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Acceptance of an application for the Order of Parental Glory does not provide any guarantees, since the insignia is awarded only to a limited number of families that meet the established requirements. How to receive the Order of Parental Glory? To begin with, parents apply for an award to the social security authority. Receiving an award helps not only to stroke one’s pride, but also to significantly improve the family’s financial situation: along with the order, parents receive monetary compensation.

The award appeared in Russian Federation in 2008, during its existence the order has undergone some changes, which date back to 2010. Initially, it was decided to award the insignia to all families raising four natural or adopted children. But as it turned out, there are too many such families in Russia, for this reason some changes were made to the decree.

Order of "Parental Glory"

Until 2010, the medal was awarded along with compensation, the amount of which is 50 thousand rubles; later, the amount of compensation was increased, and the requirements for applicants applying for the award became more stringent.

How to receive a reward? You need to pass the selection, or more precisely, pass the competition and meet all the criteria presented. The decision to assign a distinction to a particular family is made by the president personally. Candidates are approved by the regional authorities (governor). But even meeting all the requirements does not guarantee receiving a title and compensation. The fact is that every year only two families from one region can apply for the award.

The received order helps you count on compensation in the amount of 100 thousand rubles; allows you to receive the title “Veteran of Labor”, subject to the availability of the necessary length of service. And also - to arrange regional benefits. Parents - get an increase in their pension.

In addition, regional authorities can please the family that was awarded the award and increase the amount of the monetary payment.

For these reasons, there is great excitement around the order, despite the high requirements, many families apply for the award.

What are the requirements for parents?

To receive the insignia, you must meet a number of requirements:

  1. At least seven children must live and be raised in a family.
  2. The family must be complete, that is, the relationship between parents must be legalized (exceptions are possible).
  3. The youngest child must be at least three years old at the time of award.
  4. Living conditions must comply established standards. All family members, including children, must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

In the first position we're talking about both adopted and born children. Adopted children must live in a family claiming a high rank for at least five years. Only living children are taken into account; the exception applies only to those who died while performing military, official or civil duty. In this case, dead children are also counted.

Only complete families can apply for the order, that is, relations between spouses must be registered with the registry office. Persons living in a civil marriage cannot apply for the award.

The living conditions of children will be assessed by employees social protection, they must comply with the standard.

All family members must not only be citizens of the Russian Federation, but also live on its territory. For foreign citizens the award is not presented; the same rule applies to persons who do not have Russian citizenship.

In addition, social security workers may require additional documents from parents. Each region has its own list of such documents; it has some differences.

In most cases, social security workers require:

  • characteristics from parents' work; characteristics from neighbors; characteristics from the children’s place of study (school, technical college, university);
  • filing an application with the social security authority; In addition to the application, provide all the necessary documents.

If children have any achievements in sports, academics or other areas of activity, they should be confirmed. Having additional successes is considered a plus.

Since the president personally approves candidates, acceptance of the application, its execution and provision of all documents is not a guarantee of receiving the order.

What does it look like?

“Parental Glory” has the badge of the order in a case, two awards, male and female. Presented for wearing miniature copies insignia. The awards are made of silver, some parts of the metal are plated with gold.

Detailed Description:

  • is a straight cross with equal ends;
  • there are balls in the corners of the cross;
  • the front side of the award is covered with blue enamel;
  • a convex medallion is located in the middle of the cross;
  • at the edges the cross is limited by a convex rank;
  • the surface of the medallion is covered with red enamel;
  • in the center of the medallion is the state emblem;
  • the cross is placed on a laurel wreath, which is covered with green enamel;
  • the cross and the laurel wreath are connected by rays.

On the reverse of the award badge, as on all medals and orders in the Russian Federation, there is an identification number. This number helps identify the owner.

The award is in a case, under it there is a gold-colored plate made in the form of a metal ribbon. On the plate is the inscription “Parental Glory.”

For men, it is better to wear the order on a suit; it is connected to the block using an eyelet and a ring. The block is covered with tape white with blue stripes. The width of the strips is 2 mm.

Women can wear the order on a suit without a pad. It is attached to clothing using an eyelet and a ring; a ribbon is threaded through the ring so that a bow is formed.

