Consultation for teachers

Prepared and carried out

physical education instructor

The importance of awakening exercises after a nap

The main goal of gymnastics after a nap is to improve the mood and muscle tone of children with the help of contrasting air baths and physical exercises. The gymnastics complex after a nap lasts 10–15 minutes, after which the children proceed to water procedures. The complex consists of several parts. Gymnastics begins with warm-up exercises in bed; children perform simple self-massage and finger exercises. Next, children can perform general developmental exercises, play outdoor games in a room with contrasting air temperatures, and perform exercises with exercise equipment. Gymnastics ends after daytime sleep with hardening procedures, jogging along massage, ribbed, salt or wet paths, wiping with cold water, contrast dousing. Any version of the complex should include corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and postural disorders. Most variants of the complexes are designed for greater independence; children must remember the exercises, their sequence and consciously perform the complex.

Gymnastics complex after nap for the older group

1. In bed.

To the sound of soft music, the teacher wakes up the children, the children stretch, the teacher offers to wake up their hands and remind them that today is their holiday.

Children clap their hands, rub their hands together (wash themselves), take off and put on rings, bracelets, watches, fasten clasps and bracelets on watches. Hands wake up the face: Children rub their eyes, eyebrows, nose and ears. The face is amused - Children grimace with their tongues and lips. Hands wake up legs; stroke them, pat them. Hands invite feet to the party. The legs joyfully do a “bicycle” in the air, then get up and hit the road.

The pace of awakening is slow, calm, comfortable.

2. In the hall.

Educator:“We invited hands and feet to the celebration. And now our feet are walking along the road. Different legs are walking along the road." Children independently choose one of two movements that the teacher shows them, then change it to another.


1. Long and short legs walking along the road - walking on toes and in a squat.

2. Nimble and clumsy legs walk along the road - walking on heels and outside feet.

3. Hands play hide and seek, hands hide from legs - clapping.

4. Strange and tangled legs are walking along the road - walking sideways, side steps, sliding steps, backwards forward.

5. Merry legs are jumping along the road - jump as anyone wants.

6. Different legs running along the road:

– light legs running along the road – running on toes for 20 seconds,

– funny legs play catch-up – gallop sideways in one direction, then in the other 10+10,

– silent legs run along the road – 20 seconds,

– mincing legs run along the road – 20 seconds,

– mischievous legs run along the road – run, bending your legs back, – 20 seconds,

– slow and tired legs running along the road – slow run for 10 seconds.

7. Tired legs run along the road - walking, scattered between the chairs. There are handkerchiefs on the chairs.

Educator:“What elegant houses, we were probably invited here for a holiday, we need to come up and knock 6 times.”

1. Children come up and knock their heels on the floor: “Who lives in a house, who lives in a smart one?”

2. Educator:"Nobody is answering. Let's look around the house." Children perform “cogs” walking to the right and left around the chairs. We are surprised and shrug our shoulders.

3. Educator:“Where is the owner of the house? Where is the holiday? We were in such a hurry! Let’s go into the house and look there.”

4. Children sit on chairs. Turn your head right, left, up, down at a slow pace.

5. Educator:“The hands rest on the hips and say to the legs: “This is our holiday today, we are the most important for a person, he loves us very much, often praises us, calls us “golden.” The legs argue with the arms: “Man also needs us, we also help him.” Hands argue: “And we are more important, so try to do without us today. Wash your handkerchiefs!” Children remove their handkerchiefs from the chair onto the floor with their feet, and sit on the chairs themselves.

6. Collect and wash the handkerchiefs in the river 6 times. I. p. - standing on a handkerchief, counter movements are performed with the legs back and forth, without lifting them from the handkerchief.

7. “Rinse the handkerchiefs.” I. p. - sitting on a chair, feet on the floor, squeezing a handkerchief with fingers, hands holding onto the seat of the chair. Raising your legs straight, rocking up and down a few times, return to i. p., repeat 5-6 times.

8. Educator:“Someone jumped under the bridge in the water and scared us; our feet dropped our handkerchiefs. Let’s see from the bridge who scared us?” I. p. - lying on a chair on your stomach, head, arms and legs below. Simultaneously raising your arms, head and legs up 6–8 times with pauses for rest.

