Dogs that are easy to train. Dogs that are easy to train and train

When purchasing a pet, every owner dreams that his dog will be distinguished not only by beauty, but also by intelligence. However, during the training process it turns out that four-legged friend does not follow commands at all, which annoys the owner.

But don’t rush to get angry with your pet: some dogs are actually less trainable than their counterparts due to the characteristics of the breed.

Here are 10 dog breeds that are considered the least trainable compared to others.

No. 1 Basset Hound

Good-natured "basya" with with a sad look will become a family favorite and a wonderful friend for your children. He will get along well with a cat, and even with a rabbit, and due to his innate tactfulness, he will not impose his company.

But if you want to teach a representative of this breed some tricks, be prepared for the fact that it will not be easy.

The Basset Hound is a phlegmatic animal that does not have high intelligence and good memory, so do not try to make it into a circus poodle.

Just love your pet for who it is!

No. 2 Beagle

This dog with the cutest face will give you a lot of joy, becoming a great companion And devoted friend. But the training may not work out for you. And the point is not even that the beagle is not very smart - everything is much more interesting!

This dog is independent and willful, so the pet will simply ignore your attempts to train it. By the way, maybe this is precisely an indicator of intelligence?

No. 3 Mastiff

A representative of this breed has excellent security qualities, so you can vouch for its reliability. True, the mastiff is amazingly stubborn, so he doesn’t like training too much.

Teaching a dog commands will require a lot of effort and patience, as well as regularity.

A dog of this breed, despite its formidable appearance, is very sensitive, so any shouting, raised tone and attempts to punish the dog will not lead to anything good.

#4 Pekingese

The Pekingese is a charming toy dog, but one of those that is extremely difficult to train. This is due to the pride and independence that is present in the character of the animal. She is instantly offended, and earning her forgiveness is very difficult.

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Perhaps attempts to teach your pet commands will be broken by the rock of his stubbornness, but is the game worth the candle?

The Pekingese can be an excellent companion who loves his owner unconditionally, but do not require any special skills from him.

No. 5 Bloodhound

This dog is determined and inquisitive. She will poke her nose everywhere, like a real bloodhound. Despite the fact that the Bloodhound is an inherently obedient and intelligent dog, learning commands is not easy for him.

The main reason is that the dog easily shifts its attention to foreign objects, so it is not easy for him to concentrate on “science”.

No. 6 Russian greyhound

The gracefulness and elegant manners of this dog amaze everyone who sees it. Its character contains nobility and devotion, which the greyhound demonstrates to its owner.

But independence is a trait that can call into question the effectiveness of training. Simply put, this dog does not like training and will try to avoid it at all costs.

No. 7 Chow-chow

Despite amazing beauty And unusual color tongue, these dogs were bred as a meat breed. That is why their intellectual capabilities are not valued too highly.

But don’t think that the Chow Chow is hopeless: often the dog is very smart, but so obstinate that it simply refuses to obey! This behavior may be mistaken for a lack of intelligence, but we know that the furry pet is simply on his own!

No. 8 English Bulldog

A massive bulldog with a menacing look, it is ideal for guard purposes. Looking at him, criminals will once again think about whether it’s worth getting involved with such a dog.

At the same time, the bulldog has kind hearted, so he will be a great friend for the whole family. But training this breed is often useless. But is it really necessary for a dog to lift its paw and bark on command?

No. 9 Basenji

This dog is interesting because it does not bark, but makes sounds reminiscent of rumbling or crying. A dog of this breed is active, so it is not advisable to keep it in an apartment.

But there is one more important point: Such a dog is difficult to train due to its character. She is too lively, energetic and active to focus on learning commands.

No. 10 Afghan Hound

With magnificent fur that flows in cascades over his body, this dog is amazingly disobedient. Like a shaggy donkey, he becomes stubborn at the slightest attempt to teach him commands.

Many even have a question: is the “Afghan” not very smart or is he simply demonstrating his willfulness?

We are sure that it’s all about character - well, such a beautiful dog cannot be stupid!

“Do you know what happiness is? This is your first dog in your life. Here he runs after you, sticking out his tongue, wagging his tail, bringing a stick. And you are happy next to your best friend in the world..."

Finally, the time has come to continue discovering the world of the delights of true friendship! In our article “”, you have already figured out where you shouldn’t make mistakes and what to look for when looking for a baby. Today I will help you choose the breed of your pet, and be sure that if your heart lies with this or that dog, this is truly the right decision.

Huge changes are coming, so be prepared for the fact that not everything always goes smoothly. Expect some small difficulties, and once you overcome them, you will find reliable support and support.

Getting started is always scary and exciting, so I suggest looking at ten dog breeds that are suitable for beginners. Let's take a look at all the advantages and possible problems of one breed or another that you may encounter.


Do you want to see a huge soul in a tiny body? Then this kind face is just for you. The only important condition is living in a house; a pug is not a yard dog. A good-natured, good-natured dog, ready to follow its owner’s heels, capable of cheering up even in the gloomiest weather. Her main desire is to make you happy.

Maintenance is easy. Despite the short hair, the pug sheds, but this can be avoided by brushing it daily or by wiping the dog’s body with a damp cloth. You should bathe occasionally, because frequent bathing Any dog ​​starts to smell like a dog. It is also worth paying attention to the fold on the nose, which needs to be wiped after eating, as food debris and dust accumulate there.

Take good care of your pug's eyes by cleaning them before and after sleep.

Yes, the pug is also famous for his snoring! This occurs due to the structural features of the skull, but for loving person won't snoring become an angelic melody?

Pugs have a brutal appetite in every sense and often suffer from obesity. Therefore, it is necessary to control the weight and diet of your pet, and not give yourself any slack in the desire to feed the pug just “one more time.”

On top of everything else, pugs are very stubborn and quickly get tired of prolonged physical exertion, so with peace of mind, they will sit in the middle of the street, and it will be very difficult to move the small carcass.

Suitable for: children, pensioners. Doesn't need long walks.


The poodle rightfully occupies one of the leading places in the ranking of the smartest dogs.

Fetching a stick, walking on their hind legs, jumping over obstacles, performing in the circus - all this is about the innate artistic talent and boundless intelligence of poodles. Only poodles learn with incredible speed and are easier to train than all other breeds.

Absolutely non-shedding dog! Despite its long coat, it is suitable for people with allergies to dogs. You can groom poodles like an ordinary dog, so if you are not a connoisseur of the aesthetics of dog haircuts and are not going to take all the titles in the world, don’t be alarmed, all you need is a portable machine and half an hour of free time every 2-3 months. In addition, it is the hair of poodles that is the very component of warming dog belts!

Of course, poodles have disadvantages, and one of the main ones is that this breed is not for small children.

Poodles are often hypersensitive, so loud noises, screams, disorder and chaos can affect the dog’s psyche and behavior.

Poodles are distrustful of strangers, while being excellent guards of their territory, and greet guests extremely emotionally. So, if you don’t want to hear your dog barking frequently, then the poodle is not the breed for you.

Suitable for: apartment living, allergy sufferers. Doesn't need long walks.


The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is the miniature fox of the dog world. Radiating warmth like a child, the Corgi will become an irreplaceable member of your family. Walking with a corgi is not burdensome either for a child or for a person of retirement age. The corgi's coat is short, but, like the pug, it should be wiped with a damp cloth.

Training a corgi is easy, commands are perceived playfully, and the dog performs exercises with special enthusiasm and pleasure.

Corgi can be safely called a universal dog, and manners are in her blood - it’s not for nothing that at the palace of the Queen of England there are dogs of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed.

The disadvantage, perhaps, is excessive appetite, which leads to overeating and weight gain, and the price (Corgi is one of the most expensive breeds). But as they say, beauty requires sacrifice.

Suitable: for children, gets along with other pets. Needs walks of at least 20-30 minutes.


The dogs, according to legend, accompanied the knights of King Arthur and are called “singing”, thanks to their ringing, drawn-out bark. And also, a prototype of the famous cartoon dog Snoopy.

A non-aggressive, smart dog that gets along well with children and other pets.

Beagles still have it hunting instinct, periodically manifested in a sudden desire to dig up the ground or chase a cat. Therefore, the beagle needs daily physical exercise, preferably, going hunting. If this is not possible, let the dog run freely around the nearby park. You need to walk at least three times a day.

Beagles are prone to obesity, and the importance of walks increases several times, because... With an inactive lifestyle, there is a risk of limb deformation due to excess weight.

But before that, be sure to give the dog some training, in particular, learn the command “near!” and “come to me!” Otherwise, there is a risk of losing your pet.

But beagles are difficult to train, so from the first day it is important to show who is boss.

Suitable for: children, hunters. Needs a big one physical activity, walks at least three times a day.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The famous Baron Bukin. A smart, loyal dog for whom praise is very important, because thanks to it, good attitude and care, Bern is ready to give his life for the owner, spitting on the size of the enemy. The Sennenhund is an excellent guard dog and companion.

It was originally bred as a herding dog, so you can safely leave children in the care of their four-legged mother without fear that the child will be left unattended. It even happened that the dog found the child and brought him home.

This is not a “dog of one man”; he gives his love to everyone, allowing himself to be controlled by every member of his family. I am calm only when everyone has gathered under one roof and an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility reigns.

Berns can live on the street, but periodically they need to be allowed into the house, because separation is difficult to bear, and communication is the most important component of the life of a Bernese Mountain Dog.

The disadvantage is long wool, which needs to be combed periodically; in the autumn-spring period, shedding reaches its peak.

Suitable for: everyone without exception, especially children. Needs fairly long walks.

German dog

“If a tired elephant wants peace, the royal one will lie down in the scorched sand.”

This is exactly how one can characterize a mastiff-aristocrat. A calm, stately, calm dog is a godsend for phlegmatic people. It amazes with its external data, which one can only admire. Intellectual.

It’s worth warning right away: life expectancy is only 6-8 years, although there have been long-livers. Much depends on proper care, maintenance, and especially nutrition.

The dog is one person, so if you doubt your choice, do not choose the Great Dane, because... After a year, giving the dog to other owners is strictly contraindicated.

Adapts well in an apartment with sufficient physical activity and regular walks.

Needs training as she is willful giant dog becomes uncontrollable and disobedient.

She prefers not to get involved with other pets, especially small ones, and is loyal to children, but will not act as a nanny. But when he or his owner is threatened, he turns into a ferocious predator and protector.

The coat requires little to no maintenance, but as with all short-haired dogs, it is important to remember to brush and wipe with a damp cloth.

You need a balanced diet, and of course, enough of it.

The lifespan of a pet largely depends on nutrition. Puppies need to be given a complex of vitamins, because... due to the mass, there is a risk of rickets.

Suitable for: people who know how to show authority, clearly distinguishing it from cruelty. Three or four meals a day.

Golden retriever

Golden Retriever is almost the most popular breed in the world, and all thanks to their friendly disposition, devotion to the owner, complete lack of desire to run away and pedigree advertising.

At the same time, the retriever is a beautiful, active and understanding dog that treats each family member with respect, regardless of age.

Goldens have long hair, but it is easier to vacuum it up than short hair, like that of a boxer, for example. It is unpretentious in nutrition and needs sufficient physical activity, because... By nature, the Golden Retriever is an active dog, so in order to avoid chaos in the house, it is advisable to allow the dog to frolic in nature.

The Labrador is not suitable for protection, but is good at hunting and communicating with children. Easy to train.

Suitable for: everyone without exception, gets along well with other animals.

Irish Setter

Hunter, friend and simply irreplaceable family member. A savvy dog, easy to train, quickly carries out commands, immediately wanting to please the owner. He senses his owner’s emotions well and tries to please in everything.

They love long walks, so if you like to go out into the countryside - a setter perfect option for you!

Crazy about lying on his back, digging holes and involving his adored owner in such activities. Don’t be alarmed, it’s not at all problematic to pull burdocks out of the fur, and the setter will bury holes on its own.

Care is simple, you just need to bathe the dog occasionally and monitor ear hygiene. Setters also have a good appetite, so try not to overfeed your dog.

He is patient with children, respects every member of the family, but obeys mainly men; he values ​​women as the keeper of the hearth and the owner of a delicious dining room. He gets along well with children, sometimes even looks after them, not letting them leave their sight.

Suitable for: active people who often go to fresh air. Needs a lot of physical activity.

Cocker Spaniel

“Many people believe that the palm for the sincere sadness in the gaze belongs to spaniels” James Herriot.

Round eyes, looking with boundless admiration and devotion, can leave few people indifferent. A proud, active, inquisitive dog will make you love him for many years from the first days of his stay in your home.

A born hunter, ready to bring both a duck and slippers to his owner, he easily learns commands, enjoys training, and “gets it on the fly,” as they say.

It is advisable to subject the dog to training in a playful way, this way you will inspire more trust and teach the dog to obey without using rudeness.

Cocker Spaniels require grooming, regular bathing, brushing and grooming for shows. Keep your spaniel's ears clean, because the main health problems for this breed are ear diseases.

A spaniel is not for you if you are not with him for a long time, because like a cocker spaniel, he will get bored, his bad nature will awaken in him, and that’s it, “goodbye, slippers!”

Suitable for: people who are able to provide sufficient physical activity and spend most of their time at home.


One of the most adapted breeds for protection. Doesn't bark over trifles.

He quickly becomes attached to his owner and is fearless when it comes to danger. Easy to train, and, which is important for living in the city, very clean. Suitable for children. Easy to accustom to cats and small breeds. You need to feed regularly, three times a day. It is advisable to train the dog for as long as possible, because... The boxer is a very active and playful dog.

You shouldn't get a Boxer if you're away most of the time. The boxer has an extremely difficult time withstanding loneliness, and on top of everything else, he behaves like a child until the end of his days, so don’t be surprised by the scattered things, the torn rug and the imperturbable expression on the face that greets you from work.

He has a good appetite, so watch your dog’s diet.

Does not require careful care. The molting period is autumn-winter, wipe the body with a damp cloth every day. There is excessive salivation, prepare a towel with which you will wipe the drool and the folds on the face.

It is necessary to train, otherwise they grow up to be selfish. When raising this breed, it is advisable to be strict, but not to forget about affection. They pass perfectly general course training, as well as training for guard duty.

Suitable for: people who spend most of their time at home, children, and gets along with other pets. Needs long walks.

They differ from each other not only in their external appearance, but also in their mentality. Based on canine research and tests, it was revealed which breeds are best trained.

The external beauty of a dog is not the main indicator. It is much more important how smart and obedient she is, because her ability to learn and train will depend on this.

Decorative and small breeds of dogs, in terms of their mental abilities and training, do not lag behind, and sometimes are even ahead of their larger counterparts.


Poodles are extremely smart and take 2nd place in the TOP-10 in terms of training level. Good memory, thoughtfulness, energy, obedience and an unusually beautiful exterior - all this is the Poodle in person.

A dog is a friend, companion and grateful student. The poodle is ready to learn the science of learning 24 hours a day. His distinctive feature is that he is able to quickly learn literally everything, including bad things.

Even a child can handle training a Poodle. Poodles are distinguished by color and size, they are divided into royal, medium, dwarf and toy poodles.


Receives 5th place. She is easy to train and has a fine mental organization. This dog senses a person’s mood and understands voice intonations. You can train her only with affection and love.

Shelties are playful and kind dogs, they are excellent nannies and are not prone to aggression. In the past, Shelties were little shepherds, but today they play the role of a companion and become equal members of the family. Shelties are wary of strangers and do not come into close contact.


He has extraordinary abilities and has all the aptitudes for training. In the ranking of the smartest dogs in the world, he is in 7th place. The request or desire of the owner for Papillon is the law.

Behind big ears Decorated with long hair, the Papillon is called a butterfly. There is an opinion that the Papillon is (by nature) a noisy dog ​​and causes a lot of trouble with its loud barking. If you instill in your puppy the rules of good behavior from childhood, then this problem can be avoided.

The methods of training dogs are different, what is good for one can be extremely bad for others. Initially, you need to study the historical roots, breed characteristics and character of the animal, and only then try to come to an agreement with it.

Other breeds, medium and large

Border Collie

Border Collie understands human speech and easily executes many commands. She searches for and brings objects, carries out instructions for the owner, performs circus tricks and shows highest results in agility.

German Shepherd

The honorable 3rd place belongs to the fearless German Shepherd. She proved her mental abilities by walking a long and difficult path next to a person. Mine detection service, search for criminals and drugs, protection of the border and especially important objects, service in the ranks of the police, the role of a rescuer and bodyguard - the German Shepherd can handle everything.

During the war, shepherd dogs played the role of orderlies and threw themselves under tanks. Their strength, courage, excellent instincts and high level of organization can serve as an example to follow.

Proof of this is the unprecedented case when German Shepherd nicknamed Dzhulbars received the medal “For Military Merit” for her service.

Golden retriever

Public Favorite - Golden retriever in the list of the smartest dogs is in 4th place. As a companion dog, he has no equal. The retriever is affectionate and quick to train. He understands perfectly well what is good and what should not be done.

The Golden Retriever is inquisitive and friendly with the whole world around him, but it will not be possible to raise him as a watchman and bodyguard. This breed has an easy-going, peaceful and loving nature and will never harm a person.


In 5th place, the friendly Labrador, the life of the party, wags its tail. He understands the owner's requirements perfectly. The breed is well trained; stubbornness and aggression are not characteristic of it.

Labradors will be the best friend for a large family with children, where they are not averse to playing nanny. And these dogs also love to swim, because it’s not for nothing that nature has endowed them with webbed paws.


Powerful and decisive, the Doberman takes 8th position. He has irrepressible energy and can become excellent security guard and a bodyguard. Physical and mental training is extremely important to him. Dobermans have excellent sense of smell. They are quite stubborn and willful. Dogs of this breed are able to make their own decisions and are included in the list dangerous dogs because they are characterized by aggression.


The powerful and muscular Rottweiler dog claims 9th place. He has good mental abilities, but training him is not an easy task. Rottweiler is famous high threshold pain and copes well with the role of a bodyguard.

Please note that an outwardly calm and imperturbable Rottweiler can turn into a ferocious beast in one second!

To live next to a person, early socialization and competent education from puppyhood are extremely important.

Australian Cattle Dog

The top ten is completed by the representative of Australia. A friendly and non-aggressive aboriginal dog. Her irrepressible activity requires long walks and exercise in the fresh air.

The breed is quite rare for the Russian Federation and is more popular in the West and in the countries of the New World. The Australian Cattle Dog is trained well, but it is not suitable for living in a city apartment, as it creates many problems with shedding its coat.

There are dog breeds that are easier to train. But there are also species that are very difficult to train due to their stubbornness and other factors. Dog handler Leon Markelov talks about which breeds are best trained.

According to the specialist, “even the devil” can be trained, the main thing is to use the right methods. "There are very naughty breeds, for example, the Afghan hound. In general, with hunting dogs more difficult, since their hunting instinct usually predominates. They require special training,” explains the dog handler. to a large extent depends on the qualities of the owner - patience and character.

German Shepherd

Photo: PantherMedia/Scanpix

“I think no one doubts that the German Shepherd is very smart and easy to train. This dog has become a kind of icon. It’s not for nothing that shepherds are used all over the world as police dogs, rescue dogs, and guide dogs. The German Shepherd is universal dog, which easily adapts to any task, understands the owner very well. I think when correct methods You can teach her absolutely everything, even talk,” the dog handler jokes.


Photo: Shutterstock

Undoubtedly, the Rottweiler has one of the highest IQs of all dog breeds. Thanks to this, the animal is highly trainable. The Rottweiler grows up to be obedient and endlessly devoted to its family, provided it is well trained.


"Collies are easy to train. They are one of those dogs that really enjoy learning. It just takes patience and the right approach, then the dog does everything with passion. But we can ruin in one day everything that the animal has been taught for several weeks. This doesn't just apply to collies. A typical example is when the owner lost patience and hit the dog. What a desire to learn after this she will have!

As for the collie, it is also a very beautiful dog. I think everyone recognizes this. The dog is very patient, meek and intelligent, with a balanced character."

Border Collie

Photo: PantherMedia/Scanpix

"The Border Collie regularly appears at the top of the rankings the most beautiful dogs, most often in first place. This is very sporting dog who likes different shapes activities, including agility and obedience training. The Border Collie has huge potential. He can easily be raised as a circus actor who performs the most incredible tricks." It should be taken into account that, due to his activity, the border collie needs to expend a lot of energy. Otherwise, he may, for example, start gnawing household things.

Staffordshire Terrier

Photo: Panther Media

"As intelligent and easily trainable dogs based on own experience I can recommend Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers and Pit Bull Terriers. I myself had such dogs. Nothing better could be desired!

“The beginning of the training may be quite difficult, but if you do everything correctly, you can achieve beautiful commands even at a distance of 70 meters, using only gestures and voice signals.”

Bull Terrier

"This is very clever dog, which is easy to learn. Good friend and the house watchman. If necessary, he is ready to protect the owner. As I already said, I myself had bull terriers, so I can say that they are man's true friends. They can be taught almost anything. In the world, these dogs, for example, are used to detect drugs, explosives, smuggled cigarettes, etc."

Pit bull terrier

“The Pit Bull Terrier has a bad reputation, but this is completely undeserved. Unfortunately, these powerful dogs are often chosen by owners with an inferiority complex. They unconsciously try to compensate for them by showing their “omnipotence” next to such a dog. If they set the animal against other animals or even people , then the result, of course, is sad. These are the people who use pit bull terriers in dog fights, because of which the dog has a bad reputation. The only fault of the animal is that it is very strong.

If a pit bull terrier is trained correctly from childhood, then it is a wonderful dog, a true friend. They are good at everything - the obstacle course and obedience training."

The only disadvantage of these breeds is their short hair, due to which the dogs do not tolerate the cold well. But special clothing for dogs saves you from this.

Are you planning to get a dog, but don't know which breed to choose? In this article, we will introduce you to the breeds that are considered the most intelligent and easy to train.

If you decide to have pet who will become a full-fledged member of your family, do not be lazy to first do research on which breed of dog suits you best. Find out if this dog can get along with children? Can he live in an apartment? Is it difficult to care for the coat? And most importantly, how receptive is this breed to training? A dog that doesn't respond to its owner's commands can bring more trouble than joy to your home.

For our part, we have prepared for you a list of the 10 smartest dog breeds with a brief description.

10. Australian Cattle Dog

In tenth place is the Australian Cattle Dog. This breed is very friendly towards people, but requires a lot of space to live and a lot of physical activity (at least three hours a day). For this reason, Australian Cattle Dogs are not well suited to living indoors. The coat of these dogs is short and does not require special care.

9. Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a very powerful dog, which is famous for its high pain threshold. Muscular torso - distinguishing feature Rottweilers. On the one hand, they are very friendly, and on the other, they are defenders of their owner.

This dog can live almost anywhere, even in an apartment, as long as you give it daily opportunities to burn off its energy. Easy to train.

8. Doberman

If you decide to get a Doberman, then know: he needs a powerful owner. These dogs are powerful and easy to train. All kinds of physical activity are important for them: Dobermans need to be constantly loaded with some kind of physical work or exercise so that they expend energy.

Dobermans are one of the most fearless and dangerous dogs in the world. However, they can make excellent pets if raised near children from puppyhood.

Dobermans have short fur and do not require special care. But you should know that these dogs are susceptible to cold, so on frosty days it is better to wear something on them.

7. Papillon

The Papillon is a small but very energetic dog. A special feature of the breed is its ears, which resemble the spread wings of a butterfly. Papillons are easy to train, but life in a confined space is difficult for them.

These small dogs can bark everywhere, which often creates problems for themselves. Papillon wool requires special care. She needs to be looked after and combed every day.

6. Labrador Retriever

Nature has endowed these dogs with webbed feet, which makes them excellent swimmers. Labradors are not afraid of the cold and can adapt to almost all living conditions.

Labrador Retriever - very friendly dog. If you have a large family and want a pet, a Labrador may be good choice. Dogs of this breed get along very well with children and do not bite.

5. Sheltie

Shelties are perhaps the most sensitive dogs on this list. They can even understand a person's tone of voice. And if the owner communicates with them rudely, they simply do not respond to his commands. These are very kind dogs that need an equally kind owner. They get along well with people and are easy to train.

Dogs of this breed tend to be wary of everyone. strangers. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant moments they should always be under the supervision of the owner.

Sheltie can live with you in the house, but on the condition that you provide her with a daily opportunity to let off steam outside the four walls.

4. Golden Retriever

This is perhaps the most popular dog breed. And the thing is that the retriever gets along very well with people and is very loving.

It is equally important that these dogs have a “soft mouth”, that is, they can even tolerate raw eggs without damaging them. This is a trait you should consider if you have children in your family.

Dogs of this breed are excellent swimmers due to their webbed feet. They are easy to train compared to many other breeds. They can live in almost all conditions. They get along well in apartments and houses. But their fur requires daily care.

3. German Shepherd

This is truly a fearless dog. He doesn't care about any dangers. Cold weather no problem for him. Very easy to learn. You can teach him anything even faster than you expect.

The German Shepherd gets along well with children and owners. But guests and strangers need to be careful when interacting with this dog, because by nature it is a protector of its owner. This dog can live in your house and even in your apartment. True, long hair can cause a lot of trouble.

2. Poodle

The poodle is a noble dog. Coat The poodle is very specific, some even call it hair rather than coat. And this feature makes the breed the preferred choice for people with allergies and those who do not like clumps of fur on the floor and things.

The poodle ranks second on the list of the smartest dogs.

1. Border Collie

Border collies are considered representatives of the most smart breed dogs because nature rewarded them high ability to concentration. You can teach them anything in record time.

The border collie is very active dogs who find it difficult to live in an apartment. They need space and constant activity. If you have big house, then this dog can become a member of your family. But Border Collie hyperactivity will be a problem if there are children in the house.

Grooming is quite simple. Regular brushing is enough for this intelligent breed.

So, now you know which dog breeds are considered the most capable, and you can make your choice. Which breed do you like best?



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