Reviews and recommendations: how to find a good massage therapist. When the massage is done right


How to find a good massage therapist. What to do if you need a good massage therapist. Choosing a massage therapist

Perhaps many of us have encountered the need to undergo massage sessions or a course for one reason or another. Sometimes we need a massage for health, sometimes for rest and relaxation, and women are most often interested in massage for beauty and against cellulite.

Where to look for a massage specialist?

Typically, massage services are offered by:

Public and private medical institutions;

Beauty salons and massage rooms;

Private massage therapists who practice the method of visiting clients at home or receiving them at their own homes.

But how can you find a truly professional among this diversity? And what to choose? Private massage or massage parlor?

There are several options for finding and identifying an experienced massage therapist:

Ask for recommendations from your doctor who prescribed massage for you if we're talking about about therapeutic massage. But at the same time, there is a risk of receiving a biased answer (if the doctor works in tandem with a massage therapist and has a percentage of the number of patients referred to him or is poorly informed on this issue).

You can monitor the Internet in search of advertisements for massage offers and, most importantly, reviews of massage therapists.

Good and sought after massage therapists.

You can also turn to friends and acquaintances for advice. Very good option, because you will get first-hand impressions. I think that if possible, you should rely on reviews of massage and the experiences of friends.

Well, and, of course, for the massage to be effective. Here, again, reviews of massage from the master you have chosen will help.

Price issue, cost of massage

The choice of a massage therapist is determined not only by the professionalism and experience of the massage therapist, but also by the cost of his services. Of course, we all understand that you cannot save on health, but we should not forget that cheapness cannot be an indicator of quality, just like vice versa. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the optimal price/quality ratio

Prices for massage in Moscow and its suburbs start from 1500 rubles per session. and reach 6-7 thousand for one massage session, depending on the type and duration.

The highest rates are for massage therapists working in private institutions - salons, health centers and so on. In these structures, prices for massage are usually inflated, since they include the rental of premises, personnel services, advertising, etc.

Massage from specialists working at home will cost less and its quality will sometimes even be better, because... such a massage therapist works for his reputation. The exception is those massage therapists who take clients in bulk - i.e. They let a conveyor of people pass through them at a low price. In this case, of course, there is no need to talk about any quality.

In general, the price of a good massage cannot be low. I would advise you not to consider anything below 1500r. This is if we talk about St. Petersburg. In Moscow massage good specialist starts from 2 thousand rubles per hour session.

And the more famous and experienced the massage master, the higher the price for his services, but accordingly, the higher the quality of his massage. Experience costs money, popularity and fame are earned over years. Such massage therapists usually work for themselves.

As mine shows personal experience, the cost of a massage in beauty salons in most cases is determined by the commercialism of the salon owner, and only in in rare cases directly depends on the qualifications and experience of the massage therapist.

Massage salons often hire people from Central Asia. So I don’t recommend salons.

We establish contact with the massage therapist.

After you have decided on a massage therapist, if possible, contact him in advance and find out the following questions:

· Experience as a massage therapist, places of work, what reviews there are from clients, does he have a VKontakte community, what is in this community. Is there a website? A website can tell you a lot about a massage therapist.

Find out what types of massage this master offers. I would not recommend contacting someone who undertakes to massage everything and everyone. A good specialist has his own specialization and priorities in his work.

If you have chosen a private massage therapist, you can ask him for a discount on the first massage to check if he is really suitable for you. If this is a massage parlor, find out if they have any discounts or promotions for massages, because... Often they can modestly keep silent about this. But the abundance of discounts should rather alert you. On good massage and the price is appropriate.

Requirements for a massage therapist:

1. Basic:

· If possible, the massage therapist should have a higher or secondary specialized education - medicine, medical rehabilitation, physiotherapy, sports education. Psychological education is also welcome, because such specialists are also body therapy own. And a clinical (medical) psychologist is cooler than someone with a secondary medical education.

If the education of a massage therapist is limited to dubious monthly courses and he also has two months of experience, it is better to refuse the services of such a massage master.

· Practice is required. You don't want to become a guinea pig, especially if you came for a therapeutic massage?

2. Additional:

· If we are talking about medical massage, then the massage therapist must be proficient in the palpation method of examination - recognize individual muscles, muscle groups, ligaments, tendons, tissue swelling, altered muscle tone etc. You can understand this by asking during a massage: “What muscles are tight and to what extent? In what part is scoliosis? What vertebrae do I have a problem with? A massage therapist who feels perfectly with his fingers is, no matter how strange it may sound, a blind massage therapist.

Photo identikit of the ideal massage therapist

Ideally, a massage therapist meets the following requirements:

· Pleasant, competent specialist with sufficient experience,

· He is interested in your reasons for undergoing a massage, your diagnosis, the availability of a medical referral for massage, contraindications (see the list of contraindications below), and concomitant diseases.

A simple test for lice: tell the massage therapist that you have a hernia of the spine (or another contraindication for massage). If he agrees to give you a massage (and doesn’t ask to see medical prescription for this purpose), then I strongly do not recommend going to such a massage therapist. Please note that the hernia test concerns massage therapists, not chiropractors. and precisely if we are talking about therapeutic massage, and not about cellulite massage or relaxation massage.

· A good massage therapist explains what kind of massage he will do and what effect will be on the body as a result. Doesn’t tell you the duration of the course without a preliminary examination (especially over the phone), because... Any massage is individual - where one patient needs 10 sessions, another may need 15 or more massage sessions.

· During the massage he talks to you, sharing his observations, talking about your problem areas, etc. But whoever likes it. I like massage in silence, so that no one talks to me.

· A good massage therapist does not give a 100% guarantee on the result of his work (this indicates the professional maturity of the massage therapist).

· A true massage specialist does not practice many types of massage, because... a Swede, a reaper, and a dude player cannot be a good professional.

· You can make an appointment with him for a massage, but it is not always easy.

Contraindications to massage

1. Absolute:

Welcome and malignant tumors, osteomyelitis, trophic ulcers, blood diseases, atherosclerosis, thromboangiitis, vascular and aortic aneurysms, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, third degree circulatory failure, decompensated heart defects, bronchiectasis, third degree pulmonary heart failure, acute cardiovascular failure, pulmonary edema, renal and liver failure, active forms tuberculosis, venereal diseases, mental illness with excessive excitement.

2. Temporary:

Infectious and fungal diseases leather, various skin rashes, inflammatory lesions skin, purulent processes, inflammation of the lymph nodes, bleeding, allergic diseases, heat bodies, sharp inflammatory processes, hypotensive crisis, nausea, vomiting, heart pain, acute respiratory infections within 2-5 days after them, alcohol intoxication, intestinal infections, fresh fracture/dislocation/sprain, within 6-12 months after surgery

3. Local:

Warts, skin irritations, abrasions and cracks, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, severe varicose veins, mastopathy, ovarian cyst, menstruation, first trimester of pregnancy, early postpartum period.

So, you have decided on a massage therapist. Looks like a professional. Well, go to him for your first massage session and evaluate his work.

Signs of proper massage:

The massage does not cause any discomfort; on the contrary, massage should be pleasant!

In places where pain is localized (eg, sciatica, arthritis), only superficial massage should be performed;

You must be in comfortable position with maximally relaxed muscles;

The massage therapist carries out movements (stroking) along massage lines along the lymphatic pathways to the nearest lymph nodes.

The massage therapist uses basic massage techniques (stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration). If he used only half of them and then only half-heartedly, then he is slacking.

The massage therapist works on all the necessary areas.

The duration of the massage corresponds special standards- the so-called “massage units”, approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 817 in 1987 (see table). The duration of the massage may well be longer than normal, but not less.

Ambience in the massage room

It is also important to pay attention to the equipment of the massage room. The massage should be carried out in a separate room, where there is a massage table (with a special hole for the head, adjustable in height), a washbasin, ideally a shower and a toilet.

Towels must be fresh and clean. The massage table should be covered with a disposable fleece sheet or your own sheet or towel. Before the session, the massage therapist must wash his hands (or treat them with an antibacterial agent).

Signs of a good and bad massage

The sensations during a “correct” massage should be unambiguous - warmth throughout the body, lightness, improved well-being, increased general tone, physical and psychological satisfaction and ultimately – getting rid of the problem for which you turned to (or compensation for it).

If your condition worsens during or after the massage, general weakness, feeling of weakness, palpitations, pain, dizziness, numbness, rash and other symptoms that you did not have before the massage are a sign that you need to change the massage technique or massage therapist.

Signs of an incompetent massage therapist whose services you do not need:

It is advisable to immediately say goodbye to the massage therapist if:

· he gives a traumatic massage (very painful, with bruises)

· the massage therapist does not examine you on the first day, does not have individual approach, but does everything according to the “as taught” scheme.

· he considers himself a great specialist, gives you several diagnoses at once without preliminary diagnostics, talks about toxins, cleansing the body, offers any medicinal supplements, non-pharmacy vitamins, herbal and aromatherapy, etc.

· the massage therapist is not interested in your condition, diseases, sensations during and after the massage, etc.

· suggests using alternative massage techniques instead of those prescribed by a doctor (for example, honey massage for osteochondrosis, cupping massage for disc protrusions).

· with each session your condition worsens, but the massage therapist insists that this is normal. It is not normal!

If you need a massage, you just need to find a massage therapist who does it well!

Enjoy your massage, contact the best massage therapists in the cities where you live. And remember that you need to look for a good massage specialist!

Study reviews of massage therapists and trust your feelings and likings.


The most useful text on the topic of how to choose a massage therapist.

I am a massage therapist, not a writer, and have been looking for information for a long time that would help my patients understand “what is good and what is bad” in massage.

I've been looking for a long time good massage therapist and got burned more than once - people came who had no idea about medicine and basic hygiene. I'm happy that I finally found a real massage master. And yes, exactly according to reviews. When a person has dozens and hundreds of reviews, it is almost a guarantee that you will receive a good professional massage.

How to distinguish a good massage therapist from a bad one?

It's best if the right specialist The attending physician will advise you (he knows what problems you have and, if anything, will give recommendations to the massage therapist). Word of mouth also works well (girlfriends, colleagues, parents visited the master and were satisfied - which means you should take the risk too).

Before you go for an appointment, call - from the conversation you will immediately understand how good the specialist is. A professional will never tell you over the phone how many sessions you need to complete full recovery, and will never say that it will definitely help you, the main thing is to sign up for a session! Remember, only after looking at the tests will the massage therapist be able to give exact information and will tell you exactly what you need.

Professionals also, as a rule, have their own websites so that you can see where they studied, practiced, and what reviews others have left about their work.

But when you have already come to the massage therapist, first of all pay attention to his appearance and posture (how slender is your back). He should be wearing clean clothes, there should be no foreign odors either in the office or from the master himself. Look at the massage therapist's hands - they should be well-groomed, nails should be neatly trimmed.

Five reasons to go for a therapeutic massage

1. You spend a lot of time at the computer, driving sedentary image life.

2. You play sports. Therapeutic massage is carried out for injuries (and even psychological ones), it tones the muscles and improves blood supply to tissues.

3. You are in constant stress. Therapeutic massage will help you relax.

4. You have suffered a stroke or have certain diseases internal organs(for example, problems with breathing, nervous, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems).

5. You can't lose weight. A competent specialist knows which points need to be affected in order to...

And remember: massotherapy It is advisable to do it regularly, in a course once a year, which a specialist selects individually. It combines well with other techniques, such as vacuum massage, with cupping, shock-dynamic massage, manual therapy and wraps.

Massage is one of the most nice ways improve your health by relaxing and having fun. The success of the procedure largely depends on the massage therapist. I WANT to tell you how to choose it correctly.

Each of us has faced the need to undergo a massage course once, or even several times. It could be a spinal correction general massage, anti-cellulite, relaxing or any other. The main question that arose was how to find a good massage therapist. . You can request a massage service to beauty salons, massage parlors, public and private medical institutions. But, as practice has shown, in most cases a good massage therapist can be found thanks to the recommendations of your family, acquaintances and friends. In a matter where the hands of others are responsible for the health of your body, it is better to trust the recommendations of people whose opinions matter to you.

A highly qualified massage therapist must have medical education and professional practice. There are a lot now educational centers They offer to take massage courses and even receive a diploma or certificate that is recognized outside of Ukraine. It is possible that these courses will be attended by people with a true calling and their hands, as they say, “are from God.” By deciding to contact people who have completed only a 3-week massage course, you take full responsibility for further risk.

Qualified specialist will be happy to show you diplomas, awards, certificates, certificates of completion of various practices, trainings and seminars. A good massage therapist must have an excellent understanding of anatomy and physiological characteristics body, understand the structure of the skin and tissue types, know the topography of the body, especially the part that needs to be treated or restored. In addition, the massage therapist must distinguish painful condition tissues and organs from normal, so as not to aggravate the situation and harm your health.

Usually, many massage therapists offer the first trial procedure for free or with significant discounts. During the session, be extremely attentive to your emotions and sensations. Literally - listen to your body. You should feel warmth in it, lightness, weightlessness, improvement in the condition of the whole body, restoration of tone, a feeling of physical and emotional satisfaction. The master’s hands should “make friends” with your body. While examining it, he must demonstrate his impeccable mastery of palpation technique. This is the ability to feel individual muscles or muscle groups, tendons and ligaments by touch, recognize tissue swelling, determine muscle tone and the location of the main and important bundles of blood vessels and nerve endings.

If suddenly after a trial procedure you feel weak, overwhelmed, in pain, discomfort, irritability, discomfort, dizziness, increased heart rate, then most likely you will have to continue searching for your massage therapist. There are a number of techniques and tests, questions and situational models, knowing which you will be able to distinguish good master from bad. It is noteworthy that the massage therapists themselves shared them.

So, checking the qualifications of the master, tell him that you have a herniated disc. It is a direct contraindication to massage, so if he starts the procedure anyway, leave the office, salon, or tell me where the door is if you invited the master to your place. As a rule, it is difficult to make an appointment with a good massage therapist right away because of the long line of clients. This good indicator, which indicates the demand for the master. However, it is better to check the information, because many who are engaged in private practice may simply get carried away with self-PR and artificially create the image and image of a very busy specialist.

Experienced and competent massage therapist starting the session, he will definitely ask about the reasons why you decided to contact him, he will ask you for medical certificates, directions, indications and prescriptions. Before the massage, he will always ask about the reasons why you came to him, the availability medical indications and regulations. He will also immediately explain what kind of massage he will do, what effect it will cause and what effect it will have. This is important at the stage of establishing contact, trust and mutual understanding with you.

Good masseur will never say that he works with one hand better than the other. He must masterfully use both hands. A good massage therapist should practice one, maximum two types of massage, that is, be a highly qualified specialist. It is simply impossible to know all the techniques perfectly. He will never sign you up without a preliminary examination, much less over the phone. Nor will he say that you need strictly 10 or 13 procedures, since each organism is unique and one needs 5 procedures to solve the problem, while another needs 10 or even 20.

And most importantly, watch how yours reacts to touch. They say that as soon as we touch someone, we convey a message. Stay positive with these tactile messages. After all, massage is a colossal exchange of energy and it is often effective when you completely trust the hands of a person, the master himself. The success of your physical and emotional health lies in trust and in enjoying the massage procedure.

Have you ever wondered how many hours a week you spend sitting in an office? Just imagine, we spend more than 30 hours on a chair in front of a computer - unless, of course, you work as a fitness instructor or, say, a sales consultant. Although even they sometimes need deep relaxation and restoration of the muscles of the whole body. How? With the help of massage! Our expert explains why we all need a massage therapist and how to choose the right one.

Irina Shcherbanenko

studio massage specialist classic massage Le Massage

Massage is definitely one of the most effective ways prevention of many diseases, including flat feet, scoliosis, depression and overweight. That is why regular visits to the massage room will help you maintain youth and health for as long as possible.

Finding your own massage studio is somewhat comparable to choosing a partner. First of all, you should feel comfortable: both in the environment and directly in the hands of the master. Tell us right away what you expect from the massage, and don’t be afraid to talk about your preferences.

It is incorrect to talk about the professionalism of a massage therapist based on his gender. Each master, of course, has his own strong point, which is worth asking about in advance. Choosing a massage therapist based on his gender is rather a matter of comfort. Girls or boys may feel shy around a massage therapist of the opposite sex. However, in a SPA room, any massage therapist is, first of all, a specialist in his field, and only then a man or a woman.

Unfortunately, at the first meeting it is almost impossible to determine the degree of professionalism of the master by eye. Muscles and a menacing appearance do not guarantee competent technique, and a slight physique does not mean an inability to do power massage. Therefore, at the first session you just need to trust the master.

However, we strongly recommend that you notify the specialist about your characteristics and wishes. Otherwise, it is strange to complain that the massage was not deep enough or too superficial. The master sees you for the first time and simply does not know the features of the body.

You can, of course, also ask to see all diplomas and certificates, but, to be honest, it would be much smarter to just observe. Does the master ask in detail about your well-being and lifestyle? Does it conduct a thorough examination and diagnosis? Does he listen to your wishes? Is his office clean? Is he neat? These observations will say much more than a qualification enshrined on paper.

I am sure that every person should have their own pool of specialists: a manicurist, a dentist, a gynecologist and a massage therapist. Finding truly competent craftsmen is great luck, but any specialist, of course, should be changed if you are not satisfied with him.

If we formulate five main qualities that any massage therapist should have, then these will be:

- The desire to help people. This commitment is at the core of our work.

- Empathy. The massage therapist must be sensitive to the client’s mood, both physical level, and morally. With this skill, the massage therapist receives full information about the reasons why a person turned to a massage therapist.

- Endurance. Any massage session involves considerable energy expenditure, both physically and mentally.

- Curiosity. A competent massage therapist is always interested in new techniques, means and other things related to their activities.

- Tolerance. When working with people, various incidents and misunderstandings may arise, but the master must remain friendly and calm in any environment.

Photo: open internet sources,



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