9. “Let’s squeeze the handkerchief” - counter movements of the legs to the sides - together.

10. “Hang it up to dry” – place your toes on the knee of the other leg.

11. Educator:“The wind rustled, blew on the scarf, and blew it to the ground.” They inhaled noisily and slowly through the nose, exhaled, leaning forward on the scarf, while resting their chest on their knees. Perform 4–5 times.

12. Educator:“Here the scarf is dry, let’s iron it and fold it.” Fold it with your foot in four times 1 time.

13. Educator:“Well, it’s hard to wash without hands, even your ears are sweating. Let’s wipe our ears with a handkerchief,” – 1 time.

14. Hands praise the legs (one at a time) - stroke, massage, rub, tap, pat, tickle... They talk about how they would like to make friends.

Educator:“Hands and legs have become friends. They wanted to play new game“Traps with a handkerchief.”

Outdoor game “Traps with a handkerchief”. They select traps using a counting book, and the children get down on all fours, grabbing a handkerchief with their toes. To the words “One, two, three – catch!” the trap catches up and takes away the handkerchiefs. At the end of the game, the handkerchiefs are counted and the best catch is marked.

What's a holiday without dancing? Hands and feet dance together with handkerchiefs, and the friends' feet and hands bow. The feet promise the hands to someday invite them to their holiday.

Water and hardening procedures.

“Funny kittens”

On the bed

1) “The kittens are waking up.” I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. V.: they raise right hand, then left, stretch, in and. p. (stretched front legs).

2) “They pulled their hind legs.” I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. B: lift and pull right leg, then the left one, smoothly lower it alternately.

3) “They are looking for a cat mom.” I. p.: lying on your stomach. V.: raise your head, turn your head left and right, in and. P.

4) a) “Angry kitten” I. p.: standing on all fours. V.: rise up, arch your back, head down “fir-fir”.

b) “The kitten is affectionate.” I. p.: standing on all fours. V.: head up, arch your back, wag your tail.

On the floor

1) Walking in place with high knees.

a) pull yourself up on your toes, arms up;

b) sit down, group;

c) straighten up.

2) Jumping, running in place.

3) “Who will hide faster.” Playing with a blanket.

Jump in place.

One two Three
Lie under the blanket.

Hardening, air baths, water treatments.

“Toys Alive”

On the bed

Today, children, we will play with animated toys. At first, the toys lay quietly and calmly in their places. But then they began to move and look around.

1) I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. IN.; slightly raise our head; turn left and right, onto the pillow.

2) Then they began to stretch and warm up. V.: children put their hands behind their heads, stretch, bend their arms, legs at the knees, make twisting movements.

3) “Vanka, stand up - tumbler.” Swinging merrily in different sides. V.: Lying on their backs, clasping their knees, the children bow back and forth.

4) “Teddy bears" V.: stand on all fours, walk in place, imitate the movements of bears.

On the floor

5) “Dolls”. V.: walk around themselves on straight legs, arms down, hands slightly to the sides.

6) “Frisky horses.” V.: running in place, raising your knees high, holding imaginary reins.

7) “Clockwork frogs.” V.: Children “wind up” themselves with imaginary keys and jump like frogs.

8) Breathing exercises, close and open your eyes, relax.

Hardening procedures “Magic flowers”

You guys have all seen how beautiful it is in the meadow and clearing in the summer. And this is because a lot grows on them different colors. How do they grow? Now you will show it.

On the bed

1) “Grain”. V.: lying on your back, pull your knees to your chest, clasp them with your arms, group yourself - roll back and forth, then straighten up.

2) “Stalk”. V.: lying on your back, slightly helping with your hands, sit down, pull your hands up, in and out. P.

3) “Leaf buds”. IN.; kneeling, hands together, palms together, imitation of the movements of blossoming leaves and buds.

4) “The flower grows.” V.: sitting on your heels, slowly kneel down, raise your arms up, return to i. P.

On the floor

5) “The flower is blooming.” I. p.: o. Art. V.: Slowly raise your arms up through your sides, rise onto your toes, in and out. p. (round hands).

6) “Flowers tremble in the wind.” V.: shaking hands, springs - at the same time.

7) Easy running in place, jumping, dance movements.

8) Breathing exercise.

Gymnastics after sleep “Little Witch”

Once upon a time there lived a little witch in a small cave. (We wake up and make a cave out of the blanket.)

She lived alone and was bored. Then the witch decided: “I’ll prepare a magic potion that will put all the children on earth to sleep. And while they sleep, I will play with their toys. I’ll have some fun!” And one dark night the witch got ready to prepare a witch's sleeping potion.

She looked to see if anyone was nearby and got out. (Open one eye, then the other, stick out your head.)

She made the cave invisible using a spell and went to get various potions. (We get out from under the blanket and straighten it.)

"Darkness! I can not see anything! Where is the moon? Here she is! (Turns the head left and right, up and down.) Let me put it together Moonlight, he is very necessary in witchcraft. (We stretch up, stand on tiptoes.) And now for the potion I need herbs. This weed is for invisibility. This one is for transformations. This one is for flying. (Bend forward. We take the grass, straighten up, “put it in our pocket.”) Without what else can you brew a witch’s decoction? No frogs! You need to go to the swamp.

What a quagmire! From bump to bump, so as not to get sucked in. (We walk “over bumps”: this could be a bench, chairs at a short distance from each other, laid out sheets of paper or bags.)

Where are my frogs? I'll catch you now! Yeah! Another one! (Squatting, we jump after the frogs, clapping with our arms extended forward.)

Oh, again the moon hid behind a cloud. Nothing, where are the frogs? Phew, everyone hid. And the marsh hummocks are not visible. (Press-ups from the floor. If you have enough strength, then rest only on your toes and palms or on your toes, knees and palms. A simple option: lying on your stomach, raise the front part of your body.)

The swamp is sucking me in! We need to get out! (Keep your legs high, swing your legs.) Now it’s time to run home and brew some witch’s decoction. Past the swamp, past the meadow rich in herbs. To the witch’s kitchen.” (Run.)

She fell to the floor and laughed. (Lying on your back, swing your arms and legs, “ride a bicycle”, roll on your back, clasping your knees with your hands. Make it more difficult: lifting in sitting position, holding your stomach with your hands.)

Health-improving work carried out with children after naps. Abstract: Health-improving gymnastics after naps with preschoolers in our kindergarten

Organization: MK preschool educational institution no. 13

Locality: Voronezh region, Rossosh

The meaning of gymnastics after nap.

The transition from the sleep state to the waking state occurs gradually. Immediately after awakening, the predominance of inhibitory processes remains in the nervous system; the child’s mental and physical performance and almost all types of sensitivity decrease. The rate of reactions decreases significantly. Inhibited state of the central nervous system can persist for several tens of minutes or even several hours. This is in to a large extent depends on the quality of sleep and the degree of general fatigue of the body. Such a long transition from a state of sleep to a state of wakefulness is not only inconvenient, but also harmful to the health of the child’s body. Therefore, activities that help facilitate the transition to a state of wakefulness after daytime sleep are extremely important.

The main tasks solved with the help of a gymnastics complex after sleep:

  • eliminate some problems after sleep (lethargy, drowsiness, etc.);
  • increase the tone of the nervous system;
  • strengthen the functioning of the main body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, glandular systems internal secretion and etc.).

Solving these problems allows you to smoothly and at the same time quickly increase your mental and physical performance the child's body and prepare it for the perception of physical and mental stress. However, we should not forget about the tasks of prevention colds and increasing the body's resistance to natural influences, which are solved in the process of doing gymnastics after a nap.

It is advisable to include gentle hardening elements in gymnastics after daytime sleep that have no contraindications or restrictions. They can and should be combined with other health procedures: breathing and sound exercises, prevention and correction of posture, flat feet, eye exercises, finger gymnastics, elements of hatha yoga, psycho-gymnastics, self-massage, auto-training, etc.

While the children are sleeping, it is necessary to create conditions for the specific hardening of children: prepare a “cold” room (playroom); With the help of ventilation, the temperature in it is initially reduced by 3-5 degrees compared to a “warm” room.

Children wake up to the sounds of smooth music, the volume of which slowly increases.

