Measures to protect yourself from AIDS. Ways by which HIV infection is not transmitted


Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus is not so difficult to prevent if you know the diseases. To date, it has been proven that infection occurs only through contact with biological fluids infected person- blood, sperm, vaginal discharge. HIV is not transmitted by airborne droplets or household contact, so to maintain health it is enough to follow simple rules security.

The first rule of prevention is safe sex. Promiscuous sex and sex without a condom increase the risk of infection. Absence barrier contraception is allowed only if the partners remain faithful to each other and do not have sexual contact with anyone else. Unlike other types of contraception, a condom not only protects against unwanted pregnancy, but also protects against sexually transmitted infections.
You can become infected with HIV not only during regular vaginal sex, but also during oral or anal sex, since the partner’s sperm or blood can enter the body in different ways.

It is very important to choose the right sexual partners. Most reliable way protect yourself from AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases - avoid promiscuity and avoid frequent changes partners. Monogamous relationships are a way to maintain health as a couple.

According to statistics, more than 70% of HIV-infected citizens of the Russian Federation use drugs. Intravenous injections drug testing is most often carried out in unsanitary conditions, sterility rules are violated, and syringes are often used for injections.

There is also a small risk of infection in medical institutions during various procedures. Doctors should use only disposable, sterile instruments to prevent infection. Previously there was a risk of infection HIV by transfusion donated blood However, today donors are carefully screened to ensure that no infected material gets into blood banks.

Finally, there is also a vertical route of HIV transmission from mother to child. However, even an infected pregnant woman has a chance of giving birth healthy child. For this purpose, the doctor leading the pregnancy prescribes drug therapy, which reduces the risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus. In addition, doctors with special attention approach the process of giving birth to an HIV-infected woman. She may be given a caesarean section to minimize the risk of exposure to maternal blood and vaginal discharge into the baby's body. After birth, the child is on artificial milk: breast milk can also be a source of infection.

AIDS is deadly dangerous disease, which kills thousands of people every year. The disease develops gradually and in the first stages it is difficult to recognize the main symptoms. In this case, you can avoid infection if you follow basic rules. Next, we will consider in more detail the main methods of protection against HIV.

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2. Method. Condoms

This the only way, which can protect against HIV infection directly during sexual intercourse. Therefore, if you are not confident in your partner, then be sure to use high-quality condoms, including during oral and anal contact.

3. Method. Choose partners

You need to be responsible when choosing partners. They shouldn't have bad habits such as alcoholism or drug addiction. Also, there should be no irritation, wounds or dubious spots on the genitals. IN ideal each partner must undergo a special medical examination to identify the possibility of infection in the body.

4. Method. Abstinence

This is the most proven and reliable method. If you don't want to get sick, just don't join intimate relationships. However, you can become infected in other ways, for example, through syringes. This method Suitable only for patient people who can do without sex.

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5. Method. Monogamy

You just need to find a reliable and healthy partner for life. In a permanent relationship, it is impossible to become infected with HIV through sexual contact, of course, if the partners true friend to a friend.

6. Method. Alcohol and drugs

Avoid alcohol intoxication. A person when drunk cannot fully control his actions. This leads to casual sex and unprotected sex with dubious partners, who can transmit various infectious diseases.

Drug addicts should also be avoided. After all, it is through syringes that people quite often become infected with HIV. This also applies medical institutions where only disposable and sterile syringes should be used.

You need to know that HIV infection in the open air only lasts for a few minutes. Therefore, in order to become infected, you need to immediately inject yourself with a syringe that a sick person has just used. Otherwise, the infection simply dies in the syringe within a few minutes.

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7. Method. Piercing and tattoos

During tattooing, needles are used that can cause infection. various infections. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that the technician disinfects the instrument before the procedure. This also applies to piercings.

8. Method. Infection of a child

So a sick mother can give birth to a completely healthy child if she starts treatment right away. Caesarean section also helps to avoid infection. The baby should be fed only formula to avoid infection.

These are all the ways to protect against infection that every modern person should know.


Each person should think for himself about how to protect himself from HIV infection. It won't require special effort, if you clearly know the ways of spreading the disease and methods of self-defense. First of all, take care of the protected act. Each partner must ensure that, in any form, not even particles of blood or vaginal lubricant enter his body. Modern medicine can offer a lot of methods of protection against unwanted, but from AIDS Only a condom can protect you.

If we recall the history of the very first outbreak of the disease AIDS on the territory of Russia in the Elista Children's Hospital, then the requirement to use to perform any medical manipulations, especially those associated with contact with blood, disposable sterile medical instruments. For patients, it should be habitual and necessary to use any syringes for disposable use only, because the slightest violation sterilization techniques for medical instruments and equipment lead to the fact that HIV will remain active and, if it enters the body, will cause the development of the disease.

For healthcare workers, it should be mandatory to use it for any contact with biological fluids. individual funds skin protection - after all, HIV can enter the body through the smallest and invisible microcracks and wounds.

Naturally, the surest way to protect against infection is abstinence from casual sexual relations or monogamy, in which partners have any contact only with each other. Unfortunately, these conditions are often not met, so always use condoms even with trusted partners.

Don't use narcotic substances And alcoholic drinks, since in a state of intoxication the ability to resist and intelligibility in sexual relations is noticeably reduced. In this type of relationship, contraception is often forgotten, so the cost is quite high. Also avoid reusing syringes and needles. Currently, the prevalence of HIV carriage and viral hepatitis, which among injection drug addicts is much higher than among the rest of the population, and it is this category of patients that becomes the main source of infection. Only these methods can guarantee human safety and significantly reduce the risk of infection.


  • How is AIDS transmitted?

AIDS is a stage of HIV infection characterized by the appearance of numerous infections and diseases against the background of decreased immunity. The main method of prevention AIDS is protection against infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

You will need

  • - condoms;
  • - sterile syringes and needles;
  • - disposable gloves;
  • - 70% alcohol solution;
  • - 5% iodine solution;
  • - 1% boric acid solution;
  • - 1% solution of protargol.


If you need to perform mouth-to-mouth breathing while helping a person, perform the procedure through a handkerchief or any other tissue.

If for any reason you come into contact with the blood and other biological fluids of HIV-infected people, or if you are caring for an HIV-positive person, wear gloves. If you have wounds or other defects on your skin, you cannot work even with gloves until the skin is completely healed.

We hear a lot about HIV, we know that this disease is deadly for humans, we know that treatment can prolong the life of the patient, but it cannot rid him of this infection. Do we also know well the methods of protection? How to protect yourself from infection? How to behave with an HIV patient in the same team? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

How to protect yourself during sexual intercourse?

When it comes to preventing infection with any diseases, especially those with venereal characteristics, the question immediately arises: how is it transmitted?

In order to know how to protect yourself from HIV, you should find out the methods or routes of transmission of this disease.

HIV is characterized by three main routes of transmission:

  1. During unprotected sexual intercourse of any kind
  2. Routes of transmission through blood
  3. Child from a sick mother

Following what measures will help protect every person from infection?

It must be remembered that with unprotected sexual intercourse there is a risk of catching any venereal diseases extremely high. Especially if you don’t know your partner at all, and also change them often. Yes, the probability of transmitting the disease we are considering during single sexual contacts, even if a condom was not used, is small, but you can never be sure that this particular sexual contact will not be fatal in terms of infection.

It is important to note that the risk of transmitting the virus during anal intercourse is much higher than during usual vaginal intercourse. The same applies to other pathologies with the characteristic “venereal”. Therefore, the main way to protect yourself and your partner from the disease is a condom. If the condom has not broken or been removed during sexual intercourse, then only it can protect a person from HIV during sexual relations.

Oral sex is the least dangerous in terms of the route of transmission of infection. But it is always worth remembering that the presence of even microtraumas or cracks on the mucous membrane of your partner or yours greatly increases the risk of infection and the virus entering the blood of a healthy person.

No additional treatment of the genitals after contact will help protect against infection. No external medications do not act on HIV and various venereal diseases. It should be remembered that the right way protection from HIV infection yourself and your partner is a trusting and honest relationship and the use of protection such as a condom.

Protection against infection through blood

For this path infection is characterized by direct entry of the HIV virus into the human blood. It should be noted that the risk of infection in such situations varies from 2% to 80-100%.

The difference is quite significant, but what does it depend on?

Transmission of the virus through blood through the use of shared syringes and needles is a risk of a maximum of 2% of cases. And we are talking about the use of these items without sterilization and when performing subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. And the main contingent among whom the risk of infection is highest are drug addicts.

Most high risk The spread of HIV among humans after sexual intercourse is considered to be intravenous infusions and blood transfusions. Here the virus directly enters the blood and the subsequent development of the disease.

We should not forget about the possibility of transmission of infection through accidental injections with a needle that is infected, as well as during manicures, tattoos, and piercings. This is due to damage skin and contact with blood.

How to protect yourself from infection through blood?

  1. Always use only disposable syringes and needles when giving injections or subject them to mandatory sterilization
  2. Performing all sorts of cosmetic procedures, including tattoos, manicures and others, it is important to carry out only in special institutions and qualified specialists
  3. All shaving accessories must be for personal use only.
  4. If you have to come into contact with human blood, for example, it was necessary to provide urgent help as a result of a wound and blood loss, be sure to perform all manipulations with gloves so that blood cannot get on your skin.

Protecting a child from a sick mother

If the mother is ill, HIV can be transmitted to the child from the mother during breastfeeding, as well as during childbirth and pregnancy itself. The development of infection can occur in up to 50% of cases.

What methods could be identified to protect against HIV if the mother is infected?

  1. If we talk about the risk of infection during pregnancy, then it is important for the mother to monitor her health and, in case of any ailments, consult a doctor, since the occurrence of all kinds of complications increases the risk of transmission of infection through the placenta to the child
  2. During childbirth, if the mother is diagnosed with HIV, it is recommended to caesarean section, because natural childbirth may cause transmission of the virus to the child during passage through the birth canal
  3. It was found that HIV is present in breast milk sick mother, so holding breastfeeding it is prohibited to prevent the pathogen from reaching the child during feeding

During pregnancy, all women with HIV are prescribed appropriate therapy to ensure the greatest possible chance of having a healthy child.

It is important to know that HIV in a woman is not a death sentence. She is able to have healthy children, but only if she follows all the doctor’s recommendations.

Living conditions and the virus

There is an opinion that HIV can be transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through everyday contact from person to person. For this disease, the route of transmission is from a partner/husband/relative to living conditions not typical. That is, by hugging your infected partner, eating at the same table with him, or kissing, you cannot become infected. Only sexual relations contribute to this, but simple everyday relationships do not, as in principle, meaning most diseases belonging to the venereal category.

Separately, it is worth noting the moment when your partner is diagnosed with a pathogen, and you are healthy. Of course it is a difficult situation which requires long work and awareness, and it would be good if consultations were held with a psychologist.

Sometimes necessary long time in order to overcome the fear of infection and the fear of offending your partner with your feelings. This often worsens the relationship between people in a couple and sometimes leads to a breakup.

Talk to your partner, discuss your thoughts and feelings, support him. In such relationships, to prevent disease healthy partner a condom is a must. A condom should be perceived as protection and care for the strength of relationships and the opportunity to have healthy children.

There are 13,473 HIV-infected people registered at dispensaries in Tatarstan. Over the eight months of this year, 772 new cases of HIV infection have been identified. The head of the prevention department of the AIDS Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, Liliya Mukhamedzyanova, told Tatar-inform how to protect yourself and protect children from the virus.

HIV infection occurs predominantly through sexual contact, which has dominated the territory of Tatarstan over the past ten years. This year, 67 percent of people became infected in this way, with 98 percent of them through heterosexual contact.

“To protect yourself from AIDS, you need to have clear knowledge of how the infectious agent enters the body. There are situations in which the risk of contracting the virus is very high. Therefore, you need to remember them constantly in order to protect yourself,” said Liliya Mukhamedzyanova.

“If measures to protect against HIV were not taken during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, then the probability of risk is 40-50%. If all preventive measures are followed, the risk of HIV transmission is reduced to 0-2%,” noted Liliya Mukhamedzyanova.

Understanding that HIV and AIDS exist and knowing that they are dangerous is only half the battle. It must be remembered that an infected person may not have the slightest idea that he is a carrier of HIV, since the infection practically does not manifest itself at all. The latent period lasts up to 10 years, and during this time the carrier can infect other people. An HIV-positive person with appropriate treatment has a chance of living to old age. However, what earlier treatment will begin, the greater the chances. And for this you need, at a minimum, to know about your illness. Know your HIV status by getting tested.

It is naive to think that only those who lead an antisocial lifestyle need to be checked. Even if you are absolutely sure that you do not have HIV, get tested. First, it never hurts to get confirmation of your confidence. Secondly, anyone normal person There should always be a bit of doubt remaining. Thirdly, if there is even the slightest chance that an infection could have occurred, it is necessary to get checked,” the interlocutor emphasized.

* Have a trusted sexual partner, do not be promiscuous sex life. Remember that condoms are the most effective means protection against HIV.

*The probability of a healthy child being born from a sick mother, if the necessary prevention and treatment has been carried out, reaches 99 percent. Such children are transferred to artificial feeding immediately after birth.

* Lead healthy way life, strengthen your immune system. Avoid overuse alcohol. In a state of alcohol or drug intoxication a person has no control over his actions. Remember that sexual transmission of HIV infection is the most common today.

*Keep a condom with you at all times, just in case.

* Drugs for complete deliverance HIV has not yet been invented. Carriers of infection are prescribed antiretroviral therapy, which inhibits the development of the virus and makes it possible immune system recover. This allows the body to protect itself from developing concomitant diseases. If treatment is successful, a person can lead full life, have a happy family and healthy children.



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