What kind of people are Cancers? Cancers need their own cozy home

Warning - very extensive post. Only die-hard Cancer fanatics can enter.

The text has been formatted for ease of reading. Stock up on muffins and tea with sugar. It will be interesting.

Characteristics of the sign

According to mythology, the cancer dug its claws into the leg of Hercules (Hercules) when he fought the multi-headed Hydra. When the cancer was killed, Hera (Juno), who hated Hercules, thanked this creature by placing him in the sky.

In early astrology, the symbol of the constellation was the image of cancer. The modern symbol for claws is sometimes explained as a representation of coiled spermatozoa, and thus the sign signifies the male and female "principle."

Homeliness, sensitivity, loyalty. Powerful emotions. The strongest sign of Water is more successful for women, since it is more strongly connected to the home than all other signs and brings with it physical and psychological vulnerability. Protecting himself from mental trauma, he often seeks reliability and safety alone; this is all the more offensive since Cancer has a strong need for family and home. And his life will not be perfect without a family.

He will do anything for the sake of security and stability. Rarely puts money on the line. Doesn't like to take risks. He handles money very carefully and, as a rule, does not let those who trust him. Always pays debts and expects the same from others.

Often experiences difficult emotional experiences. That gives the impression of having mental strength, then helpless like a child. This is explained by the fact that the Sun in this sign changes its direction and begins to move south again, heavenly affairs turn back, like Cancer itself.

As a rule, Cancer is friendly, but the changeable Moon makes him either kind and frank (especially when he has a specific goal in front of his eyes), then again melancholic, withdrawn, and reserved.

Cancer has a diplomatic talent, he often achieves his goals. However, if Cancer feels offended, he may behave recklessly, in this state he is unable to cooperate with others. He behaves childishly and stubbornly - this is one of the significant shortcomings of Cancer, which he should fight. He makes a calm and meek impression, but his thoughts and feelings are difficult to unravel, this is accessible to few, so Cancer often remains misunderstood.

Children are naturally gentle, sweet, affectionate, and ready to help. Cancer parents radiate warmth. But there is also a certain danger in this. They want to have those they love only for themselves. Family tradition and history mean a lot to Cancer. They are patriots, they have an excellent memory for what belongs to tradition.

They try to avoid mental and physical ailments by any means and - since order and cleanliness are their distinctive qualities - they cannot stand matters that do not require absolute cleanliness.

They prefer a sophisticated atmosphere. Cancer has a strong imagination; it would often be better for him to think less about his illnesses. He must be able to say yes and no, monitor his mood, fight intolerance, timidity, and excessive sensitivity. Masters the art passive resistance, this is his effective weapon against people who are unpleasant to him.

You can only lead a Cancer in a good way, because if he feels pressure, he freezes into immobility. He does not like to be advised, he wants to decide everything on his own, he is downright frightened by the thoughts of other people. Sometimes afraid of responsibility, but important work will perform accurately, reliably, punctually, successfully.

Motto: "I feel".

Best paired with: Taurus, Scorpio

Average compatibility with: Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Leo

Least compatible with: Libra, Capricorn

Born under this sign: van Rijn Rembrandt, Julius Caesar, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Ernest Hemingway, Marc Chagall, Valentin Serov.


Children's horoscope

By reading the horoscopes of people born under the sign of Cancer from different astrologers, you can learn the most opposing opinions about them. Some argue that these are gentle creatures not adapted to life, in need of care, others that they are the best educators in the world, simply created to take care of the weak and small. In some horoscopes it is written that they are chaste and bashful, in others that they are lively, and they need an eye and an eye when it comes to the opposite sex. And all this is true. What do they all have in common, other than the fact that they have successfully confused psychologists and astrologers? The closest to unraveling the inner essence of Cancer came the famous American astrologer Grand Levi, who said: “Cancer can be a grapevine or a support for this vine, depending on the circumstances.” He can be anyone, the main thing for him is safety. The main thing is that his outer mask will always not correspond to his inner essence. There can be not only two masks, but three, four, as many as needed, there will be as many. Remember Bradbury's Martian boy? This boy took on the appearance that people who were close to him saw in him. This is how it is with people born under the sign of Cancer. Very often they put on the mask that their loved ones would like to see. Why do they do this? Most likely because Cancers are very sensitive and vulnerable. They do not like to be offended or laughed at. And the mask is protection from intrusion into their inner world. It is not surprising that things can happen about the same child different opinion from different people.

Young Cancers are characterized by hypersensitivity. They react very sharply to how they are treated and are therefore emotionally vulnerable. And if adults of this type have somehow learned to protect their inner world from insults and foreign influences, then children still do not know how to do this very well - this should always be remembered.

Do not try to invade the innermost world of your Cancer, respect his secrets. These children cannot be scared, they cannot be laughed at. But these children are flexible with those people who love them. Love your child, try to see only the good in him and you will be able to achieve everything you want from him. Children born under the sign of Cancer should not be forced to communicate with those they do not like; they may get sick from this. This feature may lead to difficult situations at school, if a child has problems with some subject, then most likely the reason is that he has developed bad relationship with the teacher. If the teacher at least once allows himself to ridicule this child or express the belief that in front of him is a lazy, stupid student, then he will always see in front of him only a lazy and stupid student, because the child loses all ability to think in the presence of a person who treats him badly (even if it only seems to the child). There may be another reason for poor performance: he missed something and now does not understand (but not laziness). If you want your child to transform from a struggling student to a high-achieving student, I'm afraid your only option is to hire a tutor, or pick up a textbook and figure out the subject yourself. Children are very sensitive to your mood, and if you are nervous, they themselves will become nervous.

Let the calmer parent handle the conflict situation. Don't scold or punish your child if he doesn't behave the way you want. It is enough to show him that you are upset. These children are sensitive and affectionate and will never want to upset the person they love.

Now about health. At any age, your child can have problems with food. Cancers have clearly defined likes and dislikes for food. He finds it difficult to eat food he doesn't like. But if he likes the food, he cannot stop. Hence the stomach and intestinal diseases. The diet should be balanced and the child should not overeat. Often the child prefers solid foods to soft ones. If he has an increased love for sweets, then dental problems and excess weight are possible. He is susceptible to colds and may suffer from catarrh, cough, asthma and kidney disease. And, of course, impressionable. Cancer is susceptible to nervous diseases. Take care of his nervous system.

Avoid labeling it. Remember that the mask may stick to the child for life. And most importantly, try not to get nervous yourself in any situation. The best treatment for your child is calm, even love.

So your child is too sensitive. Don't scare him, don't punish him, don't threaten him, don't laugh at him.

Do not label your child and do not put on masks: if you tell your child that he is lazy and ugly, he will grow up that way.

Don't be nervous in his presence. Don't expose his secrets.

What does he need?

Confident that you love him. On a certain diet. In responsible assignments that develop independence, in the absence of petty supervision.

Give him surprises and celebrations. He loves miracles.


Temperament and character

The intellect sinks into the soul from “darkness”. Cancer has good intelligence, an incredible memory, he just shouldn’t use it for soul-searching, regret and revenge.

It's good if Cancer uses his rich life experience as a weapon with which to go out, and not as a nest into which to retreat. If only he would stop being afraid of the phantoms he created, and would force them to work for himself, if he would force himself to live in reality, and not in dreams! If only he thought about his tomorrow and discarded what happened yesterday! But Cancer moves back or to the side, gets scared. If necessary, he goes forward, but stops in fear, holding his breath.

No other sign has greater potential for affection than Cancer, no one can be more playful, loving. If not, there is always the threat of escape into the subconscious from cruel reality.

None of the signs yearns for home, for the Motherland, as much as Cancer. Cancer needs time to think and cannot be rushed. If you have the patience to cultivate Cancer like a rare plant, there is no greater return than from it. Cancer women love to take care of their bodies, preferring silks, lace, soft colors, and long hair.


