Catalog of Unified State Exam assignments. Search results - Biology. Assignments: B14. Sequence of blood movement through the systemic circulation

Circulatory system human being is the most complex, the sequence of blood passage through big circle blood circulation ensures oxygen saturation of remote areas of our body. There are main and additional circles of blood circulation. The center of the main blood flow paths is the heart muscle, in which both blood supply paths intersect without mixing blood.

Your task is to expel the blood. All these valves work to keep blood flowing. The foothills are chambers that fill with blood. The two upper chambers are called the atria. It only takes 60 seconds to pump blood to every cell in your body. It's like a door that closes after the blood leaves so it can't get back in. It also needs blood to remove waste that could become sick if left to spin. It's so good How do you know where to go?

The two chambers below are called ventricles. Keep pumping! Along the middle there is a thick wall of muscle called the septum. when the blood is pumped. the atriates fill up again, preparing for the next contraction. The goal of this section is to separate the left side from the right side of the heart. Two heart valves are mitral valve and tricuspid valve and operate between the atria and ventricles. They open to allow blood to flow through and then close quickly to prevent blood from spilling.

Body circle of blood supply to the body

The main path of blood flow (also called large or bodily) is a system of vessels and their branches that provide oxygen saturation and essential microelements the whole organism as a whole. The movement of blood through the systemic circulation begins from the left ventricle, from which high pressure is pushed into the aorta - the largest vessel in our body. After the aorta branches, the blood begins to move towards the main organs, dividing along the way into smaller arteries and capillaries, which provides blood supply to the most distant parts of the body. The systemic circulation - the path of its passage is described in all anatomical textbooks and manuals.

The atria and ventricles work as a team. There are two chambers on each side of the heart: one at the top and one at the bottom. The other two are called the aortic valve and the pulmonary valve and are responsible for controlling flow as blood leaves the heart. that they are later pushed towards the ventricles. Great to spread!

The movement of blood through the heart and through the body is called circulation, and your heart does this very well. Now this new blood has oxygen, it needs to go back to the left side of the heart and start all over again. 20% of this blood passes through the kidneys, where some of the waste is filtered, and then the blood returns to the heart. The body extracts oxygen from the blood and uses it in the cells of your body. They could wrap the Earth twice and still have more left to wrap around something else! The heart is attached to these vessels, which are like ducts that carry blood throughout the body.

Another major division of the arteries occurs in the lumbar region, after which one branch provides blood supply lower limbs, and the second – the pelvic organs.

The main source of saturation of cells with oxygen and essential nutrients are capillaries. It is through their walls that microelements enter the body tissues. Arteries and large vessels They perform only a transport function.

The cells thank you by using this oxygen. Carbon dioxide is removed from the blood when you exhale and new oxygen is introduced when you inhale. making carbon dioxide and other things that you need to remove and get rid of carbon dioxide and other waste by dumping it into the blood to clear it out. The blood has completed the first part of its task of bringing oxygen to the cells, and now it is time to collect the garbage. There are many veins and arteries in your body. The right side of the heart is ready for relay: it carries oxygen-free blood and is used by the lungs to freshen it up a bit.

Also through the walls of the most small vessels metabolic products and carbon dioxide come from tissue cells. Thus, the blood gradually becomes venous. The connection of arteries and veins occurs through anastomoses - vessels that ensure the transition of arterial blood flow to venous. The most a large number of anastomoses located in the intestinal mucosa, liver, kidneys, lungs and thyroid gland. Their main purpose is to collect venous blood.

If you put all your blood vessels in a row. The blood vessels that carry blood from the heart are called arteries, and those that carry blood to the heart are called veins. Left-hand side your heart sends fresh and pure blood to your body. Everything happens in less than half a minute! Blood Movements The heart needs helpers to make sure the blood is moving everywhere. so it uses blood vessels.

This blood contains a lot of oxygen, and this oxygen helps your cells be happy. Every heartbeat is caused by the contraction of your heart. The next sound occurs when the blood reaches aortic valve and the pulmonary valve, which closes when the heart relaxes to fill with blood for the next heartbeat. Although the heart is inside you. There is a great way to watch him work from the outside. Regular exercise is a great way to keep your heart in shape.

With further passage, the anastomoses merge with the formation of larger veins that transport carbon dioxide-saturated blood to the right atrium, where the main blood supply to the body ends.

Pathology in the passage of blood through the body's circulation can lead to the development of serious diseases.

Here are examples of what you can do to help you be happy: Remember that your heart is a muscle. When you are resting. The doctor uses a stethoscope to listen carefully to your heart. You may even feel your heart beating in your chest. Avoiding many fatty foods, you will also be happy. Next time you see a doctor. With so many impulses! You'll know you've found your pulse when you feel a slight heartbeat under your skin. Consumption of variety healthy foods great for your heart.

Most often, the main factors in the development of blood flow disorders include the following:

In most cases, a violation of the movement of blood in the body circle is not an independent factor, but a consequence of a violation metabolic process in organism.

Better to use forefinger or middle finger the other hand because your thumb has its own momentum. You'll probably notice around 70 beats per minute. Your heart pumps faster to provide the fresh blood your body needs. Your heart and blood vessels hate cigarettes because smoking makes it difficult for them to do their job. If you want to know what your heartbeat. Feeling the pulse! You can find the pulse by lightly pressing on inner part wrists.

In the same way, you need to exercise the muscles of your legs and arms. you also need to show heart. And this will confuse you. a little lower thumb. This sound comes from the valves that close the blood inside the heart. When you run a lot. How many bits are now counted in a minute? Keep your heart happy.

The main symptoms of blood supply problems depend on which organ is affected:

  1. Poor circulation in the pelvic area and abdominal cavity accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and pain in the abdomen, diseases reproductive system And chronic problems with bowel function (constipation).
  2. If there is insufficient blood supply to the extremities, discomfort and the appearance of spider veins, constant decrease in temperature in the arms and legs. This is especially pronounced when there is a violation of blood patency in the venous blood flow.
  3. Pathologies of the blood supply to the brain can be both chronic and acute. In the first case, the patient complains of frequent headaches, memory loss, and impaired coordination of movements. Acute disorder is characterized by speech impairment, numbness, or complete absence movements in the limbs, loss of vision and mental disorders.

When signs appear acute disorder blood circulation, you should consult a doctor immediately. Absence timely provision assistance in this case can lead to death.

Most children are born with healthy heart, and it is important that you keep yourself in good shape. Get away from tobacco! Smoking is harmful to all parts of your body and especially to your heart. Tricuspid and semilunar. and pumps oxygenated blood to all areas of the body. The bronchi and lungs cleanse and humidify the air we breathe. carbon dioxide and also protects the body. The upper respiratory channels are the nasal deflections. Abstract: The heart is an organ muscle that acts in the body like a double bomb: it pushes blood to the lungs for them. there would be no laboratory damage. oxygen. but the latter have valves and a locking system.

Will be carried out in the hospital additional examination, the main purpose of which is to identify the site and degree of circulatory disturbance. Most often used ultrasonography blood vessels and magnetic resonance imaging.

After receiving the results of the study, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment, which includes measures aimed at treating the underlying disease and eliminating problems in the bloodstream. For this purpose, drugs are used that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots, and regulate blood levels. blood pressure and many others.

Take care of your heart and it will take care of you! The cardiovascular system Abstract: The heart is a hollow muscular organ, which acts like a double pump in the body: it brings blood to the lungs for its oxygenation. excitability and electrical conductivity. leukocytes and platelets. red blood cells. That. your heart is not what makes you feel happy or sad and is not written to be mine, but it is still an amazing part of your body. And its valves are bicuspid.

Functions of blood: transportation nutrients. The muscle fiber with the heart muscle has automaticity. Blood is a red liquid. It is impossible for your blood to move through your body. the oxygen in it diffuses into the blood and the carbon dioxide in the blood diffuses into the air. formed by yellowish plasma consisting of serum and pyatnigon and suspended solids: red blood cells. Without him. thick circulatory system of blood. When the inhaled air reaches the alveoli. They perform a heating function.

But the main way to solve problems with blood supply to organs is to prevent such disorders. First of all, this is management healthy image life and complete failure from bad habits. If signs of diseases appear that can lead to the development of pathology in the circulatory system, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

They perform the function of exchanging gases. These functions in the blood are developed by leukocytes. Arteries have wider and more elastic walls than veins. platelets and plasma. which then fizzles out. Road air breathing discharges are nasal graves. tricuspid and semilunar. Bronchi and lungs. and pumps oxygenated blood to all areas of the body. Definition of heart: The heart is a hollow muscular organ that acts as a double pump in the body: it drives blood to the lungs for oxygenation. leukocytes and pocket kiosks. carbon dioxide and also protects the body. and it pumps oxygenated blood to all areas of the body.

Paying close attention to your health will help minimize the risk of developing serious pathologies, which are caused by a failure in the body’s blood supply system.

Task No. 1.

Consider the proposed scheme. Write down the missing term in your answer, indicated by a question mark in the diagram.

When inhaled air enters the alveoli. formed by a yellowish plasma consisting of serum and stainogen and solid elements in suspension: red blood cells. And the drops are a wind tunnel. nasal cones and larynx. purify and humidify the air we inspire. And their valves are bicuspid. They perform the function of exchanging gases. excitability and electrical conductivity. Cardiac muscle fiber has automaticity. These functions in the blood are developed by white globules. Arteries have wider and more elastic vein walls. network of globules They perform the heating function.

Explanation: The stem can be divided into 4 parts: bark, cambium, pith and wood. Wood is made up of dead, lignified cells that form blood vessels (xylem). Xylem conducts water and minerals up the plant. The correct answer is wood.

Task No. 2.

Below is a list of genetics methods. All of them, except two, relate to methods of human genetics. Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Blood is a liquidated network. but these latter have valves and a system of justifications. No need for central nervous system. Conductivity: Capacitance. Butterfly valve: mitral valve: left atrium. Semitral valves: These are three joints combined. It consists of three valves. Diagram of the heart: Characteristics of the cardiac muscle fiber: Automaticity: It works automatically. interacts with the left ventricle through it. Excitability: You have the ability to be alone. they connect the great vessels to the heart.

1. Twin

2. Genealogical

3. Cytogenetic

4. Hybridological

5. Individual selection

Explanation: The hybridological method is used not only to study human genetics, but for all organisms. In this case, the object under study is crossed with its relative, and then the offspring are studied. With individual selection, only individuals with the maximum manifestation are crossed. needed by the person trait (here it all depends on the requirements - it is possible to select individuals with an average or minimal manifestation of the trait or its absence). The correct answer is 45.

Systole: the movement of contraction of the heart. Extrinsic regulation of the heart: It is responsible for increasing or decreasing the heart rate. With. d. which distributes them throughout the ventricle. It then transmits the impulses through the Purkinge system. Sinoauricular node: Generates electrical lines that generate the heart rhythm. that they are shrinking. 5 Pulmonary circulation Small circulation or oxygenation. Internal regulation of the heart: it is more complex. This is the transfer of blood through blood vessels between the right ventricle and the left atrium.

And makes great circulation. This is the transfer of blood through blood vessels between the left ventricle and the right atrium. It has two stages: systole and diastole. 4 Main difference between artery and veins. Diastole: the movement of relaxation of the heart. Blood is made up of a yellowish fluid called plasma. leukocytes and platelets. its walls are thinner and less elastic than arterial ones. They have some exceptions, pulmonary arteries carry oxygenated blood, and the pulmonary vein brings blood to the heart. red blood cells. formed by colorless plasma consisting of serum and mottled and suspended solids: red blood cells.

Task No. 3.

There are 78 chromosomes in a chicken somatic cell. What set of chromosomes do the sex cells of this organism have? Write down only the number of chromosomes in your answer.

Explanation: somatic cells of organisms contain a double (diploid) set of chromosomes, and sex cells contain a single (haploid) set. Therefore, we divide the diploid set in the somatic cells of a chicken by 2 and get a single set (39 chromosomes), characteristic of germ cells of a given organism. The correct answer is 39.

The main difference is that arteries carry blood from the heart to all tissues of the body, and their walls are thick and elastic. 1. Blood: red liquid. instead, the veins carry blood from the tissues back to the heart. thick circulatory system of blood. High: nasal pits. Red blood cells or red blood cells. Nasal supports and larynges. oxygen. purify and humidify the air we breathe. Nasal turbines red blood cells. They perform a heating function. platelets and plasma. corpuscles or white blood cells, which are called leukocytes and platelets. called platelets. 1 Functions of blood Functions of blood: transport of nutrients.

Task No. 4.

All of the following features, except two, can be used to characterize the properties and structure of the Golgi apparatus. Identify two features that “fall out” from general list, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1. Forms lysosomes

2. It is single-membrane

3. Packaging occurs, substances are removed from the cell

4. Participates in ATP synthesis

5. Forms a spindle

Explanation: Golgi apparatus (complex)- a membrane organelle of eukaryotic cells, the main function of which is the removal of substances synthesized in the cell. But it does not participate in the formation of ATP molecules (mitochondria do this). And the spindle of division is formed by microtubules (cellular center). The correct answer is 45.

Task No. 5.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the cell organelle and its type: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A. System of tubules penetrating the cytoplasm

B. Well developed in secretory cells

B. Ribosomes can be located on membranes

D. Participates in the formation of lysosomes

D. Provides movement organic matter in a cage

Cell organoid

1. Golgi complex

2. Endoplasmic reticulum

Explanation: Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)(endoplasmic reticulum - ER) - a cell organelle, a network of membranes that performs the function internal transport cells, and also synthesizes lipids and needed by the cage substances. It can be smooth or rough (with ribosomes). Golgi apparatus (complex)- a membrane organelle of eukaryotic cells, the main function of which is the removal of substances synthesized in the cell. In secretory cells, the Golgi complex is well developed, so it primarily works to remove substances from cells. The correct answer is 21212.

Task No. 6.

What ratio of phenotypes will be obtained by crossing two heterozygotes with complete dominance? Write the answer as a sequence of numbers in descending order.

Explanation: let's cross two heterozygous organisms.

R: Aa x Aa

They will give the following gametes.

G: A, a x A, a

Let's get offspring.

F1: 1AA, 2Aa, 1aa

With complete dominance, the phenotypes of individuals with genotypes AA and Aa will be the same, so we obtain a 3:1 phenotypic split. Let's write it in descending order. The correct answer is 31.

Task No. 7.

Below is a list of characteristics of variability. All but two of them are used to describe the characteristics of chromosomal variation. Find two characteristics that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1. Duplication of a chromosome section

2. Loss of the middle section of the chromosome

3. Decrease in the number of chromosomes in the karyotype

4. Presence of three X chromosomes

5. Transfer of a chromosome section to a non-homologous chromosome

Explanation: chromosomal variability - mutations at the chromosome level, for example, doubling or loss of a chromosome section, as well as transfer of a chromosome section to a non-homologous chromosome. An increase and decrease in the number of chromosomes are changes at the genome level. The correct answer is 34.

Task No. 8.

Establish a correspondence between the insect and the type of its development: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A. Honey bee

B. May beetle

B. Asian locust

G. Cabbage white

D. Housefly

E. Green grasshopper

Types of development

1. With incomplete transformation

2. With complete transformation

Explanation: of the presented insects, incomplete transformation occurs only in the grasshopper and locust (superfamily Orthoptera). The correct answer is 221221.

Task No. 9.

The similarity between mushrooms and animals is that

1. They have a heterotrophic mode of nutrition

2. They feed autotrophically

3. Glycogen serves as a storage carbohydrate.

4. Cells contain vacuoles with cell sap

5. Cells lack chloroplasts

6. The body is made up of organs

Explanation: both fungi and animals are heterotrophs (they feed on ready-made organic substances), their reserve substance is glycogen, they do not have the process of photosynthesis, therefore there are no chloroplasts in their cells. The correct answer is 135.

Task No. 10. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic and the type of plant tissue: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A. Consists of cells tightly adjacent to each other

B. Consists of large cells filled with chloroplasts

B. Photosynthesis occurs in cells

D. Stomata are located in the tissue

D. Prevent the penetration of microbes

E. Protects against mechanical damage, drying

Type of fabric

1. Main

2. Pokrovnaya

Explanation: Let's see what both types of plant tissues look like.

The integumentary tissue consists of cells tightly adjacent to each other (otherwise it is difficult to perform protective function), stomata are located in it (since in this case there is communication with external environment), prevents the penetration of microbes (covers the plant from the outside) and protects from mechanical damage and drying out. The main tissue consists of large cells filled with chloroplasts (performs the function of photosynthesis). The correct answer is 211222.

Task No. 11.

Establish the sequence of systematic categories of animals, starting with the largest. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in the table.

2. Mammals

3. Lagomorphs

4. Chordates

5. Hares

6. White hare


Type Chordata

Class Mammals

Order Lagomorpha

Family Zaitsevye

Mountain hare species

The correct answer is 423516.

Task No. 12.

Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Pancreas in the human body

1. Participates in immune reactions

2. Forms blood cells

3. Is a mixed secretion gland

4. Forms hormones

5. Secretes bile

6. Releases digestive enzymes

Explanation: the pancreas is a mixed secretion gland, as it secretes hormones into the blood (insulin and glucagon) and enzymes into duodenum. The correct answer is 346.

Task No. 13.

Establish a correspondence between the digestive process and the organ digestive system where this process occurs: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A. Processing of food mass with bile

B. Primary breakdown of proteins

B. Intensive absorption of nutrients by the villi

D. Breakdown of fiber

D. Completion of the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, fats

Digestive system organ

1. Stomach

2. Small intestine

3. Large intestine

Explanation: the stomach has an acidic environment and there is a protein - pepsin, which breaks down proteins. IN small intestine comes out bile duct(that is, food is processed by bile), that is, all organic substances are finally broken down and intensively absorbed by the intestinal villi. Fiber is broken down in the colon. The correct answer is 21232.

Task No. 14.

Establish the sequence of movement of arterial blood in a person, starting from the moment it is saturated with oxygen in the capillaries of the pulmonary circle. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in the table.

1. Left ventricle

2. Left atrium

3. Veins of the small circle

4. Small circle capillaries

5. Small circle arteries


As you can see in the picture, arterial blood appears in the capillaries of the pulmonary circle, then collects in the veins of the pulmonary circle, enters the left atrium, through the valve into the left ventricle and, finally, into the arteries of the pulmonary circle. The correct answer is 43215.

Task No. 15.

Which of the following examples can be classified as aromorphoses?

2. Development large number lateral roots of cabbage after hilling

3. The appearance of self-expanding fruits

4. Release of odorous substances from fragrant tobacco

5. Double fertilization in flowering plants

6. Appearance of mechanical tissues in plants

Explanation: aromorphosis- a change in the body leading to an increase in its level of organization (for example, the appearance of warm-bloodedness, a four-chambered heart, internal fertilization, etc.). Therefore, aromorphoses include the development of seeds in gymnosperms, double fertilization in flowering plants, and the appearance of mechanical tissues in plants. The correct answer is 156.

Task No. 16.

Establish a correspondence between the example and the proof of evolution: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A. Whiskers of a cockroach and catfish

B. Lizard scales and bird feathers

B. Shark and cat teeth

D. A monkey's nose and an elephant's trunk

D. Cat's claws and monkey's nails

Evidence of evolution

1. Homologous organs

2. Similar bodies

Explanation: Homologous organs- these are organs that are identical (or similar) in structure and origin, but perform different functions. For example, the limbs of different mammals: in a mole - for digging, in cetaceans - for swimming, in ungulates - for running. This development occurred as a result of divergence (divergence of characteristics).

Similar bodies- these are organs that are different in origin and structure, but perform the same functions. For example, bird wings and butterfly wings. Such organs arose as a result of identical adaptation to the environment of unrelated systematic groups of organisms.

Therefore, we consider the scales of a lizard and the feather of a bird, the nose of a monkey and the trunk of an elephant and the claws of a cat and the nails of a monkey to be homologous organs, the rest - to similar organs. The correct answer is 21211.

Task No. 17.

Choose three correct answers out of six. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

The abiotic components of the steppe ecosystem include

1. Plant species composition

2. Mineral composition of the soil

3. Precipitation regime

4. Herbaceous cover

5. Wind erosion

6. Producers, consumers, decomposers

Explanation: abiotic components are elements of inanimate nature, from the given answer options - mineral composition soils, precipitation regime, wind erosion. The correct answer is 235.

Task No. 18.

Establish a correspondence between a pair of animals and the type of their relationship: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A. Hydra - Daphnia

B. Lynx - white hare

V. Ascaris - man

G. Black kite - forest vole

D. Bull tapeworm- hoofed animal

Types of relationships

2. Predator - prey

Task No. 19.

Establish the sequence of stages of fern development, starting with spore germination.

1. Gamete formation

2. Fertilization and formation of the zygote

3. Development of an adult plant (sporophyte)

4. Formation of a prothallus

Explanation: Here is the life cycle of a fern.

As can be seen from life cycle, a gametophytic plant (prothallus) grows from the spore, where gametes (sex cells) are formed, then fertilization occurs and the zygote develops mature plant(sporophyte). The correct answer is 4123.

Task No. 20.

Analyze the table. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the concepts and terms given in the list. For each lettered cell, select the appropriate term from the list provided.

List of terms:

2. Endoplasmic reticulum

3. Ribosome

4. Cytoplasm

5. Hydrolytic breakdown of organic substances

6. Cellular center

Explanation: the transport of organic substances is carried out by the endoplasmic reticulum (you can repeat the topic “Cell”), chloroplasts are located in the cytoplasm, the lysosome (due to the content of a large number of enzymes) is engaged in the hydrolytic breakdown of organic substances. The correct answer is 245.

Task No. 21.

Study the graph of the body temperature of various animals depending on air temperature. Select true statements. In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements.

1. Judging by the graph, the rabbit is a cold-blooded animal.

2. The body temperature of the platypus depends on the temperature environment.

3. Optimal temperature The environment for a rabbit varies from approximately 37 to 40 degrees.

4. The body temperature of different animals changes equally with the same changes in ambient temperature.

Explanation: changes in the rabbit’s body temperature (in accordance with significant changes in ambient temperature) are not significant, which means that the rabbit is a warm-blooded animal (its body temperature does not depend on the ambient temperature), that is, the first statement is incorrect. And the platypus’s body temperature changes by about 10 degrees, which means the second statement is true. As well as the third (since it corresponds to the statement that the rabbit is warm-blooded, it means that temperatures closest to its body temperature are suitable for it. Also, we see that changes in body temperatures of different animals vary significantly, we conclude that the last statement is incorrect.

The correct answer is 23.

Task 22.

What is the nature of most enzymes and why do they lose their activity as radiation levels increase?



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs