Medicine is the noblest of arts. A world of aphorisms! wise thoughts, quotes, parables


Hippocrates(around 460 BC, Kos island - between 377 and 356 BC, Larissa) - famous ancient Greek doctor. He went down in history as the “father of medicine.” Hippocrates is a historical figure. Mentions of the “great Asclepiad physician” are found in the works of his contemporaries - Plato and Aristotle. The collected 60 medical treatises had a significant impact on the development of medicine - both science and specialty. The name of Hippocrates is associated with the idea of ​​high moral character and ethical behavior of a doctor. The Hippocratic Oath contains fundamental principles, which should guide the doctor in his practical activities. Taking an oath upon receiving a medical diploma has become tradition.

A sometimes he would treat for nothing, considering grateful memory higher than momentary glory. If the opportunity arisesto provide help to a stranger or a poor person, then it should be given to such people in particular, for where is the love forpeople, there is love for their art./

B Unreasonable fatigue - portends illness.

B Thanks to the presence of a brain, we think and understand, see and hear, determine honest and shameful, good andbad, pleasant and unpleasant.

B illnesses that come from overwork are cured by rest, and those that come from idleness are cured labor.

B illness does not fall on your head like thunder clear skies. It is the result of constantviolations of the laws of nature. Constantly expanding and accumulating, these disturbances suddenly burst intoform of illness, but this suddenness is only apparent.

B Illness caused by overflow is treated by emptying.

B What he needs is not decoration, but utility.

B Most diseases come from what we put inside ourselves.

B Cancer is a reverse fever: it begins with heat and ends with cold.

B Ed, which occurs along with laughter, is less dangerous, but serious delirium is more dangerous.

IN no matter what house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the sick, being far from everything deliberately unrighteousand harmful, especially from love affairs.../

IN Among scientists there are only two concepts: science and opinion. The first gives accurate knowledge about things, and the lastbreeds ignorance. Therefore, the sacred should be communicated only to enlightened people who have alreadyare sufficiently familiar with the principles and importance of such objects: but do not at all convey the sacredlaymen until they are initiated into the mysteries of science.

IN the brain contains our mind, madness, insanity, and all our fears and horrors, includingdreams, as well as all our abilities and negligence.

IN the most severe illnesses We also need the strongest means, precisely applied.

IN Your food should be medicine and your medicine should be food.

IN about any illness, do not lose your presence of mind and maintain a taste for food - good sign, the opposite - bad.

IN a doctor must be prudent, and his prudence must always be noticeable, his prudenceshould be manifested both in the structure of his life and in the little things. And all this is needed so that peoplebelieved, because they can only entrust their health to someone they respect, who has a good reputation and about whomgood fame is coming. Only the right one own life and can bring good fame to a person and makehim respected by others.

IN The doctor must always be calm.

IN The doctor must spare the patient during treatment.

IN The doctor must do his job quietly and profitably.

IN The doctor should not treat the disease, but the patient.

IN The doctor must pay attention not only to patterns, but also to accidents.

The doctor must remember that when turning to him, the patient is not waiting for discussions about the disease and explanations, but for help.

The doctor must help the body's nature to fight the disease.

The doctor must also monitor the conditions in which the patient is, paying attention to the needclean air, absence of odors and noise.

The doctor heals, nature heals.

A doctor should not be cowardly. Patients will not trust a person who is weak in spirit.

A doctor should not be embarrassed to ask people questions.

A doctor who lives in abundance can sometimes treat for nothing, because a grateful memory is also a reward that is higher benefits.

The art of medicine can only be acquired over a very long time. Only then can itbenefit people.

A doctor who decides to perform an operation is ashamed of not achieving the desired result.

Everyone is born the same and everyone has the same death.

All drugs must be prepared, checking their recipes against records, and have them in in the right form for any necessity.

Everything that a doctor does, he must always do in calm state spirit.

Everything that is done gradually is safe. Anything that is done unexpectedly and unexpectedly can cause harm.

Everything that is sought for wisdom is also found in medicine, namely contempt for money, conscientiousness,modesty, simplicity of dress.../

Everything is good in moderation.

Any excess is contrary to nature.

Any treatment must be in accordance with the nature of things.

Any emptying that goes to the extreme is dangerous for the patient.

Where there is pus, clean it!

The main question is what exactly is the cause of diseases, and from what origin or source do they arise?body flaws. For whoever knows the causes of illness will certainly be able to provide everything that is beneficial to the body,concluding about medicinal products based on the opposite. Indeed, such medicine is the mostconsistent with nature. The opposite is the medicine for the opposite, for medicine is an addition andtaking away Taking away everything that is unnecessary and harmful, adding what is missing. The one who is bestdoes that the best doctor. And whoever is furthest away from doing this is the one who is furthest away from art.

Hunger weakens, weakens and kills a person. Heavy food destroys the human body. That's whyyou need to look for the middle.

The effects of dietary remedies are long-lasting, while the effects of medications are transient.

To treat the most severe and dangerous diseases, the most powerful means are needed.

To achieve two things in illness: to bring benefit or not to harm.

The human soul develops until death.

The only measure by which a person can measure his condition is his sensations.

If a doctor cannot do any good, let him do no harm.

If sleep alleviates the patient’s condition, then the disease is curable. If sleep doesn’t make it easier, it’s a disease. lethal.

If the body is not cleansed, then the longer you feed it, the more you will harm it.

If a person has recovered, but the thinness does not go away, this is a bad sign.

If a person gets tired for no reason, without overwork, this portends illness.

Liquid food is more useful as it is easier to digest.

Life is short, the path of art is long, opportunity is fleeting, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult.Therefore, not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient, those around him, andall external circumstances should facilitate the doctor in his activities.

The doctor’s task is not to indulge the disease, but to counteract it.

Health is maintained through the balance of wet, dry, cold, warm, bitter and sweet.

In winter, the walk should be fast, in summer - slow.

Both success and failure in treating the disease must be attributed to both the doctor and the patient.

From present sufferings, the doctor must foresee their development in the future and provide means of treating them.

The study of medicine can be compared to farming; innate talent is the good soil of the earth;teachers' instructions are seeds; starting to study medicine earlier means sowing seeds for good anddecent time of year. Good morality is the well-dissolved air that nourishes the seeds andpromotes their maturation. Love for the pursuit of one's science contains the meaning of all methods andlabor necessary for the useful cultivation of the soil of the earth; finally, for a considerable time one is ablebring all works to useful maturity.

The art of medicine is the art of adding what is missing and taking away what is superfluous. And whoever knows how to do this isand there is the best doctor, and whoever does not know how is far from the art of healing.

A depleted body caused by long-term malnutrition must be restored slowly.

Healing is achieved with time.

As in all other arts, in medicine doctors differ from each other in the skill of their hands,
intelligence and vast memory.

Just as diseases are diverse, there are many ways to treat them.

Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking it out of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body.

When the disease reaches its end highest point, it is better to leave the patient alone.

When the brain is more moist than it naturally should be, it must move; when does he move?vision and hearing do not remain at rest: the patient hears and sees first one thing, then another, and the tongue expresses thatthe patient sees and hears every time...

When the brain is healthy and in a calm state, a person thinks sensibly.

When reasoning proceeds not from an obvious case, but from plausible mental constructions, it is more likely toeverything leads to confusion.

Those who often keep themselves warm experience the following: harmful effects: muscle tenderness,weakness of nerves, dullness of mind, bleeding, fainting; all this results in death.

Treatment of a disease requires not only the skill of a doctor and medicine, but also a lot of care and affection towards to the patient.

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals.

It is necessary to treat not only the disease, but also to counteract the causes that cause it.

Any excitement and strong manifestation feelings are dangerous. In everything, a slow transition from one to to another.

Any sharp, sudden changes are dangerous and harmful.

People who are used to working hard, even if they are weak or old, are more likely to endure hard labour, howunaccustomed to work, strong and young.

Medicine must be in accordance with nature.

Medicine frees patients from illness and weakens the strength of the disease. But those who overcome by disease, medicine cannot save.

Medicine is truly the noblest of all arts.

Medicine often brings us comfort, sometimes cure, but very rarely complete healing.

Emptying a lot, as well as filling a lot, heating too much, like cooling too much, is dangerous for body.

The human brain contains the cause of many diseases.

Wisdom is to follow nature.

The wise do not strive for entertainment, they know how to do business - that is, they are businesslike, in worthy meetingspeople are serious, friendly and always ready to answer the question; they are demanding towards disputants. Theyprudent and when meeting people like themselves, careful in communicating with strangers. Humble with everyonerestrained, silent when shouting, witty in answers, brief in speeches. Always lenient, readyto the noble use of opportunity. They are patient in waiting, content with little. Everything we managedto comprehend from the sciences, are ready to give for common use, grateful and confident in a kind word, alwayspay attention to the truth in a subject that is well known to them. Such are the wise.

We become crazy due to the humidity of the brain, where actions are concentrated souls.

Do not heal for free, because the one who heals for free does not value his work, and the one who is treated for free- does not value his health.

Do no harm! (the main commandment of a doctor).

Neither satiety, nor hunger, nor anything else is good if you exceed the measure of nature.

Not only the doctor himself must do everything in his power, but he must be able to direct it to the benefit of the patient.
himself, his family and everyone around him.

Some patients, despite the consciousness of doom, recover only because they are confident indoctor's skill.

You cannot blame a doctor for not being able to overcome incurable diseases.

An unsuccessful operation brings double harm. For the patient - unnecessary pain, for the doctor - disgrace.

You can never rule out chance in anything.

No one should exceed the limits: the wisdom of life is to know the measure in everything.

New food can be taken only when the old one comes out of the stomach.

Everything that can be cleaned needs to be cleansed.

Lifestyle should be set in accordance with age, season, terrain, body type and character.

Provide free help the poor man and the stranger, having shown philanthropy, is worthy of a doctor.

In despair, the patient brings himself closer to death.

Changes in weather within one day have a bad effect on the condition of both sick and healthy people.

In all fairness, medicine is the noblest of all sciences and arts. But from ignorancepeople involved in it, or those who are not ashamed to boldly judge the doctor in an unaccountable manner, she,for a long time, began to lose her high dignity. This decline seems to stem from the fact thatthat for the interference of ignoramuses in medicine nowhere is a decent punishment assigned to them, except dishonor,which has no effect on the dishonest. Many of these people can be likened to actors,who, although they take on the appearance of actors, dress like them and even act like them, are notactors: it’s exactly the same with doctors - there are many of them by name, but in reality there are very few of them.

As the disease progresses, it is sometimes helpful to loosen your diet.

Haste and excessive readiness, even if they are very useful, are despised.

Idleness and idleness entail depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind tosomething brings with it vigor, eternally aimed at strengthening life.

Practice during war allows a doctor to gain invaluable experience.

When treating diseases, one must always keep in mind to bring benefit or, at least, not harm.

When cooking, it is better to replace everything fried with boiled food.

By covering up ignorance and inability with reasoning, a failed doctor is like counterfeit gold,tested by fire.

The nature of people reflects the nature of the country, the area in which they live.

When starting treatment, a doctor should not begin by talking about rewarding his art. Good doctorshould seek not profit, but glory. It is better to reproach those who are saved for ingratitude than to rob those who are in danger.

The opposite is cured by the opposite.

Drunkenness of fathers and mothers is the cause of weakness and sickness in children.

Uniformity and timeliness - mandatory requirements to surgery.

When you burn yourself, shine for others.

The amount of time the brain remains at rest is the same amount of time a person thinks intelligently.

There are so many deceptions in a woman’s heart as there are stars in the sky.

Those who flaunt their knowledge and art should be avoided.

Sleeping and insomnia in excess is a bad sign.

The ability to predict the development of the disease - best quality doctor The success of treatment depends on this.

Old people get sick less than young people, but their illnesses end only with their lives.

Old people endure fasting very easily; in second place - adult people, more difficult - young people, and allmore difficult are children, and of these latter, those who are distinguished by too much liveliness.

Fear and sadness that have taken possession of a person for a long time predispose them to illness.

Consider the one who taught me this art as equal to my parents, share with him the means andthe need to help him in his needs, to accept his offspring as brothers and, at their request, to teach them thisart, free of charge and without a contract; instructions, oral lessons and everything else in the teaching to communicate to mysons, sons of my teacher and students, bound by the obligation and sworn by the lawto a doctor, but to no one else./

The course of the disease is often variable. It is impossible to judge the general direction by temporary changes.

Only someone who has extensive knowledge of the symptoms can proceed with treatment.

Work and rest heal body and soul.

Naturally obese people are more likely to die suddenly. Thin people are less likely to die suddenly.

Anyone who, suffering from any part of the body, does not feel suffering at all, has a sick mind.

Eliminate the cause, then the disease will go away.

The philosopher and the doctor are united in their denial of intemperance, greed, and in their contempt for excessive thirst.profit, greed, theft and shamelessness.

Philosophers and doctors have the same attitude towards friendship, children, and property.

Cold weather strengthens healthy body, hot - relaxes.

It's good when a person is surrounded familiar things. But from time to time you need to change the situation.

If you want to be a real surgeon, follow the army.

Chronic diseases are especially aggravated when winter and summer change, that is, in spring and autumn.

A person should know how to help himself in illness, keeping in mind that health is the highesthuman wealth.

Excessive amounts of rich food causes illness.

What medicines cannot cure, iron cures; What iron does not cure, fire cures; what notHeals fire, then he heals death.

Whatever, during treatment, as well as outside of treatment, I see or hear about people’s lives that I don’tshould chat, I will keep silent about that, considering all this shameful for disclosure./

I will direct the treatment of the sick to their benefit, according to my strength and understanding, refraining from causingany harm or injustice./

I won't give anyone what they ask for lethal means and I will not indicate the path to such a goal, nor anyI will not give a woman an abortion pessary./

Ancient Greece was an advanced civilization that was famous not only for its generals, but for its scientists and philosophers. One of the most famous ancient Greek philosophers and scientists - Hippocrates. He is known as the founder of medicine. Below are quotes from Hippocrates.

What is known about the scientist

Hippocrates is mentioned in the works of such outstanding ancient Greek thinkers as Plato and Aristotle. Researchers believe that he belonged to a famous family of doctors. He had two sons and a daughter. Each of the sons named their children after a famous grandfather. It was Hippocrates who laid the foundations of medicine.

His numerous works are known as the Hippocratic Corpus. This ancient Greek physician and philosopher was one of the first to believe that diseases arise from natural causes, and not due to the intervention of the gods. It was he who singled out medicine as a separate science. Hippocrates believed that the main thing in treatment is monitoring the patient, creating such conditions so that the body itself can cope with the disease. This is where one of the principles of medicine, “Do no harm,” came from.

Hippocrates also created the doctrine of temperaments. He believed that human behavior depends on the ratio of juices that circulate in the body. His important merit is the determination of the stages of diseases. Hippocrates also created new methods for examining patients - auscultation and palpation. He was not only an outstanding doctor Ancient Greece, but also a surgeon.

Of course, Hippocrates' most famous work is the oath, which describes the main principles of medicine. The ancient Greek scientist believed that a doctor should be inquisitive, careful and have a clear mind.

About treatment

Hippocrates believed that the most important thing is to organize correct mode for the patient, which will help him recover faster. To do this, it was necessary to carefully monitor his condition and create the correct diet.

"The doctor heals, nature heals."

This quote from Hippocrates can be explained in such a way that although the doctor prescribes treatment, it is nature that gives a person the vitality he needs.

"Often best medicine- is to do without it."

This quote from Hippocrates says that sometimes a person himself invents a disease or exaggerates it. That is why such an effect appeared in medicine - placebo. Sometimes, in order for a person to be healthy, it is enough for him to simply get a good night's sleep, eat right and visit more places. fresh air.

About medicine

Thanks to Hippocrates, medicine began to be considered a separate science. If earlier it was thought that the gods send diseases, and they help cure them, then he believed that the causes were natural. The scientist did a lot to develop the art of healing as a science.

"Medicine is the noblest of all sciences."

Doctors have always been respected in society, and only educated and worthy people could become doctors. This Hippocrates quote about medicine can be explained as doctors are special category of people. And healing is not a simple science that relies on only one theory. It is thanks to medicine that it becomes possible to help people. This makes it one of the important sciences.

About health

Hippocrates explored not only new methods of treatment, but also studied what factors influence health. And made recommendations for its maintenance.

“If the patient maintains presence of mind and appetite, this is the best sign of a possible recovery.”

Hippocrates believed that some of the important components of health are a clear mind and proper nutrition. After all, then a person understands the need for treatment and maintenance healthy image, and proper nutrition is a source vitality.

"Some diseases come only from lifestyle."

Some diseases appear due to the fact that a person does not have a sense of proportion in some things. For example, eating too much or driving sedentary lifestyle life. You need to observe moderation in everything. In general, Hippocrates' quotes about health are rules that, if followed, can make the treatment process more effective.

This ancient Greek scientist did a lot for the development of medicine as a science, and many of his studies became the basis for improving treatment methods. Quotes and aphorisms of Hippocrates are not easy idioms, and recommendations and advice not only for doctors, but also for other people. He believed that the most important thing is that the doctor does not harm the patient and can cheer him up. Hippocrates created the principles of medicine that guide modern physicians. This is an example of a doctor for whom money or social status were not important, the main thing was the health of his patients and the opportunity to help people.

A doctor must be a prudent person in his disposition, wonderful, kind and humane.

Treat the patient the way you would like to be treated in your hour of illness. First of all, do no harm.

It is necessary that the doctor keep his hands clean and his conscience clear.

Everything that is in wisdom is also in medicine, namely: contempt for money, conscientiousness, modesty, simplicity of dress, respect, determination, neatness, abundance of thoughts, knowledge of everything that is useful and necessary for life, disgust to vice,
denial of superstitious fear of the gods, divine superiority.

A good doctor must be a philosopher

The doctor must have the eye of a falcon, the hands of a girl, the wisdom of a snake and the heart of a lion.
Abu Ali Ibn Sina

Whatever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the sick.

If we are demanding of ourselves, then not only successes, but also mistakes will become a source of knowledge.

Love for the art of medicine is love for humanity.

Whatever, during treatment - and also without treatment - I hear about human life that should never be disclosed, I will keep silent about it, considering such things a secret.

There is no need for an average doctor. It's better to have no doctor than a bad one.
M. Ya. Mudrov

Not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient, those around him, and all external circumstances must contribute to the doctor in his activities.

Of all the sciences, medicine is without a doubt the noblest.

Recognizing hidden diseases. A skilled physician gives us healing.
Abu Ali Ibn Sina

Once upon a time, the wise Socrates said: “All professions are from people, only three are from God: teacher, judge, doctor.” The art of medicine combines responsibility for people’s lives, for the health of the nation, selfless service to one’s duty, spiritual generosity, the highest competence and dedication.

Among those who chose this noble profession and devoted their entire lives to it, fulfilling the duty of healing, is Dr. medical sciences, professor, honored worker of science of the Republic of Dagestan and the Russian Federation – Hamid Rashidovich Askerkhanov. It is really difficult to overestimate what he did and continues to do for Dagestan medicine, and therefore for the entire society as a whole.

All creative activity Hamida Askerkhanova is associated with healthcare. He developed new methods of treatment and prevention of acute venous thrombosis, new methods were proposed and introduced into practical healthcare surgical interventions. The result of these scientific research are the candidate's thesis defended by him (“ Surgery and thrombolytic therapy for ileofemoral thrombophlebitis», 1985.) and doctoral (" Thrombolytic and surgery acute thrombosis main veins», 1994.) dissertations.

And his scientific activity never contained abstract, abstract research, because each step was caused by a single reason - the organic need to provide the most effective assistance to the patient.

Being the head of the Department of Surgery of the Dagestan medical academy, Askerkhanov G.R. carries out a lot of educational, methodological, scientific and medical work. Published by him from above 350 scientific works By current problems surgery, including 5 monographs, proposed 18 rationalization proposals received 22 patent for inventions, published 7 collections of scientific papers, prepared 27 methodological recommendations.

In his practical activities, he pushed the boundaries and possibilities, introducing and using the most modern techniques and developments, despite obstacles and difficulties - this is why our republic occupies a leading position in the development of medicine, and especially in cardiovascular surgery.

We can wait for decades for the time to be used in Everyday life, medicine and the production of the most modern, advanced technical developments. However, there are some areas of human life where these times have already arrived. For example, medicine. Some of her achievements can only be compared to supernatural miracles, but they are real. It's all about advanced technologies, which form the basis of activities Medical center them. R. P. Askerkhanova, headed by Hamid Askerkhanov.

The priority area of ​​the center’s work is surgery, but patients with cardiological, neurological and general therapeutic profiles are successfully treated and examined here. Over the 10 years of its operation, the ICA has become not only one of the best medical centers in the region, but also a powerful scientific center which unites under its roof a large number of highly qualified specialists, gives them the opportunity to grow and develop professionally.

We are used to talking about the possibilities of Europeans to receive treatment using the most modern techniques, and just a little bit ourselves - we strive to go abroad even with the most minor ailments. It’s time to reorient ourselves - high competitive technologies that meet international standards in medicine have long been available to Dagestanis.


It all started with the name of Rashid Pashaevich Askerkhanov. A true master of his craft, a professional, a surgeon with capital letters. It was he who stood at the origins of the school of classical surgery in Dagestan. The famous Rashid Askerkhanov made a significant and insignificant contribution to the development of Dagestan medicine, bringing it to a new level. Everyone knew about the doctor’s talent back then. Soviet Union. However, he never succeeded in realizing his dream of creating the first surgery center in Dagestan during his lifetime.

His father's behest was fulfilled by his son many years later.. Being a practicing surgeon and professor, Hamid Askerkhanov traveled to many countries before completing his plan. I got acquainted with the organization of work of private clinics. Focusing on the European model, which places the patient at the top of the pyramid, he was one of the first to create a private medical clinic in the Caucasus. Thus, in 2002, the first non-state multidisciplinary medical institution appeared in Makhachkala - the Medical Center named after. R. P. Askerkhanova. This was a big event for medicine in the entire North Caucasus region, and indeed the country.

Over all the years of its existence, the center has restored the health of hundreds of thousands of patients, tens of thousands have undergone hospital treatment, thousands have been successfully operated on.


Today, Askerkhanov’s clinic is the largest medical center, which has already gained trust, authority and goodwill among patients. Operating rooms and intensive care units are equipped as “clean rooms” with centralized ventilation, air conditioning, supply of therapeutic gases and vacuum, equipped with the most modern equipment. In single, double and triple wards all conditions have been created for effective treatment and comfortable stay of patients.

The center has its own modern diagnostic facilities, which allows full examination patients, practically without resorting to the services of others medical institutions. In 2004, the center purchased a computed tomograph, and in 2007, a magnetic resonance tomograph. This equipment has significantly improved the diagnosis of diseases of the spine, brain, thoracic and abdominal cavities. In 2008, a digital angiographic complex was installed INNOVA-3100 companies General Electric, in 2009, a remote and contact lithotripter from the company “ Elmed", in 2010, the latest model of the General multispiral 64-slice computed tomograph was installed Electric LightSpeed ​​VCT, and in 2012 – universal x-ray system and C-arm DIXION CLISIS(Italy). In 2014 - magnetic resonance imaging latest generation GE Optima MR450wGEM. The construction of the center and its equipment were carried out exclusively at the expense of own funds received from the profit of the enterprise. Currently, after completion of construction, there is a clinic with 350 visits per shift and a hospital with 100 beds.

The most remarkable thing about the work of the center is that it never stands still, life is constantly in full swing here, updates are made, new equipment is purchased, new branches are opened, plans are outlined and ways to achieve them. In every little detail, in every corner, you can feel the hand of a skillful leader who understands that medicine is an industry in which you cannot relax, in which you will not stay afloat for long without endless progress. Search, find, start something new every day - this is the only way, otherwise you risk being left behind the professional ship. Talent is continuity of effort.

It is precisely this type of person that Hamid Rashidovich Askerkhanov belongs to - a purposeful, knowledgeable leader, constantly in professional search, an unquenchable source of new ideas. The facts speak directly to this - this is the secret of the phenomenal growth and establishment of the medical center, which was created almost from scratch, and which today gives many Dagestanis and guests of our republic the joy of newfound health.

The work of the ICA focuses on the use of both the latest surgical technologies and deep basic research. Despite the fact that the center is relatively young, it already has its own established traditions, good material resources, intellectual support - the most talented doctors work here, whose experience is in demand in large medical institutions Russia - all the components to continue moving forward. This is where Hamid Rashidovich’s talent lies, not only as a doctor and scientist, but also as a brilliant organizer, mentor, and curator.

“He has the energy to draw everyone around him into the whirlpool of his ideas and plans,” this is what the center’s staff say about him. Well, it’s not surprising that cohesion and unity reign in such a large team. It is simply unthinkable to work without these components when every day you have to work with such an important matter as the patient’s health.

Today, the majority of people working at the ICA are young, but already famous doctors. And the center’s management is always ready to support its specialists in their efforts to improve their knowledge. Every year they go for advanced training to leading clinics and hospitals in Europe and Moscow at financial security Center. And therefore we can say without undue exaggeration: the level of medicine in Dagestan is in no way inferior to the European one!

And today Hamid Rashidovich has many plans, for example, the opening children's department and maternity hospital. The tirelessness of this person is truly amazing and pleasing with its approach, which is atypical for Dagestan, where usually, unfortunately, leaders inspired by success begin to be content with what they have achieved and thereby let things go on the brakes. If there were more people like this in our republic who, no matter what their successes, still continue to look forward, then Dagestan would be a truly prosperous place.

At the Medical Center. R.P. Askerkhanov has a wonderful future, as he has everything he needs: the desire of a leader, good staff and opportunities. I wish that everything planned comes true. Let the work of Hamid Rashidovich, a real doctor with a creative talent, continue to please us. Doctors are truly engaged in a noble cause - restoring health! And, despite the hard work, those who have learned this are a truly happy person.

There are contraindications. specialist consultation is required



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs