The second spring month of 2016 for the zodiac sign Cancer will be exclusively positive tense At a minimum, the general energy background of this stage will contribute to both creative and purely practical endeavors of the representatives of this sign. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the position of the Moon, which, in addition to the traditional role of the ruling planet of Cancer, in April will serve as the “heavenly leader” of the water trine. This means that the sister of the ruler of the firmament will have an exceptionally powerful impact on the lives of people born in the sign Cancer. positive influence, which will be supplemented by a positive vector of influence from Jupiter, the exaltant planet of this sign, responsible for the flourishing of its vitality. But if this situation can still be called relatively natural, then the positions of Saturn and Mars look truly surprising. The first is responsible for the “expulsion” of Cancer, the second for its “fall”, but in April both planets will change the modality of their emanations, so that in fact the positions of people born under the desired sign will be “covered” from all sides. For most Cancers, this will be an amazing time, full of the most positive events and unique phenomena, perhaps even fateful.

Regarding the sphere of business and entrepreneurship, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that April 2016 will definitely be a turning point for Cancer. It is difficult to talk about the scale of future events, because for some, changing jobs is a truly fundamental life moment, while others perceive moving to another continent as something taken for granted. But in reality, this month this area of ​​your life will definitely undergo major changes, and your task is to accept these changes and adapt to them. Or adjust them to suit yourself, whichever is more convenient for you, and if you have enough strength. Wherein we're talking about exclusively about intellectual powers, because in terms of vital energy you will have everything in in perfect order, let's just say, you are enough for everything and everyone. Even if you want to overwork, you won’t be able to. Therefore, boldly go forward, take on everything you can reach, but at the same time rely only on yourself. Work at least twenty-four hours a day, but don’t forget about other aspects of your life. Another important point is that if you want to take on more projects for implementation, do not rush to make a choice. Try to be picky and attentive, because by the end of the month you want to make more profit, right?

As for the “love front”, here in April 2016 for the zodiac sign Cancer everything will turn out no less curious and ambiguous, but without a doubt - positively. The difficulty of the moment will lie in the fact that you will not be able to understand the true state of affairs in any situation. This will not bring you great difficulties, but it will be a shame when, at the end of the second decade, you suddenly realize that you could get much more from your current relationship. But when the train is missed, there is no point in regretting anything. Therefore, try not to lose your vigilance if you strive to fully implement your plans. In relationships with loved ones, be yourself; there is no need for pathos or hypocrisy. In general, Cancer is characterized by such “tricks”, but they do not always benefit him, not always. Therefore, do not rush to draw conclusions about the circumstances around you based on “primary” emotions alone. You have time, which means there is no need to rush. This is beneficial interesting time, spend it with benefit for yourself and others.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for April 2016 for the zodiac sign Cancer, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Cancer. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Cancer sign: Personal horoscopes for the Cancer sign:

It’s unlikely that anyone associates Cancers with incorrigible rebels and crazy wild people, so in April 2016 representatives of this zodiac sign will want to add at least a bit of attractive hooliganism to their bright image. In mid-spring, you will become bored with living according to established, independently developed and proven rules over the years. Unfortunately, for most people, the internal protest will be chaotic and spontaneous, as a result of which a revolution will occur in the life of Cancer for the sake of revolution, and not in the name of high goals such as improving the standard of living or gaining freedom from office slavery. It is for this reason that the horoscope advises you to be very careful in choosing the weapons of rebellion. Of course, calling your boss to his face with all sorts of derogatory nicknames because he is a “filthy capitalist who oppresses the common people” is bold, but what will you achieve by doing this? You should ask yourself a similar question when thoughts about moving to Mongolia, starting a paperclip society, and enrolling in Elvish language courses begin to cross your mind. If you want to do something ridiculous and impractical, then make sure that you will not die of hunger.

Where the internal protest of Cancers can come in handy is in love affairs. In April 2016, representatives of this zodiac sign will easily find their soulmate, or even be faced with the need to choose from several equally attractive individuals. The point is that the claws will finally get out of their cozy shell and go explore the outside world. We are not saying that you have never done this before: we all live in society and periodically go to interviews, hang out with friends and go on dates, but this spring everything will be completely different. In the coming month, Cancers will be seized by a burning curiosity, which they will begin to satisfy with commendable enthusiasm. If earlier your forays out of the house were exclusively of a targeted nature (get dressed, leave the house, buy bread at the store, come back), now you will discover the charm of the new and unknown. Cancers will understand that they cannot go through life looking only forward, and they will begin to turn their heads in all directions, discovering new nuances of existence. In April, unfree representatives of this zodiac sign will delight their life partners with their readiness for change and experimentation. Mid-spring is perfect time in order to make Cancer understand that the relationship is not as cloudless as it seems at first glance. The horoscope promises that he will not remain deaf and blind to the signals given, but will show ardent participation and do everything in his power to ensure that his loved one is satisfied. Now you are ready to try something new in the marital bedroom, go on vacation to an unfamiliar place and (who knows!), perhaps even eliminate the practice of planning a menu a month in advance.

In the office this spring, Cancer may lose the status of a reserved and stress-resistant employee. To be honest, even our horoscope does not advise other zodiac signs to approach the claws without a bar of chocolate and a bottle of valerian. The fact that Cancer sits calmly over a column of numbers and clicks a calculator does not mean anything. Only God knows how an impressionable colleague will react to an innocent request to evaluate a project or calculate projected profits for the quarter. Perhaps he will simply nod his head and delve again into the world of numbers, or perhaps he will throw a first-class hysteria with screams, screams and curses at all sorts of bastards who strive to put an additional burden on the fragile cancer shoulders. And at this moment the interlocutor will need calming tinctures and sweets to extinguish the conflict that has broken out (it is generally very difficult to be angry with people with chocolate in your mouth).

In April 2016, the horoscope advises us to carefully analyze and critically evaluate the ideas that arise in our heads. Thanks to a temporarily heightened imagination and weakened common sense The most impossible projects can be born in the head of Cancer, which can make a significant hole in the wallets of businessmen of this zodiac sign. Even if it seems to you that a company selling warm hugs or a site for generating curse words are very profitable and promising start-ups, do not rush to sell your apartment in order to receive initial capital. Wait a while (about six months): if the project is worthwhile, then it will remain so, and if everything invented is the ravings of a madman, then no one will ever know about your authorship. April is not the time for making serious decisions, so this month make frivolous ones and be happy!

Attention, the Cancer horoscope for the month of April 2016 has been published in a shortened form. To have full picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

Cancer monthly horoscope April 2016

Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius will affect everything life spheres Rakov. In April 2016, Cancers will see ample opportunities for themselves in professional activity, and this will not necessarily be the direction in which the representatives of your Zodiac sign rotated long years. Undoubtedly, initiative and determination will allow Cancers to easily establish promising contacts with the right people and smoothly integrate into the exciting atmosphere of a new type of activity, where they can fully reveal their abilities. This month, Cancers will plan dramatic changes for themselves and will confidently implement them. They will be able to organize a team of trusted people and create their own personal or joint enterprise. Cancer will be strongly favored by the stars and an irresistible desire to change their life for the better.

In the first ten days of April 2016, Cancers will feel the long-awaited freedom in thoughts and actions: they will be guided by the most strong qualities temperament that will not allow representatives of your zodiac sign to stop halfway. These days, Mercury will pass through the zodiac sign Taurus, which will allow Cancers to feel the clarity of their thoughts and clearly coordinate their further actions. It is during this period that Cancers will be characterized by some detachment from the outside world, your communication skills will be in a state of suspended animation, and therefore some profitable connections may be severed, and potential clients refuse further cooperation. However, Cancers will not lose their enthusiasm and will easily fill in the missing components in their business with other promising contacts.

The sun rising in the zodiac sign Taurus will give Cancer prospects for a comfortable personal life. In the second ten days of April 2016, Cancers will revive the past family ties and will be able to root family relationships for the distant future. These days, representatives of your zodiac sign will experience a palette of positive feelings towards loved ones, which will ignite the bright fire of the hearth and have a positive impact on their mood in life. Having established your personal life, you will be able to realize your professional intentions without the risk of neglecting this or that area of ​​your life. In the second ten days of April, Cancers will set priorities in such a way as to comfortably coexist with loved ones and at the same time realize themselves in business sphere. In relationships with a partner, Cancers will be tender and sometimes unpredictable: professional success will inspire romantic actions.

In the third ten days of April 2016, Cancers will show care towards loved ones. Participation in family affairs will be determined by the presence of Venus in the Zodiac sign Taurus, as well as the desire to improve the quality of personal and family life. During this period, Cancers will be passionate about their favorite hobby; your abilities can be realized in the field of art, journalism, and design. Handmade will bring moral and material satisfaction. In the third ten days of April, there will be good prospects in terms of career growth: old contacts will again become relevant and will allow Cancers to find a new position for themselves in a developing company or at their current place of work. Some representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign will choose a reclusive lifestyle for themselves, but this will indicate that they need time to collect their thoughts.

The women's horoscope for April 2016 for Cancer promises great opportunities for the beautiful ladies of this Sign. And he tells you how not to miss them and improve your situation on all fronts, from love to business.

For representatives of the Zodiac Sign Cancer, April will be a very busy month. And in many ways it depends on you whether the April events will be a step towards happiness or turn into petty vanity. Get ready to act, because events will still happen - but your efforts will direct everything that happens in the right direction.

In April, you will have to develop resilience and firmness. Don't be afraid of this - these qualities will come in handy later. In the spring of 2016, you will learn not only to emerge unscathed, but also as winners from disputes.

Perhaps long-simmering conflicts will make themselves felt. The horoscope does not advise avoiding them either. At the end of the month, you may be a little tired, but you will clarify more than one difficult situation.

Leave rest and going with the flow for later times. Be on the crest of the wave, don’t waste your energy on unimportant things from the first days of April and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.03.2016 12:23

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Accurate horoscope for April Cancer. Pharmacological drugs that provoke allergies

In April 2016, the planetary influences for Cancer are contradictory, so the development of situations largely depends on your behavior. Those who are practical and sensible will have a wonderful time for love and relationships, but frivolity will have unpleasant consequences.

On April 5, 2016, the planet of love Venus moves into the career house of Cancer. Its influence can be expressed as a connection between personal life and work, for example, together with your loved one you will implement a business project or help each other in performing professional duties. There is a possibility that an office romance will begin or a romantic meeting will occur with a person of high social status.

From April 19 to April 26, there is a conjunction between Venus and Uranus, the planet of change. This period contains a powerful potential for renewal, when relationships may undergo changes. Get ready for unexpected turns plot! Perhaps an event will occur that will wake you up and push you to decide on refreshing changes.

Under the influence of the full moon on April 22, 2016, which illuminates the Cancer house of love, the theme of love takes on special significance. In the light of the full moon, many things are seen more clearly, and intuition becomes sharper. Use these abilities to understand the deeper meaning of relationships and your own expectations from your partner.

IN last days month, the love atmosphere for Cancers will become calmer and more pleasant. If you already have a significant other, you will communicate a lot and there will be opportunities for entertainment. If there are any problems in your relationship, your friends or family will help resolve them. Those who are still single may meet someone by chance or through friends.

Cancer career and finance horoscope for April 2016

The month will be a turning point for many representatives of your sign, because the new moon on April 7, 2016 in the Cancer career house kicks off a period of transformation. Significant progress has been achieved active people ready to act and win. Cancer's career house is filled with planets - the Sun, Venus and Uranus are here. Moreover, all these planets form a harmonious relationship with Saturn in your house of work, which will be reflected in increased productivity, professional success and achievements.

Being in the Cancer career sector, Venus will make your path to success smoother, help you successfully negotiate, establish fruitful cooperation, and make a favorable impression on your business partners. Transits of the Sun and Uranus highlight the role of creativity and innovation. Business development and career growth will be achieved through the implementation of new ideas and the implementation of innovative projects. If you like the job you have now, learn new skills and abilities. But if there is no satisfaction, then it’s time to think about new prospects. You may decide to look for another job that better suits your needs.

As for finances, the month is quite favorable for Cancer. Possible luck in money, profit from things you didn’t expect, or cash receipt from an unexpected source. Just remember that managing your finances wisely is another important task. Try to refrain from irrational spending.


The month is active and dynamic, a lot of things and events are expected and, as a result, overwork will come. Treat yourself with care! Cancer's house of health is home to Mars, which begins its retrograde cycle on April 16, 2016. The effects of Mars retrograde cannot be called positive, so if you feel signs of any illnesses, take them seriously. At the same time, this the right time for diagnosis, examinations, resumption of treatment that was interrupted and not completed in the past.

Be diplomatic, avoid conflicts in the family and at work!



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