Beautiful dog. Rating of the most beautiful dogs

It's hard to find a pet that is as popular as a dog. Fish, hamsters, and parrots will never be able to take away this palm from a dog. And this is quite natural, because the dog is considered the most best friend person. She is not only a devoted guard, but also a creature whom you can trust and express all your secret desires and secrets and know that she will not betray.

The beauty of dogs is a relative concept, because for each owner it is his four-legged friend is the most beautiful. But still, there are several dog breeds that cannot be looked at without admiration, regardless of personal tastes.

Scottish Sheepdog (Collie)

An indispensable assistant to alpine shepherds and a wonderful friend to children. Long-haired collies always attract admiring glances. This breed of dog is perfect for keeping in a private home and always loves to be close to its owner. This is due to the fact that the distant ancestors of modern collies remained alone for a long time with their shepherd owners on mountain pastures, warming them with their fur on cold nights and protecting them from predators. Among all breeds it is difficult to find a kinder, more flexible and affectionate dog; it is perfect as a companion dog.

This breed is the symbol of the American state of Alaska and is one of the oldest on earth. Bred in harsh climatic conditions Eskimo tribe, these dogs are last years have proven themselves well and how indoor dogs. Noble, hardy and loyal, they are able to carry a sleigh with a huge load across the endless snows of the Arctic. This breed is somewhat similar to a wolf, and it is not surprising, because wolf blood flowed in the veins of their ancestors.

The thick fluffy coat of Malamutes requires special and daily care, if kept at home. It is thanks to this coat that a dog can sleep in the snow even at low sub-zero temperatures. Despite the apparent severity, the Malamute is very cheerful and playful dog, who gets along well with children and loves long walks outdoors in noisy company.

Golden retriever

English hunting breed was bred by Lord Tweedmouth and throughout for long years was considered a dog of the aristocracy and nobility. Puppies of this breed cost a lot of money, and therefore simple people We couldn’t afford to have such a dog. The retriever has long ceased to be just a hunter, but has turned into true friend and a companion. Thanks to its amazing reddish-brown color, it got the name golden.

These dogs make excellent guide dogs, as they have a calm and balanced character. This breed is also used to treat autism in children; dogs are excellent at relieving stress and tension. human psyche. Perhaps, Golden retriever, the most beautiful dog breed in the world.

Samoyed husky

This breed of dog got its name from the northern Samoyed tribe, whom it accompanied on hunts and helped transport various loads. These dogs are excellent bear and walrus hunters, as well as excellent deer herders. Samoyeds are also called Arctic Spitz for their similarity to their smaller cousins. This breed was first brought to Europe in 1890, and from Great Britain it began its journey of conquering other European countries.

Since the Samoyed's coat is white, it needs good and careful care. Despite the fact that the breed came to us from the land of eternal cold, the dogs feel great in any climatic conditions. Lovers Samoyed Husky They claim that this dog is an excellent nanny and gets along well with children of any age. Previously, small children were even left at the side of these dogs, and they happily warmed the babies, and at the same time, remained absolutely motionless. These dogs are wonderful friends, but they really don’t like confined spaces.

If you decide to have a Doberman in your apartment, then you can say goodbye to peace and quiet. Such a dog will do only for a person who loves an active way of life. This breed was developed in Germany and got its name from the breeder Friedrich Louis Dobermann, who was a tax policeman. Completely disappointed in the working qualities of the dogs that were provided to him for service, he began breeding new breed, specifically for working with a police officer.

It should be noted that he succeeded perfectly, because the Doberman, along with the German shepherd, is still considered the most suitable assistant policeman. Athletic, muscular, and at the same time graceful and elegant, the Doberman has proven itself to be an excellent bodyguard. Powerful jaws, speed of reaction allow him to cope with any encroachment on your safety in a matter of minutes.

But before you decide to get this dog, you need to take into account that the Doberman is choleric by nature and will need to spend a lot of time on the move. Life on a soft rug near the sofa is not for him. If he does not receive daily physical activity, the Doberman will begin to look for adventures in the apartment and this is unlikely to please a person who is accustomed to silence and order.

Japanese Akita Inu

Coming from the land of the rising sun, Akita Ina gained worldwide fame thanks to the famous representative of this breed - Hachiko, who is considered a national hero in Japan. There are legends about the devotion of this breed in Japan, but not every person can cope with raising such a dog. Since the Akita has a very strong and independent character, she will always try to gain the upper hand over the owner. But for the one who can become an authority for her, she will be the most obedient and flexible creature. Akitu loves small children and enjoys playing with them.

Apart from purely useful functions, dogs are also called upon to perform an aesthetic function: that is, simply to please the eyes of their owners with their unsurpassed appearance.
Naturally, every dog, if it is well-groomed, looks beautiful.
However, there are breeds that are generally considered the most beautiful.
Let's look at the top ten, which includes the most beautiful dog breeds.

10. Completes the top ten most beautiful dogs The Dalmatian breed is easily recognizable by its characteristic black or brown spotted coat on a white background.
These dogs are large, hardy, possessing harmonious proportions bodies. Black and white Dalmatians should have a black nose, while brown and white Dalmatians should have a brown nose. This determines the purity of the breed. It is especially pleasant to watch the Dalmatian when he moves. His movements can be described as free and wide.

9. The Great Dane is rightfully considered a beautiful breed.
This large dog(about a meter tall and weighing about 100 kg), striking in the proportionality of her body, noble posture and grace in every movement. The Great Dane resembles an antique statue, majestic and proud. Most often, Great Danes are black, but there are also other shades, such as marbled.

8. The “Most Beautiful Dogs” rating will be incomplete if it does not include the Labrador Retriever breed.
This is a breed that is loved famous people: presidents, kings, singers. The Labrador Retriever is a large, good-natured dog originally designed for hard work.

7. Not a single “Most Beautiful Dog” competition is complete without a dog. exotic breed Chihuahua.
This charming creature with the penetrating gaze of large transparent eyes and touchingly huge ears for her tiny height. The tiny Chihuahua, with a height not exceeding 15-20 centimeters, has such a desperate and courageous disposition that even huge dogs cannot compete with it in this characteristic.

6. The list of “the most beautiful dog breeds” includes the Afghan Hound.
These dogs are about 70 cm tall and have thick, long hair. If you describe this breed in one word, it would be the word “elegance”. Special features of the Afghan Hound are almond-shaped eyes, long, well-furred ears, a strong neck and high withers. This dog knows how to maneuver expertly, since it was bred for hunting in the mountains and has retained these abilities at the genetic level to this day.

5. The title of the most beautiful dog in the world is well deserved by a dog of the Pomeranian or dwarf Spitz breed.
These are small cute dogs with bright red, orange, cream or black colors. Despite his short stature(about 23 cm), Spitz dogs are a threat to thieves and intruders, as they have keen hearing, and are therefore considered ideal guards.

4. When compiling a rating of the most beautiful dogs, one cannot ignore the German Shepherd breed.
These dogs, being unusually beautiful animals, also have an extraordinary mind.
Shepherd dogs are descendants of northern wolves and were originally intended to guard the herd. And now this dog is used to protect territories or as a bodyguard, as well as for many other purposes. In this regard, the German Shepherd is one of the most versatile breeds.

3. Looking at a Golden Retriever dog, you can say without any hesitation that this is the most beautiful dog.
This breed is named so because of its beautiful color, reminiscent of gold (golden - golden). These may not only be shades of this precious metal, but also cream colors. The coat of Golden Retrievers can be either smooth or wavy.

2. The top ten most beautiful dogs include the Siberian Husky.
This breed was bred as a sled dog, but is now used more as a companion dog or for decorative purposes in shows and exhibitions.

1. The Scottish Terrier tops the ranking of the most beautiful dogs.
This breed was originally bred to hunt rabbits and foxes. At that time, these dogs had a spotted color and only a few decades later acquired their current black color. This is the most beautiful dog in the world, and officially recognized. It was the Scottish Terrier who won this year's Westminster Dog Show in New York - the most prestigious dog show competition. And although now Scottish Terriers They are bred more often for decorative purposes; the call of their ancestors still lives in them: they still know how and love to hunt.


Dogs are man’s true friends, because they help us in all areas, but there is one more important function– aesthetic. Every dog ​​is capable of pleasing the eye of its owner. Today we will present the TOP ten, which includes the most beautiful dog breeds recognized throughout the world. You will find everything: names of breeds, features, vivid photos and video reviews.


First place - Husky

First place in the TOP 10 most beautiful breeds dogs are occupied by charming Huskies. It is unlikely that anyone can resist their charm, and their bright blue, icy eyes attract attention. Huskies look like lone wolves on the outside, but on the inside they are very friendly companion dogs. The breed was bred as a sled dog and adapted to live in the coldest regions of the world. Huskies are distinguished by their extraordinary endurance and, if necessary, can run hundreds of kilometers.

Second place - Alaskan Malamute

Second place in the TOP 10 of our rating is awarded to an attractive and elegant dog, the name of his breed is Alaskan Malamute. This proud dog is like a lone wolf, in whose eyes you can see your reflection. Malamute puppies are very playful and cheerful, which children will especially like.

Despite their representative appearance, these beautiful dogs are very open and sincere. The Alaskan Malamute has another name - the Symbol of Alaska. After all, it was there that the breed was bred for transporting sleds with heavy loads, which the Malamute copes with with a bang.

Third place - Golden Retriever

The top three of the TOP 10 most attractive dogs is completed by the Golden Retriever. The name of the breed comes from the similarity of the dog's color to gold (golden). The shades of this metal shimmer with all the colors of warm and creamy tones. Dogs' coat can be perfectly smooth or with playful waves. All the beauty and grace of the animal is especially conveyed during movement, when all the reflections of the golden sun are visible on the fur.

The second name for the Retriever is Therapy Dog, because it is a very friendly, positive and harmless creature. The company of a dog will add color to any cloudy day.

It is not surprising that the breed is not only included in the TOP 10 most beautiful dogs in the world, but is also the most popular in America. – an excellent hunter, a playful companion for your children and trusted friend all family.

Fourth position - German Shepherd

The fourth position in the TOP 10 is deservedly occupied by the smartest and no less beautiful German Shepherd. Just look at this stern, well-groomed dog with an unusually intelligent look. Odes of praise in honor of her majestic appearance and sharp mind are constantly pouring into her address. The German Shepherd is a real hard worker who occupies a worthy place not only in our homes, but also in police stations, in the army, in war or on the border. This dog is ready to show courage and fearlessness in any difficult situations.

Fifth place - Samoyed

The snow-white Samoyed flaunts in the fifth position of the TOP-10. As a puppy, this husky resembles a fluffy snowball that you just want to play with. Over time, the puppy grows into a very beautiful, large, but graceful, snow-white dog, like the first winter snow. The noble Samoyed is often present at world exhibitions, he is admired on the street, but even sitting in his home chair, he will look like a king. The dog is very affectionate, so it is unlikely that it will make a bodyguard or guard dog, but the companion will be excellent.

Sixth position - Dwarf Spitz

The sixth place in the ranking is occupied by another name for the breed - Pomeranian. These are beautiful dogs with cute fox faces and fluffy long hair bright red, scarlet and other warm shades. The image is complemented by a large and fluffy fan-shaped tail raised high. Spitz grows to only 23 cm in length, however, this does not prevent him from easily coping with thieves and other intruders.

Thanks to acute hearing Spitz can make a good watchman.

Seventh place - Afghan Hound

The honorary title of world beauties among dogs goes to the dog, which ranks seventh on the list. Popularly, these dogs received another name – “models”, because their height is 70 cm at the withers! Thick, long white fur effectively covers the entire body and limbs, and the densely covered ears resemble a wig. The elongated sculpture of the muzzle and almond-shaped eyes attract attention. The Afghan Hound can maneuver perfectly, as it has the ability to hunt in the mountains in its blood.

Eighth place - Chihuahua

The TOP 10 most beautiful dogs in the world also includes the exotic Chihuahua, which occupies the eighth position in the ranking. The charming baby will captivate anyone with her large transparent eyes and piercing gaze. The neat head of the animal, which resembles an apple with small sharp ears looking vertically upward, attracts attention. The beauty's coat can be either long or short, and the color range includes more than 10 shades. Despite its small size and adorable appearance, the Chihuahua is characterized by a courageous disposition and bravery.

In this video you will find reviews from breeders about the charming Chihuahua and learn the story of their success.

Ninth position - Dalmatian

The handsome Dalmatian is in ninth position in our ranking. Fundamental attractive feature The breed can be called unique wool, where black pretty spots are scattered on a white background. This contrast of colors and pattern attracts people's eyes to the dog. Dalmatians are large and muscular, well-built, energetic and playful in nature, intelligent and easy to train.

Tenth place - Dog

The majestic Great Dane rounds out the top ten most beautiful dog breeds. It is amazing that with a weight of up to 100 kg the dog remains elegant and graceful. The Great Dane is comparable to a proud statue from Antiquity. The powerful body, long slender legs and noble posture do not leave us indifferent. Great Danes most often have an elegant black or marbled color.

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Video “The most beautiful dogs”

This video features the most beautiful dogs in the world.

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Beauty is an unambiguous and flexible concept. As you know, everyone has their own tastes, and the most beautiful dog in the world is also different for everyone. It is difficult to say which dogs can be called the most beautiful - every dog ​​breeder will name his own breed, and he will be right in some way. After all, every animal is beautiful in its own way, be it a simple mongrel or a bull terrier. Moreover, every person is closer to his own pet, even slobbering, with scars, or not at all meeting the standards of its breed. But be that as it may, there are a top 10 breeds that are recognized by public opinion as the most beautiful. You can agree with this list, or try to refute it, but it exists.

Settled in 10th place Yorkshire Terrierminiature dog, which is also famous for the fact that it does not shed. Many dog ​​breeders and connoisseurs small breeds note that this is the most beautiful breed in the world, but general statistics place it in tenth place. This is an energetic, irrepressible, but very friendly animal that successfully exterminates rodents, which brings additional benefits. Puppies of this breed are taken from nurseries, the price can be about several tens of thousands of rubles, if we talk about a purebred puppy. This is natural; beautiful dog breeds are not cheap.

If you like beautiful and funny dogs, the Bernese dog has probably repeatedly won your attention - it is not just active, but also an unusually graceful animal with long hair and a remarkable color. This is a rather rare breed in our country; it has Swiss roots. Finding a puppy is not easy; it will also cost several tens of thousands of rubles if you contact nurseries in large cities. It is worth emphasizing right away that the character of the dog is stubborn, its training and upbringing is the lot of professionals or very patient people.

These are not just beautiful dogs, looking at the photo of which you can simply melt. This breed is also known for its loyalty, love for people and understanding of its owner. The dog looks like a Spitz, but his character is completely different. If you want to become the happy owner of an animal of this breed, you will again need to contact a nursery, since it is rare in Russia. Two or three tens of thousands of rubles will allow you to become the owner of a cute puppy, which will grow into a dog that will never leave you. It can also be used as a hunting weapon.

This is a slender, graceful dog that has prominent muscles and smooth hair - its appearance is truly impressive. But it is worth remembering that dogs have quite complex nature, and they need a serious owner and thorough training. This is a fairly common breed, you can buy a puppy not only in the nursery, but also from breeders, from ordinary dog ​​owners, and the price can range from a couple of thousand rubles to several tens, depending on the pedigree and other parameters.

The large but graceful Giant Schnauzer was deservedly given sixth place. This small black dog has a cheerful disposition, she is brave and loyal, actively defends her owner, and just as easily gets involved in games. A Schnauzer puppy can be purchased from breeders or in a nursery; the price also varies from several thousand to a couple of tens depending on a number of factors. You can easily purchase such an animal for a home with children, but you need to set aside time to care for the dog’s coat.

This graceful husky with long hair is not just a decoration for the house - it is a very strong animal. This breed will attract attention with its white color and charming look. Such a dog will always remain a cheerful, affectionate puppy, it is very playful and active, it needs to be walked for a long time. It is not always easy to find a puppy, but you can buy one in a nursery for several tens of thousands of rubles.

In fourth place on the list was the German Shepherd - a truly stately, attention-grabbing dog with a charming color and indescribable charm. In addition to its appearance, this animal attracts with its:

  • working qualities,
  • learning ability,
  • mind.

She gets along well with people, becomes an assistant and companion, a protector. Finding a puppy is not at all difficult, because it is also one of the most common breeds. You can buy it for a couple of thousand rubles second-hand, or find it in a nursery with a pedigree and invest several tens of thousands in the purchase. Sometimes puppies are ordered from abroad, from their historical homeland, but then the cost already runs into hundreds of thousands.

This is a proportionally built dog with long and soft hair of a unique golden color. This is a peaceful, calm creature with a benevolent disposition - however, the dog will definitely stand up to protect its owner.

The breed has an average distribution, puppies are usually taken from nurseries or from breeders, the price can start from 5 thousand rubles. It will not be difficult to train a canine baby; they are not only inquisitive, but also very smart dogs, which are easily adapted to human requirements.

Everyone knows the expressive look of the husky and their Blue eyes. This is a very beautiful dog whose emotions are literally visible on his face. At the same time, the dog has exceptional friendliness, and in addition, it has endurance and strength. However, if you get your dog angry, he can go into a real rage. Puppies can cost 20-30 thousand rubles; they are bought in nurseries or from breeders in major cities. However, the training and education of a young dog will have to be taken very seriously so that it never challenges the owner’s right to be the leader.

And finally, almost unanimously, lovers believe that the most beautiful dog in the world is the Malamute. Despite the fact that this animal has an independent, and even primitive appearance, and something wolfish can be traced in its image, it remains kind and has a positive attitude towards people. Such a dog can become a wonderful family member, even if there are small children, and will love and protect its environment. But physical exercise- This required condition For happy life this dog. You can buy a puppy in specialized nurseries - there are not many of them, but they are available in large cities. Two or three tens of thousands of rubles will allow you to purchase such a puppy.

This is what the top 10 most beautiful dogs in the world look like, but it should not be denied that everyone has their own opinion on this matter.

The most beautiful dogs, and simply unremarkable representatives of the canine family, are unique animals whose lives have long been inextricably linked with the life and activities of humans. These are the first animals that were domesticated and tamed by man, and became his faithful assistants in such vital activities as hunting, fishing, ranching, home defense and much more.

The most beautiful dogs, and simply unremarkable representatives of the canine family, are unique animals whose lives have long been inextricably linked with the life and activities of humans

Of course, with the development of civilization, a number of important activities, for example, hunting, practically lost their primary importance and turned more into entertainment, however, even now dogs faithfully serve people not only as companions and nannies for children, but also as service dogs, whose outstanding abilities help solve serious problems in the field of security.

There are more than 400 dog breeds in the world, which can be divided into the following types:

  • hunting;
  • official;
  • decorative.

A number of cynologists also distinguish herding dog breeds. And among all this many representatives of the canine world, there are beautiful and majestic dogs, and there are just cute doggies. However, no matter how harmless and cute this animal may seem, we should not forget that any representative is a predator, and almost all decorative breeds were bred on the basis of hunting and herding breeds.

When choosing an animal, many people first of all pay attention to the attractive appearance of the breed. However, a beautiful exterior is not the most important quality, which the cutest dog breeds have.

A dog is a predator, therefore it must have an appropriate appearance, i.e. a representative of a dog breed should look like a lion, tiger, bear, and in no case like a herbivore (as is the case with the Bedlington Terrier). Professional dog handlers believe that the most beautiful dogs in the world are animals that combine the following qualities and characteristics:

  1. Strict compliance with individual characteristics typical characteristics breeds
  2. Harmonious color.
  3. Physical and mental health, because the cutest dog, being sick, looks sad and requires special care from the owner.

In accordance with the above criteria, you can roughly determine which is the most beautiful dog in the world, and highlight the top of the best.

Gallery: the most beautiful dogs in the world (25 photos)

Top 5 most beautiful dogs in the world (video)

Ten of the most beautiful breeds

Drawing up any ratings among dog breeds- this is a sensitive matter, and in many ways its result is relative. After all time is running, the fashion for breeds is changing, new varieties are being developed and the existing ones are being improved, “refined”. And it is not surprising that for a real dog breeder, the most beautiful breed of dog in the world is his favorite.

Of course, there are exhibitions where pets are evaluated by a professional jury, therefore, according to professional dog handlers, we can conditionally identify the following top 10 most beautiful dogs in the world. In principle, this top ten should be divided into 2 parts, and the first 5 positions in this ranking are deservedly occupied by representatives of service and hunting breeds:

  1. Collie (Scottish Sheepdog).
  2. Russian greyhound.

The second part of the top is decorative breeds, namely:

  1. Chow-chow.
  2. English cocker spaniel.
  3. Poodles.
  4. Bolonki.
  5. Pekingese.

These beautiful dog breeds have interesting appearance and characteristic qualities.

A little about the characteristics

The Scottish Sheepdog, or collie, was bred in Scotland at the end of the 18th century. She heads the top of the most beautiful dog breeds. The main qualities of Scottish Shepherds are:

  • endurance;
  • high degree of adaptation to harsh climates;
  • very beautiful shapes;
  • affectionate and gentle character;
  • attentive, calm and trusting look;
  • cleanliness and accuracy;
  • easy training.

Collies, along with chow chows and others, are the most fluffy dogs, whose thick coat perfectly protects against the harsh climate of mountain pastures.

Collie loves people and is an excellent watchdog and protector.

Majestic and regal Great Dane - ancient breed, originating from the Greek fighting breeds - Molossians. The main qualities of the breed are:

  1. Large, strong, agile and balanced.
  2. They are distinguished by very calm behavior and restraint without nervousness. At the same time, they are affectionate and friendly to the owner and his family. TO strangers They are distrustful, but calm.
  3. Great Danes need proper education and handling, because they have a cool character.
  4. Representatives of this breed have prominent muscles.

The Russian greyhound has, perhaps, the most beautiful silhouette in running. These fantastically fast and elegant animals are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. Have a big increase(height at withers from 68 cm).
  2. The temperament is calm, but they quickly become excited at the sight of an animal.
  3. The breed is loyal and needs to be treated correctly and kindly.
  4. Character in to a large extent due to hunting specialization.

Likes are representatives ancient origin, tracing their ancestry from northern wolves. The most common are hunting huskies, which are characterized by endurance and energy. They have a strong, dry build and average height.

In addition to hunting huskies, there are also sled dogs, including the Siberian husky. Huskies have a gentle character and love children. By appearance Huskies are typical huskies, however this breed can have blue eyes. In addition to the husky, Russian-European, West Siberian and East Siberian breeds of huskies are also common in the Russian Federation.

Huskies and other sled dogs are not suitable for keeping in an apartment because they need increased exercise and cannot stand being alone. These breeds are also not suitable for the role of watchmen, since they have long been accustomed to treating people well. Alternatively, it may be suitable for an apartment hunting husky- she is unpretentious in food and handling, and is also very affectionate.

Concerning German Shepherds, then this is probably one of the most versatile huskies that can perform tasks of varying complexity. This is a real service breed. Her outstanding qualities include endurance, high adaptability, balance and distrustful character. If improperly trained and handled, the breed can become aggressive. And with insufficient exercise, he can wander and perform various pranks.

The next “five” are the cutest dogs of decorative breeds: chow chow, English cocker spaniel, poodles, lapdogs and Pekingese.

So, chow chow is ancient Tibetan breed, characterized by increased shaggyness. Has a calm, reserved character. Chow is a real person who does not tolerate familiarity and excessive affection even from his owners. Characteristic feature Chow-chow dogs have a “stilted” gait, due to the special structure of the leg joints. The breed has a color wide range- white, cream, red, blue and even black. The coat is very thick and requires careful grooming.

The English Cocker Spaniel's coat also needs special care, this is especially true for wavy hair on the ears. Cheerful english cocker spaniels, despite their hunting origins, are excellent friends, especially when it comes to elderly lonely people. These cute dogs are very active and cheerful.

Such a beautiful decorative breed as the poodle is also distinguished by its sociable character. An elegant, well-cut poodle in the latest fashion is a real decoration of the home and worthy company for the owner. However, these dogs also have one drawback - barking for no reason, which should be weaned off at an early age.



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