  1. Waking up and doing gymnastics in bed.

Hey guys, stop sleeping!

It's time for us to get up.

"Magic Transformations"- children began to grow in their sleep.

I.p. – lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them onto the bed behind your head.

Stretch, say “here,” lower your hands down, say “so.”

Eyes closed.

Target: spine stretching.

"Winter and Summer" -

I.p. - lying on your back. At the signal “Winter!” - children should curl up into a ball, tremble all over, pretending that they are cold. At the signal “Summer!” - children open up, relax their body muscles, show that they are warm. Repeat several times.

Target: muscle tension and relaxation.

"Self-massage of palms"

I.p. – sitting in bed, legs crossed. Rub your palms quickly until warm. Then wash your face with “warm” palms. Repeat 3-4 times.

Target: prevention of colds.

Massage of the ears - we sculpt ears for Cheburashka.

I.p. – sitting cross-legged, we stroke the ears along the edges, along the grooves, behind the ears.

- “let’s pat the ears” - up, down, to the sides.

- “put on earrings” - pull back the earlobes.

Target: massage active points, facing auricle, prevention of ARVI, strengthening the immune system.

  1. Massage of su-jok points using the “Baby” massager

Sitting on chairs

Massage of palms, fingers, head, neck, sternum massage.

Target: stimulating the functioning of all organs, maintaining health.

  1. Prevention of flat feet.

- Rolling sticks with feet on the floor

Chiki - chiki - chikalochka

We play with a stick

Back and forth, back and forth,

Everyone is happy to play with her.

  1. Corrective walking on massage paths.

Contrasting air baths.

And now…

Our little feet

Let's run along the path

One two three four five,

We will run again.

Running from a warm bedroom to a cool playroom, passing open window. Walking along corrective paths. (3 times)

  1. Prevention of postural disorders.

Complex “My back is straight”

I.p. – narrow stance, hands behind the back, clasped.

My back is straight, I'm not afraid of bending over

(bending forward)

I bend, I bend, I turn

(actions in accordance with the text)

(torso turns)

I walk with a proud posture, holding my head straight

(walking in place)

One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two!

(torso turns)

I can sit down and stand up, sit down again and stand up again.

(actions in accordance with the text)

I'll lean here and there! Oh, straight back!

(torso bends)

One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two!

(torso turns).

  1. Breathing exercises.

Complex “Small house, big house.”

The bear has a big house,

And the hare's is small.

Our bear has gone home

Yes, and a tiny little one.

I.p. - standing. Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, lower your head - exhale while saying “sh-sh-sh” (the bunny has a small house). Straighten up, stand on your toes, raise your arms up, stretch, look at your hands - inhale (the bear has a big house). Repeat 4-6 times.

  1. Gargling.

Game "Magic Drink".

Children close their eyes, imagine themselves as good wizards,

they say “magic words”:

I'm a good, kind child

I wish all the children in the group good health,

Let everyone be kind and beautiful,

Sweet and happy.

Children make passes over the water and add:

The water is tasty and pleasant,

I will never get sick:

I am well.

First, children rinse their mouths, then with the sound “a-a-a” their throat.


  1. Makhneva M.D., Raising a healthy child - M., 2000.
  2. Podolskaya E.I., Forms of health improvement for children 4-7 years old. Volgograd 2008
  3. Tikhonova E.P., Alekseeva E.S., Healthy child. Cheboksary 1985
  4. Bochina T., Breathing exercises and acupressure. D/v 2005 No. 8, p. 64.

I'm not afraid to repeat it again:
Health care -
This is the most important work of a teacher.
Sukhomlinsky Vasily Alexandrovich

Health is a great gift, without which it is difficult to make life happy, interesting and long. A healthy child is easier to raise, teach and educate. He develops the necessary skills and abilities faster. He adapts better to changing conditions and adequately perceives the demands placed on him. Health is the most important prerequisite for the formation of character, the development of will, and natural abilities.
Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is to preserve the health of children in the process of education and training. Presented by me methodological development aimed at solving this problem. It presents ways to organize and conduct gymnastics after sleep. A consultation for parents has been developed.
Formation healthy image life should begin already in kindergarten. There are no trifles in this matter. All life activities of a child in a preschool institution should be aimed at maintaining and strengthening health. Gymnastics after sleep is one of the most important building blocks in establishing the foundation of children's health, which can only be strengthened if carried out systematically.
It is difficult to overestimate the role of daytime sleep in physical and intellectual development child. He simply needs rest in the middle of the day. After a nap, children wake up lethargic, they have low performance, because muscle tone relaxed. All organs and systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, etc.) are not prepared for the stress that the child’s body will have to overcome during activities in the evening.
But how can we help children wake up? good mood and actively continue the day? Spend with children after quiet time gymnastics after sleep.
Exercising after a nap is a set of measures that facilitate the transition from sleep to wakefulness. Invigorating gymnastics helps children's body wake up, improves mood, improves muscle tone. After good gymnastics, children’s feelings of drowsiness, lethargy, and weakness disappear, mental and physical performance and activity increase, and the child’s mood and well-being improve. Gymnastics after a nap is a hardening procedure.
The purpose of such gymnastics contribute to the quick and comfortable awakening of children after sleep.
The objectives of gymnastics after sleep:

  • increase the tone of the nervous system;
  • strengthen muscle tone;
  • contribute to the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders;
  • help prevent colds;
  • development of physical skills;
  • save positive emotions by doing physical exercise and other regime moments in the afternoon.

Solving these problems allows you to smoothly and at the same time quickly increase the mental and physical performance of the child’s body.
Gymnastics after sleep, its organization and implementation.
The transition from the sleep state to the waking state occurs gradually. To facilitate the transition from a state of rest after waking up to a state of active wakefulness, you can turn on music. Music has a positive effect on children's emotions, creates a good mood in them, instills cheerfulness and joy, helps the rhythm of movements, and makes them easier to perform. Children learn to listen to music and coordinate movements with its character, to perform movements expressively and smoothly. It’s good if, after waking up, children hear their favorite children’s songs or calm, pleasant music, then they will wake up much faster.
Don't forget to smile. The first thing a child should see after sleep is the smiling face of an adult, and also hear smooth, measured speech, pleasant intonations, and diminutive suffixes. Children subtly feel the emotions of others. An adult needs to be attentive to himself, watch his facial expressions, emotional state. Children absorb the excitement, anxiety, irritability, and uncertainty of an adult immediately, like a sponge. All experiences will immediately affect the children’s mood.
Invigorating gymnastics should be carried out in a well-ventilated area for seven to fifteen minutes, depending on the age of the children.
A prerequisite for performing gymnastics is to take into account individual characteristics every child.
Gymnastics consists of several parts:

  • warm-up exercises in bed;
  • performing simple self-massage (finger exercises) or acupressure;
  • performing general developmental exercises at the crib (breathing exercises);
  • walking on massage mats;
  • Gymnastics can end with a rubdown cold water or dousing (hands or feet).

In addition to general health-improving goals, each of the structural parts of invigorating gymnastics also solves its own narrower, specific tasks:
Part I - gymnastics in cribs - gymnastics in bed is aimed at the gradual transition of children from sleep to wakefulness. It is better to spend it with the children who have woken up; the rest join in as they wake up. Gymnastics in bed can include elements such as stretching, alternately and simultaneously raising and lowering the arms and legs, elements of finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, etc. The main rule is to exclude sudden movements that can cause muscle strain, overexcitation, and blood pressure and, as a result, dizziness. The duration of gymnastics in bed is about 2-3 minutes.
Part II - corrective exercises, hardening procedures - is aimed at preventing flat feet and scoliosis, training children in basic movements (walking on toes, heels, on the outside and inner sides feet, with high knees, etc.), providing a hardening effect on the body. This part of the gymnastics is carried out in a well-ventilated group room using massage mats made by the children's parents.
Part III - final - increases the physical and emotional tone of the child, creates positive emotional mood groups, is conducive to further active work. It can be carried out on the basis of game-type gymnastics using 3-6 simulation exercises. Gymnastics of a playful nature have a plot, they contain characters familiar to children, who are role models for the movements of birds, animals, plants, and children create various images(“skier”, “skater”, “gymnast”, “parsley”, “flower”, etc.). By adopting a certain play image, children often better understand the technique of performing a particular exercise.
Children of middle and senior preschool age are very fond of invigorating gymnastics complexes in the form of musical and rhythmic exercises. Dance moves mobilize physical strength, develop grace, coordination of movements, strengthen muscles, improve breathing.
You can also use complexes with elements of acupressure, self-massage, and finger exercises. The essence of acupressure is reduced to mechanical irritation of biologically active points on the body that increase immunity.
Carrying out gymnastics after a nap in a playful way allows you to create a positive emotional background, arouse increased interest in all health procedures. Thus, several problems are solved simultaneously: improving the health of children, developing their motor imagination, and developing meaningful motor skills. And most importantly, all this gives children great pleasure. All exercises are carried out at a free pace, without coercion. Each child performs exercises to the extent that is accessible and enjoyable to him. If a child for some reason does not want to perform an exercise, he can simply observe the execution, or perform it partially.
The duration of the gymnastics is 7-12 minutes. This is determined by the age of the children and their state of health.
It is advisable to use it within a year different variants invigorating gymnastics.
Thus, daily performance of a complex of gymnastics, developed taking into account the patterns of functioning of the body after sleep and the individual characteristics of the child’s body, allows you to prepare the body for the upcoming mental, physical and emotional stress, is good remedy maintaining and strengthening health, preventing flat feet, ensuring high mental and physical performance during the second half of the day. Exercising after a nap increases general level motor activity child, lowering adverse consequences sedentary lifestyle life. A well-designed gymnastics complex does not cause negative emotions, at the same time it improves the mood, well-being and activity of the child, the tone of the central nervous system and increases the overall resistance of the body.
The system of invigorating gymnastics built in this way helps the child’s body gradually and gently transition from sleep to active wakefulness with a simultaneous health-improving effect.
Consultation for parents.
We are all familiar with the expression “got off on the wrong foot.” The mood that these words characterize is also familiar. Kindergarten teachers strive to ensure that children wake up after a nap in a good mood, cheerful and energetic. And parents should strive for this at home.
Awakening is one of the most important moments, contributing to the normal course of life important processes for a child. For this purpose, after daytime sleep, invigorating gymnastics is carried out; it is aimed at a gradual transition from sleep to wakefulness. It includes the following elements:

  • stretching,
  • alternately raising and lowering arms, legs,
  • elements of self-massage,
  • elements of finger gymnastics,
  • gymnastics for the eyes,
  • elements breathing exercises.

The main rule is to avoid sudden movements that can cause muscle strain, overexcitation and, as a result, dizziness.
Then invite the child to walk barefoot in panties:

  • on toes,
  • heels,
  • on the outer and inner sides of the foot,
  • with high knees,
  • on massage mats.

In this case, you need to monitor the child’s posture and the correctness of the exercises.
Next, you can move on to performing a complex of breathing exercises, which is very important for:

  • strengthening the immune system,
  • prevention of colds,
  • prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases.

At the end of the gymnastics, carry out water procedures (washing with cool water).
It’s good if, after waking up, the child hears his favorite children’s songs, then he will probably wake up faster.
To evoke an emotional response in children, you can use game exercises, accompanied by various verses. For example:

What a strange chime.
Then our alarm clock rings,
He tells us to wake up.

I'll chase away the remnants of sleep
Blanket aside.
We need gymnastics
It helps a lot.

We woke up and stretched.
Turned from side to side,
And they pulled back.
And one more time
Turned from side to side,
And they pulled back.

We raised our legs
We stood on the pedals.
I pedal faster
And I swing, I swing, I swing.
We found ourselves in a meadow.
Motley wings flutter,
These are butterflies flying.

Let's stand by the crib together.
And we'll look out the window.
A rooster walked across the yard
He shouted to us “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
He flapped his wings,
He stomped his feet.

Well, we answer him
Let's all shout “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
Our legs, our legs
We ran along the path.
(Movements are performed in accordance with the words).
Invigorating gymnastics carried out in this way will make it easier for children to transition from sleep to wakefulness. And the children will get up “on the wrong foot.”


1. Kharchenko T. E. Invigorating gymnastics for preschoolers, St. Petersburg, CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2012

2. Kozhukhova N. N., Ryzhkova L. A., Samodurova M. M. Teacher physical culture V preschool institutions, tutorial edited by S. A. Kozlova, Moscow Academia 2002

3. Alyamovskaya V.G. "How to raise healthy child", Moscow, 1993.

4. Magazine “Hoop”, 2004, No. 1.

5. Internet resources.

Gymnastics after daytime sleep are carried out with open transoms. Its goal is to make the transition from sleep to wakefulness more physiological, improve children's mood and increase muscle tone. It can consist of 4-6 exercises that children perform lying or sitting in bed on top of a blanket, after which children move on to water procedures.

The complex can also consist of several parts: warm-up exercises in bed, performing simple self-massage (finger gymnastics), performing general developmental exercises at the crib (breathing exercises), walking along the “path of health” (walking along massage, ribbed, salt or wet paths) , playing outdoor games indoors with contrasting air temperatures, performing exercises with exercise equipment.

Gymnastics can end with wiping with cold water or contrast dousing (arms or legs). Any version of the complex should include corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture.

Gymnastics complex after nap for children of primary preschool age “Birds”

After a nap in the bedroom, the teacher turns on an audio recording.

Exercises are performed on beds to the sound of classical music or a soundtrack of birdsong. Each exercise is repeated 3-4 times, the teacher reads poetry at this time.

Exercise “Birds wake up”

Children, lying on their beds, slowly raise their arms up - inhale, lower them along the body - exhale.

The birds woke up

Smiled at friends

They reached up.

Exercise “Birds spread their wings”

I.p. - lying on your back, arms spread to the sides and bent at the elbows. Bring your elbows together in front of your chest - spread them apart.

Spreading their wings

Small birds

Kneading their wings

Sparrows, titmice.

Exercise “Stretch your legs”

I.p. - lying on your back, arms along your body, legs together. Pull your toes back - bend your legs at the ankle joint.

Now let's wake up your legs,

Let's all play a little.

Exercise "Legs"

I.p. - Same. Alternately bend and straighten your legs.

To hold on to the branches,

You need to stretch your legs

Bend and straighten them.

Exercise "Stretch"

I.p. - sit on the bed in Turkish style, hands in front of the chest, fingers clasped in a “lock”. Raise your hands up, turn the “lock” with your palms up, reach for your hands - return to the i.p.

This is how the birds reached out.

They were all already awake.

Walking along the “paths of health” laid out on the floor from the bedroom to the washroom (bumps, plugs, massage mats).

And now it's time to get up,

Walk along the paths

Wash, get dressed.

Birds want to fly.

Gymnastics complex after nap for middle preschool children

In the bed

The teacher wakes up the children to soft music, the children stretch, and the teacher offers to “wake up their hands.”

Children clap their hands, rub their hands together (wash themselves), take off and put on rings, bracelets, watches, fasten clasps and bracelets on watches. Hands wake up the face: children rub their eyes, eyebrows, nose and ears. The face is amused - the children are grimacing with their tongues and lips. Hands wake up legs; stroke them, pat them. Hands invite feet to the party. The legs joyfully do a “bicycle” in the air, then get up and hit the road.

The pace of wake-up is slow, calm, comfortable.

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 32


The topic of self-education for the 2016-2017 academic year :

« Health-improving gymnastics after a nap, its meaning.”

Gr. No. 7 “Bell”

Educator: Shvets N.I..

Inta 2017


Studying the characteristics of children's health status early age, selection of the most effective types for young children: health-improving gymnastics after naps, self-massage, breathing exercises and their use for the purpose of improving children’s health.


Protecting and strengthening the health of children, improving their physical development, increasing resistance protective properties body;

Formation of a conscious attitude towards their health in children and parents;

- prevention of colds;

Expand your understanding of the variety of complex exercises;

Formation of skills in performing health-improving gymnastics;

Health-improving work with preschoolers has acquired particular relevance in recent decades, which is associated with a stable trend of deterioration in the health of the entire population of Russia, including children.