It is customary to wear a miniature copy on a block. If you wear a ribbon of the order on your clothes, you must use a bar. The sign of the Order of Parental Glory, made in miniature, is attached to the ribbon.

The initiative to award the Order of Parental Glory came from Dmitry Medvedev, who at that time was not yet the President of the Russian Federation. The initiative was supported and approved, when Dmitry Anatolyevich became president, he signed the first decree conferring the order. This happened on January 13, 2009.

Initially, it was not intended to wear the award badge; it must be kept in a case in the family that received the badge. But soon changes were made that allowed the holders of the order to wear it on their chests, and not just store it in a box.

It's no secret that caring for and providing for even one child is difficult. And some families accomplish a real feat - they raise 4 or more children.

To support such parents with many children, benefits and privileges have been introduced at the legislative level for this category of beneficiaries. The basis for applying such measures social support is the “Parental Glory” medal and the “Mother Heroine” award. How many children does it take to receive such badges of honor? And how to achieve privileges after being assigned such a status? More on this later.

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Rules for receiving awards

In the USSR, the title “Heroine Mother” was awarded to all mothers of large families who were raising 10 children. To obtain this status, the youngest child must be at least 1 year old, and all other children born into this family or adopted must be alive.

Now there is no such status, but the “Parental Glory” medal has appeared to support families.. This modern analogue of the award is given to families where 4 or more minors live. In addition to the medal itself and accompanying social support measures, parents are paid an allowance in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

History of origin

In the 20th century, it was considered normal for an ordinary family to raise ten children in their family. Now this seems strange, especially taking into account the fact that at that time there were no organized housing, normal children's clothing and proper nutrition.

Of course, providing such a number of minors and creating normal conditions it was not easy for them to live. Therefore, the Government did not stand aside and sought to provide support to such families.

IN recent years Because of the huge number of deaths at the front, the question of stimulating the birth rate became acute. In this regard, in 1944, a legislative act was adopted establishing the title “Mother Heroine”, which was assigned to those mothers raising 10 or more children.

Thanks to receiving such an award, a woman could receive not only a diploma, but also several benefits. Such mothers were supposed to:

  1. Increased amount of social benefits.
  2. Extraordinary admission of young children to kindergartens.
  3. Improving the family’s living conditions (providing an apartment from the state, which could later be privatized).

Obtaining such status was possible both if the mother had natural and adopted children.

Unfortunately, this honorary title was canceled upon breakup Soviet Union. Now the legislation of the Russian Federation has a similar award, which provides for benefits if there are 4 or more children in a family.

Important! The question of returning the “Mother Heroine” status is now being considered, as it implies a wider range of privileges and support measures.

Modern analogues of the award

As an analogue of the title “Mother Heroine,” the Order of Parental Glory was established in 2008, which is awarded not only to mothers with many children, but also to fathers. This innovation is due to the fact that both parents are involved in raising and providing for the children.

Another innovation is the strict selection of families applying for such an award and all accompanying social support measures. If previously any mother who had 10 or more children to raise could count on receiving such an honorary status, now a number of additional conditions have been introduced at the legislative level.

  1. Parents must be married.
  2. In the family, there should be created for children favorable conditions, at which it is possible healthy image life, physical and spiritual development, proper care for minors.
  3. Families must care for all adopted children as if they were their own.
  4. The youngest child in the family must be at least 3 years old at the time of submitting documents for the award.
  5. At the time of applying for such status, adopted children in the family must be at least 5 years old.

Conditions for receiving the award

Initially, when such an award was established, parents could obtain the right to obtain such status if there were 4 or more minors in the family. But since approximately a third of all families in the Russian Federation fall under such conditions, it was quite difficult to pass the selection.

Therefore, the legislator began to focus on the fact that the birth and upbringing of children in this number - difficult task. It was decided to introduce legislative acts significant changes.

In 2010, a rule was introduced according to which the “Parental Glory” body can be assigned only to parents raising 7 children. However, families with 4 minors can also count on receiving such an award, but only if the following conditions are met:

  1. The family is complete.
  2. A self-sufficient unit of society.
  3. There is compliance with all norms and criteria for the upbringing and financial support of their children.

Procedure for receiving the award

Unfortunately, not all families with 7 or more children can count on receiving such an award. To qualify for this status, parents must submit the following package of documents to the Administration:

  1. Award sheet, which reflects information about the mother and father, their children.
  2. A document confirming the registration of the right.
  3. Birth certificates of all children, adoption documents.
  4. Consent from health authorities.
  5. Consent from social security authorities.
  6. Data on inspections of the living conditions of such families and compliance with public order.
  7. Certificates from the place of work.
  8. Documents confirming the creation of a foster family.
  9. Certificates and diplomas of children.

Within 30 days from the date of receipt of the documents, an authorized specialized commission reviews the papers and makes its decision.

A positive response, together with all documents, is transmitted to the President of the Russian Federation, whose authorized representatives review the documents within 3 months.

Based on the results of all checks, selected families are invited to Moscow for an official meeting with the President and the parents receive the order.

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The state rewards large families not only with monetary benefits, but also with social rewards. These include the Order of Mother's Glory.

The Order of Maternal Glory is an award for those who gave birth and raised more than seven children. This award has three levels. The highest and most honorable degree is the first, which is awarded to mothers who have given birth and raised nine children.

Accordingly, the order of the second degree is awarded to the mothers of eight children and the third degree - to the mothers of seven children.

A woman can only be rewarded when the last of her children reaches the age of one year. When awarding, not only natural children are taken into account, but also adopted children and those who died or went missing as a result of fulfilling military obligations. The order, which has the first degree, is made of silver in the shape of a convex oval.

The type of second degree award is the same, with an edged bottom without gilding. Third degree award without enamel and gilding.

The Order of Maternal Glory was revived in 2008 and renamed the Order of Parental Glory. In this case, not only the mother receives the reward, but also. Every year the order is awarded to two families in each subject of the Russian Federation.

About the presentation of the order on video:

Who can receive the Order of Maternal Glory?

As mentioned above, mothers of seven or more children are eligible for the award. It is worth noting that not everyone receives orders, since there is a strict selection for the award. In addition to a certain number of children, the family must meet additional established criteria, including:

  1. Complete family. This means that the family must consist of a mother and father (legally married) and children.
  2. At the moment of awarding the most youngest child must reach three years of age.
  3. All family members must be Russian citizens. Stateless persons and foreigners cannot apply for the order.
  4. Availability of official work experience with all necessary deductions.
  5. the child has not previously been deprived of their rights to it.

Children or parents who have certain awards presented at the regional level can increase their chances of receiving the order. These can be awards for success in studies, sports, creativity or in the field of science.

What benefits are provided with the order?

In parallel with the received order, the family is awarded the title “veteran of labor.” In addition, the family is entitled to a monetary reward in the amount of one hundred thousand rubles. This assistance is paid at the federal level, so in addition to it, a large family can be provided with a monetary reward from the region.

In turn, the status of a labor veteran makes it possible to use nearby. First of all, this is a discount on utility bills.

In addition, the region independently establishes a list of benefits that can be provided to families with orders. This transport benefits, medical benefits and educational benefits.

How to receive the Order of Maternal Glory: list of required documents

The award is issued through social authorities. First of all, parents must draw up a corresponding application. The following documents are attached to it:

  • , identifying the identities of parents with many children;
  • photocopies of birth certificates of all children who are taken into account for awarding the order;
  • photocopies work records both parents;
  • an extract from the minutes of the meeting, and in this document the collective council petitions the city authorities to grant the order;
  • request to GOM on behalf of the city administration or social security authorities;
  • a covering letter requesting the award from the city administration to the Ministry of Social Protection;
  • award sheet of the established form (A-3 format). Can be obtained from the city administration;
  • characteristics from the school for all children who study at school. Compiled on behalf of class teachers children;
  • characteristics of parents from their employers;
  • a copy of the certificate of official marriage between parents with many children.

Collecting and submitting documents does not yet indicate that the family will be awarded the order. As mentioned above, only two families in a region can win the award, so each applicant must go through stiff competition. The final choice of the family is made by the president of the country.

Nuances when presenting the order

In the process of preparing documents for the order, some difficulties may arise. Therefore, people with many children should be prepared for this and familiarize themselves with all possible pitfalls in advance. First of all, you will need enough big list documents, the collection of which will take considerable time and require enormous patience.

Also, collecting and submitting everything necessary will not guarantee that the order will be received. If a large family is denied service and it considers this to be unreasonable, then the family representative has the right to declare a violation of his rights and defend them properly.

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The State Order "Parental Glory" is one of the awards of high level. It was established by decree of the President of Russia in 2008, as the successor to the Order of Motherly Glory, which has gone down in history. But, unlike its predecessor, the Order of Parental Glory is received by both parents, who together raise little citizens of a great country.

Appearance of the order

The badge of the Order of Parental Glory is placed in a case. Below you will see a thin metal plate, similar to a developing ribbon, with the inscription “Parental Glory” on it.

The badge of the order is made of metal (silver plus gilding). This is a cross with equal ends, slightly narrowed in the central part, but widening at the edges, with roundings at the corners.

The front side is coated with pale blue enamel. In the middle of the cross there is a medallion in the form of a circle, painted with red enamel, which is bordered by a gilded border.

In the center of the medallion is the golden coat of arms of the Russian state. The cross appears to be covered by a rounded wreath of green laurel branches. The edges of the cross are connected by gilded rays coming from the laurel wreath. On back side award badge has his license plate stamped on it. The edges of the cross are located 70 mm apart from each other.

There are signs of the order for men and for the fair sex, which are worn for celebrations, as well as small copies for everyday clothing.

The order for men has a block covered with a ribbon. White ribbon with two blue stripes, made of silk. For the ladies on the award badge, the ribbon was threaded through the ring and arranged in the form of a bow. On these signs, which are worn at celebrations, the ends of the cross are moved away from each other by 40 mm.

Male and female signs orders

The award comes with a ribbon so that it can be placed on the bar, with a width of 24 mm. For special occasions, to be worn every day, there is a small copy of the award. The badge of the Order of Parental Glory is worn on the chest on the left; if there are other awards, it is located behind the Order of Honor.

Conditions of award and benefits provided

The Order is a very important sign of honor and recognition of merit. The president annually awards it to two large families from each subject of the federation. But in order to receive this honorable award, families must go through a rather difficult selection process on a competitive basis. Below we list the criteria that a large group of society must meet in order to be awarded “Parental Glory”:

Applications for awards can be submitted by applicant families who meet all of the above provisions to the social welfare department at their place of residence.

When collecting documents for an award, social security officials may require additional documents confirming that the family is worthy of receiving a high order. All documents will have to prove that the little citizens of the country grew up and were brought up in an environment of love and care.

If children or parents are awarded any awards in the field of sports, arts or science, this will be an additional positive thing when considering candidates. First, submitted applications are reviewed at the regional level. The final approval of candidates is made by the President of the Russian Federation himself.

Along with the presentation of the order, a large family also receives financial assistance. IN 2016 this cash payment, issued once, is an amount of 100 thousand rubles. Previously, until 2013, this amount was significantly less and amounted to 50 thousand rubles. Other benefits for holders of the Order of Parental Glory are not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. But at the level of regional authorities, other monetary subsidies and benefits for large families, as well as supplements to the pensions of parents of such families, may be considered.

Only a family of Russians living in the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to be awarded and receive the payments due to it and benefits.

Medal of the Order

Along with the order, families raising several children receive another award from the hands of the President of the Russian Federation - the medal of the Order of Parental Glory.

The medal, as an award sign of the Russian state, appeared in 2010 by presidential decree. It is used to honor father and mother (relatives and adopted ones) who care for four or more small citizens (until 2010 they were given orders).

Parents of large families can receive the medal if the following parameters are met:

The medal "Parental Glory" is made of metal (silver and gold plated). It is presented in the form of a circle with a protruding edge, 32 mm in diameter. On the front of the medal is the sign of the Order of Parental Glory. On the back, it is written: “FOR THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN,” and the number plate of the medal is also visible. All details of the drawings are made in volume.

Like the order, the medal has signs for fathers and mothers. The badge for men has a block with five corners, covered with a white moire silk ribbon with blue stripes. The medal for women has a ribbon threaded through a ring and arranged in the form of a bow. For dressing with a uniform there is a ribbon for the strap.

Both “Parental Glory” awards are presented to parents of large families for outstanding services in raising young people. By 2016, more than 500 families were awarded the high award: 307 received orders and 216 received medals.



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