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Chicken pox is considered a childhood disease, but adult population of the planet (about 10-15%) is also sick. This happens when there is no immunity to the virus, characteristic difference which is 100% contagious.

It is known that it is easier (without serious consequences and complications) to transfer the disease in kindergarten or school age, having received lasting immunity for the entire later life. But some people experience actual question: Is it possible for an adult to get chickenpox again?

The causative agent of the infection is the Varicella zoster virus, which belongs to the group of herpes viruses. The route of spread is exclusively through the air, moving over long distances - up to several tens of meters. For example, the virus can easily move through several rooms, both along corridors and through ventilation ducts.

Get infected chicken pox possibly from a sick person who is in incubation period(this is on average from 10 to 20 days). At this time, the sick person does not feel any signs of the disease and is not aware of the infection. Infection occurs through contact by airborne droplets. At the same time, the Varicella zoster virus does not adapt well to external environment and dies almost immediately.

The course of chickenpox in people over 20 years of age is characterized by serious condition, and after past illness appears high risk the occurrence of complications that are dangerous not only to health, but also to human life.

As a rule, having had chickenpox once, you can forget about it, but it happens during the onset favorable conditions and predisposing factors, adults can become re-infected with chickenpox, which will be modified and take the form of shingles. Reasons recurrent chickenpox adults may experience nervous experiences, a period of exacerbation chronic pathologies, suppressing immunity.

Who can get chickenpox again?

Chickenpox is usually transferred to childhood, after which a virus remains in the human body, which is not dangerous because it is, as it were, in hibernation. And thanks to this, immunity to recurrence of the disease appears. However, it happens that the immune system malfunctions, and at the time of contact with a patient with chickenpox, re-infection may occur. Therefore people with poor health And chronic diseases People often worry about whether an adult can get chickenpox again.

The risk group includes people with HIV, those who have oncological diseases, during hormone therapy, chemotherapy, after long-term use steroids after internal organ transplantation.

People who have been exposed to strong emotional experiences often stressful situations or weakened by acclimatization after moving with a change in climate, they can also get chickenpox again.

Is it possible to determine the real reason Why did an adult get chickenpox again? It is very rare, because the virus enters the body with low immunity, and accordingly, even after taking antibiotics, if health deteriorates, a recurrence of chickenpox is possible.

How do the symptoms of repeated chickenpox manifest in an adult?

The repeated picture of chickenpox is practically no different from the symptoms primary disease. The only difference is the age of people who can catch the infection a second time; this applies to adult women and men, but bypasses children.

The clinical picture of patients with chickenpox is very diverse, and in general the course of the disease has an extremely difficult effect on a person. The infection is transmitted through the air and through accidental contact with a blister on the patient’s skin at the time of fluid release. Repeated chickenpox in adults occurs only during personal contact with a patient, as well as in people with no immunity. With immunodeficiency, it is easy to become infected with chickenpox a second time, and the course becomes significantly more complicated.

Repeated chickenpox begins with infection, after which the asymptomatic period (incubation) lasts about two weeks. Then the first signs of the disease begin to appear - the prodromal period of 24 hours. The height of chickenpox lasts for the next 3-5 days, after which the body’s recovery period begins.

The initial symptoms are completely different from chickenpox, so the re-infected adult does not understand what caused the disease. The first days are characterized by the appearance of a feeling of weakness, excessive fatigue, and in general the general condition worsens. Therefore, recurrence of chickenpox is often initially mistaken for colds, after all, temperature indicators may increase slightly during the prodromal period or remain unchanged at all.

Before the onset of the first rashes (2-3 days before) appear following signs diseases:

  • feeling of aching throughout the body;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dizziness, migraine appears;
  • pain in the muscles and joints not only when walking, but also during rest;
  • sleep disappears at night, and daytime on the contrary, fatigue and drowsiness appear;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • painful, discomfort when driving eyeballs to the sides;
  • a slight increase in temperature values ​​(up to 37.5 degrees).

After 3-4 days, characteristic rashes form on the patient’s body, at first similar to spots, then in their place bubbles form, inside of which a cloudy liquid collects. After two days, the blisters dry out and a crust appears on top; the period of rejection and, accordingly, recovery lasts 1-3 weeks.

The rash does not immediately appear throughout the body; over the course of several days it spreads - crusts dry out in some areas, and new blisters with liquid appear in others. And all this happens simultaneously and is a variant of the normal development of the disease. It happens that small scars remain in areas where the crust is rejected, but this happens rarely and mainly when scratching.

The duration of chickenpox and the severity of the course depend on the individuality of the patient’s body, his immune system And proper treatment. As a rule, complete recovery occurs after 3 weeks. Chicken pox gives a lot of discomfort to the sick person and spoils the entire aesthetic appearance. At the first signs of chickenpox, you should consult a specialist for further treatment recommendations and avoid contact with healthy people.

How does severe disease manifest itself?

Symptoms of recurrent chickenpox in adults with low immunity and not correct processing the rashes are more severe, and if a bacterial infection is also associated, complications may occur, including encephalitis, viral pneumonia or even otitis media.

At severe course chickenpox, the patient develops nausea, which turns into vomiting, coordination of movements is impaired, fainting is possible, loud sounds and bright light cause unpleasant sensations, an acute reaction occurs to them.

Rashes appear not only on skin, but also on mucous membranes oral cavity, on the genitals and even in the respiratory tract (enanthema). The rash may reoccur, accompanied by a feeling of unbearable itching and burning, and the temperature rises to high values ​​(39-40 degrees). In such cases, the rashes very often begin to fester, after which scars (pockmarks) can form. Therefore, it is very important not to scratch the skin on the rash areas - this is the only way to avoid the appearance of scars.

To prevent the disease from causing many complications, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist who will explain how to properly care for the patient and prescribe the necessary medications.

How to properly treat recurrent chickenpox in adults?

After symptoms appear, a person should go to see a specialist, who, after examination, will prescribe necessary treatment. In some cases, the fluid inside the vesicle or tissue at the affected sites is examined.

Treatment of chickenpox consists of proper treatment of the rash, maintaining body hygiene and prescribing antiviral drugs, since there is no cure for the disease itself. Repeated chickenpox in adults generally goes the same way as the first time. Patients are prescribed bed rest, high rates The thermometer prescribes drugs with antipyretic effects, these can be Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

During illness greatest discomfort bring rashes that are very itchy and painful, so it is very important not to scratch them, because in addition to the formation of scars, an infection can get into the wounds, resulting in suppuration. To relieve itching and swelling, medications are prescribed antihistamine effect. In addition, the room where the patient is located should be fresh and cool, this will eliminate sweating and discomfort.

It is very important to properly treat the rash to prevent the addition of bacteria and the formation of pustules. When the formation of crusts is complete, the treating specialist can refer the patient to ultraviolet irradiation for a speedy recovery.

Acyclovir ointment is also prescribed, which will inhibit the development of infection, and Acyclovir tablets, which have antiviral effect. Such drugs are used in people with low immunity, in women during pregnancy, infants and in patients on the first day after the appearance of rashes.

Acyclovir is most effective in reducing the symptoms of chickenpox if the drug is started immediately after the rash appears. But only a doctor can prescribe the drug if there is such a need.

Re-infection with chickenpox in adults also involves the use of brilliant green to mark an existing rash and determine whether new elements continue to appear.

Has proven itself well ethnoscience, with the help of recipes you can speed up the process of crust rejection and healing. For these purposes, wash the body with decoctions based on medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effect. But we should not forget that this is only helper methods, not affecting the pathogen itself.

If a bacterial infection is added to the symptoms of repeated chickenpox in adults, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. In any case, only a doctor can assign or exclude drug treatment, since it depends on individual characteristics the patient's body.

What complications may arise if the disease recurs?

After the question, is it possible to get chickenpox again, the next question arises: what complications can arise the second time? The most common occurrence of infection is on the skin and inflammation of wounds.

The most severe consequences manifest themselves in the form of blindness or postherpetic neuralgia. This happens due to rashes in the eye area, so the infection can easily penetrate the mucous membrane of the eyeballs, and accordingly affect vision loss.

Postherpetic neuralgia is a condition when the sensation of pain and itching throughout the body does not go away after recovery and after the remnants of the rash disappear. This complication occurs predominantly in patients over 55 years of age.

Quite severe consequences of repeated chickenpox in adults are inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), loss of coordination while walking, and paralysis of the facial nerve.

What danger does repeated chickenpox pose for women during pregnancy?

It is possible to get chickenpox at any stage of pregnancy, but the highest risk for the baby is early dates and the period before childbirth. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the virus can provoke a miscarriage, and chicken pox is dangerous for the unborn baby with complications such as cataracts, developmental inhibition, underdevelopment of organs, mental disability, microphthalmia, and the formation of wounds on the body.

With a congenital virus that enters the child’s body before birth, a severe course of the disease is observed, during which they suffer internal organs, and often arise inflammatory processes in the bronchioles.

Repeated chickenpox adult woman which started 5-7 days before labor activity does not pose a danger to the baby and does not manifest itself in any way, or occurs light form diseases.

Therefore, during the period of bearing a child, a woman with chickenpox should be under the supervision of specialists.

How can you protect yourself from getting chickenpox again?

Is it possible to protect yourself from repeated illness chickenpox, and how to do it? IN last years not only in children, but also in the adult population, there is a deterioration general condition health, and accordingly a decrease in immunity. This is due to many factors, for example, nervous strain, deterioration in the quality of food and living conditions. In addition, over time, viruses mutate and become more resistant to environmental conditions.

Therefore, re-infection with chickenpox in adults, although it occurs quite rarely, but with more severe symptoms.

If during a period of decreased immune properties there is contact with a sick person, there is a 100% chance of contracting the chickenpox virus. Protect yourself from reinfection chickenpox is only possible through vaccination, which is not mandatory in clinics. Therefore, if necessary, people are vaccinated on a paid basis. However, in many European countries, vaccinations for preventive purposes against chickenpox are carried out in mandatory.

Important: After vaccination, stable immunity to the Varicella zoster virus is developed, which is present in the body for the next 20 years.

Doctors recommend mandatory vaccinations for people who have immunodeficiency or chronic diseases, often worsening. And then people will not so often have the question that is relevant today: do adults get chickenpox again?

Is it possible to get chickenpox a second time? Yes, such a possibility exists. According to statistics, re-infection occurs in 3% of all sick people. It depends on the characteristics of the pathogen and the immune system.

Is it possible to get chickenpox a second time as an adult with a healthy immune system? No, if re-infection occurs, then it indicates a certain disorder in the body. It is important to discuss this with your doctor and undergo full examination and get treatment. Defects in the immune system can cause repeated bacterial and viral infections.

The causative agent of chickenpox is herpes virus type 3. The pathogen is particularly volatile and 100% contagious. That is, after contact with the pathogen, all people without immunity to it become infected.

The virus is released from the body of a sick person through the mouth and nose. Infection healthy person also occurs through the upper Airways, and after 10-21 days the disease develops. Due to the prevalence in the environment and the high contagiousness of the virus, by the age of 15 years, 70%-90% of people have chickenpox.

During illness, the immune system produces antibodies to the virus, which remain in the body for life. A person who has recovered from the disease receives lifelong immunity. Sometimes the immune system goes wrong. It loses the ability to contain and neutralize the virus, and the person becomes ill again.

The virus integrates into the nerve ganglia and remains in a latent (stationary) state for life. After weakening of the immune system, a relapse is possible - activation of the pathogen. A person can not only get chickenpox again, but the infection can also manifest itself as another disease - herpes zoster.

Causes of recurrent chickenpox

To become infected with chickenpox a second time, two conditions are required: a sharp decline tension of the immune system and contact with a sick person.

Immunity is weakened by diseases and disorders that reduce the level of lymphocytes, antibodies and other components of the defense system. Factors also influence environment, leading to severe violation metabolism.

Common causes of re-infection with chickenpox:

Immunodeficiency often occurs due to physiological reasons in people over 60 years of age, pregnant women and young children.

In childhood, the cause of chickenpox 2 times may be the first infection in too early age. An immature immune system does not always produce antibodies.

Symptoms of being infected with chickenpox for the second time

The course of repeated chickenpox is no different from the clinical picture of the first infection. The difference is that with the second infection, a mild form of the disease often develops. Chickenpox occurs without fever or with slight increase to subfebrile levels. The rash is mild or completely absent. This is due to the preservation of residual immunity to the virus.

Before the rash appears, the patient feels unwell. A runny nose, cough, and sore throat may occur. After 1-2 days, a period of rash begins, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Chickenpox rash goes through characteristic stages: spot, papule, vesicle, crust.

No more than 2 days pass from the moment the spot develops to the formation of a crust. Vesicles may appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth and conjunctiva of the eyes. On average, the period of fever and rash lasts 2-5 days; with severe infection, it can increase to 8-10 days. 3-5 days after the appearance of the last element of the rash, the patient ceases to be infectious.

Repeated chickenpox in a child is almost always easily tolerated. The rash is mild, the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees.

When to see a doctor

Since chickenpox is contagious, at the first sign of illness a doctor is called to your home. The patient should not have contact with people: go to work or visit the clinic. It is important to exclude similar diseases and possible complications, receive release from work (sick leave).

Diagnosis is based on clinical signs and assessing the patient's well-being. In severe and complicated cases it is necessary additional examination in the clinic. Mild and moderate forms of chickenpox patients are treated at home. In other cases, the patient is hospitalized.

Treatment for recurrent chickenpox

Treatment goals: relief of symptoms, prevention of secondary infection and complications.

Mode and nutrition

The patient is given a separate room. At high temperature bodies stick bed rest. The room is ventilated daily, underwear and bed linen are changed.

Meals are organized in fractions, at least 5-6 times. Food should be easily digestible and contain all nutrients. Fried, fatty, spicy and smoked foods are excluded from the diet. Drink often and a lot of warm liquid: 1.5-2 l free liquid for adults, children depending on body weight (50 ml x kg).


Chickenpox for the second time in adults and children is treated in the same way as the first disease. The doctor selects medications taking into account the severity of the infection, the patient’s age and possible complications.

Drugs used:

  • antiseptics for treating rashes: 1-2% solutions of brilliant green, methylene blue, 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate, Castellani liquid (Fukortsin);
  • antiviral drugs for moderate and severe infections: Acyclovir (only as prescribed by a doctor);
  • antipruritic ointments: Fenistil gel, Psilo-balm gel;
  • antihistamines: Mebhydrolin, Clemastine, Chloropyramine, Cyproheptadine, Ebastine, Loratadine;
  • immunostimulants for immunodeficiencies: Interferon alpha, Meglumina acridone acetate, Tiloron, immunoglobulins;
  • antipyretics when body temperature rises above 38°C: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Paracetamol, Panadol (children);
  • antibiotics for secondary bacterial infection: Amikacin, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Cefotaxime, Cefepime, Meropenem;
  • antifungal drugs for secondary fungal infection: Fluconazole, Nystatin.

In severe cases, detoxification therapy is prescribed with the administration of glucose-saline solutions. Criteria full recovery: no skin rash or fever for more than 3 days.

Why can't you treat yourself? Repeated chickenpox has a favorable prognosis and does not cause concern among doctors. But! The disease is often combined with other infections, which without proper treatment leads to serious consequences. Understand clinical picture, only doctors can select a combination of drugs and dosage. To avoid getting chickenpox twice, it is important to avoid factors that weaken the immune system.

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Or in common parlance this is chickenpox infection, which is easily transmitted by airborne droplets, people usually suffer from it in childhood. It is generally accepted that after suffering from the disease, a person develops immunity to this infection and it is impossible to get chickenpox 2 times. This is usually true, but there are exceptions to every rule. So is it possible to get chickenpox again?

Symptoms and signs of second chickenpox

As with the first manifestation of an infection, everything begins with infection. Although the mechanism here is not entirely clear, since this particular virus is already in the body. Then headaches and sore throat appear. There is an increase in temperature to high levels, although at 2 times it may be within normal limits. A person begins to get tired quickly, and general health worsens.

The rash appears 2-3 days after the first symptoms appear. The second time, the rash may be less widespread than the first chickenpox. Blisters may appear within 2-7 days. The mechanism of development of chickenpox 2 is as follows:

  • Deterioration in health, lack of appetite, fever.
  • The appearance of a rash in the form of blisters filled with clear or cloudy liquid.
  • Acne ripening. They begin to burst and turn into ulcers.
  • The ulcers become crusty.
  • The crust dries out and falls off.

Repeated chickenpox from infection to completion of the disease lasts 14-21 days. Much will depend on the state of the patient’s immune system. How weaker person, the longer the rash period.

If the disease is taken to be herpes zoster for the second case of chickenpox, then the symptoms will be different. First, pain, itching and burning will appear in the area of ​​the future rash, and then the blisters themselves. Unlike chickenpox, which is characterized by rashes all over the body, shingles affects only one area (side, arm, leg). Externally, pimples resemble a chain of blisters filled with fluid, pus or blood, depending on the severity of the infection. The rash appears in one day, it is usually one-sided and recurrent rashes are not observed unless the source of inflammation is transferred to another area of ​​the body.

In both cases, the person feels uncomfortable. Chickenpox is characterized by symptoms such as severe itching and burning, shingles is especially painful. Since both infections are very contagious, quarantine is required during illness. Special treatment for 2 chickenpox and shingles as such does not exist. They can go away on their own in 2-3 weeks.

Treatment will help relieve symptoms: reduce fever, relieve itching and pain. The fact that pimples are lubricated with brilliant green or fucarcin, these solutions act as markers to make it more convenient to observe the rashes and accurately determine the day when they will stop appearing. Diazolin helps relieve itching, and paracetamol reduces fever. The doctor may also prescribe acyclovir, antiviral drug stopping the development of herpes. There are also traditional methods struggle. All of them only help to increase the patient’s comfort and speed up the wound healing process, but do not cure herpes itself.

So can or not, chickenpox happen twice?

This is where medical opinions may differ. Some say yes, others no. What does this have to do with? It is generally accepted that

The varicella zoster virus is part of the herpes virus group. common property for which is that curing a disease does not lead to its complete disappearance from the body. It continues to exist in a “dormant” form in the nerve ganglia of the spinal cord.

A noticeable decrease in immunity, weakening of the body due to other diseases, severe nervous stress can awaken this virus and it will appear again. Moreover, this can occur not only in the form of ordinary chickenpox, but also in the form of herpes zoster, in which a rash appears along the nerves along the ribs.

Often the recurrence of chickenpox is observed in young people aged twenty to thirty years. Internal infection, just like normal nervous tension, this is, if not a common, then a frequently occurring phenomenon that can activate a dormant virus.

If a rash characteristic of chickenpox is found on the body, you should visit an immunologist to find out the cause of the recurrence of the disease and prescribe a course of immunotherapy. IN mature age this is very important, because in this case it is fraught with complications. In particular, intercostal neuralgia may occur, which is difficult to treat.

Chickenpox symptoms

The main symptoms of chickenpox are an increase in temperature and the appearance of a characteristic rash throughout the body. Transmission of the virus from the outside is possible only through direct contact with the carrier of the infection; on its own, this unstable virus can only exist for the first few seconds. At the same time, the patient is already dangerous as a virus carrier even before the first manifestations, which makes it difficult to determine the routes of spread of the virus.

The main difference between the disease for adults and children is the severity of its course. If for children this is a fairly harmless disease, then in the body of a mature person the virus manifests itself quite aggressively. The temperature here is much higher, the rash is more active, loss of strength and pain when eating food further aggravate the picture. If an adult gets chickenpox repeatedly, then, as a rule, the disease proceeds more calmly and is more easily tolerated by the body.

Chickenpox for the second time

If it occurs extremely rarely, then it does not become less contagious; the danger of transmitting infection is as high as in the first time. In order not to be branded as the main source of the epidemic in the region, you should definitely endure quarantine, which lasts about half a month, especially since this time will still have to be devoted to treatment. The initial rash transforms into unpleasant and painful blisters within two to three days.

If you give in to the temptation to scratch them to give yourself temporary relief, they can leave permanent marks on your skin.

And all this happens with repeated chickenpox, which many people mistakenly believe cannot happen.

How to treat chickenpox a second time?

Unfortunately, specific treatment this disease has not yet been developed, that's all therapeutic measures are reduced to the removal of particularly pronounced symptoms. Here you just need to gain strength and patience. Self-medication here is not only pointless, but also harmful; you need to listen to your doctor and follow his instructions.

The temperature is usually brought down with paracetamol. Aspirin is strictly prohibited. Itching is relieved with diazolin, but only a doctor determines and prescribes the dose. This drug exhibits hypnotic effect, which can have a significant impact on the patient’s daily routine.

Adults are often prescribed Acyclovir.

There are also a number additional rules in the treatment of this disease. For example, a shower is allowed only after the condition has actually stabilized and the temperature has normalized. Upon acceptance water procedures the use of sponges, washcloths, and gels is prohibited. The time for taking water procedures should be reduced. The diet and diet must be followed even in the absence of appetite, you just need to use the well-known “fractional” nutrition - eat less, but more often. The diet should be simpler, and spicy and salty foods should be excluded.

There is no prevention against recurrent chickenpox.



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