It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation physical health. After all, it is up to the age of 7 that a person goes through a huge developmental path, and what exactly is in preschool age as a result of targeted pedagogical influence, health, the habit of a healthy lifestyle, general endurance, the body’s performance and other qualities necessary for the full development of the individual are formed. Outdoor games and play movements are natural companions in a child’s life, possessing great educational power, shaping the child’s physical and personal qualities. Morning exercises and awakening gymnastics in kindergarten are important building blocks in establishing the foundation of children’s health, which can only be strengthened through systematic implementation.

After a nap, it is important to improve the mood and muscle tone of each child, as well as take care of the prevention of posture and foot disorders. This is facilitated by a complex of gymnastics after daytime sleep, which is variable in nature, depending on this its duration will change.

Exercises from various positions: lying on your side, on your stomach, sitting. After this, the children walk, gradually turning into running - they run out of the bedroom into a well-ventilated group with a temperature of 17-19 degrees.

I began my self-education on this topic first by studying literature in this area:

  1. Zimonina V. A. “Raising a preschool child. I'm growing healthy."
  2. Kuznetsova M. N. “A system of comprehensive measures for the improvement of children’s health in preschool educational institutions.”
  3. Smirnov N.K. "Health-saving technologies."
  4. Strelnekova A. N. “Breathing gymnastics.”
  5. Umanskaya A. A “Acupressure self-massage.”
  6. Chupakha I.V. and others, “Health-saving technologies in the educational process.”

Secondly, from studying teaching experience.

Implementation into practice:

1. Development of a long-term plan;

2. Consultations for parents;

3. Make a card index of “health-improving gymnastics after a nap” activities

Long-term self-education plan:


teacher's activities


Selecting a topic.

Selection of literature on the topic.

Study the experience of other teachers on the designated topic on Internet sites.


  • material and develop consultations for parents. Drawing up a card index

Carry out health-improving exercises after sleep - “Ku-ka-re-ku!”


Carry out health-improving exercises after sleep “Bears”

Consultation for parents


Carry out health-improving exercises after sleep with

hardening procedures “Vivority”.


Do gymnastics after a nap

with tempering events "Fairy Tale-Kolobok".


Carry out gymnastics after a nap “Get up kids”


Carry out gymnastics after a nap “We woke up smiling”


Carry out gymnastics after a nap “Kids are strong”


  • the work done. Report on the work done. Planning activities and development prospects.


Notes on health-improving gymnastics after naps “Ku-Ka-Re-Ku!”

Awakening is one of the most important moments contributing to the normal course of vital processes for the child. For this purpose, after daytime sleep, gymnastics is performed in bed; it is aimed at a gradual transition from sleep to wakefulness.

In order to evoke an emotional response in children, as well as a desire to perform exercises together with the teacher, game exercises are used, accompanied by various poems.

Goal: -prevention of colds.

Easy awakening.

The child receives a positive emotional mood.

Speech development easily transitions to play activities.


What a strange chime.

Then our alarm clock rings,

He tells us to wake up.

I'll chase away the remnants of sleep

Blanket aside.

We need gymnastics

It helps a lot.

We woke up and stretched.

Turned from side to side,

And they pulled back.

And one more time

Turned from side to side,

And they pulled back.

We raised our legs

We stood on the pedals.

I pedal faster

And I swing, I swing, I swing.

We found ourselves in a meadow.

Motley wings flutter,

These are butterflies flying.

Let's stand by the crib together.

And we'll look out the window.

A rooster walked across the yard

He shouted to us “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

He flapped his wings,

He stomped his feet.

Well, we answer him

Let's all shout “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Our legs, our legs

Let's run along the path."


I. In cribs

1. "Stretch"

Stretchers, stretch! (Raising your arms up while lying down)

Hurry, hurry up, wake up!

The day came a long time ago, (Raising the leg up in a lying position)

He knocks on your window.

II. Near the cribs

The bear got angry and stomped his foot... (Jumping on two legs)

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest... (Walking and running to music)

III. Walking along the “Health” path (mat with buttons, massage mats, ribbed board, path with footprints with cereals)

IV. P/i "Bear"

Bear, bear.

Why have you been sleeping for so long?

Bear, bear.

Why are you snoring so much?

Bear: Who was singing songs here?

Who didn't let me sleep?

I’ll catch up, I’ll catch up...



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs