bake delicious buns yourself. Even low carb scones are not that difficult to make and are perfect for your first meal.

Many great breakfast dishes are made with simple ingredients but taste great. If you want to upgrade a simple sandwich, you can top it with a fried or poached egg. If the sandwich is made from a bun, then a few mugs of boiled egg will go perfectly with it. Don't forget about vegetables, as they add freshness and flavor to your sandwiches.

Instead of weekday scrambled eggs, you can make them with a different filling on the weekend. Omelettes are made with bacon, ham, or you can make a vegetarian version with just vegetables, such as tomatoes and olives. For a good omelette, it is important that the eggs are thoroughly beaten. At the same time, it becomes airy and acquires a wonderful taste.

Healthy breakfasts for a healthy start to the day

Oatmeal for breakfast. If you want to eat as healthy as possible and don't want to eat bread in the morning, opt for oatmeal. For the dish to be truly healthy, you need to make the appropriate mixture yourself, rather than buy it in the store. To do this, take oatmeal, various nuts and dried fruits, as well as fresh fruits. Pour the mixture with kefir, yogurt or milk and enjoy this healthy, tasty and quite filling breakfast.

Green smoothie for breakfast

Green cocktails (smoothies) are rich in vitamins and, with the right ingredients, leave you feeling full for quite a long time. In addition, you can easily take this cocktail to the office. Make this nutritious drink to your liking, all you need is a blender.

A light vitamin drink can be prepared from cucumber and parsley, which contains a lot of iron (one teaspoon of greens will satisfy the body's daily need for iron), a lot of carotene and vitamin C. Cucumber is 90% water, so the drink is especially good in the heat.

A tonic green smoothie can be made from celery and apple. An invigorating smoothie is prepared from products such as spinach + kiwi + banana. A very nutritious drink consisting of avocado + cucumber + apple + ginger.

Fruit salad for breakfast

Everyone knows that fruits contain many vitamins and are therefore very healthy. So for another delicious breakfast idea, we recommend trying one or the other. Any variety of this breakfast with berries, bananas, citrus fruits or other ingredients will be very healthy and tasty. If you like to eat fruit plain or with a little yogurt, make yourself a low-calorie breakfast that can even help you lose weight.

Breakfasts with bread

If you like bread, check out these simple, delicious, healthy breakfast recipes. Whole grain bread works best for this, but not buttered toast. Avocado is ideal as a filling and can also be combined with other toppings such as fried eggs, salmon or turkey ham.

Breakfast with exotic fruits

In fact, even in the supermarket you can find many highly nutritious foods that are ideal for a healthy breakfast. Among them, pay attention to exotic products. For example, quinoa is gluten-free and goes well with milk, chocolate and any fruit, making you more cheerful after the first spoon.

In addition to quinoa, consider chia grains, which are also used in many diets. You can find many delicious breakfast ideas with chia, such as making a smoothie, adding it to granola, or baking a delicious pudding. Make it a habit to regularly eat breakfast every morning and thus take an important step towards a healthy lifestyle.



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