Psychosexual characteristics

Cancer is the most promiscuous sign. Changeable in mood: he can easily find himself in a web of sexual exploits. However, if they love a person, there is nothing that Cancers will not do to please the object of their love. He is not alien to any form of sexual intercourse. Women of this sign like to act motherly towards men. Cancer rules the breasts and is especially excited by this part of the body. Cancer men are attracted to older, maternal-type women. Cancers have enormous control over sexual functions: they are capable of intense love game for a long time. Cancer men and women love to be caressed.

Women of this sign enjoy playing the role of the little, innocent girl who is captured by the stereotypical, promiscuous man, when in reality, they are overjoyed at the temptation of erotic pleasure by pretending that they are losing their virginity.

This is a sign that produces extremely shy people, but in some cases they turn to the other extreme in sexual relationships and play an aggressive, domineering role, sometimes reaching the point of sadism, verbal and physical.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Cancer is a master of non-sexual maneuvers. He demands firm rules from his partner, which he himself cannot always fulfill. No other sign is capable of displaying such false virtue, loyalty, sensuality and hurt feelings as Cancer when he is personally at fault. What a heartbreaking mask - those wet, sad eyes - that Cancer can wear: a little boy who was offended, insulted.

Of course, Cancer devotes a lot of time to creating a cozy home life, looking for a faithful husband or wife, and giving birth to offspring. But once they have achieved this, they secretly find satisfaction in debauchery, justifying their adventures social activities, affairs, etc.

Cancer is the self-indulgent wife who annoys her husband with requests to buy expensive things; he is also a boastful husband who always reminds his wife of the price of the luxury item he bought her.

Very materialistic by nature, aware of the power of things, Cancer usually gives gifts to his loved ones after quarrels.

Cancer is also a guilty husband who, upon returning from a “business trip,” brings his wife an expensive gift. This is also the guilty wife who managed to have fun with a cute TV mechanic while her husband was on a business trip and when he returns, he sees that she has cleaned the whole house, cooked his favorite food, went to the hairdresser and now greets him at the door with hugs and kisses and an innocent childish smile. Cancers are winners in the art of non-sexual maneuvers.

How to satisfy a Cancer

Make them feel young! They idolize youth (followed by Libra and Leo).

The only way For Cancer, overcoming sexual desire and remaining faithful means finding himself in a situation where this is impossible: at work, at a conference, in a hospital where he is immobile due to a cast, or in the arms of his beloved wife.

Positive features

Despite the fact that Cancers are very nervous (negative types), the positive type has a large number of virtues: a protective paternal or maternal attitude towards people, leadership in risky matters and great perseverance. Besides everything, they have valuable quality which helps them overcome them negative traits- patience. Cancers can be extremely thrifty, prudent and hardworking.

Negative traits

Cancers are victims of anxiety and fear. They should overcome the limitations they set for themselves. They should not live in their past childhood, but must, through an effort of will, force themselves to act in accordance with their age. They should beware of excessive drinking and gluttony. They need to learn to tolerate criticism and stabilize their moods.

But the main drawback is their inability to engage in conversation if there is the slightest possibility of being defeated. They cannot be “put against the wall”, even if they are guilty of something. They would rather continue to lie than pay for their sins.

Economics of love

Cancer is a cunning merchant in love, a complete materialist who, in the economy of love, stands head and shoulders above his astrological brothers and sisters. There are two types of love economy that Cancer resorts to. The first type is addressed mainly by young people who are consciously looking for older lovers. They become very attached to them, especially if they shower them with gifts and other things. Because Cancers revel in the role of a beginner in life, they like to obey an experienced, protective teacher who acts in their interests. Unless they happen to be married to these teachers, they usually maintain their relationship for the long haul, until it has served its purpose. If they do get married, they are rarely married past 35 years. This is a critical age for Cancers. Rarely do Cancers live with the same spouse after 35 years.

The second type of love economy is practiced by older Cancers. Usually, by this time they have acquired a stable position. They dramatically change their youthful behavior and find a young lover to whom they give gifts and share with him the wisdom of an experienced person. If Cancers do not divorce their spouses after 35 years, then this happens due to financial dependence or love for children, but not at all out of loyalty to their old spouse. Their married life exists solely for the sake of convenience, while Cancers secretly court the young ones.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 29.5, Cancer should look for the best partners among the signs of Scorpio and Pisces. All three are water signs and require close, passionate and deep emotional connections.

After age 29.5, Cancers usually begin to mature and realize their true personality, becoming more liberal and less cautious. Then they often find compatibility with the energetic signs of Gemini and Virgo. These two signs, ruled by Venus, have a lot of youthful energy and do not consider it humiliating to accept attentions, including gifts from boys who are already over 30 years old.

After 41.5 years, Cancers must fully develop and gain control over themselves. Then they can be compatible with Capricorn (a highly organized, partly mental sign, which is always ready to unite its goals and gain power with the already settled Cancer).

Fidelity Score

In your younger years it’s bad. The exception is the case when Cancer stays at home for a long time under the guidance of one of the parents, usually the mother, and thus their behavior is controlled not by Cancer himself, but by someone else. It is also bad in marriage, unless Cancer is connected with his spouse through a common cause or work, when they constantly see each other. The best period for obtaining fidelity from a Cancer is when he is very young and inexperienced, or after 35 years of age, when he is already a seasoned lover and welcomes the refreshing demand for fidelity. Cancers are also loyal to lovers when they are offered luxury and comfort. But this will seduce any sign in our age of materialism!

Questions for Cancer

Why do you always lie to make people believe you?

Why, having your own home, an ideal lover, wife or husband, do you continue your love affairs? When will you start finding your fault in your mistakes? When will you give more energy to spiritual qualities? Why are you so uncommunicative?

Why do you make others suffer if you are in a bad mood?

And finally, why did the stars make you such a deceptive ideal lover, husband (wife)? But all the possibilities really lie within you, you just have to try.


Erotic horoscope


The Cancer woman is extremely erotic and uncontrollably strives for sensual pleasure. But, oddly enough, she behaves coldly and unapproachably with men. It seems to her that her lust is a weakness that a man sees, and she does not want to admit any of her weaknesses. She spends a lot of effort to look strong and independent. But she is easily excitable, passion takes over her and she tries to hide it, which sometimes leads her to rudeness. After intimacy, she tries not to meet with her partner again, and if this is impossible, she becomes capricious and irritable with him. But if she comes across a tactful and patient man who is able, without thinking about himself, to take care of the complete satisfaction of her desires, she receives considerable pleasure from intimacy. One has only to note that there are not many men capable of such sacrifice.


Behind him stretches a long trail of offended and abandoned women. But this does not evoke a feeling of compassion in him, since he is little predisposed to it. He is distinguished by selfishness, flavored with a fair amount of snobbery and self-confidence. More experienced women avoid him. But he is able to turn the heads of young girls, but abandons them as soon as they tire of him. Although he is erotic, in bed he cares only about his own satisfaction, and sometimes behaves offensively and cynically. Only partners prone to masochism get real pleasure from contacts with him. She subordinates her entire sex life to taking care of her own health. Marriage is considered an attack on personal freedom. He is not created for marriage, because he strives to suppress everyone around him. His wife is an unhappy, downtrodden creature. But there are exceptions, when an even more powerful and tough woman takes him into her hands.


In his youth, Cancer is in no hurry to become an adult. The world is limited by the basic needs of life: hunger, thirst, sleep. They wait for fate to decide for them what to do. Many follow in the footsteps of their fathers, engaging in the family craft, but open protest can lead to the choice of a profession opposite to the family occupation. Lunar type - slow, lethargic, lethargic, apathetic, best manifested in routine work that requires a minimum of mental effort.

Slow to start, but persistent, conscientious, obedient. Being busy with work, he knows how to make it easier for himself and others. This type works better in an intimate, family-type environment, where he sympathizes with others. He often allows himself to be underestimated, exploited, and received less than he deserves. He doesn't have the "nerves" to ask for a raise.

The nervous type (Saturn influence) can abuse familiarity, but cannot give or receive orders, move from job to job, oscillating between bursts of enthusiasm and extreme irritation.

Both types are potentially good in work related to children, animals, food, clothing, water and liquids in general. They make good specialists in breeding horses, dogs, staff of kindergartens, zoos, circuses, child psychologists, obstetricians, nannies, owners and managers of bars, pubs, restaurants, shops, navigators, gardeners, foresters, watchmakers.


Cancer is the most sensitive and emotionally vulnerable of all 12 signs. Can live the richest and most painful life. His success as an individual depends on whether he is able to destroy the problem of his relationship with his mother, so as not to remain dependent on her.

Often rejects the physiological aspect of love. Therefore, this sign is easier for women who solve the problem of relationships with their mother by becoming mothers themselves. Many are unable to break with their family and remain spinsters or companions of their parents.

In their youth, Cancers are romantics, dreaming of ideal love. They are quiet, deep water. Imagination gets ahead life experience. When realizing their first passion, their sensitivity and depth of feelings make them magnificent, gentle lovers.

But from every sexual relationship they expect exceptional love, understanding, amazing, supportive, and in return they will give themselves entirely and surround their partner with tenderness.

These romantics can be tyrants, possessive, they are usually the first to feel the blow from disappointment and flee from a hostile world, if possible, to their mother, or seek salvation alone.

Cancer men can be peaceful, calm and simple, and their love is faithful and unshakable. These people make devoted husbands and fathers who live only for their family. Others can be capricious, tormented by mysteries for themselves, sophisticated and ambiguous. This type wanders from woman to woman in search of his ideal or falls into a fatal irresponsible feeling. He may even commit suicide or the object of his love. Some find a woman more experienced and older than themselves, who knows how to identify their potential, mainly lyrical and philosophical. She does this through support and pacification, and then the return of Cancer is very great.

Women are also divided into two types: charming, affectionate, too shy, sometimes frigid, a little cocky with childish outbursts of irritation, and women trying to put themselves on a pedestal and instill a feeling of unattainability of love. The first type can voluntarily bring themselves to the point where they become a real sex object, humble to the point of slavery, overestimating a man, looking for an ideal father, a “mother hen” in him; they sometimes overprotect their children.

Both men and women tend to subordinate themselves entirely to their partner. They are ideal if they feel loved, and they are the hardest if they do not feel love, while living a difficult, painful life themselves.

Cancer is the only sign that can find mutual understanding with everyone, but finds special happiness with Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces.



Vulnerable places: stomach, liver, bladder, intestines, organs associated with processing food and removing them from the body.

These people are overweight low pressure blood, they should avoid constipation, which poisons the body and leads to depression, during a full moon they should avoid sleeping too long, and should not drink a lot of fluids, including soft drinks and water.

Many Cancer diseases are psychosomatic (due to periods of depression). Here you need to change your life habits, food, sleep, and not doctors.

Parents of a Cancer child should not punish him by locking him in dark room, must ensure that he does not sleep for a long time in adolescence and didn't drink too many drinks during puberty. Cancer at any age should not eat hastily.

Cancer women often have painful menstrual periods with migraines and cramps, but they have the easiest births. They are worse affected by abortion than women of other signs.

Both men and women are susceptible to stomach ulcers and have hypochondriacal tendencies: they should strive for full employment so as not to indulge their own weaknesses.

Preventive measures: diet, warm baths, regular sleep, good rest. Certain nervous depressions can be cured by the careful use of hypnosis or magnetism.

Gastronomic horoscope

A sign of high suspiciousness and amazing ability reaching for food, especially food that is so bad for them. Therefore, CANCER needs discipline and a strict diet. Suspiciousness and a tender crustacean stomach do not allow him to eat hot, spicy food.

Recommendations. Avoid products causing fermentation or a burning sensation in the stomach. Be careful when consuming raw vegetables and sour fruits. You should not drink sweet tea or chilled lemonade immediately after eating. Be extremely careful when eating crayfish, crabs, and shellfish - allergies are quite possible. CANCERs benefit from delicate varieties of fish, cereals, non-acidic boiled vegetables, and mineral water.


Your stones


Color: bright green, grass green, dark green.

The mineral is a transparent variety of the mineral beryl, a silicate of beryllium and aluminum.

Properties of the stone. Has positive energy and improves mood. It brings happiness to a person with pure karma, who has come to know himself and achieved spiritual perfection. However, it does not bring good luck to smart and educated people whose consciousness is not whole. Emerald can bring misfortune and illness to deceitful people. If you look at an emerald for a long time, you can comprehend the future and reveal secrets. Worn around the neck, it strengthens memory and sharpens vision. It protects young people from debauchery and is also an enemy of sensual love. Astrologers recommend that any person wear stones mined in his homeland, because... Emeralds have the ability to energetically get used to certain regions.

From the history of stone. Known and valued since ancient times, it is used for inserts into the most expensive jewelry. Russian name comes from the Persian "zummurud". The stone is mentioned in the Bible among other stones on the breastplate of the Jewish high priests. During the conquest of the New World, an emerald approximately the size of an ostrich egg was kept in one of the Indian temples on the territory of modern Peru; apparently its mass was about 3 kg. The stone was considered an object of worship to the goddess Umina. The stone was hidden by the priests and has not been found to this day. Since ancient times, emerald has been attributed healing properties. For example, Avicenna treated eye diseases, indigestion and black cough with them. It was also believed that emerald is the most powerful antidote. IN different centuries They were used to treat fever, leprosy, epilepsy, ulcers, and insomnia.

Quite a few large emeralds are known to have been preserved in their original form, but most still prefer to be sawed and cut for insertion into jewelry. The largest of the unprocessed emeralds is considered to be a stone found in 1970 in Ukraine and called the “Jubilee Leninsky”. Its weight was 26,800 carats and until 1990 it was kept in the mine museum. The emerald called “Stolen” has an interesting fate. It was found in North Carolina in 1881 and weighed 1,270 carats. This emerald was stolen from the Smithsonian Institution and, according to experts, is now in some private collection.


Color - has a greenish iridescence or a light stripe that changes its position when the stone is turned. This optical effect is very similar to the iris of a cat's eye.

The mineral is a precious variety of chrysoberyl or a greenish variety of quartz with the inclusion of asbestos fibers, which is an ornamental stone.

Zodiac sign: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.

Properties of the stone. Stabilizes human health and spirit, prevents foreign influences and helps strengthen the family.

From the history of stone. Stones with similar light phenomena have always been considered magical and were used to make amulets-amulets. The largest cat's eye weighing 313.2 carats is kept in the Tower of London. The yellow cat's eye, called Hope's chrysoberyl, weighs 45 carats and is on display in the British Museum. Of the gems, the most famous are kept in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. For example, a gray-green stone from Sri Lanka weighs 1,715 carats, and a yellow-green stone from Brazil weighs 114.3 carats.


The color is transparent, with a pale blue iridescence.

The mineral is a variety of adularia, partly albite or oligoclase.

Correspondence to the zodiac sign - Cancer.

Properties of the stone. The stone brings good luck only to those born on a new moon, as well as to cold, balanced people. Helps awaken tender feelings, allows you to foresee the future if you hold the stone in your mouth during the full moon. The stone is capable of removing nervous tension, eliminates anger and excessive self-confidence. Contraindicated for choleric and melancholic people.




CANCER (22.06-22.07) - ZODIAC SIGN


Cancers have a very contagious laugh. At any party he can be the most cheerful person. If he doesn't joke himself, he laughs at the jokes of others. Nobody loves jokes more than them. This cheerful side of him is even more striking against the background of his, in general, calm character. His humor is deep. Cancers usually don't chase popularity. But they need it and at the same time it gives them great pleasure. Secretly, they seek attention. At the same time, Cancers do not strive for fame obsessively; they do not strive for anything obsessively. But along with a good mood, Cancers suffer from strong melancholy. They can drown you in their depression deeper than the ocean. Their fears are usually well covered with humor, but they are always present in them, haunting them day and night with a feeling of some kind of danger.

Pessimism is always near them and can spoil their various fantasies at any moment. Their tears are never crocodile tears, they truly come from the depths of their hearts. Even a glance can hurt them. It can be very difficult to find out the reason for their bad mood, because when they are offended by something, they plunge into reproachful silence. Sometimes Cancers can take revenge, like Scorpio, but they usually do it secretly. But most often they just crawl into their shell and sit there. A state of sadness and uncertainty makes them strive for loneliness, like real crayfish. Their feelings are so strong that they can spread to you and influence you quite strongly.

Cancers always take everything into account life lessons. They are usually very patriotic. These are people who can keep many secrets, they know how to sympathize with people. But it will be difficult for you to penetrate his thoughts, because... They carefully hide their feelings from prying eyes. A typical Cancer does not like to discuss their life.

Like real Cancers, they stick tightly to what they want to achieve, this can concern everything from a loved one to house slippers. In this case, his actions will also not be direct, like those of crayfish, but only to the side and back, and then suddenly they can go in the completely opposite direction. At the same time, they carefully watch their prey and, when it begins to retreat, the Cancers quickly begin to move forward and overtake what they want. Cancer moves forward only when he notices that someone else wants to achieve the same thing he wants, this also applies to his generosity. His heart is very soft, you can touch him. But he will help you cautiously, waiting for someone else to help you. Seeing that no one is helping you, he will come to your aid at the last minute, if you are drowning, he will let you go under water a couple of times before he starts rescuing you. But this is his instinct of self-preservation, not selfishness. Thus, he cannot be accused of impulsiveness. He always carefully calculates his actions.

Cancers love their home very much and treat it with great respect. They never truly feel safe. And they always need more than they have - love, money, fame, etc. His emotions do not allow him to be confident enough in himself and completely relax.

Cancers love water very much - they bathe, swim, water ski, and boat.

His constant worry can lead to illness. A rich imagination can turn the smallest illness into a serious and even chronic one. His most vulnerable places for the disease are the chest area, knees, kidneys and skin, as well as the head and stomach and other digestive organs. A good mood and optimism can save them from illness. No other sign is susceptible to illness from their own emotions, but no other can recover so miraculously from their own mood.

Cancers love to save money, they also love food supplies, and never allow leftovers from dinner to be thrown away. Whatever is put on your plate, you must eat. Both sexes have a highly developed parental instinct.



zodiac signs, cancer zodiac sign, cancer zodiac sign men, cancer zodiac sign woman Don't expect this man to bare his soul when he first meets you. He never trusts strangers. It will take a lot of time and patience to truly get to know him. He can, of course, flirt, but he will be faithful. Without warning, his gloomy face can light up with a smile. His usual complaints and unpleasant manners may gradually turn into tenderness. When he is sad, you want to hug him and dispel his melancholy. His caution will amaze you. He can be very attentive to you and there is no doubt that he is a romantic dreamer. However, he is very reasonable and practical. What to do with such a man? Try to understand him. This is not just a changeable personality, these are changes associated with the right phrases. Today is one thing, tomorrow is another. And between these moods, he can show his true nature.

Always remember that a Cancer's manner may be rude or aloof, but his heart is so light and caring and so filled with sentiment that he sometimes feels like a very vulnerable person. Sometimes he crawls into the shell he carries inside himself to escape his own emotions for a while. At such moments he may seem like a real cancer to you, and you don’t always like that. But as soon as he comes out again sunlight, you can get close to him again. Unfortunately, the Cancer man from time to time spreads his Bad mood that it can affect you and everything around you. But there are times when he can be cheerful and cheerful, like an orangutan. And it’s not surprising that you don’t know what to do with it: either give it a cold shower, or warm it with a warm blanket. These changes in Cancer can surprise anyone. His mood can be especially terrible when he is afraid of losing something, perhaps you. Convince that you belong to him a hundred times a day, words of love are music to his ears. He may sometimes seem simply abnormal.

As a rule, Cancers earn good money. I'm glad I brought up the issue of money, you will also be glad to be with such a person. You may have all sorts of difficulties with money, but if you live with Cancer, such difficulties will be least likely. Therefore, your wedding is not as bad as it might seem. Finance has attracted him since childhood. And saving money attracts him more than spending it. He cannot be called greedy, but let's put it this way - he will never light his pipe with a dollar bill.

His sense of humor never extends to money. And it's quite possible that he learned to add and subtract before he learned the alphabet. Don't be surprised if you find that he has a bank account that dates back to when he was a child and hasn't been touched since then. The shine of silver and the rustle of banknotes calms his nerves. But Cancers very rarely save money to invest in something. They save to feel safe. And very often they underestimate their financial capabilities. They play the role of a poor man who somehow makes ends meet. And you may even feel sorry for him and offer to lend him money. Don't do this, he probably has more of them than you.

Cancer may sometimes have extravagant desires, which he will courageously resist. And if he suddenly starts spending money during such periods, it will never become his habit. In addition, you should know that he has a very original approach to saving. He would rather take you to a fancy restaurant to get your money's worth than insult his taste with a second-rate meal. He also believes that it is stupid to spend money on a cheap coat, when a chinchilla fur coat will look better and serve you longer: in a word, quality and pleasure are synonymous for him. Even the most poetic and dreamy Cancers associated with music or other forms of art do not have very acute sensation money.

If you have a true Cancer, he will not wear sportswear (he is not attracted to it), he prefers conservative cuts and good tailoring. And even if he has little money, his shoes will sparkle and his socks will be clean.

It’s good if his mother’s tastes coincide with yours, because... it will be mentioned very often in conversations and remarks like: “My mother never had such cosmetics, although she is very beautiful woman. Don't you think, honey, that your eyelashes are too made up?" or "You made frozen chicken. And my mother even baked bread herself." And these embodied virtues of his mother will often interfere in many situations, even when you least expect it. For example: “Darling, we will have to postpone the date, I need to take my mother to the dacha.” To put it mildly, The Cancer man, with great reluctance, dethrones his mother and puts the crown on you.

Cancer is terribly homebound. And if his mother’s house is cozy, Cancer will not be in a hurry to leave it. The typical Cancer is very close to his mother. And there is no need to hide this fact. If you fall in love with a Cancer, then on the one hand you will have to put his mother on a pedestal, and on the other hand, you remember that you are her rival and you must constantly gain the upper hand over her. It is not very easy to praise a person and at the same time compete with him. But this is the only strategy you should choose. Make sure that she does not surpass you in household and culinary matters. Let her teach you how to bake a lemon pie; your husband will even love the scene itself. And then cook your own delicious beef stroganoff. Don't forget to feed your Cancer well and take care of him when he is sick. This will remind you of his beloved mother. All this can turn him into a good husband. He will never admit it, but remember that he loves to remain a child and be caressed by a woman.

There are several circumstances that will even the score in your relationship. For example, he himself may be a very good cook. He may surprise you with his ability to cook great meat. In addition, he likes to collect interesting things such as records and rare things. You will be absolutely safe when you come to his house for the first time. He is as gallant with women as anyone else. This is because men behaved this way back in grandma’s time, and he loves antiquity so much. Ask him about his family, and he is happy to talk about this topic. He loves all old things and loves taking photographs. So don't be surprised if he wants to take a photo of you, it's his hobby.

Although Cancer can easily flirt, it takes a lot of time for him to have a serious feeling, because... It is not easy for him to find a woman who meets his ideal. Finally, having found such a woman, he will be surprisingly sentimental and can shower her with gifts and his admiration. His standards are high. And not every woman lives up to them. Most Cancers are afraid of unsuccessful marriages, and not without reason. An unsuitable union can become a drama for them. When something separates them from their partner, it torments them terribly for many years. Therefore, by virtue of his nature, he does not want to marry thoughtlessly. But if he has decided to get married, you cannot convince him, you cannot turn him off the road. Cancer can perfectly play the role of a romantic lover. After declaring your love, you will see that you are being courted by a serious and determined person who will achieve his goal. It is very difficult to escape from its claws. Or you may not want to do this.

Cancer is a wonderful father due to his gentle, understanding nature. He is infinitely patient with children and is sincerely interested in their affairs. He is proud of his sons and fiercely protective of his daughters. But when the children grow up, difficulties may arise, because... he would want his children to be attached to him forever and be with him forever.

To get him to propose to you faster, pretend that someone else has proposed to you. And your Cancer will stop moving back. The easiest way to achieve him is to work on his emotions, which are always hidden behind his mind. Music, poetry, flowers, good perfume, gentle words and affection - these are the weapons with which you can defeat him. And also do not forget that there is a direct connection between his heart and stomach. You need to show yourself as a good housewife and try to treat him like a child. Put an antique bracelet on yourself - it will definitely have an effect on him, because... he loves all sorts of antiquities. And one day he will ask you to meet his mother. Consider that the proposal has been made and you have won his heart. You can sail with him in the moonlight. I remind you once again, do not throw away his old hat, torn slippers, school collections - these are all his treasures. Take your umbrella on what may be wet nights and protect it from the rain.

Now can I ask you, do you like your new chinchilla fur coat? I think I like it. And in general, a woman likes everything when she is loved. You are truly loved.



zodiac signs, Cancer zodiac sign, Cancer men zodiac sign, Cancer woman zodiac sign At first, you will have a hard time determining whether she is sensitive and gentle, or just wild. This question will remain unanswerable for you until the end. She will be gloomy at times and her sad mood will rub off on you. At times she will burst into laughter and envelop you with her tenderness. The Cancer woman is sometimes a little crazy, sometimes a little sad, and at the same time has a rich imagination. She has a good ability to save money. Naturally, you won't be able to look under her mattress until you marry her. Modesty is one of her traits. She always has money put aside. She may start spending it when she feels unhappy, but her income will always be higher than her expenses. She may be interested in your personal account, because... she is always interested in money; it is her favorite topic of conversation. She won't throw you away if you don't have money yet but are trying to earn it. And she will help you get them and at the same time you will be free to spend them. But don't go too far. Otherwise, she will feel that your mutual well-being is slipping away.

When you give such a woman an expensive gift, and she says that you shouldn’t have done it, she really isn’t pretending. To somehow take her thoughts away from bills, income, expenses, take her to the seashore for a walk in the moonlight. Here you will see her with all her charm. The moon will reveal all her secret dreams, and the proximity of the sea will bring her relaxation. It is possible that during this hour you will see all her emotions that you like, try to develop them.

She will have two approaches to you: soft, feminine, timid, modest, and the second - where she will use all the well-known tricks of Eve, for example, desperate coquetry. You will like this if you are in love, but if you are just friends, then her activity and excessive flirtatiousness can only irritate you. This type of Cancer woman poses a serious danger true love and a good family. There are many men who left their families for this clinging Cancer. Fortunately, such Cancers are in the minority. They can cause a lot of trouble for other women.

She doesn't like to be criticized. It hurts her a lot if she looks funny, she just can't stand it when she's abandoned. A Cancer woman is rarely openly aggressive. The typical Cancer woman hesitates all the time, so you need to make the first move to continue the relationship. If she moves forward, it is either sideways or sideways. Timid by nature and gripped by the fear of not being accepted, she prefers to be an echo of a man.

Be kind to her mother. A mother is a woman who should not be offended in any way. But her sense of humor does not extend to her mother-in-law's jokes towards her. Never read her diaries, because... Cancer loves to have secrets and secrets. She doesn’t like to confess herself, but she will listen to your confession.

Her constant fears may bother you: she is afraid that she is not beautiful enough, young enough, graceful enough... And it doesn’t matter that her figure is like the Venus de Milo, her mind is like Aristotle, she still won’t feel confident. Convince her that she is young, beautiful, smart and she will become yours. And you should say this 20 times a day, it’s never enough for her.

Her mood will change on average 4 times a month in accordance with the vases of the Moon, plus also 2 times a day in accordance with the tides. It is very difficult to predict her mood. This may create an allure and mystery around such a woman, but it won't be easy for you.

The typical Cancer woman is a great cook. She won't serve you canned or frozen vegetables for lunch. The kitchen is her favorite room. She will hover over you like a mother hen, and you will like it, because... Most men like it.

To all her fears, you can add one more - she is afraid that you do not love her enough. But a man can easily prove this, so prove it to her as often as possible.

After you have conquered her, she will not leave you behind as long as she is alive. And this is not bad, because there are men who like this kind of affection, they will never lack food or expressions of her love. It is very cruel to play with the heart of such a woman, because... she will obey you and love you with sincere tenderness. Why rekindle love if you have no serious intentions? You can start flirting with her, but it will be very difficult for you to end the relationship with her. She doesn't take hints. There is nothing artificial or petty about her feelings. If she already possesses something: a man or a cup, then they should be her property forever. She may not make a good impression on your friends, but she will definitely impress you with her cuteness. She prefers to leave her deepest emotions for those closest to her. And after her, when you meet other women and compare them, perhaps you will run back to your Cancer and beg her to cling to you tightly again.

The most difficult aspect of dating her is keeping her from crawling into her shell. Her emotions are so sensitive and tender that the slightest remark can hurt her greatly. And it is very difficult to predict what she might be offended by. A Cancer woman may cry a lot, so make sure you always have a handkerchief ready. She won't necessarily be greedy. But she has a habit of collecting unnecessary things. She will rarely throw away a piece of rope, an old pattern, her husband... And who are you to say that she won’t find a use for these things later?! Don't ask her how she will use one shoe. She's using it! This is not the kind of woman who would like a man who burned a hole in the bedspread. Everything has sentimental value to her. All the things she possesses are her treasures. She guards them jealously. This, of course, does not exclude you. She is not so much jealous as she is possessive. And these are different things.

The Cancer woman feels that she herself cannot change anything in life or overcome any difficulties. When an unfavorable moment in life begins for her, she may shed tears, but her natural reaction will be to fold her hands and wait patiently for everything to calm down. Patience is one of the most pleasant qualities of Cancer. However, when she is in a state of depression, you should try to get her out of this state before it goes too far. Sometimes she likes to be treated like a child. The desire to be a little spoiled by her beloved is her secret and deep desire. She really needs to be convinced and know that you cannot live without her. And sometimes she will do everything possible to pity you and to make your patronizing instincts speak to you. But don’t let yourself be “fooled” by her weakness at such moments. It's defenseless Small child, who expects protection from you from this cruel world, can perfectly cope with everything on his own if he takes care. After another quarrel, when she looks at you with wet, frightened eyes, remember, as soon as you leave, turn the corner, she will quickly wipe her eyes, put the record on the player and start tidying up the closet. Of course, you can't pinpoint when her depressions are real and when she just wants your sympathy, and in those moments you're better off staying with her and listening to the record together.

This woman is capable of heroic deeds and sacrifices for the sake of the one she loves. The courage that she lacks for herself is fully manifested in those close to her who need her strength. She will never betray you when you are in a difficult situation, at such moments she can remind you of a solid rock. She is also strong with children and is a refuge for you. They will have a good understanding. You may experience some loss of focus once children arrive. Motherhood is very important for Cancer. There will be room for you, but you will have to move a little.

Her main character trait is unshakable possessiveness, but not aggressive. She is deeply convinced that no matter how far you move away from her, you will always return to her and she will wait for you patiently. Who is she: fragile, gentle woman or persistent and resilient? But the answer isn't that important, is it?

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer will be most relevant for typical Cancers, i.e. if most of the personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) are in individual horoscope is in the zodiac sign Cancer. The Sun enters the Cancer zodiac sign on June 21st. Date (dates) of the beginning and end of the sign Cancer: 21.06 - 23.07. Cancer is the sign of the element of water. Cancer a cardinal sign, which means the element of water is most powerful here. The zodiac sign Cancer has a feminine nature. The will of people of the Cancer zodiac sign is not very strong, because... The sun is not very comfortable in the water element.

The main characteristic of the Cancer zodiac sign is closedness. Cancer, as a symbol of this sign, hides under its shell and people born under this zodiac sign strive to ensure that others know as little as possible about them. Having lived your whole life with a person of the zodiac sign Cancer, you may never understand his mysterious nature.

People of the Cancer zodiac sign are kind and sympathetic, especially towards their loved ones. Very for Cancer great importance has their home and family ties. People of the Cancer zodiac sign honor traditions and family foundations. Cancers respect and honor their parents and rarely break away from their roots. If, by the will of fate, Cancers have to live far from their home, as a rule, they settle down well. But people of the Cancer zodiac sign constantly feel nostalgia for their small homeland and for the people with whom they share common experiences. Cancers remember their childhood well, and they love to remember the past by being with their family and looking at old photographs.

One of the positive characteristics of people zodiac sign Cancer- loyalty and devotion to your family. In their home, Cancers feel calm and comfortable under the protection of their native walls. A typical Cancer does not like to leave his home for a long time, and with age he generally becomes a homebody and is difficult to get him out anywhere.

The watery nature of people born under the Cancer zodiac sign gives them a lot of emotions. But due to his constant internal closeness, Cancer finds it difficult to express his feelings. Cancers are the most touchy and vulnerable people in the entire zodiac. Another reason for restraint in expressing feelings of people of the Cancer zodiac sign is the fear of being misunderstood or ridiculed. Cancers generally do not tolerate ridicule, although sometimes they can laugh at others.

Character of people of the zodiac sign Cancer full of contradictions. On the one hand, Cancers do not like to be the center of attention, but on the other hand, it would be a tragedy for them if they are not celebrated and praised. People of the Cancer zodiac sign, especially women, are attentive to their household members and always fulfill their requests and wishes. We can say that Cancer women find joy and happiness in serving their children, husbands and parents, and in return they expect recognition and worthy appreciation. People born under the Cancer zodiac sign need gratitude more than other zodiac signs. Because Cancers are very attached to home and family, so it is important for them that loved ones need them. If relatives behave in such a way that they can do without their help, then Rakov is greatly offended by this.

There are two types of people among Cancers. Characteristics of the first type Cancer-hero. People of this type are very responsible; for the sake of their relatives they are ready to sacrifice their interests, needs, and time. Such Cancers always keep their word and expect the same from others. But the disadvantage of this type of Cancer may be an excessive desire to receive gratitude and respect for their sacrifices. But as often happens, if we want something very badly, life deprives us of it. And in this case, Cancers feel deeply unhappy, never having received recognition of their merits. But these Cancers can become domestic tyrants, they play on feelings of gratitude and demand love, sacrificing themselves.
Characteristics of the second type of zodiac sign Cancer are irresponsible and selfish people who mainly take into account only personal interests.
The first type most often includes women, and the second type most often includes men. One of the two types is not always so pronounced, but almost all people of the Cancer zodiac sign are very sensitive to their person.

The need of a person of the zodiac sign Cancer for the safety and reliability of his existence forces Cancer to plan his life for many years to come. This helps Cancer to get well in life. For Cancer, their own safety is of paramount importance.

One of the negative characteristics of people of the Cancer zodiac sign is uncriticality towards themselves and their actions. If Cancer suddenly turns out to be wrong, he will “back away”, i.e. will begin to prove that he did not say this or meant something completely different, in general, he will get out in every possible way, just not to be found guilty. People of the Cancer zodiac sign find it difficult to admit their mistakes, and they very rarely ask for forgiveness.

Due to their watery nature, people of the Cancer zodiac sign have remarkable intuition and are often good psychologists. When communicating, Cancers listen carefully, although from the outside they may seem distant or indifferent. In fact, they subtly sense the mood of the interlocutor, notice the slightest change in voice intonation and grasp the essence of the conversation. But although Cancer can understand another person, he does not know how to sympathize, because... For Cancer, what matters most is his own experiences. This behavior of Cancer in communication when his interlocutor does not feel feedback, may cause misunderstanding or even irritation.

Another negative characteristic of people of the Cancer zodiac sign is their suspiciousness. The suspicion of Cancers sometimes reaches the point of absurdity; they begin to see a threat to themselves in the most ordinary actions of the people around them. It seems to them that others are doing something on purpose just to offend, humiliate or laugh at “poor” Cancer.

People of the zodiac sign Cancer need personal space to calm down, to be alone with themselves, otherwise their nerves can give out, and Cancer can discharge themselves on their surroundings or make illnesses for themselves.

In astrology, it is believed that the zodiac sign Cancer is the sign of nutrition. People born under this zodiac sign know how and love to cook deliciously.

The planet that rules the zodiac sign Cancer is the Moon.

The planet that rules the zodiac sign Cancer, the Moon, gives Cancer changeability of mood, because... The phases of the Moon change rapidly and the Moon is the fastest significant object in astrology.

The moon is responsible for emotions, the human subconscious, and has endowed people of the Cancer zodiac sign with increased emotionality and depth of feelings. For Cancers, their own inner world is very important. Their hard outer shell hides the sensual and vulnerable nature of Cancer.

Because The moon guides a person’s inner life; people of the Cancer zodiac sign store all their experiences in their memory for a long time, accumulate negative emotions, grievances, and like to mentally return to the past. This may sound harsh, but sometimes astrologers compare the Cancer zodiac sign to a “psychological trash can.”

It is accepted in society that women can openly show emotions, but men cannot. And Cancer women often don’t even control their feelings, and in a negative way this is expressed as hysteria. And Cancer men have to restrain their emotions, so they are more closed in relationships. Suppressing your emotions is harmful to your health and often provokes skin diseases, because human skin represents protection from external influences.

The moon in astrology symbolizes wife and mother. Women of the Cancer zodiac sign are the most caring mothers, ideal housewives and faithful wives. Family and children for Cancer women are the most important areas life.

Characteristics of the Zodiac sign Cancer in career. The most suitable professions for Cancer.

In the career of people of the zodiac sign Cancer, there may be ups and downs, and frequent changes in activities are likely.

The water element of the Cancer zodiac sign makes people of this sign good psychologists and endows them with creative abilities. Among Cancers there are artists, writers and musicians.

People of the Cancer zodiac sign often work as educators or their activities are somehow related to children, because... Cancer is a sign of motherhood.

Because of their ability to cook deliciously, Cancers often choose to become a cook.

Thanks to Cancer's interest in the past, people of the Cancer zodiac sign can choose fields of activity related to history, archeology and museums. Men of the Cancer zodiac sign often choose the military profession in order to protect their Fatherland.

Also, the work of people of the Cancer zodiac sign may be somehow connected with water or other liquids. Cancer men can serve in the navy or choose the profession of a submariner.

The care and compassion of women of the Cancer zodiac sign often pushes them to choose the profession of a nurse or nanny.

The main characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer in a career, this is that when climbing the career ladder, Cancer “doesn’t push ahead”, but acts carefully, sometimes with cunning. Like its native element water, Cancer will adapt to the situation and people. People of the Cancer zodiac sign are very responsible in fulfilling their duties.

Characteristics of the financial sphere of the Zodiac Sign Cancer

Money gives a person of the Cancer zodiac sign emotional security. Cancer's soul will be calm when he knows that he has savings.

An important characteristic of a person with the Cancer zodiac sign, which contributes to the well-being of Cancer in the financial sphere and in life in general, is his thriftiness. It is very rare to meet a person born under the Cancer zodiac sign who does not have a bank account or a “stash under the mattress.” Cancer, knowing that fortune in money matters is changeable for him, always puts money aside “for a rainy day.”

If events develop negatively, Cancer's love of hoarding may turn into impracticality. If a person of the Cancer zodiac sign does not put his savings into circulation, does not invest them in business, then they can “go to dust.”

People of the Cancer zodiac sign are not known for their extravagance. For fear of being left without a livelihood, Cancers spend money sparingly and urge their relatives to be thrifty.

Cancer will provide material support only to those people whom he trusts and with whom he has an emotional connection.

What the Cancer zodiac sign needs to learn

People of the Cancer zodiac sign need to hold on less to the past, stop remembering old grievances, and relive “the affairs of bygone days.” This character trait of Cancers takes away strength and does not allow them to live fully in the present.

Cancers need to stop seeing some kind of catch in every action of the people around them, and moderate their suspiciousness in order to find inner peace.

People of the Cancer zodiac sign, especially women, when doing something for their loved ones, need to stop expecting gratitude, and understand that it is their own choice whether to help or not.

Mars in Cancer

What fears do the zodiac sign Cancer have?

Characteristics of a woman with the zodiac sign Cancer

Love characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer - what Cancer is in love, what Cancer is in the family, what Cancer is in marriage

Which Cancer is in business partnership

Characteristics of the health of the zodiac sign Cancer

Characteristic social life zodiac sign Cancer

Characteristics of the intellectual abilities of the zodiac sign Cancer, what kind of mentality does Cancer have?

The sign of the water element is under the protection of the night luminary. The control of the Moon influences the character of representatives of this sign, making them vulnerable and sensitive people. The Moon and the water element of the sign give Cancer the ability to empathize, the ability to instantly guess the thoughts and aspirations of other people. These are determined and noble people, often patriots. But if the life of Cancer was full of hardships and injustice since childhood, then they have the cunning and charisma of a gangster. They influence other people and can subjugate them in order to achieve a common goal or survival. Tough and insightful leaders.

Character of the sign

Cancer is the most emotional sign among the entire zodiac. But he himself does not like to share personal emotions. Cancer understands the feelings and mood of those around him instantly, but is rarely frank. The problem with expressing one's feelings is associated with protective mental mechanisms. From an early age, Cancer builds a personal defense system against accidental penetration into the soul, acquiring stereotypes and prejudices. He is very attached to his family, especially his mother. Cancer absorbs the feelings and emotions of those around him, but tries to keep his own to himself. He likes to take initiative both in work and in personal relationships, accurately choosing associates and useful people. Cancer is a born psychologist, with a deep understanding of the causes of phenomena, strong desire get to the root of the problem. They are difficult to deceive, but easy to offend. This is a sign of accumulation, conservation and skillful use of all resources, primarily family ones. He surrounds himself with completely different people whom he loves to take care of. Needs consistency in relationships and long-term connections.

An excellent strategist, has excellent analytical skills, is rarely poor, on the contrary, he often lays down substantial capital for his heirs, and is at the head of family dynasties. They retain childlike liveliness and naivety for a long time, are sentimental, attached to past connections, places and objects. Cancer is both cautious and curious when encountering a new phenomenon or person. Caution and foresight are necessary for Cancer to avoid failure and maintain self-respect. Cancers often have hurt pride; they experience failure in business, resentment, separation or collapse of love for a long time.

Sign compatibility

A typical Cancer intuitively identifies the best possible, instantly establishes contact with the person he likes, but then pulls away, afraid of someone else's influence. In love, Cancers are loyal, but do not forget about themselves and their desires. They can flirt with many, but they always love one. They prefer to take the first step towards rapprochement, but then choose to passively wait for manifestations of feelings on the part of their partner. They are very sensitive to beauty, love sex, but are shy and seek real feelings. Without true love, they quickly become disillusioned with relationships and continue to search for real feelings. Rigidity, touchiness, rancor and a tendency to exaggerate problems make them difficult partners. If they live in an uncomfortable, aggressive environment, they are prone to cheating, but divorce is difficult. Best compatibility with the signs Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio. With Aries, Libra and Capricorn they can form a very viable business alliance, much depends on the personal horoscope.

Cancer Man

She has a powerful analytical mind, but allows her feelings to disrupt any logic and consistency. They often occupy leadership positions, have a good understanding of people, are able to calculate and intuitively guess shortest way to the goal. They always strive for wealth, they are caring, but not too generous due to practicality. They are often harsh in communication, provoke conflicts, win in arguments, surpass opponents in logic, love to collect facts and information, and win competitions thanks to their endurance. Born athletes, military men, scientists, as well as excellent cooks and builders.

Cancer Woman

This is the Mother of the world, she is caring and prudent. She is very demanding in love, sensitive to the intimate side of relationships, loves sex, but will always notice falsehood and deception in feelings. He does not forgive either his partner or himself for his disappointments, and remembers insults and failures for a long time. All his life he has been looking for a loved one, as a rule, he finds his betrothed, despite his age. She rarely lives alone, does not tolerate loneliness well, and loves pets. Rarely childless, she is demanding of children, but more often she pampers them excessively and helps them financially.

If your child is Cancer, then it is important to take care of his personal space and protect him from unnecessary aggression. Such a baby does not tolerate a change of residence or divorce. Little Cancer needs emotions and is sensitive to caresses and manifestations of tenderness. A child born under the sign of cancer especially loves to adopt the habits and nuances of his parents’ behavior; he reflects your strengths and weaknesses like a mirror. It is useful for him to know the history of the family, homeland, and allow him to care for pets or a garden. For a Cancer baby, reliability and fidelity to rituals are important. Loves celebrations and home holidays.

Health sign

Containing emotions and suppressing aggression often leads to nervous disorders, exhaustion, illness gastrointestinal tract. Overeating, a love of sweets, and a sedentary lifestyle are the main enemies of Cancer’s health, along with nervous overstrain. Often workaholics, Cancers forget about rest, and lack of sleep leads them to chronic fatigue. They need a diet and sleep schedule, a positive charge of communication with a select circle of people, and meditation to calm the mind. Changing activities, frequent travel and growing income from activities will help maintain health for many years.

Interesting countries: India, Nepal, Uzbekistan, partly middle Asia, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Canada, Paraguay, New Zealand

Significant cities: Amsterdam, Bern, Cadiz, Deptford, Goerlitz, Lubeck (12°), Janow, Magdeburg, Manchester, Milan, New York, St. Andrew (Scottish city), Istanbul, Stockholm, Trier, Tunisia, York

Celebrities born under the sign of Cancer: Meryl Streep, Valery Meladze, Zinedine Zidane, Timur Bekmambetov, Alsou, Laysan Utyasheva, Ralph Schumacher, Mike Tyson, Pamela Anderson, Princess Diana, Liv Tyler, Natalia Rudova, Lindsay Lohan, Anna Mikhailovskaya, Tom Cruise, Tutta Larsen, Sylvester Stallone, Zhanna Aguzarova, Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Pevtsov, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Pelageya, Alexander Vasiliev, Leonid Agutin, Grigory Leps, Vitaly Klitschko, Sergey Zverev, Nonna Grishaeva, Robin Williams, Tatyana Lazareva, Yegor Creed

In astrology, it is believed that during the period from June 21 to July 22, the sun is in the sign of Cancer. The ruling planet Moon makes the sign extremely emotional, and the element of water gives it sensitivity, developed intuition and creative abilities. The zodiac sign Cancer is considered one of the most reserved and mysterious. It is difficult to earn his favor. An astrological characteristic will help you find common ground.

Zodiac sign Cancer: description

People born under this sign are emotional and withdrawn. They can open up only to a very close person.

Inner world

Prone to worry and very vulnerable. From the outside they may seem calm and even cold, but this is just a protective mask. They react sharply to negative events and criticism. They are characterized by compassion. Their actions are based not on logic, but on feelings and emotions. An excellently developed intuition protects them from mistakes.

They dive deeply into their thoughts and memories. They often cling to the past, which hinders their development and movement forward. They are afraid of unforeseen circumstances. They like to control the situation.

Love and family relationships

In love they are sensitive and gentle. Carefully monitor the emotional state of the partner. They jealously protect their family from external intrusions. The ideal life partner for them is a faithful comrade-in-arms and a warm friend. Relationships with them will almost always start off slow. These people tend to look closely at their chosen one for a long time. It’s hard to decide to take the first step. A spiritual and emotional connection with a partner means a lot to them.

They have deep respect for traditions. Cancers are natural family men and children love them. They like to invite guests. These are hospitable hosts, in whose house it is pleasant to be. Home for them is a source of strength and energy, a place of relaxation. They love to organize their homes and cook food.

Features of the sign

This characteristic of the Cancer zodiac sign, like empathy, makes them natural psychologists. They know how to listen carefully and support their interlocutor. A love of art and innate creativity will help Cancers achieve success in the music and film industries. Most often, they choose a business that is directly related to their interests. Recommended professions: psychotherapist, social worker, nurse, children's doctor, educator, veterinarian, designer, restaurateur, pastry chef, cook.

Celebrities born under the sign of Cancer

Representatives of the first decade (June 21 - July 1) often found in politics, as well as among rich and powerful people:

Cancers born in the second decade (July 2−11), often become successful in the film industry.

Among Cancers of the third part of the astrological month (July 12−22) musicians, writers and artists often meet.

Talisman stones

Colors that bring good luck to Cancers - These are light shades of gray, green, blue and purple. Lucky numbers: 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25.

When choosing a stone, you need to start from the month. For those born in June, tourmaline, sapphire, cat's eye and belomorite are best suited. Tourmaline calms the nervous system, relieves worries and normalizes sleep. Sapphire gives confidence and attracts good luck into the life of its owner. cat's eye will help you achieve your goals and increase your charm, and belomorite will relieve fears and help your intuition open up.

Talismans of crayfish born in July e: emerald, hematite, pearl and aquamarine. Emerald will help develop creativity and intuition, and hematite will give determination and courage. Pearls will bring longevity, luck and wealth. Aquamarine will make its owner bolder and protect him from misfortunes.

There are also general talismans that do not depend on the month of birth. The first amulet is a moonstone. It is the strongest amulet against evil, and also develops the gift of clairvoyance. The stone will protect the owner from bad deeds and help maintain peace and love in his family. The second common amulet is topaz. It will make its owner successful and popular, and will help neutralize such characteristics of the sign as a tendency to excessive worries and self-examination.

It is better for Cancers to have 2 talismans: hang the first one at the head of the bed or put it next to it on the nightstand, and carry the second one with them throughout the day. The constant action of the amulet normalizes work nervous system, improve sleep and protect sensitive cancers from negative impacts from outside.

Attention, TODAY only!

Are there many people you know who were born under the sign of Cancer? Or maybe you yourself are such a lucky person? Be that as it may, now you will learn everything about Cancers!

It is generally accepted that Cancers are the most emotional and capricious sign of the Zodiac. But don’t rush to delude yourself, because in reality everything is much more complicated! Representatives of this sign have many unique features and features that can only be recognized upon close examination))

We've identified about 20 of the most common characteristics of Cancers that will help you better understand their complex personality:

1. Incredible intuition and amazing ability to see right through people.

Cancers have a unique intuition that allows them to notice little things that everyone else does not pay the slightest attention to.

They have a natural talent for understanding others, so they can immediately sense when someone is behaving unusually or strangely.

They should rely on their instincts more often because they are usually correct.

2. Cancers are passionate lovers.

In love affairs, Cancers are never satisfied with little, so they make very passionate and ardent lovers.

Cancer's love is like nothing else - feeling it, you feel alive.

3. But they get their hearts broken easily.

Cancers have a very sensitive heart and have a very hard time when someone plays with it or breaks it.

It often takes them a very long time to recover from unsuccessful relationships and regain their balance.

4. Cancers can be extremely generous.

Cancers are one of the most generous people in the world, who often give gifts to their friends and loved ones just like that, without any special reason.

They do this not because they feel obligated - they just like to see smiles on the faces of their loved ones.

5. Cancers are mysterious and impenetrable.

Cancers have a penchant for mystery, which sometimes makes them seem enigmatic.

They are not the type to reveal all their secrets at once, and they do not like to tell everyone around them about their every thought and emotion, like some other signs.

On the one hand, this means that they are completely impenetrable to unfamiliar people, but on the other hand, this is precisely what attracts new people to them.

6. Cancers love displays of tenderness.

Cancer will never refuse tenderness, especially if offered correctly.

Cancers love to feel loved and needed, and their tender, sensual side literally needs it!

7. Cancers are quiet and calm... as long as they are not bothered.

Cancers usually have a very relaxed attitude towards life, but don’t think that they will allow you to sit on their heads.

If Cancer is provoked, he will uncover his claws and put the offender in his place so that it will not seem like much.

8. Cancers have violent mood swings.

Sometimes Cancer's mood changes like the wind.

When they feel good, they feel simply great, but when they feel bad, they feel really bad.

They try to hold back until the last moment, but sometimes they are overwhelmed by feelings.

9. Cancers will never leave a friend in trouble.

There are few things Cancers value as highly as friendship, so they are willing to go to great lengths to help a close friend.

They are excellent listeners, and when someone close to them is having a hard time, they are always ready to drop everything to provide moral support.

10. Cancers can fall into sentimentality and nostalgia.

Cancers sometimes get so caught up in memories of their past that they forget about the present.

Sometimes they just have a hard time leaving something behind.

11. Cancers strive for deep and meaningful relationships.

Typically, Cancers are less interested in short-term romances and more interested in committed and close long-term relationships.

They take a long time to find the right person, but once this happens, they invest 100% in the relationship.

12. Cancers need their own cozy home.

Cancers tend to be homebodies and feel most comfortable in their own home.

Therefore, they spare no time and effort to create a comfortable and cozy home that they can call their own for the rest of their lives.

13. When Cancers are unhappy, they become unsociable.

When something upsets Cancer, he can build a wall between himself and those around him and hide behind it.

Close people should not take this as a personal insult... it’s just that Cancer sometimes needs time to be alone and come to its senses.

14. Cancers do not get along with impudent and unceremonious people.

Cancers are able to find a common language with a variety of people, but if you are impudent, demanding and try to push Cancer around, then nothing will work out for you.

Cancers are repulsed by people who think only about themselves, so they immediately turn away from such characters.

15. Cancers can be timid: they need time to open up.

Cancers can be quite timid and shy, especially with those they don’t know well.

If you earn their trust and friendship, you will see that in fact they are not quiet at all! Just don't rush them - they need time.

16. Cancers are open-minded and creative.

Cancer is a dreamer whose imagination knows no bounds.

In addition, he is open to everything new and prefers to think things over himself rather than take other people’s conclusions on faith.

17. Cancers are very vindictive.

Cancer tries to treat people the way they themselves would like, but if someone betrays his trust or commits some unforgivable act for him... Cancer will not forget this for a long time.

It's better not to spoil your relationship with him, because Cancer has good memory and he will not soon forgive the betrayal.

19. Cancers instinctively protect those they love.

For Cancer, family and friends come first. He has a strong instinct to care for and protect them.

It is very unwise to quarrel with someone close to him... Cancer will not let you get away with it.

20. Cancer is a complex and multifaceted personality.

Cancer's personality consists of many layers, so it is difficult to squeeze it into any rigid framework.

Just when you decide that you finally understand everything about Cancer, he takes it and does something completely unexpected.

21. Cancers are sympathetic and compassionate.

Compassion and empathy are integral traits of Cancers, since they are almost the most attentive and caring people in the world.

They know how to understand others well because they are always able to put themselves in the place of another and look at things from their point of view.

Do you have friends born under this sign? Share this article with them!



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